The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 09, 1875, Image 4

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anil scarcely crediting his senses, lie
mndu CIIIHa repent lior words.
You shall nut lie. n beuirar. Cllma
while these stiong tirms nro frte! mid
Frank Dwluht. 'Go, nml tell Willed
hirlo all tlmt you have heard, mid say
that I will stand In thudock when the
court opens to-uioirow.'
Ills lait words were addiesscd to the
man, who bowed nml turned away
leaving (hem alone.
.On Him morrow Frank Dnlglit would
be arraigned for forgery, and (roin the
clutches ot the, law thero seemed no es
cape,, Our hero's trial opened In the pres
ence of n crowded eourt.and progressed
apldly and with damaging certainly
against liltn. Ills enemies were Jubll
nut, Ills f i lends correspondingly cast
don n, and the prosecution was conduct
ul with a verdlctlveness that elicited
much comment.
Mr. Caviller Lords swore positively
.that the. person who presented the for
ged paper was Frank Dwlulit. lie ad
mitted, under the ilgorotis cros-exnmi.
nation nf.the defense, Hint the banking
.room was not particularly light nt the
moment In question. Still, tlio admis
sion did not lessen the posltivcness of
the oath. He knew Frank Dwlghtj lie.
could not be, mistaken.
Other testlmuny damaged tliodufenso
uniosi, as sevt-rly. Several persons
testllled having seen Flank Dwlejit in
the neighborhood of the Cosmos
abuut two o'clock on the afternoon in
iiiestlon, and the teller, a little near
sighted, had recongized lilm wlille in
thejlnstltutlon. Against tills array of
testimony, coupled as it was witii his
pieUous denials, with the money found
on Ids person, etc., tho prisoner
brought a solemn oath; but alone ho
could not prove the alibi lio maintain
ed. Tho juryasetof. finq looking men,
displayed their verdict In their looks,
while the counsel were pleadlug. It
was evident that tho prisoner wuuld bo
convicted; Wlllred Earle felt this, as
he stood with bowed head Just without
the,ralllng whitliei he had retired for
air. lie thought of his child linking
her life to, a guilty man, ot tl.o l ist
sentence she had sent him fiom his
brother's gardens; of thu writing in tho
old Wblc.
The last words had, fallen from
the !
prosecution, and a death slleticu fol
loned. The case of the Commonwealth
vs. Frank Dwlght was about to go to
the jury, and all eyes were turned up
on thu.judgo.
Suddenly there was a flutter at Hie
enter.iuce which Increased as It rolled
toward the bench. A youthful figure pushiui; through the crowd, and
the lacj that confronted the judge look
ed.liku tlio pilsouer's. A neat ' lilting
suit of ,ray, robed the effeminate turm,
and a Hale hand it was that held the
light brown hat.
'Sllencel' thundered tho Judge, nt.d
thu coufusiou was quelled in an lu
'May It ple.iso tho court,' said the
new-comer, in a clear, ringiug fune. 'X
wish tu exonerate the prisoner at the
bar. 1 am tlio guilty persou. I pres
ented tho one thousand dollar lorgeiy
to Mr. Cashier Lords, and had It lion
ored. He.mistook mu (or the prisoner.
Let hlui come forward, uud scrutinize
our face
Mr, Lords obeyed, bilghtly agitated.
'I tee! I seel' he cried stalling back.
'1 have been terrlblyjmlstakeu.'
The Judicial tiown clucked the huz
zas that were rising iu the court loom.
Trueced,' he said, looking at the
'I gave the prisoner eight huudred
duKars on Hie day of the loigery, which
would enable hlui to cancel u dubt of
honor that hung over his tuother'a head.
I lorgedjihe check to get that money. I
um you beel'
That moment n wealth of dark brown
hair.dropped from Its cunning conceal
ment, and CliUia Earle stood before the
people I
1 did Jt all without his connivance,'
be went on, when tho tumultuous
burst of applause had subsided. 'He
may have suspected, but ho never
Wilfred Earle started forwardjjand
stared into the eyes of his herolo dau
ghter. That look was a loug one, tam
est and yeaning, but had ho not said
that she was dead to him?
Aye, aud dead still she 6eemed, for
wlthout.a word lie turned on Ins heel.
The Statu refused to prosecute the real
forger, nod Fiuuk Dwlght was at once
set at liberty.
Cliflla returned to her uncle's house,
and oue day, several weeks later, a
niessauger came Irom her old home:
'Come back aud bring lilm with you,
C'lllila,' tlio message said. 'lie it
worthy of you, yoaof him.'
