The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 27, 1875, Image 2

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l.milfltlTON, I'A.i
Not oiio Gulllcicnl reason, says the
New Yorl: Sun, Is to bo found In the
repot t of the Secretary of Iho Treasury
nr in tliu statement of Hi c ehr.innan of
thu ways and means commlttco,lo Justi
fy tho inonstcroua demand for forty
jnillions of now taxes, which Is now
made almost on tho cvo of tho adjourn
ment of Congress. At a lime when
overy interest h suffering, mid industry
li prostrate boyoud miy former experi
ence, It is d'jliberalely proposed to lay a
tax which Is eijual to one duller per
head for every man, woman and child
jn the United States white and black
without tho least show (if necessity. It
is alleged as an excuso fur this nicasurci
that the sinking fund is in urrcaru, and
the public credit will suffer If that de
ficit Is not inado good. This U what
Mr. Dawes has told thu Jluut-u and thu
country. Mr. E. II. Kobeits, after 10
vislug all the estimates from customs,
internal luvonue, ami miscellaneous
nources, and bringing the treasury ro
turns down to the last week sums up
In these words: "The figurej I liavo
submitted show an apparent balanco in
the Treasury of about $7,000,000 on tho
1st o July next." It Is thus demon
strated that thoru is no such necessity,
as portended In regard to thu sinking
fund, while tho revenue will exceed tho
cxpendituns by several millions on tho
1st of July next. "Thu forty millions,"
says the Now York Sun, "are wanted
for other objects than those wbicii aro
ostensibly put forward to conceal tho
real design. Tho President needs a full
Treasury nnd a largo rovenuo of ready
money to carry out tho partisan plans
which havo been concocted for the com-
ing year, and which form a part of tliu
atrocious programtno disclosed for Lou
isiana, Arkansas, and other States.
Every dollar derived from thoeo taxes,
if passed, will bo used to coerco tho
South into tho support of a third term,
nnd to control tho Convention in tho
President's personal interest. The
wliolo proposition is shameful in every
aspect, and as urged in Congress is a
deliberato fraud on the country. JVo
inan can voto for lids extortion and
hope to retain confidenco at homo. It
is a bill to oppress and plunder thu
poor, and to provide millions for tho
Presidential campaign by outrageous
JPlymouih EUssea.
Tho tostimouy In tho great Brooklyn
trial roveals a singular proucness to
giving and receiving personal eudcar
monts among certain prominent actors
in tho scandal. Mr. Tllton swears
that Mr. llcccher kissed him, and that
ho endured it, even after ho know that
Mr. llcccher committed adultery with
his wife. Mrs. Moultou says that sho
kissed Mr. Hcechcr directly upon ids
confession of guilt and threat of sclf
murder. Mr. lleechcr is represented on
several occasions as laying his hand
caressingly upon Mr. Moulton's shouN
derj and from a question put to Mrs.
Moulton by Mr. lleechcr's counsel, It
would seem that an attempt will bo
mauo to suow that not only Mrs. Moul
ton, but also Mr. Moultou and Mr.
Tllton, wero In tho habit of kissing
Victoria Woodhull. On reading of theso
things tho profane reader Is reminded
of tho popular tpiatraiu:
' I saw Ksau klaslng JCatb,
In IHct, m u all tlirvc aim ;
I enw Ksau, lio saw k.vti.
And sho saw Isaw i:st."
Tills sort of universal osculation and
fondling would scorn to bo n usual nnd
cuttomnry observance in tbo ritual of
Plymouth congregation, though it does
not yet nppv'ar that anjbody lias kisecd
HenryfC. Bowon or Jlrothor Sbearruan,
Apart from tho alleged kissing of Mrs.
Tllton by Mr. lleecher, which Is In dis
puto In tho appears by an nbun
dauco of uiiQULtioncd testimony that
the great pastor is wont frequently to
relieve his gushing feelings by those ox
presslvo demonstrations; and Ids exam
plo, nt least In tills respect, would nat
urally bo Imitated by tho generality of
his devoted flock.
