It. V. MORTHIMKIt, I.KIUOI1TON', PA.-. I tmillWAV MOltNINU nuvi:hhkr v is;? Volume? III., Ko. i. To-day ve hma the first uumbcr of tlio third vplumjj' Tps 1 Oamioh Advocate. Notwithstanding the "Panic" nnil lha universal cry ot "hard times," during' Witt past ye'Cf, tho ,iroulaUon. ami advrrthng -plp.trt)- nago of tlio Cvuuoft AcvypATK lias (stcniUly .increased, whl'.o tho Jobbing tteparfuieut, lia;s been liberally. patronized by .our Jown'stntin and tlio, citizens of the surra'jiid'.ug country; and It Is, ft great satisfaction, to us tp know that piir pat,rpua express them sclycr nt all )tlraes sutbfied with .our work and charges. ,In a.short Ipio wo propose ,tp pu. In a iia,w ,811(1 Jmproved , press mid a variety of new and handi some typo, yjmn vo( will bp, better, than , ever prepared to supply them with all 2cind? o printing , nt tjip lowest prices,) Tho. terms lor, thu Ad.vooatk will re main as heretofore, ,vlz: .81 n ,yiar Id advancu to all iCpuutyi subscribers, or, $1.50, if not paid-in advance, To patties out ofCarbon 'Jounty tlu prlco will .bo $1.20,strlcUy,ln advance.' Tlinnkl ng our patrons for the very liberal support' extended to us In thu past, wo respectfully ask a continuance In the future. tScu cral Splmicr'.s Itcpuri. The appendix to General Spinner's Teport contains tao following among, other ,statcuionts :, Tl a books of tho office closed Jun 3 30. last,, after tho entry of all moviuyo received and disbursed on au thorized, wauauts. Tho, receipts from all sources during tho .fiscal year wore K 02.078,700,03 and t)io expenditures 57-12,247,173,31, leaving a balance on li andune 30, 1871, of 9)50,731,033,03. 'The. amount received from December 1 , 1803, to June 30, 1873, and credited a. the Consclenco Fund was $154,095,08,. Aud from July 1, 1873,. to. ,Juno 30..1874,. ,8,218,70 Total to Juno 30,1874.... $102,014.74 The net. receipts of tho Post Ofllco Department lor the yenr.wero $11,000, 81U 38, and tho total warrants drawn on account of expenditures HI, 500,210, licludiug $300,000 for mall steamship services between San FraneUco,- Japan anil China; $75,000 for mail steamship sei vices between San Francisco and the Sandwich Islands; $150,000 for mall Steamship service between the Uni ted States and Brazil, Tho mini ber of natlouajbunks organized and which had deposited secuiltles for their circulation was 2115 Numboriof banks organized In fis cal year..., , 40 Number of banks to June 30, '74.2153 Of this number in voluntary liquid atloti and. merged in other banks, 110, ltedtjmptioii of, circulating notes of national uaiuis, taiieu aim in liquida tion: Hed'eemed to' July 1, 1878, f9,. 277,43370; redeemed In fiscal year, $1,374,500; total redemption, less dis counts; $10,051,935.70. The securities 'held lii trust for im tional banks' are $3'Ji;171j200; to secure public deposits wltli' national banks, iu,ij3d, auo, total, 407,800,100. OfllcialVote in Pcnnsj Ivnnln The .official county, returns .received nt HarrUburg, and the addltlous made there, change lightly the statement 0; the. Statqvoto as heretofore published The vote for Judge of .Ihe Supremo Court. Is also complute, and published below, Tho corrected vote stands aa follows; lieutenant aovnnson. John Latta. Democrat 277.115 A O. Olmsted', Itcp'ubilcan.... '272,5 10 lieu, Itiifcli Bradford, Temp; . . . 4,037 Lalta's m?u ( Lattiii nun o over Olmsted. . .4,070 over both 47 Aggregate, vote 551,313 'AUDlTOItaESEItAL. Justus P. Temple, Democrat. . .270,003 iiurnson Allen, Kepubiican. , . . 27a, oil Calvin y.iroOU3,Teiuperauce. .. . 