, AdvcrllHliip Kntcs. Wettelreltotw distinctly understood lliatno Advertisements will telnserlod.ln the colnmnsof TBipARSOJl'fBpCAtE hat jiid be recelved(fr0in unknown parties or firms, uolc accompanied wlih the Oiiii Th? following are ynpifc terms i AdvcUlsemeWfe'rVyearj per inch Wh, insertion , " . r. . ..lOOms. " Bit .Months, per luehcach Insertion 15 Cents. Three Months, " " " 20 Cents. a I,eMlhntbreem6nt!is,flrstlnser- tlon (1) each subsequent Insertion So Cents II. V. MORI1IIMUR, VuUlsher, E msiBWJsntf, OFFIClft Dronqd Floor 16 tiio new addlMon of tho Mansion lions, llauch fcbunk, l'a. Bslnes transacted 'In Enjfllsh and'tJeiraan. Coflecilons promply male it! Conveyancing neatly done. BeTlleWnl t Hst'atea. Proving Wills, ob talnlngletteraofAdmlulstratloo.f'IIIng Accminls. and Orphans' Court Practlcecnrerullfattrlided to Licenses, Charters and IncoVpoiallons procured, and Criminal Cases made a speclilty. SATURDAY M0HN1NQ, NOVKMUCU. 21, 1674. LocalTand Personal. Special Notice. Tliosa of our sub-i ncrlbers receiving their paper with a cross upon the corner near their nanio,, will stwo fifty cents ndvanco.ln prion by remitting the dollar subscription.-at once. Our terms aro $1 In advance, or $1.50 if not so paid. Send us news. Rain. Is much desired. Ilavo your tors ready. . Diaries for 1875, at the "Advocate" office. Interesting Young ladles In tlifclr velvetteens. Its never too lato to mend or to marry. Several young couples contemplato matrimony soon. Show the "Advocate" to .your friends and ask them to subscribe tor it. , A full.liuo'of groceries at Ak&'D. Graver's. 1 ' . ' ' " Our merchants generally state that business is good. Muslins from nets, per, yard up wards, at.'AJ.&iDi'Gr'aver's.i. ' A trip around the world can be made for $.10p0. ., , . -iVafcrits and directors sh'ou'fd'jyislt tiro public' schools'. More than 1,000,000 miles of telo graphio,,wires are, it) use. Have your job priming done at the "Advbcate" otllce. Thursday of next week will bo Thanksgiving Day. Poplins from WA cents per yard upwards, at A.'&'D.-Ura'Ver's.- ' Continental black writing Ink, In glass bottles, at the "Advocate" olllce. Havo you seen the elegant stock of winter dresB goods at Win. KemertrV? Debating societies and literary clubs should now organize for the win ter. P. 1". Lentz has got 'em I Calicos from 0 cents per yard' 'upwards. Try tiietu. A full stock of patent medlclnoi and toilet articles at O. V. Leatz's iuw drug store. Next Thursday will be Thanksglv iug'day. Tut) Banks will bo closed on that day. For sale a five octave Parlor Oigau (uevv) at a great reduction, ripply at this olllce, Win. Trenery has opened an oys ter and vegetable stand In the basement of the Exchange' Hotel. The I'liainix Fir Co., of Cataau qua, will hold a ball, In the Town Hall, on the evening of the Solh lust. All the iron work In Danville, are said to be in full operation for the first time In tighten months. Our working men nnv flpi'd their evenings making sauer krout and chop plug meat for sausage. Good. For a n'co fitting boot, shoo or gal tor, go to Thomas A. Wllllams.oppn-ilto Durllng's drug store. I'rices moderate. Sam. Duffy, Eq., of Slatlngton, was last week admitted to pracitce m nu attorney1 In the Courts of CVubon county. Tlio official ,;ount gives .Tlldcn, Uemccrat, for Uovemor ot JN'ew York', Ct ,542. Dix's majority lu 1872 was 53,451. On the evening of the Dili Inst., T.ulu Zulitier, entertained a number of her yonug friends, it being the anniver sary of.her birthday. Charles Trainer, Lehigh street, will' supply you with flour and leetl, plow your gardens or do your hauling at reasonable rates. -JErankllu, on the Lehigh YnJley railroad, between Lau-y'b utid Koek dale, has been made a flag station for passeuger trains Nps., 7 aud 18. Tlia Spring Mountalii Coal 'Com pany auuouuces aseiui-anuual dividend of 4 percent, aud an extra dividend ol 1 pecepf,,naj6bje'.Qecember,10, pioxl- you can get fresh country butter at lowest market prices' at