The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 27, 1875, Image 4

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    or Jurors for March
Term, 1SW.
oiUNii jenr.
Stephen Boyer, r,ower Towamcnsinc.
""Jacob S. Hawk, Kidder. ' '
II. F. Freeman, Wcathclry.
'Evnn J. Dcvan, Uniikft. r
Sam. Greenzwelg, Towamcnsln.
John Henry, Summit Hill. :
Georgo Gayliir, Weatherly.
Frailcls Stockcr, Lehighton.
Alex Miller, Summit Hill. '
Franklin Sliultz, Lehighton,
John Green, Mauch Chunk.
I). G. Esser, Mauch Ohunk.
W. V. Irwin, Banks.
Moses Ilollenback, Summit Hill.
John Fenstermaclicr,' Lehighton.
Francis Werner, Kidder.
B. F. Gould, Kidder.
JV. D. Cortrlght, Maucli Chunk.
Gabriel Miller) Lausanne. ' 1
John W. Watt, Summit Hill.
E. T. Hoover, Beaver Meadow.
Owen Lerch L. Towamenslng.
Frauds Kindt, Lower Towamenslng.
James Brown, Franklin.
Alex. Stout, Frahli'lin.
6I111011 Beckhard, E.tst .Mauch Chunk.
Cornelius Zelgcnfuss, Kidder.
August'Walk, Franklin.
Jacob Hettinger, Lehigh.
Neal Manelus. East Mauch Cliuuk.
Win. Spencer, Lausauue.
Thomas John, Banks.
N. C. Strohl, Lower Towamenslng.
Win. Borwort, Lower Towamenslng.
N. D. Fowler, Banks. '
Albert Nonncmacher, Mauch Chunk.
Simon lilois. Lower Towaiuensldg.
Adam Beer, Towamenslng.
Alex. Robinson, Mauch Chunk.
N. B. Penrose, Banks.
Joseph Watson, Kidder.
B. It. Albright, WeUsport.
B. E. Schwartz, 'Kidder;
J. P. Ueckmau, -Vauch Chunk.
Win. A. Graver, Lehighton.
Jacob Graver, Franklin.
James McCloakey, Beaver Meadow.
Baulcl Krum, Franklin.
Albert Balliet Mauch Chunk.
Elviu ZJowcr, East Mauch Chunk.
Win. Warner, Lehighton.
Solomon Walk, Franklin.
Levi Ilclney, Franklin.
Paul Banner, Poun Forest.
Bavld Zoigenfuss, L. Towamenslng.
B. F. Williams, Lausanne. '
Wm. Hughes, Summit Hill.
J. G. Eadle, Weatherly.
Abraham Shortz, Maucli Chunk.
Joseph Eckhart, Towamenslng.
Win. BeFrehn, East Mauch Chunk.
Bavld Reese, Nesuuehoiiliig.
S. W. Hudson, Packer
F. W. Kuubler, Mauch Chunk.
Win. Wllliolm, Mauch Chunk.
Jphu Solomon, East Mauch Chunk,
ltobert Fowler, Banks,
C. E. Amldou, Mauch Chunk.
Daniel Beclr, Mahoning.
Benjamin Zerfass, Peuu Forest,
.ildam Mtckes, Penn Forett,
Thomas Lewis, Banks.
Eli Scnsinger, Mauch Chunk.
Samuel Welir, Summit Hill.
Hubert Anthony, Franklin.
Isaac" Harlemap, Packer.
B. 11. Long, Lehighton.
Abraham Moyer, East Fcnn.
Samuel Pritchard, Summit; Hill.
.Christian Sandher, Mauch Chunk.
Martin Nuss, Mauch Chunk.
Philip Bartliolomowi Wolssport.
Jonas BeuuaholTj East Mauch (hunk,
(hailes A. Beck, Lehlghtou,
Bavld It. Keller, Packer.
Solomon Snydei, Lower Towamenslng.
Clinton Jretney, Lenlghton.
Nathan Klotz, Summit HUi.
James Edgar, Summit Hill.
Michael North, Baulss,
Washington Snyder, L- Towamenslng.
Nathan Houser, Summit Hill.
Joseph 1'. Mackey; Summit Hill.
August Belsuer, Mnuuh Chunk.