4,774 Temple s ma'J. over illlen . . . . 4,091 -Allen & Parsons, over Teniplo 0S0 Aggregate vote. v.-. vr.vv. riuj J.b'JO atCIUlTAUt OB" 1NTK1WA1.-AFPAIHS. Wm, JlcCaudless. Deuioqrat... 270,033 It. H. ;ieath, Kepub.'lcau 271,310 W. 1'. CulberUm. Ttmp ........ 4 003 McQandlessma. over A'aii, xlcC'audlead ml. over both 4,025 Aggregate vote,, 5u3,848 JUUllU UK SUl'JtEilH COilUT. (both elected)! Warren. 4. Wooodward, Dem.. 377,454 lilward . l'4xsonnp..v....270.y3() Siinoii,U Chase, Tump ,,0U3 WoodwariOvorPaxson 7, lii.l WoodwtrU- over bulb 2,Xil Aj;gregatmvpte.... i. . .052,818 The l'uiinu. Legislature. The follwing recapitulation will be found to lie coirec).: Senate. Houae. Total. Democrats...... 20 110 130 ltepubllcans...- DO - , 80 , 110 J11J., Dem...... 1 Piuhibitluu,..., . 1 - ,. Duiu. plurality ou Joint ballot, 11 Deu..uiaJurlty ou juiut ballot, . i Kx-UoseruorSoytuour, of New York, has published' 11 letter 'declaring that'ho prefeis private Htlzci'isblp to'tho VaUci .Stalei .Seiuktorahlj). I'aniRritplilc. Postal scrvlco between Canada and,-, , .1 s. .AafScontSlniriir S70.00oKvair Stolen'' frnoi'thj American Express Offleo tat' Cincinnati on Sunday." ' W Information ffom Texas say thirty days of Duo weather last month added sixty thousand bales to tlio cotton, crop of that State, worth tlueo ui'dlton dol lars. Sevfii hundred forced bonds of tho city of Pittsburg were dlicovered1 In New York ou Saturday.- -It Is reported that thcro are S2P,,0P, of these bonds nlloat, . i . .. -i . Tlio Internal reveuuo receipts for tho first four months of thb present fiscal year havo been $2,(312,8,13 in excess of tin receipts for tho corresponding' per iod of tho last fiscal year. Oillclal "majorities on tho Ssato ticket wero announced from tlio offico. ot the Secretary ot. the Commonwealth at liar-. rlsburg, Monday, as follows: Latta, 4079; Temple, 4031; JldfJdndlcss, 4,- 025. Accounts from Virginia say that in almost? eVery direction - in the 'DUnial swamp and its environs tho ,fires orlgl-j-natcd a'luiost a month ago by the drouth are burning with alarming rapidity. Valuable timber lands are a prey to the flames. , . It is reported that twenty barrels, en tered ns "salt meat'1 and "Australian beef" wero seized at Portsmouth, Eng land, October 23, aud In each barrel Waslound the corpse of a full. grown no- gro. They reached England from tlio United States, and wero lutended for dissection in London During a fire In a house on East- Thlrty-elghth street, New York, on Saturday, occupied by James Relly and family, Tames, Itelly and his wife Mary Jumped out of one of tho upper win dows and sustained serious Injuries. James Itelly, a'ged four years, and Mar garet Vfhelen, aged sixty, were suffo cated, and their oodles wero found In tho ruins after the fire was extinguish hd. Charles, Whitmana .book-keeper, jn tho Pacific Lank. No, 470 llroadway.N- Y., sluco 1849, is charged with having embezzled nearly $23,000 by fictitious ci rors of small amounts in tho books and In pass books of depositors, tills operation having been conducted since. 