1 Advertising Ilntcs. We doslre It to.lie distinctly un derstooil that no Advertisements Mill be Inserted In tbe columns of 1m Cikbon Advocati that may be received from unknown partlesor firms, unless accompanied with the Oasn. She following are our ostT terms t Advertisements for 1 year, per Inch each Insertion , . . 10 Cents. ' SlxMonths.nerlucheachlnsertlon ISCeuts. Throe Months, " " ' 20 Cents. 11 Lessthan threemontli,flrstlnser- tlon Jl, each subsequent Instrtlon 55 Cents II. V. MORTIIIMM;, Publisher. JJJ II. SIKWKIIS, DLSTMCT ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR AT LAW Offics, No. 2, Mansion Hoasc, MAUCU CHUNK, PA. Settling Estates, riling Accounts and Orphans Court Practice a specialty. Trial of Causes carefully attended to. Legal transactions In English and (1 erman, JanO. Wit dmUn fhftmtftb SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 0, 1875 Local and Personal. A. O. K. of M. C. meets to-night (Saturday), nt 7 o'clock, In llcber's Hall. Ucoa hand. St. Patrick's day Wednesday, 17th Inst. An Immense assortment of uow goods nt E. II. Snyder's. Tho Ice on Laury's dam, Is thirty seven Inches thick. Hats and caps all styles and prices at T. D. Clauss'. Just opened nt E. II. Snyder's a splendldjetock of now goods. The proposed law for compulsory education meets with no favor in theso parts. The Cbnferencu of tho German Evangelical church has decided upon tho erection of a Theological College. Tho finest lot of dress goods at E. n. Snyder's ever brought to this couu ty. Itubuer goods of every description at T. D. Clauss' at tho lowest market prices. Daniel, wo circulato 110 copies of tho Advocate in Summit Hill, now many Intelligencers do you circulate ? If you want a well built up coat, well made and trimmed, go to T. D. Clauss, the merchant tailor. TheAss-tuto Daniel, of Intelligencer fame, can never become an Augel Ills wings aro set too far abovo his shoul ders. "Why friend n. you aro looking Crst-rato this winter. Wl.at causes it? "Good living, Sir. I buy my groceries provisions, ot W, E. Kemeror, Big CrceK." Charles Trainer is now fixed In his now stbro on Second street, and Is sell ing flour, feed,&c. at lovvestratcs. Try him. 1000 Men Wasted, To securo great bargains at Laury & Peters. Tlioy navq just received a largo siock oi tan cy w orsted and cassiin eru suit lugs, which- they aro prepare! to make up in first class style, at lo5 prices, tu suit tlio times. CloMnjj out ladles, antl children's furs at cost, at, T. D. Clauss', If you waut a uatgatu can nt oucc. All tho leading styles of dress goods and now styles of calicos nt E II. Snyder's. Tho coats mada up by Laury & Teters are not only neatly trimmed but well made up of tuo best material, and Iho "fit" Is unsurpassed by "any other man." Tho Lehigh Valley Ilallroad Co. lias commenced the erection ot tho now bridgo that is to span tho Delaware at Easton, Tho newly elected Justices ,of tho Feaco will take notice that they cannot bo commissioned wituout niiug a writ ten notice of their ncceptanco of tho of fice with tho Clerk of the Court of Quar ter Sessions without uclay. By reference to our advertlslc 4.UIUU1UB, IV Will UU Ollll IIIUV .1(1111,111 Klotz, of Iho Exchange Hotel, Summit Hill, proposes to retire from tho hotel business, and that he will offer ut pub I. ...til l.n Ih., V.II.a.. lic sale, on lhursday, -March "o, a largo quantity of household furniture, horses, carriage, sleigh, harness, ftc. His really beautiful matched team 'will bo offered at this snlo. They aro gon tln and Itlr.ri. and am stiltabln fur- . family. There will no doubt be a lively companion for their possession. L F. Kleppinger, tho popular livery mail, is ngaln ready to supply you with first-class teams at low prices. Ho has also a few eligibly located lots in tills borough, which he wlU sell low for cash. Look at them. Mrs. and Dr. N. B. Ro'oer, of this borough, will