The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 13, 1875, Image 3

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    Advertising Rutcs. ,
We Jculro It to bo distinctly unilcrttcoutba 1 110 lnBortod intho'colunvnaof
jrHiCUiunsi Adtooiii tbAt rciJT'Unf"
unknown parllesorurmB, unless nceorupaalod wfth
tlio Cash. Tho following are our osit terms I
Advertisement for I year, per Inch bach
limwtlon . . . . tOOntn.
" Slx.SI(inthi.perlocheaehlDertlon 1ICentf.
" Thrt-eMontha," " 2UC-nt.
'Lew than threomontli,flrtlnFer
tlou$l,eaehaubmxnicnt InHoitlon 2.1 Cants
II. V. SIOKTHIMKIt, I'nUlsbrr.
JjJ 11. SIKWIillS,
Or'ict, No, 2, Mansion IIouso,
Bottling Estate, Filing Accounts anil Orfhins
Court VrwUco A specialty. ,
Trial of CnUKD rarofully 'attended to. Legal
tranpnctlons In Kn&llsh andOorinan. jntiO.
Local and Personal.
St. Fatricjc'u ,Day next Wednes
day. fur letter from "Bon.iEhlettlo"
wlll'appear next week.
, Hon. Charles Albright will pleaso
accept our tlmiks for Congressional
Tho Great Council of J. O. of It.
M. of I'cnnsylyanln, will bn Ik'M at
Wlikcs Barro ou Tuesday, May 11th.
No. 2. of Viclt's Florlal Guide lias
been received. Perseus deslrlug seeds
of any kl ml .nbould address Vlok's
Horial-Guidc, Rochester, N. Y. They
will to honestly bo dealt with by Mr.
A min may. forget hlsbusiness.but
lio will never forget tho splendid team
lie hired a tile popular livery of David
Ebbcrt, in Lehlghton. Terms low.
Tho noto .postal cards are to bo of
n violent bluo tint. Tho border md al!
dlrectlons'as to wliero'and how to wflto
namo and addrecs will bo dispensed
with. A monogram formed of tho let
ters ' IKS," will bo printed on tho
ctttd in black InkV This will boon tho
upper left-hand corner, across which
will bo tho words "Postal Card.'" Tho
vlcnetto Liberty, with her luxuriant
tresses hanging down her back and con
fined by a'cap adorns the upper left
hand corner. The will bo
identical In slzo with the old ones.
Thos. A, Williams has removd ills
'joot and slioi eetabllslimautfroui near
ly opposite Durllng's drug stcro, to
Lcuclcel's block.opposltoPublicSquaro,
anlc street.
Charles Trainer isoowfixedln his
new storo on Second street, and Is Fell
ing flour, fecd.&c. at lowestratos. Try
Don't fail to bog Lehigh
Hook & Ladder Go's enter
tainment, in tho new school
hall, to-night
Tickets, 25c.
1000 Mum Wanted, To secure great
bargains at Laury & IMers. They
havb jusf received a largo stock of fan
cy worsted and cassltiro suitings, which
they aro prepared to mnliu up in first
class style, at 1870 prbes, to suit tho
A man employed lit Paekcrton, in
attempting to get on amoving train, on
Jbnday Inst, slipped and had Vis foot
cnutilit under tho wheel Riid badly
smashed. Amputation was necessary.
A full lltw ot carpets Just received
and for ealu at iiw prices at A. & li.
Graver's, Hank stvect.
Owen Cardan, an old nun of 70,
ihad his left (eg fractured in two places
Hy a tianK or-coai tint mlllug upon iilm
a few days, agC nt Nosiiucliutilng. lie
was taken totiiu lVnnylvanla Ilopltal,
Xtiiladelpltla, on Wednesday.
A. & D. Graver have just received
ajlargo assortment of Hoots, Sliojs and
Gaiters for ladles', gents and chil
dren's wear, of tho beat make, which
iUey aro selling very low. Call and
examine goods.
James Frltilnger, of Germansvllle,
in attempting to board a moving train
nt Slatingtittl, on Tuesday (ifterniKn,
clipped and fell beneath the cars. Ills
rli;ht leg was ci.t oft above the nnkle
and Ills left leg broken. Tho young
man was immediately conveyed to Ids
lio.ncs by his three brothers who wru
presunt,;arl Dr. Miller of Slatltigton
attended to his wounds.
Tho oil sheds of L. C. & J. C.
Taino, at WllkesbaVro, wcro crushed iti
by snow on Tuesday night. A plpo
connecting with several l.irgo tar.ks
wa broken by tho falling timbers, aud
3000 gallons of oil were lost.