I). Krock & Co's; also, fresh biead and cakes every day. A'toro one door from Exchuugu Hotel. Tliore ls fonnj talk of two new pa pers belug started iu Hazleton a Deiu. ocratlo weekly and a Republican week-: ly In the course ot n Iuw mouths. "Let'em wate!" The Carbon County Teachf rs' Ins titute will hold Its lltli annual session In the Court House, at Mauch O'litmk, commencing on Monday afternoon, NoV. 80th', at two o'clbck. Tfie, plaiiet Venus Is now visible In lrnail davlMit. eastward of "the sun. under lavorablo conditions of 'the atuio. snhere." bho Is best seen In the, after noon, Shu lias attalued her' greatest brilliancy, ami will gradually lose her light Ull the tltli ot next mouth, wiieu etio ,wlil be visible only as u black spot moving slowly across tbo disc ot tliu sun. Flies nro singing tho "Last Itosoof Summer.!' , ' The.flrH.Amerlcnn Flag was ma'do at 230 Aich St'ieel, I'lillnilelplii. ' -iMiiCATrlo llauer-was Intown over Sunday, visiting her lady friends. As we go to pi ess Friday morning, "snow, beautiful snow," U falling. Tho girls say autumn Is a good fa vorite tlmeVfor marrying- Now's your time then. ' ' " ' A school boy In Maucli Chunk, do-fines- (lea, "Flea, , How,- fled when you put your hand on it. Korrectl Many -youug, ladles make fooU of theijiselves by- hq ' lookli g J glass, and many Vl,u"g ii by the ,w!no glass, A junu'latlv' of Mahohlng, s'ays sho will glvo two hundred dollars for a young man wlo""wlll-lovo her In a kind aud gentle manner. 14armer"6f Penn Forest, .while flairellatlTig'two of his unruly boys, was asked whaflib was doipg. "Threshing will oats!" ,was tho reply. A couple bf fellows who were pretty thorouehlvisonked with bad whiskey got Into a gutter; alter flo'uudcrlng for some time, oho Of thelu said: ''Let's go to some other house; this hotel (k'aks. As onn reaiiit nf the nanlc. . several of the "upper ten" have felt' It a duty to glvo uppevvs In fashl'nnablechurches, and If things go on at this rate, they fear thby will have to relinquish their boxes at the opera. An Oregon blacksmith Is a "hnrso jewqler," but David Ebberts Is a horse f i t 1. 1.. if.:? ..? ..!. ui'uit-i, uuii (nery3 a, ins (ivj-'iy uui)iti stieet, some'- of trio' finest horses- a'tvl carriages to be found In tho county. Ills charges are very lo,vf. ( ," For lnm!iy''flour, of (he very best quallty,go to.J. K. ltlckert, East tyeiss iiort. 'Xumber and coal In laro or small quantities at lowest market rates. a. iaw irjts in ticKenown s-iui unsoiu buy'aVonce. Neat carriages and fast horses al ways lor hire at the popular llyery of L. F.iKl'vnplhe coruer'pf Itdn btreet, at reasonable charges. Also, a few building lots for sale at low prices. Ifjtll'e edjlbf .of- the'. Jorhlng .Her ald would eat less pork, he would be less likely to dream or "colored gem men" tliio'wing dlsgulsed'burglars tro:n second story windows. "fwrtS not a badgtt up,liOfvnyer. Nexty ( -Jji5youn!Gt',utjemar lit iFrnJiklln' twp.,lre'ina'rked'io hIV-himala' cbuip'nn-' ion the other evening, "Ah! the most beautiful evening In my recollection; Lima looks pocufjUtljbeautiful..'.'.,',' Was that h'e'r justSwfent by?' quickly .askVd the young laTfj'. ' A eveu octave Jarchal & Smith Piano, rosowbod case, lroht'large.iouiid' corncifl,serpeutitie liiouldlugson plinth, largo moulding on I i m, ctrved legs; new; cost $000 will be sold cheap, or traded on a lot in L'ehigUt'jn borough. Apply at this olllce. Spend your money. You can't spend jour money to a better advan tage than to pdicli.isea Parlor Organ. See advertisement of Messrs. lle.itty & Plotts, of Washington, Waireu county, N. J., In another'coluinn. ' It. B. Wlddoss has removed Ills barber shop from. the basemept of the Exchange Hotel to his residence oppo site UucUnuiii's carriage factory ,'whcro ho will bil pleased. .to' sqe all Ills'' old trloiuls and all tue.ni'W ones vyho feel disposed to patronize him. A young lady who entered a Hazle ton book store, and asked tho young man in .attendance. "Il.tvq