celebrate tho twontleth (linen) . anniversary ot f heir wedding on Mouilay evening next, tho 8th lust. Gents' furnishing goods u specialty nt T. D. Clauss'. His gents' collar "Beauty of Lchighton"- manufactured for him, is a spleudld article for 23 cents per box, Try them. If you want a dish of nlco oysters, go to D Krock & Co. They liavo them fresh every day and servo them un lu every style to suit tho tasto of customers. J. K. Ilickert has still a few of thoso eligible kits lu Rlckcrtstowu to dispose of. It you feel like securing ngood homo call and seo him. He Is also supplyiug flour, feed, lumber and coal at the low est rates. Boots, shoes and gaiters of every stylo in tho market, ot tho best mater ial and most fashionable mako,at knock down prices, at T. D. Clauss'. During a visit to Summit nil! tho past week, wo dropped In to seo our lrlend A. Schneider, and found him . . i i- i i. . . uusy as ever. iui. a, ima mu ucsb ap pointed store In that "way-up'' village, and If you can't find what you want there, it Is of no use to go elsewhere Tits I. llll.I.A.I ,t. uia UlUbkU 19 uio UUOfc Ul JUUU9 Ub nil' lowest prices." Send your ordcra for Job priutlmr to tho Adyocatu ofllco. New press and n largo lot of uow and olegant typo Just received. Prices fully as low as New York or Philadelphia. Our friend Thos. W. Ttcnshnw, tho Summit Hill druggist, looks happy, and considers business fair to middling. Ho keeps a full lino of drugs, patent medicines and stationery. On Thursday morning of last week tho train on tho Lehigh nnd Susque hanna Kallroad ran Into a largo rock which had fallon on tho track about mid-way between this placa nnd AN lentown. Tho pilot, being an'jron one, threw tho rock from tho track without canslng any damago to tho tralu. Leopold Meyers will havo a grand quilting party nt his hotel, at tho Lower Lehigh Gap, on Thursday, March 10. A Crst-rato band ot music has been ongiged for tho occasion. Of course you will bo thero I Tho peoplo of Summit Hill had a masqucrado ball In. tho old armory, on Tuesday evening last. They had a Jovial good time. For the remainder of tho season T. D. Clauss will sell overcoats at about cost, In order to closo out his present largo stock, and all other goods at panic prices. We nro pleased to seo our friond, L. 1 Kledplnger, is nolo to bo on tho street again, after his very serious In disposition. Noxt-Frlday and Saturday even ings, March, 13 nnd ID, tho Lehigh Hook nnd Ladder Co.'s entertalnmont will tako place in the hall of tho now school houso. Sicuro your tickets early. Admission, 25 cents; reserved seats, CO cents; children, 15 cents. -To the ladys of Lohlghton nnd vi cinity. If you want cheap and stylish dresses go to is. 11. Snyder's. -Unless $a,500 Is collected boforo the coming lsfjof April, to pay the current expenses of .Muhlenberg Col lege tlio institution will liavo to bo dis continued. This Is tho assertion of Its President. Tho Lehlch Vallov "Iron Comnanv. at Coplay, received a now locomotive tho other day. It was built bv tho Wyoming Valley Manufacturing Co. at Wilkcsbarro, audits namo Is "Anna." Tuesday morning whllo tho wife of Mr. Reuben Lch, of Catasaunua, was In tho act of coming down n stair way in her awe Inc. sho met with a slip and fell hoadloug to tho landing below, breaking both her arms Just auovo mo wrists. Senator Rowland and Reprcsenta live uuriing win pieaso accept our thanks for public documents received. Tho Cnrnon County Aericultural Society's giomids and buildings liavo oecn setzeu uy tno suorlll, and aro ad vertised to bo sold on Monday 22d inst "lis a fixed fact that you cannot buy dry goods, notious, groceries and provisions In this section cheaper or better than at W. E. Kemorer's, Big Creek Ho received a now stock this weak. It you desho to havo youi!bas lcoi filled for a little moiuvy call at his store. Tho big telescope spokeu ot last week, 3 being under process