Two children of William Thomas,
colored, wero burned to doattt at Wll
kestarro Wednesday morning, while
Via mottcr was. gono .for water. Tho
eldest was three years of age.
There was an explosion of flro
damp in tlio 2altlmoro Shaft, at Wilkes
bane, on Tuesday night, which blew
tho doors oil their 1iIuk, throw down
timbers and did other Uamago. A mini
her of tho miners were burned Win
Thomas, Jamcs.O'Dounel and Michael
MoCue seriously.
Dress, Goods, in every variety, of
iuo cnoicest patterns, at A. &. u, Ura
vcr's. Prices Uf suit tho times.
The coats made up by Laury. A
Peters oro not ouly neatly trlmmod but
well mado up of tho best matorialaud
ibe "lit" Is unsurpassed by "any pther
h F. Klcppinger, tho popular
livery man, is again rcaay to sumiiv
you with Urstrclass teams at .low pijces.
J To has also a few eligibly located lots
In. '(lU borough, which hu will sell low
for cash. 1.001c ai luetn,
If you 'want a dish of nica oysters,
go to J) Krock & Co. They have them
fresh every day aud serve them up in
every style to suit the tasto of customers,
J, K. Tllckert has still a few of those
o'.ijjlble lots In' JtlckerUtown to dispose
01. 11 yuu iff 1 lino securing a gooa noma
call nud-seo him. Ho Is also supplying
Hour, feed, lumber and coal at the low
est rates.
JUt. K, 11. Albright resigned liis po
sltlon as member of tho Lehiglitou
School Hoard, 011 Wednesday evening
last.aiid Mr. James P Smith was unan
imously elected by tho Board to fill tho
vacoucy.f t ,
Harvey E. Fatzlngcr, youngest son
of James, of this borough,
died at I1I1 residence, on Wednesday
last nt 1 o'clock, aged 23 years and 0
days, of consumption. TIo leaves a
wlfo and two children to mourn ills
early demise. Tho funeral will tako
place fiom deceased's resldcnco ou Sun
day morning, 14tli Inst., at 10 o'clock,
and procood to tho Welssport gve.
yaid. On Wednesday ovonlng tho School
Directors and teachers of our public
schools took possession of Dr, Iteber's
residence, without uvch saying "with
your leave." They spent a few happy
hours with tho Dr. and Ids wifunnd re
turned to their homos well satisfied wltii
their visit. The Dr. Is well appreciated
by the community at largo, which his
ro-electioiras- school director' for tho
fourth tlmo has proven. Lehlghton
now has tho finest school building In
tho valley north of Allontown nnd the
schools cannot bo beat on this sldo of
On Saturday inornlsglast, a "skin
ful of buiuluo" arrived in our borougli
from Packet ton ; after roaming our
streets for some time ho finally met a
gentleman of this place ou Hank street,
whom ho abused and threatened In a
most disgraceful manner. Tho Indi
vidual Is warned that wo liavo consta
ble, lock-up and laws In this borough,
anil a repltition of such conduct will
meet with deserved punishment.
PvtorH flouaoholtl Melodies.
The March number of tills excellent
musical monthly contains tho following
gems: "When Littlo Jaiin Died,"
'Littlo lllrdle May " "Glvo Mo Hut a
Smile," ' Put the Itlght Mau at tho
Wheel,'' "Don't Forget Mo, Mary,"
"Forsaken," and "Morning Ureaks
Upon tho Tomb." Tho subscription
prleo Is $4 per annum; single numbers,
50 cents. Address, J. L. Peters, 000
Hroadway, Now York.
Mrs. E. Fath, 3 doors -below- tho M.
E. church, tills borougli, desires to In
form her lady friends that sho is now
opening her immense stock of hats,
bonnets, trimmings, Ac, all of which
have been selected with ''special refer
cneo to tho wauts of this section, aud
that sho Is prepared to do up Indies
wear In tho latest and inoit fashlotianlo
manner at very low prices. She respec
tfully Invites an inspection of her slock
by tno ladles of this boctlon beforo
purchasing elsowhere.
Tlio Coal Trail c.
Tho following tablo shows tho quan
tity of coal shipped over tho Lehigh
Valley Itallroad for tho week ending
Mar. Cth', 1873, and for th'o year us
compared with tlio samo tlmo last year:
From Wee!;. Year.
Wyoming .... 1-1,074 11 205,025 Ol
llazletun 1,103 03 17-1,133 18
Up. Lehigh.. 330" 03
Hea.Meadow.. 53,770 11
Mahanov 2,30.3 10 03,238 U
Mauch Chunk 350 00 110 01
Total 18,801 10 ,332,011 18
Last Year 75,031 00 838,710 08
Decrease 00,180 07 280,131 10
It may bo of interest to our numer
ous readors to know that wedding anni
versary celebrations occur as follows:
Three days, sugar.
