(Mum H. V. MoHTHiUEB, Proprietor. 1 'INtiEPENDEHT " Live aild Let Live." N Sl.OO a Year if Paid in Advance. . 1 1 VOL. III., No. 5. LEIIIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10, 1874. Subscribers out of County, $1.20. CARDS. Furniture IVarrlmuae. V.8cb.artt Bank street, oMrrOi alt kindt of furniture. Cofjintmadeto order Do.t iml Mine Makrri, Clinton Bretney, in Levnn't building. Hank street. A II ordert promptly filing vmrk warranted. CJJ M. RAPSIIISK, ATTORN EY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bank 8Tir.T,LtniaHT0Si, Pi. RealEstateand Collection Agency. Will Iluyand Sell Rml Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Co. lections prompllv mado. fettling Estates of De cedent, a specialty. Hay be consulted In English andUeimttn. Nov. 22. JNO. D. IlEllTOIjETTIC, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Orrici-Flnt National Dank Dull ng, 2nd Floor MAUCIl CHUNK, riHiu. Hay he consulted In Ccrman. apr lit, 1874 J-jANlKI. ICAL.UFUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Manoli Chunk, Pa. 4W0fflce.'alioB Dolou's .lwctry.Etore, Broadway. j u. Diainiicic, AUCTIONEER, Eaal VVelssiiort, Pn. N Tl. Sales of every description attended to at reasonable charge. The patronage of the public la respectfully solicited. Jan. 24, '"1. JJR. S. B. IlIillKH, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Odlce, IliHX Street, next door above tbe I'ostultirr, Lehlghtou, Pa. Office Houra Parryvllle each da) rum lu to 12 o'clock; remainder ul day atollicelu Lehlghtor. Nov 23. '72 AOI.Ii IIOTEI,, N. KLOTZ, PHOP'U, Summll Illll, Carbou Co., Pa. Best of acixuiuiudallons. fcxcelleul rtl taurant underneath. Uood stabllug attached X.rnis moderate. i:ovu iiuxiii, ARCHITECT, 122 S. 9th St., Allentown, Pa. Will furnish Plain, r-perltlratli ns and V'sllni.itef giving exact ci.nl of ul lie at.d prli ate 1 ullJlr gs, troia the plainest to Hie moat el (borate; also Drawing! lor Stairs, Haul-Rails, Ac. jell AVID EIIKERT'S Livery & Sale Stables, BANK. STRICT. I.EIIIC.I1TON, Pa. FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively LOWER PltlCES than any other Livery In thu County. tSf Largo and handsome Carriages for Funeral purposes and Weddings. r.ov.22, 1873. DAVID K1IUEKT. fgUIOMAS A. WILI.UJIS. . LADIES' AND UF.NTI.EMEN'S Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Now ly opposite the IVkV office BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa. IltfluK cominenceJ LufineSH, as aWre, T would rcDtfctfu.tr atnnmim-o to thetitittn of lbi.!htin aiiitt vicinity that I am prepared to do all wcrkiu my line In the ctMtret mid most tubhtautUl uum nr. Rt price fullr at iow an the iauis work enti b oUlnwi lu I'hlladrlcbl. A ftlendld aMuvt Tunt of aiJLimLN'iJ tud MISSIS' UKAKof tbe wst make alwayt on tuuiL A trial 11 KOltciUd mna utiuctiou guirauteed. at oirest prlciu July 4, 1374, J- COVEVANUEn, AND GENERAL INSUEANCE AGENT The following Ccmpanlea are U.preaented Lebanon Mutual Fire, Reading Mutual Fire, "Wjon.ltig Fire, PotUvlllu Fire, Lehigh Fire, and the Travelers' Accident insurance, Aleo reiiutiylvauia uud Mutual Jlorso Thief Detective and Insurance Com pany. March Sy, 18.U. JOS. BI. I"K1TZIGEU, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite T. D. Clauss' Store, siNK STREET. LEI11GI1TON, Ta., Tesnectfully ttUiiruis (its friends and the public, that tie has JtiMt received a. new and excellent nsortment of Men's Wo- mrri'a and Childrtii'ti Ready-Madu Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, Which Iw nlll Kt-ll at the Lowest Price;. ET ltKits and Shots made to order. and Kepatriofj neatly and MitMnnlinlly oono ai tuwri nuuev. tap ao. j l OUAtCOMsT. OLIVFR CRir.LEY, dealer In To haeco, Ciears, Plies, &o , next door to Itcx's Groeery Sloie, PuMiueltnina Pt,, Mnucli Cliuiib, respectfully nsks the people of LeliiKhton and vicinity, when visiting that place, to call in and try tils FRACRANT CIGARS, the very best In the market. Every articles In bis Una warranledas repre sented arid at lowest prices. 