Ftauk Dwlyhttook tho speculator's
daughter home, and with her, paidoii.
ed a hasty old wan who vas siuMog
It to the dun depth of death.
lib absence Uiuiug the fatal tw
bourn, was occasioned Uy his visit to
neighboring city'a Jail, to see an old
tchoolumte who tiau luileu Into crime,
lie promised that lie would never nub
li th to the world his old friend's situa
tion, and that piomlsu he kept.tlie rea
der lias. seen how fa'ithlully. He felt
that Cllilla was the trim forger; but the
thought ho kept In Ms hem t of hearts,
and he courted disgrace rather than be
tiayal. l
Wilfred Eurle Is dead now; but Cllf .
Ha, lurgiveu by, tilery one, because of
her devotion to thu man she loved, Is a
happy wllu. I know that the reader
will overtook her ciluie. D.iuuer.
I'm ni aiiiiic.
A blacksmith is ulways striking for
Never kick a man when no is down.
unless you arc sunt lie can't get up.
A i.ewspaper published In a Western
State, speaks of telegraph operators as
"Jerking i lie forked lightning. '
Tile wickedest bov In the West Is now
reported In Ohio, where he cut off three
of his toes in order that he might not
recene the benefits of the Sunday
school Instruction.
'1 am weary of life' bury mo deep
on the liill-slde," wrote a young man In
Dubuuue: but the uuuiund lilm out.
aud that samu night )h went to tlioiclr-
cusand laughed till hu.'ried at the an
tics of the trick mules.
Could anything be neater than tlio
old darkey's reply to a beautiful young
lady viliomliu filtered to lilt over the
gutter, and who Insisted that she was
too heavy? "Lor, missus,'' said lie,
'lSo Used to lifting barip s pf ugar "
"tVanted a new hell," cries a Chi
cago secular paper; and "Wanted a
decent secular paper," Is a small pait
of the luleiesting aud cheerful inpiy of
the Chicago, Northwestern Ciiilstlau
Advocate, which believes in biimstoua
A wealthy farmer at Fulton, N. Y.,
has this notice posted up iu his Held:
"If any Juan's or woman's cows or ox.
en gits in the-o air oats, his or tier head
will be cut off, us tli.i case may bu, A
man eye um, and pay my takes, con
foolizatlon to a man who let's Ids Lritter
run loose tald eye."
A lied fold, Pa., newspaper lejls of a
gill who stands qq a half, bushel unns
ure and gracelully shuuldeis three bus.
of wheat. To a doubting editor In an
adjoining county, tho newspaper men
Hons the. fact tlmt she is a buruette.five
feet three inches longitude; tint her
gravity Is two hundred and twenty five
pounds, and that she can whip uuy edi
tor iu Cambria Co.
i ...
A Pails Journal tells tie story of a
boggar who presented hniself regularly
at n certain coffee hoiso with a clarionet
under his arm. I'Vl'lll you allow mo,
gentlemen,1' Slid he iu an humble tone
ol voice, "to p),iy a tune? I am unly
mi amateur, and if j'ou prefer giving
me a lew coppers I will spare you tho
annoyance of listening lo me." Every
found obeslance Tills he repeated sev.
eral owning In succession. At lint,
one evening, a young man asked him In
a filendly maimer to give them a tune,
good or bad. "llj(t um afraid, bir, ,1
shall disappoint you." "Never mind
that; give us a tune." "Hut I am
very pour player,' and 1 have a very
poor Instrument." "No matter for
that; I want to hear you." "Well. sir.
since you in.lst 141011 It," said ih i poor
man,"I will tell you that I don't play."
w Corner of
Bank & South 8ts., Lehighton, Pa.,
Keeps a full line of
Comprising Ladles' Dress.Goods, Black
nun i.uiurcu .upacas, uingnaius,
Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &c,
of every grade and price.
In grent varlo y.
Teas, Coffee?, Sugars, Spices, Fruits,
Hums, Shoulders, Side-Meat, &n.
Vought, Sold or Exchaugod
For lluilding and other purposes In
great vailety or the best iiuallty.
All poods wnri'tiiitiul na fr.o.ti...i
ami prices fully as low as elsewhere.
April 0, iBiii-yi
TOiOR Toilet Extracts, Essences, Fan.
cy Snaps, oinbs, Puffs and P u ft
HoJins. call at Lentz's Drug 5tore.