ot cou- structlon by a party In Welssport, has proven n lailure, Tlio "uour man' lacking the requisite energy for its ac- enmpusnmcnt. JNext? Thos. A. Williams has removed his boot nnd shoe establishment from near ly opposite Durllug's drug storo, to Lcuckel's block,oppo3ltoPublioSquaro, mni; street. rrof. Jillerwill prtach In Trlulty evangelical ljutlierau Uliurcli to-mor row (Sunday) morning 10 o'clock lu Gorman,and;nt seven p. m. In English. uo nnu near mm. Rev. G. .1. Bruegel, of Warren, was unanimously elected pastor of Trinity Lutuerau church, of this nlace on tho 21st, ult.. at a sahry of S000 and houso. The call has beeu sent, but the rev. gcuUeman has not yet signified his uccepta-ace. T'jo prospects nro now very favor nblo or tho resumption ot business at tho Vort Allen Rolling Mill. Tho only dra wback seems to be tho difficulty to procure a supply of coal. Rev. M. E. Cross, tho book agent iiow canvassiug tuts section, ucitvcrea an address to tho children of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School.of tins uorougli, ou Sunday ailcrnoon last. Daniel need havo no fear If he should bo cast into tlio lion's den. They would not dovour him ho (Daniel) Is always so wen uiicit wini tuo BriitiT. Sew Stock. Messrs, A. & D. Graver announce to their friends and tho public that they havo Just received from tho city a full lino of carpets, which they aro selling at from 20 cents to SI. 25 per yardjthey also Invito attention to their uow Btock of Merrlmao and Cohocs prints, which thoy havo marked down to 10 cents per yard; muslins all grades, at from 0 cents per yard upwards. In notions they have the largest assortment over brought to Lehlghtou. Tlio ladies aro invited to call and Inspect goods and learn their prices before purchasing elscwhcro. No troublo to show goods luccnillarlim at Hnzlctou, Wo learn from a telegraphic dispatch from Hazleton, dated tho 3d lust., that n flro was discovered lu tho stnblo of Rov. T. O. O'Hara, of tho Cathollo church In that place, about half-past two o'clock ou that mornlug. Tho en tiro building, with Us contents, con slstlng ot three- horses (ouo valued at $1,800), two carriages, two sleighs. ouo cow, several sets ot harness, nud other artlclos were consumed. St Gabriel's Cathollo church, which stands lu closo proximity to tho burned build iug, was at ouo time on lire, but was extinguished beforo any matcilal dam ago was done. Tho loss Is estimated at $3,000. A man namod Ifenny Roily was arrested tho samo mornlug on sus picion of being ono of Incendiaries, Auction Bnlcs. Tho following public sales are adver tised to tako placo during tho prcsont month, by bills printed at tho Advo cate office: 11th. Fanning stock nnd Implements of Henry Rcinhnrd, In Lower Townmenslng. 13th. Household" furnlturo of Mm. Mary A. WoLfo, South street, Le- hlghton. lCth.--Vnluablo farming stock nud im plements of .Willonghby Koons, Mahoning Valloy, II miles lrom Lchighton. 19th. Horses, cows, sheep, pics and farming Implements ot David D. Long, East i'enn township. 20th Real csb.ito of Elizabeth Moul- throp, dbccitsed, lato of Lehighton. Thos. Kemeror, Esq., administra tor. 23d Ilotol fixtures, household furnl turo, &c, of U. & L. German, Eaglo Hotel, Jfouk street, Lc highton. 25th. By advertisement In to-day's paper, lur nlturo, raatclicd horses, Ac, ot Nathan Klotz, Eaglo no te!, Summit Hill. Clie Coal T rnilo. Tho follow Ing table shows tho quan tity of coal whipped over tho Lehigh Valley Railroad for tho week ending Feb. 27th, 1875, nud for tlio year as compared w ItU tho samo tlmo last year: Jfroni w eerc. i ear. Wyoming 20,510 08 250,030 10 Hazleton 2,183 03 172,037 15 up. .Lcingu.. isyu uo Bea.Meadow.. . 