you got hap py djeauis?,' was astonished when he,' roplied,'""Nb,' ma'am, I am" mostly tioublefl-witli.tliQ ullitni:rp. .He didn't know wliy she wento'ut so hurriedly mid slammed tlitS'ddW after' her. A StitrtllngTruth. Thousands die annually lrom neglected coughs and colds, which soon' ifpen into consump tion or oilier equally fatal diseases of the lungs'; whlcliiby, tho tlnielyi 'UsO ,ofta single Uottle'of Dr: S; D.'llon'o's '-Ara-biau Jilk Cure, relief and permanent cure is often effected) The' Milk Cure, while It, possesses. all tjie virtues of Cqd Livet Oll.'caii' be 'retained upon the stuiuach without pats a iiig.-Seui.dfer-! tlseiiKint. ' ' , About tlie most contemptible spec! meiits of cjieekmow being intllcttx! 'up on countrv-editors, are the solicitations ,of persons connected w)th"lho Centen nial Exlilultlou to iiavo publicity given to their work gratuitously.- While overybqdy,eisn, connected .with the exhi bition Is'in one way or huother, receiv ing compensation lof hls'servlei,s,."frilm the ordinary cjerkdo tlut of ,tlio presi dent' thu cuuutry publisher ls expycted to work for the elory-of the thing; As for us, we caij't seeitunless fpr.btamps, Allentowu Democrat. Ditto.' TALsiAOB'BI'Ai'En. ;rho Chris ' tlan at Wutk (New' YWkj' ranks' wltli the best of the religious weeklies. Dr. Talmago is Its- ictl've ediblrj and Lis sermons aro published, exclusively u It's columns. The term's, $3 "I per anuuiii, cover everjihlug, Including postage ami delivery of Mm new pre mium, a' "Portfolio otTuel've Gems," or a cbpy of Lau'dseOr's "Twins." ! Withoutfthe pfemlum it s ouly $3 per atinuiu, postage, prepaid, 'as above'. Agents will make till j a success. ' I Once Aciain Into our'sanctum com iilh tiu-. Stai bi-ANOM: Uauu the December number, nod the one which closes Its t .selfl'h' yenr'of niiccess. FeW are them who know not this splendid ptpe. wlth )ts 4(Joiik cvluiuus, sizy of .LiUer, lllliittated und.Jubt' brami)ieil. wltli tlio very best rt-aillng -Poems, Tales, Stories, .Sketches, W(t, Humor, aud Fun. It also contains t it eel -biu ltd "lUigues" Corner," iu which eveiy Swindler, Humbug, Quack ami i'liiud, In America has bceu, Is, itud w'iU'bb' fully exposed. For 1875 eyery subscrlb cr receives'tlio pap(i fully. prepaid, ami eltliet u palrot cliartiiiiig"I'raug"L,'hro mos, an elegant Diclionaiy- Album, Hooks, or choice of twelve pieinluuis any one being worth more than ,prLu pf the papi'r;'wmlfi'ls'orilyJ'?l0o 'ti'Ve-ir. No paper Is mora thoroughly establish ,cd, bettor known or better llla-d. bpLci mens lor (1 cents. Ho who tails to sub scribe, falls to do what hu should do. Send tl to 1JANNEU PIMLISHING CO., Hinsdale, N. H. . On the 29th of October two canal bnats, driven byEll Schonnmakcr Jnd Thomas Leonard, met at the Groenvillo bridge of , tho Mori Is Canal. Schpon maker asked .Leonard to drop , Ids lino that his poa( might pass, Leonard refus ed, and they quarrelled. Leonard threw two stpnes at Sehoonmakyr, one strik ing' Iilm on the jaw, tincturing the jaw hope, and the other on tho forhead. Sehoouhiaker was cared fbr In Green vllle, and on Thursday ho 'died, and a few hours after the burial Mrs Schoon makor.began a pearchforher husband's inurdenr. Chief Dunderberg arrested Leonard nnd his wife in Eastou,-Pa. - A. Whopper. ' J. II. Dlmmick, of Farvl6V,';Frank lln township, showed bs a turnip a few ago, which he says1 was raised In good Democialicsoll, measuring 20 inches in clrcumference.nnd wi'lghlng 7$ pounds. If any of our readers can beat this let them send along the ai'tlcle. Notice Is.herebyiglveu to the1 Shareholders of "The Lehigh Ilulldlng and. Loan Asso ciation,", of Lcl;i'ghton,,Pa.'1'that loans are now being Fold as low as $33.00 premium per-share. It pays to buy out mouey at that rate. By tho Secretary.' ' Gntllerlugs 111 the South. There has been much written lately that is very duuious about political gatherings and 'conflict of 'races, jet there Is ono class of gatherings all over the South about which there is not o,ven the shadow of doubt, namely, gather ing foi the purpose of purchasing .tlio remaining tickets for tho next and last (lift Concert of the Public Library' of Kentucky, to come off November 30. The South has been impoverished,, and a ,reas6nabie share of- that' God.OOO then to bo distributed will bo very ac ceptable. The Coal Trmle. I,' '' The following table shows the quan tity of coal shipped' over tho'iLehigli Valley Itailroad for the, week ending Nov. 14th, 1874, and for the year as compared wltli the samo tlmo last year: I rum- 'wlwVek. ' Yrsr.'