The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 19, 1874, Image 3

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    The nieutil Day.
What shall HttlnchiMron brine
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day ?
What shall llttlo children bring
On Christinas Day In tho morning?
Tbls shall llttlo children bring
On Christmas Day, on Christmas My,
Love and Joy for Chrl-t their king.
On Christmas Day in tho morning?
What shall llttlo children sing
On Christmas Day. on Christmas Day?
What shall llttlo children sing
Ott Christmas Day In thu morning ?
This grand old carol shall they sing
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day j
With all their hearts, their offering bring
On Christmas Day In tho mornlng,-
For flirlsfWBsboni In Betlilclicrn
On Christmas Day onniristtnas Dayj
ForChrhV was born in Bethlehem
On Clirlstm&s Day In the morning.
"And all tho bells on earth shall ring
on Christmas Hay, on i hrlstmas Duy,
And all tho bolls on earth shall ring.
On Uiristmaa Day In tho morning.
"And all tho angles In heavpn shall sing
on tliristmnsl uy, on Christmas Dny,
And all tho ang cs In heaven shall sing
On Christmas Day 111 tho morning.
" ind all tho souls on earth shall sing
On Christmas Day, on Christinas I uy j
And a'l tho sou s on carlhshali sing
On Christmas Day in tho morning.
"Then'lctns all rejolcoamaln
on Chrlstmu8l ay.o i Christmas Day,
Then let us all rejolcoamaln
On Christmas luy in the morning.'
It. U. D., in St. KicholatfoT Jtxrnvry.
Advertising RntcH.
We desire It to be distinctly understood that to
Adf ertlsements will be Inserted In the columns of
Tki Camion Adtocite that may be received from
unknown partlesorfirms,uoless accompanied with
the Cash. The following are our onli terms :
jldvArtlsementBfor 1 vear. ner Inch each
Insertion . . . . 10 Cents,
" Bli Months. per Incheach Insertion ISCents,
' Three Months, " " ' 20 Cents,
u T.i than three months, flrstlnser-
tlon)l, each subsequent Insertion 25 Cents
II. V. MORTIIIHKR, Publisher,
OrFICR I aretml Floor In the new addl.'lon of the
Mansion House, Maieh Chunk, Pa. Business
transacted (a English and German. Collections
promply made and Conveyancing neatly done,
na-Sattlamtnt of Estates. Protlnz Wills, ob'
jind orpnans' uourc ivacuee careiuiijaiienaeu io
Licenses, Charters and Incorporations procured,
and Criminal cases made a specially.
liOcal and Personal.
Special Notice. Those of our sub
scribers receiving their paper with a
cross upon the corner near their name,
will save fifty cents advance In price by
remitting the dollar subscription at
once. Our terms are $1 In advance, or
$1.50 It not fio paid.
Winter begins on Monday next.
The Merchants' Bank of Easton has
declared a dividend of 5 per cent,
Apples are Belling on the streetstn
this borough at 80 cts. per bushel.
A new stock of Chicago Kip boots,
Just received at A. & D. Graver's.
T.J. O'Brien has resigned the lo
cal editorship of the Uazleton Dally
F. P. Lentz has got 'em I Calicos
from OJ cents per yard upwards. Try
A full stock of patent medicines
and toilet articles at O. W. LeJtz's new
drue store.
Navigation Is entirely closed on the
Jorils Canal, anu many ooats are iru
zen In.
Farmers are now selling potatoes
from their wagons at 70 cents per bush
el. The Sunday school children connec
ted with the M. K. church are to have
an entertainment thottly.
For sale a five octave Parlor Organ
(new) at a great reduction. Jpply at
this offlte.
A fine assortment of Picture .Books
for Holldaj Prej-ents, Just received ut
the "advocate" office. Konice-i
For a nice fitting boot, shoe or gal
tor. go to Thomas A. Wllllams.opposlte
Durllng's drug store. 1'rices moncrato
The borough elections will take
place on the IGiti day of February next,
.The Bethlehem Iron Co. has redu-
ced the rents of Its tenant houses from
49 to 50 a month.
