Advertising Rnlcs. "W dtslre It to be distinctly understood tint no1 Aarettlsementi "HI t Inserted In the columns of TClRiO Anoc that may be recelred from nknoim artleornrms,unlos accompanied with tlaCien. Tba following re our oiai termai AdTertisementi for 1 jear, per Inch each Insertion . . . . . 10 Centi. 41 Fix Mentha, per Inch each Insertion ISCents. " Three Monthe, " " 20 Cents. Leaa than threemonlha, Srstlnser- tlon $1, each subsequent Insertion 25 Cents II. V. MOItTIIIMER, l'ubllsher. jjji n. sucwicits, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFIOEt around Floorlnthenewaddl.'lonof the Mansion House, llaach Chunk, Ft. Business transacted In English and German. Collections promplj made and ConTejancing neatly done. a-Setllement of Estates. I'rOTlns Wills, ob taining Letters or Admlnlstratlnn.Flllos Account, and Orphans' Court Practice carerullyatten'ied to. Licenses, Charters and Incorporations procured, and Criminal Cases made a specially. Ufa fetom gulwwate. SATURDAY MOP.NIKQ, NOVEMUF.lt77lS74. Local and Personal. Special Notice. Those of our sub scribers receiving their paper with a cross.upon the corner near their name, Nrlll Bfto fifty cents advance In pilce by remitting the dollar subscription at once. Our terms are 1 In advance, or $1.50, If not so paid. The Allentovvn Democrat claims 'a Democratic majority of 1827 for Lehigh County. Our old'tlrao Democratic friend, J. C. Flncher.of the Hazlcton Dally iVewB, 'lias been elected a member of Assembly by a very haudsomeu)ajorlty. Wo con gratulate lilm on Ills' success I We don't want to kick up a great nlropus and be tho mtvina of bringing about a dozen libel suits; but right hero and right now it may bo well toremftrk Iliat.rWIng In David Ebbert's splendid teams is not injurious to the human sys tem j Now then, come on. -Tho Ninth rennsylvanla Cavalry nave, Issued an Invitation to all.Peuna , .Regiment to meet In Ke-uiiton at Wllksb.ure, on June 0th, 1875. The object of this Is to form an organization, of all tho regiments of the State who bad enlisted in the late rebellion . The old Lehigh Hydraulic Cement Jlttl, at Siegfried's Ilridge, recently sold .at Sheriff's sale, lias resumed opera tions, with Sir. Tilghinan Newhard as superintendent. The Coplay Cement Comparynr'o shipping five car loads of their superior cement daily to supply the very great demand tbcro Is for the article. Tho second track of the Lehigh And Susquehatina Railroad has been -completed as far as Klmtnett's lock. Spurious two dollar National Hank notes are in circulation In Philadelphia probably hero also, Look out for 'tiuem. Tho Northampton Iron Company, Ot.Freemauaburg, recently leased their lurnacu to tho JJethlehem Iron Unu panyi for a term of years. A train on the Jersey Cejitral rail road recently made the rftn between Easton and Jersey City, a dUtauto of seventy five tubes, In 83 minutes this .Including three stopjMges. The Democratic .Majority in Mon roe county will reach about 1G00. J. K. .Sbafer'U said to bo elected Sheriff. For family flour, of the very best .quality go to J. K. Kickert, East Weiss port. Lumber and coal In largo or .small quantities at lowest market rates. A. taw lots in Rlckcrtonu still unsold 'buy at once. For sale a five octavo Parlor Organ .(new) tit a great reduction, ripply at this office. If you want a ulco fitting sjilrt leavo your measure at Laury &.Petcrs! Post office. For fall and winter boots, call at A; .