4trmr28 fgJN'ADEN HUTTEH TANNERY lei! ion tost, rA . B. J. KUNTZ, Prop'r, Krbpect fully nntiouncpfl to tlio puWlc flint lin lina liwf rt.lmllr. Mm Tnnlierv. fnrliHTly of Daniel Olcwlne, ami put in nil inn oei ana most upproveu nut clilliery for llio' Manufacture of Leather, suchns Hemlock ami Oak Solo, Harness, Upper, Kip, Calf and Slicop, which lie will supply as 1110 very lowest, price. "PlactnrlnfT Ilnlr Riinnllnil 111 Infffn nr small quantities Very low. HIDES and SKINS ucuiglil ai niguesi casn prices. l'atrtipago suiiciteu. ug. o yi I HOft ! ! "KO,!!! The underslcned calls the attention of all parties' tiding Iron to the fact that le. keeps.on lianu, at iiib WeissportRolling Mill all Sizes, which lie offers at tho Lowest Market Prices. Aln, that he pays tlio Hlchest Trlco tor SCRAP IRON, or will take It In exchange for Manufac tured Iron. In tho absence of tho underslcned, paitlcs will eall'nt the Feed Store of V. II KMSUll l , issij., anil uenuenueti 10. LEWIS WEISS. Welssport, Sept 12 m3 LOUR AXO FEUD. Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs the people of Le higlitou that hu has most Excellent Flour for Sale ; Also, good FEED of all kinds, and STRAW In the .Bundle, lid is also piepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at short notice. LElilGH (2d) STREET, Lehighlon, Pa. March 28-ly E. H. SNYDER ..CKIUIITOA', I ENS." A., IJEALElt IN Dry Goods, Notions, miiviMiasr GJ-s , Stress .slsj GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Glassware, Hardware, &c. May 31, 1873. WONDERFUL, HUT TRUE I Whenever I get a llottlo of Itloom of Vontli or Magnolia Balm, Ruo Tint, a A'ux of Lilly White, or anything in that lino to beautify the complexion, at Dialing's Drug Store, It seems to bo nicer and better than I can get aiy- whereclso. may ffl. IlEILMAX & CO., DANK STREET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In All kinds of GRllN Uought and Sold at Regular Market Rates. We would, also, respectfully Inform our citizens, that we are now fully pre pared to supply thein with the JSest of JQauH From any Miuo desired a.'t the VCRY LOWEST I'ltlCES. M. HEILMAN & CO. July 23th, 1871. READ THIS TWICE. "THE PEOPLE'S LEDGER" con tains No Continued Stories, 8 Large Page-, -18 Columns of Chnlco Miscella neous Reading Jitter every week, to gether with aitlcles from tho pens of such well-known wntem as Nasdy, Ol.lVKIl, Ol'TIO, SYLVANUS COUU, Jll , Miss Alcott, Will Cahlton, i, T. TuowuKiuui:, 11. mu; Twain, &c. J-Ii lll.cilil"Tlie I'tuple'K Ledger" lu any mlilri.a every week for Hires muuilia, on trial, ou receipt ufotily 30 CENTS. "The People's Ledger" is an old es tablished and r. liable weekly paptr, published every Saturday, and Is ery poptilur Ihioutiluiut l lie N. E. and Mid dle States. AddreB, UtRMANN K. CURTIS, Publisher, Nc. 12 School St., lloaton, Mass. Nov. M-3m. 1TY HIM? NO I That Electric Liniment, like I got at Dutll"g's Drug Store, whl euro him or any other man ot RHEUMATISM and all other l'ilns. iy 0 