1870. This discovery will not in any way effect the bank, which Is known to bo, in excellent, condition. Woutu Knowinq. Tho oldest, largest, safest and best accident Insur ance company Is The Travelers' In- uranco Company, ot Hartford, Conn. It has cash assets of oyer $3,000,000, has written over 330,000 accident poli cies, aud ha3 paid over 2l,000 claims. It has paid .over 62,000,000 in direct benefits to Us policyholders. By direction of the. President, a telo- gram.has been sent to the Governor of, Texas requesting him to postpone the execution of Satanta, until It can be as certained satisfactorily whether ho vio lated hU parole. The President believes that ou this point tho .weight ot eviden ces thus far is in Satanta's favor, Itev. Gcrdnnanii, ' the Catholic priest, an account of whoso elopement from Philadelphia U published elso. where, was nrrested In Daltlmoro on Saturday morning. Ho was given a hearing beforo an Alderman, and In default of $29,000' ball was detained for a further hearing. ITo volunteered to return to Philadelphia' without- a re quisition. Mrs. Qerdemnnn proceeded direct to her homo in Heading. Father Gerdemann does'nbt seem much troub led over his position There Is 0110 disappointed Democrat In Massachusetts. He is a veteran of 1812. and lives In Mielburno Falls. Year after year ho patiently voted for Democratic candidates for Gweru r liavlng a waning fnlth that ouo wi uld soino timo bo' elected. On last election 'day lie got to work picking up things around tho barn, and concluded that It wasu't worth while to waste time In throwing away another vote. It hurts Ills pride Is "know that'a Democrat, was finally elected without his help The nowspapers are already making candidates for tho United States Sena- torshlp. William A. Wallace, Charles It. iuckalew.itlchard Vuux.George Wi Woodward, Jeremlah S. Illack, Hiestcr (7lyiner, Johu Frunkey, Henry -V. Phil .Sips, Francis W. M. Gibson, Wm. A. Galtnlth.fin'd William Elwell', aro' those mentioned for the sue. censorship to John Scott. St.'Nlcholas for December opens with a handsomely Illustrated article on tho celebrated "Garden ot the Gods," In Color ado. Amoiig the other llistruc live aulclesnro"The Iloj Astronomer," by llMeMah Uatterwotth; "Tho Chlck iidees." by Harvey Wilder; "African Fashions," ly Oilvo Throne; "Altorlf and W'ill'lam Tell," by KmtnaD. South wlch; and "Ho'lday Harbor," an et celleut article by Mrs. S. 11. CVSaniuels .1 ?-t-i. 1 . til showing the boys add girls ho'.vto built u city, with all tho public buildings, bteaulUOats, railroad trains, etc., mc- 'rissary'for'lU prosperity, Tho stories iu tlie uumbcr are, many of them, re markhbly good. ' Tlio wonderful ad ventures of "Tcnumfiln',' nro concluded; Mahr NY. Preseott writes charmlniltf. about ''Pruo's bolls)" thero Is a bright' rnticlful' ,U. E. Wolf, callodi! .".MabertfTrjuble'Vmth a picturo by, Eytftiso,' n characteristic tale translated from the Swedish by- Selma Uorg and Mario A. llrown. Helen C. Weeks tells nbout',",. and all the boys'iH bVglad'lo ro'ttd' '''The Comanclies Trail,'' by Samuoi W. yozzens.. A poem, .wlilchf Isi icxcclent In Itself.Js lllpstrnted.Vy. tw;to. , heads drawn from life with great spirit and fidelity by A. II. Thayer. Among the other poems aro"'Lltt!o 'Whhhpy," by Mrs. Dodge' "Tho Jeweled' Tree," by A. M. Macllat! iud '''FrfoiuK," by I. G. Warner. Mrs. Abby iortoll DinZ ha3i)tm5jf;'her , Itirfny jjiketclles ca(led MA'L'lttle GrrlVStary'Vcry lnterdst ihg announcements are made for the .January Issue of St. Nicholas, ' whl6h will bo the holiday '.number; and will contain, .besides ,o,ver so many. Christ mas storlesj-tho opening clmp,ters pf tho new;ferials: "Tlio youiig . (Surveyor," by J. T. Trowbrl(ge, and ''EJght .Cous Ins," by LouUa M. Alcott. Address, ScrUjncr&jGo., N. Y. , , (-.-;, Th6 tt.tnslt hfi Venm' 'will tacurabc-. ccniber 8th. Tho Importance of tills event Is the accurate meaffs It nfMrds of 'obtalulng tlidiiisahVo!of thoeaith from tho sun. Tlie'lrtst? 