Pcihaps hero is tho secret of tho itf
tonishiug popularity of Plymouth church
Tho kissing all mound, Inculcated by
tho pastor in practice as well as In pro
ccpt.must bo highly gratifying to many
of thomembers.especlally tho old maids;
Wliilo tho younger peopio may learn to
givo up tho slulul diversion of tho round
dauces for tbo superior bliss of pious
kissing. Tho pews in the church liavo
always sold at high prices, but very
likely tho universal publicity which
these peculiar facts liavo now attained,
may lender the competition at tho next
annual vendue moro productive than
ever. N. Y. Sun.
Tho monster job of tbo session, the
Southern Pacific Itnllroad bill, was
overwhelmingly defeated In the HouSo
Monday. An Immense lobby has been
at work for tlio project ever bluco Con
gress met, but tho bchcmo was burled
au deep Monday that it will not ba beard
of again' in this Congress.. To Ml.
Houghton, of California, belongs the
distinction of fathering it in tho House.
A two-lblrds majority was required to
suspend tlie rules and bet tho time fur
tliu consideration of thu bill, but the
measure was m uupopuUr and there
was bo unpleasant an txlur abuut it that
me motu i du not v .uui even a niu
Juiity vl'.l. A la. ju inii.ib r lowur,
vcti.t ( i l . i l ji c.i aoc . i-t oi. lo al
and cctuuj.-I i.i' v
Chicago had a WOO.OOO fire .'Jondsy.
A bill lias been Introduced In the
State Senate regulating the ssle of
patent medicines.
In tho Senate Monday, a long Mrida
in favor of restoring the flanking privi
lege, was made.
Several eoal cars and a pMsengor
tratu ran into uarli other at t lie Erie
Railroad tunnel, at BerRon, N. J , on
Saturday afternoon. 1'attiuk Savage,
brakumau of the coal train, was killed.
A despatch from Boston says tho
Lehigh uud Eastern ItaUrpttd Company
of l'enusyivaula lias petitioned the
Massachusetts Lentslaluie to goaran
antce live millions of its first mortgage
bonds, on condition that it shall carry
till eoal destined for Massachusetts ut a
rato of not more than Vi cents per
A letter has been received in Sioux
City from the party who left that place
In Octolie.i fur the gold mines at the
Mack Hills. Tfro party, thirty in num
ber, had not btcu mobMted by thu In
titans, wero comfortably quartered noar
tho contro uf the bills, and were pros
pecting With success.
Two peddlers were shot near Moores
lllo, in Licking county, Ohio, on the
night of tho 14th Inst., by ilr. -Hour
Uiid a ptddler who was stopping at his
houso. Ouo of tho lobhuia was killed
on tho spot; tho other, who was wouu
deJ, died next day. lie was Mohr's
Wo desiro to call tho atte ntion of our
readers to tho fact that tho ilnauclal
agents of the. Industrial Exhibition
Company of Now York liavo just issu
ed a Prizo Ptizlo, offering tc tho per
son giving tho most rorrect answer o
Prizo of Fire of their Premium Ilonds,
valued at $100.00 ; to tho person giving
tho second-best answer, Three fontls
(SUO.OO woith); nnd to the third-best
reply, Two Bonds (10.00 worth).
In consideration that those Honda aro
issued on n plan according to which thu
principal can nover bo lost, while tha
holder of a einglo llond has a ehaueo to
receive, ono of tliu many Capital Pre
miums amounting lo $100.000, 135.000,
S10.000, &u., &c. it, is certainly advis
able to 6find your address to Jbrgeu
thati, Bruno it Co., No. 2J Park P.ow,
who will send ouo of the Pilzo Puzzles,
freo of any cxpunso. Golden Ago
Edward Spaugler died at the roidenco
of Dr. Samuel A. Audd, near llrynn
town, In Charles county, Mil., on Sun -
An,r Int. tJ .
wuille rod kttO'lZmiuAt:vbmwn undcrgowlulho pr.
