lie (f actum .it. ! '" i H'j -'V. v. INDEPENDENT" Live atid Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. . IL Vi MoRTHiMEBj Proprietor.', vhttai, vto. i7. - - v . CARDS. Wuthonu. V. Schwarti. Hank itreet, dcaJerfrt' U Wndl of An(lure. ..Cbf rjl Wdtto orgy- , , , , o;'.Ji. Vf Bhn Makers: Clinton Bretner, to' 6uW(nc. Bank itreet. "ttortert priipHJUUd-lc warranted. . UAPBIIKn, VW..VS - 'K A. aWrnkt 'And counsellor At, law, R..1 Bitat.and UollectM Agency. Win Buyana o.ll tt..l May U eootalted In Ingllih V- Not. 22. ceaeni, a .pecja.y, aa4 German.- J) J.MEEIIAX, ATT0RNET AtiWWji , Ma 4, Dokra'i Block,- MAUCllbmiNK; VI, WCi be conauUod'lhRerman. IJan. fTIIIOMAS s BKCIC, A. 'jrjsTicior j:UE peace. BANB Street, LEUiaUTOK, Pa. nactediwlUi the otIVe promptly BtUnded to. '." ... ... Ii... inmr.nea Comnanle. Conreyaliclng, collecting ana ""'""- v .idnwfabf all klDda Uen on tha moit liberal urn . i TNO. D. nKn.TOi.s:TTB, l ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ntHtliTTnt KatimalnV Bull , 2nd Floor JB UAUCH CHUNK, Prax. , MaTUconinltedlnOeraaan. ,iPrU.H74 D AS1EI. KAIiBPCB, ATTORNEY AND 'C00hv8ELL0R AT LAW, Uatueli Cliniaac, P. (.''afcore Dddn'i Jewelr'atore,' as-ouii Broad way. T n. DIHMiCK, .1 AUCTIONEEU. 1- TTmmt WcttatlOrt, .v.ILi-8al.of avery deacriptlorf aitendeltoat reaionable charneiu The patronage Jf the public Ii reipectfullj aoHcitea,i TJRr.Ki BHEBBEi .rf.rrirrwfl'.PHYCTOIAN AND BURGEON. OlHee, Dui 8tct. next door abore the PtofBce, Lehltbton, Pa'."' Office Uoura Parrjrillle each day Ajenicuuin, -t- . .i r,.,: 1 remlotoWB'elockremalnderofdar atofflcelo Lehlchtoa JjOt'H.TS. tt. uxotz, pnop'n, fM..MMi.'niii. Oairfaaia Co.. Pa. ax of afcomwodatlom.' ExcelUut'rea- flnd.rneath. Ooud itabllnf atUcbta X 1 ARCHITECT, No. 310 Lackawanna Ave., I; O. Lock Boi.No.S09,' CRANTON,rA. Will furnlib nam, (p.rl(lcallen and Xattmatta rltlPt exact eo.t of poblie and pilrate bulldin, freta tha plalnt to (be mot elaboraUt alio Drawluci for Blalra, uanii-Haiii, c. V D AVID EUnERT'S iivery t& Sale Stables, HANK STREET. L.KI1IOHTON, Pa, FAST TROTTING nORSES, ELEGAST CARRIAGES. And positively LOWER PRICES than 'any other Livery la the uounty. tSrf'Large rind .hwtdsom'e' Canlages forirunerai purposes ana lyenaings. her. 12, 1871. DAVID EI1DKRT. rpilOOIAS, A. miXIAMS. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Faehlonabla Bopt.and Slioe Maker, V. i Nearly'oppotlte the I'6it-oma BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa, Hiring commesced tuloS, ai abora, I wpuld reipactfiiuy aanouace to the cltlMni of Lehlgbton and rlclnlty that I am prepared to do all work In my Una In the naateit and a4t tubetantlal man n.r, at prtcea fully ae-lowaa Hie aama work can A,.inMi in A lolendld aieort sunt of, CIIILOIIBN'S and MJSSKS' WEAR of the belt mike alwayi on nana, a inn i. wjt.civeu od tatlhctlon guarantied. aKowMtprlcee. Jul4,1874, rpUOM A'S'KEM BUEh. . AND GENEEAE IN8TJEAN0E AGENT , The following Companlei are lUpr.ieot.d ! Lebanon Mutual Klre, '-lUadlng.Mutual Fire, Wyoming lf Ire,, . Pottavllle Eire. . . , Lehigh Fire, and tbe AV I'enMylyanlaand Mutual Horse , jaTft-VewB- vaccweni xpsurancei. t Thl'e,t t'JJetecuyo ana inwranco uom- r, March 20, 1878. p?.y OR dhanped nands, Face or Lips, IV WVMw w ,mO "V BEATTY- Piano! AGENTS WANTED I (Male or Fe male,) to take orders. DANIEL. V BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. BEATTY. Piano; tarSend stamn f6r full Information, Price List. &c.. Jbc. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New lersey. Railroad Guide. JJOUTII PKKNA. AD . rwogeriforrhllAdelphlawllIlaaTeLehlghtoq .1 1UUUWB ( T. f 6.00 . m. tU L. V. errlre at Phlla. at 7.37 . m. tI L. S. " " W a. m. 11.10 a.m. 11.10a.m. 2.15 p.m.. 2.15 p. m. tSS p. m. 8.20 p. m. .20 n. m.,rle.L.,V. " '! ll.ui u. o. " llj02p.m.TlaL.V. " " 2J7p.rn.tU I 8. " " 4.47p.m.HaL.8. " " 4.44 p. m. na 1.. v. 7.38 p. m.Tia i. vi JSp. m.TlaL. V. " 'i . Returning! leare depot at Berki and American . 10.80 p.-m, Street, Phlla., at 7.00, 6.30 and 9.40 a.- m.; zjo 3J0andt.15p.rn. raretrom iiemgnion o i-nuaueipm., urb.11871. BLUB CALK, Agent LKIIIGH 4 SUSQUEHANNA D1VI810N. Time Table ot Dec. 7, 1874. For New York, .Philadelphia, Eaiton, ic, a, 7J7,' ll.U7a.m2.,4.p.m. ...... . For Mauch Cbnnk at 10.15 a. m, 1.14, 5JS, and, 003p.m. . . . ForWilkea-Barra andBcrantonatlO.15 a. m.,1.14 iJ8 p. m. . tRrlurntng Lnfe New York, from atatlon Cen- etreet, North Hirer, at8.15, 9.00 a. m, 12.4n, Letre FblladrlpbTa, from Depot North Penn'a It. It., at 710,0.45 a. m., 2.10, 6 13 p. m. Leave Eaiton at 830, 11.48 a. m., 3M and 7.15 p in. . . Leave Maucb Chunk at 730, 11.00 a. m., 2i0 and lltn. m. Fo: further particular!, aee Time Tablet at the Station!. II. P. BALUW1H, Utn. JMUKH0Cri;cu Jul4,1874. pUNNSYtVAMlA BA1LUUAU, PHILADELPHIA A.EltlE BR. DIVISION. Mtimmer Time Table On .mi rir snNnAV. jUNB2Sth.l87t. the train on the phllada. A Erie RE. Ulrlilon will run as followa : WESTWARD. Fail Lisi learei Philadelphia 12A5 p.m. " Ilarrlnburg .uu pjn. EuoburT O.U p.m. WllllamiTxirt 8JS0 p.m I arr. ai i,octc iiaren iujju p.m Asia Mill ..area ruiuvavipoia s i,iii.uj. .. iiarriDurg m. Suuburr 5-IOa.m ' Wllllamnport 8J5am. " Lock 1Ut.ii 9.45 " Ronora 11.10 a.m arr. at Er a (.05 p.m. ELWR.A Mia learea PhUad.lohla 8.00 a.m. llarrisourg lJ p.m. Suobury 4Mpm, WllllimiDOrt 0 20 p.m, " wkk naven iup.m, KliallA jixrain learea Philadelphia 7i'9a.m, narrturir 10.40 a.m, arr.atLockllav.n 70 p.m, Sunburr liW p.m Wlllliniaport 2JJ5 p.m, JvicK llaren 3.10 p.m ' " " Renota i arr. at Kane KAKTWAltl). 4.20 p.m. 9.50 a.m, PWU. Exrxtll learea Lock Iiaren 20 a.m, ' gunburr WJp.ra, i " Wllllamiport 7.45 a.m. " arr. at Ilarrl.bur 11.45 a.m. " Phllldelohla 35 p.m1 till Milt learei Erie 11.20 a.m. ' " Renora vxop.m, ' " l.nck Iiaren 9J5 p.m. 1 " Wllllamiport 100 a.m. i Sunburr 12.40 a.m, arr.atllarrliburc 2 40 a.m, " 1'biladelDbla 040 Etwii MilL learei Ixxk Iiaren 9.45 a.m " " Wlllliiuiuut n.oua.m. Sunburj 12.40 p.m " HarrUburr p.m " rhlladelnbla 03S p.m, XliCMIi Sxraui learea Kans 9,00 a.m, mnoTO vu pjn, " " Lock Iiaren' 5 23 p.m " ' Wllllamiport 0A0p.m. n " " Sunbnrr 840 p.m, ' ' arr at Uarrlsburt 10,55 p.m. h rniladelpui a,ooa.i r.ll Eait connect! aalt and weit ai Erie with S M 8 K W and at Irilneton with 011 Creok and Allegheny R RW. . uall wen wiin eaii ana wen iraiue nn i, o & ju 8 11 W. and at Uorry and Irrlneton with Oil Creek .nil All.irbenr U It W. Clmira nail ana iiuaaio nipren maue now connection! at Wllllamiport with N 0 It W tralna luortn. ana at nirriiourg wuun u n ir.iu, .....I. WM. , iHI.niVtM flin'ISunt. $1000 REWARD for an Incurable cue of Catarrh. 