The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 09, 1875, Image 2

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MillKlllTO.V, 1'A.:
Jefferson Davis la said to be danger
ini sly 111 at Ills home In Tennessee.
(It'll. Phil. Slierliiau qays the white
leaguers of the S utli should bu declar
ed banditti, mistreated as uoli,
Tlio amount re.OUei by tlio. salo ot
liows In plymouth, (Ueecher's) Ohurcli,
mi Tuesday evening last was J.70.U11),
last year only J50,lll0 was realised.
Owing to tlio dlfllculllus lu the coal
rcglons.nU the shops of the Philadel
phia and nuading llallroad Co., nlonjj
tlio routoof tlio road, suspended opera
tions 0,1) Tuesday last. Included lu the
suspension aro car r-hops, rolling mills,
Machine shops, foundries &a.
Qcrrpt Smith, ot Peterb'jro', New
York, was suddenly stricken with apo
plexy and paralysis at tho house of one
of lilt friends in the city of New York
on the day after Christinas and died
Monday afternoon, 27th ult.,at two o'
clock. Ho was seventy-eight years of
Tlio Pennsylvania Legislature met
pn Tuesday last. lion. (J. II. Cutler,
of Erie, was elected Speaker pro tern,
of tho Senate; Kussel Urrert.chlef clerk.
V. Patterson, of llfghany, was o
lected Speaker of the House. Senator
Cullhan (Dcm.) was not allowed to lie
Bwoin, mid a committee was appointed
to Inquire Into his case.
Tlio Governor' Message,
Governor Ilartranrt'.s annual ines
ngo Is a senslbl-, straightforward, and,
In many respects, statesmanlike docu
ment, showing nn Intimate knowledgo
Of Slate affairs and a clear conception
of legislative and executive policies. Its
stylo is concise and condensed, and it tho merit, not nlwajs possessed by
simitar Stato papers, of being strictly
confined to Its domain, which Is tho
limits of tho Commonwealth. The
Governor has not sought to catch the
ear of tlio nation, and lie will therefore
have the hearing of the people of Penn
sylvania. The message Is singularly
free fiom sensationalism, but tho""alIurs
of this conservative Commonwealth pro
reed to smoothly, and Its domestio life
s so well regulated, that this is not a
subject of woqder.
Tho inessago opens with a brief
statement of the condition of the (limn
ces The debt of tint Commonwealth
Is now 5-24, 1308,035.37, and less tho
amount In thu sinking fund $14,5Gt,QW.
37. Tlio receipts during the last tl.-c.xl
j ear were S3,71,nOS.a7, which the
balance remaining in the tieasuiy at
the close of the last fiscal year brought
up to S7.C07.110 fil, Tlio disburse
meuts during the year, including $1,
230,180 27 expended for the redemp
tion of the public debt, were 50,042 507
80, leaving a balance in the treasury
of 91,034,551 05. This statement Is
as favorable ns that of the preceding
year, tlio leceipts having ileuiluisled
niiiiu than a million of dollars, and tho
disbursement having Increased several
liundrtds of thousands of dollars. The
diminution of 41,201,754 03 was pc
Manned by tho rei eal, 1873, of tho
gross taxes on ucelpts of railroads, net
earnings ui Industiial and other corpo
ntion, and the tax; on cattlo and Infill
ing Implements, l!ut tho relief In
tlio repeal of these taxes was felt by
t'orporations apd classes, which, during
lie unfoitlinate year, just closed, were
Ihu main props of whatever ptosperlty
there existed, In connection with thU
It'ducllon ot tho revenue and the fact
thai, uy the piovisions of tlio new con
stitution, an annual additional outlay
$500,000 will be needed for tho LeuW-
jauve aim judicial Departments and tlu
public schools, tho Governor Insists up
on the piactlcoof the most rigid ecu
uomy In the pasrage of tlio appioprla
tiou bills and tho expenditure of tlio
amounts appropriated.
The most Interesting featuro of tho
pierage to tho general reader, perhaps,
will be that poitlon relating to educa
tion, which the Governor discusses ela
borately and exhaustively, nud concern
ing which ho makes tho must Impor
taut lecommodatloi.s. He urges witli
much force the establishment of in
dustiialechools for the training ot the
youth of tho Commonwealth in the
mechanics and nrts, and commends
compulsory educuliun to tho LeyWa us a social and political neces
sity, licth of these Ideas nro fast tak
ing hold of tho popular inlud, and
proniisu tocrystallzo Into facts at no
distant day. The Instruction of artisans
by the etute Is last blooming n nec
essity In Pennsylvania, which is nlreadv
Hie geat noikshop of tho nation, but
constantly sullcis H um a lack ot skilled
and intelligent labor.
