The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 16, 1875, Image 2

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    . i:ditu:.
I.KIIigilTON. I'.:
Tlie Secretary of Jlio Ticnuiry ostl
mntm tin- ili'Iloli'linlftf 111 tilt! apprnpil.i
tloiw IV (ical yew -ending JunoO)
next nt S83;.U5I
On Tuesday next Hi.o Democratic
memVrs ot .our Statu Li-glslatiire are
to cbo ifu a U. S. Senium'. It loom ns
ns If Wallace, nf OleiirfleM. would be
the.suyb.slfit mall.
The public debt Mati-iiivtit for the
unuth of December shows that Ihe debt
of the UtiltMil States dii the '.list of
ceniber was:. 2BO,y3S,(i3a.tt5 in
treasury. StaS.M!), 31.1(1 debt less
cali 111 treasury, 52,U2,!iM.aOJ 05, bi-
Iiijj nn liu rca-e l f;i,0.VJ,0UJ.'!8 dining
jtlio moiitli of December.
A dcpntj constable- appointed to lool;
Into tin1 condition of tlio factory chil
drcn of Massachusetts has undo a ie
v.irt to Ihe G ivotuor. lie says 1'h-i u
!ire 00,000 child, en in that Statu glow
1 ii up In lunoiance, In I'nUM'i ii'iicu of
their employment at too e-n.y a'1 aU1!
and loo exclusively In Ihe Inutoxlos.
The firm of Ueo. 1 Howell it Co., of
Now Yoik. has long been a reliable ml
veitlslng house, and; y.'cll known lonll
neivspi'per publlsheis fur tho hum'.-
fair and satistactiry manner In '.vhieh
they do business-. Mr Howell has late
Jy nsstciatcd himself with Mr. C'he.s
itinn, and tln'.v have opened an nilver
tlsin house in St. Louis, nml the. new
firm b.iulu'd by Mr. Kowi IPs capital and
charneter and under the cxpciiencril
management of .Mr. Ohcsman, cannot
lall ol success
The Knd. ration C.ominlsbimiers of
New Voik cily have asked the X. Yolk
li.'glslat. re to IncreaMi the he.iib money
tax on anivlng eiplgrai.ts, wl.lch is
laid by the vcsm-I bringing them, from
tile pre.-cnt rate or f 1 .'0 to $2 o0. Tins
ri ipust causes much iliseiission In New
Voile, it being considered lather Inj'i-dleUiu-
when Imiulgiatlnii has fallenolT
50 per cent, to ilo nnythlog to dl-eou;--nge
It. Tills tax Is used to delray the
cost of maintaining t'lo Iuimlgiatlou
(iiteau at C.istle (l.tuh n.
Tlie Seeicta y of i'tale is at jnvfent
conducting negotiation- will) the ll.uv t'oniinlssloner at Washingloi), for
the formation o a II. dproclty Tiea'y
betrteen the Unltel talu- and the lnleh Is'ain's. The design of the
treaty Is to iuipoi) free of duly Into
ruch country the produ or nianufao
tines of tin. other, nni to cncmil.igo
Ira I" between tlieio. The lislt ol
the King of Hawaii to tho United
Stalo has ghen thu negothjtlup an Im
petus at this lime, npd the Auieilca.i
Jllnter at Honolulu, Hi. n. ljei.iy A.
rieue, Is at ple.-ent III Wit:lllligtuii,ifi
blstiug In the negotiation.
TheAimilcan Kew.-paicr Dhvetnry
Is nn eplloim of newspaper hWoiy. li
Is iiImi legaided as nn oil chil rigl-ler of
rlieulntiuiis. 'Ihls teatuie, le.julre.s the
cIom U keiutlny to prevent it irom lead
ing toahu-es. The i Ian, adopted hy
tiic pubi.sheisof tin- Dlrrrtnrj, to su
cuie imiict ami ti list-ut.itliy lopojts,
Is ilgi.l in its ri'iiulieihints and ad-
lieiid lo with Imparllahtv. t'ueei'sslul
pnbli-heis, who have Min,e'hlng to gain
by a com arUon, are generally piomj t,
lot only to repiu'ts In coiifpriuiK
but give Messrs. tteq. P. Unwell & Co
Mi' h Infornailion as enable them to
vcnl em uiisubslat.tlnted stateiueiits or
jc. lenders In Journal..-in. The popu
lantj of the liol;, nnd the general con
fidence In Us nc'iimcy ni.d ;ood laith
are allcstcd by thu linuiense body of
ndveitlseuii nls It icceives.