-1 Wyoming.... 23,140 10 999.7U 04 Hazleton.... .'-Si; 730' 14 1,891,527 12 Up. Lehigh.. 53 U 4,701 00 Dea.Meadow.'.'l3V552'iO 003,033 19 Mahuuoy 11,122 14 458,403 10 Mauch Chunk, 244 17' 4,830,17 Total 09,880 03 3,005,109 08 Last Year.... 79,852 01 3,998,000 13 Increase 20,028 01 Decrease . . 33,731 05 A (tuartrr of n Century. . The following ticket,, nominatedi by the Democratic party, we find in tho Carbon Democrat, 6 October 8th, 1833' twenty-four years ago: Judge of Supremo Court John C. Knox. Canal Commissioner TJipmas II. For syth. Auditor General Ephfaim Banks. '' Surveyor General J. Porter Urawley. Piesldent Judge J.' M. Dlmmick. .Assembly James 11.-Struthers, .David Laury. District Attorney II. B. Burnhatn. County Treasurer A. G. Broadhead, Jr. Couuty, Commissioner i-Jame3 Broder- Ick, Sr. . . County Surveyor S. E. Stiles. County Auditor Tilghmau Arn'e'r. Conl Trade. The shipments of coal from all the regions las.'t4wcek.wera,443,178.anthra cite, and 72,394rfbltumlnous; for the week, ,515572 tons,flg'aliist,47,0S3'f'or the corresponding week last year; In cr asu, 28 484 tons; nut falls short of the supply tho 'previous week, 84; 129 tons. Tlio supply sent from all the re. glons so far this yea? Toots up" 10i2'48,-, 073 tons, against 2O,'bS0,177 to corro sppudlug period, last yeai'nlecrease,838, 102 'tons. Jrhelecrease In anthracite Is 830,901 tons. ' -Whllo the anthracite trade js. on. tho increase, compared with last ye'ar.the bliumln'ouVtrade is dimin Ishlug. f.elileh'toi Institute, The Institute met and was called to order by tho president," Mr. Barnett. Opening exercises were conducted by S.J Barnett. Roll called mjnutesread and approved. An election of ofllcers was held with the following result: Prcs.,lSi I,, Allem; Scc.M, T., Yor,nall; Treas., E. O. Nead. Tho exercises wero then varied with npproprlatrt sing Ing. Mr. UolTord coining In participa ted in the various exorcises and luvlU'd' the teachers of, this thorough to prbparo' music and essays for our coming Coun ty Institute. Interesting rypbtts, wt;re given of tie, prpg'ross aud general ' coni ditlon of the different schools;', difficul ties were dwelt- upon views' and' theories, compared, stiggestous given,, and a general reasoning togetner of a!! the teachers ensued,, , ', At tho opening ot the, afternoon sai siou the Sec. being tardy, on motion,' Miss Hattle AT, IKiliiuui acted as Sv'C, pro. tern., S. J, ifamett enlivened the afternoon with reading from the-Scotch poet Uuriis: other selecjlqus. weru tread by snnieJoltllitV-teacherB.'' A- recitation In Mental Phllosoiihy, was then made. .after wlilch tbtj busineis, cotmultlfu. pro seuted thbi followiiig' prograin'mS: -l'.' uenvrai exercises, a. beluct ruadljigjby. S. J, Harnett, II. it., llellman .and E. O. Nejiil, 3. Object Itvssoni by Miss -Weaver. 4. Mental Philosophy Sub ject Attention. . Institute adjourned to meet Hoy'. 2l'.fl8T4..' " 1 'I , -. Jdi-T. Yaiimau., Sec' v. Letiigbton, ov., 1874. T.-1 rn... Wo tho undersigned, Trustees nnd Committee ot The Lolilgh Huok and Ladder Ci. Iiavo concluded to lovy a tax of fivo mills on the dollar on each icsl dents h83e'ssW'.,vafutttlon7t ThW 'Ts. be lieved to bo the fairest, nnd most equi table manner by which tlio necessary funds can be raised to equip tho Co. Tho dupllcato will bo placed In the hands of a collector soon, and it Is hop ed that no ono will refuse to pay his sharefor so . important nud necessary aii'objecf. 