S SMZS: ! 'D"n of lduty hi duTeraut stage,.
tried by milltaiy Commission for tbo as
sassination conspiracy, which rei.hllod
In lho murder of President Lincoln In
April, 1805. IkKith, tho leader of (be
conspiracy, va kill 1 In an attempt to
capture him; llcrold, Atzerott, Payjio i
auu jurs. hurratt wore hanged in tro
jard of tho old penitentiary building on
tho 7tli of July, 1S05; J)r. Mudd, Ar
nold and O'Laughlin were sentenced to
tho Ilry Tortugasfor life, and Spaugler
to blx years' inipiisoument cud labor at
tlio same place. O'Laughlln dll at
Dry Tortkigiwi timing a yeilow fever
epldomlc, aud about tho eloso of Presi
dent Johnson's administration Mudd,
Spangler aud lrnold wwo rdoned,
thu petition lor tho clemency uf the
President being signed by tlio officers
aud men blaiionodat tho Dry Tortugas,
a uumbor of whom wero aitendtd by
Dr. Jfudd and nurcd by the oilier pris
oners mentioned through the tover. Dr.
Mudd, on returning to Maryland, took
up his icsidenco on ills tarm, where hoi
has continued to reside, riaiu Arnold
returned to Uallimore, as did bpangltr.
Tho latter, about two jcai sago, went
to livo with Dr. Mudd, between whom
nnd Spaugler groat friendship existed.
Spaugler was a native of Pennsylvania,
but lcartod bis trade of carpenter in
Paltimore, where ho worked for many
years under Xr. J. Gilford, a master
builder. Air. Gilford, on taking lho po
sition of stago carpenter at Pord's thea
tre, employed. Spaugler as an assistant,
bpauglur was rather a stout built man,
and was about 5o years old when he
died. It was alleged that lie took charge
of the lioiso of ltooth on the night ot
tho assassination, but turned tho animal
over lo "Peanut John" to hold, and al
so that ho had arranged with Booth to
have a way keptopcu in tho theatre for
hlui to escape.
Now Advertisements.
"ITOIt KKXT, Ai'ItBir. 1st,
X1 Tlio btoro-room and Fixture, on
Uanl; Street, Lehigh ton, now occujiloil
by O. V. LenU ns a Di ugbtore. Auy
alterations to suit other business, defi
ed by n i;o(k1 tenant, will be made at
6hort notice. Terms moderate. Apply
to F. LlUUK-NUUTu.
Feb 37-w3
li'rs cuuksji vkei:
Any person suffering from tho above.
disease Is requested to uddreK Dr.
Pnic'E, nnd a trial bottle ot medicine
will bo forwarded by Jixprcw
VltKE 1
Tho only cost being the Kspress
charges, which, owing to my large bus
iness, aro small.
Dr. Price has made thn treatment of
1'ITS Olt El'lLEl'ST
a Etudy for years, nnd lie will warrant
a euro by tho uso of his remedy.
Do not fall to send to him fur a trial
bottle; It costs nothing, nnd ho
no matter ot how long standing ycur
caso may be, or how many other reme
dies may havo failed.
Circulars and tetlmonlaU sent with
llo particular to give jour Kspreu,
as well ns your Pout OfUce dlreetion, and
OT William Street, Ktr Vark.
fob 27-6-it
All persons are hereby forbid med
dllng wlUi Two Uore, i eti uaroess
anu 1 iron Axis Wignu, now In poS(a-
.Ihh of Clie..ter f-.lrii el P-i-t Mil'. i h
C I. .11 '-, t!l MM I ' I
J 7 . . . ' . ' .
I'll. . u 1-
ISow Advortisoraonts.
Variety Entertainment.
Lehigh. Hook & Ladder Co.,
No. . of Lohighton, reppoet
fully nnnotmce that Ihoy will
giyo a Grand Variety Enter
tainment, in the Hall of the
New School Building, on Fri
day and Saturday Evenings,
MARCH 12 and 13, 1875,
to consist of
&c, especially selected with the view of
giving the peopio a first class Entertain
ment, suitable for all classes of society.
