The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 26, 1874, Image 2

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    Jw-(Environ SitHwivU,
It. V. MORTItlMlin,
t.r.maiiTON', pa.s
9TUItDVV MOIti'tN'il b iOISVMKU 21, 1871.
In order to allow our em
uloyeus an opportunity to
enjoy themselves during the.
Jiolidays wo publish tlio ad
vocate this week ono day
earlier, and propose not to
issue any paper next week.
The next issue will bo Satur
day, January 8th, 1 875. Wo
wish ono and all of pur pat
rons a Merry Christmas and
T,ho IIouso Appropriation Committee
have reported . bill appropriating $30,.
QQO (or defraying Uie expense of enter
taining the King of Sandwich Islands.
Better to liavu appropriated the saiiie
amount for the relief of the poor unem
ployed citizens nf tlio rountry.
Mr. Emeg introduced In tlio House
of Representatives, on Jouday lat, n
bill which proposes to repeal nil taxes
nnd stamp duties imposed by the Inter
nal revenue laws, except such as relato
.to distilled spirits, fermented liquor.
tobacco, snuff, clears; to increase the
tax on distilled spirits ten cents, per gal
Ion, and to repeal tlio second section of
the act of June C, 1872, which reductd
Jen percent, the d.ities on manufactur
ers of cotton, wool, iron &c.
Tlio U. S Senate, on Tuesday, after
A discussion, passed th new Finance
bill, as reported, by a vote of 32 to !(,,
all tho democrats voting In tlio negative
Tlio bill provides for freo banking, the
retirement of an amount of greenbacks
ciual to 80 per cent, of the new nation
al bank notes Issued, until tho gieen
back circulation Is reduced to $300,000,
.000; tho withdrawal of the fraction cur
rency and substitution of silver coin, and
resumption of specie payments on the
1st of January, 1870.
Five Thousand Uollaiis Rr.wAiiD.
Mr. ClnUtlan K. Ros, father of the
stolen child, Chailes Brewster Hrs-sbe'
lug satisfied that tho burglars killed at
Hay Hidge, Long Wand, wvro thu ab
ductors, now oifers a reward of $3000
for tho return of his child or for intor.
matlon that will lead thereto. He ties
ignates six places in Philadelphia, Hal
thnore, Boston, A'ow York and Wash
Ington, to cither of which tho child may
fie taken or sent, and "no questions
asked " Tho announcement of this
should receive tho widest publicity by
meaus of the telegraph nnd tho press,
Tun New Yawr. Oji3nnvEn There
s no journal that conies to our table
which wo value moro highly nor read
with moro interest than the Now York
pbserver. Wo never lay It down, after
perusal, disappointed. Hut always feel
better afcr reading It. Wecan heartily
recommend it to mo attention of our
friends, satisfied that in subscribing for
It, It will be maney well spjnd. It co.ii
tains religions matter of a high order
and Its secullar articles are the thought
lul, deliberate productions ot men who
fully understand tho subjects thoy deal
with. oonncaubo wrong In sub'cri'u
ing for thu New York Observer at $3 00
per annum.
Mayor llaveiueyer's will has been ad
mltted to probate. He apppolnted
executors and trustees his wife and tl.elr
sons, John V. and Henry; deslrlnc that
they charge and receive their comnils
lons and fees as by law for filing and
executing tho lru-ts m his will. The
portions of tho widow nnd daughters
aro to bo invested, and tlio Income there
of paid to them annually, and tho tap
Ital theirs to bequeath. .Vayor Hnve
nieyerbeiim allied five or six million
dollars. Tho solo legatees are his wid
ow and their eight adult children, nil
New Yorkers. The Mayor's will gives
to Mrs. llavemeyer's their resldenco in
Foiuteenth street, which is a lot 37x123
feet, with all the furnl'ure, pictures,
works of art, wearing and other nppar
cljtho Income of ono-thlrd ot Ids estate,
less tlds residence and contents, which
the testator estimated at $25,010. Tho
will stipulates that Mrs. llavemeyer's
Income shiill not be moro than f 100,
O0U,A year, nor less than J30.000.
Spain niui die UnituU Stales.
Wnslidijiton dUp.itch ot December
2lst, 6iys, It Is no secret In that city
that the rtlatlons of the United States
with Spalu, at tho present time, are
very unsatisfactory, and that a war be
tween tlio two countries may bo nre
cl itatcil at any moment. Spain, whllo
eomi'lylng wltli Great Ilrltaln'a demand
for Indemnity In (ho Vlrglnlus case.has
Hun far taken no steps complying with
our demand In the eamccase, mid ulilci.