& D. Graver's. Cheap and good. The total amount of Anthraclto coal shipped up to October 24th was 14, 704, 008 tons, against 15,800,700 tons tothecamo time last year, thowins a decrcaso of 1,107,103 tons. Tho last 'auction tale of coal In Now York show ed an average advanco In price of 18cts. per ton. r-The Lehigh Valley Poultry Asso elation cu'titemplato holding an exhibi tion in Kline's Hall, Allentowu, on Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, January 5th, Cth, 7th and 8th. The list of premiums has been forward ed us, and competition will undoubted ly, run high. The animals enumerated, are poultry, plgcous, pet animals, &e. A. seven octavo Jarehai & Smith Piano, rosewood case, front large, i omul orners,serpcntine mouldings on plinth, largo moulding on iltii, curved legs; mew; cost 1000 will be sold cheup tir ittaded on a lot In Lchlghton borough. Apply at this office. Diaries for 1875, at the "Advocate" office. New goods received almost dally it A. & D. Graver's, at popular prices. F. P. Lcntz has got 'em 1 Calicos tfrom 0 cents per yard upwards. Try tbm. Continental black writing Ink. In g'.ass bottles, at tho "Advocato" offlco. Charles Trainer, Lehigh street, -will supply you with Dour and feed, plow your gardens or do your hauling t reasonable rates. Carpet, a full assortment, at low prices, at A. & 1). Graver's. A, & D. Graver present every pur chaser of one pound of Imperial Tea with an elegant chromo, in walnut frame ready for adorning your parlors, Neat carriages and fast horses al ways for hire at the popular livery of L. F. Klcpplnger, corner of Iron street, .at reasonable charged. Also, a few building lots for sale at low prices. . Daniel Krock & Co., late" Hausmau & Kutins, have Just received a lot of nice freh country butter, which they me Belling at the very lowest market pi lets, fcretsh bread aud cakes dallv. Upper Towamenslng polled 150 votes on Tuesday iastj nverage Demo cratic vote was 131, and the llepubllcan 10, shoeing a Democratic majority of 112. The averago vote polled In East Penn township wns 150 Demcratlc 105 j llepubllcan 51; average Democrat ic majority 54. Welsspnrt borough polled 75 votes.glvlng an averago Dem ocratic majority of 15 . ,.. : Aflcrnfire in Malmnoy ' fTlty on Saturday night, the various fire compan ies got Into n dispute, whlch ended In a riot. Pistols, billies' and every other kind of weapon available wcro used. Geortto Major, tho Chief Burgess o' too town., was shot; by Daniel ; Dougherty, and Is In it critical condition. Dbngh c'rty was himself shot and dangerously wounded by William Major, and both wero arretted. Sovcral other rioters wero wounded but notdangeroutly. Sir. Mqjor.dled on Monday. On Saturday, near Rockport, a coal train on tho Lehigh and Susque hanna llailrbad ran offlMio track, plow ing up the ground and scattering the sills for over n, huudred, feet; Rockport. being tho nearest place, for communi cation by telrpraph, n,t raid baud was sent to the station to notify thu opera tor of the accident, but;beforb ho reach ed thero another train came .along and collided with tho wreck which was partly on the track. The sm sh was comp'leto, a largo number of oars being badly damaged. Fortunately tho em ployes on the two trains escaped In jury. ' Plymouth, Luzcrno comity, , was visited wjtli an extensive fire on Wed nesday of last week, detroylng Jessop's Hotel, Davenport &.Ulalne's Ilvery, sal oon of A. Lze', haidware store of Den nis Martin, barn of J. W. Smith, con taining t-lxty tons of hay, a frame house occupied by O. Huntluan and Harrison Low is, S. Vanloon's three-story brick t.t.nreand.dwelllng, grocery storo buil ding, ham of A. S. Davenport, with twenty tons of 'hay, mid other barns and out-buildings. Los $70,00?, ,and no.'lnsuranco on the most of it. jl'hu fire orgluated in tho up-setting' of aan of Jard on the stove in ,Jcsjp'st ttclt- tn" - - . . : w-" Public Meeting. A meeting of the citizens o'f this bor rough will bo held In Iteber's Hall, this ovenlng (Saturday) Nov, 7th at 8 o' clock, for the. p-.trposo of , adopting measures' to raise mean's tb'provldo 'Le high Hook & Ladder Co., with the uec cssary apparatus for subduing firos. It Is earnestly requested