The Chil-ilan at Work In dseusslng
affairs In Louhlana.says; ".Vor hh.mld
this matter he regaided at nil from
merely a sectional stnnujiolut-lt he
conies a iiatlonnl matter, and the (ines-
tlon niUes, Hnve thu States nny tight
vhlch thel'edcinl Government 1- lound
to lesj'iet? An unwniiantablu nml
slangeious depailuiu Irom the organic
law ujoii which our Kepublh an Uuiein
incut s fiuidcd-lhls liill.lniy Inter-
iut'iicdby ihe I resldcnt'j dluctlon Is nnd ullcily without the
i-hudow of light, it is not only an In
hull to the Slat", It Is a direct challenge
as will to tho tiovcrninent nnd peopli
of every Slale In tho Union; fir as was
lurciiuy tald n century ago, the light to
tax u j enny was a right lo lax a pound,
S3 ii I'lihldent ha-a light lo ills-
pre thu Leglslalulo of one Stale, why
i. ny iia iiuiciiishotlt tho (Jovcrnuient.s
of vM-ry State in tho Union? Wo me
nut unmindful of Ueiurul ('n set
vicis to ins countiy, but neliher his
erlo- nor hlsa'Jhltics aio nutters of
coii-ldciatlan when ho tiauiphs upon
popu ar right a in this instance, on the
contrary, Jlst.iijiu bed ervlee oiny
maki lalluiea nl wi n0ijiu tho inor
con-pi tniH "
ii. v. moi;tiiimi:ii,
T!io nasi Tor ISW.
Thn editor of the Uiulclnu Sentinel,
In Ills l-suo of the 8tll lust., comment.
lug upon the dllllenlty between tho
operators and miners, very seulbly re-
marks: "Cimsldel lug the present Mill
piices of coal, which Is not the fault of
the iiilners, but lhe.rer.ult of the e.iat,
omblnatlon, we emniot cunvdo the
propriety of asklim for a reduction of
wanes at the piusent time. Tho high
piices of coa1 Is the result :if tho com
bination, mid lint the fault of tho mi
ners. This combination Is mainly com
posed of the great I'.tllroad 'lor.ipor.i-
lions. If cheap coil Is nccessaiy to the
ruvtviil of liade, wliy Is not the rato of
traiipoiallnn lodm-cd? Why rcstiiet
Um production of coal? Why combine,
to advance the pilce of coil as the bca
Min advance-?. Wu f ivor tho basis of
1871 as a U)ot ciiiltiili!u arrangement.
When the price of enal ndvhUfedj the
wages of Ihe men advanced; when the
price of coal receded, the wages of the
men declined. Theru was no limit, as
wo understand it, to this sli-llng scale.
'Die operators of the l.chle.h Iteglnu
Wer-doing well under this basis, and
tho miners were happy nnd contended.
Why not conllnuu this arrangement in
definite!)? Tho business conimuuily
sulT-is in piopoillon to a reduction of
wages, and we hope, for the interests
of all concerned, that the operators and
miners ol tho Lehigh lleglon will tal;u
a common-sense view of the situation,
and aiiange for a b.i-ls slmilir to that
of 1371, and not be controlled by other considerations or influences."
I't'iinsj lutfiSa I,t gliitutcrc.
In, Ihe House of Iteprt-eutiUlves, on
Tins lay list, Mr. (ioruian, from thu
M'lecled committee on Ioulann.i ul
fairs, the following report, which
was adopted ly astiict paity vote, 102
Demiiciuts to "5 Uepublk-Aiis:
M'lieicas Under the Oou-titullon of
the United Statu- the Use of thu Federal
army In the suppiession of dome-tia
Wolence can he invoked only nl nntlll
cation urn Igiflatuie, or Kxeculivo
i ll-'ii the Legislature cannot he goir
veiled: and
Wi.eieas, Oil the firt Monday of Jan
unry, tlie d.iy piescribed by the (Joiisti
iiiii.ui ol Loui-ana lor tho iiieetiijK of Js-embly ol thai C'oiuinou
uenitli, at a llipe wliin the I(egl-I.iture
was convened ui-il In pmee-s of orennl
zatnm, a portion ol t tip Kc-deral army,
under the inillnirity of the United
stales, p iced nt tho ill-pih, of tint so,
e.illed ti.iveiior of Louisiana, Inrcldy
ejected fion, I'ln lf sents pei.-ons claim
ing to lie lawtoily eh ced uiembcrs of
Ijie Legislature; alul ', 'I'lil-nut of usurimtiim and
hmlcs- pow,er lias a'ceivVil thu sanction
and appioval of l'le-ldent Uhiul; and
Win leas, It Is the cnii-tllutional
right and piiiogiitiio of tin Legisla
ture ol a liu. slate to Judge ol tliuuuali
tiealioiis ol Its. own uiembcrs; thereluie,
he it
lto olved, Tint this llouso of l!c-pie.-entiv;.s
ot r. tiu-, Ivsi.ia, . speaking
l"i her l pie, do solemnly pH.iest a-
(.aln-l .-.i heinous au a'lu-e ol Hie power
loiiiinille.l o Hid I'le-'hleut, tint we
pioti st ag.lliht It as a ileeedelit which
sulhliluie." lio wi. I of Mm JJeecutiv,.