4ftr hiring annfTerad. d.tured. caroled, hawk ed, aptt and gagged to your entire latlifactlon In rour uieleei eudearorl to got relief from catarrh. tile uriggl Alleviator acrvruiQjt lu uinjcumi.. .u. filthy mail of muroui will be Immediately expell ed, arul tbe lnfiamed lurface aoothed, thi eyea .n.rklMWlth drflirht. the head feefa natural again: hope rertrei. for a cure ll lure to follow the Ufa of tbli igrerable, iclentlflc and reliable remedy, MUCH has been said luedtea hare been offered for the relief ami cure of throat and lungdlteaHi; but nothing hai been 10 eminently luccenful, or ob tained auch a wide celebrity, aa UiUrci' Throat 'and Lung Healer. Corns! THE excruciating pain rirodnced by corni, the uncaaa ng twinging from Uunlona, the plerclog,dlitn.wlug pain from Ingrowing Nalla, canuot be deacrlbeu. Thouaandi luner, nol anowt lag there la a cure, llrlgga' corn and Bunion Mai.dlei an no add or potaih compound!, but are rellible, eootuing, ana eneciuai, ana juiuy merit ineeueowa iney nara -rnea iroia ui ap preeliUM public The OuraUre Ii a healing oint ment; Immiidlite relief liobUloed by III applica tion.. nil It will noiltirele cure the wont uaeeaof iellered eoroe, Inflamed and ulcerated bunlosa, toe aorell loiiep, 100 large. iDaHnwi wiMwr., the moit extenilie caUoeltlcion tbaioleiorheela of the reet; unaanalled In the cure' ef cblldbt.lnl or froeted feit. Tbo Allerlator for ordinary torn! and presenting' tbelr formation la aUoluUlyun dualled by auythlogarer known. Aik foraVlgga' ltemedlri. Tike no. other, r$YANCRR nSIc,1IT'S ALL VERY WELL, CONVEY AN LiEH, ,M'lfa6 ' (Aono(wiiolMliIA(JtMriol JD ,MloAar JVu ibr (All rroion, IA unbriunale lujfcrer gcU very litue tympatiiy. JhiUtlmtoS TcpMtUMl vr eaaluX u muca uorie tAan (A torture endutvl by mtliioni wAoarilruuWcd txllTMl Otui iUKilW liUl. Clad Tuiinfl for tvjrrrtrtr. urwuiijnwKi ar aula, u lure. m t ARE THE MOST FLEN flBrll M ' tiYul ll'ml csraln in IA marlcl. AWrv one fuu a luppf from Mi (Ar year old thai ta tU pnmdtin ttrgig on ;A"J1M asU.w,- I J,,ortA tA(riiknililAcrr;a4 (nocHttoWluaU. man, racrcAaaz, cutk, anuan ondiwcAaaic.oajecoiji itai,toauu r of oil oqu c i. bunioil. b. laaply tf corru, ationtoJV lyUnuuof Urifffft i Cbm and Canton Ktmtaut, AUntntnranA Vuraliv. Soul OV A. J. uuitLiirtu.uruKRiut, Lehlghton, Pa. May 0. 1874 ly npHE Peopjq.of Lehlghton and vlcln ity" all unite In testify lug that at A. J, DURLlNG'SDrug and Family Med telne Store. Pont, Fresh and Unautjl tejuted Mbdioihei can always be found. roajO LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale. Dt virtuo of an order of the Orphans' Court of Carbon County, the following real estate, Into tho property of ELIAS SMITE, dec'd.wlllbo offered for sale at the EXCHANGE HOTEL.Iu tho BOR OUGH OF LEniGUTON.Carbon Co., Fa., on Saturday, Ifarcli 27, 1875, at 10 6'cloek A, M. 2 .Lots or Pieces of Ground All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tho north side of North street In tho borough of Lehlgbton aforesaid, numbered In a plan or plot of said Borough, No. 3, be glnnlrgat a corner of North and Lehigh streets, thence alont; Lehigh street; North 85 feet to a Private Alloy.tliencu along said Alley EastilO feet to a lot' of George Rapp, tbeuco along said. jot. South 75 feet to North Street, thence alone said North Street west 1)0 feet to the' place ot beginning. Also, all that certain tract or piece of MOUNTAIN LAND, situate In Mauch. Chunk Township, and partly In Mahoning Township, county aforesaid, bounded by lands of the late John Strawbrldge, Anthony Dutler, John Kusler, et. al. containing 180 ACRES, bo the same more or less. Tetoisof sale One-third of all pur chases, cash on day of sale, one third in six months ana remaining one-third In, nine months, secured by Judgment Bond or Mortgage. HENRY TUCKER,, Administrators. Lehlghton, March Olh, 1875. Tho underslsned. beinc about to re tire from the IJotel business, wilt sell at Publlo Sale, at tbe EAGLE HOTEL, Summit