that qur .citi zens generally will attend.' Tho" mem bers of tho Company wilhnicet; In. uni form at 7 o'clock sharp, foi parade. " Another Xnw Stock. T..D. Clauss, tho tailor, deslres u3 to statu that he has just returned from New York, and that he.Is now opening a very .largo Invoice of cloths, cassl meres and vcbtiugs, suitable for fall and winter trade, which ho la prepared to mnke up In tho best and most fashion able styles at "knockdown" prices. Ho guarantees u "perfect fit" every time, anil thu goods In all cases as reprpept ed. Also, an Immense stock, of rub tiers, boots, shoe,", hats', cap's and gents' furnishing goods. Komember the place, X. ! Clauss, Just abovo the Public Square, Hank street, Lchlghton. Carbon Co. Acrlcull ui nljSuclet)'., Pursuant to notico a meeting! of. .the stockholders of th o abovo society was held at Mautz's Exchange Hotel, in this borough, on Monday' afternoon! lasti Tho object ot.the meeting, wasito dlcldu as to tho payment, ,ot fo premiums awarded of the late exhibition and to devise means: for , tile pajiuent ijftlie 860101 presslngiu'debtedneJs. It 'was, on motion, uiinulinoiijly resolved to nay all'tho piemlums lu full, nii'd to ICvy'an assessment of $3 on' eaeli JlQ'- fcharo of stock, tho sald .assessinent'tOjbOj r) i Id within 30 days from the dato of meet Ing. ' , I'oris Vncklng. ' ' ' 1 Tho Alle'ntown Herald of a r'rtcnt date, in speakingof the opcnlngof a pork picking establishment, in that city, sayt it U the firt,t of tllo ik'lnd In In the. Lehigh Yalley. Iti,.tWs fbtoto ment tho editor of ,tljO Herald, l a, good way out of tho lino of tho Jruh; Mr. Joseph Obeit, hasn packing eatatjlsh ment 111 full blast, fitted up wltlVaiftho modern improvements., for slaughtering, packing,' smokl.igf Ac'., 'wlitch lie lias buccessfily conducted for1 tho past five years. If tho Herald man will come up ! this way, wo will see to It that ,hft is eniigiitetieii on this subject by a visit to the well regulated establishment of Mr. Obert. A fashionable Stock. Messrs. Laury & Peters, the nierch. ant tailors, post office building, Lehigh ton, Pa., havo just reeclved their largo and handsome stock of fall and winter goods, comprising cloths,- casslmeres and vcstlngs of tho latest and most faidllon&blo designs, vand of a quality unsurpaised by any ether stocVln Car bon county, whlch'lhey are prepared to make up lu the latest stylo and most durable manner, at prices ' to, - t$t tho times, guaranteeing 'a' ' 'perfect1 fit1. In overy case. In addition tq Jho aboVo they kecpa line of ready-made clothing boots, shoes, gaiters, rubbers, gent'a furnishing goods, hats, caps, 4c, Ac, of tho latest stylo and best material, which they are now offering to the peo pie of this section at prices unparaielled In tho history of tho trade of Lahlgh ton. They respectfully ask an inspec tion of goods and workmanship by the people belore tney uiako their pun-has-es eleewliere. Carbon County Ofldclnl. LteuUnant Governor, A. G. Olmsted, rep 2000 JohnLatta.dem... ,.'. ,2420 Auditor General, Harrison Allen) rep ,2005 Justus F. Temple, dcra '2410 Secretary of InUrmlffiiiri,' 'i It. I). Death, rep 2001 ' 'Wtn.M'Cand)e3,,derrt ...-.J... 2417 Supreme Judgt, Ei II. Paxson,- rep ,. . . 2047 "W. J.' Woodward, deui. . . . . ; 2410 Congrtu, t , . ' ' A. W. Butler, rep I '. '2159 F. D. Collins, deut.'..- .'.''3288 AuevxUy, ' . Jas. It. Strutbers, rep...'. 2118 Thos. U. Williams, rep 1012 Jas. A. D.a'rvey,dcm 2287 A. J. Durllng, dem 2423 Dtitrid AtUtrnij, ' ' : ' ' ' " ' Fred. Bertolcttei'rop. i .' ..' 1070 E. It. Siewerd, dem 2470 Conimt'rnimfr, Joslah Iluch, rep 2007 Henry Buyer, dom 23311 Cbroner, , b. A. Ttlves.rep 2010 J. J. Suiythc, dein.- 2409 A uditor. J. D. Longshore, rep . 