The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 19, 1874, Image 4

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    A Woman tunt Could Iio De
pended on.
A certain lodgo of tlio Independent
Older of Odd Fellows, (wo will not give
thonaino or number) determined to
havo their lodge room dona up clean
and nice. It was resolved unanlmous
ly that Mrs. K., should ho employed to
do the jnh. ylfter the meeting ndjourn
ed, tho Guardian, who knew the in
qiilsltlve character of Mrs. K., procur
ed n billy goat and placed him In n clos
et that wan kept as a reservoir for the
secret things, lie then Informed tho
woman of tho wishes of the lodge, and
requested her to como early tho next
morning, and he would then show her
what was and what was not to be dono.
Morning came, and with It mndam
K,, with her broom, brushes, pall?, &c. ,
and found theGuardlan waiting for her.
"Now, madam,'' he said, "I will tell
what wo want done, and how we want
to employ you. Tho brothers said It
was difficult to get anybody to do tho
job and not bo meddling with tho se
crets In tho closet; wo have lostthe key,
and cannot find It to loci; tho door. I
assured them that you can bo depended
"Depended onl I guess I can. My
poor dead and gono liusbnn j ho belong
ed to tho Freo Mason or anti-Masons, I
don't know which, llo used to tell mo
nil tho secrets of tho concern, and when
ho showed mo aU the marks of tho grid
iron, made when he was initiated, and
told mo how they fixed poor Morgan, I
never told a living soul to this day; if
nobody troubles your closet to find out
your secrets till I do, they will lie there
till they rot, they will,"
"I thought so," said tho Guardian,
"and I want you to commence in that
corner, and give the wholo room a do
cent cleaning; now don't go Into that
closet," and then left tho woman to
No sooner had sho heard tho sound
of his feet on tho last step of tho stairs
then sho exclaimed:
"Don't go into that closctl I'll war
rant there's a gridiron, or soma non
sense, Just like tho antl-Jasons, for all
tho world, I'll bo bound. I will tako
ouo "peep, and no one will ho tho wiser,
as I can keep It to myself."
Suiting tho action to tho work, sho
stepped lightly to tho forbidden closet,
and turned tho button, which was no
sooner done than "Hahl" went the billy
goat, with a spring to regain ills liberty,
which came near upsetting her lady
ship, ifoth started for the door, but
it was filled with implements for house
cleaning, and all wero swept clear from
their position down to tho bottom of the
Tho noUo and confusion occasioned
by such unceremonious coming down the
stairs, diew half llu town to witness
Mrs. K "s effort to get from under the
pile of pails, tubs, broom J and brushes
In tho street.
Who should bo tho first at the spot
but tho rascally door-keepurl After re
leasing tho goat, which was a cripplo
for life, and uplifting tho rubbish that
bound the good woman to the earth, ho
anxiously inquired if sho had been tak
ing tho degrees.
"Taking tho degrcesl If you call
tumbling from top to the bottom of tho
stairs with tho devil after yoa taking
things by degrees, I have them, and If
ye frighten folks as ye have f lightened
me, and hurt to' boot, I'll warrant they
will make as much nolso as I did."
"I hope you didn't open tho closet,
madam," said tho door-keeper.
"Open tho closet? Kvo ate the apple
bho was forbidden. If you want a wo
man to do anything, tell her not to do
it and she'll do It certain. I could not
tand the temptation. Tho secret was
there. I wanted so know It.. I opened
the door, out popped that tarnal critter
light into my face. I thought tho old
buy had me, and I broke for tho stairs
with tho critter bunting me at every
jump. I fell over tho tub, and got down
stairs, as you found us, all In a heap.'
"But, madam," said tho door-keeper
"you are in possession of tho great secret
ot our order, and must go up tobo Intl
ateu and sworn, and then go In the re
gular way."
"Itrgular way!" exclaimed tho lady
"and uo you Buppose I am going near
tho tarnal place, and rldn that ar tarnal
critter without a bride or lady's saddle?
No, nvcrl I don't want nothing to d
with the man that rides It. I'd look
nice perched uponabllly goat, wouldn't
1? A'o, never! I will never go nigh It
again, and if I can prevent It, no wo
man shall ever Join tho Odd Fellows!
Why, I'd sooner bo a Freo Mason, and
be broiled on a gridiron as long a the
Are could bo kept under It, and pulled
,irum garret to cellcr, just a; was my
poor dear husband. And h lived over
It, but I could never live over such an
other ride as I took to-day."
Before taking liberties with a strance
dog, observe his tall and wait for the
wag on.