Sixty days, vinegar.
First anniversary, iron. ' j
Fiftli anniversary, wooden.
Tenth anniversary, tin.
Fifteenth nniiiver.wry, crystal.
Twentieth anniversary, china.
Twenty-filth anniversary, silver.
Thirtieth annlversaty, cotton.
Thirty fifth atmiversai j, linen.
Fortieth anniversary, woolen.
Fmty ti f til anniversary, silk.
Fiftieth anniversary, golden.
Seventy-fifth anniversary, diamond.
Spring Styles.
T. 1). Clauss, tho popular merchant
uillor of Lehlghton, has Just received
and Is now opening tho largest stock of
cloths, cassimcrs, worsted and all kinds
Of suitings and. vestlngs, for men's and
youth's wear.ever brought lo this town,
which be is making up in the latest
fashions and In tlio moiit durablo man
ner, aud. fits guaranteed every tlmo, at
prices to suU tho tlmus, nlso a now nnd
olegant stock of ladies', gent's nnd
children's boots, shoes and gait rs.mado
especially for tlio trade of this section,
and a full lino of gent's' furnishing
goods and hats and caps ot the latest
spring styles, which ho Is soiling at
"knock dowm grief's.". -Calf nnd In
spect his stock beforu purchasing else
where. wn
iirnrlse Party.
On Saturday evening last, Mrs' si ml
Dr. N. U. lteber, wcro somewhat start,
lrd from their usual sereuois by the ap
pearance in their a,rlQrg,o(.soiiie,il4 or
20 of tlio young , ladles nnd gentlemen
of our borough, who upon their, arrival
proceeded at onco to tako possession of
everything, when It leaked out that
they had como to celebrate the 19th
anniversary of tho birth of their eldest
son, JVilllaiu.W. illeber. The party pro
ceeded to enjoy themselves by tlio in
troduction of games, music, etc., and
at about 10 tho party partook of an elo
gant repast, and at 11 o'clock they pro
ceeded to their homes highly elated
with Jho uyening'ci.cnU'.rtalntiient. Wo
trust our young friend will live to wlt
ness many such happy occasions,
Tlio Molly IlnRulrca.
Tlio following dispatch nppearcd in
the-daily papers of Tuesday morning:
Maucii CriuNiMarch 10 On Tues
day night at 12 o'clock, about 0110 hun
dred Molly Magulros passed through
Asliton near Summit Hill, all armed,
somo wltlrclubs and others with pistols
and gun'i, nil being masked. They
tvero In search of Luko Sweeny who tlio
Molly's claimed is n working blackleg,
lie and several others wcro notified to,
ceaso work or take tho consequences,
nnd they promised to do so in order to
save their lives.
Auction Snlos.
Tho following public sales aro ndver-'
tiscd to tako placo during tlio present
month, by bills printed at Uio'-Advo-cate
offlcor '
lCth.'-Valuablo farming stock and im.
plcments of Wlllougliby Koons,
Mahoning Vnlloy, -3 miles lrom
10th. Horses", cows, sheep, pigs and
farming implements of David D.
Long, East Poun township.
18th. Valuablo farming stock and
household furnlturo, of Henry
Kothsteln, Mahoning Valley, com.
menclng nt 10 o'clock a. it.
20th. Heal estate of Elizabeth Moul
throp, deceased, lato of Lohigh'toii.
Thos. Kemerer, Esq., administra
tor. 23d Hotel flxtuics, household furni
ture, &c, of H. & L. German,
Eaglo Hotel, .Wank street, Le
hlghton. 25th. Hy advertisement in today's
paper, furniture, matched horses, i
&o., of Nathan Klotz, Eaglo Ho
tel, Summit Hill.
27th. Ilulldlng lots nnd mountnln
land, lato of Ellas Strive, dee'd, at
tho Exchange Hotel, Lehlghton.
Aarou Slilvo and Henry Tucker,
Wedding Anniversary.
A very largo number of tho frlonls
of Mrs. and Dr. N. U. Hober.assemblcd
at tho Dr's resldcnco on JlZonday eve
ning last, to eclebrato tho 20th aunlver
sary of their wedded life. Among thoso
preseut wo noticed, ox-Sheriff Itaudon
bush, and lady, E n. Snyder, Esq.,
and lady, A. G. Dollenmayer, and lady,
Wm. Zahner, aud lady, Plilllp Miller,
aud lady, Thp. S. Heck, Esq., and
lady, Chas. M. Sweeney, and lady, W.