Mi'iuld pruietly have tirecedence,
The l'leiddeiit feels e-ll lent that
will he hiillalned by the jinj !e In ad
oi-Hui; a iiereuiptory tone toward Spain,
rven If It leads to war. There Is just
now nn active ccrrepnndencn going on
between Secretary Fish and Minister
Gushing concerning tlio points at Issue
fcel ween the two countries.
Tho diplomatic correspondence be
tween Secretary Fish nnd Mr. dishing,
United States .Minister at Viadild, shows
n strong deslro nn tlio p-jrt of this gov
ernment for the abolition of slavery In
Ciib.t, and an equnl'y strong deslro for
tlio independence, of Hint Island. Willi
regard to nlla'',sln Culm, Secretary Fish
writes: "War still rages; there Is no
material change In the military sltu.v
tlou," ;uid "this condition of things
(Hows d y by day more instifjottalilH
to tho United States." Elsewhere ho
says, "Thu Polcy of Hie United States
with regard to Cuba at the present tlmu
Is one of expectancy." Tho points at
ssue between tho two governments,
briefly, stated, are as follows:
1. I ho existence ot Slavery m uuna.
2. lnlurv to American citizens in
Cut'ii without ndenuato means of do
mandlug liuiuiUinte reparation pn mo
!!. Wrong done American citizen? by
thu embargo of their property for nl-
ectd dlsloyaity. 1 heir restoration tic-
nianded by tills government.
1. 'ndeiiiulty m tno virginiucaso.
fi. Thu expies-ed deslro of tlio gov
eminent for the Independence of Cu
To this must bo added any offence
committed by Spain In the detention of
.., .1... I , .1..w urinu... Wit
Ul II1U LIlllTlLiMl DW1IUUUV. Wlllium M It'
No official Information has yet been
received here of tho boarding of the
American schooner William Wilson.slx
miles fiom Porto Itlco, op tho passage
fium roi t Spain to lurks inland, by
SpanMi crulsnr, as reported in the press
dispatches of the lath lnt. it appears
that the schooner was hovo t j by three
blank carti dues fioin a Spanish war
vessel, her eaign and destination iscer
tallied, nnd slio was then allowed to
proceed! This case, when officially
presented to the government win uu
maud its lmmediatu aiteutiun.
Tlio 1'luuiicinl Policy.
Tho Financial Hill, agreed to on
Saturday by tho Senate Republican
caucus, and reported to the Senate on
Monday, Its leading features aro sub
otaitlially a follows
Fiist Free banking to bo open to all
Individuals ami associations, without
limlintlim of cnptlal.
Second 'the ri'tlllngnf an amount of
greenback., equal tu efgl ty per cent, of
the amount of new national notes Issued
until tint greenback circulation shall be
reduced lo $300,01)0,000, alter which no
fin ther reduction of the greenbacks la
to take place. It is claimed Unit by
tins provision tnero will no iieiinqr ex.
paiislon nor contraction of the currency
as about tvven'y per cent. Is now ro
quired as li iuk reserves.
Thlid Tho withdrawal nnd dodnic
tlou ol thu fractional eiiireucy nnd tho
substitution of silver coin, tiio nirangu
meiit to go tut ) effect as tjcon ns prac
ticable under the direction ot tho Secre
tary of the Treasury, who Is authorized
to use tlio sin plus money for supplying
the silver coin, nn.l If tills Is not auM-
cient to sell the lequWto amount of
bon ,s of thu new scries to obtain the
funds tor that purpose.
Fourth Removlr.g tho cost for tho
coinage of gold at tho several Mints.
Filth Tim resumption ol specie pay
'liients to begin on Jan. J, 1870.
Tlio Secretary Is author! ted tu tiso tho
surplus specie in tlio Tieasury, but If
(.hat Is not sulliclcnt, to sell bonds in
order to obtain gold to pay tljQ Treas
ury notes. Hut this las,t provision does
nut, like tho others, go into immediate
effect. Tlio legal Tender act remains
Tho bill having been agreed to almost
unanimously by tl)o caucus, thcrq being
only four members dissenting, insures
Its passage, by the Senate, aud It Is
thought by Senators that it will pas3, tho
House of Representatives by n respect
able majority. No doubt Is entertnlued
that it will recelvo the approval of tho
President, as It Is In accordauco with
his recent recommendation to Congress.