'transit toolr place about one hundrcd'yeKrs'a'go; b'dt ow ing to the Imperfection of-' instruments, and, a want of a realization of the luipor- tanco 01 ineliueuQmenon.K ias nm im proved us it 6hould, have been, and as .science means to, Improve it now. IuStoneham, Mass., a man and his wife firmly beiieVed that'slckness.iiealth nnd'death .were nutters; of lulmedlato divine, control, and,vero uuaifected by medical treatment. The wifu:fell HI, and their dditrllio Was implicitly adhered to. SI16 was anointed and prayed for by her luisband, but, .els,q was dbno. Physlclans-offere'd thelr'scrvlces In vain. The woman' ''believed to tho .last that Godvould Interfere, mlracu- ldiisly and save liter,' ana slio Uleu linal ly for lack of prcjper treatment. Two very rqmarkablo incidents hap pened recently In tho vlllago ot Fair- haven, opposite New Bedford, Mass, Two aged sisters, ylio inhabited houses at opposite corners, died at tho same time. Each matron was.tlm head of a largo family, .Qa?h' funeral .was appoiut- od at theainejlino.' Tho hearse con talnlng tho body pf the. eldest, sister passed on first Jo. the.-cemetery,. when tho famllv of tho other-sUter fell Iito tho lino ot mourners with thelr,burden. iV few days later two young ladies llv lug In tho snmo neighborhood died, who were engaged to bo 'married to two cousins. Thelr weddlng dresses wero their shrouds. ats and Caps! 0,B,RHQAJ)S, Rhoads' Irall3Iatcl Ollunk, 'has ppeiied his filter Stock of Hats, Caps, Gloves and which ho Is selling at prices lower than over betoro ouers-'U. . t . , , GSoves & Furs. NE,y SUBSCBIl'TION ,BOOK History of theN.Y. Tombs The Soerets, Mysteries! and Ito'mauco of l'nson Llfujn New loru, eatner ed by CitAULEs Sutton, Ward on of tlio Tombs, ,Largp8v( C5Q pji;Illustratcd,$3.50 Thlsls nofa stretly sensational work, and Is recommended by tho best meti a" a Mott.u. ItKi'onuEit. Boys reading It will not learn to bo thieves, hut will learn how'thieves surfer. Thti story of John Mahorioy, written' by' himself, Is woith'tlio price of tho book. The best selling book ever published, so, say all our agents. Exclusive territory given. An agent w.antcd in every lovfti, UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO,, nl4-vO 13 University Place, N, Y. rjfALMAGE'S . z i .. .PAPBB. Christiau atWork. "Tho 11E!?T ItEUIGIOUS PAPEIJ." A Cholco of Two IleaiitUul Ironiliuii8. All iLfOMTN'ATCO POHTFOMO Of TwtlVO'. Gems by Hendschel, eaoh-SHslSJi Ins., or tlie.supert Chromo, "T(ieTvi.n8,V. 22x28 ln,. alter Landseer. Prico a.23, Including postage. Mi 12xlras or any kind. Without piinniUMlS nfrannmiv ATTKN'liO.V, AG15NTS I Liberal commission and excludvo ter ritory. Samplds'and circular fee.'. Send Postal Card at onco to : ' H0KAl?IO C. KINO, Publisher, Dot 3105, New York. JSSIG N E U'S' S ALE of valuable , "H'BITl7L-.rf-, i ThlunViKl'ined?wlll sell ntvPiiblic Sale, tit" J.fie lfe.ui.iseB In 'MAHONING Township,' CarboiiC'ounty, Pennsylva nia, on SATURDAY, NOV. 28th, 1874, commencing nt ONE o'clock 1". Jf., the , fplUAvlii(f;lenrEstater to wih -AH that Valuablo plec( parcel or1 tract 'of-land, bouuded by lands of J. . Hoffman, Daniel Jillcr, Solomon Hoppes, John HuiiKlcker and David Hoppes; cputaln- IIS AUKUS, more or less, known ns.the. property of GIDEON NOTHSTHlNV TlieMmlirove- meuts thureoijre n Two, Story Frame 1)VELL1NG HOUSE, ; a Bank llarn, nnd uecoseary outbuild-1 lugs, n spring of never failing water close to. the house, and a strrum of water runs through tho property. t37Also, Immediately nfter tlio sale of the Heal estate, the personal proper-' ty ot the said Gideon Nothstein will bo sold, consisting In putt of 1 Horse, Two-Horse Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon, Bob hied, 1 Threshing Machtna (Horse power), 1 Fanning Mlll,IIurrov8,l'low8, ami 11 variety of otlier'articles too nu merous to mention. Terms will bo muilo known at time and placd 6f sale by TIljUiiM AN A UN rjlt, Assignee of Gideon Nuthstein. Nov. 11. 