Meny Consolation Smith, is Fort
Wayne's handsome girl. Mercy will
no doubt be a Consolation to some fel
ArJ? T I
In order to closo out present stock,
tho undersigned respectfully announces
to tho citizens 01 lA'ingiuou uuu nnu.-
tliat ho lias
Marked Down Prices
of all kinds of Goods to about cost,
and will Sell
Ho has lu stock a largo assortment of
Dry Goods,
and a variety of other articles too num.
crous to enumerate.
If you desire to secure
Now Is your Time A Small Sum nf
Money will Uuy a Largo Quantity of
Goods !
Store, Opposite L. & S. Depot,
BANK-street, Lehighton, Penna.
Z. II. LONG, Jgent.
TaamiAN Aiurcu, Assignee.
Alnrcu ao, iBi'i.
n. uiCEtr.iiT,
Opposite L. & S. Depot,
On the East Wcissport Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs tho citizens of this
vicinity that ho keeps constantly on
hand, and Is selling nt tho very lowest
Market Trices, the very best Uranus ot
For .Building and other purposes, which
lie guarantees to uo
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell at tho
aUfl. a a
Wholesalo and Retail nt tho very Low
est Cash Prices.
He has also a number of very eligibly
n RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp.,
which ho will sell on very Easy Terms.
aug. 0, '73-yl J. K. RICKERT.
Corner of
Bank & South Sts., Lehighton, Fa.,
Keeps a full lino of
Dry Q(sl&9
Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Ulack
anil Colored Alpacas, uingiiams,
Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &e.
of every grade and price.
In great variety.
Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Fruits,
Hams, Shoulders, Sldo-Moat, &.:.
Bought, Sold or Exchanged
For Building and other purposes in
great variety of tho best quality.
All goods warranted as represented
and prices fully as low as elsowneii-.
April 0, lbiU-yl
Would respectful
ly announce to
his friends nnd
tho public In general, that he has open
ed a first-class
Livery & Sale Stable,
and that lie can furnish Horses, lluggles
and Carriages of tho best description,
for Pleasure, lluslness or Funeral pui
pos'es, at very Reasonable Charges.
and on short notice. HAULINtl done
at short notice and on short notice In
connection ho will also continue his
Carriage Manufactory
whero the people can get their Carriages
ifuggles, Wagons, etc., maue to order,
or REPAIRED ou short notice and at
reasonable prices.
Tho undersigned respectfully an
nounces that be has been appoiuted
Agcui. jor 1 110
Universal Wringer
Doty'sOlothes Washer.
These are undoubtedly tho best Wash
ers and Wringers lu tho market, and
our ladies aru Invited to call and sue
L. P. Kleppingor,
Cor. BAUK and IRON Streets,
rt. za, 187B. LeblghUD, Pa.
you CAX
Save 20 Per Cent.
By getting jour
Done at the' Office of tho
Carbon Advocate,
Hot. tha P. 0. nd L. V. R. It. Depot,
.chighloti,' Cm lion Co., Va
We have just received a large and ele
gant assortment of
Of the latent styles ; together with a
supciior stock of
And a variety of other
A nd can now glv6 our patrons first-class
work at pi Ices tit least
20 Per Cent Lower
Than any other Office in this section.
Give TJi a Trial, and be Convinced.
ESTTho patronage of tho public is
respectfully solicited.
A 24-colunin Local Paper, and thecnly
Entirely Printed In the Count-,
Is published every Saturday niorniu ca
$1 a Year in Advance,
Or $1.50 If not paid In advance. The
Advocate, with Its large and in
creasing circulation, Is one
of the very
Beit Mediums for Advertising
In this Section,
Rates furnished on
Lehighton, Carbon County, Pa.
Dealer in Fnncy and Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries, &c,
Would hereby respectfully Inform ills
friends and the public In general that
notwithstanding tho dullness of the
times he Is determined to keep up his
stock to Its usual fullness, and Is at all
times ready to show (sell or nut) his en
tire lino of gonds, frn.ii Silks nt $2.75
per yaid down to Calico for Oc. per yd.;
nnd would abo be pleaded to hnvethnso
who cannot suit themselves (no matter
in what article) In this or surrounding
towns, to cull on him giving a sample
or full dlcrlptlon of tl o nrtlclu they
want, when It will be furnished them In
a few hour's time, nt tlio lowest City
prices, having secured tho sub-ni;ency
of oue-of the largest wholesalo and re
tail houses in the City.
Particular attention l, also, given to
theUruceiy department, which Is made
up of eVeij thing needed lu the family,
from u barrel of Hour up to tho finest
Goods delivered to all parts free of
charge. Ciders by mall or by other
sources promptly filled.
