' . H. V. MoRTiiiMEii, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance VOL. III., No. o. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, DEOEMHER 23, 1871. Subscribers out of Comity, SI. 20. CARDS. Vnrnltiirc Varrlione. T. Bchwarti, lltiik street, dealer in all Until if Furniture Ogfjlnimnd'tn older. Hoot fillil Slion Mker. Clinton Brolhey, in Lrran't building. Hank street. All orders iiromptlyjlllm-uiork warranted. yjrj M. KAPSIIISll, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, HANK STREET, liEHIUMTU.l. IA. irteal Estate and Collection Agency. Will Iluyand Sell Itial Estate. Conveyancing neatly done, l.ol lections promptly made. Settling Estate of Ie .cedent, a specialty. Slay be cou.ulted In English aand German. Nov. 22. JKO. D. BEKTULETTK, ATTORNEY AND OlDNSHLl.Olt AT. LAW Or-IC-Flrst National Dank null eg, 2nd Fiocr MAUCH CIIUNIC, Ptsm. May ho consulted In German, apr IB, 1671 QAK1ICI. KALIll'US, ATTORNEY AND COUNSV.LLOIt AT LAV, Jlnucll Chunk, Pa. JttS-Olnce. above Doton's Jev.e(rj',Storc,Proadiray. J II. DISIMICK, AUCTIONEER, Bant WcUspurt, I'a, N It. Sales of every description attended loat reasonable charge. The patrong of tte public Is respectfully solicited. Jan. 24, '74. j-jii. n. ii. nicitisn, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUltOEON, Olllce, UiJE Street, next dooraboiethe l'otoltlie, Ib.igbton, l'a. Office Hours Parryiille each day rom 10 to 12 o'clock; remaluder of day at olhcelu Lehlghtor. Not-SI. '78 gj A a L. IS IIOTEIi, N. KLOT, PHOP'K, Summll II111. Cnrlion Co., Pa, JM- lien of accommodations, hucellenl res taurant underneath. Uuod .tabling utuulied Terms mod.rate. m BOl'U IICXKI, 99 ARCHITECT, 122 S. 9th StAllentown,Pa. Will furnish Plans, Specifications and Estimates giving exait cost of ulllc aud private lulldli g, 4roin the painest to the most elaborate; ill Vrawlug tor Malrs, Hand-lulls, Ac. Jel.1 AVID EHIIUJIT'S Xiivery & Sale Stables, til A NIC STUEiiT.l.KllirJIITO.V, I'll. FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. And positively LOWER TRICES than any other Livery In tho County. 3f" Lirgo and handsome Carriages for Funeral purpose and Weddings. lov.22, 1873. DAVID EI1UEHT. II03IAS A. WILLIAMS. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Xauly ofijiotlfe tbe rofct-oflice. BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa. IlaTlng coiuuieuct'd buidtieas, ar above, I would respectfully aitiiuuiitu to tbe citizen cf Lehlshtt n .nnd vicinity tbat 1 aui ) pared to do all wuik lu lay line in tbe iitMtet ami wott substantial nmi lier, at pricvi fully low as the -same woik rnti ho otAlnvd In l'bltaJflibl.i, A iKiidlJ nirt int uf CIULDHK'S and SUS.iKb UIMUof tho lt uinkenlwnji on band. Atrial U boliclteJ and Batlfactlon guarautted. at owes I iricei. Jul 4,1674. CONYKVAXCEU, AND GENEHAL INSUB NJE AGE vT The following Companies are Kepresented : Lebanon Mutual Eire, Heading Mutual Eire, Wyoii.liiR Eire, l'ottsvlllo Fire, Lehigh Eire, and tho Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also 1'eiuisylvanla aud Mutual llorso Tlilef Detective aud Insurance Com. .pauy. March 2U, 18"y. -H-OS. M. FKITZIKUUK, l'ashlouablo Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite T. D. Clauss' Store, a INK STREET, LEU1GIITON, I'a respectfully (nturins Ills ft lends and thu public, that lie lins just received n new uiiii exi'i-llent nssortment of Men's Wo men's and Children's Ready- Madu Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, "Widen