The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 05, 1874, Image 2

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    Wat (Stortom flwwnfo.
tniliailTO.V, I'A.:
The Secretary of tho Treaiury lia3
directed the Assistant Treasurer at
New York to sell $500,000 of gold cn
each "Thursday during tho mouth of De
cember. The aggregate amount to bo
sold 13 $2,500,000.
It Is asserted that Secretary BrMiw,
In Ms. forthcoming report, will recoin
ment that a day be definitely Bet by law
of Congress when the resumption of
specie payments shall take place, and
ho Is In favor of the 1st ot January,
1870, as the day..
Work will bo resumed on Monday In
the New Rail Mill of the Rensselaer
Iron Works at Troy, N. Y., under tho
old scale of employers' prices, which
worklngmcn refused to accept at the
time of tho late strike Thero ore uioro
applicants for work than can bo fur
nished with employment.
The Concord (N. II.) Saving Bank
suspended Tuesday, after paying out
3G0O.O0O to depositors, who havo been
making a run on tho bank for some
weeks. The trustees havo petitioned
tho Superior Court to appriise tho val
ue ot the remaining securities In the
bank to determine tho loss of unsatis
fied depositors.
An act of Congress of 1800 fixed tho
Second Tuesday after the meeting uud
orgauizalion of the Leglslatuio as tho
day for voting for U.S. Senator. Our
Legislature meets on tho Gth, which
would make tho 10th tho day for elect
ing a Senator, lu case no election be
had, they aro to voto at least once each
day during tho sesston untfl a Senator
fahall be elected.
Heavy monthly reductions of the pub
lic debt aro evideutly things of the past,
the Government, like individuals, being
compelled to postpone tho discharge of
its indebtedness uutil tho return of good
times, the statement Issued Tuesday,
shows a decrease during the past month
ot $124,427.08; the coin balance Is $83,
013, 370.24; currency, $10,099,311.48;
coin certificates, $23,045,400; certifi
cates of deposit, $47,120,000.
Proceedings have been Instituted
against Rev. Dr. Talmago, of Urooklyu,
N. Y., by (J. A. B. O. Mitchell, on a
charge of slander. Mitchell was for a
number of years a prpnilncnt member
of Dr. Talamage's church, and was ex
pelled on testimony of the pastor, who
charged him with conduct unbecoming
a Christian. Damages are laid at $3,,.
In tho United States Court, New
York, Tuesday, before Judgo Blatch
ford, Messrs. Henry Clews & Co., hav
ing failed to answer in bankrupt pro
ceedings, were adjudicated bankrupts
on tho petition of Arthur Cooper, trus
tee of their London firm, and fifteen
creditors In this country, who stated
that, theyrepreseut a quarter In number
and a third in amount of tho creditors.
Tho debt of tho Commonwealth on
tho 30th of November, tho end of the
fiscal year 1874, was $24,508,035,87.
ut tins amount 4,4123,000 bears 0 per
cent iuterest In gold and 10,320,000 0
per cent Interest In currency. Of this
latter sum the interest has been stopped
on $185,433 03 and $100,009 38 bears
no interest. Of Chambersburg cert!
Scales there is, outstanding $83,032 90,
ancrof Agricultural College Land Scrip
Fund o Pennsylvania there is $500,0CO,
There seems to be much distress pre
vailing among the laboring classes lu
tho coal and Iron legions. Nearly all
tho irou furnaces and foundries aro
either Idle or working only ou partial
time, and this, together with tho gen
eral depression ot trado, having reduc
ed tho cousurapllon of coal, thero is
very little doiug at tho collieries, in
this usually busy season. Thousands aro
In Idleness without any means of obtain
ing work, aud the distress is very great.
Tho Mayor of Scranton writes to a con
toiiiporary that all the means of relief
In that city aro exhausted, and ho fears,
as winter advances, that the suffering
will become extiemo.
A VashIngton dispatch to tho New
York Suu, dated December 2nd, says:
''There ls.nlmcmst a unanimous feeling
ofdUliko and hostilhy toward Grant
among lUfl Republican Congressmen
who are dallj' arriving here, and If he
should find himself without any party
this winter he need not be surprised.
Tho causes of re hellion are numer
ous, but are chiefly .babed upon his no
toriously friendly reunions with Boss
Shepherd and Mullett. The manner In
which ho seconds these tw individuals
in their various schemes Is galling in
the extreme to those who aro conversant
-with the Shepherd and Mullett Rings.