Over seventeen thousand tons of
pig Iron are In stock at the furnaces of
tne Aiientown iron uo.
Easton National Bank stock sold at
public safe last week at 103.25 per share
the Highest ngureii uas ever reacneu.
The debt of this Commonwealth ou
the 30lh of November, the end of llio
fiscal year 1874, was 24,5(i3,033.87.
A full lino of rubbers, for men,
women and children, at A. & 1). Gra
ver's. Preparing himself tor Ilarrlsburg
Hon. J. C. Fincher, of tho Ilazleton
News, dined off roast venUon on Tues
day list.
A young man, named C. V. KU
DElt, will save himself tliuo and ex
penses by calling atituls office without
For family flour, of the very best
quality go to J. K. Hlckert, East Weiss
port. Lumber and coal In large or
small quantities at lowest market rates.
A few lots In Hlckertown still unsold
buy at once.
Z. II. Long desires us to call the
attention of our citizens to his elegant
stuck of lamp of every description,
which be Is selling a very low prices.
Also, dry goods and groceries very low
for cash.
Charles Trainer, Lehigh street,
will supply you with flour and feed.
plow your gardens or do your hauling
t reasonaoie rates.
If you wish to make husbaud,wlfe,
brother, sister, sweetheart or friend a
present during the holidays, jou wilt
be sure to fiud an article bultuulo at
some one of our stores. Do uot go to
other towns and spend nunry fur that
wmcu you can buy Just as well at borne.
The Lutheran Sunday School chil
dren will bo tendered an entertainment
nn Christmas evening, consisting of
singing, dialogues, cakes, candles, ic.
Should anv of our young ladles ask
you to contribute toward getting up nn
entertainment for tho llttlo ones, put
your hand In your pocket anu nana out
the stamps.
Friday noxt, the 25th Inst., will no
Christnnns day. You can And an ele
gant assortment of toys at D, Krock &
Tho Central Railroad of New Jer
sey announces Its usual quarterly dlvl-
nn or ;s per ceut, payaoio on mo
20th of January,
Tho Reading Railroad Co. announ
ces Its usual quarterly dividend of 2'A
ir cent, or l'A per share, payauio dan
uary 23.
Tho Pennsylvania Legislature will
assemble on Tuesday, January 6th. Tho
election of thu U. S. Senator will tako
placo on Tuesday, January 19th, 1870.
At Lyons Station butchers sell their
best beef at 13 cents, and veal at 0 cts.
What It U that mnkes the difference In
the price of meats between Lyons ond
this placo we nra unable to say.
The Reformed Parsonage which Is
In course of erection at Cherry vllle, is
under roof. The building U of brick,
and of largo dimensions. When finish
ed will add greatly to tho appearance of
the town.
On Monday afternoon, a fireman
engaged wiping Ills engine, a Taeker
crtoii, fell and struck his back against
some projection, Injuring himself so se
verely that ho had to be sent to his
homo In PHUton.
A man named John Jordan, a nativo
of Bolton, Lancashire, England, died of
strangulated hernia, in this borougli.on
Tuesday last. Deceased was about 00
years of nge.and leaves a wife and faml
ly in Engl mil.
Tho Uazleton Daily News asks
"what Is so pleasant as the continual
yelp of a first-class dog dayand night?"
Wo suggest to our friend that the yelp
of two first-class dogs would more
than' equal thepleasautuess of tho occa
sion. Mr. Charles Laury, an employee at
Packerlon, Jumped from a truck on the
L. V. It. It , on Monday night while It
was in motion, and fell splittli g his lip
and breaking his nose. Dr. N. B. Re
ber dressed the wouuds, and we learn
that the unfortunate young man Is do
ing well.
The Carbon Advocate, a spicy llt
tlo paperpubllslied at Lehlght)i',Penna.
comes regular to our office every week.
It has entered iti third volume. ji.iy
Its shade never grow less, and Its pat
rons always more numerous. Ledger,
Stark co., Ind.