ain the hayojli't fur the luliet
I' lis ol tli. l.t-gi-laliiiu. In determining
Ihe ol : uieuiheis, einlan.
gel lug pei.-onal llhcrly, and iiupe:ling
a lieu (jiiven.inei.t.
JiejuHvd, That we cimimi'iid the for
bei lance exeiei-eil hy thorn whose
lights were so Uneoiist.lullon.illy ..
I.iiiil. We a uie Ihem ol the ) oipathy
lelt lor them by all who are Jealous ot
the j reset vulion ol tho pilneiples of
chil Jity-ny, upon which our .UoVifu
ii. cut Is fun, .ed.
lii'Mihid, That copies of the forego
ing be foiwaideil hy iii.i Spe.ilier.ot lh-llou-e
tp Ihe 1'iea.luc.ut uf thu Unit, d
bltili s, I he seuaton and Kepre.-ent.i
tiiea In t'oiigie.-s Irom tin- Slate, and
j to the qoveruors ot ttiu several Stites
Under the above caption, Um N. V.
Weekly Witness', of last Safuiday, ills-
cu-ses as follows: ' i
he beginning uf a year naturally
suggests plans lor the futuio, a d this
nation has a good do il to do In 1 7 1
It would enter 1870 wllh all tho cru lit
the great Hepubllu should enjoy.
1. The cuneucy slioul I not only lie
uniform but at par with specie, so that
it will be worth Its faco anywhere in
Ihe ivoilil. This could be nc'oinpllshed
at unci) by assimilating all our cuius to
thu American tradu dollar, nltendy T.u-
lhori7.eil by law.aad innklng greenbacks
nnd tinth nal bank notes piyatdelu that
standard coin. This, coupled with free
banking; upon the pilnclpal of nur pres
ent nalleiul banks, would give in really
"thu hem currency in the woild."
"J 1 hero Is no time to ho lost In
making thu necessary constitutional
changes In the mode of electing Presi
dents. These should be, llrsl, substitu
ting r, tilled vote of the people for Unit
by electoral colleges) and appointing an
Impaitlal tribunal whoso decision shall
be fiiiiil In cad of any dispute concern
lug tho vote In nny State. Tills Is all
tho inoiinieressary, eelp- that tho two
grenl" parties may ' very probably run
ttentlynpek and ne?U I'li llest Prenlden
tlal election, nnd'thli vote In nny of the
panlnl. rcconstiuctcd Southern SUtes,
wuicn are continually quarreling over
their elections, may turn thu sc.ile. If
I there Is no nbso u'u constitutional cer
taln'y ns lo who Is c'.ectid,eni
n -.' t i,t, a' i ui i i u i ti, .iiis t f
il . i. j t i ij . s .in ix't by civ 1
war', after tho fashion of Mexico and
theSonth Aiuoi lean Stales. This dread
ful possibility Is to bo avoided by nil
possible menu.
"3. All oxiiudnnthim Into past swin
dles and rasc.ill ls, wl.lcli tiru l eltlier
few nor f mall,. should bo pushed for
ward nnd coneluiTed by nppronrlu'e
punishments fur the guilty befoio 1870.
Wo c.innot continue to wishnur solbd
linen before the eyes of the win Id il ti
ling our centennial or double Jublleii
"1. Civil as well as pnllltcil rights
should bo accorded; ns a matter of jus
tice, to all American citizens. We can
not afford to pto-cilbu one Individual
on account of color or oilgln, and much
lu-s four or live millions. t
. "In view of th",o momentous ni.d
essential measures of reform, nnd otlieis
of leu note, theiu should Jhe ni.t only
diligence on tho nit of thu pre.-jcnt
t'onglrss, but an extraordinary seslon
should, In cae of ueid, assemble on
the foulth of-March next.