2072 P. D. KeUer. dem 2407 Otunlj Surveyor, kJ Josiah S. Xailder, rep 2001 ThuTesult.of tho election In, tho Statd of Pennsylvania Is doubtful, but Is claimed by, tho Democrats by a majority- of from 5000 to 7000. Lculgtltnii Tile Vote. The following figures show thu vofes polled lu this borough on Tuesday last: Liaitrnant Governor, 'John Iiatta, dem '. 180 A.Gi Olmsted, rep .-...-v. 140 Andifor General, Justus F. Temple, dem.,. ... ISO Harrl.son Allen, rep. A '-140 Secretary nf Internal Affalrt, William MeCan'dless, dem 180 It. B. Beath, rep 140 Judge of the Supreme Court, j. Warren J. Voodward, dem.... 170 E. M. Paxson, 'rep :.. 140 Gtmgrett, Francis D. Collins, dcra 172 A. W. Butler, rep -. 158 Attembly, lames A. Harvey, deui. 174 A. J. Durllng, dem 230 Jas. It. Strutbers, rep 151 Thos. It. Williams, rep 92 DUtrict Altnrney, E. It. Siewers, dem "187 Fred. Bertolette, rep...". i43 (hmm itsioner, Henry Doyer, dem 108 Jusiah Itucli, ret '. 159 Grtner, J. J. Smytlie; dem , lt!0 O. A. lilves, rep... J.. 151 Auditir, V. D. Kelser, dem 179 J. U. Longshore, rep" t 140 Cbunty Surveyor, Joslah Xander, rep.. .Noopposltinn. The votes polled gives an averago of 31 Dcmocratio majority for tho-Sta'to ticket; A. J,. Pulling, tho 'Democratic nominee for Assembly received 280 votes, n majority of 79 over J. It. Strutliers, rep, and of 144 over Thos. It.. Williams, tho Labor Reformer and Republican candidate, ECPjiort of the Public Schools of Lc hlghton, for the month endiug Oct., 30, 1874, showing the number of pupils in attendance, with thu per Rentage of.alteudancp :. Schools. Illnh . . . (Jmmmnr In t?rin-l late Secondary . ind t'rlmnry 1st l'rlmarjr Total. si n 71 V0 T8j-Tl r Kepnrt or the High School for Ilie Month eliding October 30, 1S74. It EC l'CTIM. llattlo Ivooii9 Kin. Dollemnaycr l.inu DentliiBur i:iln fJlauss i Kd. D.illenmnyor Win. W, Iteber tleo MusHeininn I lurry 11. Sueeney -Milton Hivtney (leo. iseliiuniielier TIioh .1. Scllurt Al. Dolleninayer .Tonui M KUtlcr 1'rancU llalllet CllUH. 1). ClllllsS Alien A. Uiiivcr F U'elilonlielmer Albortus hMlbolilt lirimtli Mantz tl. A. Ilrotnoy How, bcabohlt 18llJ7i; IPS, HiOtlT 18 M 74 (11 CT 57 M 70T JillTillsi n;ii 2 1UI.31 B 10 18 JO B 17 17 a.s H 17 10 61 IS t 11 II IS 0 IS 52 3 U 17 17 lU 10 in is a i 4 10 :ll 5 -l SH) 0J M lOl'ill It I2S 80 711 ro S3 87 37 !l4 iioloo Wi'Ul W.ll III 4S t-i .17 10U71I 111142 U'JIKI .VI Kha 7SII0 114120 03 48 01 (i "D M !ol TO (17 5 stun ; MAI at M t.i oi:ta,(ij: W'S'i 77 d: IS 12 'Jit 2 :i; sol m Til n 40 ll SO1 5 4.12! 34 43 41' 13 (I 7 deiotos neither, ncss. The school during the month. absence nor, tartll was open 18 days S, J. UAiisnrr, The Coal Trntle. Tho following table shows tho quan tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley -Railroad, for tho week ending Oct. Ultb, 1874, and for the year as compared wUh the same time last year: From ' Hwk1. J four. Wyoming .... 20,718 07 053,040 04 Uaileton..,,. 50,02!J 00 1,788,700 111 Up. Lehigh.. 104 00 4,425 10 Bca.Meadow.. 15,517 09 578,510 11 Mahanoy 13,014 13 480,108 15 Mauch Chuuk 215 05 4,42a 01 Total 00,883 13 3,770,400 14 Last Year..., 07,018 03 3,853,801 10 Increase 1,931 11 Decrease.,... 82,453 03 RellRfoua. J ' y jri I2vnngo!Ieal church Rov. ATkrec ker, pastor. Preaching, Sunday, 10,30 A. r. and 7. 00 r. m., by the pastor, in tho Northampton street scbool'hpiiso. a. m 'Aso, traye'r mceilngs'ou Tuesday and Thursday ovonlngs at 7:30 o'clock? All nro cordially Invited to attend. Services In tho thoRfl formed conftregatloh, next Sabbath eve nlng.7.00 r. m. Rev. G, 7ecker, olllci atlug. Services in tho German Iniigu.. ago. -pTho i Trinity Evangelical Lutheran 'criurch coriier' 'of Iron 'nhd North-ampton-sts. Services to-morrow (Sun day) at 10 a. m. In German; at 7.00 r. M. Kngl'sh. Sunday School at 2. r. m. , 1'iayer meetliig W.ednesday, evening at 7.30 o'clock, and Teachers' meeting Thursday evenjng. Bqulblet by "Marcutlo." Tho victors In tho recent cmnnalfrn, Have been Jfiilulglns lncltntifpviUQr i Hat nt pfi'm'nt. It iloes itOtapneW ni Hint tho defented, hare eS'cninimtscU In beor. Count election day ns lost, wlioso low do-1 sceiullnir sun, Views from thy liamls no extra voting dono Tho printer expects every man to do his . . c buiuu up iiL uiil-u, iimi h n ucnuiy ''W-nPny forsci-erttutCs,...: , I 1 t nf torch Unlit parades ' And tho other election aids. A Rieat many havo gone to dls-1ilver, Which Is thu light way to Salt Itlver. On Tuesday night n ' politician was heard to declare, that ho "stood on tho ragged edge of despair." Why were some candidates In ho re cent contest like young'mi'iimd'cr'nge? Because they wcro anxious for tho majority. Put usldo tio spread eagle and get ready for turkey, now that election is over and thanksgiving Is near. Why is it that the Spaniards do ljot uso'cows In tho bull ring? Because the cow uint a bull to fight. John Fiost,Esq., visited us last week, we understand he will remain with us for tho winter. "Lord help thoit.ioor'ald tho wealthy dry goods man, as he turned to Ills clerk and told him to ralso tho price of goods. Last uuday I saw a'gentleman who had pink hair and a.gree,u nose, whllo tho ears were yqllow ami blue. lie was admiring the siulLcd glass windows in church. A wooden stilt for ladies or gentle men, ccemsonttract considerable.'- at tention at the exhibition of thu Frank lin Institute; It is of a dull mahogany or walnut color, and is fastened down the front with silver plated buttous. I will not uudertake to describe It any fur ther. l'hlla., Nov. Maiichtio. The I'rliire of Walea' l.nnt. His Royal highness has been detected In many an act which has startled tho Queen., Tho last of whlch-is said) to be 'the" ordering of 620,000 worth ' of tick ets lor tho Public Library of Kentucky. Her Majesty, it Is stated, did not ob ject to his. buying liberally, but lii tho present condition, of tho Princela finan ces, she thought $20,000 worth was too much for him to Invest. It Is asserted that he Insisted on sendlim his order to Governor Bralnlett'e, a-durfiTg h)s' roy al mother that ho know what he was about, for that ns $2,500,000 was to bo diitributcd to the ticket holders on No ivomber 30, and In shell gifts hs'$2JO,000. $100,000, &s; ho would havo a splendid chancn nt one of theso splendid prizes, and thus, easily ray his debt. Alari'hiil, On the 10th ult., nt ids residence In Slallngton.hy Rev. L. K. Dorr, Mr. 1). : WjiNpwiiart.iotX'adkotOn; and. Artsi Sarah Sheckler.of Lehlghton. On the 31st, by tho came, Mr. Win, H. Keener, aud iilss Jary U. Krcltz, of Slatington. Cosing Prices of DkHaven & Towns end, Stock, Government and Gold 40 South Third' Street, 'Philadelphia, Nov. 5th, 1874.' ' O. P. 6'. ISM . . . lSJibM. 18Ji asked. U.S. Mil, 1802 . . . loi'bM. ll.kel U.S. A 20,180 1 . . . U tU. nliJ.sUJ. U.S SW.ISOS-J.AJ. . lotttlJ. lOa.i'j U.S. 600,1807; l, , . ' ,17" Ma; lljj a.kk U..S. 1(1-10 . . IsJJtH. 12$ ackod. U.K.turrenrjf.lls . . 18 bl.t. 18l,.ked. U. S. n'i. I8I, n.w . . IPjJlM. ll,kl. IVniuvltanla II. It. . . H2U t2)s akJ. I'liila. A Iteadlnit It. It. . SI;, UJ. M UhlgU VaUay lullroad . Ill Md." tin asked. UliUliCilNar.O. . 4Illd. 477m ll. UnlleJ LVuipaiilc cf.N. J. ISv? lid, 12'J askod UcM . . . 10 bid. 10'i asked, silver . . . . S Hd. 7 aiUd. .It'tiililon Itclall I'rlces. Carefully corrected each week express ly for "The Carbon Advocato." Apples, per bushel...., CO " dried, per lb 12 (o 15 Butter, roll, per lb .15 Cabbace. tier hem! a tn io Cheese, factory, Mi. . . , . 23 Eggs, per .:i.,it 1 35 i isii, macKerei, jno. x 12 to 15 Ham, per lb ) Lnrd, pure, per lb 20 Pork, prlmounessj'per lb;.';,...' -12 ijjunuvs, per ousl!l,, .,'.,, ,v Corn, per bushel.,.. $1 10 Chop, Corn,' pur 100 lbs'. 