A. Graver, and fady. and a number of
othersof tho Dr's most Intlmato friends.
Tho evening was spent very pleasantly,
Mrs. It. receiving a number of presents
In tho shape of handkerchiefs, towels,
and a very liandsomo gold ring. The
party sat down to a most substantial
aud well appointed supper tablo in tho
large Jiall nt about 11 o'clock, to, which
all did ample Justice), the balance uf tho
evening was spent in agreeable conver
sations Interspersed with music, etc.,
until "araang the woo sma' hours"
when tho party" proceoded to llielr
homes. Wo trust tho Dr. and his. good
lady may live to celebrate thclrDIamond
Iilst ofl.otters
Remaining uncalled for in tho.Lchigh
ton Fost-odlco March 10, 1873.
-Indrew, Nathan Ilohcnold, Nathan
Huhe, John ' Itothermor, Henry
Bossard Saml It lllielnhlner, Joseph
Hums, U W ltohrlg, Alieo
Connors, Capt A llaudehbush Fra
Dottery, Saolna Iteinaloy, Chas
Doyle, Laur.uieo Jtubrecht, Jef, 2
Donahoe, Hugh, 2 Shiv'o, ylnnotta
Fousto, Wm E Shires, Chris, 2
Grebert, Henry Sclioll,P E
Gungelswcller, Jos Shcigovvnld Reub
Horning, E L iJnyder, John
Hagcn, George Snyder, Phaon
Hollenbach, James Sherry, jldam
Ilunslger, Amelia Shorni, Peter
llartcr, Georgo Shorter, David
Hondwarlc, Ellas Shafer, Ellas, 2
Ileeltart, John E Shairabcrgcr, Sarah
Longae.hcr, Joel Smith, John
1-ouchnore, J 110 Thomas, Henjamtn,
Maurer, Mrs Alico caro of Nathan Kolb
lu Williams, HeuJ
Mover, Alico, care Warick It G
of Wm Leon'uard, Weiss, Wm
Maulz, Alvena Yulles, August
Perry, Joseph Wacham, Mc
Persons calling for any of tho above
letters will plcaso say "Advertised."
II. H. Pbtehs, P. M.
Tlio Gonl Trade,
Tho representatives of what Is known
as tho "Associated Coal Companies,"
meaning tho six great coal carrying
and coal producing companies, met at
New York on tho 2d instant, to con
sider their plans for the future, and- to
establish a schedulo ot prices for coal
for the current term. After mature
deliberation It was agreed that 110 re
duction should bo mado lu prices so
long ns tlio miners continue on a strike.
Should tlio miners return to work, tho
following tcalo of prices would go
into elTect on tho first day after tho re
suniptlotfof labor; Lump, $4,40; stea
mer, if-LOOj Urate, $4.00; egg, $1.75;
stovo, $5.30; chestnut, $4,35. Follow,
ing this agreement, tho Philadelphia
nnd Heading Coal and Irou Company,
nnd tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
Western Itallroad Company Issued as
their rospecttvo prices of coal for the.
current month on condition that tho
men'uow oa strike in tlio Schuylkill,
Wyoming and Lehigh regions, resume
work during tho mouth. The Coal
and Iron Company has Issued Its circu
lar lu regard to prices of coal for (ho
month, and the condition under which
it is to bo observed. It fixes Its prices
for lmrd and soft white ash at 3 00 per
ton, steamboat at $4, broken nt $4 10,
egg nt $V'. Stove at H 80, nnd chest
nut at S3!i. Some other qualities of
coal are 20 to 110 cents por ton high
er. These nro understood to be the
prlcos of coal at the shlpplug point,
Richmond, and do not vary materially
from prices for March, 18T4. Tlio
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Company announces its ptlccs for Scran
ton coal at llobokeu and Eltzabcti.port,
as follows: Lump, 64 40; 'steamboat,
J4 130; grate, U 00 ; vug, ?4 73 ; stove,
S3 30, and chestnut, $1.33. Huyers
not having' contracts will be charged by
tho company fiftceu cetiti per ton more
than above' prices. From, the printed
ratej of this company, tho prlceH ate
apparently lower than thoso given for
Marcli last; this difference in favor of
tho buyer, howover, I3 conditional up
on the lesuinptlon of work by the mi
ners' now on n btrlko lu the SihuylklU,
Wyoming and LMilgh regions, of which
there is no probability at present. Un
der present circumstances dealers will
bo compelled lo pay at least fifteen cts.
per ton more than tlio publUhcd price,
which will brlDg the rates for somo
borts up to tho schedulo of last year,
while- others will show an advance.