The trial of .Ir. lieecher, which com
in 'need In Juiooklyn on thu oth lust,
is one ol' (he lluporlant that has
ever taken place theio or nnyuheio
el-e. The tl liu) of Mr. Tilton is for a
hundred thou-and dollars damages for
Ihe alleged seduction of Ills wife by tho
defendant, nml upon the result i f tills
trial will very much depend the result
of the suits, entered ngaliist Tilton and
Mnulldii for libel.
New Advertisements.
J!l.i!uimio:j ol't'aj ltici'.slsl;)
A'oljee is hereby given, that thu co
paitneislilp In reloloro existing between
Thomas Strwip.und Nallinn
leg hu-lnes at Coa'ihtle, under the
Huh of Stump & Sliyder wa- ills-ol.eil
l.y niutuaj consent o;t the 2nd day of
Ueconber, 18 14
Jan. 10, 1875-iiw
SrA few ihoii-ami dollars worth of
lumber .still remahii In htoel: wlueli Mr
Stump wbl dispose of nt icasooablu
prices for Hie firm. '
T. IJ 135553 1' I'M
Pure Concentrated Potash!
Of do'iblo the stroliiith of any other
sAS)aT c hCiivr.i.Nc::.
1 have rcc. ntlj perfected a new mein
od ot packing my l'otas'., or Lje, ami
am no.v packing it only In Halls, th
coating or which will snpiinity, and
dois'iii.t ii.Ji re tlie S ap Jt!-picked
containing 1 and W lb. nun 1 . Wall.,
and In no other Way. in
Knglisli and linuan iiuiklng hani
and suit snap with this Potash aecuiu
p..jlng each p.ick.igi-V
.Ot In U? ".'.illlua-..i,i St., .V. V.
Jan. 10, 1373 -linos.
A !ti:Jisrl it 's KutJcs.
Wheieas letlcrs of ndinlid-tiallou
upon Ihe e-tate of jo-epir.Moiit', kite
of Mahoning T.iwnship, Co.,
l'a., hive hecngriuieil to li. suli-erl
''er, nil peiMins liav in; claims ngaliht
said est.ito will please pie.-eiil thein.and
those indebted to the said estate will
lnilku iiliiuedi.ite p.ijnient.
WM II. .HJNTZ, Lehlghton.
Jan. Q, 187o
A l::il:i!.:iut in 'n Sale.
Tho undeisigued adiii,l-ti.itor of the
Kst.iu of Jo-i'i Ii Moiz. lateo Muluuir
lug township. C'.. lb. in P.i., iheeass
I, will i . If. i it Pilhllc S ili'.ou the inciti-
Nes. nfor 'said, on SATURDAY, 'JAN.
lUHl, 18m, at one o'clock I'. M. ine fol
low u' desCiloed personal pii'iieilv. to
wit: 2 ll.uses, 2 AJules, 1 S, rn.g Wag
on, 1 liuck Wa.iiili, . P.t.r of .oh
Sleds, 1 Sleigh, -1 Sets Single Harness,
i st ts ot Sleigh Culls, n quautlly of llnv
apd Still .v, 1 Uoqli btuve, j, 2
laliles, Jule.iu-, and a vailely ot o her
!tticlcstuo 1 1 n ii i .-r ii us loiiieuthiu. Teim-
wlll lie made at luie and place
of sale, by ' W.M. H. MO.N 155.
Adiului-trator of Jos. Moutz, ileeM.
13$ A lot of Iiemlopl; Lumber Will
he so'd at same time.
Jan. 0. 187.V
rCTHE People of l.ehight in and vlcln-
l!v nil mill., lit t..l.tll'..l.... 41. n l
DUIILIMi'S Uruil' and Kanillv Med-
lelne S'oie, Puitil, eiiKsu and UN.vnui.
TUliiVTEU .UliUiciSES cftu alwavs be
found. may 0
All persons nro forhhl nioildliiw uiii.
a lii.iuk Miire.loaned hy tin undersign
ed lo Marj Kit'ner, of llowuiaiisvllle,
lyiiuuu vuuniy, rellllil.
lioivmuiUvlll,. l'a.