ho will Sell at the Lowest Trices. tsy Hoots and Shoes made to order, nd Repairing npatly aud substantially done at snort notice. ap23.yl OMACCONIST. OLIVER CRILLEY, dealer In To bacco, Cigars, Pipes, &a., next door to Hex's Grocery Stoie, Susquehanna St., Mnucli Chunk, respectfully risks tho people of Lelilghton and vicinity, when visiting that plnce, to call In and try Ills FRAGRANT CIGARS, the very best In tbe market. Every articles In his lino warranted as repre sented and at lowest prices. I marSS SADEN HUTTEU TANNERY LEHIGHTON, PA., B. J. KTJNTZ, Prop'r, Respectfully announces to tho public that he has just rebuilt the Tannery, formerly of Daniel Olewlne, and put In nil the best and most approved ma chinery for Iho Manufacture of Leather, such as Hemlock and Oak Sole, Harness, Upper, Kip, Calf and Sheep, which ho will supply nt tho very lowest price. TlastetlnR Hair supplied In largo or small quantities very low. HIDES and SKINS bought nt highest cn-h prices. Tatrouago solicited. Aug. 8-yl JROS!! JpSOS !!! Tho undersigned calls tho attention (if all paities Using Iron to thu fact that he-keeps on hand, nt the WeissportRolling Mill nil Sizes, which ho offers at tho Lowest Market Trices. Ali, that lie pnvs the Highest Trice lor SCRAP IRON, or wilt takit it in exchaugo for Mauufac tuted lion In the absence of the undersigned, paities will call nt the Feed Store of W. II KNEC11T, Esq., and bentti nded to. LHWIS WEISS. Welssport, Sept 12 1118 w liOVU AX FiUUD. Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs tho peoplo of Le lilghton that hu has most Excellent Flout' for Sitlo ; Also, good FEED of all kinds, and STRAW in tho Jitudle. Ho is also piepated to do any kind of Hauling and Ploving at bliort notice. LEHIGH (2d) STREET, Lehighton, Ta. March 28-ly LKISIOEITO.'V, PESSM,, DUALKB IN Dry Goods, Notions, TKIMMINGS , GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Glassware, Hardware, Ac. May 31, 1873. Y,WONI)I?UFUL, HUT TRUE I Whenever I get a liottle of Ulomn of Youth or Miignnlla Halm, Rn-e Tint, a llox of Lilly White, or anything in that lino to uettutily the complexion, at Dialing's Diug Store, It seems to bo nicer mid better than 1 can get nuy vtheioelao. may HEnm.JIA.V & CO., BANK STREET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In All kinds of GIU1N Itought and Sold at Regulai Maiket Rates. We would, also, respectfully Inform our citizens, that we are now fully pie pated to supply them with tho BBs!fc ff JauH .From any Mine desired at thu VlltlV i.owi:st PRICKS. M. IIEILMAN & CO. July SflUi, 1U7-1. HEAD THIS TWICE. "THE PEOPLE'S LEDGER" con tains No Continued btoiies, 8 Large Page-, -IS Columns of Chulcu Ml-cella. neons Reading JAilter every week, to itelher with aitlelen Iroiu thu pens of -ueh well-litiu.Mi u liters as Nabuy, OuVfcll, Ol'l'IO Sylvanus Coiiu, Jll , Jlis alcoti', Will Caulton, J. T. TuosviintDau, Mahk Twain, Ac. SS-1 lll.eiul "Thu Pcoplc'a I.rd(er" lo any iiililresi, evcryweck for llu-ro litoultiH, 011 trial, on lft'clpt ofonly SO CUNTS. "The People's Ledger" Is nn old es tablished and n liable weekly p.iptr, published every Saturday, and Is eiv pupmur lliiouliuul ihu N. E. and Mid dle States. Address, Ill.R.MANN K. CURTIS, Publisher, No. 12 Schoul il., llostou, Mass. Nov. l'l-Uiu. ITY HIM? NO I That Electric Liniment, like I unt at Dui ling's Drug Store, will cure him or any other man ot RIlEUMilTISM and all other Pains. may 0 1JUST look nt her Hair I Why I thought It was turning