1874. "pEUFECT FITS." Laury & Peters Have just received n very Inreo and ele gant stock of Fall and Winter od 'm 9 comprising plain nnd fancy Cloths, CassimercsandrVestliigs, for men's and hoys' wear, which they are prepared to make up in thu most f.i litonable styles, at ruasunaule prices ai)il 011 short notice Ladles', Gent's and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Rubbers, comprising a splendid stock of all kinds, manufactured especially for tho trade of this locality. of the litest and most fashionable make, always ou hand, ut low figures. F??"Agents for tho Acme Shirt tho best fitting garment ever made. Leave your Measure for them. LAUltY & PETERS, Merchant Tailors, P. O. Building, Lehlghton, Pa. ANOTHER CHANCE! Fifth and Last Gift Concert IN AID OF TUB Pub. Library oIKy. POSTPONED TO November 30, 1874. DRAWING OKKTAIN AT THAT DATE. LIST OF GIFTS. onm: riRANn pasii out . . o,vi: ('.It A Ml cmi cue . , ONC'OIIASD'CASU (llr'T . . ONK UliANU CAll lllir ONH OIlAMUlASll U1FT . & CASH QIKl'S, (20.UUO KAOII, 1U CASH U1FTS, H.UWJ KAOII, ' 15 CASH II I Kid, W.V'U KAUII, 20 CASH 01PTS, t.,'WJ KAC1I, li CASH CHtTS, 4,000 KACII, :U CASH UIt'1'3, mWHl KAUII, 60 UASII 111 VIS, 2U0U KACII, 100 CASH CUM., 1,000 EACH, Jl) CIAS u uurs,. &)0 KAUII, f.O) CUSll (JlffS, 100 KACII, 10OU0 CASU CIUTS, 60 KACII, t , ' arandtotal200O0Oirir,-allrah . lrloe of Ticked. WholoTlckiti- Halvvs Tenllio. or each Coupoa , . II WboWTlckoUlbr , . . .. SiJjTlikeUfor' . . . . ' . 530,0f0 . 73.UU1 lUO.DOO Hii.ucu isa.uuo no oou 10U.DU0 UO.OJO luo.uoo 1UU.OU0 12U.UUD IU.0DO .t2,iob,OJO .1 to 00 is uo 6 Otf 50) U0, Por Tlckoti and Infoematlon, addrcas T110. i:. VKAMLbTTU, AntsTandMANtau, Public Llbrar; BulMInf, Loulnllle, Ky., or THUS. U, HAYS i CO., Kaatcru Agc-ut, (WJ Uroidwaj, Now York. Nor. U i-w WEATHER STRIP Agents Wanted. A l'rofltnblo.Hliislncss. Store-keepers preferred. Will sell only to oiio1 agent In a town. We' will fill orders from private citizens nt l'lilUuleU pliia prices, freight paid, unfll wo have secured a good ageut In each town. OIIAS. IIOU.MIAJI' ii CO., 117 & ll'J S. Tenth St., Phllad'a. oct. IM w-l T l All nnrenna nro hprfltlV fnrhlll nipll. dllng with Canal Uuat "Joseph Hdok er" and one llay M&xa leased by tho undersigned to l'KTEK LAUD, otCata eauiiua, Pa. DAVID O'imiAN, Welispoit Pa. Nov. 7, 1874-W3, TfTUST look at'hor Hair! Why I ' thought It was turning Grey? So It was-, until she got a llottle of that new Hair ltestbreracuuriiug-a urug more. TJOUV, IT I THY ITI-T-Tbq India Rubber Plasters for a Weak Hack D1JULING has thrtM may 0 Pianos- -Organs T ' "l'lcaste Exninliip! i r: t - t, Packard PARLOR & QrandJ ORCHESTRAL SICr AM ! Fp.rfc "Wayno Organ Comp'y. A. . P.' HORN,". Agent, LEHIGHTON, PA. i'gans--iianos TV.I. t.. t.