'Let -us' Act promptly 'and put the Company upon a proper foot ing, All tho property and apparatus purchased for tho Company, shall be nnd remain the property (if the citizens, who contributed to obtain it. Uy tho Committed. Thomas KEMEnnn, i -. r 3. W. ItAUDKNiiUsn ' . . , A. J. Duiiuno, T. D. Claus?, John S. Lkntz, Joseph Oiiekt. Serious jlcclilent. , i-J '"'1 ' On Thursday afternoon last, Douglas Miller, baggage master on tho L. & S. It. II., met with an accident on tho rail road at Maucli'Chuiik; whereby lie lost his right arm at tho shoulder and re ceived other injuries. It appears that ho had stcppejlpn a train,tq speak 'with his brother, and In getting off, while the train was In motion, he slipped In somo way and fell upon the track, the cars passing over his right arm, mang ling It so that It was necessary to ampu tate the limb near the slioulder,tho oper ation being peiformcdby ,Drs. DoYoiing and Leonard, ot -Vaucli Chunk. Ho was also somewhat bruised about tho head and body. Ho is a young married man and resides in Eastun. A until . KeV.-D.-K-. Kepn'er. pastor ottlfo Trinity Lutheran Church, of this bor ough,' was elected pastor of tho Em manuel Lutheran churchy In PyUstown, on Saturday evening a Aveek. At tho same time a committed bf three was ap pointed to proceed tc his residence in Slatiugton to notify the reverend gen tleman of his eloctlon, ylilph dutyl.was performed on Wednesday, but with what result wo did not yet ascertain. It is,however, moro than likely that tlie.call has be.en acceptpi rpji the fact that Mr. Kepner preached a trial sermon boforo tho congregation somo tlrao agi lie has many waruufriends In his prcseiit,)pcalify(,)v'(0;- I)?My re gard him as an able and earnest clergy,, man, and who will pait with him with great regret. Cnve! ill nt Tltfil'oii. " Vi All extensive cave-In occurred at tho Seneca mines, owned by tho Pittston & Elmira Company, at Pjttston, T,uesday last. Fivo or six men wero, at work getting out coal when tho roof gave way with a teirlblo crash, killing Ellas Davis and Henry Jenkins, and dan gerouslyritijuiing Jbn S, Wjlllatus. The news spread tfirou'sliou't the' tiwri rapidly, causing great excitement, and willing hands weru soon a; hand trying to rescuo the unfortunate miners. Wil liams was found near tho edge of tho fall, with his back severely lacerated and otherwlso bruised. Davli and Jen klus wero further under the mass of fallen rock nnd earth, and the roof was still cracking aud crumbling to pieces, nud the danger was such as to keen even (tho most daring froni'atWi'nptlng to ren der any assistance. Somo time was spend in precautionary measures, when a largo force was set to work to get tho men out. About an aero of surface was comprised lu the cavo and exper ienced miners say ,lt wil, take eight, days to 'reach the men Imbedded In the earth. Since thenbovo was in type the body of Davis lias been recovered. LaivtcfiaiiegM, A Wllksbarroidl3patch',;,bf1 the' 17th' Inst., says: The reign of lawlessness In the coal regions appears to bo con tinually growing worse. At Carbon dale, on Saturday lilght or' Sunday morning last, two men were murdered and three severely assultedjono of whom will probably die. Patrick Fadden, a miner, at f7oalbr99tl(;ojll.eryj,iya8. found upon Dundall street, In that city, on Sunday morning, with two bullet holes ,n his head a,jid, badly d,outulcd about the body, Ills head was frozen to the pround, his hair having dragged In a pool of blnrd and water, which had con .gealed. iJilB was'not!jiflto'Mead when1 found, but expired in tho afternoon, Michael McNally was found dead tho saniq piornl.ng uppn the rallroad.bildge, near tie .lookout, In, ihe samo city, JIchael Bcglapd was found about tlio "samo time with l))s throat cut. He was dressed In an old unit ot miner's cloth ing. When last seen on Saturday night ho had on a suit of good clothes Hojs still allvo", hiuT will' probably recover. A boss at the Erie breaker was waylall 'on Saturday night and had his arm brok en 'and ri celvcU otlu'r Iuurlesl,'but"ci taped wtth his life. Ills uamii'lia's not been ascertained, About two miles bo. low thb'bity, 'at Carboifdalo' Mines, n .man whpfle.naruo is not yet known was found naltcd to., a beam in a lonely and unfrequented 'plate. "Strong' nails vtcre driven through ,111s coat at tho wrisls and his pantaloons at tho ankles, and In this position 'ho was undoubedtly'left to dlo, but by a'inere accident: bewas ftt.