The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 07, 1874, Image 2

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    li. v. MniitntVKii, Ktiiron.
i,i;iiifinri.v, pa.;
Tin! Secretary of the Treasurer Sinn
lny Issued, a, call for five millions of the
live twoiUJi's nf 1803, on which Interest
vlll cci ou the 2nd of February next..
This tn ikes a total of fifty-livo million
culled for redemption tdnoo tho 1st vt
August 1.1.t.
The forJft Gre m Ohio continue.
The ga-j lnmp4 nt Lncastcr,ln FalrficM
county had to bo lighted In broad day
-Monday, owing to tho density of the
smoke that rolled Into the town from.
(he burning pine wood's. Retween
HMnbrldgfl and Ross Co,,
crops, fences, live stock, and houses
have been destroyed, leaving many of
tho fanners destitute. Measures are
being taken for thdr relief.
An official statement, prepared for
tho Postmaster General's report, shows
that, during the last fiscal ycar.tha free
delivery system was extended to 89 nd.
dltlonal offices, and ft now In operation In
67 cHic. 3049 carriers were employed,
who delivered 211,i09,C0." letters.abont
20,000,000 of postal cards, nud 50,
500,009 rrewspapers, Including collec
tions, the total number of pieces hand
led exceeded 800,000,000, Tim percent,
hgo of Increase In the total cost' of tho
service, compared with that of the pre
vious year, was 20!4, but tho receipts
from local postage during the same per
iod Increased 43 per cont.
By tho monthly report of tho public
debt for October wo learn that tho debt
was decreased during tho month $081,
431.50. Tho total principal of tho debt
outstanding Is $2,200,037,103 03. on
which thero Is duo and unpaid of Inter
est S37,115,070 78, giving a total of
principal and Interest of $2,208,072,773
40. Thero waj at tho same timo cash
In tho Treasury, of coin, $00,080,241
40; of currency, $10,890,770 18, exclu
sive of $52,525,000 of special deposits
for redemption of certificates, making
tho total of casli In the Treasury $159
011,011 04, reducing tho total debt, less
cash in tho Trcasury.Novcmber 1,1874,
to $2,139,001,701 82. Debt less amount
In the Treasury lt of October, 1874,
$2, 139,743, 193 IB-showing n decrease
during the past month of 031,43150.
Decrease of the debt since June 30,
1871, $3,020, 479 31. ZJomH issued to
Pacific- Jtallroad Companies, Interest
payable In lawful nioney.piinclpal out
fctandlnij, $01,023,512; Interest accrued
and not yet paid, 81,23.2,470 24; Inter
est paid by United States, $21,325,390
93; Interest repaid by transportation of
"malls, etc., $5,497,253 00; balance of
Interest paid by United Stntes,$18,828,
143 37.
'I' lie election .
Elections wero held Tuesday by twen
ty-fonr States and three Territories, ns
follows: Alabama, Arkansas, Dela
ware, Florida, 'Georgia, Illlnols.Kansai,
Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Mlniirotn,Mlsourl,Xuvadn,
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennes
see, Texas, Vermont for a represenln.
tivo only in place of Poland Virginia
and Wisconsin. Elections for Territorial
Delegates were held In Arizona, Idaho
and Washington Territory.
Tho Louisiana election occurred on
Mouday.and the States which piovious
ly chose Iteprnscntatives to the Forty
fourth Congress were Indiana, Iowa,
Maine, Nebraska. N. Carollua.Orogon,
Vermont (two).and W. Virginia. They
elected 33 Democrats nnd thirty Repub
llcans. Tho States which will not elect their
members to tho next Congress until 1875
nre California, Connecticut, Mississippi
nnd Now Hampshire.
Tho Legislature elected In Louisiana
on Monday will have tho e.liolco of a
Uulted States Senator, as each of tho
thirteen of thoso voting Tuesday will
have. The legislature of Louisiana will
chooso a Senator In place of Pinchback,
that of Delavttroiu place of J",-. Jty.
nrd, that of Florida In place of Mr.
Gilbert, that of Illinois In placo of Mr.
Logan, that of Massachusetts In placo
of Mr. Washburn, that of Michigan In
placo of Mr. Chandler.lhat of .llniieo.
ta In place of Mr. Ramsey, that of Mis
fcourl In placo of Jr. Sburz, that of No
vada In place of Jr. Stewart, that of
New Jersey In placo of Mr. Stockton,
that of New Vork In placo of Mr. Ken
Ion, that of Pennsylvania In .placo of
Mr. Scott, that of Tennessee in placo of
Mr. llrownlow, and that of Wisconsin
fn place of Mr, Carpenter.