Jt LL kinds of JMteut Medlcloea' at
'-LenU's Drug Storo.
raOIlACCOund Cigars, a specialty
.1 ,utJ.llu lug. Hute of - W- Lentz,
""'k Street, Lehighton.
fHOIOE Lhjuors, for M-dleal pur-
Should Have
Our Own Fircsjtytt
Instructions In I'rlnllng nml the answer
in queries which win remove nun
cutties In j our tncflleleney,
nppear in each number.
For its Rood Stories,
l'or lis fashion .Mates,
For Hs illlsiellauy,
r or Its BUouselioltl Sows
Ami fur its
Purchasing Department,
Through which every desirable urtlcle
in iew lnnt is lurnisheil nt the
lowet rales without evtrn pliiirmi.
Our Own Fireside is a Home journal
in lis fourth year. 10 large pages with
illustrations. Piice, Si. 00 a jear.
Every subscriber makes selection of a
valuable premium Iroui the many offer
ed. " 'ihose subscribing now receive the
paper the remainder ot tho year free of
At the Zegiunlng of
If you cannot nffoid to subscribe, an
arrangement "ill be made by which
j on cm receive tile paper for one loir
without money.
Send U cenls for samplo copy.
A ntnt?)iIoii dinting Press
A Champion I'l inline Pvvss
,A Champion i'lliiilu I'rexji
A Champion Iaiiiiii X'reN
Is Klven Away
Is Riven Away
Is (;ivi'!i Away
Is !vcn Away
For a club of 15 subseriheistoOurOwn
Fireside. Eveiy (Justness Man and
Hoy bliould haio one. Send Uc. staiiip.
Our 0yn Firesido Publishing Co.,
liuoiii 4, Sun lluilding, N. Y.
2 and 12 Horse Power
Address, M. L. GUMP & CO.,
Room 1, Sun lluilding, N. Y.
Champion Job Press
Printers, Business Men and Soys.
Tito best pi ess made. Also,
Send 5c. for Pamphlet. Address,
M. L. GUMl & CO.,
Room 4, Sun lluilding, N.Y.
oct 31-mO
A Good Livelihood
Can bo made bv sellinu Tie Grnnlili-
Steel Enitravinus. renrodiieed bv tlm
wonderful Graphic Process from famous
winks of ait. 100 per cent 011 awry
sale. Send $3 lor Folio, convenient lo
exhibit mini, nnntnlntim 10 nt ,mr tl.iuo,
Engravings, which is ail tho capital and
stock Iu tiado
business with.' .dddiess.,
' -It Fail; Place, New Yoik.
Refercnre, Fdltor of this Publication.
Oct. 21-ml '
Opposite tho Public Squat,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
Aud Dealer In all kinds ot
KT Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing
promptly attended to. nov, !10
Combination Lock, at Hall Piice.
Inquire of
Lehighton, Oct. 24, 1874.
Contractor & Builder,
I'lnns am! Specifications
For all kinds of llulldlngS made at the
shortest notice.
Made for Plans and Specifications when
the contract Is awarded to tho under
signed. A. W. EAOUEtJ.
June 14, 1873-yl
Save 20 Per Cent.
Dy getting jour
Done at tho Office of tho
Carbon Advocate,
Dot. tbe P. 0. and I. V. K. It. Depot,
f.u li! glif on,; Carbon Co., la
We have just received a large aud ele
gant assortment of
Of tho latest styles ; together with a
supeilor btock of
And a variety of other
A nd can now glv6 our patron; first-
clas? work at pi ices at leauf
-20 Per Cent Lower
Than any other OOice In this section.
Give Us a Trial, and be Convinced
KTTIm patronage of the nublio Is
respectfully solicited.
A 24-coluren Local Paper, aud the only
Kntlrtly Printed In (he,
Is published every Saturday morpln a
$1 a Year in Advance,
Or $1.50 If not paid In advance. The
Advocate with Its large and In
creasing circulation, Is ouo
or the very
licit Aleillunu far AilvertUIng
In this Section. Rates furnished on
Lehighton, Carbon County, Pa.
Dealer In Fancy and Staplo
Dry Goods, Groceries, &c,
Would hereby respeelfully Inform Ids
friend mid tun public II general that
notwithstanding the dullness ot the
uuir.s or is neiei iiiiui'ii 10 Keep Up HIS
stuck to lis usual lulluess, nml Isr.t all
times ready to show (sell or not) his en
tile line ol jroodsj fro. ii Sllk.s at 5.2.715
perjiud down to ttillcotor (5c. perjd.;
Il'lll Ulilllll lll-O hi! 1iIh;1-(mI to lin vii lln.v..
who cannot suit tlieuiselves (no matter
in mini niiiclf) Iu this or siiriouinliiig
tOWIl.S. ttl f'llll mi lilm uiL-hn. n Kiniinl.i
or lull di-criptinn ot tie urtlclu they
niiiii,iieii ii win lie niriilsiieil them In
a lew hour's time, nt Ihu lowest City
itriees. Iiuvliiff , llwi ..itli-itr.1.1...
of one of the largest wholesale and to-
iuii nouses in Hie city .