The condition, d prospects of the
Centennial enterprise are reviewed, Its
scope stated, mid Its patriotic character
and uselnj purposes commended to tho
pei'pleot tlio nation. -1 high complex
went is paid tho Iusuianeu JJuicau.
which demouostutt'd Its usefulness and
necessity last year by its cxpawo of
so many fraudulent concerns, ami It is
recommended that Us powers of in.
spectlou and supervision bo Increased.
A lilting refeicnco is niiulu to thu new
cuiisUlutluii, ana tlio loyalty to tlio
principles ot republican government out
ot which It sprung Is highly praised.
' liupoitunt recommendations niu made
in icicle uco to tlio enactment oi laws to uct depositors In tlio banks chartered
.uy the state. These institutions have
.bi'cn granted guat powers without
proper restrictions, Hint conduct their
business, according to tho Governor's
.statement, on thu loosest piiuclples.
There nso now 117 of them, with an
aunleuato capital of 8,370,103 13,
it 10 bomal departments of tl.e Stuto
government, Including tho liuroau of
SlatLstlcs, tho Jlnard of Stato charities,
tho fishery commissioners, tho gojloal
cal survey, tlio board of pardons, aiid
tho National Guard, aro reviewed, and
a favorable verdict rendered upon the
operations and conduct of each. Phlla.
Ilotl. AV, II. t,cmiartl.
Tho following notice of tho deatu of
Hon. W. It, Leonard, of Jiauch Chunk,
we copy fiom tho Democrat of. last Sa
lurday: The unexpected death ff Hon. Wes
ley H, Leonard, early ca Friday morn
ing, Jan. 1st. caused u pang of sorrow
to sadden every heart In tills communi
ty. Ho was born at Hancock, Dela
ware Co., Now Vork, on tho 13th day of
January, 1S3T), and within two weeks,
If ho had lived, would havo passed his
40th ulrVhday. Frnn Hancock his
parent' moved to Andovcr, Allegheny
Co., 1,'ew Yoik, In 1837, they living on
a fo.rm, where the subject of this bilef
iKitlco was brought up. IIo received
his education at Alfred University, Al
fred Centre, N. Y., where ho graduated
with distinction In his class in the year
1837. Willie at Alfred ho was nn ac
tive member of tho Orophlllan Society.
His brother, Dr. It. Leonard, residing
In this county, and having a largo prac
tice In his profession, was, perhaps, an
Inducement which brought tho deceased
to Mauch Chunk In 1S50, when ho en
tered tho law ollloo of James It. Struth
ers, Esq., and was admitted to the bar
at tee .Match Court, 1801. Tho year
loiiowing, lKlK, no received tlio nomi
nation by tlio Democratic party for
District Attorney, and was elected to
that position, and In 1805 was re-elect
ed to the same olllce, ho having made a
most excellent incumbent. In 186'J and
1870 hu was elected and served witli
honor and distinction in thu Legislature.
Later he was appointed Hevenuo Asses
sor by President Johnson. IJo was al
so elected by his fi lends and ooiisitu
cuts to vaiious local olllces of trust.
On July 2nd, 1808, he was married to
a daughter of Jdr. Lwidenham, of
Weatherly, Carbon Co., who Is left be
hnd witli two little children.
Mr. Leonard had engaged nctivo.y
lu politics, and was always known us
an unflinching Democrat, ami his social
life was always marked with honesty
apd Integrity of pnrpo-e. Io was a
hard woiker lu his prulcsslon, and bore
an untarnished reputation for upright
ness and manliupss. Ills sster-li -law
was burled on Wednesday, and ho was
unable to attend tho funeral, having
left ils oflico on Tuesday evening com
plaining of a culd, and after u shoit
illness of two days with acuto pueu
morla, wilch Ira filed the skill of tko
physicians lu attendance, ho was called
His faults were few, his virtues
many, and thu news of his sudden de
mise lias shrouded tlio town in gloom.