In accordance with law the War
Department la reducing the army to
25,000 men, lhu nuuiberat present iu tho
terviw being 27,000. Tho ieditlon
will leave one officer, coainiissloned and
not). commissioned, fur evciy eleven
men, no provision having Uteu made in
tho law for tho reduction of tbeiiurabor
Of UlllutiTiu
Aevloivol' lUo SllurUIon.
VoiA the l'liila, Injuirer, Aor. .'(i.
Tno flood of Democratic successes
which began In October to twocjj tho
political fields of tho West lias become n
dclugo In November, nnd has proved to
be very much more- of a Hood than even
tho most fnngnlno prophet of tho De
mocracy could havo presaged a short
in on Hi ago.
Possibly It might havn b"cn averted;
ivisslhly not. Hut we. ot least, havo tho
.satisfaction ot knowlutr (hat wo did our
duty In trying to nvcrt It. Wo saw cer
tain influences at Work whle'i tn nor
mind, could have only dlsastcrous couso
".unices If not removed. During tho
wholo of tho last session of Congress
indeed. ftl'ffirn nllffrneamnf ..,.4 HI. I
- -.-B..... iti intuitu
best endeavor to Impress upon ourltep
roMMttii lives nnd Senators tho absolute
necessity, which was in nvorvtlil Mr. mnilii
anuarent. fur timmnKtvUn ill,,,-., i i..i
lallon In connection with 'the uatloiml
Itnmpillntplv tirt nr tn tlx. ....... II... .
Oo4igress a disastrous financial panto had
swept nwny business prosperity swept
away c.ipltnl and wages nlllte.r.nd filled
the land with Mm mnii, f i . .
.. .., u, tumorous
of thousands of citizens gut 0f business
u,m u. u worn, ne policy which was
responsible for this condition of affairs
we had .combated with whatever skill
and enerirv ivo nm.1,1 . . - . ..
-.. I r ",",u utMinimmi a poli
cy baswUipon levying exorbitant bur
tiens of taxation upon nil forms of- do-nestle-industry
In order to dischargo
obligations not due. Tho country was
it--? ny ruined In order to pay foreign,
bondholders; who not. only mado tio do-
"V".' i'yuiuni, uui who did not
Want to in nnt, I Tl... ,.... . .
., . :. '" "mi meir uomis,
nnd thev went sntunu.t . '
. . ...... ....vil ,11111 M1UII1,
other feature of this suicidal financial
POIICV WAS to Imm.lnn n,l i i...
practical emit ii. ,inoi .
- r- ..siii tu k.-tJllLlllt:i,
...w ...,UUi., ul imuDiiai currency in or-
tu lutui ii eucitien return to specie
payments. The-effort was no wiser
than one to forr-n n ,.m,vi, i..,
" IM.,11 lt,U VUD
garments of his childhood would havo
TllO COllnfrv ronnlrnil .!. t.-
- (lutiuti pi, IIIUUI1,
Ht. u uougiess met m,t winter, as
money, aim plenty of It. Want of It
had Olineil nritnrit,i.ia r. II. i....
.---..... Ul niu lIlUilLUSl
Importance nm n,oi..,i i,.i... .
..- .t.i wuTliitrsa Ul
all St,rtS. COIICruSS unrlv tnnlr nn Hut
lutouon oi uie nuances, but tho wholo
winter throuch it did nothing but talk
uuu siiiiriuu nim anouiHr.and una -
ly agieetl upon a measure ot supposed
relief, which to this dachas been of no
practical uso. nnd which no nnn unitii
underatands. It was one of those cow-
.....iy compromises which always leaye
'atters worse than they find them. If
tho Forty-third Oorgress had voted'a
proper measure nf finance tho Forty.
fourth Coneic'ss would not have been
Diitllipr.ltif.. 'Pint tnrmi.r It. tl.n
house tho overwhelming majority of 10(1
voies.uii wnivu ntisueen uutereil away.
While l he lluaucial troubles were the
clearest and most direct cause ot the du
featof the lit publican paity there were
others ni woik steadily undermining Its
hold upnu tlio popular regard. Only
two years ago It had such magnificent
victories as no other patty ever had,
more magnificent than any ,of its own
previous ones. Hut It threw away Its
great opportunities.nnd seemed to court
it,s own rum by Its tolerance of tho bad
acts of some of its recognized leaders.
Prominent among these minor causes
was tho third-term proposition, set nf
lloat by Federal oillco-holder.s who
wero determined, it possible, to earn
their right to llf.i-Ieases ot their fat
ollicers by forcing upon Provident Grant
a life-lease of tho Kxec'uttvo officer.