John Keuhler, Mauch Chunk,
E. U. Bodsou, Packer.
R. E. Miller, Lower Towamenslng.
William Horn Mahoning. " '
Henry Slbbach, Mauch Chunk.
John Fiddler, Maucli Chunk.
Bobcrt Calvin, Mauch Chunk,
Bavld Aruer, Lehighton.
Bavld Bomlg, Jr., East Penn.
Nathan Bodes, Summit Hill.
Bavid Boyer, Jr., Lower TowanjDUslug.
llarilson Heiuibach, Kidder.'
Keuben Horn, Weatherly.
George Kemmerer, Mahoning.
Brawn from tlio whetl Feburary 15,
1875. ,
An old claim against Chll I was ra-
cenily settled by tho paymen t of $20,
000 to our Secretary of State. The
particulars of tho original of tho claim
are thus given In tho New .Bedford
(MassO'Standard: Tho ship Good Re
turn, of New Bedford, Job Terry, mas.
ter, arrived at Talcakuanna, Ch:il,May
23d. 1832. In distress, having lost her
rudder on tho 18th. Sho had 13,285
gallons of sperm oil, 83,220 gallons of
W))alo oil, and 22,000 pounds of whale
hope on board. The vosscl was detain
ed iy the Chilian Government, accord
ing to Captain Terry, "on tho misera
ble pretext of n few pounds of tobacco
fouud iu tho chest of tho tailors," of
tho presenco of which thu boarding offi
cer was informed. Captain Terry was
told that if ho wOuld glvo tho customs
officers 50 of GO ounces of gold they
would let the shin go, or ulso they
would make all tho troublo thoy could.
The Vessel wa detained until October
27th. An estimate of damages amount
ing to $30,041 05 was made by parties
ountlnc to $37,105 was mado by a Coin
lulttea of British Naval Officers appoint
ed by Lord Townshend, of tho British
frigate Dubllu. Captain Terry, who
was the largest owner of tlio vessel, call
cd on every President from Jackson to
j.iucnin 111 relation to 111s ciaun, aim
frequently Slated that It the Govern
ment would give him a letter of mar
liiu 1 111 would collect tho claim without
any turthcr trouuie to inu uiivernmcut.
Claims usually grow by lapse nf timtt,
but this one, although nearly half
cuuturv old, lms dwindled down to
nearly one half its original amuuiit.
Saturday morning was Uio coldest of
tho season In northern Now York nnd
the-"New EuRlaud States. At Man
chester, Concord, Franklin and other
places in Now Hampshire tho tlierc
mometer marked 20 to3o degrees below
zero; t Glen's Fall and Whitehall, N.
Y., it' was 32 to 37 below, nnd at War
rensburg,, N. Y., 41 below. In Maine,
tho ma iking in that part of tho Slato
between Portland nml Whito, River
Junction ranged Irom 32 to 40 degrees
below zero, while at Bangor tho mer
cury congealed. Travel on soma of tho
railroads was delayed by heavy snow,
and all outdoor work was stopped by
tho Intense cold. Tho weather at Tor
onto was clt'ar but extremely cold, nud
many of tho railroads In Canada wero
obstructed by snow drifts, Tho harbor
at Newport, P.. I., Is completely frozen,
nnd tho depots and cars In Newport aro
filled with an accumulation of steam
boat freights, which cannot ,bj sent for
ward until navigation is open. Through
trains 011 tho Eric Railway wero delay
ed on Saturday liy heavy drifts 011 tho
Buffalo anil Western divisions of tho
road. A Boston dispatch of last nigh1
reports a contlnuanco of tho Polar
weather, tho rango of tho thermometer
In Maine and New Hampshlro being
from 20 25 below zero. It was "gen
erally tho coldest day of the season,"
and many of tho harbors along tho coast
were closed, 1
"Timothy Titcomb" says: "When
ever any pure, ttue, good woman mar
ries a man whom she loves, sho gives
herself to him. Sho belongs to him.
Ho owns her a no other man on tho
faco oftho earth does or can." Jrs.
LIvermoro, in commenting upon this
statement, remarks: "I believe it. But
I bellovo something clso that whenev
cr any pure, true, and good man mar
ries a woman ho loves, ho gives him
self to her. Sho owns him a3 no other
woman on tho faco of tho earth can own
him. That is my theory of marriage."