Just received at W. E. Kemcrer's,
Bin Creek, a fine selection of pure can
dles for Christmas; also, a full stock of
the choicest brands of cigars, .dll of
which ho offers afknucKduwn" prices.
Buy and be convinced!
The reoort that a f uccessful poultry
rfpaler liml set ui) a carriage, arosB from
his statement that Ho mm niaue uis
coop pay, me carnage no roue in was
0110 (it UavlU ILUueil s unuusuiue i,cuiua,
which always attract so much alteutluu
when on tuo rouu.
The Stark county (Tnd.) Ledger
miys: "One of the prettiest cms in town
says her feller comes every Saturday
niint, ana never rails to nave nis nocic
ets filled with peanuts." That "lov-
yer " must bo a native of the city of Al
A schoolmarm, who dosen't live a
thousand miles from here, has introdu
ced a new feature In her school. When
one of the girls misses a word, the boy
who pells It right gets pel mission
kiss her. As a result the clrls are i
becoming poor spellers, while the boys
are Impiovlng.
L. F. Klepnlncer having sold his sh
and tools and rented Ills carriage shop
to Mr. Chas. Giess, now devotes hi en
tire time to the livery business. Jr. K.
keeDS a fino stuck of horses and band
some carriages, which ho hires at very
low prices, lie also has a few more lots
left in tills borough which he will sell
at reasouable prices.
Wo are pleased to learn that Hon
J. C. Fincher, of tho Ilazleton Dally
News, has secured the services of our
young friend George S. Boylo, of liar
leluh, as financial manager of that ia
per during the editor's absence lu Ilar
ilsburu. Georgo Is a thoroughly hon
est fi How, and we are sure will render
a good and falthlul account of lilsstow
Tho Stark county (InS.) Ledger
publishes the following advertisement:
"Wanted at this office, a oung
learn to set type, one who Is willing to
lie tauiiht and not llsuorcu to Uo run
nine thu street at night; but has a de
site to Improve her mind, aud learn the
art of priutlng. We waut no one to apply
who Is to proud or to lazy to work." if
this "sit" should be successfully filled.
we trust friend Mussulman will let us
know about it.
Governor Hartranft has Issued a
proclamation, as required by law, de--
daring that there has been cancelled of
the debt or me commonwealth or. renn
(.ylvanla, within the year ending with
the SUth of November, 1874, 91,230,180
57, as follows: gOUOOof 6 percent bonds,
11,221,113 00 or 0 per cent bonds, $53
of "Relief notes, aud HO 07 of do
mestic creditor certificates in all, mak
ing the sum above stated.
Readers of this paper Ehould care
fully watch the advertisements insetted
In It when in want of goods, and pat
ronize thu advertiser. They aro liberal,
fair, and have tho politeness to Invite
you; they believe you aro Intelligent
enough to read before you buy, and
they deserve patronage fur their enter
prise In letting 'tlio world know what
they havo on hand. The advertiser pat
ronizes and helps to support your local
family newspaper. For this ho deserves
your friendship, as no good local nws
paper could Ui sustained by subscript
lion alone.
John II. flcndershot, of Pike Co.
Pa., was accidentally shot aud killed by
ins son in irunr. oi mo ueiawaie House,
In Port Jtrvb, Monday night. The two
had beon hunting, and were on t heir
way homo. Willie Mr. nondcrshot was
getting out of tho stage a gun in the
hands of Ids son was discharged In somo
way. The whole charge biitcrcd tho
lower part of Mr. llondershot's back,
tearing away a portion of tho spluo and
lodging In his groiu. lie died lu a short
time, lie leaves a largo family.
Attention, Firemen!
Regular meeting of Lehigh lTook
& Ladder Co, No I, of Lci.lghton,
will be held at the Exchange Hotel, on
Monday evening next, Deo. 21th, 1874,
at 7:00 o'clock sharp. A full atten
dance Is requested.
By order of the President,
W. . ItEDEn, Sco'y.
Holiday Stock.