Grey? So It was, until she got n liottle of that new Hair Restorer at Durllug's Drug Store. UY IT I TRY IT I Thu India Rubber Plasters for a Weal: Hack DRULING has them, may 0 Railroad Guide. N' ORTII PBNNA. RAlI.ltOAD, Passengers for Philadelphia will leaToLehtghti ns folic ws : COO a. m. via L. V. nrrlro at Phltt. at o.fio n. 1 7.37 a. in. Th L. A S. " " ll.ln a. 1 7.19 1. m. via L. V. ' " U.IO1.1 11.07p.in.iUL. S. " " 2.15p. n 11.02 p. in. Til L. V. " " 2.15 p. 1 2.27 p. in. Till.. S. " 6.Tipl 4.47 p. in.lla I.. A S. " " 8.2Hp. 1 4.41 p. in. ill L. V. " " s.2t)p. 1 7-tS p. in. 1 ll L, V, " 1080 p. 1 etut-nlng. leivfl depot at nerks and Amerin Street, I'll 1 1 1., nt 7.00, 8.30 and 0.45 11. 111.; 2 3M aud 1.15 p. m. 1 are itom i.euiihton to riiuideipnia, ti.r.. l eli.1 1E7I. ULLIiiOALK, Agi ;ent OIlNTIt AI, II. II. (IP N. .1. LEllIOU & SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. Time Table of Dec. 7, 1871. Trilns leave LehUhtnn as fallows: For Xew York, Philadelphia Easton, Ac a, 7.37. 11.07 a. in., 2.27, 4 47 p m. ForMaudi Chunk nt 10.15 a. m., 114,G1S, and II 0.1 p. 111. For Wllkes-llarre nnd Efcranton at 10.15 a. m., 1.14, G."8 p. 111. Kdurtiing 1-oavo New York, from statlin Cen tral Hnllrnnd of Xew Jersey, loot of M1erty street, North Itlvir, atB.15, 0.00 a.m., 12.41, 4 0O p. in. L.ivo PhlLid-lplill, from Depot North Penn'a R. It., ot 7.00,0 45 a. 111., 2 0. 515 p. m. Leave Ea&ton at 8 30, 11-43 a. in., 3.55 and 7.15 p ni. Leave Mauch Chunk at 7.30,11.00 a.m., 220 and 4.40 p. 111. Fo; further particulars, see Time Tables nt tho Stations. II. I. I1ALDW1N, Gen. l'atxnger Agent . July 4, 1071. pl2iNSVI.VANlA IIAIL.IIO AI), PHILADELPHIA i EltIEP.lt. DIVISION. Sllllllllcr Time Tnlllr. On and alter SUNDAY, JUNE '.'Sib, 1874, the trains 011. tho PhUada.Jt Erie UK. Divlslou will ruuu&folloHs: WKSTWAltD. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia " " llarUug " " Sunl.ury " " MlllhniFport " err. at Lock llaieu Kr.IE MAH.(eilU'S Philadelphia " Ilarritiurg " " Suul.ury " " Wlllamsport " " Liu k lluv.u ' " Itenova " air. at Erie Eluira SIau, leaves 1'hlfadelphla " " llarrlshurg " " s'uiitury " " Wllllamsport arr.at Lock llaieii 12.55 p.m. 5 no p.m. (J.55 p.m. 8.50 p.m. le.00 p.m 11.55 p.m. 4.25 11 lit. 5 tlO 11.111 8.35 a 111, 0.45 a.m. 11.10 a. m S (15 p.m. S.0J a.m. 1.20 p.m. 40 p 111. 11 20 p.m. 7.'!0 p.m. 7.20 a.m. Niagara lUntijU leaies Philadelphia linrrlsl.urg " " ' Kunl.ury Ill 40 a.m. 12.30 p.m, " " " Wllllunsport " " " Lwkllaimi " " " Henovi " " arr. at Kane KASrWAKI). Pnni. Kxrncts leave. Lock llaicu " " " Sunljury " " Ulili uusnort uri p.m, 3 10 p.m 4.20 pin. tl.JU a ui. 0 20 a.m. 0.3 1 p.m. 7.45 a.m. 1145am. 3JIS p.m 11.2' a.m. D 20 p.m. 0.1I5 p.ill. 10 50 a.m. 12 40 a.m. 2 40 a 111. fl 40 a.nij 0.15 a.m. 11.111 a.m. 12.40 p.m. :t.O ) p.m (I-I.1 p.m. 11,0 1 a.m. 4 05 p 111. " w arr. at Ilarrilurg " " " Phllidelphla Eaic Mail leaves Erie " " Itenovn " ' Luck II iron ' " Wllliimsport " " t'u.ttury " arr.at 11-urli.hurg ' " " I'hlUd.lplila Eluika Mail leaves Lock Haven " " Mllllainvnurt " " Smihury " arr.at Hanhlurg ' " Phll-id-lphla Nhoaea Express leaves Kai.e ' " " Iienovo " " " Lock Haven " " " Willi inispoit " " " buohnry b 2.1 p in, 0 5'J p.m. e.40 p.m. ' ' arr at '.1 irrUhurg " " " I'hlladelnhla 10,55 p.m. 2.50 a Ul Mall Eavt connects east atiduestat Erie with I. SAMS 11 W andntlriiuetou with Oil L'leekand Alleihrliy It it W. Mall West with east and west trains ou L S A M S It W.audatt'orrjaudlrviuutou