T3UST look at her Hnlrl Why I ' 9 thought It was turning Grey? So ' Rwas, until Mie gut a Dottle of that new I Hair Restorer at Darling's Drug Store. I UY7mTRYITI The India I Rubber Platers for a Weak Back 1 DUULING hat ttwtu , may 0 Railroad Guide. N OllTII PBNNA. KAlLttOAb. Pavengera for Phlla Jolrbla will teare Lehlgbtoti aa fDllcwa : 6.00 a. m. l L. V, arrlfe at l'hlla. at B.ofl A, m. 7.:i7 a. nt. Via L. S. " " ll.10a.in. 7.10 L tn. Tin L. V. " " ll.l0l.ln. 11.07 p.m. Via L. AS. 11 " S.1S p. tn.. 1 1 102 n. m. Tin L. V, " " 2.16 p.m. 2.27 p. m. Tin I.. S. ' " 6.33 p. m. 4 47 p. m. Tin L. ft s. " " 8.20 p.m. 4 44 p. m, la L. V. " " S.20 p. m. V-1S p. m. Tin L. V. " " 10 80 p.m. He turning, leave d.pot at Merka and American Slr.et, PIiIIh., at 7.00, 8.30 and 0.45 . m,; 2.10 3.30 and 6.16 p. m. rare mini henunionto ruiiaieipuia, eji. S Keb.l 1671. I! lOIA . i; It. Aft OENTII A I, 11. It. OF N. T. LI.'IIIOU A' SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. Timo' Table ot Dec. 7, 1874. Trtlna leave LehUbtnn as foltcwa: For New York, Plilladt-lplila, Eaaton, 4c., a," 7.37, 1107. in., 2.27, 4 47 pm. ForMauch Clmnk at 10.16 a. m., 1.14, MS, anil 0 03 p. m. For Wilken Uarre aodScrantonatl0.15 a. ra., 1.14, 5.3S p. m. Jltturning I eavo New York, from station Cen tral liaUrnad of New Jersey, foot of Liberty afreet, North KlTer, at 6.15, 9.00 a.m., 12.10, 4 DO p. m. . Loavo l'hllaiUlphla, from Depot North Penn'a It. I( at 7.00,0 45 a. m., 2.10, 6 15 p. m. Leave Kaslon at 8 30, 11.48 a. m., 35 and 7.15 p tn. Leave Mauch Chunk at7.30, 11.00 a.m.,220 and 4.40 p. m. Fo: rurlher particulars, see Time Tables at tho Stutions. II. P. BALDWIN, Gtn. l'atiengtr Agent. July 4, Is74. PENNSYLVANIA IIAILiUOAU, PHILADELPHIA t ERIE UR. DIVISION. Summer Time Table. On and alter SUNDAY, JUNE Will, 1874, the trains on the phllada. A Erie 11 K. Division will run a. follows: WESTWARD. Fasr Line leaves Philadelphia 12.55 p.m. " " HarrUburg 6.00 p.m. " Sunbury 6.55 p.ni. " " Wllllamsport SJit) p.m. u arr. at Lot k Haven 10.00 p.m EslI Mm leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p.m. " " .llarrllmrs 4 25 am. " " Sunbury 6 30a.m " " W IKiauisport 815 am. ' lck llalell 9,45 a.m. " " llenova It, 10 a. m " arr. at Erie 8 05 p m. Kluiiia Mail leaves I'hlh lelphla 8.0 1 a.m. " " HarrUburg 1.20 p.m. " " but.bury 4.20 pm. " " WiUlam,port 6 20 p.m. " arr. at Lock Haven 7.30 p.m. Nuoinx KlPtttss leaves Philadelphia 7.20 a.m. " " " llarrlfcburg 10 40 a.m. " " " Sunbury 12.30 p. ui, " " " WillUmsport 2.05 p.m. " " - " Lwk Haven 310p.m " " " llenova 4.20 pm. " " arr. at Kaoa S.i0 a.m. EAbTWAI.D.' rnin. Exrnrsa leave. Lock ll.iven 020 a.m. " ' " Suubury 0.3m p.m. " " Ulllliinaport 7.45 a.m. " " arr. at llarrihburg 11.4.1am. " " " Philadelphia 3 35 p.tu EniK Mail leaves Erie 11.20 a.m. " " Keuora 0 1:0 p.m. " 11 Lock Haven 05 n.uu " " Wllllam.port 10 60 a.m. " " fuubury 12 40 a.m. " arr. at llarrlhburg 2.40 am. " " I'biladelphla UJ0.ui, EllliaA Mail leaves l.wk Haven U.4J a.m. ' " Wllllamsport ll.OOa.m. " " tuubury 1 J. Ill p. UK " arr.at HarrUburg 3Ai p.m " " Philadelphia 0.35 p.m. XlAOAIA Exrscbs leaves Kane VUJ a.m. ' " " lleuovo 4 05 p.m. " " " Lock Haven 5 25 pm. ' " " Wllllainsport 0 60 p.m. " " " Sunbury 8.40 p.m. " ' arr at Uarrlsburx 10,55 p.m. " " " Philadelphia 2.1.0 a m. Mail East connects east aud west at Erie with L SAMS U W andatlrvlnetoD with OHL'reekand Allegheny It It W. Mall W est w Ith vast and west trains on I. S i M S It W.audatCorry aud Irvluetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny It It W. Elmlra Mall and Buffalo Rxprers make close connections t WWIlamsport with N 0 It W tlalos uorlh, aud at llurrlnburg wlthN C It W tralua south. VM.A.DALDWIN.aell'ISupt. REWARD for an ihcurablo ;ase of Catarrh. after having snutTered. deluded, caruled. haw k- ed. spit and gagged tv your entire satlsficlion lu jour useless endeavors to get relief from catarrh, use llrlggs' Alleviator according to directions. The tilthy mass of mucous will lie Immediately expell ed, and the Intlamed surface soothed, the eea rpirklewlth diltght, the bead fees natural again; lii-pe rev Ives, for a cure Is .ure to follow tha u,e of tb is ugruoable, scientific aud reliable remedy, arlitt T lUCII has been said I and written, and many re- uaasj ,ej !, 0ir.rd for tbe relief aud cure of throat and luug diseases; but nothing has been so eminently- surcessiul. or ob tained such a wlJe celebrity, as Brlgjs' Throat aud Luug Healer. tf 1fmtniciT TIIE excruciating pain 1jQDI 2BJ. pioduced by corns, the unceas- aue ing twinging from Bunions, tbe piercing, distressing pnln from Ingrowing Nails, cannot be desrrlbed. Thousands suffer, not kuow lug there Is a cure, Bilges' corn and Buulou Remedtea are no add nr putath compouuds, but are reliable, soothing, and etleclual, ami Justly merit the success they Ime erned from au ap preclittlve public, 'ihe Curative is a healing oint ment; Immediate relief Is obtained by lta applica t!nn,aiid it will positively cute the worst cases of festered turns, lutlauied aud ulcerated buulons, the sorest Instep, the largest audseverest bistera, the most exteutlto calloslllcaoii thesolesor heels of the feet; unequalled 111 the cure of childUilus or frosted feet, 'the Alleviator forordluary corus aud preventing their Urination la absolutely un e;ualeit by auythlngeterkuowu. Ask forllrlggs' Bemedlcs. Take uo other. AC, f IT'S ALL VERY WELL, I ' ' ot troubUd lotiink it iiinXi JJ itm to have iVcs. thrtliit reaton. the unfortunate mfferer getl tern little em;utAy. 1heuyinyfToyhtliinotor cannot be eibci wane than the torture endured t)y mllitntt whoaretroubUd with internal Metdntg, external and itching julet. Clad lulingifor Mttjfrrertr. hripge'i I Ve Iteniedicl are fcu'W, tale and lure. 1 a-x m c, ! A RE TnE MOST 1'LEN- V Jliriln . t-ind of grain mtlumurket. J Aeerj one hat a sup; , from the three year t-UchiM to the grandtire verging on a hundred! ttyUethatitomeyoungladietuihodaity yroinenade fathinvtbte rtwrtttmidaUdjid uxalrone; old maidi, dreited up loapixar young aed gay; dan diet, icith their patentUaUure, and inreAXuble iejA ing tlickiUi- clergy etun, merchant, lerk, artitan and viechanic, of all aget and ttdtiont, haveu full tuvply if corns, buniont. btid nattl,andotherbt4her atbintoj the feet, all ofwhicliare baiiJied and cured by the uie of Unggi't Cum and lUnlon Jlenediet, Alleviator and Vuratire. SoUl by A. J. DURLINO.Drugglst, Letilghtoii, Pa. May 0. 1874 ly. rnHE People of Lehlght in and vlcin. Ity all unite In testifying that at A . J. DURLINU'S Drug and Family Med icine Store, Puim, r'jtEsu and Unadul teuated Medicisu can always be found. may 0 EVERY AM vTLUn PRINTER EVERY AMATEUR PRINTER EVERY AMATEUR PI11N I'Ell EVERY AMATEUR PRINTER Should Have, Instructions In Printing nnd the answer to queries which will remove tllfil. cutties tn your whytoeftlclency, appear In each number. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD T.1KE EVERY FAMILY SHOULD TAKE EVERY FAMILY SHOULD TAKE EVERY FAMILY SHOULD TAKE For Its Good Stories, For Its Fashion I'lntrs, For its nilsccllnny, For Its Household News And for its Purchasing Department, Through which every deslrablo article lu New York Is luruished at tho lowest rates without extra charge. Our Own Fireside is a Home Journal In Its fourth year, 10 large pages with Illustrations. Price, $1.00 a year. Every subscriber makes selection of a valuable premium from thu many offer ed. Those suo.scrlbli g now receive the paper tho remainder of tho year freo of charge. SUBSCRIBE NOW .dt the beginning of A Mew jo If you cannot afford to subscribe, an arrangement will be mailo by which jou can recelvo the paper for one year without money. Send 3 cents for sample copy. CANVASSERS WANTED. A Champion Printing I'rcss A Champion S'rlntlnc; Press A Champion Printing Press A Champion Printing Press Is Given Away Is Given Away In Given Away In Given Away For n club of 15 subscribers to OurOwn Fireside. Eveiy liusluess Man and Roy should have one. Send 3c. stamp. Address, , Our Own Fireside Publishing Co., Room 4, "Sun liulldlug, N. Y. J Gil AND 2 and 12 Horse Power GET THE BEST Sc CHEAPEST. Address, M. L. GUMP & CO., Uoom4, Sun Building, N. Y. The Champion Job Press F0R Printcrs, Business Men and Boys. Tho best press made. Also, JOB TYPE for AMATEURS- Send 5c. for Pamphlet. Address, Mt L. PUMP & CO., Room 4, Sun Building, N.Y. oct 31-mO A Good Livelihood Can bo made by selling TI a Graphic Steel Engravings, reproduced by tho wonderful Graphic Process from famous works of art. 100 per cent on every sale. Send $3 for Folio, convenient to exhibit from, containing It) of our finest Engravings, which is ail the capital aud stock in trade necessary to commence business with. Address, THE GRAPHIC COMPANY. 41 Park Place, New York. Reference, Editor of this Publication. Oct. 24-ui4 giAIIlUEL GKAVUll, Opposite the FublloSquaie, SOUTH ST., LEHIOHTON, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all kinds ot IS TP O'Y MS 11 IS" Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing promptly attended to. nor, 30 JIOK SAIX, A 'New FIRE FROOF SAFE, with Combination Lock, at Halt Price. Inquire of W. M. RAPSHER. Lehlghtnn, Oot. 24, 1874. linwScssncss tn Scranton. Scr.mton, Pa., Dec. 0. At tho pres. ent timo ajluicklng state of lawless ness exists. in Sc.antoiin lid vicinity. A terrlblo murder was perpetrated about ,11 o'clock last night In the suburbs of tlio city, at a placo called the Notch, a deep gorgo between high mountnln, wheio tho coal treasures of the valley havo their north-western termination. The Notch Is tho dividing lina between tho mining population of Scranton nnd the farming districts of Wyoming nnd Luzerne counties. The victim of last night's tragedy was a farmer named Klein, who, with his son, had been to the.clty to dNpose of somn hay and po tatoes, and was returning to his home In Newton township. Ho had two teams; ono driven by himself and the other by his son, who Is only about 12 years of age. On reaching the Notch ho was sur prised by six met, who dashed out of tho brush on the roncf side, seized his his horses, nnd dragged hlra out of his wagon. Ho begged of them to spare him, but Ids' entreaties wero met with blasphemy and kicks as well ns with blows of a murderous club, no fought desperately for his life but was finally overpowered. Seeing that his assail ants did not intend to show him any mercy ho cried In despairing tones. "ForGod'ssakespare tny boyl" These wero tho last words spoken by Farmer