Bill, Pa., on TnUrSu&y MarCu ZOi 7,5, commencing at 10 o'clock A. m,, a largo variety or neat ana substantial Household Furniture. comprising .Bedsteads, Bedding, Car pets, utiairs, laDiea, stoves, sc. ; also, at same time " , 1 Pair op; Matched Hor'sesi t v . gentle and kind In harness suitable tor a family, Harness, Carriage, Sleigh, one good Milch Cow, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms will be made known at tlino and plaee of salo by NATHAN KLOTZ. . March 0, 1870-8w. BEATTY, PIANO! Nu OTHER PIANO-FORTE has at tained the same popularity. tSTSend stamp for Circular. D, F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. CAUTION. All persons are hereby forbid med dling with Two Horses, 2 sets Harness and 1 Iron' Axle Wagon, now in posses sion ot Chester Slides, ot East Maucb Chunk, the same being my property. JAAtES SILFIES, Mahoning, Pa. Feb 27, 1875-wS FOR It EXT, APRIL 1st, Tho1 Store-room and Fixtures, ion Bank Street, Lehlghton, now occupied bv (7. W. Lent, as a Drugstore , Any alterations to suit other business, desir ed by a good tenant, will be made at short notice. Terms moderate. Apply to LilKUKNUUTU. Feb 27.w8 rjospool8 and Sinks Cleaned and repaired by .the under signed on snort notice anu at low rates, UttU. MAflirKNflX, Jan. 80, 1875. Lehlghton, Pa BETTTY- PIANOI THE BE8T IA"USE. EfTSend stamp for Circular. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, Hew Jersey. jQRESSED AND LIVE The underslsned respectfully Informs tho citizens' ot Carbon and adjoining counties, that he is now prepared to supply .tuern with Dressed or Live Hogs at all times, at prices fully as low aa they can he bought for euewliere. Also, Smoked Hams, Bologna and "Saussage, at Wholesale ana itetaii. tar1 Ordeis will be promptly filled and Hogs shipped to any point at the shortest notice. JOSEPH OBERT, Bank Street, Lehlghton, Pa, sept. lUjitm-yi ""SnOIOB Liquors, for Medical pur- vyposes at C. W. Lentz's Drug Store Bank street, . MOTHERS, Look at that Child, It has Worms. Go or send at once to DURLING'S Drug Store, and get bottle ot his WORM SYRUP, so pleas ant ana yet so ue. Biajrv The Dying Man's Story. BY REV. J0m THE0. ETTER3. You have often asked mo 'for my history,, doctor, and now that I am ,so near my ond, yon snail liavo It. Now, don't stop me, "my dear friend; I know, what you .would'flay I roust not ex cite myself or talk much. You see, I am almoSc as good a 'doctor as you lire;, but I feel that I cannot last another, day, and as, a few hours cannot make much .dlffcrpnco, I prefer dying my. own way. I may as well keep my mind employed as pot; so sit down and listen to what no one has heard but yourself. i Six and twenty years ago I was a clerk' In a merchant's office. I can't say Hiked tho business, but I stuck, to' It and got op; (or I loved ray master's. .daughter, and hoped by hardworkto one day be able'to make liar rrilne. I was an orphan, with neither kltli or kin to look after me, but the love I bore Mlily kept mo quiet and Industrious. I rose step by stop In' tbo office, and Mr, Bruce, the merchant, was never tired of sounding my praise. All went, on happily nntll .bo dis covered that I' loved his daughter,. and', then his passion knew no bounds. I need' not enter Into the particulars. I was turned from his house, but not alone, for' Mllly and I, had been crclly married three months before. We took a quiet Ilitle lodging In the suburbs, and I went every day into the city in the hopes of getting another .situation. I had a little money which 1 1 had