It Is tnld that so much of tlu) frac
tional currency Is mutilated and lost,
as much ns four pro cent, annually,
that bllver can take its placo with no
inconvenience to tho public, Tho Gov
ernment is able to purchnso and coin
liver ut a profit, and can at ru tarly
peilod effect the substitution.
The bill Is In accordance with the
views of the Secretary of tho Treasury
contained in his annual report, he liav
Ing exprj-sed doubts ot the expediency
of continuing the charge for tho coin
age of gold which tends to creato an ad
verse exchange and causes bullion to be
exported to London, nnd have recouv
mended, with n view to the resumption
of specie payiu cuts; thu manufacture
uf a largo quantity ot silver coin to
take the placo of tho fractional notes
beginning with tlio smallest denouilna
tion and gradually withdrawing thu
The Secretary says tho estlruato of
the Director of tho Mint, shows a inln
In the specio aud bullion in the last two
fiscal years of about $33,000,000, aud
tho stock specio In tho country to be
about $.00,000,000. Tho estimated In
crease of coin ami bullion is gratifying
us being one of the evidence ot a gradu
al recuperation ot tlio country from the
effects ot a destructive civil strife; and
In connection with an annual produc.
tlou of about $70,003,000 of tho pre
clous metals affords encouragement that
u Mock of coin may within a seasonable
tune, and with favoiablu legislation, In
I nccunil ited to an extent sulUcieut to
lie unable til" resumption of specie paj
nients to bo undertaken nnd maintain
Tho Iron trade in Ohio Is looking up.
All tho Danville, Pa., Iron woiks are
In mo! Ion.
A lead mlnolnsbecn discovered near
Newbury poit, Jass.
The Ilhodo Island Sovereigns of In
dustry are prosperous and Increasing.
The negores In Coplal county, Jis'.,
iavn formed n laborers' union. Its
chief rule prevents members from work
ing tor .'ess man tnreo-iouiin tno frop.
Any ono violating this rule Is to bo
strnpped ncros a log and recelvo threo
hundred, laid on with n hand saw.
New Advertisements.
All persons nro forbid meddling with
ono mnle nnd a four-liorso wacon loan
c.d by the undersigned to Abraham Hill,
of Bowuiansvljlc, Cm lion Co., Pa.
Bowiuansvllle, Pa,
Dee. 10 1874-Ow
fQyie best Paper, Try It.
ni:UTirot.i.Y n,T,nsTnATKn.
TlwSDIH.VTIFIfJ A Mi: It 10 AN' now In
tin antli jur, oujnyn th Milr.t ilnuli'lnn ofnny
weekly newspaper of IIih kind In Hie world, A
new volume roinmenre. .tatvurv 4, tsi.
It content eiuliraro the lite.t ami mofrt Inter
eMln Information pert.-ilnlni; to the 1 mliiHtrul.
Meelmilrnl Hint Sclenlllle I'roiiresB ortha WorM;
Inscription., with Uentitiful l:iimi leg-, of New
Invention. New lmpllinent., New Pr cef.jiml
Improved Industries nf nil Mud.; Useful Noti",
Kecei'p., SnjcQstions nnd Adrl.-e, by I'riKtlcnl
W liters, for Workineu and Kniployers, lu all the
ailous nrtg.
clttapettanil bettilluttrtited tvit-Ui pijirr ul!iltrd
x.ivr.y niimrr mniami jrnm hi to la original en
gravinn nf new inrlttneri ami vovtt invtnti'oir.
KNGIIA VI.N'Ux, illmtrattnj Improve
ment. Ihecoven'ee. iwit ImmrUihi Vnrli.rrtain-
inq In civil awl Mechanical Engineering, Milling,
Mining nnd MttalXurgy; Ilecnrtlt nl', tateitprt
gcttt in theappliaviont of steam, Meant Kngfneer
ing, liailimyt, Shiii-llitihttiig, tVnHgi ti'nt. Tile-
grapni, ietegrapl r.itginccTiny, lAtclncilj, .vague
tiSlll. Liql ami Heat.
I'AIOIlClts, Mchanin Enqincert. Inven
tory. Manufacturers. Chemiite. Lover, nf Scieiic.
Teachert, Clergymen, jMivere, unit People of all
Pmfceiiont wtllfinil the miixtifiii Amluicw ut,e
fullofiem. It thonlil have a place in every fumily.