Klein. A pistol ball tltrough his heart let out his life blood. The reffians then hastily robbed him and darted iuto the woods. The boy sat in tho wagon In the rear, tlio unite witness ot tlio terri b'e tragedy. Ho was transfixed with fear, aud could neither move nor speak fur some minutes after ho was dlscov eied by it farmer who happened to be passing In that dliectlou. Tho mur dered man was carried home, but no trace of his assassins has yet been dis covered. This morning a miner named Philip Uannan was arreited for attempting to take thu life of Alexander Craig, an en gineer In the employ of the Falrlawn Coal Company. Uannan, dressed in his miner's suit, entered tho engine house, where Craig was at work, and demanded a light; the latter, not sus pecting anything, turned around to procure a match, and as he did so,liau uan drew from his coat a short ax, and with It made a murderous sweep at tlio engineer's head. Craig fortunately evaded the murderous blow, and engag ed In a fearful struggle with his would be assassin, who was subsequently ar rested and committed to prlsou to await trial. It U'supposed that tho attempt is tho result tf an organized plan, as tho man ner In which tho men wero ousted from the Falrlawn Colliery still rankles In their breasts, and they aro determined to be revenged ou those who supplanted them, Bauuau was employed In tho Pine .Brook Colliery, a short distant from Falrlawn, but ho was no doubt detailed to do the murderous deed. Tho Incapacity ot tho authorities to deal with such daring ruffians aud bring them'to justice encourages the outlaws to ply their murderous work fearlessly. Wo aro at the commencement of a hard winter, which will doubtless lead to robbery.and murder In an extraordinary degree. Wlthiu the past few nights some of tho principal stores on our lead ing thoroughfares havo been broken Into and robbed. In every Instance the, burglars havo escaped with their boo ty. Our chief of Police Is under $5,000 ball for alleged murder; our Mayor Is under, f 500 ball for pejury;an4 six of the members ot our school board-, or a majority of its entire number are un der f 18,000 ball for alleged malftsance in office. They are to bo tried at the January Court of Quarter Sessions, theso cases are ot all recent occurrence. If the present cindtilou of affairs con tinue much longer, the people of Scran ton will for self protection and for tho protection of their properly be com pelled to form vlgllanco committees. Even uow every man Is armed, and every man't liouso Is an arsenal on a a small t-cale, In many quarters vlgll anco committees are already talked of, and wo may expect a season of red handed vengeauco before' pprlng. N. Y. Sun. A man had better havo a mlllstonn tied to Ms neck aud bo cast Into the sea, than to prpmlse to marry a Texas girl aud then re.'uso, The whole coun. try turns out to hunt tilm, aud ho is generally, left to grow up with a tree. A Free Fight In tt Church. At about 10 o'clock on Tuesday night a disturbance occuricd lu tho Ebenezer African M. E. Church, which caused great excitement. Somo two thousand colored persons and others congregated about tho Church and adjacett thorough fares. Sume dissatisfaction has cxlslol among tho members and trustees of the church lu reference to certain portions of tho dlscllpllno, ono of which was against tlio independent action of tho 'singing bands," who have their lead ers, said leaders having much to say on tho affairs and discipline of the church. Theso "singing