- 1C.., Dry Gpods,1Groceries.,&., Would hereby restiocifully Inform his frleudit aud tna'puhlla It. general that, notwithstanding the dullness of the times he Is determined to Wop up his stock to Its usual fullness, and Isr.t all times ready t6 show (sllornot) his en' tire line of goods, from Silks at $2,75, per divri to Calico for Be. per yd.; and would also be pleaded to havothosQ' who cannot suit themselves (no matter in what nrtlcle) In lids or surrounding towns, to call on him giving n sample or full discretion of tl,e article they want, when It will he furnished them in n few hour's timo,. at tho lowest City prices, having secured tho sub-agency of one of thu largest) wholesale and re-r tail houses, in the City. Particular attention U, also, given to thu Grocery department, which is mad a up of everything needed In the family, from u, barrel of, Hour up to the finest Tea. Goods delivered to all parts freo of, chare e. Orders by mail or by other sources promptly filled. A few more Good monthly custom, ers will bo accepted. Thankful Jorha llheraf patrbnjjgo received thu's fn'r, lliope, by" fnir nnd Impartial dealing, to secure all my friends nnd many' others as regular cus tnuieri. AU I ask U a, fair, .trial,- bear ing in mlnd'tha't,! will 'not' bo under bid. Also agent for the famous llRlit run ning DOMESTIC SEWING MA CHINE, which I sell or, eiisy terms. With the latch string on the outside, and my right hand extended to all, you will always find a welcome at F. P. LENTZ'S JSnnk St , Lehlghtori, 'Pn. N. IJ. Tho highest market prices allowed for CUUNTH1 PKUUUUE In exchango for goods.' I w to t to W d rH Q w W & CD CO ir CD c--O P CD P 02, o s &l O' O u ' to a P w Pi O r o o a w 5" o (0. W.LEN!rZ announces to his friends and tho public in gonurnl that he has' leased tho Store In Liebehgulh's Ilulldlng, - BANK' street, Leh'ighton, Pa , and furnished it with a complete assort ment of ?uro Drugs, Patent Medicines,- Flavoring Extracts Perf uwory, . , Toilet Articles, nnd In fact everything usually found In a well-kept Drug .btnro.- , Prescriptions carefully-compounded Ho also keeps constantly on hand u full stock or cholco and puro Wines and, Liquors. for Medicinal & Sacramental purposes ; and a lu.l line of the choicest brands of Cigars and Tobacco, ' which he Is selling at the very Lpwest Cash Prices. . . " ..... ,0.. W. LENT?, , Bank Street, Leulgpton, October.S. 18.4. AND LIVE 5 Tho undersigned respectfully Informs the citizens of Carbon and adjoining counties, that ha U now prepared to supply them witn Dressed or Live Hogs at all times, at prlces1 fully as low as they can be bought tor elsewliere. Alo, Smoked Hams, liologne aud Saussage, at Wi.olesalo and Ketull. t3J- Ordeis will bo nromntly filled. nnd Hogs &uy point at, tho shorteot u,otc. . , jogEpa; obeit, 4 lianlr street, ehigtitou, ua Sept. 1.0, i874-yl New Advertisements. A XtV CUIlOilIO FOR ISM. I feodey's Lady's Book 'I' K'"8 to e?ory ulcrllif r, whslhpr Elnitle t r In. Club, who iy In Ailtmice for VVt. m i Bilt. dlrnct tothlomw,ncopjorTIIF: II KM CUIC'tho taiDdnotuestcliromo er offered by a publUhr. TwumfJ pwnnum. For Circular, containing: Terms for L'lubs,etc, nJdres! U A.UODKV.l'hlla r i a, alerfU:- RH! Free to Book -Agents - An elcfrantlv bound canvassincr book: for Ihe lienl nnd cbrappft Famllr Hlbla frtr jnlb llih(.J,wlllt.i ent frworenirire ionrlxKikuprnl. Itrontnlns Over 700 flue Scripture Illultm-t HonR,nnd &zntH are meeting unprecedent BucceM. AuuresH. Diaiiofrespenence, pic. win welvlil Inow wiwi our aireniKare rtointr, NATIONAL 1'UD .ISIIIM1 CO.. 1'hllsdclr.hla. ! . Chlpuvo. 111. nr 'St. Uul, Mo. ....... ItOOK ai:ts. ILook sit QFAiis I A "down Knt" nent irot 27 luhstrtliAr& In nm . dnr, nettlngSS ' Tor nne dy work. Thl. wln llinirth "I'KOl'liK'S .HISTORY OP AM i:ilICA." I wnntaimltefery where. Sand for rulldcuorlptlvoclrcularto' JAS. K.SIMON, , 2 ouin sij-tu lit, I'hlla, Pa. PKI.T CAIIPKTINOS, 33 ct. perjard; I'lil.T CKII.I0.fnr roonu In place or I'la.itr. PEIr llOONNUaud SIU1NO. For FampleF, udrs4 ,. . , u. .i. r a , uimoren. flew Jeraer. $5 e $20 l'urllaud. Maine per d.iy nt h'.uie. Termft 'frea Addreta Utcnuc jjiiNsoN 1 Co. A AVKKK Kmrnnteed In Mafe and Fa- g g male iwin, in ineir hvafllv, i.'nita I 9 .NOTIIl.Mlto Ib lCal'arllcuAraFri-a. 1'. O. V1CKEKV & Co, Augu.U, . r . ... WEEKLY AND DAILY FOK 1875. The approach of the Presidential e- lectlnn gives unusual impurtanee to the events mm deyelopmentoCJSJS. Wo nhall endeavor" to ilescrlb'o them fully.' 