3 20 II I .. ( r al liran l ' 40 yo 11 Itjc, " Mixed " Flour, H'lieat, per bbl. " Kve.perlUO Jbs.. Oats, AVhlto per busuel. " I.laclf. nr huOinl a tio . 7 so a 25 70 03 Ilav. ner ton. "rt m Straw. !)r itumiln 1 ' 'tn uo Coal, chestnut, per too 4 stove, per ton 4 ; 00 CO Hides, creen, n(.r jb,. 5 (o 7n Calf Skins, each 1 2$ to 1 50 I Sbeep.Sklus, UUltd this mo., ta. 75106.1 Special Notices. SIT11STITUTU FOR QUi MI1VE. For years, qulnino va9 rppurde'I as t Ik only specific for maUnous fllfoixes and Immcnoo quaiJtlUei.fif the Jru were anniifit ly confumM throw i;hoot our wcsUrn country, moropirtlcuhrly aon tho tlfer bottom ami ad Jlnlna lowh)id. With th fill month malnrls. ln all Hi varied form. Ftnlkn like an epidemic tlirrnili tho land, and whnla district nro prqitratdd yrlt rlillln and fever, tho cm IrA population shaking n If h nan? Heretofore, quinine rtnuWrly report td to; but while it frequently tailed to effect a cure, HInrarl nbty dernnveil the ftoinich, producinff mttpo-i, vprtlco and fugitive pains in tho head to gucli .in extent that montha ehpsud ero the tiyatmn reCOT eri'd from ItseiTfctn. Thcita olijotloni to lta tie wcro o marked, that tho iutro-lurlbn t .Mlhl(r's Kerb llltteriwac hailed as n triumph In medicine, i oil n Holy mere eprtatntn,ltshenncitleurti than qnlnlne, itpoMensed ndnecf the demerits of that dnix. Instead of naneatlntr, it ton la and lnvl oratea Ihentomach, aud while speedily expelling the noxious humor, increase the appetlto and facilitates digestion; thus rgnderlnj tho system 6tro?iror, tad. better fitted to reMst the attaoks of d!rei. 'IttMact n Judlcioua m of Mlnlilnr's Uerb lilttera rtt this aeason or the, will pro r 14 iit th rrffurrn,"oof this dlTrtse.t'ten In thoso Lwhohrfv'e' htJi pacil ?a mitunm utthout it. An eTperK'ni'o or twenty year pimm u io ihj 1110 gMaWst A?tit j-EatoCo.known to;niUlcl science. There are, perhap, pO dhaasoa o 'tjt't to rllmatlu rhancrt a4 affection it the. KMncya. Hundreds of our former, mechanic, and litwrJpS men,ftroug aim hardy In all otper repectr, sui fjreantinuaMiioonrePlence. find occasionally ex cru.-Utln palna in the, hark and fr.'rs the Joins; experlohco afrpnu6nt desire to pus water, rain jdurjng Jta p-vMpf, a6d frequent ftoppngea In Us now, TJiue are man ifesta lions resuifin irora eome ktraln or'heaty llftCperhapsjuars-ngo), and njjgraratedhy .erery change lu the guiltier. Krery slUlit CJld Hies direct te this one weftk'pot, and unless promptlyi&Uended ta tho disease becomes chronic, and the ouco strong mm a miserable wreck. Mithlcr'it Herb Bitters Is the only certain remedy fur this clan of disease. It has a pecu liar tondeucy to the kidneys, stimulates them to healthy ncrlou, and removing the caupe, preTehts tho formation of brick-dust depot-its, vhlch, If per mitted to continue, will by cohesion form cm el stonel Ueltatina pdnfuToperatton for its re moral, Slauof the Ingredients cnterinif luUt its composition, are uuHer illy recounted jib fpurlQcs for all compl iluta of the'urinary organs. Jn Llrer C.uipinlnt, Ityppepla, all,diiorder! uf (be l!owls, and nlfoctloustifthe Throat and Luns, It lSfqual ly cerlalu and efflfAelous;! while, us u remedy lor tlit complaints peculiar to the female es,lt has uuequAlf Li&iEj, od and joun;, married And single; In" every condition of lUtywlU find this CHEAT FEMALE RtUtbY 'prompt, tlf(f COtaill (lllti rcliabU, Tbe pn!e, sillow ctmiploiion is replaced liy a. blocmiuiri bcalthful counten.iuce, and Its pc (tiiimiul hv iixihUnt Nature to perform herfutie lions RK.6cLinLr asd witiiout i.icontemem'e. iyd ouly u bottles by all, UruUts ,nnd Ren em 1 The most 'Wonderful Ulsoovcry-of the lOtH Ceutury. poawS. po. x-5:o'W"E,s Arabian "Milk Cure, ' , , F.Olt COtfSUMPTIOX, 'iL.'