A few uioru good monthly custom
ers will be accepted.
Thankful for tho liberal patronage
received thus far, I hope, by lair and
Impartial dialing, to secure all my
friends and many others as regular cus
tomers. All 1 ask is a fair tiial, bear
lug lu mind that I will not bu under
sold. Also agent for tho famous light run
CHINE, which I sell on easy temis.
With the latch string on the outside,
and my right hand extended to all, you
will always find n welcome at
nnk St , Lehighton, Pa.
N. B. Tho highest market prices
allowed for COUNTRY PRODUCE in
exchange for goods.
Bcaitty & Piotts5
Golden Tongue
are acknowledged by Eminent Musicians
and Distinguished Men of Honor as
the Leading
Wo Challenge any Hakcr to Equal
No oilier Organ has gained
the same popularity in tho
Lehigh Valloy Organs
sold hero years ago
give universal sat
isfaction allaro
ready to add
their names
in proof
of what wo
say. Do not
bo misled bydeal
ers, until you havo
examined this A'alua
blo instrument, with '74
improvements added to it.
Price List sent Ifreo to all.
Good Agents Wanted.
Washington, Warren County,
oct2-l-yl Now Jeisny.
History of the n.y. Tombs:
The Seciets, Mysteries, and Komanco
ot Prison Lire In lu-w lorlc, gainer
edby Charles Sutton, Ward
en of the Tombs,
Lnrgo8vo, 050 pp., Illustnitcd,S!l.f0
Thlsls nota strictly sensatloual work,
and is recommended by the best men as
a Moral Hi.koiimuu. Boys reading it
will not learn to be thieves, but will
learn how thieves suffer. The story of
John Mahoncy, written by himself, Is
woitli tho price or the book. The best
helling book ever published, so tay all
our'agents. Exclusive territory glvcu.
Aujngent wanted lu every town.
uH.wO 13 University Place, N. Y.
Contractor &Builder,
l'lniis nml SiicclllcntloiiH
For all kinds of Buildings made at tho
shortest notice.
Mado for Plans and Specifications when
the contract Is awarded to tlio under
signed. A. W. EACIIEti
Juno 11, 1373-yl'
10 U Toilet Extracts, Essences, Fan.
- cy Soaps, 6'ombi, Puffs and puff
A Hew Idea!
Sewing lade
50 Dollars ! !
Buy the World-Renowned
tSTTho Highest Premium was
awarded to It at
Ohio Stato ralrj
Northern Ohio Fair;
Amor. Institute, N. Y.;
Cincinnati Exposition;
Indianapolis Imposition ;
St. Louis Fair;
Louisiana Stato Fair;
Mississlupl State Fair;
and dcorgla Stato Fair;
and (loins tlio largest and best
rango or work. All other
JIacliines lu tho Market
wcro In direct
For Hemming, Fell
ing, Stitching, Cording,
Binding, Braiding,
Embroidering, Quilt
ing and Stitching fine
or heavy goods it is
"Whoro wo havo no Agents
wo will deliver a Machine
for tho prico named above,
at the nearest Rail Road
Station of Purchasers.
Needles for all Sewing Ma
chines for Sale.
Old Machines taken In Exchange.
Send for Circulars, Prico
List, &c, and Copy of the
Wilson Reflector, ono of tho
best Periodicals of tho day,
da voted to Sewing Ma
chines, Fashions, General
News and Miscellany.
Agents Wanted
Wilson Sewing MacMne Co.
Tlio Carbon Advocate,
Thj Chpit rfr Id tha Leliljh Ttllo
Only Qua Dullw a Vr.
Dr. J. "Walker's California
ViiiPgar Hitters wo a purely Vog
otablo preparation, mado chictly from
tho native herbs found on tho lower
ranges of tlio Slonvi Nevada moun
tains of California, tho medicinal
properties of which aro extracted
therefrom without tlio uso of Alcohol.
Tlio question is almost dally asked,
" What is tlio causo of tho unpar
alleled success of Vinegar Uit
teks!" Our answer is, that they
romovo tho causo of disease, and
tho patient recovers his health. Thoy
mo tho great blood purifier and a
life-giving principle, a perfect Keno
vator aud Invlgorntor of tho systom.
Kover heforo iu tlio history of tho world
ha3 a mediciuo boon compounded pos
sessing the remarkable qualities of vtx
r.aAit liiTTEits in healing tho sick of
every disc.iso man is heir to. They aro
a gentlo Purgativo as well as a Tonic,
relieving Congestion or Inflammation of
tho Liver and Visceral Organsin Bilious
Tho properties of Dr. Walk
er's Vixeu ar lltTTERS are Aperient, Dia
phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa
tive, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant,
Smlorilic, Alturativo, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim
Vinegar Bitters tho most wonder
ful Invisorant that over sustained
tho sinking system.