Liiorary, ofH'iy. ujice, awt inuniing Jioom; tn cv
try Jle-vling Itooin, College, Academy or School
A ueir'i num'ien conttin S-1J panel ami ?kteri.
ItCSI) RED UORiVIN(14, ThintenuU of vuhmes
are preserved for Lintling ami reference. The prac
tical receipts are well worth ten times the. subscrip
tion price. Terms. $3 20u year by mai1,im.lufttng
postage. Discount to t'tnbs. Special circulars and
specimens sent J fee, juy ttetiau oj all Actus Deal
ers. VJn4ni.J.f. In connection tcilh the FcirN-
UiuuXlLo. uric iImsriuiv. Messrs. Mums
to Co. are Solicitors of American and Ihreign Int
ents, and hare thetargest ttalilisliment in the world
JAirt; than fifty Xhousand applications have been
Jilade for pattnll through their nnencu.
Illtcnlsare iMaiiwt on the liesl term, Mmlels of
View inrcwioiM ana shtlches examineil and advice
free', 4 special notice is made in the. sciemuic
JMEltlClNQ1 all Invention itented through this
Aqency,mlh Vn name and residence, of t'te litentee,
lUtenls are often sold inpirtor whole, to persons at
tached to the "invention b't such notice t'indfir
j-amp-tiei, impages, ronuiniiig saws anajuil an
recliins for olitainiiin Patents.
Address for the. Purwr. or concrpinn Patents.
MU.VXit- CO..SI lirk Itnw, ,V. 1'. llranch Hfice,
cor. r. ana tin .vs., iiatnimiioii, ii. v.
(..r......... , n. ,7...
Now Advertisements.
Tho rboIcpFt In tlii worl-l. !m
Prtrh prlcei l.irjet tinnrmiy
n AtnaitiM .tnr.lij nrticli' ieart etirlHlv
TraJa rdtitlnuallv 1ll(pRll Xpent? wnntcJ
everywhere 'wHt In'luctment'j dmvt wtst ttnu
einl Inr Circulir t UiiR'tc Welh, 4t 4rwy
N. V., I'.O. ltox 1JS7.
500 Pianos & Organs
New rtnl Secniul-U mit1trf FU -(-riass
Makemi will ht d at loivr Price for
cah,oron lunt nllmeii tt,ortir rf)i,i City
or tiring tli rc 1 1 aril 'I'lmc h
ill" a- riu.n, ini nroaivny, iitnu
ver lieforn ofl'ereil In -New York.
AKrutM tvnnllil h tell unlfr1 .ev
Mt I'litikui, and Cnncprto uram,
tliistrnleil Citnlo;urs Utilleil. Jrent
inliiceiitMilH tothet Trmlpa .1 rgtllii
011 at M Tench rrri. Ml ill HtriH,Cli urc U
Si Luilgeri, School, etc.
To Have Good Health
Thd Iilrtr must lie kept In order.
Sanforil's B.lvcr Invlgorainr
as liecomo a staple ramllv medie'ne. l'urelv vez-
ftibU Cittharic and Tome lor all derangements
ot Liver, Stomich and lliwels, Will rleir the
Complexion, euro tlck-headachos, Ac. Shunlm.-
Try Snllfnril'a Iilvf r Illylpnrrttnr.
A Valuawi Discovr.uY.
Pr. f. W. niNfov, Tractlclns rhvflclan. at 103
North Uutaw Ut., Ilaltlmore, Md.,(whn his pud
much attrntlon tc, , ervlous dl.essus.lliis ,1 luce v f r-
thu extract ct celery mul clitm"tntltio,iiMne'l
lti a cerUlu iiroi-jrllon'liirariittly cures,
either tllous, ilipn tic nen,cxHfr f Irk h(nj.i;he,
noilfillrrtl ami l.rt 'I' la n t-l nt.. . I..
DieUlcal ttiemiitry.iiiil outTererH all over th iiun
try iiroorclenu hy uitl), ' Ito prepire It Ii Wb
ot ceum a dux. him uocior 11 irtrireiy Krown mm
UliW ruitfCtthl In llaltiinard. Eiritcoixil Al.tha.
COPYINCf Conilenl laber-
Prefereace to one wililnj to p.irn pirt of lir ex
leiiKei nt KhKl. ited. V. 11. iU.NUdLUltY.