There in trouble uhead for the Ullt.1 OU
Tho Philadelphia Ledger says, "It Is
distressing to hear, of tho numerous
failures reported In commercial walk's,
but thero Is no one need bo troubled by
tlio occasional failures chronicled by tho
newspapers, as they aro usual nt this
season of they ear, ami were expected to
bo uumcious this fall In of
last year'B panic. When buskics Is
conducted on such a sound barjls as at
present, for It Is mainly for cash or on
very shoit credit, It Is to predict
financial trouble. There Is no danger
probable. Tho volume, of business may
bo small, but It Is safe. Only tho Ig
norant expected ar,y present Increase of
prosperity In ccuscquence of tho elec
tions, and therefore thero' Is every rea
son to feel satisfied with tho steady
though slow advanco of trade.
Gov. Allen sent I1I3 annual message
to the Ohio Legislature ou Tuesday last.
It is a model ot brevity. IIo renews his
recommodatlons that tho expenditures
of tho State Government should bo re
duced down to the very last dollar com
patible with the maintenance of tho
public credit and the efficient working
of tho several departments. Iu tho
midst of tho existing financial distress,
ho says, when so mauy men nro out of
employment, and wages overy where re
duced, there aro special reasons for re
trenchment. Last year the tax levy
was reduced $474,000. The taxable
valuations in Ohio, as shown by tho
grand duplicate of 1874,. are: Ileal and
personal property, $1,G30,S70;324,
which is a net increase over tho valu
ations of 1873 ot $13,104,085, an ex
hibit which tho Governor thinks is a
rcmarkablo indication of the rapid de
velopement of the material resources of
the State, when tho general stagnation
ot business during the past year is con
sidered. In calling attention to tho
propriety of considering whether the
compensation of county officers is not
disproportionate to tho salaries of,other
public officers, and of persons in pri
vate life, Gov. allien expresses senti
ments that will doubtless meet with
general approval. He saya: "Public
servants should be reasonably compen
sated: but salaiies and fees should not
be so high as to make tho getting of
office a profession, and to enablo candi
dates and applicants to buy their way
to public places." All of which is sound,
and worthy of tho statesman from
whom it proceeds.
William F. Havemeyer, Jayor of
New York, died suddeuly Monday ot
apoplexy. lie was the son ot William
Havemeyer, a German, who came to
H1I3 country, In 1708. He was born In
Now York Feburary 12, 1801. He was
educated at Columbia College, wltere ho
graduate in 1824, and five years there
after lie commenced business as a su-
gar'rt finer. Ho retired with a compe
tency in ,1813, and In 1844 was chosen
a Presidontal elector on tho Democratic
ticket, In 1845 he was elected Mayor
of New York. Tim term of office was
then one year ond Jiiyor Havemeyer
declined a renomlnatlon. In 1848,
however, ho was again elected, but
again refused a renominatlon. Iu 1810
Mr. Havemeyer. was at tho head ot tho
Commissioners on Emigration, appoin
ted under a law designed to prevent the
swindling of immigrants ou their ar
rival at New York. Mr, Havemeyer
acted with tho Democratic party until
the Tweed gang usurped tho name of
that organization, wneu ho revolted
against their rule and becamo chair
man of the famous Committee of Seven
ty. whose labors dually resulted In tho
overthrow of Tweed and his con
federates. Mr. Havemeyer was npral
nated Jayor of tho city by the Reform
associations and the Republican party
against Abraham R. Lawrence, tho
Tammany Uall candidate, and Jus
O'Brien, of the Apollo Hall Democracy
Havemeyer was elected over Lawrence,
by a plurality of C000 votes. Durii g
his lato admiusltratlon of the office
Mayor Havemeyer seems to, have In
tensified the hatred felt for him by the
lower class of politicians, aud lias, at
the same time, lost tho support ot those
who aro honestly striving to secure good
government. His honorable character
has never been impeached, aud yet ho
nominated mid forced tho appointment
of some of the worst men In New Y'prk
to such offices as that of Police Com
missioner, An effort was made during
tho present year to secure his removal
from office by Governor Dlx, hut that
official, tf or a full investigation, con
tented himself with an expression oY
disapproval of tho Mayor's conduct.