with Oil Creek and Allegheny It U W, Ellnlra Mall and HuXilo Itsprets make clore counectlousut 1liain, port villi N C II W trains uorlh.and at lliiirixliurgr wltli N 0 KW tratu. south. V .M- A. IIALIIWlN.IJen'l Supt. REWARD for an Incurable a.o of Catarrh. Alter having sliuuered. deluired. uarnled. hawk cd. spit mid gagged ti your entire satUfictlou in your UHeli-ss eml-avora, to get relief fiom catarrh, use Itriggs'AllevlttoraccOrdlug to iliroction.. The Clthy mass of inuenus wilt In, iuimedlately expell ed, and the Intlaiued surface souliied, the eyes .p-irklewitll dlght, the head feels natural ngnln; hope reviles, for a cure Is .ure to follow the ue of this agreeable, scleutltle aud reliable lemedy. 1v.DvB ti ? MUCH has been said Kgi-4 .and wrlllcn, and many le KJV.j lut.j. , olfered for the relief and cure of thrift and luug diseases; but nothing his U-eli su eml.ieotly .ui-ctfiii, or ub tulne.l such n wide celebrity, as llilggs' Throat aud Luug Healer. ft v,,,c,? THE excruciating pain iuir twlnt'liiir from Uunioim. tb jilcrciiijf, dlN.tv.Miik' jmIii lium liirowliie NhIIk, i3 mint lo tlowrlbeU. 'Ibounandii niirer, not know. In: tbert a cur, IIiUku' corn and Ilunlun Rcinedltrs are no acid nr putasli rouii-oundi-, but are relfabli', MJotbliiK, and rllectual, and justly aitr!t tbu turci'ii tby line e-riiud from au an lrt'clnthe public, 'ill Curat ho a beating oinl uiont, imiMfdltta rfllff Is obtaliifd by ltiuiplica tlon.uiid it will iH-eltlvvly euro tbeuorttt takes of festrrrd fOrnfi luttauu4 and ultvruti'4 burnous tbj KorvHt intfp, tbo .invent and wvermt WUttrtf, tbt mos i'ktoi.cl-0 cuUooltlcaou tbttMoWHiT btftla of tht ftfot; uutHiu.tlled In tbucuru ot tbildbi loa or frut-Ud fcbl. 'I lio Allttlntor fur ordinary lorna and i-rrvuntluc tlivlr fruiati-jn li absolutely uu eiualfd by aiitlilnt:eerkuoun, Akt lorUrl't I'tfuitv'dlb'a, Tukd no otbpr. JDS isn ? IT'S ALL VERY WELL, E8ft li,i,te not Irvutlalliitliinlc ttunoin. lug to hue VtUs. br thit reatun, Ike unuitunale tuj'irer yttl terg Utile lymjiatlKJ. 'theliyonyi'f'liilittiiHulur cannot be much worn tlianthe torture endured by mdUoinwhoarelrouliled with internal blirdmg, tiUrnat aud itching filet. Glad Tulwytfur Kjftrtrtr, Urigge'i Vile liemediel are milt, dale and sure. rfljvtiiDfi T ARETHEM ObT PLEN- U i8S3 (Sf I Jul Lind of gram 1nlhemarl.1t. v" ssj rerjf jtnt naJ a ,u;y , from the three year lid cliiUI to the fraiulrire verging on ahundrtd; ttyluli.handiome yoaugladiee whodaily liruiiuiiadeaihiimablereiorUimidaleaiedmatrumi old maidt, dreued up lourjiear young and gay,dan diet, wdh their mtentleuUten, aud InltinUbU wan ing stick; tho cUruyiuan, merchant, cterkt artitan ana mechanic, of all agr and ttationt, havea full tuvjdy iJ corns, burnout, bud tuiitt, and other btjhcr. atwutofthe flit, all of whidiare banuhedand cured by the ute of Jlriggt't Corn and Human Itemediet, Alltriator and Vuratire. .iht by A. J. DURLING, Druggist, Lelilghtuu, Pa. May 0 1874 ly. rrnilE People of Lehlghtm and vlclu Ity all unite In testlfyi'ig that nt A . J. DUItHNG'.SDiug and Family Med icine Store, Puitil, e'ltESH and Unahul teiiatku Medicines can always be fouud. may 0 EVERY AMATEUR PRlNTtCR EVERY AMATEUR PRINTER EVERY AMATEUR PRINTER EVERY AMATEUR PRINTER Should Havo ei Firosuic 3,1 Instructions In Printing nnd the answer to queries which will remove diffi culties in your way toefllclency, appear In each number. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD TAKE EVERY FAMILY SHOULD TAKE EVERY FAMILY SHOULD TAKE EVERY FAMILY SHOULD TAKE 11 Fires For it.q ftooil Sloties, For IIn Fashion Plates, For Its illlsccllany, For Its Household IVcws Ami for Its Purchasing Department, Through which every deslrablo article In New York Is turnlshed nt the lowest rates without extra charge. Our Own Fireside la a Home Journal In Its fuurth year. 10 large pages with Illustrations. Price, 81. CO a year. Every subscriber makes selection of a valuable premium from thu many offer ed. Those suuscrlbli'g now receivo the paper the remainder of tho year fieo of charge. SUBSCRIBE NOW At the .Beginning of A Mow toryo If you cannot afford to subscribe, nn arrangement will bo made by which you can receivo the paper for one ye.tr without money. Send 3 cents for sanipio copy. C.INVASSERS WANTED. A Cliniiinioi) PrlisihiLr Press A Chaiiinlosi Printicifjr Press A Cliiuiiloii Printing Press A Champion C'lintiti Pre Is Given Aivay Is ft i ven Away Is G I ven Away Is Oiveii Away For a club of 13 subscribe! a to Our Own Fiteside. Eveiy lluslr.ess Man and Hoy should itavo one. Send tie. stamp. Address, Oar Ovn Firoeido Publishing Co., Room -1, Sun Rulldlug, N. Y. I r AND 2 and 12 Horse Power GET THE REST & CHEAPEST. Address, M. L. GUMP & CO., Room i, Sun Building, N. Y. The Champion Job Press FOR Printers, Business Men and 3oys. Tho best'picss made. Also, JOB TYPE for AMATEURS. Send 5c. for Pamphlet. Address, M. L. GUMP & CO., Room 4, Sun IJulldliig, N.Y. oct 81-mO A Good Livelihood Can bo made by selling TI e Graphic Sttel Engravings, reproduced by the wonderful Graphic Piocess from famous winks of art, 100 per cent 011 every sale. Send t'i for Folio, convenient to exhibit from, containing It) of our lluest Engravings, which is ail thu capital and Btock In trndo necessary to commence business with. Address, THE GRAPHIC COMPANY. 41 Park Place, New Yoik. Reference, Fdltor of this Publication. Oct. 24- mi jA3IlJUIa URAVUK, Opposlto tho Public Squaic, SOUTH ST., LEHIGHTON, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In nil kinds of 1ST Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing promptly attended to. nov, ao gOIt SAIaU, A New FIRE TROOP Sa win. ' Combination Lock, at Hull Price. Inquire of I W. M. RATSIIER. Lehighton, Oct. 21, 1874. A Christmas Legend. It was Christinas Evo. Tho night was very dark and the snow falling fast, as Hermann, tho charcoal-burner, drew his cloak tighter around 111 in , and tho wind whistled fiercly through tho trees of tho Ulack Forest. Ho had been to carry a load to a castle near, nnd was hastening home to his little hut. Al though hu worked very hard, ho was poor, gaining barely enough for the wants of his wife and four little children, lie was thinking of them, when ho heard a faint wailing. Guided by the sound, lie groped about nnd found a lit tle child, scantily clothed, shivering and sobbing by Itself In tho snow. "Why, llttlo one, havo they left thee hero all nlono to faco tho cruel blast?" Tho child answered nothing, but look ed plteottsly up In tho charcoal-bur-cr's face. "Well, 1 cannot leavo then here. Thou would'st bo dead before tho morning." So saying, Hermann raised It In his arms, wrapping it in his cloak and warming Its little cold hands In his bo som. When ho arrived at his hut, ho put down the child and tapped nt tho door, which was Immediately thrown open, nnd the children rushed to luedt him. "Here, wife, Is a guest to our Christ mas Eve supper,' said he, leading In tho little