Tlio Dcl'iwaro and Hudson C'aual Co.,
and the Pennsylvania Coal Co., have
also Issued their circular prices, which
are similar to thoso already named, tlio
wholo movement, thus far, shuwh a
concerted actloh In tho conduct of tho
coil trade iu 1875, almost identical with
that of 1874. Prices of coal and wages
will bo fixed monthly, and they will
generally advance with tho season, thus
encouraging early purchases of coal,
and thus lengthening tho season of pro
duction and transportation, As yet iu
the Schuylkill region theru' seems little
disposition among tho men to go to
work lu a body, nnd In tlio Lehigh re
gion, at Ha.leton and vicinity, much
bad feeling Is reported. At Scranton,
last week, a mass mooting of miners
was held ami decided nut to strike.
Somo other nilnur regions, It U believ
ed, sympathize In this nnti-stilko feel
ing. Ledger, Sth.
Squlblels liy "SXnrcutlo."
An organ grinder was arrested last
week tor playing music under falso
pretenses, no was playing "Spring,
Spring, gentle Spring."
"It is hard, very hard," tho fellow
said when ho fell upon tlio icy side
walk. They say that Bcechcr said to Tll
ton, who remarked to Moulton that
Howen observed that Tracy said that
Evarts (hero an exception was taken).
Strawberries, 'peaches nnd green peas
are plentiful. They wero put up last
Summer; but are being put down quite
fast at present.
It is against tho law to go In bathing
without being properly clad. This
should'bo a warning to tlio boys of Lu
hlghtou, not to bathe nt this timo of
the year without their overcoats and
gum shoes.
"lack ycr boots V" HutUio gentle
man addressed heeded not; then that
boot-black slapped the gent upon the
back and said : "1 say, old fellow, a
civil question demands n civil answer."
Thus did the black demand his "civil
"Do ulltckens have tho sore throat
after they are killed?" naked a Juve
nile of ids mother. "Of course not,
my soil.1' "Well, why does tho "gro
cer tlu tyj their necks with lags wheu
ho hangs them up V"
Tlio.apothecary's wife Is glad that
gecso are no longer In season. Hut It
was economy and profit to Mr. Pilgar
llc; for tho 'goose could bo eaten nnd
tho grease disposed of at a profit to the
paronU of croupy children.
"Pull up another inch," said a pas
sengor tlio other day to an engineer of
ono of tho Lehigh Valley trains. ''I'm
bound to havo tlio worth of my money,
and I want full measure before I get
Now Is tho t lino t o jjnsli
About tho beautiful slush,
Tho "leo gorge" makes tin) river
look gorgeous, but it does , not seem
over nice that a river should have
gorged Itself with leo.
A liandsomo gentleman was -In to
see Yours, Ac., last week. Wo ex
tended our Hipper In tlio most gracious
manner and bade him welcome.
Phlla. March 0.
A Vai.udai.kNEw Rook. Tho glory
of tho present ago 13 the diffusion of
useful information. Tho appearance
therefore of any now publication that
bids, fair to enlighten tho masses still
moro fully, upon any practical subject,
should bo regarded as reasonable ground
for congratulation. It givc3 us pleasure
therefore, to call tho attention ot our
readers to Dr. R. V. Plerco's fortlicom.
ing book entitled tho People's Common
Sonso Medical Adviser. This work
will contain about nino hundred' pages,
will be well bound, Illustrated with
about two hundred wood.cuts and col.
lorod plalqs, nnd pent by mall to mis
address for the uiipreccdcntedly low
price of $1.50. It will bn ready for
delivery early In April. Tlio Author
has becomo widely and favorably known
to the American as' well as the peppiq
of several foreign nations, through Ills
family niedlclnes,and has (ho fouuderof
the World's Dispensary at llutr.ilo,
N. Y , established for the treatment of
chronic diseases, and now ventures to
appear In, tho now lole of authorship.
From a perusal of ndvanco pages, we
believe t)ui book Is calculated to be emi
nently )i$6f u. It embraces 11 w idu 1 ango
of subjects, all of them bearing with
moro or less directness upon tho all-important
questions of health. BIoIol'v.