Coslug Prices of DeIIaven & Towns
end, Stock, Government and Gold
10 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
Deo. 3d, 1874.
U. 8. , 1881 .
U S. S -20, 1803 . .
U. 8. 5 'J0( 1801 .
U. . 3 3U,lli5 .
U. S 120, 1K.J J.i-J,
U, 8. 6 3U, UG7 . ,
II !,1 20, 1861 , .
V. s. 1W0
U. , Currency, t .
II. 8. 1881, now .
rdQniTlTHUla K. it. .
1'hlli. & Hauling It. It.
Ubigh Valley ILIlrvid
20U bll.
12!d bIJ.
Itjj UJ.
lOl? l,i,.
18 U,J.
UK tld
20? ailifd.
13 asked.
IT krtl.
19 aUd.
20Ki Wd
VJJi akknl.
H'A ukd.
10! 5 aUd.
laji bid.
12JI bid,
S-')2 bid.
S4VS bid.
131 Z atkd.
iv; bid.
UciteU Comjuiilci ol .N.J. Mi bid. MSty. aikou.
2W 12 bid. 12 Imkod.
8"r . . a bid. 7?aiL.j.
Labor Notes.
Tho general suspension of furnaces
and. forges in Pennsylvania ha) thrown
about 17,000 workmen out of employ.
The cost of supporting the paupers of
Great Urltlan Is about 800,000,000: those
of tho United States about $10,000,000.
It Is estimated In Brooklyn that there
aro now three times as many men out
of employment In that city as was the
case this time last year. .
A lugo force is now employed! upon
tho New Jersey division of tho Bound
Brook and Philadelphia Railroad, which
it is expected will bo completed by July
The Florida lumber business, which
lias been steadily crowing in import
ance since tho war, is ,now very dull.
Last winter there was considerable de
mand for, labor theref at present thero
s none.
At Norwalk, Conn., all tho steel
works, lock factory',: and Iron works,
employing about 1,000 workmen, are
now Idle. About out) men connected
with building, quarrying, &c, are also
Idle. There is nothing doing In tho vi
cinity. Tho "Soverclcns of Industry" In
New York city have greatly stimulated
jpter'est iu their movement by recent
meetings. Quite' a largo accession of
members have followed, and the purch
asing agency is now being organized.
Public meetings will be held duilng the
winter. . ,
Tho lmrueno establlslimonfof Lorll-
llard & Co.. on the block bounded by
Washington, Provost, Bay, and ilrst
streets, Jersey City will be opened on the.
1st ot January, uver- fiuu,uuu nas
been spent by the Loriilards in altera
tions.' The several departments employ
abou;2,0UU persons.
The Philadelphia and Roullng Coal
and Iron. Od. have suspended work, on
80 mines in tho Scliuylklll basin, leav
ing onW 10 running. This corporation
has Gradually absorbed all but 13 of tho
mine 1 now worked in that region. Most
of the latter are r'unnlnii. slack timo.aud
about one-till Id are Idle. In the Leblgh
basin over one half havo stopped, aud
the same 13 truo of tho Wyoming aud
Lackawanna fields.
A colored convention Is to meet in
Washington on tlio 8th Inst. toaJvocate
the passage ot tao uivu uiguis uiu now
before Congress.
Colonel Charles N. Turnbull, a
Graduate of West Point, and an .olllcer
on General Sherman's stall during the
war, died Wednesday in Bonton.
Joseuh Talraaclge, a fanner, ot Me
tuchln. near New Brunswick, N. J.
was murdered and robbed of $0000; by1
sonio unknown person, on Tuesday
A saloon keeper named John Yaler
hanged himself at Baltimore, Wednes
day, with'a piece of his shirt. Drunk
enness was the cause.
Two thirds of Kansas City, an oil
town, In Butler county, P.i., was de
stroyed by firo Wednesday. About 75
buildings, including two Hotels, were
burned. The loss Is estluuted'at $100,
The business portion of Wilton, N. '
II., was'destroyed by Dre Wednesday
morning. Loss, $100 000.
The trial ot Itev. John S. Ulenaen.
nlng, before tho Jersey City Presby
tery, on cnarges m immoral cumiuci,
resulted Wednesday In liU acquittal.
Fiity men are thrown out of employ
ment by tho burning of thiSrepair shops
of the Beading Railroad, at l'alo Alto,
on Tuesday night. . . .