Patlicular ntti-ntlun Is.
tho til peel y department, wiiieh Is mailu
u(j ui rveijiniiie neuieil lu the family,
lloiu a barri-1 of Hour on tu tlm r ..... t
" ' '
Uoods delivered to all parts free of
cliarj!i'. Oideis by mall pr by other
sources promptly filled.
A lew more aoop monthly custom
ers will be accepted.
Thankful for' the lllieral patronage
received thus tar, I hope, bv fair and
Impartial dealing, to frecuro all my
Irlends and nianj others us regular cus
tomers. All I ask U u fair trial, bear
ing In mind I will not bo under
sold. Also agent for the famous light run
ning DOMtsriC SEWING' MA-
-HINE, which I sell on easy terms.
) itli the latch string on tho outside,
and my right hand extended to nil, you
"ill al wais liud a Welcome nt
.Wank St , Lehighton, Pa.
N. U. The hlL'hest market prices
allowed for COUNTRY I'll .UUOE In
exehange lor goods.
catty & fMW
o lebralcd
Golden Tongue
nro acknowledged by Eminent Musicians
apd Distinguished Men of Honor as
the Leaditig
Wo Challenge any Maker to Equal
Good Agent!) Wanted.
Washington, Warren County,
oct 24-yl
Nov Jersny.
1J Ii. JtSCKt'.UT,
OpposIUi L. & S. Dfpot,
On tho East Weistport Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs the citizens of this
vicinity that ho keeps constantly on
hand, uud is selling at Iho very lowest
Market Prices, the very best brands of
auo, de.i.ui; IN
For iiilldlng and other purposes, which
lie guarantees to bu
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell at the
Jtn! ! atl 1 1
Wholesale and Rttall at thievery Low
', est Cash Pi Ices.
Helms also a number nf very eligibly
la RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp.,
which liu will sell on veiy Easy Teliiis.
nug. 0, '70-yl J. K. ItKJKKKT,
mouse tmil l.ut lot' -Sulu,
Situatu on sheet, Iu the
A'urougli of Lelilghto.-l, and numbered
Hi on thu pluu or plot of y.iUl boiough.
The Lot is x Ibtl leet ; the House
is three stoiles with baseinetit, 2-btory
Kitchen and necessary outbiuhlitig, a
never falling ui-ll of water, &a. It is
nicely located for almost any kind of
business, being situate on the piliieipul
business tlioiougluaru. For price uud
fuither paiticulurs apply at this Otllce,
or o,n the premises to
July IB, 187-1-tt
mOR prugs, Meillcine?, Perfumery,
L Spices, N:c., call at Lentz's Drug
"WOIt Chapped Hands, Face or Lips,
call ut Lentz's Drug More.
CtAUSTIO Soda, 14cts per pound at
''Lentz's Drug Store.
Dr. J. AValker's Calirorni.i
Vimrar 33ilkr.s nro a imroly Ves
otalilo lUcparntion, niailo chicUy froin
tlio natlvo lierlis foiinil on tho lower
l-anscs of tlio Sierr.i Nevada moun
tains of California, tlio medicinal
properties of which aro extracted
t herclVom wlthoiit tlio uso of Alcohol.
Tlio question Is almost daily asked,
" What is tlio causo of tlio unpar
nlloled sitcces3 of YiXEOAit Uit
Tcns f" Our answer is, that they
removo tho eatiso of disoase, and
tlio patient recovers his health. Thojr
nro tho great blood purilior and a.
lifo-giving irinciplc, a perfect Reno
vator and litvigorator of tho system.
Never before iu tlio history of tho world
has a liiedicinu been compounded pos
sessing tho romaikublo qualities of Vix
iMAit liirnuts in healing tho bick of
overy diseaso man Is heir to. They ra
a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonio,
relieving Congestion or Inflammation of
tlio Liver nud Visceral Organs, ia Biliou
Tho properties of Drt. 'Walk-.
En's Vinkuar Hirriiiis aro Apurieut, Dia
phoretic, C'anulmitive,' Nutritious, Laxa
tive, l)inretle,Sedativo, Counter-Irritant,
Suilnrilie, Alterative, mid Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim
Vixegah lliTTEits tho most wonder
ful luvisoraut that over sustaiuod
tho sinking pystpm.