No Person can talio theso Bit
ters according to directions, nnd ro
main long unwell, provided their
bones aro not dostroyod by mineral
poison or other means, and vital or
gans wasted beyond ropair.
Bilious, llcmiltcnt, nnd In
termittent Fevers, which aro bo
prevalent iu tho valloys of our great
fivors throughout tlio United States,
especially thoso of tho Mississippi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Teuucssoo,
Cumberland, Arkansas, Ked, Colo
rado, llrazos, llio Grando, Pearl,
Alabama, Mobllo, Savaunah, Bo
nnoko, James, and mauy others,
with their vast tributaries, throuch-
out our cntiro country during tho
Summer and Autumn, and remarka
bly so during seasons of unusual
cat and dryness, aro invariably ac
companied by extensive derango
ments of tho stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscora. Iu thoir
treatment, a purgativo, oxortiug a
powerful iuflueuco upon theso vari
ous organs, Is ossontlally necessary.
There is no cathartic for tho purpose
equal to Da. J. Walker's Vinegar
Hitters, ns thoy will speedily remove
tho dark-colored viscid matter with which
tho bowels aro loaded, at tho samo tiros '
stimulating tho secretions of tlio liver,
nnd generally restoring tho healthy fituo
tluns of tho digestive organs. ,
Fortify tlio body against dis
ease by purifying all its fluids with
VixraAii DiTTHRS. No enideuiio can
take hold of a system thus ioro-ormod.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ucad-
ache, l'am in tho Shoulders. Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizzinoss, Sour
Eructations of tlio Stomach, Had Tasto
in tho Mouth, llilious Attacks, Palpita
tion of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain iu tho region of tho Kidneys,
and a hundred other painful symptoms,
are tho ou"priugs of Dyspepsia. Ouo hot
tlo will provo a better guarautcp of its
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled.
Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Juflummationi,
Indolent Inflammation, Alorcurial affec
tions, Old Sures, Eruptions of tho Skin,
Suro Eyes, etc. In theso, in in all other
constitutioual Diseases, Walkkr's Vin
r.a a r 11 itters havo shown thoir great cur
ntlvo powers iu tho moot obstliiato and
intractable cases.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
I!liciimatisni,Gout, llilious, Korait
teut and Intermittent Pevers, Diseasos
oftho Dlood, Liver, Kidneys aud liladdor,
those Bitters have no cyual. Such Dis
eases are caused by A itiatcd Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Poisons
engaged in Paints and Minerals, such aa
Plumbers, Typo-setters, (jold-bcatcra and
Miners, as they adrnneo in life, aro sub
ject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To gnnrd
against this tal.o a doso' of Waiubr's
vi'NiiOAR Bitters occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Kruptions,
Totter, Salt-lthcuin, Blotches, Spots, Pirn
plos, Pustules, Boils, CiirhunefusIUng.
worm, Scald-head, Soro Eyos, Erysipo
las, Itch, Scurfs Discoloration of tho
Skin, Humors aud DUcacs of tho Skin of
whatever naino ur nature, aro literally
dug up and earned out of tho system ia a
snort lime uy tuo yfro oi tuese uiiicrs.
Pin, Tape, and other "Worms,
lurking in tho tystcm of bo many thou
sands, aro ctl'eCtually dostroyod and ro
moved. No i-ystem of medicine, no ver
mifuges, no anthelmintic will free tha
system from worms like thoso Bitters.
ForFemaloComplaints, In young
or old, married or single, at tho dawn of
womanhood, or tho turn of life, these Ton
ic Bitters display so decided an inllueuco
that improvement is soon porccplible.
Clonnso tho Vitiated Blood
whenever you tind ks Impurities bursting
through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions,
or Sores j cleaiuo it when you find it ob.
'ructeij und sluggish iu tho veins; ploauso
it when it is foul j your feellug4 will lull
you wheu. Keep tlio blood ymre, aud Uio
health oftho svstem will follow.
It. II. J'lrlMI.V I.U CO.,
Dnigclits & . Ants. Son TrttiicUco, Cullfor.
Ula, 4. cor, of WiuMniftim nniU'linrlloq SU,N. V
knlil In- II li iitfr '" " "!"
-'ilOSYI-A Pottle of nCRLlNG'S
HOSE GLVCEI1INE for Koughness at
Ilia Skin, ( happed Hands, Ac, only it
cents a bottle, may 0.