one, who held timidly to his finger with Its tiny hand. "And wo'como ho Is," said tho wife. "Now let lil 111 come and warm himself by the fire." The children all pressed round to welcome and gazo nt. the llttlo new com er. They showed him their pretty fir- tree, decorated with bright, colored lamps In honor of Christinas Eve, which tho good mother had endeavored to make a fcto for tho children. Then they sat down to supper, each child contributing of It'i portion for the guest, looking with admiration at its clear, blue eyes and golden hair, which shone so as to shed a brighter light In the little room ; and as they gazed, it grew Into a sort of halo round h! head, and his eyes beamed with a heavenly luster. Soon two white wings appear ed nt his shoulders, and ho seemed to grow larger and larger, and then tho beautiful vision vanished, sptcading out his hands ns In benediction over them. Hermann nnd his wife fell on their knees, exclalmlng.ln awe-struck voices: "Tho holy Christ-child!'' and then em braced their wondeiing chirdren In Joy anil thank ful 11 c-is that they had enter tained tho Heavenly Guest. The next moining.ns Hermann pass ed tl.o place where ho had found the fair child, he saw a cluster ot lovely whllu Uowers, with dark green leaves, looking ns though tho snow Itself lnul blossomed. Hermann plucked some, carried them reverently homo to his wlfo and children, who treasured thu fair bliiRsoms nnd tended them in re membrance, of that wonderful Christ' masEu', calling them Chrysanthcimis; and every yenr,s the time came round, they put aside a portion of their i'eait and gavo it to some pour little child, ac cording to tho words of Christ: "Inas much as ye have dune It unto one of thu least of the;o,my bretheieii.yo have done It unto me." Florence Scannell, lu St. Nicholas for Jantinry. The Bird's Christmas Carol. They have sweet Christmas music lu Norway Norway, that far-off country, with the steel-blue sky and frozen sea. It Is a song In thu nlr. Thuslmplo peasants make tho birds that Inhabit those rudu coasts and Icy valleys so very happy on this one day of the year that they sing of their own accord a glad carol on Christinas morning, and all thu people coittu out of their houses nnd re joice to hear It. Ou Christmas Eve, after tho birds have sought 1 hotter from the north wind, and tho still night Is bright with stars, tho good people bring from their ttore-houscs sheaves of corn and wheat, and, tying them to slender pules, raise them from every spire, barn, gate-post and gable. Then, when after the long night, thu Christmas sun arises, crown ing thu mountains with splendor, every plre aud gable bursts into sudden song. The children run out to bear thu old church-spire singing; the older peoplo lollow; thu air Is titled with tho flutter of wings and alive with carols of glad ness. The song of the birds fills every vlllago with happiness, and to this llv- '"l gnteful ant.ionutio people rcspouu tllulr oirU," "Glory to God In tho hlghert: ou earth po.ioej good-will to meu."