-j.;..'.it;i...;.r iuuiiu uuu leie.iseu. At Scranton, on Sunday morning, n newsboy found tlio body of Michael Lcarney lying at tho foot, of a steep embankment. Ho was dead, and h evidently been thrown tdere. A negro testified at the'eoroner's Inquest that he heard cries of "murder" on Saturday night, and saw n crowd of men be.atlug somu-ono and finally carried a body to ward tlio embankment. No . arrgsts have yet been madoln any .oj tho above caso3. Another New Stock. T. D. Clauss, tho tailor, desires us to state mat" no nas jusi remrneu'irom New York, aud that ho is npw opening a very large lnvolco pt clptfis, cassl- meres and vestlngs, sultsblo or fall and winter trade, .which ha Is prepared to makoaip In tho'best' mid most fashion able styles ak""knbclcdown" prices.'.' Hu1 guarantees a "perfect fit" every ttmev and tlio gobds'in all cases as represent-' ed 'Also, an immense stock of rub tiers, boots, shoe-, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods. Item ember the pace, T. 1). Clauss, Just abovri the Plublie, bquare, Bank street, Lehlghton. UcIlBloua'. i k . au Methodist Episcopal c)iurch Itev. Wilmer Cuffinaii,, pastor. Preaching (to 'morrow.) at 10:30 A. m., and 7.00 p. m. Sunday School fit 2 r.st. Thanks giving services Thursday tho SOlli. Preaching 10.30 a. M., by tlio. pastor, and pray;o,r'ineetlng at 7.30 r.' k, Tho Reformed Congregation will hold their seivlces in' tho Academy building, to-morrow (Sunday) mqrnlng at 10 00 o'clock, German, and In the evening at 7.00 o'clock, English. Rev. L. K. Dcrr, pastor, Evange'Ical church Rov. Ai Krec- ker, pastor. Preaching, Sunday, 10.30-' a. '.st. 'an'd 7. 00;p. nit.i -byi 'illWi pastor, in tho Northampton treot school houso. Sunday school atHA. ji. Also, prayer meetings, on TucufJay.and Thursday' evenings at 7:38 o'clock. All aro cordially Invited to attend. Tho Trinity vangeUcal Lutheran church corner of IrorLaiid North- ainptop-sts. Services to-morrow (Sun- tiayj at iu a. m. in ueiman; at 7.0U r. si. English. Sunday School at 2. p. 'si. 1'iayer meeting Wedncsday eveiilng at 7.80 o'clock, and Teachers' meeting Thursday evening. )t A FaaUlpunbleiSlock. ''';' ' Messrs. Laury & Peters, tho merch ant tailors, post olllce, building, Lehlgh ton, Pa., have just 'received their large and handsome, stuck of fall and .winter goods, comprising cloths, casslmeres" and vestlngs ot tho latest and 'most fasliionablo designs, and of a quality urisiTfpassed'by'aiiy-other stock In Car-, bon county, which they' aro ptepartd to make up iii tho latest stylo and rao3t durable manner at prices to suit the tlmo,, guaranteeing a ('perfect fif'-Ju every caso. In addition tp tho, abovo they keep a line of fcady-rnad.c, clothing, boots', Glides, "gaiters,' rubbersgeht's furiiisli)ng goods, hats, caps, &c, c of the latest style and best material, which tliey aro now offering to the' peo ple of this section at prices unparalellud in the history ot the trade'of. Lehigh ton. They respectfully ask.an inspec tion of goods and workmanship by tho people beforo they make their purchas es elsewhere. lctl, In Mauch Chunk, on Wednesday.tho 12th Inst.-, Hattlo, Daughter of Slinor, and Robecca'RIchard, aged 11. year j,- i mounts. ana i iiaj-s. . . t Lt:!iglioi Etctnll I'rlcvii. Carefully corrected each woek expross ly for "Tho Carbon Advocate;" Apples, pcr'bushel 'go " dried, per lb 12 to 15 Butter, roll, per lb 4r, Cabbage, per head .-...8 to 12 Checfo, .factory, per lb.. -..La 22 il'egs, per dozen 35 Visit, mackerel, No. 1. 