Physiology, the Cerebral Functions, tho
Human Teiupcinments, nnd Hygienic
Treatment, or Nursing of tho sick, re
ceive mat, attention which their relative
importance demands. Physical and
Mental Culture, Ventilation, Sleep,
Oleanllne-is.Foud, J -verages and Cloth
ing nro practical lopl'-i and nio treated
In a practical manner The u u ot Wn -
tor as a Rcmedlcal Agent receives that
attention which It deserves. Under tlio
head n( Remidles lor Diseases h pros
tinted n list of our most useful Indigen
ous ntedleial plants, together with their
properties and uses and pictorial re
presentations of many or the most Im
portant. Tho appropriate doso of eacli
remedy Is also given. .After n suita
ble Introduction wo h-ivo In Part
Four'h, Diseases nnd their Remedial
Treatment. Almost every disorder that
preys upon the linman system Is hero
describe I, together with Its symptom",
causes null treatment, as far as It Is
thought and advisable for the mm
professional to prescribe. Chronic ail
ments receive special ntteiitlou, A
chapter on incidents add emergencies
Is ti very uselnl feature of tho book.
Reside this, much miscellaneous nnd
profital Information is given, which will
mako it a genuine "vnde ineeum" a
convenient companion in overy liou-ie-Iiold.
Mnuy n precious life lias been
lost from the lack of just (bo knowlego
which this woik Imparts. A healthy
moral sentiment proales t!io whole
wotk, and wo cordially commoni! it as
worthy of a placo In overy family.
The AjinitiCAN Mmiton. Wo havi
received tho first numucr of this nuvv
weekly paper. Tho publishers nn
no'tiuco ns Its object "to supply tho
reading public with what Is nowesc and
of highest merit In tho world's litera
ture, in eonvetiiant, roadablo form, nt
tho very minimum of cost." Its be
ginning" and its promises look well.
This week Miss Hraddou, who by a
largo- portion of tlio reading public is
considered tho most brilliant and fas
cinating w 1 iter among living lady au
thors, presents a largo installment of
her story "Hostages to Fortune"
Next week a story by Wllklo Collins Is
announced to begin. Terms of the pa
per, two cents n week, or ono dollar a
year, it will bo sent fivo weoks on
tilal for ten cents. Inducements arc
offered to agents and clubs. Address
Tho Auieilcan Mlaror, P. O. liox
4021, New York City.
Tho Reformed congregation will
hold services in tlio Academy, to-morrow
(Sunday) lu tho morning at 10 o'
clock lu German, and at 7 o'clock In
the evening ni tho English, lauguage.
ltev. D. K. Derr; pastor.
Methodist Episcopal church, Wil
mer Cullman pastor. Preaching: 10:
30 a. in., and 7:30 p. 111. Subject of
evening sermon: Christian Unity. Sun
day School 2 p. m.
The latest returns from Now" Hamp
shire show that thcro has been no
choice for Governor by the peoplu, nnd
Indicate that the Democrats have car-.
ried tho First and Second Congressional
Districts. The Republicans will havo
the Legislature, which will elect Che
ney as Governor.
Rev. James Richardson, D. D.,
i'ishop of the Canadian M. E. Church,
tiled nt Toronto on Tuesday night,
aged 87. Hu was a Canadian by birth,
nnd was on olllcor ot tho British navy
on tho Lakes during the wnr of 1812,
lu which he lost his left arm by a can
non ball. Ho became an Itinerant
preacher In 1825, tilled numerous of
fices in the t'huich beforo ho was
chctcd Hlshop, and discharged the du
ties ot tho latter position without as
slstanco until last year,
Tho storm ou Sunday did consider
able damage at Wllkcsbarro, whero
snow fell to a depth of twenty Inchos.
Tho snow was wet and heavy, and
damaged tlio loofsof many buildings.
Tho roof of tho market house partially
gavo way, whllo tho carriage house cf
Wilson & Stark was crushed In. It
contained nearly eighty carriages, all
but six or seven of which wcro damag
ed, and the loss Is estimated at 87,000.
Tho loofs of several private stables also
gavo way. In Now York nnd Now
England tho s'torm was vory severe,
and railroad travel In all directions was
delayed. Tho Erlo Railway trains wero
detained from three to ulna hours, nnd
two of thorn, which got oil tlio track,
ndded to tho obstruction of tlio road.
At Poughkeopsle nearly eighteen Inches
of buow fell, and fivo freight trains
wero blocked .for several hours. Tho
heavy snow also Increased the fears of
a dlsasterous Hood. Trains wcro also
delayed in Massachusetts nnd Now
On the 13th ult., by Rev. A. Harthol
omow, Mr. John S. Wolfe, of Lehigli
tou, nnd Mrs. ScllmU Frltzlngcr or
Ou the 20th ult., by same, Jir. John
Snyder, ot Upper Towamenslng Twp.,
and Miss Harriet Zlegcnfuss of Frauk
llu Twp.
On tlio 21st ult., by samo. Mr Mon
rou Milton Uirnes, of ncthlehcni.iVbrth
ampton Co., and Miss Hufflna Rehrlg,
of Franklin Twp., Carbon Co.