saved, on which we llved liv'ed.j oa-1 sohapplly that even, at ihls dis- 4 luui'U lb ueeius u, ucuveuiy uii-aiu tuu. bright for earth., Jlllly was always trustful that1 her father would relent; and' I always believed that I should Boon obtain another' appointment, buf, vve were both deceived. ' Tl'mo rolled on; our llttlo capital, was, nearly gone, our hopes almost exhaukti Jed, but bur love bloomed 'as fresh as eyer. I tried literature, and made, a fey? dollars; but my manuscrlpta but too often came back without' being read. Still I struggled on, and wrote .several songs, which had a certain amount of success; and ouco more hope seemed to beam upon us. Mllly Heaven bless her fancied .that I should soon become famous; that tho whole country would rlng'wlth my name, and tuen her rattier wouia ue glad to forgive ns. What might havo. happened had I not met with such mis fortunes, Heaven alone knows I can not say; but In tbe midst of this bright happiness my wife wa9 taken ill.- It was consumption. I worked day and nlnht to, procure the necessary medi cines, and food for hor;'I wrote to her father, but received no reply; I went from publisher 'to publisher hawking my songs abont; selling them almost for anything to buy bread. Oh,-how they ground me down I Men who had had successful songs from me,- nov that thoy saw me in poverty, cut' down the prices until starvation was 'close npon me. One. afternoon I shall pover forget, it I left poor Mllly in bed she could not rise and went to seek' for work I called at her father's, but was turned, away from tho door. I wandered about from one place to another, but all my efforts we're fruitless. I could -not- earn a cent. Jleart-hronen and weary, I turned homeward. I had not money to buy eyen a lost ot bread Several times I paused 'as a' well-drossed man- approached me, Rod determined to tjeg, but tbe words choked me, and they passed on without 'noticing my distress, When they passed I was" ashamed at having thought ot begging, aud -yet ansry within myself that I- .bad 'not done so. I was standing at. tho .corner, of a street, tniniung wnat .i, pnuuiu uo tor I could not go home to Mllly mypoor. hungry; sick wife, emptythaudod, whon I'recelv'ed a hearty' slap on the about der. and turning round 'taw Gldden the music publUhort , ''Well, Burden,'' he cried, "you don't seem happy. 'You Icok as' pheas ant, as though you lad. loit a dollar and found a cent.'1 "Happy I" 'I exclaimed; "happy I with a wifo dying ot consumption and and starvation I" "Dear roe I that's very sad I Why don't yon work?" "Work I I have sought viork far and near, I have done everything, but without success." 20J 1875 natte! "The muslo trade is bad, and no mistake; but still I think something might be done. Your songs have suc ceeded pretty well. Now what time wbuid It take you to write roe four songs?" That all depends npon what sort you want," I replied.: "They, must be bacchanalian full of life.: You, understand?" 1 !.Yes." '(And I must have them tho first thing u tho morning." "That Is a short time." "It Is; but, yon know," be replied. "On these terms I agree." "Very we'lli thon. Now, about tho price.