It is to bo hoped that thu severe shod;
his wlfo received may bo. able to bo
borne by her.and there is unlveisalsym
pathy that is felt everywheio lu this
community for the immediate iclatlves.
at tills hour of sorrow.
He was a man beloved, respected and
honored by every one who knrw him,
and had ho lived, would, most proba
bly, havo been thu next Senator trom
this district.
Mi. Leunaid was buried on Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clook.
At a meeting of t lio members of thu
bar of Ctrbon oounty, at the law pfllce
of Gen. Jno. I) liertolette, on. the 2nd
qf January, 1875, It was unanimously
Itesolyed, That by the sudden decease
of Hop.. Wesley U. Leonard, for many
years a prominent member of our bar,
wo have parted with one who in our
limited professional circio wilt long be
Itesolved, That our 'departed brother
was endeared to us by his sincere friend
ship, generally urbanity, high sense of
piofessional honor and unassuming jet
sterling Intelligence.
Itesol ved, That his untiring diligence
and marked fidelity to his cllttitage,un
der all the difficulties and trying em
barassmeuts, Incident to thu responsible
business of nn Advocate and Solicitor,
were not the least of tho many uoblo
qualitlei that adorned his professional
Itesolved, That In testimony of our
deep regret at tho sad occurrence which
na.3 caueu us logeiner, wo will intend
his earthly renin Ins to their silent rest
ing place, assured that as ho was born
thu Imago of the earthly his spirit has
already been invested with thu Imago
or tlio Heavenly.
Itesolved, That tho Secretary of this
meeting lilo In tho olllce of tho Piotli
onotary of the Court of Common I'has,
a copy of theso proceedings, transmit
a copy to his bereaved family in tin lr
deep afUlctlon, as a token of our sym
pathy witli their sorrows, and have them
insetted in the .Mauch Chunk Demo
crat and Muuch Chunk Coal Gazette.
J. II. Siuwcits. )
Daniel Kauifus. V Com.
W. G. FllEYSlAN.
Cosing Prices of DkIIavf.n & Towns
end, Stock, Government and Gold
10 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
jan. iii, 16 1 j,
U. 8. C, 1S31
18Ji l.ld. lR$akml
161;; 1,1,1 li-.'l? h.i, u..
U S. 5 iU, 1G2 .
U. S.6 21), 1S0I .
U. S. 3),lsl!5 .
U. S 6 20, 1S03 J, 4 J.
U. S. G),lsC7 .
U. S. ti so, lsos .
U. S. 10-M . .
U. , Currency, t' ,
II. (i. I,', list, uew .
I'tfnngtlv.iou It, IE, ,
10 lZ a.ksl.
nil "rJ.
1SU atLtiil
17 1.1,1.
1SJ2 Wd.
15 lid,
uy, w.
KB lid.
M'J Md.
11 Md.
111. ..KeJ.
1'Mla. i llfu llna II. II,
Ulililll Valley llaltruad
C'J4 a.krJ,
Milieu uoal &. Jtav, Uu,
I'J'J Md.
UdIuiu Uuuilaulea of N. J. Vl'Jli 111. 10 askud.
UaU 14J tIJ. l-'K.tUd,
SUvtr . ti bid. ;Ua.kt,d,
p J. JllOKIIA.V,
Ko. 4, Dulou'a Block,
13-Ca.u Uc0Dlu1ted la (iermin. Jan9.
jrsripB or tub fUACi:,
IIAMC Elrwt, I.KUiailTON, Vl
contfjiii'liiK.CllcTlliiE and all Imsliii'ts coa
litMtod ttttb Ilia pjtycti I'ruuiiitly nltcuddd to.
&i:aul fur llr.t-clau it.urauc CoiuDaulei,
ana Ul.ka or all kluji tJlitn on tlio uioat llUraj
New Advertisements.
Subject: PALESTINE, tlio
Birthplace of Christianity,
By Rev. Dr. MURPHEY,
in tho M. E. Church, of this
place, on
Thursday Evening Next,
(tho 13th inst.)
Admission, . . 25 Cents,
Doors open at 7, Lecturo
to commence qfc 7;30 P. M.
initio II,
All persons aro forbid meddling with
a Mack Mare.loaned by tht undersign
ed to Mary Klttner, of iiowuiausvIHe,
Cirbolt Oouutv, Peunn.
Uowmansville, Pa.
Jan. 8, 187o-3w.