.n 'in ai'i. oiift.flk. rtii?a4.i i .LUXOS. (Tbaonljr Msdlcluo uf t!ij kind la tho woria.) . . A Sonsiiiun 6n Con r.ivcn Oil. rermaiipntly cann Asthma, Itrotielilt!, Ioclpl ent Consuniptlon, Loss of Voice, tiortnss of lirrnth, Catorrli, Cioupi CousUi, ColJi, ,tc,laa f.w dais. . . ' " DR. S. I). HOWK'S Arabian .Tonio Blood Purifier, Which Illc'KEIlS from all otUpr pruparatluli 111 ItslMMCIiMTK ACTIOX upon the I.IVtill, K11NKVS nai ULOUU.i It Is puref yeu;ttaUe, and cle.mii the astern efall linpudtles, hullds up, and make Pure, lilch lllood. ItcureaHcrofulous Dldeasetof nil kinds, reaioven Constipation, and regulates the Iioweis. ior"(;i'Ai' uraui.m," j.usr VU'ALITV,".and"IlUOKBN.DOV.N OONBTITU- TIONS," I 'chnllenga tho IUth' Century" to And Its oaujl. Krery bottle Is worth Its Height lu gull, l'rlce, Sl.tlU l?r bottle. un. s.. p. iiowe's Arabian cM- Liver Pills They cleniifrt the Llrer and Stomach thoroushly, rtmiavo Cuiistjpitlon contalu uo calomot nor any other injurious ingredient, and act quickly upon i new organ, unoui prcniucing auypimor wenk nuns. Price 25 ceuta per IkZ. CO NSUJtPTIVF.S Should nseall three of th abOTe .Medicines,! Abld by A. J, liUUMNQ, Urulst, sole Agent for Lehlghton, Pa. . , tiz.S. I). nOWi:,Sle UroprietorriGt Chambers Street, ffew York, apr. 11, Ih73.yl Mrs. I,N'K'S'P--ln f!dre Tor In.'rowins Nails'. Piles ! Piles ! !, Piles !! ! Tiles, InterpSt,, lilnedlnj or ItclilnR. The Intense sutfcrln;oi!casl nied 'by the'dlstress. lu disease, In Itsrarleulferoji, is kuowu only to thofo who are uuf irtutiafe enough to lie afitlcted with it. The cleeples nl;!il!, the .unfouUortaUe d.ijs, tbo haggard lotMn of th. sufferer Le-irwtt netisof the lotensityof tlieplla experienrt when troubled with tUU prevailing dlstase. The suc cess of Itrlgs' I'llejlemedy fis a po.tlte cure Is uueijualled in the'anriala of medicine Hellef I l Imaidlnte when u-ed as diriteted Tho linmensu demand for tbU great louiedy Is miparaleUe.l. Thousands aro usliiclt wttrt the mjst atisfirto ;y results. SWd hy 'Al J, DUItLINU, drulst, hl.'Utoii, ;. way V. 1)7 OONSUrilVKSa,ud thou who eiperlosca ny dl)1iculty with tbe thruat,luuis, ur auy ofttw respiratory orfrau will eoniult their own: inttirekta by cttlllue at tbe drug stares uf CT. Iientaaud A. J. lluilai;. and iuqulrlui about Dr. JS Jortls' Syrup'tif Tar, Wild Ctferry'aiid Uorehound, The Medical excellencies of theae Tegetabla proi)ictiona are well known. Tlielr ruratlve principle haro Uieil oarritliy oonblned by the moat palnataklug scleottnei jirucess, with ninny other tgetb!,lu EreJlent. THIkyemedy puSnesws, Ilia hi (Wycun. cuutratud foruibe very eitenci of aojie of tbe-most lufallWe pulmonic tliunlcf knoitfn to m Jtcal Ut. aiilsts. it is a positive reuiedy for ci oup. Vor kaie ,,jr aitueaiera. j Rept. 1710, lBlily, innifATfi sale; aL Tho iinilcrslgnpd offers, atPrlvate saie, two vuiuablo i aruia, ih all tr.o Improvumonts tliLToon, Mttiatetl In tlio Township of Fiauklln, Carbon county, l'u., about 1 mile oast of VA-i-sport. No. 1, tan l''arni, conta'iiilngfao acrfis of land uioro or less, bou ntlf d by lands of HeuOeh Ubyer, J. 1C, Itlcltett, Goo. Shirt-r', John Schwab, &i. with Young Orchard of Choice fruit t'.iereonnqil thu loiiowmg liiiprovLMiiontY, vU: DwolliiiK House, 'jj x 43 ft.. with Kitchen tat- tacht'd, In whluh thera Is n well of ntivcr fallltif water, 1 Itarn 1 x 50 feet, with an ox stablu attached 10 x UJ Teet, slauuhtor house 18 x r0 feet, with all tho necessrirr Imnmvonients to carry on theslaugh terlng business, bono mill ami tUrflbhlnc waclilne In'one build )Pgi VM uQlcieu't water jiower to drlvo, the mncliiug couslstingioT two dam; corn crib. ico house, unioko-bouio, &e. oj iarni contains UO acres more, fSSS. or 18. of cleared, -woll cultl- vateil land and 40 acres of Woodland, bounded by lands of ifathlas Kuff. Slmhh Wrtllt. loh u Schwab. L.iS. and oltiere, v;ith a tiuo young Orchatd or choice tni xreo -tnereon, dwelling IIouso