12 to. 15 Hain.pcrlb 18 Lard, pure, ,pcr lb, 20 Pork, prime moss', ier lb. "j-.-.13 Potatoes, perb'ushe. .'. . .7', . . 85 Corn, .pel .JJUShel. luijl m$li 00 Chop, Corp, per lOQlbs......... 2 20 uran 1 -iu " Rye, " 2 30 " Mixed . " 2 20. Flour, lKheat, per,bb 7 50 " 'Itje.iperlQQlbs.., a 25' Oats, WhRu'per bushel.., , 70 " Black., per bushel.,., Ofi Hay. per ton...'.'.......'...'....' 26 '0(J Straw, vet" bundle '., '. ' 30 Coal, chestnut, pCr tout T 4 00 " stove, per ton 4-50 Hides, green( ier lb.. . .1 .' 5 to 7c Oalt Skins, each 1 25 to 1 50 Sheep SUIus, killed this md.,'ea.73to65 Cosing Prices of, DeHavkn & Towns end, Stock, Government and. Gold 40 South Thtrd Street', Phifadelphla, Nov. 10th. 1874. w.- LU.. U S. 5 'JO, 1802 , liUskJ. H Hiked. V, '861 . . U,S.52I,18M . . U.S.4 30!U0T. . U, S. JWUS0S. . U. S. Il4U , , II. . Uuirency, ti'i U.S. .Vi. IsSl, mnr , I'duritlraula II. It. . it 18 W 18lJ I, 1a. tu. lilil. Ill UJ. w. IU. IU. II, 1. "V4 "KU, JHVMkod. 1J nkked. Ialnl., ml i",i, ' Hi liked. I2'J oked. IV' nked. MJjatked. liUii.kl. ukrd. 123 ftik.,,1. l'blli. KfiJlui- It, ft, otI bid. Lid. Md. 1,11. lid. Md. Inma . tllli UnlttsICoiiiiuiileft ni.t . ll'J mkoJ. J Cllrcr 1 HfKQJL Special Notices. IVIXfC.'-For yearar quinine was resaraed as tbe only specific for maUrla if dlfaes nnj lmmouna .quaniltlen of th drug naref aoaaal y consumed throughout pur western Qcountry, mora pirtlcul i rljr nloni'tba I Iver bottoms aba d JoJoIdj lowhoda. With tbe fill months malaria, In all lis rnrled form, Btnlks llko nn epidemic through the land, nnt whole districts ate- profttriifed'wtth chills and frfVer. the eutlfa population shaking with ntrne. Heretofore, fiUinlne wa reuUrly rexorUd to; but whllo It frequently tailed to effect a cure, ttlavarif :ibly d i' ranged tho Rtoutich, producing musti.i vertlifonndfultlrBpatnS In tho bead tbstrcban extent that mouths etapied ere.the.s)R(em nvr ered from Its ejects. These oliJoctloriB toiti bh weru nomnrkfd, that tbe Introduction nf AllKhlor'g. Hit 1 Hitters w. ip halted as a tJ-luuiph In medii-Iuv, Infinitely1 more retUlntn linlUfirilcUleicti than qululne. It pesed nuue of U)p denier,!!! of Ml dvuf. Instead of uuuoatlny, it tonts and Inrl raUtfl (bttomich,nnd while speedily fxpell)n the noxious Uumots, Increases the uppetltflj and facilitates digestion; thus refaderlns the' Vffm' stronger, and better fitted to resist tbo attneks oC Uieae, In tact, n Judlcjus me of Mlshler' Kerb UitterK at thlJ season of tho'.yuar, will pre vent H19 recurrence pf this dl rase, even In thog who hate'ne'er ptsed 'ali'aatuton without It. n experience of.twenty ycnrs'prqTtnit to-be the' jrentent anti rERiooic known to mwdlcal science. There are, ptThip, ntk'tlHeise'so 'subjl-ct to rlltnatlojChsnA.jaa-aileqtloiis tf tho Kttieys. Hundreds of our'f.iruiers, mechanics, and'liborlnz iiieu.ftrong and hirdy In all otht- repectif ftuf ferconttnijal lnconrfteupo and. occasionally ex rfuclitlnff pal ils In the lnclc 'arid atffoss'the loins; experlouce Hifiiuoitt desirelto pS'aUr, jpilu during Its pisVi.ce, and frequent stoppages )u Its How; Thow- Af-e' mnulfijsfrillouit 'resuUinV frotn sonv strain or heiwy lift (perhaps ytyirs flga). and tiKKrAfatedby oterycUangetuthe weather. KVery sllnht cold tiles Ulrect tr this one weak spot, iaud unless promptly attended to the disease beivmes cbrPolc, and ttu ouco strong mm a in Hera tie wreck. Mishler's Herb Hitters Is the only -certain remedy fr this clAsfcf diseases. It has a pecu liar teiideieyito tbo kldnejs; ntltnulites them' to healthy action, aud removing the cau, prevents the formation K brlck-du't deposits, which', if per mitted to continue, by cohesion form gfuvel stooe, necessitating a pilnful operation for Its're movsl. Jlauy of the ingredients entering Into its composition, are universally recouUedas sped tics lor ail couipl..lntsof tfle Urinary organs in Uvrir Gomplalut, Uyc pep-da, all disorders of the ltoftfs, and nlfectlonxortboThr'oatnnd Luns, It Isiual ly certain iind eluaelou;t while, as a remedy lor thrt complaints pocullar to tho female wic.lt has no eimL Ladies, old and young1, married and stable, la, eyery condition of life, will And this Gat at Fmalb RtMBDT promptt tofc, certain and rtliabU. 