53,770 11 Mahanoy 2,418 00 53,803 15 Mauch Chunk 83 10 2,100 01 Total 31,003 03 533,710 10 763,003 02 229,048 03 Last Year.... 05,008 10 Increaso Decrease 33,703 08 Auction. Will bo sold nfauctlon, without ro- servo, nt tho etoro of Z. II. Long, lu Lehighton borough, on Wednesday ev ening next, March 10th, 1875, atsoven o'clock, a largo and varied assortment of storo goods, suitablo for the season, for cash only. Tho sale will commence at 7 o'clock, and will tako placo lu tho spaclons nail, over his storo. so as to mako It comfortablo for buyers. TILOnilAN A11NEK, ASSlgllOP. Z. II. Long, Agout. J. R. Dlmmlck, Auctioneer. Remember tho place, In Long's nail. Croke Xnto a Store. Georgo A. Wilson, a colored boy, doing business a3 a barber In Weiss- port, was arrested on Thursday morn ing and taken beforo Esq. Henry Boy er, charged with breaking into tho storo of Augustus Oswald, of that pWce, on tho previous night. Beforo ho was arrested ho confessed to having committed tho crime, but slated that another boy was with him; but tho boy ho so accused proved ail alibi without nny trouble, tho evldonco ot the boy's mother fully fcustalnlng tho statement mado by him, that ho was not from homo after C o'clock In tho evcuing until 0 next morning, whereupon ho was discharged. Tho hoy Wilson then acknowledged that ho was not with him, but staled that tho boy ho had accused as au accomplice, had told him to break Into tho store. Wilson, In do- fault of hall, was committed to Fort Bronelser. ot Mauch (hunk, to nwalt his trial for tho offence. Tho ConI Triule. Tho Philadelphia Ledger of March 1st., says: Tho authraclto coal trado for tho week ending on tho 20th ultimo Is without any special leature, so far as regards coal production, or an estab lished programme for tho trado during the turreut year. No collieries iu tho Schuylkill nnd Lehigh regions nro in operation, except such as nro supplying local consumption. Tho retail coal trado In this city continues fairly nctivo, whilo at some points not readily acces sible by railway tho stocks aro dimln Isliing, of which retailers tako advan tage and advance prices. An advanco of a dollar per ton !s reported at Bos ton. A scarcity ot coal Is reported at somo ot tho Iron works on tho lino of tho Reading Railroad, by reason of scarcity of coal production in tlio Schuylkill region, whllo others nre re ceiving supplies from the Wyoming coal region. Tho public monthly sale of Scrauton :oal ntNow York was sus pended for tlio mouth of February, and It is staled at tho office that tho auction sales are discontinued, and hereafter tho coal will bo disposed of only nt private salo. Iu the coal re gions tho workmen aio uiovlujr lu the direction of higher wages. The old Btock of coal Is ruuulug down, and a demand will soon bo urgent for tho new production. Wo may now look dally for tho announcement of the new pro graaime of tho carrying companies, and soon after that, II thero shall bo a deinaud for coal, nctivo work la tho coal regions. Tho Pennsylvania Coal Company has already Issued Us annual circular to Its eustomero, and will dis pose ot Its production during tho sea son of navigation ot 1875, at prices to bo fixed monthly for delivery iu sub. sequent mouths. Tho conditions uudcr which orders will bo received will be, iu tho maiu, the samo as required by tho company durlug tho past threo years. Orders for coal for tho season will bo entered uutll March 10, nnd no tice ot Intention to tako the coal order ed at tho prico fixed by tho company must bo given ou or before the 24th day ot each mouth. Freight on tho coal in tho company's boats aud bargej from Newburg to New York will bo at tho rato of oa ecnts per ton. The as sociaicu coai companies nave uau sev eral conferences, but have not com pleted tliolr nrrnugeuients for the sea ton. Tho companies also havo decided not to ma no "snort contracts" this sea sou. Tho question ut tounugo Is being carefully considered. Rates, it is be lieved, will bo substantially tho same as last year. Tho Philadelphia aud Reading Railroad Company on Monday issued their opening rates of frclsht