Man's views of mnrriago combined
with woman's views makes a very per
fect theory.
Be sure to sharpen tho carvlng-knlfo
before dinner. Tho most angelic bov
will not respect his parent after seeing
hhn fight with a tough turkey.
lie best Paper. Try It.
11 IlOtli year, enjoy Ilia widest clrcul Wlon of auv
wm-Uy newspaper of the kind In tli.t world. A
now volume commence .laumrr 1, lfrSe.
Itscontenturmlir.ico the lalekt and mont Inter
outing lu'orniallon nertalulnx to the lnjiistrnl.
Mechanical and Muntlnc l'l-oress of the World;
l)ecrlitlonF, with Ileautlful Kngrailiw, cf New
Invention. Now IniDliment. New Pr. nml
Improvsd Industrie of oil kind; Ufeful NoU.
UocelK, nzjetiens and Advice, by L-racttcal
Wr!ters,fr Workmen and Kuiploye:, In all tho
parlous art. ,
ehtapaland butiUuttrattd wetUy mptr iuUWied
'eery itnmt'cr Kwuauil jrvm IV to io onitnal tn-
grarintit of new nuichinery and novtl inventions.
KiItAVlMiS. illuilraliwi Imnrnve.
ments, Discmeries, and Important m,rU, pertain
ij.7 to civil and Mechanical Vnnintering, Mining.
Mining and Metallurgy; liecordt of the latetlpr'o
gun in tlteapplication of Steam, &Uatil J.ineer
inri. llailuays. tiliio-KuilJinri. Kiivinattnji. Trie.
graphi, Telegraph Engit.uring, Etectricity, Mjinc
titm. Ligt ami I felt.
lvAlt.H 11. Mecianicx. Unnineers. Tnren.
tors. Manufacturers, Chemuts, Lovers of Science.
Teachers, Vleni'imen. Lavisers. and Venule of all
Jofessions witt find the rjciE.vviFia Auerican r.
fultothein. It shouldhave a place in tviry JUmilg,
j.iorary, .viiay, cyor, and Counting Koran i in ev
ery Heading Itoom, OAlege, Academy, or SchotJ.
ji year s numoers contain xa pages and 6r.icr.At,
JICSDIBCD Esamvi-,03. Thousamls of volumes-
are preserved for binding and reference. Thevruc-
tiasl receipts are well worth ten times the suhscrip.
lionprice. Terms. J3.20a year bn mail, imludini
postage. Discount to Clubs. Special circulars and
specimens sent jree. May ocliad of all -V.i.t Ileal
ers. t-m.
"PflfTI i"G n connection with the Scicv
C(iuVylltO. Tiric .Imeiiicas, Messrs. Jlusx
Oi. are Solicitors of American and foreign Int
ents, and have thelargest establishment in the worbl.
More thanftfly thousand applications have been
made for patents Uirouih their aqciicy.
Patents are obtained on the lest terms. Models of
Xew invenlious and sketches examined nnd adrirtt
free. A special nritict is made m ths cuntifis
jIUERICANOf all lnvenlton Jitented through this
Agency,withthe name and residence of the lalentec,
J'uleuti arc often sold in part ufuhrAe, to persons at
tached to the invention by sucJi notice. Send fur
I'amphlet, WO pages, cmitaUir.j laws and full di
rections fjr obtaining Patents.
Address for the toper, or concerning Intents,
J(.VA'u5COH37 llirk Jtow, .V. 1'. llranch OJIlce,
cor. '. anil "ti Sit., Washington, Is. V.
Subhriptions received at this office.
JpcitrECT " FITS."
Laury & Petr.s
Have just received a very largo and ele
gant stock of Fall nnd Winter
B 9
comprising plain nnd fancy Cloths,
(jassi meres and v.citlngs, for men's and
boys' wear, which they aro prepared to
mako up In tho most fa'hlonablo styles,
at reasonablo prices and on short notlco.
Ladles', Gent's and. Children's
Boots, Shoes, Gaite(rs
and Rubbers,
comprising a splendid stock of all kinds,
manufactured especially for the tiado
of this locality.
Mats 2$z Cshds?
of the litest and most fashlonablo make,
always oil baud, at low ligures.