Daniel Bex will bo In town on Wed-
hf sday next, with tho finest lot of Jer
sey white shoals ever nrougui 10 mar
ket. Bo ready.
Ex-Governor Brgler," of 'tho Centen
nial Board of Finance, addressed ,a
meeting' of prominent eltirens" and
manufacturers of Hasten: Cojiiietlcutat
Norwich Wednesday' evening. He said
tho Centennial .Board had resolved to
abaudon tlio idea of asking Congress
ional aid, recounted the hbtory of the
Centennial Exhibition project, correct
ed wrong Imdresslous regarding its prospects,-and
showed the outlook -for all
the features of tho Exhibition to bo
most encouraging.
New Advertisements.
TraOUDrugs, ledlclnes, V
Spices; &a., call i'at Let
Lenti's' Dlug
FOR Toilet Extracts. Essences, Fan
cy Soaps, Combs, Pqffs and Puff
Moxei call at Lcntz's Drug -Store.
"WCTOR Chapped Hands, Face or Lips,
-- call at.Lentz's Drug gtofe".; .
iOR Coughs, Colds,Crainps,Ahthma,
Influenza, Hoarseness; Bronchitis,
and Incipient call Lentz's Drugstore,
jJIAUSTIO Soda, 14ets per pound at
I '-Leutz's Drug Store.
fl'iALL at LenU'sDrug Store and get
-Ai bottlo of croup syrup. No cure;
no pay.
LL klnds of Patent Medicines at
Lentz's Drug Store.
npOBACCOand Cigars; a-speclalty
--attho Drug.toro ot C. W. Lenlz,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
mOIOE Liquors, for Medical pur
1 poses at O. W. Lcntz's Drug Store,
Bank .Street.,
rano tlio Creditor ol'AiHlroiv
Fltzpatrlck ond all others whom It
mav concern.
TAKK NOTICE that I have app lid,
to the Honorable tho Judgesof the Cuutt
of Common Pleas for tho County of
Carbon, for the benefit of tho Insolvent
Law 8 of tho Commonwealth ot Penn
sylvania, and they have appoitited
MONDAY tho Eighteenth day of Jauu.
ary next, to hear mo and my creditors,
at the Court House, In the Borough ot
Mauch Chunk, u lieu and where you
may attend if you think proper
Dec. 0, 187.4-Ut.
All nersnns arn hprehv fnrhlrt mid.
dllng with Canal Boat ''Joseph Hook
er" and Two Mules leased by tho
undersigned to PETER LAUB, of Cati .
sauqua, Pa.
Welssport Pa.
Dee. 5., 1874-w3,
Now' Advertisements. '
Everybody's Own Physician
bv O. W.Oleabon, M. V, A marjn(ficcnt volume of
uo wuivo page ocataiftiuij xuutiraxea ana e
gantty bound. Contains matter jiiRt adapted to
the wants nf every limity. Over 250 -pigravina
Ona aent told IOO enpits trt one icftA1, another 30
In UirudagnnnA another 23 In four dayt. Circu
lars, with OompUU Index, free. Llberat dl'coun's
Agents Wanted fiSi i1;
H. II. t!eHasoy,Cs.,riVr,7M SainB.,PhIU..
AOSHIJ WAHTES1 HoJilj ill Slfleai Awrlal.
ftfSA!rs Pictorial -Bibles.
1300 ILLUSTRATIONS. Address for circulars
A.J.HOI.MAN & CO., 830 Arch Street, l'hila.
rp ti W-r,, C,T,r A larire, eight
xxicj urmui VJUi. rage. Indepen
dent, cones i ana learless newspaper, or G bread
column?, ePpeehlly deMgneil for the fanner, the
tnethanle.tlie irierchautand the rrofuslonat idtn.
a d their wl?e and chlldreu. We aim to nitko
the weekly Sim the lmt family newpipcr in
the world. It in lull of Instructive and entertain
ing rending of every sort hut prints nothing to of
fend the most pcrupuUms and delionU taste.
1'rli'e. St.20 Per war. DtsUca Thocliemt
"eht pipt-r publshudj Try it. Addruss Tub Sux,
iNew iorK uicy. (
108 Virginia Farms.
ferripllve 11H and interesting information to all
looking for dem'raWe' 'home. (Ireit liar.;alu.