Frank Deborde, Jeweler, lias Just
received a largo stock of fino plated and
aud gold Jewelry, consisting of sets,
earrings, rings, chains, &c. "Diamond"
spectacles, a great variety of clocks,
ladles' goldwatches, musical boxos,suIta-
ble for holiday presents cheap for
cash. All purchases warranted as re
Resolution of Thanks.
At a meeting of Jr. O. XJ. A. M., held
on Wednesday ovenIng,Decembcr 10th,
the folio vlng resolution was unanimous
ly adopted:
Resolved, That tho Jr. O. U. A. M
respectfully tender their thanks to Rov,
Wllmer Coifman for his ablo and ln
structive sermon, delivered to them on
Sunday evening, Dec. 13, 1874, In tho
M. E. church.
Resolved that tho forgoing resolution
be published in tho"Carbon Advocate."
G. W. DEinx, C.
J. II. Escn, R. S.
The Coal Trade.
The following table shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh
Valley iiaiiroau lor tne wceit ending
Dec. 12th, 1874, and for the year as
compared with the same time last year:
from Week.
Wyoming .... 10,583 00
Ilazleton 39,797 10
Up. Lehigh..
Bea.Meadow.. 10,093 07'
Mahanoy 8,fiGo 08
Maucli Chunk 30G 17
34,307 18
05,571 00
182 00
20,423 11
13,052 05
555 OG
Total 78,940 08
134,091 12
00,731 10
73,350 10
Last Year.... 30,820 05
Increase 42,120 03
Another New Stock.
T. D. Clauss, tho tailor, desires us to
state that he has Just returned from
New York, and that he Is now opening
a very large invoico or cloths, casst
meres and vcstlngs, suitable for fall and
winter trade, which lie Is prepared to
make up in tho btst and most fashion
able styles at "knockdown" prices. Ho
cuarautees u "perfect lit" every time,
and the goods In all cases as represent
ed. Also, an Immense (.took of rub
bers, boots, shoe", hats, caps and gent's
liiiiiishlng uoods. Remember the place,
T. I). Clauss, just abovo tho Public
Square, Bank street, Lehlghton.
Cheering Prospeets.
Messrs. Cole & Ileilman.of the Allen-
town Steam Boiler Works, last week
entered into several heavy contracts for
work. One of them calls for 13 boilers
and 12 stacks for a rolling mill In Plilla
delphla, another for n set of boilers for
the Danville Co-operative Steel and
Iron Co., anda third for llboilers.each
70 feat in length, for the Bethlehem Iron
This will necessitate the putting
au increased force of hands, and
ecauso of this will be welcomed as
news all around, Indicative as It Is
of tho brightening up of business,a fact
wo aro giau to note, bomo or our work
lug peop'e are very despondent over
their present prospects. There is a lit
tle bright spot rising In the dlstanco
that augurs good. Aiientown DeuiO'
P.O. Official Answer:
Mud Run, Dec. 10th, 1874. Editor
Caiidon Advocate, Deat sir: My pa
per oomes very irregular ror the last six
or eight weeks. I hardly ever get It till
Wednesday or Thursday tho week after
jou print It; before that I always gotlt
on Saturday tne same day you print it.
i would iiko to Know the cause of Its de
lay, It Is now Wednesday and not hero
yet. Respectfully, &c,
Wm. Raucii,
Our papers are always deposited In the
Lehlghton Post office on Friday after
noon, generally before 4 o'clock v. m.,
and should reach nil our patrons by
Saturday's mall. It they do not, then
It is the fault of some post-master or
route agent. Where Is tho negligent
otucial?! Ed. Advocate.
Methodist Episcopal church Rev.
Wilmer Cullman, pastor. Preaching
(to morrow) at 10:30 a. m., and 7.00
r. M. Sunday School at 3 r. it. Pray
er meeting every Thursday 7JJ0. v. it.
Rev. Mr. Poulson, of Philadelphia,
will preach In the Presbyterlau church,
to-morrc w (Sunday), in the morning at
10 80, and in tne evening at 7 o'
clock. Sunday School In the morning at
0 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed
nesday evening at 7.30. A cordial In
vitation Is extended to all.