C5T Agents for tho Acmo Shirt the
best fitting garment ever mado. Leavo
your Measuro for them.
Merchant Tailors,
V O. Building, U-hlghtan, Pi.
UQivcry Amateur I'rlntcr.
Kvcry Amateur I'rlntcr.
Every Amateur Printer.
13 very Amateur Printer.'
Should ilavo
w Own Fireside
Instructions In Printing nnd tho nnswer
to queries which will remove diffi
culties In your way tocflleiency,
appear In each number.
Cor its Good Stories,
For 11n Fashion Plates,
For lis Miscellany,
For its Blousclioiil News
1 And for Its
Purchasing Department,
Through which every desirable urticlo
In New York Is furnished at tho
lowest rates without extra charge
Our Own Fireside is n Homo Journal
in Its fourth year. 8 largo 'pages with
Illustrations. Pilce, $1.00 a year.
Every subscriber makes selection of a
valuable premium from tho many offer-
At tho 2eglnnlng of
A Mow toFyo
If you cannot afford to subscribe, an
arrangement will bo mado by which
you can recelvo tho paper for 0110 year
without money.
bend a cents for samplo copy.
A CEminplon Printing Press
A tilamptoii Printing Press
A Champion Printing Press
A. Champion Printing Press
Is Cilvcn Away
Is JJivesi Away
Is Given Away
Is (SSvcti Away
For a club 'of 15 subscribers to Our Own
Fireside. , Eveiy Business Man and
Boy should have one. Send Sc.'stauip.
Our Own Firosjdp Publishing Co.,
170 William St., N. Y.
2 and 12 Horse Power
Address, M. B. GUMl' & CO.,
170 William St., N. Y.
The Champion Job Press
i .i
Printers, Easiness Hen and Boys.
Tho best press mado. Also,
Send 5c. for J'amphlet. Address,
M. L. GUMl' & CO.,
170 William St., N. Y,
oct 31-mQ
A Good Livelihood
Can bo mado by selling Tf.e Graphic
Steel Kngravlngs, reproduced bv tho
wonderful Graphic Process from famous
woriis or art. iuu per cent on every
sale. Send $3 for Folio, convenient to
exhibit from, containing 10 of our finest
Engravings, which Is all tho capital and
stock iu Undo necessary to commence
business with, .address,
11 Park Place,- Now York
Itererence, l dltor of this iubllcation.
Oct. 24-mi
qajiucl gkavi:k,
Opposlto tho Public Squaie,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Beater In all kinds of
t3J Hoofing, Spouting and Jobblntt
promptly attended to. nov, 30
jpoit SALE,
Combination Lock, at Half Price.
Inquire of
Lehighton, Oct. 24, 1874.
Contractor & Builder,
LLIliailTON, l'N.YA.
IMtuiH nml SiicclflcutlouH
For all kinds of Buildings mado at tho
shortest notice.
Mado for Plans nnd Specifications when
tho contract is nwarded to tlio under
signed. A. W. EACIIES,
Juno 14, 1873-yl
Save 20 Per Cent.
By getting jour
Bone at tho Offlco of tho
Bet. the V. O. and I. V. n. It. Depot,
f.clilgliloti, Cliliota Co., Ia
Wo havo Just received a largo and ele-
fgant assortment of ,
Of th3 latest styles : together with a
1 n supeilor stock of
.And a variety of other
A nd can now cive our patrons first-
class work at pi Ices tit least
20 Per. Cent Lower
Thau any other Office In tjils section.
Give Us a Trial, nnd be Convinced.
tSCTlio patronago of tip public Is
respectfully solicited
A 21-column Local Paper, and tho only
Entirely Printed In the Coun'y,
Is published every Saturday morning a
Si a Year in Advance,
Or $1.50 If not paid In advance. The
Advocate, with Its larre and In
creasing circulation, Is o'no
" . . . 1
of tho very
Beit MeJIume for AdvertUlnE,
In this Section,
Rates furnished on
Lehighton, Carbon County, Pa,
y"c,ssi,ort auu :
Tho undersigned would respectiully
Inform hulldcrs,contractors nnd tho pub
lic In general, that they have opened a
in connection )jlth their
Near tho L. S. Bcpot,
nnd that they liavo now on hand an Im
mense stock of Mioroughly Beasoneu
Lumber, sucli as
Bough Pino Hoards,
burfaced t'Jno boards,
inooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, of all kinds,
Shingles, an immense stock,
Boofing and Ceiling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at th'i very lowbst market prices.