All persons aro hereby' forbid med
dling with Two Mules and a Truck Wa
gon lontwd by ,tho undersigned to lien.
j.uulu Klutz, of Lehigriton.
Lehlghtuu, liorough.
Jan. 0, 1873-3W
tlmliii.strator'.s Notice
Whereas letters of adiulnlstiatlon
upon the estate ot Joseph Mont'., late
of Mahoning Township. Carbon Co.,
Pa., havo been granted to the subscri
ber, all persons having claims against
said estate will pleaso present them, ami
tlioso indebted to the said estate will
make Immediate payment.
WM. H. MONTJ5, Lelilghton.
Jan. 9, 1875-0
A dininl.stiator's Sale.
-"A. op
Tho undersigned administrator of tho
Estate of Joseph Montz, lateof Mahon
ing township. Caibon Co., Pa., deceas
ed. will oiler at Public Sale.on tlio prem
ises, aforesaid, on SATURDAY, JAN.
10th, 1875, at one o'clock P. M. tho fol
lowing descilbed personal property, to
wit: 3 Horses. 2 Mules, 1 Spring Wag.
on, 1 Truck Wagon. 2 P.i.r of Hob
Sleds, 1 Sleigh, 4 Sets Single Ilatnpcs,
2 sets of Sleigh Hells, a quantity of Hay
and Straw, 1 Cook Stove, ISedstead, 2
Tables, bureaus, and a vailety of o.her
articles too numerous to mention. Terms
will bo made nt time and place
of sale, by WM. II. MONTZ,
Administrator of Jos. Montz, deo'd.
W A lot of Hemlock Lumber will
bo sold at same time.
Jnu. 9, 1875.'-
The undersigned will 'offer nt Publlo'
Sale.on the premises, in the liorough of .
ijclilgtituii, Caibon county, la., on
onclay, .fan. 25, 1875,
The following decrlbed Propel tv, to
wit: Olio LOT, 00 feet front by 189 fl.
deep, situate on Leliluh (2d) street, b,'-
low iron street, In said borough, witha
One-Story DWELLING HOUSE erect-
oil thereun,
Terms will bn made known nt limo
and place of salo.
Overseers of tlio Poor of tlio liorniiRli
ot Lehlghion Pa Jan. 9 1873-3w.
p. laLiu'i'ixcjr.u
Would respectful.
y announco U
lis friends ami
the publlo in general, that ho has open-
" a nrsi-ciass
Livery & Sale Stable,
mid that ho can furnibh Horses, Iluggles
and Carriages of (ho best description,
or pleasure, uusinuss or pur
poses, at very Reasonable Charge
and on shoit notice. HAULING dona
at short notice and at low p-ices.
Corner of Rauk and Iron Street,
Lehlalitou. Pa.
Jan. 9, 1875.
NctlfO la hereby irlveti lliat the Kxecutor.. AJ
tnliltitlrtor., and Ou4rdlans liereloaft -r uainta,
bate filyd tlielr repeolir.. arcouutaof tliefi)llow
In,; estates In tbe Register' Olllce, at Mauili
Chuuk, in nud for Hie Cnunly of Carbon, tf bich
acuounta bate been allotted by thj lO-Uter, ttlll
Ihi pre.ented to Ibe Judaea of tbe Orphan.' Court
on londay. the IStti diy of Jan., uext, at ten
o'llock, A, A!., fur continuation t
Final acoount of Thomas Ktielmer.
Guardian of Daniel Acker.
First ami dual account of Samuel
Klbler,adni'r. of Peter and. Catharine
l'irst account of Peter Probst, Execu
tor of Mary Ann llrobst, dee'd.
in tlio matter of thu estato nt Peter
lltichman. Widow' nppralsonient.
Account of James Wtoks, Guardian
of Prudence Greenleaf, minor child of
Charles Doughorty, deo'd.
A. WillTTIMillAM, IteiUlcr.
ltejlster'i OfiTce, Mauch Chunk, Doc., 10, lo7 1.
Hespectfully nnnouiices to tho cltUens
of Lelilghton and vicinity, that lie has
on DANKWAY, (near tho Lehigh Val-
ley ltallroad Depot), Lelilghton,
and that he Is now prepared to glvo our
citizens Ufu-Ulcu pictures at tlio most
reasonable rates.
Particular utteutlon paid to taking
Children's Llkeuesses. A Trial is
solicited. June
atfs and Caps!