Whether or not the President sym
pathized with the moveineut of thoso
(.uperservlceable tools, the President
himself did not direct bvordistinetlviln.
clare. Hut newspapers which ho ore-
mltted to b called tho organs of his ad
ministration Intimated that he did sym
pathise with tho third term projection
ists, and, only u few days before tho
elections were to tako placo in tweuty
four States nnd three Territories, lip al
lowed to be published a pilvatu Ibtter,
written In 1872. If this publication
meant anything, It meant that he was
now in tho bunds of his friends for a
third term. Nut satisfied with its pub
licity, the Associated Press agency, at
Washington, was instructed to say that
the letter of '72 was intended to dis
tinctly set forth lhu President's views
upon the succession question, No one
should bo surptised that tho country
took alarm at the sentiments ot this
letter, ami that on Tuesday It bhould
tako the opportunity to settle nt once
and forever tho whole, third-term ois-cu-slon
by voting against It from Masta
chusetts to Georgia. It did so, an I so
far as it did that wo honor and applaud
the vote on Tuesday.
Hut thero weroother causes. Had men
had been premltted to seize and hold
high places in Uie party's councils, nnd
through them wrong and corruption
crept in. It is too long a list of nets nnd
men to enumerate in detail, and the
myriad nets of oppression ngalust tho
"-outh, the outrages upon tho sacred
rights at the people of South Carolina
and Loulsauna, thu Cred'it Mobllier
frauds, tho back pay steal, the moiety
business, tho District of Columbia frauds
tho deeds of ltlltlt-r. .Int'ltn Knltlinrn
Shepherd, Kelloirg, Casey, Packard, Sy!
I'ui-i mm lhu wnuio uncienil IIOsl ot
Northern carpet-baggers In the South,
the pliant Williams and tho cowardly
Fish at Washington, would sooner or
later havo brought tho judgment of rulu
upon any party thut tolerated them.
Tliesu nro tho protent causes which In
1S74 flung tho party from Its emlncuco,
and which threatened to glvo tho coun
try a Ili'lnnirntiR lit 1U7ft
They might all huvo been avoided, but
ii... ........ .1 .1.. 11. .t. . .. t. . . .
mu jinny mullein ucu su imreiicueu
in ItODIlhir lliri'l-tllltl tlnir It ilni,iil lnrmi.
done wrong uud oppression, and to bear
..ui, 1....1 1. . t 1
,iui tuu uicu mil-it 11 huoum uuvepuu
Ishcd tho former and cast out the latter.
It hltpnitil fit fnririir tin. iri-iitnl ffiit- tlint
it won popular uffectlou by belug fiiun-
ui-u uiniii priucipies suoumeiy great ana
good. There never was a party so
needed as It was needed; thero never
wns 11 party which did tho work It was
called Into being to do, bo effectively.
Jlut, wtJilo It could illit nuJ destroy
those many-headed monsters, Slavery
and Secession, it could not fight 6r de
stroy tho tiaitors within Its own camp.
It would seem to day ns If thoUepub
llcan party had been swept away In tho
flood ot 1874. Zut thu destruction shall
prnvo apparent only, not real, f tho
nartv should tosnlvit tn tinr.
jit tlio nouses which havo been dono In
- . . w ... Ib.-'tjll
its name, nnd deteimlno to ftgaln provo
us 111(111, 10 power ov ino wisdom nnd
PlirltV with whlrli It niriUi ili-it
er. It will ho harder work tr Jegain
lost faith and regard then to have kept
uiem wueii incy were fieeiy piven to it
nut it is worth while to try, and tho
euort siiould not bo delayed.
Tlio Wcxt Johki -ss.
It is not posslblo, says a Washington
dispatch ot thj4Hi, at this writing to
tell the full np ti. , ,!,,.,-,.
won on Tuesday, but enough is certain-
, , . lu mane an est'mn'o with accuracy of tho complexion of
tllQ tlPXt. ITntieit nt Itt.rnc,nttnlt.,n
J'.io following table will, it Is thought
ijiuvo npproxunaieiy correct
-llnbaina . ..3
Arkansas . . .0
Delaware . . .0
Florida 2
Georgia ...:0
Illinois.... 12
Indiana 5
D.l Itep D.
SjNebraslca. ..1 0
4iN'ovada ....1 0
1.V. Jersey ..2 5
0NowVork.13 20
ON Carolina. 1 7
7 Ohio 7 13
8 Oregon 0 1
1 Pennsyl'n ,13 14
1 Ithode Is!... 2 0
10 S. Carolina .4 1
3 Tennetsoe . .1 9
0 Texns 0 (i
(1 Vermont . . .3 0
5 Virginia.... 2 7
3 W.Virginia. 0 3
0 Wisconsin , .0 2
114 , 101
Iowa 8
Kansas 2
Kentucky . .0
Louisiana . .3
Maine 5
Maryland ..0
Mass a
Michigan. . .0
Missouri ..
v,.u i,u,uii(,iiit-ti otitit:s,
California. J7lsslsslppl, New Hampshire
and Connecticut vote next spring. If
no cbauge takes placo lu those Stntes,
thirteen members will bo nddel to tho
liepublicau delegation, and fivo to the
Domoeratlo. Hut It tho same causes
produce ilko effects, tho delegations
from thoso States will probably stand
ns follows : Hep D.