UV TIIK rosTI'0Kllj;NT OF I Ulll.lO Mllll .
hi io nn: ithrmiN of tiii: movkv if tub
nmwiNu suouLii not comkoff attiib
ONIi nilAXD CASH OIFT , . . $y,0M
ON1J (illAM) CAsll (JlrT . . WOittM
tl.NK (lltASI) CASH tllFT . . 1i.OiO
OMS (IKANU UAllU III IrT . . oll.non
O.N IS tlllAM) OASll U1FT , . . "o.dOn
S CASH (IIFIS, f-'-t)0 DACtr, luo.nOO.
io casii airrs, ucki i:cii, myiui
15 CASH IIIFfd, 10.U-J0 KACH, 131000
ii CASH GIFTS, 4,000 t.ACIt, lOOOUO
3) cash uiFis, 3,'hki i:acii. tOU 0
IU0 UASI1 HIKC . 1,000 KAOII. ll.UO0
f.0J CASH HUTS. 1U0 KACII, (0,000
lOoou CASH UIF1', 60 CAV'H, 9',0,o0.1
Whole Tlrket iW. llalroi H, or eachCoulwu,?.
AieTen iiume llCKelK, OvO.
For Ticket! and Information. adJresi
AaiKTanil Man torn.
Loulnllle, Kj., or TIIOS. II, HAYS CO., tM
Ulwunij .....
UJJ terj NhW 1'A I bNTarIMM for
" 1 ua otben. U. J. Hp.wili, Cue
lore, con?. !
ue j eer dy ni
UW c- QilV AJJri'.. UH.B01 MIMOI (.11,
STipttsmJ A Nr.r.K f!ilirnii,.e,i ,t .inri, anil rt
5w "'' A.vit, In Ihtlr I aitjr- ''""'
liilS 0 NUTIII .11 M try It. far Ir ji r Fr-
" V 0. VICKBUY A f- Auiii.-a, Mo
priilian'fj Court Sale.
Vy vlrti o of an Ordc'rof tho Orphans'
Court of Carbon County, thero will bo
exposed at l'ubllc Sale, on the premises,
In the liniough of Lehlu'hton, on
At Ilalf-paH TWO o'clock I. SI.,
the following described
Dec'd. viz,
All that certain lot, rilcco or parcel
of Oround, situate, lying and being In
the borough of Lchighton, Carbon Co
l'a., bounded nnd described ns follows,
to wit: lb ginning at n stone, thenco by
land of Lewis Graver south threo de
grees nnd ono-half west twctitv-flvu
perches and one-tenth toastone; thence
by land of George Ech duo east twelvo
pirchts and twn:.tenth to n ftonej
thenco by land of the late John Kunt.,
deceased, north tw;nty-nlno degrees
west eleven perches tq a Etone; thence
by the same north four nnd one-half
degrees east nineteen perches and three-
tenths to n corner In a public, road;
thenco by the said public road south
fifly-fivo degrees west eight perches to
tli place or beginning, containing
1 Acre & 2.1 perchen Strict Mea'suro.
The Improvements thereon aro a One
nnd a-Uaif Story DWELLING HOUSE,
with basement; a good V'ell of Water,
nutl a number of Choice Fruit Trees.
Terms ami Conditions will bu Hindu
known at .j)B Ipnj and place ot
Lelilghton, Dec. 19, "7J. A linlnlstrator.
Nctlco Is hereoy piven that the Executors, Ad'
mtnl.tratcrs, and (liidl.ins lyerelmfter named,
hatro (tied their re.peetlre accounts of the nllow
1 ti (5 estates In the Heeler's OHlce, at .Mauch
C:hunk. Ill nnd fir Ihe Counlvot Carhon. which
arciint. haio heen allowed hy tho Keil.ter. will
lie presented to the Judges of tlio Orphan!.' Court
on .Mnndiy. the lSlh day of Jiu., next, at ten
o clock, A. .M., lor toulirinait n :
Final accoent. of Tlioinas Ktiehner.
Guardian of Danitl Acker.
Flisl nnd final account of Samuel
KlbUr.ndm'r. of Feter at d Catharine
First account of letter 1'iobst, Execu
tor of Mary Ann llrobst, dec'd.