Evange'lcal church Rev. A. Krec
ker, pastor. Preaching, Sunday, 10.80
a. ii. and 7. 00 r. m., by the
pastor, In the Northampton street
school house, Sunday school at 0 a. m.
Also, prayer meetings on Tuesday and
Tthursday evenings at 7:30 o'clock.
Alio cjr dlatly Invited to attend.
The Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
church comer of Iron and North-
amptou-sts. Services to-morrow (Sun-
uayj ut iu A, M. in ueiman; at 7.00 r.
M. English. Suudav School at 2. p. i.
Player meeting Wednesday evening at
7.30 o'clock, aud Teachers' meeting
iuuisuay evening,
nig Creek Items.
A shooting match took placo at Stem-
lenvlllo on Friday of last week.
Mr, Daniel KaTbfus,ot Mauch Chunk,
was at our placo last week hunting af
ter pheasants, but was not nblo to cap
ture a single feather. Daniel, try again.
Tholumber firmof St.yder&Drcisbach,
of Albrlglitsvllle, this county, has been
dissolved, the latter selling his Interest
to Mr. Snyder. Mr. D. has purchased
tho Solt's farm, of this place,for $3,500.
He will tako possession of It after new
Typold fever this dreadful malady
Is making Its rounds In our neighbor
hood, several cases havo been reported;
so far but two have been fatal.
Mr. Francis Walp departed this life,
altera brief Illness of typhoid fever, on
Thursday of last week. Ho was Inter
cd at tho Jerusclem church, on Sunday
last, at 2 p. m. Services In English, by
Rov. Mr. Becker, of Wclssport.
Big Creek, Dec. 10th, 1874. w. e.
A Fashionable Stock.
Messrs. Laury & Peters, tho merch
ant tailors, postofllce building, Lehlgh
ton, ni., nave lust reeeivea tiieir large
aud handsome stock of fall and winter
goods, comprising cloths, casslmcrcs
and vcstlngs of the latest and most
fashionable designs, and of a quality
unsurpassed by any other stock in Car
bon county, which they.aro prepared to
mako up in the latest style and most
durable manner at prices to suit thu
timet, guaranteeing a "perfect fit" In
every case. In addition to the above
they keep a line of ready-made clothing
boots, shoes, gaiters, rubbers, gent'B
furnishing goods, hats, caps, &c, &c,
of the latest stylo and best material,
which they are now offering to the peo
ple of this section at prices unparalclled
In the history of the traao oi L,enigu-
ton. They respectfully ask an inspec
tion of goods and workmanship by the
people before they make their purchas
es elsewhere.
List of Letters
Remaining uncallod for In tho Le
hlghton Postofflce, on December 17th :
Clper, William Rehrlg, Jacob
Dengler, Edwin Rothermal, El,
Donahue, lluch Remaly. Chas
Ebbert, Kato Remaly, Nathan
GInder, Lewis Roeder, Jauetto
Ilaiuni, BenJ. Snyder Alex.
Uald, Cecilia Shlve, Alexander
Hontz, Thomas fahlcker, Fred
Hancy, Thomas Schatter, Dar.lel
Uenker, Aug, Steluuietz, Milton
Kemmerer, Sol. Shoemaker, Jesse
Kutz, Henry Smith, Nicholas
Kern, Frank Tanner, Nathan
Kemmerer, Geo. Trine, John
Kresee, Eugene Willhmson, James
Knecht, Ed. Walk, Lowls
Krum, Jesse Wildrlck, Geo, W.
iluntz, Reuben Welllver, James
Nice, Clemlntlno Yeager, Joseph
Nothstelu, L. II. O'Briau, Joseph
Persons calling for any of the abovo
letters will say "advertised."
John Muendleln, night scavenger.of
Pleasant Corner, this county, Is reques
ted to call at thtsoftlco, right off.