Wo aro also prepared to furnish Build
ers nud others with a very lino article of
S it 11 11 , stutauio lor masonry
WorEs., IMUNtci-ing, &c, tit Be-
markably Low Figures.
Wo havo constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood suitablo for Flrowood,
which wo will sell, in large or small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Ycakcl & Albright,
Carbon county, Va.
Uug23 - yl
U . Opposite L. & S. Bcpot,
On the East Weissport Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs tho citizens of tills
vicinity mat lie Keeps constantly on
hand, nud is selling at tho very lowest
Market Prices, tho very best brands of
For .Building and other purposes, which
ho guarantees to bo
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to SeH at tho
Wholesalo and Retail at thojvery Low
est uatti rricos.
Behas also a number of very eligibly
Iu RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp.,
which he will sell on very fcasy Terms.
aug. U, '73-ylJ J. it. mcitlSUT,
ALL kinds of Patent
Lentz's Brug Store.
Medicines at
T7"H--Aflfi KEMERER,
Corner of
Bank & South Sts., Lehighton, Pa,,
Keeps a full lino of
Comprising Ladles' Bress Goods, Black
mill Colored .alpacas, uingiiams,
Prints, ShirtlngsSheotlngs.&c.
of every grado and price.
In great vario y.
Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Fruits,
Bams, Shoulders, SIdo-Mcat, &:.
Bouglit, Sold or Exchauged.
Foif Building and other purposes in
All coods warranted as represented
aud prices fully as low as cisuwuere.
April 0, lbJBjyi
a TOBACCO and Cigars, a specialty
. at tho Brue Moro of C. W. Lent:,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
TTinn '.liiolia PntiU. Cratnns. Asthma.
JJ Inlluenza, Hoarseness, ;;ronchllU,
and incipient can i.eiiv a uiug aiuic,
"1IIOICE Liquors, for Mndlcal pur-
L J noses nt C. W. Lentz's Brug Storo
Bank Street.
a iimliilMirsitor'N notice.
J. Whereas letters of administration
upon, tho os-tato of Joseph Mont, late.
Ul jiiinumui; i.u.ii.ii' v...
Ph.. have been cranted to me suoicn
bcr, all persons having claims against.
said estate will pieaso present wicm.uim
those IndebtW to tho said estate will,
mako Immediate payment.
WM. .11. MU.YK, euiginon
an.O, 1875
"XrOTIIEllS, Look nt that O'lilld, 11
XSX. has Torms. uo or semi at onco
to DlIItLING'S Bruu Store, and net a
I bottle of hH WORM SYRUP, so pleas
ant and yet so "lie. wayu
Dr. J. Walker's California
Vinegar Bitters aro n purely ycg;
otablopropavatlon, mado chiefly from
tlio natlvo licrb3 fountl on tho lower,
ranges of tho Sierra Nevada niomir
tains of California, tho medicinal
properties of which aro extracted
therefrom wlthoufthouso of Alcohol'.
Tho question is almost daily asked.
" What Is tho caus,o of tho unpar
alleled success of Vinegab Bit
teusJ" Our nnswer is, that thoy
rcmovo tho cauo of disease, and
tho patient recovers his health. They
aro tho great blood purifier and a
iifo-giving principle, a perfect Reno
vator and Iiiyigorator of tlio1 system.
Never before lii tho history of tho world
has a lncdi'-ino' been compounded posl
sessing tho lcmarkablo qualities of V:s
i:oar BtTTKns iu healing tho sick of
every disease-' man is heir to, They'aroJ
a gcntlo Purgativo as well as a Tonio,
relieving Congestion or Inflammation of
the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious,
The properties of Dr.. Walk
er's VjjjKo.ut Hirrmtsaro Aporient, Dia
phorotie, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa
tivo, Binrotic, Sedatlvo, CoUDter-Irritan.
Sudorilie, Alterative, a:id Auti-Bilions.
Grateful Thousamls proclaim
Vinegau Bitteus tho most wondor
ful Invigorant that ever sustained
tho sinking systom.