On tho Cth Inst.) by same, Mr. Den
nis Rehtlg, and Miss Julln Elizabeth
Lentz. both of Mahoning Twp.
On tho Oth lust., by same, Mr. Reu
ben Grow, and Miss Mary Magdalluo
Schwartz, both of Lehlghton.
' Ol cd,
0(1 tho, 10th ult ,ln Lower Towamen
slng Twp., Robert Edwin, son of Edwin
nud Elleinlna Sheacr, Aged, l yr., 0
mo., 22ds,
On tho 13th ult., In Jahonlng Twp.,
George W.j son ot Wm. uud Elizabeth
Hechtel. Aged, 20 ds.
On tho same day, lu Franklin Twp ,
Charles, son of Win; 'and Elizabeth
Esch. Aged, 1 yr.,'20ds.
Qn tlie )5tl ult., in Franklin Twp.,
Chailos, son of Jujill ami MfuaBover.
Aged, 5 yr.s., 2 mo., 13 ds.'
On tho '23rd ult., lu Lower Towa
menslng Twp., Henry Edwin, bun of
David and Lucy Ann UI040, vlged,
1 yi , 7 mo., 11 ds. ,,
On tho 27tn ult., in Parryvlllo, Louisa
Martha, daughter of Nero and Louisa
Weiss. Jgwl, Onio.i 7 ds.
Ou the -nil lnt, in Lehiglituu, Hat
tie Jauo.d.iughter of William li. Uho.uN
and Aunetta Koons, Aged, 5 mo., 7
On tho U 111st . In Wi inmt, Clu.,
s in of Franklin II. an 1 lowi.i (
A " il - r 1 llnu , 1.' ds.
Cosing Prices of DrIIavkk & Towns
kmu, Stock, Gpveriiiijout nnd Gold
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
Match 11th, 1S73.
U. r.r:. lssi . . . 19 Md. mltpA
U.?.."iOI, mi . . . 1 ,,. 1c,t ntu,l.
U. S.r.2),lSl!l . . . IT'jf lil.t. IT"h vk-Hf.
II. r-.filM.tHIV) . . . l!j2t.M. 1 Jjg nsknl.
IT. S f,20, ISdWJ.AJ. . IsTjl.M. ISS nkot!
U. 8. ft 2), 18117 . . . Ilfl? I'M 1'ls2iikw.
U. P. ft 20. IBM . . . MX Mil. Il02k"l
U.S. lu ll . . .11 l,IJ 11'Js.lto.l.
U. . Currpticjr, (" . . IU Mil. 1.1' nuked
I'. D. A'n 1SSI, iiiiw . . 111 I.1J. M'
IViniKtlimilit 11. II. . . f.V.. 1 11. M nkiil.
l-hll i. A 11 Milln II. It. . ftil'-i Mil. sa s.kt
Irf'hli'li rtll'iv Itilliui I :, I.I.I. cK(aknr.
I -Will Cui .c rwiv.Uo. ,1 M., W., 4kl.
i ',.. V-HH II I. 1 .4 khKdI.
(Inlil . . . .' . 13 1.11. I:.',, .nki. l.
fell.- -r ... 7 M.l. U nxkuJ..
Bil'j'lteJl'Ultj'Sltliiuit J'l ifiPN,
Ciiiefully cotri-cted each week express
ly for "Tho Carbon Advocate'
Apples, perbushet CO
" diiu.l. per 11)....' 13 to V,
Jlutter, roll, pur lb 'M
Cnbbago, per head i.o to 1
Cheese, factory, per lb 2-J
Eggs, per doi-ii, 30
Flail, mackerel, No. i 13 to lo
Ham, per lb 18
Lard, pure, per lb 20
Pork, prime mess, per lb, 12
Potatoes, per bushel 73
Corn, per bushel 0 1 01)
Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs 2 00
" Bran " i
" Rye, " 2 20,
" Mixed " 2 10
Flour, Wheat, per bid.. 7 00
" Rvo.periuu jus u
Oats, Whlto per bushel '
" Jllaclc, per utisnci w-
Hay, per ton 20 00
Straw, per bundle "O
Coa , chestnut, per ton -
" stove, per ton '. ... '
Hides, green, per lb u to 7c
Calf Skins, each 1 2. to 1 Dti
Sheep Skins.kill'd this mo.,ea 12.1 to 100
Special Notices.
that droaa disease, Consumption, by a Pimple rem
edy,1 li nuxlous loni&ku Uucvm to his fellow Mif
forers tho means of euro. To all whu doslro It, h
will Bonanmjiy ui iu imouiiv.. . ,
charto), with the drectlons for preparing and us.
inj inu sauiu, which nj ..---
for UOJfSUMrTIOS, ASTUMA, niw.TV.iii i ta, wt
dress, Uev. K. A. WiLsON,
131 1'onuSto Williamsburg, Now York.