D. Krock & Co. have now opened
an oysttr saloon in connection with
their oakery, Where you can get oysters
in every style day and evening, also
fresh bread and cakes dally.
Muslins from Sets, per yard up
wards, at A, &, D. Graver's.
Poplins from 12K cents per yard
upwards, at A. & D. Graver's,
Cosing Prices of DeUavkn & Towns
end, Stock, Government and Gold
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
Dec. 17tb, 1874.
U. S. C, 1881 .
u. s. 5 -in, mi .
U. 8.0 20, 1801 .
U. !. 50,1805 .
U. 8 5 HO, 1805 J.4 J.
U. 8. 5 20, 1807 .
U. 8. 6 20,1803 ,
U. S. llMO
U. . Currency, ti's
U. S. S's. 1S81, nevr .
Pt,nnslviula H. H. .
I'blU. & lleadlnl It. It.
20 bid.
13 bid.
15 bid.
20 uked
Ul asked.
l.lVI sslted
1714 atked
ml asVed.
2014 Ud.
20 'i asked.
11)2 "ed.
17 asked.
17 bid.
) bid.
. 20V2 bid.
. 1KI?
10)1 kid.
13 bid.
62'J bid.
Hi; asked.
B24 atked
mi bid.
Lehljth Valley lullroed
Hallroad , Itlti bid. 02
Nav. Co. . 41? bid. 4SIJ
lies of N.J. 1231S Ml. J.29J4
leni!in I'oal A
UniUX Com pant
Ml asked,
11 bid.
11 asked,
G bid.
Lultlglitou Retail Prices.
Carefully 'corrected each week express
ly for 'The Carbon Advocate"
Apples, per bushel 80
" dried, per lb 12 to 15
Butter, roll, per lb 42
Cabbage, per head 8 to 1
Clieose, factory, per lb 2
Eggs, per dozen 38
Fish, mackerel, No. x 12 to IS
Ham, per lb 18
Lard, pure, per lb 20
Pork, prime mess, per lb 12
Potatoes, perbushel 80
com, per nustiei II ou
Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs 2 00
" uran " l uu
' lle, " 2 20
" Mixed " 2 00
Flour, Wheat, per bbl 7 60
' Rye, per 100 lbs 3 21
Oats, White per bushel 70
" uiacK, per uusnei (
Hay, per ton 20 00
Straw, per bundle 30
Coal, chestnut, per ton 4 00
" stove, per ton 4 ou
Hides, green, per lb 5 to 7o
CaltSklns, cue! 1 23 to 1 50
Sheep Sklus.klll'd this mo.,ea.85to 1 00
Special Notices.
OONSUUPTIVKSanJ those who experlance an;
illfflcultj with tha throat, lungs, or any or th
respirator; organs will consult thalr owu lotar.sts
by calling at the drug stores or O. V. Lents and
A. J, llurllug, and toqulrlng about Dr, Morris'
Sjrup nr Tar, Wild Cberrjr and Uorehound, The
uieJlcal elcellenclesortuemi Teetabld productions
are well knoarn. Tlielr curative nrlniiole. ht.a
beau rarrul combined by the utoet palustakilig
etteutiiiQ jirwe.s, wiiu uieuj uiuer veKvuuie in
gredients. This remedy Duebe.lna hlblrcDn.
cenlrated forui.the vervuKttct vi aojie oltheiuoit
InUllUe puuioule sluipus kuowu to medKalbot
Auuia. iv is a oaliiie remedy for croup. ar
sale BJaM dealers. Dept. 17th, It71,ly,
The moat 'Wonderful Discovery of
the 10th Century.
XD3R,. S. 13. KOFI'S
Arabian Milk Cure
And alt Diseases or the TIIHOAT, CURST and
LUNUS. (The only Medicine or the kind lathe
A Substitute for Cod Litis. Oil.
Permanently cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipi
ent Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness of
Breath, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Ac, In a
few days.