Jan. 8, 187r?-.v.
All persons aro hereby forbid meddling
diingwllh two Mules. TiuckWaeon ami
sioign, loaned uy the undersigned to
Dciij.iiiiin iwoiz, or ijeuigiitoii.
Lvhlghtuii, lloiuugh.
j.iu. u, lau-tiw'
, All pcrsonsl'n'ro foriild medillliic.wltli
one uiiiiu nnd a tuur-horsli wauon loan
ed by Ihe undersigned to Abraham Hill,
ui uowmiimville, ciuuon Uo., l'a.
AuaCsi'Us Noli,,
liowuuusville, l'a.
Dec. 10, 1871-SvvJf
imiMiS, Look at that t'.dhl, it
has Wo. ins. u.i r s. ii i at ontv
"iKnl.lN.j s. mi ; s on-, noil g t a
.ll.'.u ins tsi lit!', no ,b a
aiu nuil )it !o suia. sa j
Bread Bakers,
Bank Street, Lplijghton, Pa.,
Near the Kxeliangu Hotel.
Wienrc nlsnjirepatrd, tn supply our
filends and the cltlzelis In gi'neial with
Bread and CaUes,
of Superior Q'lallly, Fresh every Day.
We nitidis a Specialty of
Wedding and'Fiincy Cakes.
We have always on hand a fine srock of
Puro Candies anil Confections,
which wc 6eJI nt the very lowest prices.
Oystei'3 iii pvory style.
Fresh COUN'TItY liUrTEIlnt the
regular inakict iiilccs.
11NIC Strcit, I.ehlghtou, l'a.
Dec 12 yl
The undersigned will offer at Public
Pali'.nn the premi-e.s, in tlie Hi rough ol
Leiiiguton, oaruun county, l a., on
jMonduy, Jan: 25, 1S75,
The following ilenilhul Piopeitv, to
wit: One LOT, 0!i fi et front by ft.
deep, situate on lji'hluh (2d) -tieet, li
low Iron -Ireet, In -aid lioinnuh, wllln
One-Story UiVKLLINU llOUSH erect
U.I 1 1 ,1-1 I'll n . . , .
Terms will be tuadu known at lime
and place ol -ale
Overseers ot the Poor of the ll.iinugh
of Lehigh on Pa Jan. II, ;87."-:
v. eu,5:pi'3 va::
Would refpectful iS-at-rrSSSJTl
i ,. ... j,j,sYtt- .i-tB. t;t.
his filends wl viMir
Ihe public in geuuial, that he has open
ed a li sl-class
Livery & Sa!o Stable
aril that h'e can furnish Horses, ItiiL'gle
and l.'aiiiages ol tho be-t ile-i'ilpllon
lor pleasure, Duslness or I'unei il pur, nt veiy Heasonalilii GHaige
and on shiut notice. II VULI.Nli doll
at short uotieeainl at I.kv . lees,
L. K. ULUPPlXllI'lt,
Garner ut Hank and Ik.u Street
1. h.gliluu, Pa
Jan. 11, lb.o.
s. - s- ....I TStj3ns.i"n-jMg3ncq3iM.-mCTri.
E'l(.'::ji: i:x:::::3::r:
Packard PA11L011 & Grand
Eovt "Yayno Organ Conip'y.
A. P. HOilN, Agent,
All nrders.lelt ct the CaUU'im Anvo
CATii olllee w II recelie prompt ait -n-lion,
,1'ilce lists ami all other lnluruja
ttou fuiulsheil.
And Dealer In
CciiI'n rtiinislilng: Rnnils,
LElIIGilTOX.'PA. 5 "
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain nnd rainj- Clotlis
Cassimeres and Ve.-tlng-.for Men's nml
ISojh' Wear, which I am iirepaied to
Make up to Order In the iSost Faslrlun-
ablu Sljles, at shurt notice.
Indies', Misses nnd Children's
A well selected htoel: of French and
Turkey Morocco, (Jlovu Ivld, Lastlnc;,
Kid, l'elblu and Uiaju Leather Hoots
and Shoos on hand, or
iUs. lo .Ortlor.
Of tho Latest Styles n.hinys oj'haud, at
the Lowest t'lice.
Also, Agent for tho
.tmorlcuii s'. (iruvvr'i; EJalter
Only Onu I'rlce for Everybody.