-From "Jack-lii.tlitj-Pulplt," St. Nicholas for January. Tho laowly ami the I.ovln?. "The ntms most precious man can nlvo to num. Aro kind nr.d loving words. Xor coino amiss "",''' iiipntlilzliir- tn eves that scan Iho win- diiriKlit, tho onlvcimi'ls NPS'oct to ilo (lie ilttlu ifooil wo etui.' Lovo often has moro Influence than talent. Tie last appeals to thu reason, the last to affections; thu last speaks lo tho Intellect, but the first goes straight to the heart. "It is beautiful," ex claims a sweedlsh author, "to believe ourselvess beloved, especially by thoso whom wo love and valtto. Yes, It I beautiful certainly; but woo to ns it wo neglect the lesponslblllty attached to It." It has been truly said, the loving and unsoin-ih almost Insensibly dissuade from evil, and pursuado to good, all who come within reach of their sooth Ing power; that no ono can advance a lonu towards tho happiness or misery oC another world; and little cm the most Insignificant of beings conjecturo how ever extensive may havo been tho beno lclal or even effects which have atten ded their own apparently unluipoitant conduct. ' "In the heraldly of heaven," writes ISlshop Ilnrnc. "goodness precedes great ness;" so on earth It Is far more power ful. Thu lowly and tho loving may frequently do moro In their limited sphere, than tho gifted. To yield con stantly in little things begets tho samo yielding spirit In others, and renders life by the wise Disposer ot events, who knows what is suited to our various capacities and talents much better than we do ourselves, and who would not have placed us hero If lie had not some thing for us to do. How few there aro live up to their power of being usaful , earth Is our dwelling place, whero each has his or her appointed sphere- ot use fulness, their mission of love-duty, as they pass hoinoward to heaven. Pai-agi-unlitc. If a man Is given to liquor, let not liquor bo given to hltn. One who Is half man, half dog, will bow to tho rich and bow-wow to thu' poor, If you visit a sweet girl, and If you are won and she is wou, you shall both bo one. "Pray, madam, why do you jiamo your hen Madcnff?" "Uecause, sir, I want her to lay on!" An editor says sugar has gone up so high ns to produce a slight Increase In tho price of sand. At what hour did satan mako his appearancelu the Garden of Eden?Somo say in tho night. Ho certaiuly cama after Evo. A Now Haven lady's bustlo burst In church, nnd out rolled a Pollco Ga zette Circumstances alter cases For In stance, when a Virginian arose In church and said, "Hero's a hundred dollar bill for thu old htm behind the pulpltl" no one thought ot putting hlni out. Tho editor of a Western paper wiltes: "Jy wife nnd Ih.ivo scparatwl. As we both wanted to be boss, and as slw was likely to beat mo, I left her. She says she will nail mo yet, and I be lieve her." Tho Louisville Currier-Journal poetically remaiks: "In Montgomery, Alabama, the other day, four negroes got on n spree; one tool: out his llttlo Jack-knife, and now there ain't but three." To euro dull times Arply an ad vertisement to the afflicted part. Josh Hillings says: Tew enjoy a good icputashun, glvo publicly ,and steal privately. This Is tho latest form of wedding Invitations: 'Comu round and see mo capturo a mother-in-law at 8 o'clock sharp.' I have seen enough of boys that loved God, said Dr. Arnold. Commend mo now to boys that not only lovo God, but hatu tho devil. The only unoccupied real estate lu New York Is advertised thus: 'A nlcu lltreo-corncred lot Inn cemetery, short, and Just right for n fat man with one leg. A somewhat slmplo woman, was asked whether her husband feared God, and lopllid, I guess ho does, for ho never goes out Sundays without taking his gun with him. You can't tell pretty much about tho character of a man nowadays until he looses It. 'The vilest sinner may leturii,' wrote a pious .Methodist girl to her luv er, with whom sh'j had parted In an ger. 9