and tolls ou coal, showing a reduction ot 25 cents, or I'M per cent, to Phlla delpliia and Richmond, and a propor tionate reduction to all points ou their main lino nnd branches. Thoy will, howovor, charge 15 cents per ton shlp ping expenses on nil coal shipped from Port Richmond, making nn actual re duction of 10 cents per ton on nil coal shipped. Itlp; Greek Items. Moro beautiful snow. Thoro's music in the nlr; for slelghbclls are making ono continual Jingle. Tho goncral ex pression concerning tho weather on Jbnday was "very disagreeable" When tlio cold wind blows tako caro of your noso, ditto your toos, mat tney don't got frozo. Snow is plenty, sleighing is good,nnd our lumbormon nro In a .happy mood. Our creeks aro all frozen ovor thick and fast. Mrs. Paul Solt has somo very pretty specimens of flowers in full bloom poop ing through her window pano. Mr. Win. Thomas, ot this placo, foro man of tho Prlnco's Motallo Paint Works (formerly of this placo but la tely removed to Bowmansvlllo, near the L. S. R. R.), says that ho has uow tho mill In order to resumo work ns soon as tho Lehigh Coal aud Navigation Co. gives them water. Tun wonrc op an incendiary. On Saturday night botwecn tho hours of 11 nnd 12 the saw mill together with a paling and lath mill, with a threshing machine attached.of Mr. Gabriel Schlu ko, situate on Pino Run, was entirely destroyed by lire. Wo havo been In formed that thero Is an Insurauco upon It but how much nnd in what company wo liavo been unable to learn. Tho flro was evidontly tho work of an incendiary. Sad Accident. On Saturday last, at about : 2 a. m. Mr. W. Straub.tcach cr ot Shoenberger's School, No. 5, met with a sad accident. IIu was trying to shoot at some bluo jays, (which In tho winter fed around tho corncrib), and whllo Iu tho act ot returning to tho house his foot slipped nud ho fell, lilt ing tlio hammer of tho gun on tlio lco, when tho gun accideutly discharged It self aud the wholo charge of Iho gun en tereddn at tho top of his heel and pass ed out at tho solo of hMoot. Ills pa rents, who llvo near Lehigh Gap, wcro at ouco notified, nnd Doctor J. O. Kra mer, of Jillport, sent for, who camo nud dressed tho wound aud ordered him to bo removed from his boarding placo to his homo. His school term consists of 1 m., and 12 days.which ho will now bo unablo to finish, but wo learn that Mr. Harrison Suyder, ot this placo has been appointed in his stead for tho re mainder of tho term. Wo deeply sym pathize with Mr. S. as ho is a young man highly respected. Rov. Robert Campbell, ot Parryvllle, will preach in tho Suit's church, to-morrow, Sunday ovonlng, 7th inst., iu tho English Language. A cordial Invitation is extended all. Big Creek, March 4th, 1875. Miners Itlotliif-, A despatch from Hazleton, Pa., says that, on Saturday morning, nt 2 o'clock tho striking miners, nbout.1100 lu num ber, drew tlio Uro from tho boilers, stop ped all tho pumps, set flro to tho cn-ginc-houso, and shot ouo ot tho cnglu ocr, at Buck Mountain, oloven miles from Hazleton. Tho engineer was not soriously wounded. Policemen nro as sisting In keeping tho pumps going at Eckley and Upper Lehigh, and they havo been sent to Buck Mountain to do similar service.. Strikers wcro also gathering In largo numbers at High land, threo miles from Hazleton, whero n'scrlous disturbance had takou place, aud two men wcro badly beaten, ono of whom was not oxpected to recover. Several unoccupied miivers' houses at Glen Carbon, owned bv tho Philadel phia and Reading Coaf. aud Iron Com pany, wcro fired threfi tlmos on Satur day. Tho flames were twice extinguish ed by tlio firemen nnd watchmen, but tho third tlmo tho buildings wore de stroyed. Tho loss is small. Several men wcro seen by a watchman running from tho buildings, but It was to dark to Identify tlicm, Accident on tile l. V. II. 11. Up passeugor train; No. 18, on tho Lihlgh Valloy Railroad, on