Among tbo principal performances to
tho German Furce, entitled
Wborelu n newly married couple do net i
appear to no nappy; tno tauy strives to
mako her husband jealous and prevail,
upon her uncle to assist her; she carriei
out her plans, but how she succeeds in
the end is shown with a Inline?!! and a
striking life like personification. ThN
will bo entirely in (jiermau, lnr the
benefit of those of uur German friend
who prefer listening to their native
language. Next in order will he the
great American Farcocutltled Tho
Persecuted Butclnnan
John Schmidt, of tlio firm of Schmidt,
Von Duudiir Kelt A Co., dealers In
boots and shoes, tread findings and uder
tings, makes hlu appearance after hav
ing been on a collecting tour through
the country ; stopping at n hotel on Ins
way home, ho meets with some laugli
ab!u adventures, but although he !
persecuted on all Bides during his stay
at the hotel he, with the uen'lstcncit
I peculiar to bis race, never says die, aud
' ihi'.ttk'u ntil, richt. f.hln mi. tint, in a
v(,ry delapidated condition consequent
upou ,is jouuli handling. It is rich,
Como allli it
Scenes in aPireman'sLife
Shows the dangers and li.inMdrs tho
Tho whole will bo present -od
vith now and elegant
Scenery, procured from New
York for tho occasion, and
tlio Managers lieg leavo to
fitato that tlioy have loft no
thing undone to ponder tliis
tho beat Entertainment ever
produced in Lehigh ton.
To fit Editor of (Urfon Advocate.
KbTisisatD Fituaso :
Will you please inform yonr road
era tjiat 1 havo a positive
and all disorders of tl:o Throat and
Lungs, and that, by Its use In my prac
tice, I have cured hundreds of casus,
and will glvo
for a caso it will riot benefit. Indeed,
so Btrong is my fuith, I will send a
Sample, tree, to nuy sufferer nddres-
ing me.
l'lense show this letter to any one
you may know who is suffering from
theso diseases, nnd oblige,
Faithfully Yours,
Oil William Street, Xtw York.
Fob. 7-2lit
By virtue of an Order of the Or
phans' Court of Carbon County, tlieru
Vfi'.l tic exposed at ruhlioSftlH, on the
premises; in tbe Borough of Lohightun,
iSatnrday, March 20, 1876,
At U&lf-pRBt TWO o'oloolc T. J., the
following described
Real (itate9
deed, via. All that certain lot, pioee
or parcel ot gi oil ud, situate, lying auu
being to the borough ot Lililuhtdii,
Carbon County, la., bounded, nnd Ue
scilbcd in follovs, to wit: Ucglnuin at
a stone, thence by land of Lewis lraver
south tin ee doiiree3 und one-half west
twenty tivo iierchesnnd une-tenth tu a
stone, thence Dy land of Uooriro Ijcli
due enst twelve peiches and two-tenths
to stone; thence by land of tbe I a to
John KuuU, diceasiy, nottli twenty
nine degrees west eleven iierchi tu u
stone; tesnre by the same north lour
aud oue-utilf deyreiis cast nlnelci-u pcr
olies and ttiruo-teiiths to a corner in a
public road: liionoo by said public road
south fifty-five degree went eight per
ches to tlie place of beginning, oontalu
Ing 1 Acte nnd S3 Perches Strict Meat
ure. Tbo Improvement thereon nre a una
and. a.lialf story IJWKMAKG HOUSE,
With lissuinent; a Rood Woll of Water,
and a uumbor of Clioloe Fruit Trees.
Terms and Conditions will be mado
knou'ii at tbe time and place of sale, by
Lehigiitou.Veb. ST, '75. Administrator.
forCitcultr. DANIELT.
'Setid stamp
Washington, New Joney,
WHY, OH, WTIV will yo i sutTor
ilillt C' II", I o l.'olit" W'lfM!
: - 1
New Advertisements.
Cedar Hill Seminary.