Jauiuiry ll, lbfy-j 1
piSToiiyo atnl Lot lor halo,
-"- Sltuatu on Haul: stieet. In the
iorongh of Lehlghlm, and numhered
til on IhiMiJuii or plot of said boroimh.
llui Lot la Ho x ISO leet : thu House
isthrco t tin ins with basem.-nt, 2 story
ICitclieu uuil necesriirv outbuililliiL'. u
never lallingivill or water, Arc. It Is
uleelj; lut'aULfor nlinn-t nny kind of
uusiuess, ui-iiik sunaie (in tile iilu"lial
tiii-ni' si H.i.i Ti u li 1 1 ri Kor ilei. irul
l.iit;.'-! irti- ui ,rs .j.!y ut ibis Olll e.
ol on Hi" iu in s s I.,
S . o. 1'i.i h'ILLV DLU.i
July li, 1371 If
Hats aeid Caps!
llionds' Hall, jNlaneh Chunk,
has opened his Winter Slock of
Hats. Cai3, Gloves and
which be Is selling at ptlces lower than
ever lieloa' sdlen d.
1 O
. W
I. '
The undersigned respeclfully Informs
the cllleiis of Cut bun nnd uilloinlng
uuuuties, that ho li now pupiiiid to
supply them with
JJressed or Live Hogs
at;ill Hues, nt piices fully us low ns
they can lie untight fur elsewhere. Al-o
Smoked llauis, Cologne and Saussage
at Wi.olesali' and lieiall.
, Ordeis will be promptly filled
and Hogs shipped to any point at the
sboitesl . ,
Hunk Street, LeblghtoivPa
Se.t. 10, 187-1 yl
New Advertisements.
rri J7 A C1 Tin ilioWvt in tin orlJ, lay
L Ulls) inrtiik' l.rlw l.trn-vl i-mrn.J
In Aiiifil.'.i-"-t..'IJ urM. li I' iurjll
if I I' Inrrevllif "8lll iiimu
T.rvv'..,ip K'Hl InJ.lO -intuitu "Un't W.ISTi tlllll'
ce .1 l"l'Ull','UUI l' IIIHB IT Wkl.U, iV Vllts
I., .. V., P, I'. lloX 1-17.
500 Pianos & Organs
New find Src ii ntitlif Flrkt(
(1 ii Ui-r. il'iU ik f.h .it l.u r I'l Ici-n J'
c . or on I nt-t h 1 1 m (Mite t" J'-r "'t'" tJl J'
'rOiiiiuti'3 .uiirlnu llifi t'nui l lint
V'.lt'i MM. 4hl llriMUI1 mv. ll)U
ciLle I'litliiiM. uitiL tJnlli'4IM Origin,
llhul rai ii i.'a nl(i;uc .U.i41l. ii nit
It liicfiitflllH tt thr iiait' 1 tiiririlt
iMintiM reue'lir Mini jtrrCli in cli
ck itiitl;;et r-cnottii iic.
: j - r
To Have Gocd Health
'JIK-H.I, I' Ulllsl ltd k .I I.. ... diir
ii:tf.iril'i i.t: or Cti vl;;i)i sttii
Iiih U'oome stiu.ld family lue.n'i' tie. I'urell le-
diil.'u ( 7i i.ri.11 .laivii..ri.i
llli.T, Si..ui.i'li 111,11 IIk.K Will . u-r till
II....I l..n. mm skk lirvJacllff. Ai. Slmulul
...I I,.. &
Try .Sniif.iid' Itlvi-F In vlgnrmor.
A Valuaw:
Dr W. llts-os, s I'rnell lliu I'liitl Imi. l 1
v.r'h. Unlaw rt.. llall IIU.T. . IM.Kulln 111 .i
.UU.-ll Mtl' i-p.,.u-iJl-iiiM's.Jtiu-aiMs li-r
eil in ii .-j-tni-1 1 l'is-1. rv mill i-li nn ....Ui- iinui liit-1
In ii .-,rtnlii nr 1 1 inn I ill ir 111 I. tl.ris In-'.-:. I.r.
j.llwr l lMu. li)M" I II'- lli n Vis or lil lltnilnrlir.
i.u.irili,liiinj -lliisln iiiuuiii n.
mn.lii-til, -i. i sua.-ini' ii li in er lliu is uii-
li) r.,nor,ii- l. null. Hi) .re.l'i. It lu I'll!
il Ui .iImii Ui. 11im1o.-Ii,i I Isr.'i-ll tvl ii" l' r-iitiiU lu ll.lltlut ir.-i:ill .l,'t,l
00PY1NG '',",,i,e,,n,',,u i'""--'
l'rteM ctii'iili nil lu to.rn pirl llr nX
,..,. l kill ol ilu'li. W. Il- Kl.M'SliUUY,
Uiius' .-finli i ij, TJirjttiwu, . V.
rniwiNT t n:w moi.i.mis. Mint n s--!
bl, i l;,-.-l'l ItNS OF Til 'LstMlS. IS ill t i iu;h
nV I IL. eosri o i: KSToK i l III, C l.lliu -It
V OK KV. H i II r. .7 I.OF I'hlll.L' l;Y,siXl.