No l'crsoii can talro thesn Hit.
tors according to directions, and ro
lnain long unwell, provided their
bones aro not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, and vital or
gans wasted bevnnd repair,
Jlilious, iicinittcnt, and In
termittent Fevers, which aro eo
prevalent in tho vallpys of our great
rivers throughout tho Unjted States,
especially thoso of tho Mississippi,
Ohio, .Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee,
Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo-i
rado, llrazos, Itio Gran'do, fearl,
Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ro-i
anoko, James, and manv' others.
with their vast tributaries, 'throughi
out our ontiro country during ' tho.
Summer and Autumn, and remarka
bly so during seasons of unusual
cat and dryness, aro invariably ac
companied by extensivo dorapgos
meats of tho stomach and liver.'and '
other abdominal viscera. In thol
treatment, a tnirsativo. oxortincr a
powerful inlltiunco upon tlioso vari- .
ous orsans, Is essentially necessary,
Thero ia no cathartic for tho purpose
equal to V:i. J. Walker's Vinegau,
Eitteks, as thoy wil( speedily reinora
tho dark-colored viscid matter with which
tho bowels aro loaded, at tho sauio timo
stimulating tho secretion of the, liver,
and generally restoring tho healthy func
tions of the uigostivo organs.
1'ortity tlio hotly ntjainst uig-
O.iso by purifying nil its fluids with
Vinegar 1Iitti:rs. No epiilomto can
uuiu oi u sj&ii'm iiiua iiiiu-unucu.
Dyspensia or Imlitjestion, Head-.
nclio, -Pain in tliu ShimUUn-j. Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chct) Dizinncss, Sour
Eructations of tlio Stomach, liud Tasta
iu tho Mouth, Hilious Attacks, Palpitas
tion of the Heart, inflammation ol tho
Lungs, Paiii in ,tho region of tho Kidneys,
and a hundred other painful symptoms,
aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ouo bot
tlo will provo a hotter guarautco of its
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whlto
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled,
Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inllamniationi,
Indolent lullamuiations, Mercurial afl'ee
tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin,
Sora Eyes, etc, Iu theso, as in all other
constitutional Diseases, 'Walkkii's Vis-,
eo ai! 11 itTiiKS havo shown their great cur
ntlvo powers iu tho most obstiuato nd
intractablo pacs. '
Dheuiuatisui,Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fever?, Diseases
of tho Wood, Liver, Kidneys and lllttddcr,
theso Uittei"3 have no equal. Such Dis
eases aro caused by vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons,
engaged in Paints ami Minerals, such as
Plumbers Typo-setters, Gold-beaters and
Miners, as they advance in life, are sub
ject to paralysis of the llowels. To guard
ngniust this, taka a doso of Walkiil'
Vi'suuAii Hitters, occasionally.
For Skiu Diseases, Eruptlous
Tetter, Salt-ltheum.lllotehes, Spots, Pim
ples, Pustules, Roils, Carbuuclus, Riug-.
worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Eryip-.
las, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration? of th&
Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skiuef
whatever name or nature, are literally,
dug up and carried out of tho svstem In a
short time by thuuso of these llittcrs.,
Tin, Tttpi and other "Worms,
furkiug iu tbe system of so many thou
sands, are cllectually destroyed aud re
moved. No system of medicine, no ver
mifuges, no anthelminitics will free tho
svstem from worms like ibeso lhitcrs.
Tor Female Complaints, iuyoune
or old, married or single, lit' tUa dawn of
womanhood, ortho turn of lifeihese Ton
ic Hitters display so decided mi iulluoac
that hunrovement is soon perceptible.
Clcanso tlio Vitiated Dlood
whenever you find its impurities bunting
through the skill In Pimples, Eruptions,
or Sores; c!eano it when you Unit it' ob--ructed
und hi uggUh in the veius ;, clean
it when it is foul , your tVolini's, will lull
you when. Keep tuo blovd puro, and Lh
health of the system will follow. '
It. 11. .Memo 11. II .1: CO.,
UnigilUU & Hen, Ai;ta , Kan Frunilnio. Callfos.
uin, ii mir. of WiuliiUKlua aii'l Clinrlluit StuN.Y.
i.ol'l I, . fi II i ii'ii ' I -1 i Hint i ritli r
ROSE (iLVCERINE for llniiglmess at
the Skin, ( hupped Hands, &c, only, 2b,
coiits a bottle. may