Elioads' Hall, Mauch Obuuk,
has opened his Winter Stuck of
Hats, Caps, Gloves and.
which ho Is selling ot prices' lower than
ever beloro offered.
w 2.
9ii:ssi:i livi:
The undersigned respectfully Informs
tho citizens of Carbon and adjoining
counties, that ho is now prepared to
supply ineni witn
Dressed or Live Hogs
at all times, at prices fully ns low as
they can no nought for elsewhere. Also,
Smoked Hams, llologne and Saussage,
at Wholesale and ltetnll.
GET Ordeis will bo promptly filled,
and Hogs shipped to any point at the
shot test notice.
Hank Street, Lehighton, L'ft.
sept. iu, i74 yi
New Advertisements.
rpp A C The cholc-est !'i the worM. Itn-
X iJXlU prtiTs prtce I.trtfest cnmpviy
In AiiK,rt,i ctitple nrlicle p!e.tnes evirjUnly
Tr.iJo cnutlnuallv lnrrenliitf Airents wanted
uverwhi're Xh't-t lnt)uuemt'nts tlon't wsU time
son.l tor Ciri'tihr it'iiiEHP hiuj, 4J erhcy
at., v., r, o. iiox i-'st.
500 Pianna & Organs
Tivw itn-l SccoiitUllulifl, nf Plr-l-rlnn
.tlullei-H. will br H'llil ill I, own' I'rloi-s fur
citlurim luel nil moti t,orJnr r?nttiit City
rrCoititlry,iiiirliiu flit-.i llnrtl 'riiut-w
and Hit Iltilltlayx, HOItACli WAT.
lOliS d. MI.V, IHl Hi i, mitt ji j-, llinu
vii lt-r,ii-e ftUoreil In .Nvw York
AKrlltt vnlltlil to nflt Walrra Aetv
onl PlallOM. awl Celiverli) Orcan-.
llliiati-ii(il Cnlnlogiiea lalti-il. (.rent
IiiiltieemtfiktH to Hit I'luilf- si lunge ill k-
culllit to 'rcnt:lierM,,llliilatir.,CUlilvll-
8, Lioilges, uliuula cfc.
To Have Good Health
Thu AvT must lii kept lu order
Iiah Ikjcoiiih ii flflijle family meJjV ne. I'urfly vesr
etibKi Ctitharic :ud ync mr nil ilMranirymeiiti
uf Liver, Rtitmicb and Ilowetg. Will ilear tlio
Oomplfxlou, euro BlfU-lieudachefl, Ac. Sliunlui
Try baiifaru's Liver IiivlnriUor,
A Valuaue Discovkuy.
Dr. O, W. Bensov, I'ruetlclne l'tilcUn, at IC6
N'ur'U Kutuw bt.. lUltlinore. Md.. (who ling cud
much attention to i ervluu1 dl'iii.iseh.Jtia tliscovtr-
ea tiiui ejrtraft crcelerv ami t'htiUimuit)-omLimi
In a ccrtiln proivirtlon lntarl illy cures Iifacaclie,
oiiiter itiioup, uipf iu iiunciii or mck iicuujriie,
ueuralli an J ntrtuuhUfCR, TUU U a trlumpU In
mudical chemtt-try,fin(l suITerf rn nil our tliu coun
try aroordt-rtt) I'.v mail. Ho preiurtti It In pills
at 6(1 couts a tu. Tue Doctor li larjelv krunu mid
hulily rtj-djjctud lu lUltiinoro, Ipmcvml Alethv
COPYING c1,lll1"fcttlo" I-lber-
I'refwrnnro to ouo hIIiIuiT to raru nirt of her ex-
tenst-R at fciiioi. nova. . a. iiLauuiii,
i.aaio- pwiniiiary, tarryiown, i .