A Home lSoardln Scliool for ntmlonti of loth
pesos. LKaUun nooO, aeenunodtflon!! ample,
naowof lDt;1runttt'ii exlousire h:id totuts incnler
kIo. 8nd fur a circular. 1), l)t:msar,i, l'tlu.,
Ml. .Toy, LonraeU'r Co., l'x.
Ton Stael Itpprodustinns of famous jikturf, or
iginal engrrtvlugs wortU $15.
"A WoKitn In Armor.'' t ihrlllinrt utorv of Am
oil'an homo llf; j-tl In book fonn. $l.if.
Ton Fbort i-tnrlef, a rich variety tt'mlfirefUni
oon loaJlnff, and over 73 rages of raro icturon.
All tUtaboTO Iiifludol lu t)iootrr or He bttt
All HfJMfltWO UrtMtlB on thui. Hont yott U
f jr wiy Jlfty cen:. The RreHt lllitftratoti wekly
Jimpaziae. l'rlce leducwl to l0 ir jir. Plnpl"
nimbttr fU contn. At iws fitrtntls n-ljy mill,
Uriit Induwranptg to njretjtB anil tltibo. Tnc
(wiAimoCjt'AM, ruWlnbi r.s Turk Vivo X. Y.
t!7Pt A U'KKIC to Atrt-ntntn an artirlo ;
tf Jub-al lr as four. I'mfitn immtmso. T-ipk- ;
are fm. AU3rtfl UUCUKVI2 MTU CO.. SIarlo:i, i
rnirxs iiAiiVBri ok thu voitnl !
xHetIif!fc.iIi "Wutur. It liaj rt-iorM ttiuu
nandu from tbe Ivlul of thu ffr.ue; nlvtu boftlth 1
ttiul treuxth lo tbow ilwtioi N,vntnltb rtitcb of Reinoep. tuj tnrDtid tb patb or affec
t Ion to oun if biippliitH In tbH MeNtluirs wltiiln
Uh tlrtticx. It cures Uih 4aily Uri Sit'h alfOim 1
ttinl DUlvto$;omJlcAtQimlt illw.iiiof tho klu'IejH;
i.-tt.rtwitlid urinary (irgans to htro'.ith nol -oiiii
awnril, It lit a ita.ural mttrtT nf h.ulth,
.lu J hah jwrlbrmf J the iuist wonderful aii'l uilra
u.'-'iis of mi? Uiiowu t.pclt.c mi the globo.
Aaarn.s, fur circulars, At ..
CAl-r. KUUiiNK It. UK.NDUT, WauUslu, "VVU
QO( iA "ifntli to flouts oviryvphire. AdJrpsi
v-v j.ACfii.sion anra cmiUcUaniu,iit(;b.
rTAQlCf tim tliyN. Y. Snlurilay
q)tJ lMX3..Journal(tbu ilrAt Uiwr
rv WeekW of Amejlc for oua ytwr fur tho Ejju
larCutesripttoarrici t3( Jet" jwi.
r ,Nhuip entered lmpirtl illy us rocelvej, nnd
A li.7l7 DeUifS Cl!h UMil t " to every flfUi
Ruborrlbtr. Club nff.ieUt filuni) may retain
?iC$rI Ihls Uour "iLroLuo1 a O.V"h r.'iiUuiu
.f ji tu eicry filth cuWrlbor' Ibo firm na naU
a Kuftioiciit gUHnintfo f filrnww and fuliilhimnt.
uiuiiuy or.ln or rulrtli-r-vl letter toliKAULK
A A1MJM. rubiiKirs Willi tm btn-ut, N. V.
jrUT-rilltlrtfO. L'. S. PtBmm.-rlnjr fiuti
UJlutts(Dr.VhUti.)-ll,; t'tiut til Ami N. Y. Itoht
oi'ivferouceit. No iy uiitU iurfwtly curt-d. Oa1
ur itfiul for rirulnr.