Mild winters aud many inducements. Growing
seaont louj, consuming ones short. Address
Wm. r. MoriRi 4 Co., Suffolk, Va.
t How either sex may fasctnateand caln the
love nod affections of any person they choose, U e
.tnntly. This art all cm povs, free, by mill, for
." conts; together with a Marrlaeo Outdo, Kcypt
inn Oracle, Dreams; Hints to Ladles, etc., 1 00O.UO0
Bold. A quter Look, Address T. WILLIAM &
CO., Pub's, Philadelphia.
trtrt per dnv nt home. Term, free
H J)jU Adiirens Ucokoc mixsOn & Co.
I'urtlnnd, Jmiue.
Host Extraordinary
Terms of Advertising are offered
for Newspapers in the State of
Send, for list of papers and schedule of rates.
Geo. P. Rowoll & Co., Ad
vertising Ag'ts, No 41 Park
llow, Is'ew York.
Hefeu to Editor of Tins Taper.
Livery & Sale Stables,
LAnd positively LOWER PBipKS than
any ptner livery in uiu uouoty. t
Ef'Large'amT handsome Carrifgts
for .Funeral purposes and Weddings.
01. 23, 1S73. 1A V1U' ;UUliKT.
The. undersigned respectfully Informs
the citizens ot Carbon and adjoining
counties, that liu is now prepared to
supply inem wiui
Dressed or Live Hogs
at all times, at prices fully at low as
they can be oouglit lor elsewhere. Also,
Smoked Hams, llologue aud Saussage,
at Wr.olesalo and Retail.
Ordeis will bo iiromutlv filled.
and Hogs shipped to any point'at tho
suoriesi notice.
Dank Street, Lehighton, Pa,
Sept. 19, i874-yl
MOTHERS, Look ot that ChlldVlt
lias Worms. Go or send at once
to DURLING'S Drugstore, and get o
bottlo of hit WORM SYRUP, so plea-
saut and yet so suiej may U
HY, OH..WHY will you suffer
with that Cough or Cold? when
relief may bt had Immediately byuslng
juiihi.iu a wompounu syrup ot Tar
' ld filierrv and Hiirehbuud.
jfUST look at her Halr.l Why
w thought It was turning Grey? So
It was, until fliegot a Dottle of that pew
Hair Restorer at Durlliig's Drug Store,
1UY 1T1 TRY IT I The India
mm Ruhlirr Plasters for a Weak Back
DRU LING has them may 0
a m
clssport Ahead!
Tho undcrslcncd would respectfully
Inform bulhlor.s, contractors and tho pub
lic lu general, that they havo opened a
In connection with their
Near tho L. A S. Depot,
and that they liavo now on hand an im
mense stock of Mioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pino Boards,
Surfaced Pine boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, of all kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,
Roofing nnd Ceiling Lath,
and, lu fact, iLumber of every descrip
tion at th"i very lowest market prices.
Wo aro, also prepared to furnish Build
ers nnd others with a very fine nrtlclo of
Saml, suitable for Masonry
Worll, I'lasterluR, &c, at Re
markably Low Figures.
Wo havo constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood sullablo for Firewood,
which wo will sell, in large or small
quantities, at' Prices to suit your Pockets
aug 23-yl (arbon county, Pa
oligemia Lot lor Sale,
Situate nn Ttanlr cf, not- i, M,a
iorough of Lchlghton, and numbered
dl on the plan or plot of said borough.
Tho Lot is !53 x 180 foet j tlio Ilonse
Is three stories with basement, 2-story
Kitcheu and necessary outbuilding, a
nevo'r.falllng well of water, &o. It Is
nicely located for almost any kind of
business, being situate on tho principal
business thoroughfare For price and
further paitlculars npply at this Office,
or on tho premises to
jJuly 18, 187-1-tf
Wo iejx5 '
HANK STltKCT, I.L111G IllO.N, l'A.
Respectfully announces to tlio citizens
of Lehighton and vicinity that ho Is
now preimreu to contract for the erec
tion of dwellings, churches, school
houses, and other buildings. Also, that
no Keeps constantly on hand a full as.
sortuiait of cveiy description of
consisting of flooilng, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, shutters, nioldlnos. Ac.
which ho Is prepaied to turnish at the
very lowest maiket rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
W. R. REX.
Lehighton, May 17, 1373. ly
ats and Caps
Rhoads' Hall, Mauch Chunk,
has opened his Winter Stock of
Hats, Caps, Gloves and
which ho is selling at prices lowor than
ever ueloro uttered.