.f l.ll.lR tin-. I A.nU ,sl- I'u.NUr.lir AU
llltA'.UMI Til'-. ll..N.llr.Mi-,.vr lltlll'l. 1)1
..I) KITUllliHltliN ot' llll. MllM.Y II. 'Illr.
DAY.NJrt WMl.ltl).
OVK lllt.VMl PASIl UIFf . . .eMI.001
O.MS lil!. s II UAsIl till 1' . . 1OUU0O
oi: uit.vMi i:aii nii'i- , . . 7,'i.u u l.lSA.sU.CABIt oirr . "'"
0.fc'UllAMI''Arm Ul"f . . ' . S Ml
a oasIi uiprii. .i..uun K'Cii. iinie-
lo UAsIl UIITj',
IIVU U5111,. . iw,'w
1 j.l). l.ACll, IJ.UII
S.H l.'.MMl,- HsllW)
4,1)00 MOilf lui'i.u
a..iM i.Ai.11. tu.u u
JU0O I.Alll, llW.'OU
1,UI K lllll. 1UI.UW1
6.U I ACII, lauinu
1 11 l.ACll, fu-W"
50 i:aou, ojt.' o
1.) u vsll I. IMS,
-.o e.sii inn's,
CASH lilt IS,
in ciril tllKiB.
50 lllsll on;'?.
100 CASH nirY ,
-.'ii i ash im rs,
ftui I'Xail niFOi;
f.HXl0 UAMI (11 FT.-,
WliMlu lliUi-t tit. Ulie SA", or wiibCouboo,u
Lioio" M li'Ju 1'ickvtii. tO-U-
Fjr TlskiiuaiiJ lufurmill. "rew
mo. 1:. iiuami.utti:.
Amsi nml .Ma.40ii,
Lnul.illlc. Kt or TllOs. 11. HAYS A UJ-i W9
Unalw.i) .'Y. i .
r An ,ioi;xw w.M'i:niuiiaiaM,inn
OUU tralMl l.Nl. eAII-.M'""!-,"!"1
h-iuliwriir mill ulh. II. J. tiMUl, fUi.
Uln.,Oiliil. .
tfC O OOft V" nt ,,,u"' 'iwf'
5)0 S OUJ .ViJrwii uu,uus amiM i l-u-
A Wl.l I! guratil(o Main uuil 1
u.( Ai'isi l l'"1' '"'" J!'"
huTHlMH" un. l'urilcjlrl ('
e. o. YlLKLIil Ji lu-Auiu.u, Jlo
ft 1ALL at LrnU'itUriie Storo and gH
iiuttle of croup tyrup. No cutei
" I'-'y-
,u l' uyiis tVKls.Crauipf.A thuui,
il.lllll I ill, lll' -l Ullt , ill l.llllll''
uu.l tin ij tcnl ca l "-eiiU' lliiij vturo
BANK St'cet, LEHIOI1TOX, aro
now offering Fall and Winter
comprising DeLalne.i, Alpacas, Sattncs,
Kmpiess Cloths, Ac, and n full lino of
Ac, nt POPULAU ritlOES.
Tin y n No call pnillcular addition to
llit'lr Immense stock of Ladies', Gent'j3,
Missus' nui Children's
Gaiters & Rubbers,
innnufaclureil especially for the trade
of this Eectiun, nt Low Prices.
Our stock of (Jrocoiirs, Vlonr,
I'riu ls!iiN,;i'rtisiiv:irc uuil
Wood ami Willow $raro,&c,
is full nnd cohiplituin every depait.
mi'iit, and goods nnd piices ate sure to
tuit. A tilal Is respectfully solicited.
nng S!) mO
1st Mortp-ap-e Premium Bond
N-Y. Industrial Exhibition Co.