Saturday morning last, mot with au accident just below Pcnu Haven Junction, by which tho engine was thrown off tho track and upset, falling across tho .main tracks. Heury Brown, tho euglneer, and Owen Hall, tho fireman, wero both badly scalded nud cut In tho head. Tho tratn,was in full motion, when tlio guard rail broke, and tho engine strik ing tho frog, resulting ns abovo stated. Nono of tho passengers wero Injured. Tho engineer nud firomen wero taken to Weatherly for medical trcatmont. Letter from lloiiaishtotUo. Misdeh Diiuciieh, Deau Sin. Ac cording zu promise muss lch doer vlddcr echrlba, uu well lch g'schrlcba hob do lecht wpch, dos lch wot deer de partic ulars gava fuu dar schlltta party, do mero ut grea hen wolla. Well moro heu so ut grlcht. Un os oyer aw nu party. Mero lieu elt sohlltta kotta. Un do wor dar gross daby, wo nil do big-bugs drln worra, un don worm ols do hocha funna es nacht zum grosa schlltta. lch un de i'eti wora grawd hlnna om grosa mlt unscrm, Mero hen uns ut guda kot. lull hob ml kochei- huto ut kot, dan lch grlckcd hob far about fero uu drelchlch yore- zurlck. Un hob my btaudup nw kot dar about nino zul na- 1 va nuf garacht hut hob my holsduch nw ' kot dos dry tuss long wor. Uu abvjt slva zul brnto un hob tnlcli strock uf kocked im schlltta un hob en schu-lfer hols gamaucht, un hob my bond a ven lch hoch kotta mlt dar line. Ich hob my ruck ow kot nr hut sex dutzond uti fere so gala knob funa nunncr kot. lch bob my liussa nw kot dos do etz mere koft hut grawd foro wocha noch dam dos mero klcrt hen kot. Don Bctz hut era shancr nlcr bunncrt utkot dar bo grlckcd hut about n yoro zurlck. Un on slimier nler frock dar so hoch doj flnf cent do yord gakochst hut. Es wor by jinks en blesscro tins zu sana wo mere so sha gagucked lion. Es worra al shana llto un nl guto ob, lmmer do rclcha funna om grosa schlltta. Ich dado a fartal dollcr ollawllo noch ba- zalla won do uns g'sana hescht. Wo mero ogaloud sin om plotz wo mero ho gawolt hen, do hecht by-golly amolo do lite sana sulla do dort uns ba greascd hen. Dar gross schlltta Is nr clit ho, un don Ich un do 2?ctz do, Mr. Drucher, hoclit over nmolojles des sho uta ham sulla un wo mero ous danna schlltta sin, male noncr ofonga zu bus--sa. Don lch mlch so ztmllch nacht on dar Betz kolta, so dos won on shany kumma dado uu dado do Botz bussa, don dado lch nw farllcht aner groya. Ovor so sin lmmer kumma un do Botz gabussed un mlch net, es hut mlch so holver folch gamaucht kot. Over well so feal dort worra hob ich gadauked dos so dades farllcht hossa far al danua onra llto. Well moro sin nl, un wo mero zu dar daro nl sin hut nnuer g' saut, dort it minor hlmmel dar Hans un do Betz. Over es wor so gagraud urn uns rum dos ich , net sana hob kanna wars wor, over es wor dank Ich nner dor uns guto gakant hut. Well mero sin ni, do welbsllto in a stub un do inontslito in do barstub of course, Don of course hut amolo nner gadread, uu gty noch nuer, un so noch an oncra, bis ich so a glana sblong Im hute kot hop. Un over mero hen orrya zolta kotta. Mero hen zu cssa un zu drinka kot wos mero gawolt hen. Over wo more ut dar hamowag gawolt hen, doll hob lch nimmy grawd huckn kenna im schlltta, un hob nlmmy fawra ken na, no hob iclizu day Betz g'sauchtdos so sut dfjbjndel solver uatua, uu But fawra, uu ut em hamcwag hut so mlch da gonsa wag gadrockdeerd, un wo mero hamo kumma sin don hut so ous g'schpond un hud dar gowl weg. Un wo lch fum schlltta gawolt hob so bin Ich hanka bliva uu bin kop Ivor hols nous g'falla. Ich bin grawd nl Ins houso un hob g'snnt Ich hot kopway,un wo so nl kumma Is don hecht so over eana sulla In niich pltcha. So hut mero en solvera lesson geva un iut g'saut dos so lmmer un Jawlch nlmmy , mlt mero uouso ga date. Over lch dank so duto doch;wonjdos do, amolo vlddcr farby Is. Ich hob gamant dos ich wot noch fuu obbes oners schrlba over veil es eo shun long Is un my brains