bands,'. It Is alleged, have largely Interfered with the pro gress niid good standing of the African M. E. Churches, nnd the majority of the congregations are opposed to then), Tho refractory conduct of. officers ot tho Ebeuezer Church found vent lu open violence ou Tuesday evening, hastened by tho fact that its pastor, Mr. Johnson, had "split a class" and relieved Its leader. Tins much Incen sed tho turbulent minority in tho con gregation, among whom wero trustees of the church, nnd open violence was threatened. Plans had been put. on; foot by the disaffected members to maka nu attack on the church last night, pro bably reinforced by insurgents--frqni, another African M. E. cburch'-.arqiricl.' tho corner upon Sharp street. jQnf'? Tuesday night a large meetiug of 'thq officer.'; and member was held for the purpose of considering tho "spiritual and temporal welfare of tho church." Tho meellug progressed ns usual with prayer and sluglng, By request the pastor commenced reading tho manual or dlslpllna of tho church, amid ejacu lations both favorablo and tho con trary. A disturbance seemed inevltablo, the fact of which trausplred vueu Thomas Short jumped up ou a back seat, and flourishing a chair, yelled out: "Judgo Gllmor will havo to sottlo this!" A scene of the wlldesti.coufuslou eusuctl, culminating !n'aHrvely melee. Some of tho congregation ran out Into tlio street, shoutlug, ".Vurderl" &o." which quickly brought a number of policemen to tho sceue. Insldo of tho church chairs and other avallablo furni ture were being freely used, aud sev eral persons were badly bruised, but pone, ns Is learned, wero seriously In jured. Officer Brown upon entering tlio church was struck and knocked down with a stool. Tho riuiileaders In the riot managed, by some rearor side cntranco to tho church, to effect their escape. To add to tho excitement, the congregation at the colored church on Sharp street rushed to tho scene with frautlc cries of "Tho house of the Lord has been attacked," "Police," "Jlir d6r,v &e. .Baltimore Gazette. Paragraphic. "Tho Beautiful Blue Danubo" Is a muddy, yellow fraud. Jonah was a stranger nmong whales, and they took him lu. What Is the largest room, iu tho world? Tlio room for improvement. A client Is never certain about a lawyer, and generally takos hlin on trial. Pluck and patlonce are a'strong firm In transacting tho dally busluoss of life. If you want to feel warm all through give somo poor family tho moans to keep warm. A father nt Dtibuquo makes Ills chil dren address him as follows, for In etanco; "Most respected and rovered father I'll tako another tater." A Western poet who had expressbU a with to die "omld tho grand solitude of the etcrual mountain tops," was killed by the explosion of aplutot cheap kerosene. Hard currency forever A Pennsyl.. vanla fool fooled with a pistol. Ball struck a five cent' piece lu his waistcoat pocket, and took to hi boots Instead of his vitals. A thousand dollars in paper would not have saved hi in. "The only thoroughly blighted be ing, says the St. Louis Journal, "Is the man who has been deceived lu a meer shaum. When hu has expended his money in purchasing tho costly coin fort, when hu has consumed tobacco enough to unsettle the nerves of a rhi noceros and tho stubborn pipe still re. fines to color, demonstrating to Mm the that he has been sold, then does tho hollowness of this World and all that is therein Is bdcom fully aud disgusting ly appa'rent " No church is too weak to take up a collection.