us good ns new, 20 x 20 feet, .Barn U0 x Oi feet, n never-falling well of water near the) building's, pig stable, corn crib mid ether bulliliiig-). Tlio buildings on botli farms nro In goutl condition. Any person wishing to buy, eau rail on thu owner on the first described property. Tonus reason nblo and pxcuodlnglveasy. (SKOltUU LEUt'KEIs, owner. October Ul, 1S71 ANOTHER CHANOl Fifth and Last Gift Concer' IS AID OF TIIF. Pub. Library of Ky POSTPONRI) TO Noveinljer 30, 1874. DKAWI.N'O CHItTAIX AT THAT IUTE. LIST OF GIFTS. ONH nllAND CAllt II1FT . . .t250 0(H OMJB r.UANI) CAS1K1IFT . . 1(10 000 UN OltAND.CASH III FT . . . 7J00U OSB tlllAND CASH (lll'T . . BonnO O-NKOItANIlCASIl OUT . . . 2.1 OOO s oabii nn'rs, lii.iKxi uach, 100,000 ID III?!! UIFTS, 1 1.001) KACII, 1411000 1.VOA3H (IIFTS, 1(W) EACH, lflil.009 20 CASH 0IFT8,, MuO KACII lOOOOO 25 CASH (JIFTH. 1,000 KACII, 100,000 ui cash uirrs; s,ooo kauii, 0,uoo f.O CASH 111 FTS, HOOD KAcll, 100,000 100 CASH niKf, 1,000 EACH, 10)000 S40 CAKI1 OIFTS, f.00 EACH, 12II.0OO fiO) CASH (HFrS, lno KACII, WI.OM) 130U0 CASH OIFTS, CO KACII, 9M,000 Grand total 20 000 flirts, nil rash . . $2,200 000 a-rice or xickcib. Whole Jlohit ( 0 00 Halrea 25 00 Tenths, or each Coupon ... 6 00 1) Whole Tickotn for .... COD 00 ai4 Tickets for .' " ..... 1000 00 For TIcLoti and Inloenution, fldilress ' TIIO. E. IlIlAMt.KTTE, Aocnt and MAlota, , I'ublic f.llrary nulldlng, LoulSTllle, Kj., er TIIOS. H. HAYS A CO., Eastern Agents, 600 nroatUay, Now York. . Xor.54,4 w The undersigned respectfully Informs tho citizens of G'arbon and tvljoinlng couptie.4, that he li now prepared to .supply them with Dressed or Live Hogs at all times, at prices fully ns low a they can be bought for elsowhero. Also, Smoked Hams, linlogiie nud .Saussage, fit Wt.olesalo and Retail. Ordeis will ho jiromptly filled, and Hogs shipped to any point at tho shortest' notice. JOSEPH OBERT, liank 'Strcet, Lehlghton, L'. Sept.'.9. i874-yl ; J"OHS UWH, FLAIX AND I'ANOT Bread and Cake Baiter, Respectfully Informs tho citizens of Lehlghton and vicinity, that l.o lias re moved his business from Wclsspbrt to ids premises on BANK STBUET, LKIIIGHTCW, TA., and that ho is now prepared to furnish Fresh Ilrend and Cakes dally. Steam inado Pretzels shipped in largo or small quantities to order, nt wholesale-and re tail. WEMIlta AITS 7A1T3T CLZZ1 I J"Canilli!s ncd Confeellous, a largo and choice variety always on hand. JOHN 1 1 AUK. Sept. 2Cth, 18i4.-tf. Livery & Sale Stables, ItA-MCV' KUKT.I.ICIIIOIITO.V, Pa. FAST TItOTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively LOWER PRICES than nnyi other, Livery in tlio County. IT Large and handsomo Carriages for-Funeral purposes and Weddings., Nov. 22, 18W. .DAVID EDBERT. THE ltespectftllly nnnounces to thVcjlzens of Lehlghton' and vicinity, that he has OPENED his New Photograph Gallery, on JUNKWAY, (near tho Lehigh Val- ley Railroad Depot), Lehlghton, and that he Is now prepared to give our citizens Llfo-Llko Pictures at tho most reasonable rates. Particular attention paid to taking Children's Likenesses. A Trial Is solicited. Juno 13. 1 K.. U. WINTER OIG.INO OF Millinery Goods & notions 2d Door below the if. E. Church, BANK Street,JJEHIGHTON. All work made up in the Latest Style at the Lowest Prices. September lp, 1874m3 "KlTinisc itntl I.ttt i'ur Halo, 4( Sltuato on Hank street, In tho .Worough of Lehlghton, and numbered 1H on thtt plan or plot of said borough. Tho' Lot is S'i x 180 feet ; tho House Is tlireo stories with basement, 2-story Kitchen and necessary outbuilding, n. never-fulling well of water, &c. It Is nicely located fur almost any kind of business, being situate on tho principal business thoroughfaio. For prion and further particulars apply at this Offlco, or on the premises to S. A. or PKISOILLA REEItS. July 1R, 1874-tt