111. i; ItKLUli.N.S OF ril'lUSAMlS, la OFI KIlUU
nv t ik I'osr 'oi tu xtuk I'uiiLiu unit.v
nv ticuv. ro iui;ii7nicii'' fkiiiiu.viiy..nkxi',
IIIIAW1.M1 1 11 K il AN A II l.AT A l.r. I'l.l'.IJIi
hUTuTiiniiKruitx or thi: mo.nkv iktiik
mtwyiMi ttiioui.u noj comkoff atiiii:
11AV .JIV Al'l'OI.VlKll.
omi: oitAMi cash out . . ,j:so,ooj
ONI! OUAM CAell (ilr C . . 1UU.UU0
ONr: (lltANO UASII (IIF1' . . Ul.nuu
O.NH UltAM) HASll Ultl . . . 25 ,(10
O UA5U I11F1S. li'J.lHlll r Al lUU.UU'l
1U CArll Uir'fS, H,(X)0 11AC1I, 14il,0U0
;u.u'ju r;.iun,
5.UO0 KACII. luuuOO
50 CASH 1HT,
loo cash nirr ,
I.UOO fcACII, ltlU,lH0
2U00 KAcll, luO.l'OU
&l)0 11AUII, 1WU00
JO 11ACII, 9501. ".0
WliGlu Tlrktt 3D. tl.Uca til, or t,thCoulwn,3
tlIu tVbole (iM.
Fttr Tickoti and lnfonuitlun. n-ldrefis
T1IO. K. llltAMI.KTTK,
Aaisr ami Masaiier,
I.oultlllc, Ky or TllOi. II. llAYa A Co., COO
llro.idwtty n.
C n r AO EKTS WANTK1) cell
UUU try dj.lnai .NhW t'Affc.S lurllolr. for
ti"UXt)Ht,ritni nud oiuurl, ti, 4, VM'.ttELL, v-utf
dOft per dy at hJujf
Toruif frft)
VmW .1
Adixtt.. UKO&ox OTI.MIU.S & Co,
lurllaud, Jlaluti,
A WJIKK guiranUed la
Uir7r7 "alt Ageult, lu llielr lu
(m)J fl .NOTIIIJtUlo try It. 'r
I'. O. VICKUItV 4 Co, .
WnKIC eu-irnntteJ la Mafe and Yi
r loramy. tjoi
l' Free
, Auu.U, Mo
iAhL at liCiitz's Druu Store and gv
Lu bottle of croup syrup. No ci
no pay.
Inlluetua, lIoarsenes, 71rouchltls
mid Incipient call Lentz's Drug ttoro,
Merry Christmas !
KIIIS KMNGIiE hns nnlvcd In town,
and made his Ueadquarters at
with n largo assortment of Klegant
Suitable for Holiday Pres
ents tor Girls and Jioys.
Call and examine articles and prices
before purchasing elsewhere.
Wo aro also prepared to supply our
friends and the citizens lu general with
Bread and Cakes,
Superior Quality, Fresh every Day.
i uiitlto a Specialty of
"Wedding and Fancy Cakes.
We havo always on hand a flno sfock of
Pure Candies and Confections,
which wo sell at thu very lowest prices.
Oysters in every style.
Fresh COUNTItY UU'fTJJIl at tho
regular makret prices,
1). IvliUUK & GO.',
HANK Street, Lelilghton, Pa,
Dec 13-yl
Packard PARLOR & Grand
Fort "WYiyuo Organ Conip'y
A. P. HORN, Agent,
Laury & Peters
Have iust received a vcrv litr,Tn n,H oin
glint stock of Fall and Winter
comprising plain and fancy Cloths,
Un-wiiut-rvsniid Vi'ntlnes. lor men's anil
boys' wear, which they are prepared to
niithP up in mo niost f.i lilonablo stylrs,
at reasonablericesiiud on short notice.
Ladles', Gent's and (Jhlldreu's
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters
and Rubbers,
comprising a splendid stock of nil kinds.
manufactured especially for thu tiade
or mis locality.
of the htes.tnnd most fashionable make,
always on baud, t low figures.
Vi1 Agonls for the Acmo Shirt tho
best fitting garment ever made. Leave
jour Measuru for them.
Jlerchant Tnilors,
P. O. Building, Lfhlghton, P..
And Dealer in
GciiI'm riiriilshiii Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Tlaln and Fancy Cloths
Casslmeres and Ve-tlngs,for Men's and
iu tit-ur, which i am prepaied to
Make un to Order In thn m,wt K'.nt.,,..
ublo Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses aud Children's
A well selected stock of French and
Turkey Morocco, (ilovo Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebblo and drain Leather Hoots
and Shoes on hand, or
IMiii'lo to Oj-tior.
Of the Latest Styles always oj hand, at
'tho Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for, tho
American & Cirovor Si ISultcr
Sowing MacMiies.
Only Ono Prleo for Everybody.