T1ipo 1 omlii art-Imuf J ft rllie rurrcfe ct rati
inj? nitniit u-r um ereciKii 01 a luuumg m
CllJ of to I URil It j- a
rt i pet it 1 l ortll Fnlrf
a jiernniiftit huuif.nlieru lv ry matiuTjcturrr can
uxtitl it nnO riMl KiNhlp,.tu4 ary p.itttutet cun
f' w hit iiitri ion; jt centiw "f itttiuntry wtilcb
w til iriiu nw tchtjit tutlicwhulo country,
1 1 r till" purpfFp, the Iif-.'tslttuiu of t lie Statu of
NVw Vi ik list urtiitcJ ii I'liui l r lo a tiuniter of
uur UKt ut-iilihy un-l nfj ctaMu uierdi.mttt, j-nd
iii.M kt 1 1 (in u.oM .tin.iLif mi.u in i Tit vuy cr
SfVt ytirk. 'Ilu t-iti)Jln tu le t re it id v,l Id
ti a i a uiii-jiiMHvnt ujuic. him wiiiinvtr a Fpnce
I uti'i-, it hi lo ciii)triiftc't ct Iron, lirli-k
aiiJ Uiare, and uutJu tin ihu t 'ihe loi n,w hliU
nit' nil tt r i'-J kicJi nttt Mfurtil I) a lirft tnort
ae ii tlioJnnU mid lulhilL1;, ni.d for the pur
pi.hHii tnMitji iht-ui i(')ulr( th d let turn hne
dtcldul lu Uiv ipmVtert) iJr.ittlngB vt i 160,000
tt.tch; ill If liU'iu-y Ulutt tho iuttrust un the atuouut
ot ha u tilth halt.
l,tr li-imllioldtT must recelro&t leabt $21.00,
tut um rt'
S,0 in. or $10,000. or t',000, or t3,0fKl, it.
Third Premium Drawing,
JUlltfll 1st, 18T5.
Fourth Series Drawing,
AriiiL ovist.-.
Capitnl Premium, lO0,0C'O.
Theft l)iawlnd (Hj.c plarrt iTirjIhtwllontlir;,
.tt-tt fVmtuitlj tUr L'jcd ttlll )uiil(lMti in
th n
AilUrt-tut, tor Uouds ud full Itfi nuatiuti,
!i!l I'niU ltr, yvw York.
Post Cince Uiuiiti- fill,
I. mi It in- llrnfl on X. V. Cily Iiankr, Keglilf rtd
l.uilir ure.u, Muui-y Oulr'r.
Ari'llcalloni for Agencies received.
I'oM'ioncmcuts impossible under this
plan, Dec. 10, 4m.
''eliiNiioil Almati:
The under.-lgned would rfspectfully
llifm in liullih is.conliaclorKniid the iiub.
lie lu nencial, thai they linviropeued a
in cuuiiectluu with their
Xear the Ii. '.V-.S. Dejiot,
and thru they liave now ori hand au 1m.
iiiense btncl; of 'lioroughly Seasoned
Luinher, Mich na
Itmijjli I'lue Itiiards,
Surfaced I 'Inn .'eanls,
Klnorlni.', Ut'iiilock and Vine,
Sidings, of nil Kinds,
fchlnulcs, an luiineiiSD stock,
i:ooliiiK and Ceiling Lath,
nnd, In fact, Lumber of every descrlp.
Hon at th veiy lowest market prices.
Wu nro also prepared tu furnish Unlhl.
eis and others Willi u very line article, of suitable for illUMonry
IVork. IMasOiiii. &c, ut lte-
inarliably Low Kifiires,
Wel.avo constuiitly on hand a large
liu. oi noon suuauio ior rlruwooil,
Ahlehwo will bull, In laiL'o or iinall
(Ituiutitles, at Vilces to bull your Vocketa
r i
aug 23-yl Citfbun county, Ta,
llA.Sh cfllKhT, JLLIIIUIUO.V, I'Ji,
I'espectfully announces to tho citizens,
of Lehlghton nnd vicinity that ho la
now piepared to contract for thu erec-.
lion of dwellings, churches, school
houses, and other bulldiugs. Also, that
he keeps constantly on baud a full u,
sortuifiit of eveiy description ot
consisting of flooring, siding, doors
biish, blinds, bhutters, moldings, &o.,
which be Is prepared to furnish at tho
very lowest uuiiket rates,
1'iitroiiago respectfully solicited,
W. It. ltl2X.
LeblbUU)ii, May 17, ly