A HVKJlTlSIAtS: CIrujU UooJ: Av.v
XiiMtic; All ptrsUi wl:u funtomiilto hiiMii"
e inlraiK vUh upaiK'rB for tliPltiniK ii (.i al--rtleinAiiUt.
f-ioultl mintt vli cmia tn(it o. I'
li.uwU Co., 1 I'arkKow Kw orli, lm tlwlr
I'AMlUIIiHT.ltoOK (vitiU' nvtnih fdiUou), ron
tatuliiji hIh cf ovor 'JM) iitwsiMMMHiMttmtlumli?s
fbowlastbh i.r. Aderlitmt'iib tuken for Uid
I j.i iwtptirs In nuny fUtt.f ut n truuidiidnuit rt JQi.
I ion ir 'til I'tii'iit imrt. niic. tici' me iumk.
rp A J Th-j clmL'wt In tlio world. Impor-
crlJA elap!o m tirlj jiIoimh tifyry lxly Tnido
coutltvj lty !o(re.'utiu Agt-Dte wrintt'tt mi r
wiiero Uht lulueementjt do.i't rusto time
ikiuJ fir Circular to Robert VoHii,4i Vorwy strco,
Tt-rlnn fr,w
VJJ f v,Jv MlroM II
tocjs anviM .v Co.
rertl&nd, Mulue.
A 1VK11K uarantei1 tn Stio and IV.
ina Aeutu, tn their Awilti. INU
OTIIIU t. trj It. lUrlbnkrj Tree.
V. O. YJOKI.KY A On., Auxufta,
Nolr..lluroljy utron tLat tho l'Noci;n.rij, Ad
udLiflttAtort. nnd uuuriuins liurolt,.i ftir niiu.i,
liargfiloil lhlr nwpjitUo nonmuU of tho W.'o.
ln ratutou In thw acUti,iH (Itltt-e, ninu-h t'lmnk,
in nnd for tin, r.tunty of CjirUin, uhhljut'count
llaro huon n'tjtud by the Uitstur, m lu nrexio
.! lo ihu Judgi'Hol tliHUrph.inx'Oourt ou Uundi)
Ihnd iliy or Manh luxt, ut tou o'f.'k, A.
3ki , tor OHil.rm-ltloa.
flint and fiinl account of Wiu. Mil
ler, administrator of Henry V. Miller,
First and nccount of A. A. Dug
las, teatnmantry executor, of atlinii
Fegly, doe'd.
First and final account of Joslali
Drown, ndinlnlElralor of Tliomas W,
l'attcrsou, dee'd.
A. WI rrtSGlt VI, IWitrt.r.
!legl.ter'n(!tw, !aurh Cimnli, I Vl. Itu, 1X7 .
Tills splendid l'lano Forte combine'
every iniprovement In tonu with power
and groat durability, nnd liavo received
tbo unqualified ondoiHiinunta of tlio
hlgliont Musical nuthoritieb for iU Mar
vellous oxtrnordltiary rlelmew ot Tone,
WOULD. iArgo size, 7 : Uctaveti,
overitrung lloaa.full lion FramcKreuoli
Grand action, Fret Doblr.Cftrved 1'cdal,
Solid ltosewood Mouldings, Ivory Key
Front, Chapped Hammers a Cratlo
Treble, &c., &c. AVulght when boxed
over Ouo Thenand i'uumlrt. Liberal
iliboount to tlio trade. Agents Wanted
(male or female.)
Sfcrieud stamp for Circular, .dd.
tlrw tho inventor nudl'ropiietor.DAN.
F. UKATTV, Wauhlngten, Now Jer-
hank i'i:kkt, luiicutux, fA.
Reniiectfully announces to tlie citlzeiw
of Lehlhton aud vicinity that ho is
now prepared to contract for thu erec
tion of dwellings, churches, school
houses, and other ImlUlliur.-i. Also, that
he keeps constantly on hand n full as
sortment of overy doscrlption of
consisting of flooring, siding, doors,
snli, blinds, shuttom, moldinge, Ac,
which hu is prepared to furnish at thu
very lowest maiket rates'.
l'atronage respectfully solicited.