January 11, 1870-yl
HY, Oil. WHY will you suffer
with tlnlt nmif.hnr l"7n1il9 wlipn
relief limy b had Immediately by using,
.Jinujirsu a wuuiimumi oyrun oi xnr
iMId Ulierry and iiorehouiid.
now offerinc Fall and Winter
comprising DeLatnes, Alpacas, Satlr.os,
Empress Cloths, &c, and a full line ot
&c, at POPULAR TltlCES.
They nlso call particular attention to
their Immense stock of Ladles', .Gent's,
Misses' and Chlldreu's
Gaiters tScRubbers,
manufactured especially for tho trade
of this sectio'd, at Low Prices.
Our stock of Groceries. Flour.
Iro visions, lueensare and
Wood nud Willow Wnre,&c.
Is full aud complete in every depart
ment, and goods and prices are sure to
suit. A trial Is respectfully solicited,
aug SO-'niO
1st Mortgage Premium Bond
N-Y. Industrial Exhibition Co.
Thfsa lion Art- Issued for the purpose ct rat
ln iutitln fur the erection of a building in tho
CUy of New Yoik, to be used for a
PcrpetutU World's Fair,
n permanent home,where eYrry manufacturer can
exhibit and sell his good, and erery patentee can
t-h'.w Inreu ion; a centre nf lnduntry which
will pnvo n vast benefit to tho whole country.
For thia purpose, the LetrlsUtuie of tbe State of
New V.irk ha grunled a charter to a number of
our most wen! thy and respectable merchants, and
tliettj gentlemen hare purchased no lens than eight
Motki "f the most valuable land In the City of
New Vtirk. The building to be erected will b
seven Morles high (150 feet in height); eurmoan
ted by 11 nitigniftcent dome, and Milt rover a ppace
of '21 .icrva. It will be construrtod of Iron, JUIclc
and IHl, and made tire-proof. The bonJs, which
ate all IVt $2U e.ich, aro wciired by a firft mort
gpgj on the land and building, and for tbe pur
p.i be of umUltig them popular, the directors hav
decided to have quarterly drawings of 1 150,000
tt.ich; this money belug tbe luterebton tho amount
of ihe whole loan.
Kvery bondholder must receive ak least $21.00,
but ho may recelvo
Or flVKW. or $10,000. or $5,00D, or ta.CnO, Ac.
puri'SiisollibrjM.T mnar 4th, 1873, will partla
ata lu tha
Third Series Drawing,-,
Held MONDAY JAN., 4th, 1875.
Capital Premium, $100,000.
Thcoe Di aw) iips lake place eiery ThteaMonthv
and ivtutunlly very bund ulll paiticipate la
.Urt'SF, forUiprJland full informntlon,
Financial Aoents,
an I'urk Kow, New York,
PmtOfflce Drawer UV,
Keinltby Draft on'N. V.CItjr I3uk, llesliterei
Letter Or I'. O. .Money Order.
Postponements impossible under this,
plan. Dec. Ill, 4m.
elsiiort AUcail !
Tlio utiderslgned would resrectfully
inform and tlie pub
lie in general, tlmtthey have opened a
in connection with their
Near the L. S. Depot,
nud that they have now on hand an im
mense stock of Mioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
.Hough Pino Hoard,
Surfaced Pine boards,
I'luorlng, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, of all kinds,
Shinnies, an Immense stock,
Hoofing and Ceiling Lath,
nnd, in fact, Lumber of every descrlp.
tlon at tii' very lowest market prices.
We are also prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine artlclo of
fi ti it ti , suitable for illusoury
Work. IMnsterlus. c., at lie.
niarkably Low figures.
Wo havo constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
which wo will soil, lu large or small
quantities, nt Prices to suit your Pockets
Ock Motto ltOSESl' COUNT LOW 1'ItIOiS.
Ycakel & Albright,
aug 23-yl Carbon county, Pa J
Hespectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lelilghton aud vicinity that ho Is
now prepared to contract for tho erec
tion of dwellings, churches, schooU
houses, and other buildings. Also, that
Jio keeps constantly on hand a full as-,
sortiiient of every description of
consisting ot flooring, siding, doorsk
sah, blinds, shutters, moldings, Ac,
which ho Is prepared to furnish at tin)
very lowvst uiaiket rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
W. It. HEX.
Lehlghton, May 17, 11173. ly