In tho matter nt tlio estate of 1'etor
Uuchman. Widow's npprnisement.
agister's Onlce, IhuJi Chunk, Dec., 10,1874.
llcrni'si Floral inldo
FOR 1875.
rul'dhhed Quarterly. January mini
berjust l-sm-d, nnd contains over 1U0
Panes, r00 EtiKravlngi, deetlptlnns of
moro than 000 of our best Flowers and
Vegetable-!, with directions for Culture,
Q hired Plate, etc. Tl.o mosf usefiil
anil elegnut work of .tho kind in tho
world. Only 2."i cents fur tho year.
PublMicd in English and German.
Dec. 10, 187-1 Ilocliester. X. V.
1 o
TIip undersigned respectfully Informs
the citizens of Carbon and adjoining
counties, that lie ii now prepared to
supply them wltli
Dressed or Live Hogs
at all times, at prices fully ns low as
they can be bought for elsewhere. Also,
Smoked Hams, llologue and Saussage,
at Wnnle'-Ialo and ltetall.
W Ordeis will bo promptly filled,
and lings shipped to any point at the
shot test notice.
Hank Street, Lelilghton, L'a.
Sept. 10, i871 yl
mpfOTIIEHS, Look nt that Child, It
has Worms. Go or send at nnco
to DUltLINO'S Drue Store, nnd get a
bottle of his WOUM SVItUP, so plea
sant and yet so sine. may 0
Perotn desiring lo have Privy Vaults
Construcled, Chanuil, Disinfected or
Hepalred,.can havo It iIouboii very rea.
houablo terms by addressing tho uuder
South Uethleheui, Pa.
Dec. 12, 1874.-a
C LL kinds of Patent Medicines at
-Leutz's Urug Store.
ninOUACCO, and C'gars a specialty
--uttho Drug Moro of O. W. Leulz,
Hank Street, Lelilghton.
TUOICE Liquors, or MnUcal pur--'lioscs
at O. W. Lentz'tf Drug Store,
Hank Street.
'Revolt Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery,
Spices, &c, call ut Leutz'
s Drug
'I'BTAOR Chapped Hands, Face or Lips,
call ut Leutz's Urug Store.
i t 1 f
iVl'STIC Soda, l lcts per pound nt
Leutz's Drug Store.
rt- c pa
lag N
r 5 1
O P H fc!
2. Ma
o tai
rj o
clssport Ahead !
Tho undersigned would respectfully
Inform bullders.eontractors and tho pub
Ho In general, that they have opened a
In connection with their
Near the L. S. Depot,
and that thov havo now on hand nn im
mense stock of Mioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such aa
Hough 1'lnu Hoards,
ourraceil 1'Jno oards,
Flooring)' Hpjnlook nnd Pino,
Sidings, Qf all kinds,
Shingle;, c.i) lii)iiiense ptock,
Hoofing nnd Celling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber jot every descrip
tion ot th". very lowus), inarUet prices.
Wo aro also prepared to furnish Ilulld-
crs nnd others with a very lino nrtlclo of
ri a ii il , sultablo for illasusiiT
Woilt. E'lastLTltis. &o., at He.
mnrkably Low Figures.
Wo l.nvo constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood sultablo tor Firewood,
which wo will sell, In largo or small
quantities, nt Prices to suit your Pockets
nug 23-yl
C'athou county, Pa
"yiJToiise mill Biitt lor Salu,
JUM- Sltunto on Hank stieet, In tho
Viurough of Lehlghtm, and numbered
oion tho plan or plot ot said borough
i ne juot la oii x 18U feet ; the House
is three stones wltli basement, 2-story
ivitciien aim necessary outoulliliug, n
neer falling well of water, &e. It Is
nicely located for alino-t any kind of
buslneM, being situate on tho prlivdpal
otislness tlitiiouuluaro. For price and
fuither pnitlculurs apply at this Oillcu,
or on uie premises to
July 18, lS74-tf
hank sTttKhT, Li:iiianri).N, i-A.
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lehlalitoii nnd vicinity that ho Is
now prepared to contract for tho erec
tlou of dwellings churches, school
houses, nnd other bulldlugs. Also, that
bo keeps constantly on hand a full as.
sortmmt of every desprlptlon of
consisting of Homing, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, &e.,
which ho Is prepared to furnish at thu
very lowvst uiniket rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
W. It. HEX.
Lelilghton, Slay 17, 137a. ly
Huts aaid Caps!
Ithoacls' Hall, Mimcli Chunk
has opened his Winter Stock ot
Hats, Caps, Gloves and
which ho s selling at prices lower than
ever ueloro ollered.
loves & Furs.