- You know the muslo trade is very bad at present. I can't give you much, so we will say 'three guineas for the loti" "What 1" I exclaimed; three guineas for four songs, and one guinea In ad varJc'o." 1 "I can't give yoii a cent more.' ' Ai he 'spoke,' he drew a sovereign from his pocket, and1 held It Invitingly between his linger and thumb. The sight of the money was too' tempting; so, without further demur, I agreed to wrltd the songs'.' ' ' ' '"Mlhd, I have them early tomori row," 'ho said'. "It you do' not bring jthem to mo by ton I shall send for .them." I hurried away to purchaso some 'fdo.i tor ray wife, and also to procure .some medicine. I bought a roll, and, ate it, so. that I could.tell her that I had 'dined out; for I, needed all the money for her. Among ,tho things I nought was, some-brandy, 'the doctor havlrigorderod' Mllly to drink' it. Laden with those poor things, which to me looked heaps of riches, I hurried homeward, Poor Mllly, when I reached her bed side and showed her what ,1 had brought, 'met mo with a smile of patient love that atm6st'broke my heart. She tasted a little food', and drank a .small glass ot weak brandy and water, then fell into a light sleep. Illneis'at the best times is torrlbte; but when, wo sit alono and seo all we love. fading fast, the diseaso hided by want to see the thin; palo faco so like death in life to know that before long even tbe sad pleasure ot tendlne on It will do. lost, and.bcforo, we .can give it proper care this, Indeed, is awtu) s I sat, watchlng'and thinking, I became desperate; ray brain seemed on 'fire' and. my mouth' parched. Seizing tho brandy bottle, l poured out; a. large. class of spirits and drank it oft. It steadied my nerves, and I sat down to commence ray song; For some time I could gain ,no. thoughts. The dull silence of the- night, broken only by the heavy breathing ot, my wire, and a low, pur ring sound, that rattled at her chest. palled upon me. The dnllj glimmer ing light1 of the candle that threw a' melancholy light over our wretched room; thin, wodgcd-ll0 face, halt in shade, that reposed on tho pillow; the ghost like hand that lay so still, stretched out oa tho 'cayorlet all' seemed to.- crush me. How, with such, thlngs around me, could I wrlta ot mirth, drink and Jolity 1 I pressed my hands over my eyes, and, the, 'hot tears forced tbemsolves' through' my fingers.- I grew hysterical., I felt aa I could have screamed with. laughter. I. eppid pot write; but the songs must bo, done, or X should not got the money. Iuhopo of iralnlnK mbro 'calmness I! drank, more brandy, .dlass after glass ot tbe burning fluid I poured down ray. thipat, I felt mod. I, was, not tlpjy, but delirious. I could hear .(he jrattle ot tho glasses, the, raerry sliouts of lauKhter; stranco tunes, such, as, would have suited orgies, hejd fn praiso of Bacchus, rang in my head. I seized my pen and wrote .rapidly, Soma'hend seemed whispering words to me;; tljey were so fall ot recklessness and aband onment, ' My candlo burned put, but I coq tluued writing by tho gray, cold light of daybreak that, camo slanting over 1 tho housetops. At las, my task was done, and fprtngiiig ap I hastened to my wife to tell her my suocess, and to cheer her with the assurance that these .wild songs would make my name. I felt my blood rushing through my veins as I fondly leaned over to kiss her, Our lips met; but I started back with a cry of terror she was dead I I did not remember anything after that for some weeks. I had had brain Subscribers out of County; $1.20. fever. When I recovered she was gone. I had never again kissed her dear, dead Hps. It was some time be fore I was able to cravyl out; but or ders for songs came In thick and fast. My last song had been a. success; their wild, dissolute tone had suited tho young fools with money, and had become a small mine ot wealth to the publisher. Years i have passed since