'S he pule, sallow complexion is r placed by a bloomlut healthful countenance, and Us oc casidnal ti enables Nature t6 perform horfun'c tljns KUOUURUT AND W1TBOLT Sold only Iu booties byall Druggists and geoeral dealers.' ' Aus.8 4ra. The most Wonderful Ulscovery of the 19th Century. Arabian Milk;, Cure FOB CONSUMPTION", And all Diseases of tbe TUItOAT, .QUEST and, kLUNU3. (The only! Medicine of the ktBTMa tho A Surstjtctc roa Cod Litie Oil. Permanently cures Asthma, BronchltU, Ioclpl- ' ent Consumption, Xoss of- Voice, Shortness afi lirath, Catarrh, Croup, Coujbs, Co!d3f Ac, in a few days. 1 ' Arabian, Tonic Blodd Pnriuer, Which DIFFEI13 froin'aH UherV'Jpafatluns In Its Immsdutc Acno.v upon the LIVER, KIDNEYS and UlyJOl). It is purey Tetible, aud cleanses tbe ) stem "ef all lmpuilties, builds up, aud makes rureltlcU Blood, UcuresScruJou UUeaaesoC all Mnds, Removes Constipation, and regulates the Howel.. Jb'op"aiiiJEIlAt DEllILlTy,"' iOdT VIl'ALITY," aud ''BIIOKEN-UOWN CaNSXIXUi TlONd' I "challenge the1 19th Century'1 td'flnd. Us e-iual. Every bo; tie U worth. la wejlj:h,l.i gold. 1'rlce, 61.0J per bottle. ALSO, DR. S.'J.t HOWE'S Arabian o- Liyer Pills! They tloalmo tlio LliA- UoA' Studniclr th'oroagUljf , reuiov. Coutlpitlon; contain ua calomvlnor iujr other iujurluul Ingredient, n'd act qnlcklj upon Iboso praos, wlili, iut ioduciag tuf palnorlweak. nebs. I'rlco '25 cents ier OOWSUMl'TIVKS ' ShouU ne all th ree of thn above iiodlctnei.J &14 by A. J. DUIILINO, Drugjist, ololgnl for Lehinhton, l'a. Da. S. U. HOWE, Sole Proprietor; 101 Ch'anrbers Street, New York. apr, II, I873.yl Mm. LACK'S (Wi.ln Cure for 'lnrawnii;,il' Piles! Piles!! Piles!!! Win, Internal, Bjrteinnl, Bleeillnu or'dtcnlnfr. The lntenxtf snlftrloi: occasioned bvthe illntrRk .-o H.wpD, ,,i,iiuuawriU!l, IS HUOWU only to Uoje'who aro unfortuato enough to U afflicted, with It. iThenWpl9l ulghtstli unc!,mfortaW days, t'a. haggard look ot the aulleror lwaf witi musor the tntensltyof thopaluexpurieDced when troub'iod with tbl preTalllngiUlHeate.MTlJe'iuo. cess -of Brlggs' I'JIe lleuiedy u a polll(cure ! dlaease, Ln Itl Tirluos forma, Is'kaown only to m iiw niiuaii ui uieuicino Jteuell. Imcaedlate when used a directed.:, The'imolenni'' dd'tlMml fni tlilo ?ra.l r.mJ. I. n .... ..InlLJ P uousanda are uslug it nltn tha most aatlnfactory reBUlu. Sold by .A. J.,ppiaiNa, druggUt,.l,. nlghlon. may 9 ly OONSUUl'TlVESand Ihoee who experience any dUUculty -Kith tha throat, lungn.-or .by oflhs .reoplratory organs will consult Uitlr own InUiretU bv cnlllog at the flru2 itbns' of 13. W! l.Mnfx ri.'.i A. J, Hurling, and louulrlog abpnt Jir. nlorrfa' i-j f . .1 .... vuou; auu llureuUUU. XUH ,uiedlcal exrellehclescnbeik! regetlble producllosa' are well known., Their curative, priuclploi haro been careully combined by thB most painstaking aclentlllc process, with many other vegetable lu. iruJIoliU. this remedy posaeesen, In a hih(y con', centrated form, the vtrytuenct of eojae oflbeuiobt liifallbfe pulmonic slmpfca kuown to medlcallitr. jinlsts. It Is a positive remedy fnr croup. Tor MlebraKdaaera. Bpt.I7th, Ibli.-ly. ,.i-Tl EI1MCUT5F Livery & Sale Stables, I1ANIC i EEBT.l.XCIUfJIl'o, Pe, FAST TROTTING HOUSES, BLEQANT OAHHIAGESJ Ana.posltlvoljLOWErt TKTCES'than uuy omur livery in tue vomity., ' I-r LarfO find haniUnmA rnrrinnna for Funeral pUrposei and "Weddings. ' JppT..tiu; DAVIU KBUEIIT. TUB FHOTOtilUPHGlt Respectfully nnnouncpa to tlio'cltlxena. of tehlj-liton and vicinity, tUut, ho lia OPKNTlfll liU ' - NewPhotograpIiCTallery, 6n HANKWAY-, (near tlte 1iiIr1i Val ley ltftllioad Dupot), LelilgHitoii, and tlmt Ilk is mm linnarMj in Ava y.ti citizen? Llfq-Llko Wqtnrgsat tUo tuoslf. raitlcular' ntteuMoii prd to talrfni;