Gloves & Furs.
Bread and Cake Baker,
Respectfully Informs the citizens of
Lcliiglitou and vicinity, that l.u has re
moved Ills busliicss irom Weissport to
ins premies ou
and that ho Is now prepared to furnish
Fresh Bread and Cakes dally, guain
made Pretzels shipped lu large or small order, at wholesaloand ru-
tall. ,
wisBisa it's piit:r gates a epe:iaiitt.
I33"Candles and CoufectioiH, a large
anucuoicu variety always on hand.
Sept. 20th, 1874.-tf.
F c
Respectfully announces to the citizens
of Lehighton aud vicinity, that ho has
UrttiNU ins
He vvPhotograph, Gallery,
on BANK WAY, (near tlio Lehigh Val
ley Railroad Depot), Lehighton,
and that he is now prepared to give our
citizens Llfe-LiUo Pictures ut tho most
reasonable rates.
Particular utteutlou paid to taking
Children's Likenesses. A Trial is
solicited. Juno 13,
-cm- In tho matter of tho Sheriff's sain
of tho Real Estate of Peter Schwab. Fi
fa , Nn. 0, Oct. Term, 1874, Issued from
the Court of' ' ommon Pleas of Caibou
County. Tho Auditor appointed by the
Court to distribute tlio moneys nrlsiug
from tlio said sale nnd make report to
the next term, with tho facts and rea
sons upon which pucli distribution is
made, will meet tlio j artles interested
for the purpose of his appointment on
Tuesday, tlio 20lh, of t ember. 1874
at 11 o'clock A. M ., at his olllce lu tho
I Borough of Mauch Chunk,
f J C. DIMM U K, Auditor,
1 November 23, lH74-n l
Pianos- -Organs
IMeasc Examiner
Packard PARLOR & Grand
Forfc Wayno Organ Comp'y.
A. P. HORN, Agent,
Laury & Peters
Have just received a very large and ele
gant stock of Fall and Winter
comprising plain and fancy Cloths,
v;assi meres ana vestlngs, for men sand
boys' wear, which they ara prepared to
make up In tho most fa hlonable styles.
at reasonable prices and on short notice. ,
Ladies', Gent's and Children's
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters
and Rubbers,
comprising a splendid stock of all kinds,
manufactured especially for the trado
ot this locality.
Mais & Caps,
of the latest and most fashionable make,
always on haud, at low ligures.
SS?Agents for tho Acme Shirt the
best fitting garment ever made. Leave
your Measure for theui.
Merchant Tailors,
P. O. Building, Lehighton, Pa.
Dealer in Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries, &c,
Would hereby respectfully inform his
menus aim tne public in general that
notwithstanding thp dullness of the
times he Is determined to keep up his'
stock to Its usual fullness, and Is at all
times ready to show (sell or not) his en
tire line or jioous, iro.n aims at &S.75
per yard down to Calico for 5c. per yd.;
and would also bo pleaded to have those
who cannot suit themselves (no matter
in what article) in this or surrounding
towns, to call on him giving a sample
or full discriptlon of tl.e article they
want, when It will bo furnished them iu
a few hour's time, at tho lowest City
prices, having secured the sub-afrency
of oiio of the largest wholesale and re
tall houses in the City.
Particular attention Is, also, given to
the Grocery department, which is made
up of everything needed In the family,
from a barrel of flour up to tho finest
Goods delivered to all parts free of
charge. Orders by majl or by other
sources promptly filled.
A few more good monthly custom
ers will be accepted.,
Thankful for the liberal patronage
received thus far, I hope, by fair aud
impartial dealing, to secure all my
friends and many others as regular cus
tomers. All I ask Is a fair trial, bear
lug in mind that I will not be under
sold. Also agent for the famous light run
OllINE, which I sell on easy terms.
With the latch string on the outside,
and my right haud extended to. all, you
will always find a welcome at
ank St , Lehighton, Pa.
N. B. The highest market prices
allowed for COUNTRY PRODUCE lu
exchange for goods.
1jL iT&rwixTVB. ovexisq
Millinery Goods & Notions
2d Door below the Jf. E. t hurch,
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September 10, 1874-m3
History of the N.Y.Tomfcs:
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