nogava (far ich bin shun zimlich olt) hob lch gadank icli not shllcsa bis do nacht woch. So much from Hans KoNNEitMAUcncn. Bonashtottle, Martz dau G, 1875. Oucornirsi. Cubbinr(oii'8 Mis taken, Mrs. Cubblugton Is always making mistakes, In fact mistakes scorn to como natural to, Mrs. C.,and eho Is sometimes ot tho opinion that sho must havo been born by mistako. Mrs. O. is blessed with twins, and rosy, posey riding In a coachee, llttlo cherubs they aro to bo sure, which nobody can, or dnro deny. With tho slight exception ot having the twins-soy, soro throat, mcasels, whoop cough, scarlet.fcver, cultivation of mo lars, colics, and cramps, and a fow oth er trilling complaints tho twins hnvo enjoyed remarkably good health, Mrs. Cubblugton has had trouble with help (who has not?) aud ub Mr. O. Is ab sent all day earning his daily bread, the twins can not expect much attention from him. Ouo day Mrs. O. determin ed to tako a promenade, so sho took a cherub on each arm and sallied forth, sho becamo completely tuckered out, and was about to givo up when her eyes detected this slgu: NURSERY, Bv J. Dioas. "Just tho tho thing," said tho good woman, as a seraphic smllo passed over her freckled features. So with a light heart, and a quick step Into "tho nur sery" sho went, but Diggs was absent, Dlggs was a dinner, aud stranger still thero wcro no children about, "a funny nursery," observed Mrs. O. The twhis began to chirrup nud coo Iu tho moot cheerful manner, "Delighted, nlut you darllns? ot courso you nro," having said this, Mrs. Cubblugton bussed ench llt tlo critter and set thorn gently down up on a bed ot violets, then sho pulled n hand full of choice flowers and throw them to thecubbs (short for Cubbing tons) so that thoy might amueo them selves, then Jrs. C. departed for a si roll, for shu reasoned that tho nursery man would soon return, nud sho was happy lu having discovered n nursery so near, fcho had read that thero wero establishments where children could bo left and good care given them, but this was tho first ono sho ever ctmo across. My you should have seen Ulggi wln n ho camo from dlnnei, when ho got over his astonlshniont ho becamo vory angry for It wnsa caution to tea how tho flow crs had been slaughtered by tho Inno cents. To mako njong story short, Mr. (Aibblngton had to pay dearly for his wlfo's mistake, and Dr. Bolus is of the opinion that tho cactus thorns will not permanently dlsablo tho tongues of tho cherubs. Yours truly, Maiicctio, Phlla. -March 1, 1875. Cosing Prices of DeHavhn & Towns enp, Stock, Government nnd Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, .March 4th, 1875. II. 8. fi's, Mil . . WKbH. 211 askol. U. S. 0 20. leC2 . . . 11)'); Ul. 17 askcl U. S.S-2'J,18fll . . 175 111. HJiaskwl. U.!.5 20,1KK . . . lUf hM. askwl. U. S.6 20, 18C5 J.&J. . 1SU Ml. lS'li ask.nl. U. S. 5 20, 1SC7 . . . 10? I.M l'JIaskia. U. 8. 6 20, 1803 , . . lOJg Mil. lli-Vask.-a U. B. ICWJ . U. 8, Ourreucy, G's . V. S. S. 1SS1, no . rennnyiYftnia it. it. . . i'iu. myi nKn'i l'hlla. 4 lidding II. It. . Cli-K MJ. Mn-ksM UUlfth Valley ltnllrn-il . K1V bid, K1K akkwl. Lehigh Cinl i Nav. Co. . i'.IJi Ud. 60 iiskod. UnltciSConipanlosofN. J. UiK I.M. 1321? i.kJ. Gold 14 bid. li asked Elli-tr ... 7 kid. U asked. Lb'atgliton Rotall E'rlces. Carefully corrected each week oxpross ly for "Tho Carbon Advocate' Apples, perbushel CO " dried, per lb 12 to 15 Ruttc'r, roll, por lb 38 Cabbage, per head 8 to 12 Cheese, factory, per lb 23 Eggs, per dozori 112 Fish, mackerel, No. i 12 to 15 Ham, per lb 18 Lard, puro, per lb 20 Pork, prlmo mess, per lb 13 Potatoes, perbushel 75 Corn, per bushel $ 1 00 Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs 2 00 " jjtan " 1 30 ' Ry, " 2 20 ," Mied " 2 10 Wour. Wheat, per bbl 7 00 f Ilvl. nirl(in His 3 25 Oats, Wllito per bushol 70 " Blaik, per bushel 05 Hay, per Jon 20 00 Straw, peu bundle 30 Coal, cheltnut, per ton 