BU. S. D. HOWC'8
Arabian Tonio Blood Purifier,
Which Dlr'KKIW from all other preparations In
ItsIuMiDiATE Acno.f upon the LIVER, K1DNKV3
and ULOOO. It is purely vegetable, and cleanses
the system elall luipuiitles, builds up, and makes
Pure, Klch Blood. Itcures Scrofulous Dlsuasesor
all kinds, removes Constlpatlou, and regulates the
Howell. For "QKNEItAU DKUIL1TY," " LOsT
TIONS," I "challenge the 19th Ceutury"to find
Its equal. ery bottle Is worth Us welghtin
gold, l'rlce, (1.00 per bottle.
Arabian c Liver Pills
They cleanse the Llrer and Stomach thoroughly,
remove Constipation ; contain no calomel nor auy
other Injurious Ingredient, and act quickly upon
these organs, without producing anypilnor weak
ness. Trice 25 cents per box.
Should nse all three of the above Medicines.
Sold by A.J. UUKLltro, Druggist, sole Agent
for Lebightou, Pa.
Da. S. p. IIOU'i:, Sole Troprlotor, 101 Chambers
street, niff orK, apr. ll,lojj.yi'
SIRS. LANE'S (Urtsln Cure for Introwlng Nails.
Piles ! Piles ! ! Piles ! ! !
Plies Internal, External, Weeding or Itclilnp.
Tli a tnlenftd iulTr!rl no occasioned bv the dlstren-
lug disease, in Its various forms, la known on! j to
tlioHo who are unfortunate enough to bo a filleted
with it. The BlWpiess niglitu, the uncomfortable
da) s, the haggard look of the sulTtjrer boar wit
nessof the Intensity of the patn experienced when
troubled with thin prevailing dlaeape. Theme
cons of Brinies' I'lle Ketnedr as a positiYe cure If
unequalled In the annals of medicine Relief Is
Immediate when used as directed. The immense
demand for this irreal remedy Is unnuralelled.
Tnousiuds are usluilt wltn the most satisfactory
results. Sold by A. J. DUHLINU, druM, La
nignion. maj y ij
A. B.Crraver,
BANK Street, LEniGUTON, aro
now offerlnc Fall and Winter
comprising DeLalnes, Alpacas, Satlnes,
Empress Cloths, &c, and a full lino of
They also call particular attention to
their tnimcnso stock of Ladles', Gent s,
Misses' anil Children's
Gaiters & Rubbers,
manufactured especially for tho trade
of this sectloti, at Low Prices.
Our stock of Groceries, Flour.
Provisions, Quccnsivaro and
Wood and Willow Waro,&c,
is full and complete In every depait-
ment, and goods and prices are suro to
suit. A trial is respectfully solicited.
aug 29-mO
Millinery Goods & Notions
2d Door below tho if. E. Church,
All work mado up in the Latest Styles
at tho Lowest Prices.
September 10, 1874-mS
ALL at LenU's Drug Store and get
a linttln of prnun fsvrun. No cure.
no pay.
LL kinds of Patent
Lentz's Drug Store.
Medicines at
mnOUACCO and Cigars
a specialty
J-nt tlin Drucr .Stnrn of C. W
Rank Street, Lehlghton.
JT1IIOICE Liquors, for Medical pur
Eposes at C. W. Lentz's Drug Store,
Rank Street.
rMio the Creditors ol Andrew
"Fitzpatrlck and all others whom It
may concern.
TAKE NOTICE that I Have applied
to the IIuDorablo the Judfjesof the Court
of Common Pleas for tho County of
Carbou, for the benefit of tho Insolvent
Laws of the corumonweaiui or renn
sylvania, and they have appointed
MONDAY the JS otiteenth day of Jaim
ary next, to hear me and my creditors,
at tne uouri iiouse, in me uorougu oi
Mauch Cliunic, wiien and wnero you
may attend if you think proper
AH DUE. W r i l ,l'A l ltlUo
Dec. 5, 1874-3t.
All persons are hereby forbid med
dllng with Cnnal Boat ''Joseph Honk
er" and Two Mules leased by the
undersigned to PETER LAUU, of Cata, l'a.