then, but from that time I bare never written a song ot that kind, although largo, sums have been offered me. I bate them. Day and night I hear them buzzing In my ears. Scarcely a week passes but I bearonopf them shouted out by some drunkard as ho staggers hdme, and then the whole ot that terrible night comes back to mo. They are evil spirits that' havo haunted ma night and day; they havo made me shun my fellow-men; tbey havo made me live in utter seclusion. Day and night day and night I live In terror ot hearing them. Sometimes in dreams I hear ifllly singing tho first Bong I gavo her; and In tho midst ot this happiness sotto fiend seems, to chant those dreadful songs In praiso of wine. Hush I, I hear her voice ; ,sho sings tho, song, I gave her In those happy, happy days., Sho. Is goln? away. I must follow, her. Hash I sho Is sing, lhg me to sleep. Mllly, my own dear MUy!. . . Letter from ,BonagliteUIc. GRAND OPEHIHO FOR A ,YOTJNQ MAN. Mister DnucKKit, Deah Sin: Ich bia!blsy ellewllo desholb will leb my brief kortz mocha far des, mole. Ich will archt en advice gava'. Suncht far- gesslchs ifarllcht, bis ich fartlch bin mltdem brief. Do advice is. Das Ich wot denna ynnga lito sawa wo en gnmd opening is tar a yungor mon. Hs is ans 'fun denna graud: opening arfolt warra de letcbtwoch. Das Isavrer 'vtidder nl gajumpt. Dea grand openings sin do drova In Maucb Chunk; dort In sclera grosa house ich giaub dale lite hoses de Jall nn onera wldder de bresent Ich glunb es is en mon mlt noma Breneiser dar de lite dort dea grand openings gabt des Is won se karl sin we dar wor do lecht worcb. Well of course mer'o baucht ncbt'so schmart si. Ar wor en yunger karl. At wor we Ich farstona bob en barber in dam sbtettle Weiss- port. No of course butar ebbes g'sana dos ar gam kot bet. No Is ar yucht nl un buts cott, Sel is dar wag won mere a grand opening arfllla will. Marnius- sa net long si yucht darzu 'stlcka un net uf gava, De onra warra Ban a das mar de grand opening grickes. Oyer wonanesnowtm slnn hut farzu ga don gate'ar besser now, far ich glawb ar hut shun a lot. Un net zn long wor ta sunst warra de grand openings far- llcht all arfllt. Ich tar my part gepnot yucht fele drum, eblch nl knni odder net. Far lob'bln shun zlmllch oit un ich un do' Betzben" aw noch so'ganunk' zu ossa, Mere brlclia nocb net dort borda uu aw net in a store brecba. Well ot course es mant, ich dank net olta lite. Ich dank es is yucht far so a karl 'we dar 'gla nigger' auner yfor. Dar til kumms.' I.a rln lrchfc tvrwh rrnta tnm Won ar slch tiet bahafa kon dort Is yuett dar potz far ene. Ijfi won ars net onnlch.lerdu will don dado Ich saw- W Bu ome noch nunnflr noch en hondwark jama sel will ar no farllcht'jerer da dos wo barber odder we in a store brecha. Devlle rnlcb des so long ufkolta hut so kon (ch yust fun ame subject schrel ba oyer .Icb dank won de lite dan brief lasa nnd especbally de yunga, don warra se en example sana dos so slch inoqhtnama sulla un can so kapera inacha we dar nla hut. So dank Ich muss Icb schlelsa far des mole, Dea nacht woch gadank Ich fun may dos ame subject zu schrciba won my wind net zu hort gaattaehed Is zu ame. Kro yunfa Iltu hare ta'eh mold on, V"o lob elch yts do lawya kon ; Do ere elch noteu sol far tltun, Imtner -wo nrtoln auf reclitor bown. Zt la yone gbun fur yrulcr mon, Woo en yungor mon so icato ; Ar hut doob linmer nlcht gawoa, Un aoa wo ar now (tact. Hans KoKMEituiucnEn. BonathtetUe, Martz dan 18, 1875. A statistician estimates that court ships average three tons of coal each.