No Person can tafco these Bit
tors acoordiug to directions, and re
main long unwell, provided 'their
bones aro not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, and vital or
gans wasted hovoud repair. " '
Bilious, llcmittcut, and In
Icrinitteirt Fevers, which aro set
nrcvalcntjn tho valloys of our great
fivers throughout tho Unitftd, Statc3,
especially thoso of tho Mississippi;
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tenncssco,
Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colo
rado, Brazos, Itlo Granjdo, Tearl,
Alabama, Mobile, Savaunah, Ro
anoko, James, and many others,
with their vast tributaries, through-
out our entiro country during thej
Summer and Autumn, and romarka
bly so during seasons of unusual
Heat and dryness, aro invariably ac
companied by cste.nsivo dcrang'o
incnts of tho stomach and liver, nnd
other abdominal viscera. In their;
treatment, a purgativo, exerting 'ft
powerful influenco upon theso varU
ous organs, 5s essentially necessary. '
Thcro is no cathartic for tlio purpose
equal to Dr.. J. Walkeu's Vikegais
BirrERS, as they will speedily removoj
tho dark-colored viscid matter with which
tlio bowels aro loaded, at tho samo tiraq
stimulating tho secretions of tho liv'or,
ond generally restoring tho hoalthy func
tions of tho digostivo organs.
Fortify the body against dls-,
ease by purifying all Its fluids with
Vi.nuoau Biti'KRS. No cpidemio can"
tako hold of a system thus foro-armcd.
Dyspepsia or. indigestion, Head-
ncho. Taiu iu tho Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Bizziness, Sour;
Uructalions ot tno stomacu, uau rasie,
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita-,
tion of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho.
Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kidneys,
and a hundred othcr.painful symptoms,
nro tho ollspnngs 01 .Dyspepsia, uno uot
tlo will provo a bctler gntirantco of its
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scroiula, or King's Jivu, wmto
Swellings, Ulcers, ErysipiSlas, Swcllod
Indolent Inflammations. Mercurial affec
tions, Old Sores, Eruptibhs of tho Skin,
Soro Eyes, etc. In thoso, as in all other
constitutional Biseascs, Walker's Vt
liaiiiBlTTER's havo f hown their great cur
ativo powers in tho most obstinato anal
iutractablo cases.
For Inllaniinatory and Uhronic
Bhcuinntism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent nnd Intermittent Fovers, Biseascs
of tho Blood, LiTcr, Kidnoys and madder;
these BIttors havo no equal. Such BLs
ca3es aro caused by vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persona
engaged in Faints and Minerals, such ,b
numbers, Typo-jicucrs, iuiu-uuuwrauu
Miner, as thev odvanc6 in life, aro sub
ject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard
agaiUSt lUl1, lUlvu u uuau vi auauu dj
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,
Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Bunches, Spots, Pim
ples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuucfcs, Ring
worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipe
las, Itch, Scurfr, Discolorations of tho.
Skin, Humors aud Diseases ot tuo &umor
whatever namo or nature, aro literally
dug up and carried out of tho system in a
short tlmo by tho uso of thoso Bitters.
Tin, Tnpo, and other Worms,
(urkiug in tho system of so many thou-!
sands, aro effectually dostroyed and re
moved. No fcystem of medicine, no ver
mifuges, no aotheltnttiitics will frco the
svBtein from worms liko theso Bitters.
ForFeinaleConiplnints, inyoung
or old, married or single, at tho dawn, of
womanhood, ortho turn of life, these Ton
ic Bitters display so decided an inflnonco
that improvement is soon perceptible.
Cleans tho Yitlatcd Blood
whenever you find Its impurities bursting
through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions,
or Sores; cleanso it when you find it'ob
rtructeil, avi sluggish in tho veins; clcatiso
it when it is foul; your feolings will toll,
you when. Keep tlio blood pure, and tho,
health or tho systom will follow.
It, II. jflrllONAI.D CO.,
PrugBUtl & Gen. ApM, Ban KnBclco Wlfor.
alii, i coS of WttuhliiRtim unj Clmrlion M,N,1t
" Milil l,r nil DrilBtfUH mill UnllH.
tlROSYl A Hottlo of BUBLING'8
ROSE GLYCERINE for Roughness of
tho Skin, I happed Hands, &c, bnly 25
wnts a bottle. may