Bread and Cake Baker,
Respectfully Informs tho citizens of
beiiliihton and vicinity, that l.u has re
moved Ills business lrom Wolssport to
uis premises on
and that he Is now prepared ta furnish
Fresh (trend nnd Cakes dally. Steam-
made Pretzels shipped In lurgo or small
quantities to order, nt wholcsaluaud re
I"Ciudles a"d Confections, a large
nnucuoice variety always on iianu.
Sept. 2Ctti, 1871.-tf.
Respectfully nnnnunces to tho citizens
of l.ehluliton aud vicinity, that hu has
New Photograph Gallery
on UANICWA V, (near tho Lehluh Yal
ley llallioad Depot), Lclilghtun,
nnd t tint ho Is now piepared to glvo our
citizens Life-Like Pictures at tho nioit
reatonablo rates.
Paitlculur iittentiou paid to taking
Chlhlleu's Llkcucsa'3. A Trial Is
solicited. Juno IS,
In th
u anion's ioia;i:.
ie matter of the Sheriff's sale
of the Real Estate ot Peter Schwab. Fl
fa., No. 0, Oct. Term, 1HT4, issued from
the Court ot L'oiiiiiion l'le;w of Citibou
County. Tlio Auditor appointed by the
Court to distribute the moneys arising
from tlio said sale and inako report to
tho nest term, with tho facts and rea
sons upon which Mich distribution Is
made, will meet the parlies interested
for the purpie of Ids appointment, on
Tue-dny. tho 20th, of lie ember, 1B71.
ut 11 o'clock .1, M., ut tils olUi'u in thu
Borough ot .Matii h Chunk.
J. V. imiMlUC, Auditor.
November 2d, lS74-wl
Merry Christmas !
KRIS KR1XGTE has arrived In town,
and mailo ms Headquarters at
with a large assortment of Elegant
Suitable for Holiday Pres
ents tor uu'ls and Boys.
Call nnd examlno srtkles and trices
before purchasing elsewhere.
Wo aro also prepared to- snrnlv' our
friends and tho citizens In general with
Bread and Cakes;
of Superior Quality, Fresh every Day,
V.. 1. ,. c. t-tl.. n
HU 111.1HU i 0ftUlilllJ UL
Wedding and Fancy Cakes,
Wo havo always on hand n flno sfock of
Pure Candies and Confections,
which wo sell at tho very lowest prices.
Oysters in every stylo.
Fresh COUNTRY U UTTER nt tho
regular makret prices.
1). KltOCK & CO.,
HANK Street, Lelilghton, Pa.
Dea 12 yl
,1'Icaso Exsiiiijio;
Packard PARLOR & Grand
Fort Way no Organ Comp'y.
A. P. HORN, Agent,
Laury & Petfirs
Havo just received a very largo and ele
gant stock of Fall and Winter
d- B 9
comprising plain nnd fancv Cloths
Ussltueresand Vestlngs, for men's ami
Hoys wear, which tliey aro prepared to
make up In th,, most fa hlonablo styles
at reasonable prjees and on short notice!
Ladles', Gent's at.d Children's
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters
and Rubbery,
comprising a splendid stock of all kinds,
manufactured especially for tho trade,
of this locality,
of tho latest and most fashionable make,
always on baud, at low figures.
t?r Agenjs for tho Acme Shirt tho
best fitting garment ever made. Learo,
your Jlensuro for them.
Merchant Tailors,
P. Q. Biilldlng, Lelilghton, Pa.
And Denier In
ficiit'w Furnishing; Gootls,
Constantly on hand n splendid stock ot
'new goods,
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Casslmeres and VeMlngs.for Men's and
Ho)' Wear, which I am prepaied to,
Make up to Order In tho most Fashion
ublo Styles, at short notice.
Ladc.i', biases and Children's
A well selected stock of French nnd
Turkey Morocco, (Jlovo Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebble nnd Grain Leather Hoots
and Shoes on hand, or
itluilo to Order.
Of tho Latest Styles always oa hand, at
tho Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
American & G rover & linker
Sewing liicliiucs.
Only Ono l'rlco for Everybody.
January 11, 187a-yl
TSLWHY, OH, WHY will you suffer
VJ with that Couch or Cold? when
relh'f iniy Ii had immediately by using
Jl'RLtN'O'S Compound Syiup of Tftj
. lid .Cherry and Uorehound,