1 faithfully, and fenrlessly. this wiiKKJjVSUi liasnowatta n- ed a clrqulatlou tif oyqr seventy thousand, ' copies. Its readers are foahtl Id ovetj State nnd Teirltory, nnd Its quality Is well known to thu puMIo. We shall not only endeavor to keep It fully up to the old standard, but to Improve and add to its variety and power. , HIE WEEKLY SUN wll continue to ha o thorough no cspnnfir. All tlio aiews of the day will be found in it, con- uenseu wnen unimportant, at full length when of moment, nnd always, we trust, treated in a clear. Interesting and lnstructlyumauuer., . t , it Is our aim to make tha WEEIfnv i SUN the best family newspaper In tho" P5o &la3i1?ts2!?vj 3 zsimmm m i& 1 mm liNsbl mm worm, n win ue inn or entertaining and appropriate reading of every 'sort; bdt will print nothing to offend tbo most scrupulous nnd delicate' taBto. It will always contain the mbsttntesestlng stories aud romances of the day.careful ly selected nnd legibly printed. Tho Jgrlcultural department Is a prominent feature In the- WEEKLY SUN, and its articles', will always bo found fresh and useful to the farmer. The number of men independent In' ' politics Is Increaslng.and I ho WEEKLY SUN Is their papei; especially. It ha longs to no party, and dbeys no dicta- u, Hon, contending frir principle, and for" ' thoelectlon.or tia best ipifti,, Jt exposes the corruption Hint disgraces tlio" conn try nnd threatens tho overthrow 0f rfe publlcanJnstltutionsi It.lias no fear of knaves, and seeks no favors from' their supporters.. The markets of every kind nnd tho fashions nro regularly reported in its columns. , Thoprlceif ttiH'WEEKLY SUiV'-ls"-1 one dollar a year for' a sheet of eight pages, and fifty-six columns, ls. this barely pays the expenses of paper find printing, wo aro not able to makp any special efforts to extend Its circulation. Undjr the new Inw. which renulrm nv. merit' of 'postage In ddvance, o'no dollar a year with 20 cU. the cost' of urenald postage added, Is the rate of subscript-. Ion. It is not necessary to get up. fc, club In orde.r to havo, ho W.EE.KLY SUN at this rate. Anyone, who endi, ouo dollar and twenty cents w'fll get th6"'1 " paper, poil.pald, for'tvyVar. Wt! have no trnveliiw agents. '.J'fK ,WMifilcUY syjv.-uht p,M, tUyix roluuini. ci ily 1.SU a jrar, potlast ur. , prut. XadiiconnltrttttthiM rnlc. 4 I VUH DA11.Y SUN. A large Aiu-paga ffiw.p.np4of lweuty-Ubteotuiuni.; Datlr cirou lou urer 120,000. All Ilia not for two rent . eulwrlptlou, (wmge pre i.all 65 -puti a moptb, or JC(I a jear To clubi oflO or orsr,'a' dletoont l . ofSOperceut. 14 Aitdreaa, "THIS SUN," N.Y. City. -UU.V HAVK, ' PLAIN AND fASOT Bread and Cake Baker, ltespectfiiliy Irfformi tlie cltlicns of Lehlghton ami vicinity, that 1 e has re moved his business from Welssport to 'his premises on 1 BANK,.STREBT, LEIIiqilTON, Pf ,j , -n nnd that be is now prepared to urnlshj' .Dread nnd Cakes didjy, tam-v ma'de Pretzels' flipped In large iriuall Quantities to order', at' wholesale and re tail. abd tiszi cazu l ptciautt.h tSfiTCandles and Confections, a' I'argo J and cholco variety always on hand. .JOHN. HAUK. Sept. 2Ctii, 18U.-tf.,