Deo. 2(iin ( ...
AGHNTLBMAN who Buffered for years rroiu
is'on lous Uoblllty, Premature Decay, and ull
.i . ur..i in.iicnpaHnrt will, for tho
Mka Of bullring humanity, neml frea to nU.who
Bliutile remedy by which lie cured. SulTerers
d J fco by ftddrtissln In urftfet confidence,
Do.EC,-0 m.
OONSUMPIIVtSana thoso who eiperloncoany.
dWlculty with tho throat, lung , or any or tho1
relwtory orcan wlU coaut (heir .ovtn Interosta
A. J. Darllujc, nnJ ln(uitloBnhout Ur.Morrlsi
SvrupBr'rHr,WliaChorryan4 llorchound. iUo, o-i-oKouciesiHiustw , : "
nro wull known. Tholr curatlvo prlnclplei bfto
Ixitii rnrrally conlblnod by tho most ilnst-lnK
stleiillrie iirocoss, with many other ce"tj';lo ln-
cantratoj forra.tho vcrtcstcnct of ttlJtil ortharoott
InfallUolJUf-ionlotlraplt'a known 0 mpJIlt
... i1. ... i.t-.. tnf nroun. lor
,ifo by a do uer. po,.i....-i
Tho moat Wonderfal Dlicovery tit
tlio lot" Century,
TTR. 3. ID. OW-'S
Arabian Milk Cure
. . .. -r tt ipunniT nilPST 'niA
LUNU5. (Theouly Modl.lne of thoklud In tho
world.) . Tft,-
. . . -i. iiK.iiifiittt-. Tnrln-
Unvith, Catarrh, Croup, Oou, CoUa, Ac, In.
'nrtTii Tllnnrl Plirificr.
Which UIITUKS from h"'orT.PF"Y'uj;v5
ISlMMEDlAIl! ACTIO!" Um mo ; " "
and UUMD. It I. pur; y TWUb ta.. wl
rfj ohll.r'iunr.Vs
all kind., ""ConMpt
iirtwU Vnr flKNKUAU DKU1MT 1jU5T
TlONS'I'-clullengothe 19th Cjntury" to find
... .....'.1 initio i worth Its woiahtln
gold. l'rico,1.00iwrl)ottl.
tt? e ti. linWK'S
Arabian c Liver Pills
ThoycleauBo tha LWor and Bitmiacu inuruu8.j
remove uuuii nuiion, vr'v:v :r .
other injorlou's,ana "'"W
tudso oraan, wiiuouv .ww.b -u r-
nsa. 1'tlco S3 conta per bolt.
Should aatl throaof tlwnbovo Medlelnel.
ld by A. J. UU11L1NG, UruifUt, aolo Agent.
'"dKMI'. mVE, t. I'ropr'wor.'lOl ChamWr.
Stroot, Now Vork. npr-11, ! 1
Contractor Builder,
IMuiii aatl HjicclllcatJons
For nil kluils ol Buildings mailo nt tlio
shortest aotico.
Mado for Tlana anilSpoclllcatlons wlifcn
tho pontract In awarduil to tlio umli'r
signed. A. W. KAC1IUS.
Juno H, 1873-yl '
W" 1LV, Oil,, WilV will you suttVr
with that Comili or CMi )sm
rullt'f msy b.'had liuiiiecllatciyhy usliiy
JUIlIilNtl'S Uompounil Synn ot Tar
WKi Ulnifry and Hoioliouud.
-"ItOSVI A Hottln of DUltUXO'S
nOS15 OtiYCKltlXU for- KouKlmma of
HiA Skin, liaiiml Hands, Sc., only 20
conts i bottti1. ' lnay
FQKC'ouclis.Cold, C'raiiips.A-lluna,
rntluenza,. Jlnarseiifiij, .UrunchlUs,.
nnd liluipiont call U-ntz's Uruavtorc.
OIIOI'JH Ii'iiimrs fur Mwllral jiur
1)1.1,1,11,0. W, Ianit's Drtig bturo
ll.inl: Street.
MOTllKllS, Ivlk nt that UMa, L
haa Worms. Un or send at onra
in lu'iH.'M.'s Ditia Store, ami ct
Imt 1 1 r hu v,'.ji;ii s ni l', 8u l'h'a-i
aut and y t o 'a - ti'uj 'i