4 00 " store, per ton 4 50 Hides, gcen, per lb 5 to 7e Calt Skins, each 1 25 to 1 50 Shcop Sklns.klll'd this mo.,ca 125 to 150 Special Notices TO OORSUMPTIVES The ailvertlserjlmlog been pcrimnenlly cured o f that dread dla-e, Consumption, by a simple rem edy, U uuxlous to mako ltncwn to his fellow suf ferers the mouia of euro. To all who deslro It, ho wlllsondacopv of the prescription usod, (freo of charco), with tho dfrocllons for preparing aud un. In-the same; which they will tlnd ft SVRC CUBS. for Consumvtio.x, Asiujia, BaoxcniTis, c. Tartles wishing tho prescription will ploasoad dresa, Kiti K.A. WILSOX. 101 l'onn 8t, Willlamsburs, Now York. Dec, ill Cm. ERRORS OF YOUTH AQ KNILllM AN who suffered for yoara from Nervlous Debility, Treinature Decay, and all the offsets of youthful Indiscretion will, for tho sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need It, the recelpe aud direction for making tha simple remody by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser'" experience can do so by addressing In perfect confidence, .I011N U.OIlDliN, 4iCudirSt., New York Doc.CO-0 m. OONSUMPI1VKS and thoso who experlenco any, dllllculty with the throat, lungs, or any of tho rosplratory organs will consult their own lnteresta by calling at the drug stores of C. W. Lenta and A. J. Durdng, nnd Inquiring about Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and llorehound. Tho medical excellencies of these vegetable productions aro well known. Their curative principle havo been careully combined by tho most painstaking scientific process, with many other Tegetablo lo gredlents. This remedy possesses, Inn hlghlycon.i eeutratod form,tho tern tuenct of sojio of the most Infallblo pulmoulo slmplos known to rnodlcal bot anists. It is a osltlve remedy for croup. 1'or salobyaHdcatera. 8ept.I7th, lb'-l.ly. The molt Wondorfnl Discovery of tlio lOtli Century. S. 3D. ETOWB'S Arabian Milk Cure FOR CONSUMPTION, And all Dlsensea of the TIIKHAT, OIIEST and LUNQS. (Tho only Medicine of tho kind In the world.) rt A SonstiTDit roa Con LitkrOu. rermanently cures Asthma, llrouchitls, Inclp ent Consumption, loss of Voice, Shortness of llreath, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Colds, 4c, In a f,,,"113r"- un. a. d. iiowirs Arabian Toaio Blood Purifier, Which DlFfTIlS from all other proparatlona In ItslMMSDiiiE Acno.i upon the J.IVlill, KIDNEYS and nLOOD. It Is purely vegetable, and cleansea tha system cf all Impurities, linllds up, and raakea I'ure, Itlch Wood. It cures Scrofulous DIseasesof nil kinds, removes Constlpatlou, nnd regulates the IloweU. For"UK.NKIlAL DKUIMTY," 'LOa'C VITALITY," and -BKOltKN-DOWN CO.NSTITU T10NS," I "challenge tho 10lh Century " to Arid Its equal. Every hottlo li worth Its weight In cold. 1'ricc, $UW per bottle. ALSO, DR. S. D. HOWE'S Arabian 3SS& Liver Pills ,1hcy cleanse tho LIvor and Stomach thoroughly romovo Constitution; contain no calomel nor any Other Injurious lugredlent, aud act quickly upon theso Orgaus, without producing any pluor weak. nets. I'rlce 25 reu 14 per box. CON'SVJtPTIVKS Should nealIttareurtLM" Medicines. Sold by A.J. UUUU.MJ, Drugjlst, solo Agent for Lihlxbton, I'n. Da. S. D. IIOIVB, Solo Proprietor, 101 Caamlr Streot, 'New York. apr. 11, 157J.yl WJlmt M MJ I.M JJ VV. E ACHES, Contractor & Builder, LK1IIUI1TON, rr.NN'A. I'luiiN ami MitcclIlca(3ons For all kinds ot Uulldlngs made at tho Shprtcbt notlco. NO CHAIIGES Mado for Plans and Speclllcaltons when the contract Is nwaided. to tlio under signed. A. V. EAOHJiS. Juno 1-1, 1673-yl BE ATT Y. piano: KNUOUSUU HV T1IK llltillK&T MUSICAL nntlioritlos at Tim UKST. l);l UKATTV.'l'roprii'tor, Washing ton, X J. Wffv, OH. Vlll" will yon suffer with that Couch or Cold? wht-n relli'f m.iy I),- had immediately by utliig .'JUIlLIMi'.S Compound Syrup ot Tar 'Mid Uheiry and Horoliouud. . i:ijs lia. nvtasueu. . 181? U.I. IH&JiKkedJ . Uj! Mil. JiiZa'kMi.