Weissport Pa
DCC. O,, 1B74-W3, "
MOR Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery
Spices, &o., call at Lentz's Drug
IOR Chapped Hands, Face or Lips,
- pall nt'u tin,, Cfnra
TJCIOR Cuuglu.Colds.Orawps.Afthma
- - luuueuza, HoarseiifS'i, ronchltl
and Incipient call Lentz's Drug btore.
C'lAUSTlCSoda, 14cts per pound at
M.ilMlIl" nrilrt Krnra
. "O .v.v.
"yclssport Abend !
Tho undersigned would respectfully
Inform builders, contractors and tho pub
lic in general, that they havo opened a
IriuinJiici lTail
In connection with their
Near the L. A S. Depot,
mid that they havo now on hand an lui
menso stock ot Miorouglily Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pino Boards,
Surfaced Pino Zoards,
1'loorlng, Hemlock and Vino,
Sidings, ot all kinds,
Shingles, an immense stock,
Roofing and Ceiling Lath,
and, in fact, Lumber of overy descrip
tion at thi very lowest market prices.
Wo are also prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine article ot
Sunil, suitable for masonry
Work, Plastering, &c, at Re
markably Low Figures.
Wo havo constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood sultablo for Firewood,
which wo will sell, In largo or small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Ycakcl& Albright,
l.1,rlmn en
aug 23-yl
Carbon county, Pa
onsc aud Lot for Sale,
A'orough of Lehlghton, and numbered
34 on tho plan nr plot ot said borough.
The Lot Is 33 x 189 feet ; tho IIouso
Is three stories with basement, 2-story
Kitchen and necessary outbuilding, a
never-falling- well of water, &c. It Is
nicely located for almost any kind of
business, being situate on tho principal
business thoroughfare. For price and
further particulars apply at this Olllco,
or on the premises to
July 18, 1874-tt
W. It. JRjEX,
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lehlghton and vicinity that ho Is
now prepared to contract for tho erec
tion of dwellings, churches, school
houses, and other buildings. Also, that
he keeps constantly on hand a full as
sortment of every description of
JLiimber I
consisting of flooring, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, &c,
which ho is prepared to furnish at thu
very lowest matket rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
W. R. REX.
Lehlghton, May 17, 1373. ly
Hats and Caps!
The Mattel,
Elioads' Hall, Maucli Chunk,
has opened his Winter Stock of
Hats, Caps, Gloves and
which ho Is selling at prices lower than
ever beloro ollereu.
Glovcs db Furs.
Ollfl UAVfi,
Bread and OakeBaker,
Respectfully Informs the citizens of
Lehlghton aud vicinity, that l.e has re
moved his business from Weissport to
hls,premtses on
and that he Is now prepared to furnish
Fresh Bread nnd Cakes dally.. Steam
made Pretzels shipped In large or small
quantities to order, at wbolesaloand re-
EtfCaudles and Confections, a large
and choice variety always on hand.
Sept. 20th, 1874.-tf.
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lehlghton and vicinity, that he has
Ul'ttHttLi ins
Ne w Photograph Gallery,
on BANKWAY, (near the Lehigh Val.
ley Railroad Depot), Lehlghton,
and that he Is now prepared to give our
citizens Life-Like Pictures at the most
reasonable rates.
Particular nttentlon paid to taking
Children's Likenesses, A Trial Is
solicited. Juno 13.
In the matter of the Sheriff's sale
ot tho Real Eatato ot Peter Schwab. FI
fa , No. 0, Oct Term, 1874, issued from
the Court ot Common Pleas ot Ciiboii
County. The Auditor appointed by the
Court to distribute the moneys arising
from the said tale and mako report to
the uet term, with the facts and rea
sons upon which such distribution Is
made, will mctt tho parties Interested
for the purpose ut his appolntmeut, on
Tuesday, the 20th, of December, 1874,
at 11 o'clock A. M., ut his olllce lu thu
Borough of Munch Chunk,
J. C. DIM MICK, Auditor.
Novembers, 1871-w4