W. It. HEX.
Leulghton, May 17, 137d. ly
tained the same popularity. IVSend
stamp for Cireutar. D, If. BEATTV,
Wabhlngton, New Jersey.
jU)K i)uin, JJiu.-hn.). I'trtumery,
.1. tpljea, c,, Cd.l '.t jfllt;-s IJlilg
v9jio!i mm
ml s usii if i i
IPiasios- -Organs
IMcasc Kxamlijcl
Packard PARLOR & Grand
Fort Wayiio Organ Comp'y.
A, P. HORN, Agent,
All ordor3 loft r.t tho Camion Advo
catr offlco will receive prompt atten
tion. Frieo lists and all other informa
tion furnished.
Organs- -Fianos
nbrebant Tailor
And Denier in
GCSll'.H FlCS'DlNltIll(T Uooils,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of 1'laln and Fancy Cloths.
Casaiincres nud Vestings.for Mcn'3 nnd
Hoys' Wear, which I am propared to
Malco np to Order In tho most Fashion
able Styles, atshoit notice.
Tjidlot, Misses and Children's
A well pclccted stock of French and
Turkey Morocco, (Jlovo Kid, Lasting,
Kid, l'cbblo and Grain Leather Boots
and Shoes on lmud, or
M:if5e tu Order.
M$8it dS9,p
Of tho Latest Styles always oa hand, at
tho Lowest Price.
Also, Aiteiit for tho
Ainci-iutm fi Urovor & Sinker
Sowing JHsirCliiiios.
Only Ono Frieo for Everybody.
.Tannary 11, 1873-yl
Tiespectfully announces to tho cllizons
of Jvchlglitou and vicinity, that ho has
Bfew Photograph Gallery,
on F.ANKWAT, (near tho Lehigh Val
ley Itailroad Depot), Lehlghton,
and tlmt ho ii now prepared to givo our
citizens Llfo-Liko Pictures at thu most
reasonable rates.
Particular attentlou paid to taking
Children's Likenesses. A Trial Is
solicited. June 13.
Pure Concentrated Potashi
Oil LYE.
Of double the strength of any oilier
1 have recently perfected a now meth
od of packing my Potash, or Lye, nnd
am now packing it only in Hulls, the
coating of whlcb will saponify, nnd
does not Injure tlio Soap. It is packed
containing 'SI nud 18 lb. ono lb. JbilU,
and in no other way. Dlicctlons In
English and German for making hard
and soft soap witli this Potash accom
panying oach package.
04 to OS Wachlustou St., Y S.
Jan. 10, 1875-4iuos.
otlcu !h hereby given
to tho Stockholders of Tho Lehigh Val
ley Emery Wheel Ua. that a meeting
will bo held at the Company's Olllce, in
Weiasnort, P.v, on Saturday, April 17,
1875, Lctwcen the hours of three and
five o'clock p. in. for tho purpose of In
creasing the Capital Stock uf said Com
pauy. By ordor of tlio Board ot Directors.
W. M. ltAPdllEit,
Feb. 13, 137r,-t. d.
Would rofpcctf ul
ly nnnowuco totftU4f
his friends and
tlio public in general, that ho has open
ed a Crot-clasa
Livery & Sal Stable,
and that hu can furnlsti Horses, Buggies
ami Carriages of lho best dosctlptlnn,
for pleasure, Business or Funeral pur
poses, nt very Bttasonablo Cliargtw,
nnd on short notice. HAULING done
at short notico and nt low prices.
Corner of Bank and Iron Street,
Leiilghtou, Pa.
Jan. 0,1373.
I 20,000 MALMS
In thoVnltsd EUtiSfcll
Briggs & Bro's Seeds
and Iho unlternal TerJlct j tin, they
l3-TLo Qiurtwl Illmtratd Floral Work wet
ono yur ttr 33 oouti, l'rlco lUti and Ctrulr
Met f ne oil ftppIUtttlon to
l'.ochwtor, N. v . or Uliltif o, 11
MENT KNOWN. JiTScnd stamp for
Lucular. Addre-a D. F. BEATTV,
Wiuiiugton, N. J.
Bread Bakers,
Bank Street, Loliiglitoii, Pa.,
Near tho Exchango Hotel.
Wo aro nlso propared to supply our
friends and tho citizens in general witli
Bread and Oakes,
of Superior Quality, Fresh ovory'Day,
Wo mako a Specialty of
Wedding and Fancy Oakos.
Wo havo always on hand a Oncefock of
Fare Candies and Confections,
which wo sell nt tho very lowest prices
Oystors in overy stylo.
cgulnr makret prices.
BANK Street, Lchighton, Pa,
Dec 13-yl
1st Morrgago Premium Bond
pv Tim
N.Y. Industrial Exhibition Co,
ThoFe tonJ arolMUcd for tho purjvope of ral$
Jti funds f"r tlio troctlon of a IjulMIog la tbo
Cty of New York) to lo used for a
X'crpoiuitl "World's Fnlrf
fi porra.nient liome,where ovtryminufacturer ran
exhibit au 1 soil hit good, aod every pnttmtoo ran
fvf hi tnvontionja contrunf Industry which
willirovefl vast Umt'flt to tho whole country
For this purpOKt. tha LugUltture of tlio BtnUjpf ;
New YolU liftB grant el 11 charter to a number Of
our m 'Jit wealthy and rosptiotable ioerchautf, and
thtsw tt nttomcn h.ivo purchased nolePithanelht
MockH of tho nioht THlunhla land In tbo City cf
Ner York. Tho building to 1h erected will la
seTuu Htorlea igh (150 feet lu height); surinoun
ted by a ranpiifieunt dome, and will cover a paca
ofCiflcrui. It wUUo constructed of Iron, Urlctq
aud QUt, arrl mado tir -proof. Thobon.K,whlch
aro U for $2') each, are wcured by a first mort
(?.ne on tht) J.ind aud building and for tbo pup
pose i.f mailing them popular, the directors hava
doclded to liavo ouirUrly drawings of i l&0,(i0q
Knch; this money bolug tho luterost ou tho amount
of the wholj lnn.
Etcry landholder must receive at least $21.00,
tut ho may recelvo
Or SP.fpl-d. or $10,000. or $5,000 or (3,000, lo.
Fourth Sorics Drawing,
APIUL D, 1875.
Ca)ital Promium, $100,000,
TJippo lVawIogs tako place overy Throo Month
and nveptually every bond will participate lu,
AdiresK, for!uand full Information,
Financial Agents,
3 1'arU lloir, New York,
I'Oktumco Ormver 0.
Itmlt by Drnft (.n N. Y. City IlanVi, Roglstored
Letter or 1. U. Monpj Ordor.
Applicatlonsjfor Agencies received.
I'ostpoucineuts impossible under this,
pluu. Dec. If, 4m.
Tlie underslgnod respectfully Informs
tliu citizens of Carbon ami adjoining
counties, that ho is now prepared ta
supply tliem with
Dressed or Live Hogs
at all times, at prices fully as low as
they can be bought for clsowhcro. Also,
.Smoked Hains, Bologno and Saussage,
nt Wftnlwnlu and Retail.
1ST OnlciB will bo promptly filled,
and IIok shipped to n,uy polut at tho
shortest notico.
Bank Street, Lohlgliton, L'a.
bept. 19, 187-1-yl
THOUSAND POUNDS. Llboral terms
to dealers.
C39"Sond stamp torClrcuInr. Address
DANIEL F. BEATTV, Washington,
N. J.
QosHioolsnud SIiiKh
Cieanod and repaired by tlio under
signed on 6hort notico and at low rates.
JanJIO, 1875. Lehlghton, Pa,
OALL ut Lent.'s Drug-Stofo and gefe
,u bottle of cioup syrup. No euro,
no pay,
ITOU Toilet Extracts, Essences, Fan
" cy rioaps, onibs, I'uffs and 1'uft
110X8'. call at Lentz's Drug 5tore.
CIAUSTIO Koila, 14cts per "pound ut,
J Lentz's Drug Store.
co l-rj c-t- CD
r c ti, w . a
' a g w w
- 6 f3