California 1 3
Connecticut i 3
Misslssinnl r. 1
New Hampshire 6 3
Total 8 10
Add to this 114 101
Grand total 122 171
Democratic majority; 49
. 'i'lianUsuivlti.
Oil tho 29th lilt., till! Pn.l itpnt. Isanml
the following proclamation :
Hi Iht J'ratlent of fie United Statu of America
.1 Proclamation.
Wo nro reminded by thn changing
lOnSOllS I lint, it IS Minn tit imilCH In nnr
dally vocations nud oiler thanks to Al
mighty God for lb mercies and nbun
danco of tlio vear which is dr.nvini tn a
close. ,
The hlessiims of fre.n nvii nim.nt.
cnntinnn to hit vnnpltctiifivt tn n&k'ti,,.
earth has responded to tho labor of thn
i i i ,...,.....
iiusuunuiuiii, uie iiiuu uas ueeu tree
from pestilenee; internal order Is being
maintained, una peace with other now
ers lias prevailed. It Is fitting that at
ftHrtnilS WHt Sllrtlllll ItM.tfia f milt Itll- nn
customed mii'iiilts nml from IIih tiirmnll
ui our tinny lives, nnn unim in tliank
rmness Inr tlin lilrslniT4 nf tliu m.i
and In th cultivation of kindly feelings
lownni encu ouier.
IMOW. therefore, reeounlzlmr tlinsn pun
slderatlnns. I, Ulysses S Giant, Presl-
ueni oi ino uniieti Bcates. no recom
mend to all oltbi-n-t tn n.ninhl., In II, !.
respectlvo places of worship on Thurs
day, tho 2(ith day nf TnvHnilii.r im.f
and express their thanks. for thq merey
and favor ot the Almighty God, and
laying nsldo all political contentions,
and all secular occupations, to obsorvo
such n day ns a-day of praise.
In witness whereof I have herounto set
my hand nud caused the seal of tho
united States to tin nfl vml. nmn. nt
the city of Washington this tho twenty.
suvcmii uiiy or (jcuiuer. in tno year
1874, nnd of the Independence of the
uimeu oiuies uiu uiuuiy-ninui,
IT. S. GltXKT.
Hamilton Fisn, Secretnry otstato.
IN AII1 OV Till'
Thn tlinnilrviiinfiitt llivn .1uln.,tt..n.l tn
....n .... ... .... . w ... ...t.U Ltl
havo tho drawing of thn Fifth and Last
Gift Concert of tho Publlo Library of
Kentucky on .the 30th day of Novem
ber next. We believe now that all the
tickets will be sold, nml tlin i1r.iu.-
ing will be a full one; but whether nil
nil are sold or not.Mhe drawing will
nevertheless certainly ennm nir nn tin.
day appointed.
The special object of this card Is to
call a meeting ot tho tlcke,t-holders nt
Public Library Hall, on tlie 20th of
November, to make connection with tlio
committee appointed by tlio Trustees to
superintend the counting of the tags
renrcsentln. tho 'numbers ni tlcki.t
sold. While there is no actual necess".
lty for tho nresenea of tli;ki'Nliiililir
as under our arrangements the . inter
ests of all are equally cared for, yet at
tint same time I would greatly piefer
that us many of thoso interested as can,
WOUld attend this tniutlnrv nml
for himself how perfectly fair and im-
l.-irllnl II... .1I..I.II....I.... 1..
l'.lt.,l mu UISII lUUUUIJ IllUSb ue.
Every nrrtngement has been mado
for the llr.'twllli' lint. Illtln mnr.. tlmn a
month lemaius for thu sale ot thu re
mainder of tho tickets, and whatever Is'
dono must bo dono promptly.
1IIOS. ii. H1!ATTE,
Agent and Manager.
Loulsv'lle, Ky., Oct. 22. i8?4.-3.
All nnrsnna aro herithv fnrltM nirli
dling with Canal lloat "Joseph nonk-
er - ami ouo nay jiare loasad Dv tin
undersigned to PETER LAUU. of Cata.
sauqun, Pa.
Nov 7. 1874-w3, '
Should Have
Instructions In Printing nnd the answer
io queries wnicu win runinvo HUH
cultles In your way Inefficiency,
appear tn eacli number.
For Us flood Stories,
Tor Us raxlilon IMatcs,
I'or Us illlsccllanvi
1'or Its Eiousohold jVcw
Anil (or Its
Purchasing Department,
Through which every deslrablo nrticlo
in iew lorK is lurnisiie.l nt tho
Inwp4t r'nti to lllimtr nvlm ,!, r.m
Our Own Fireside is ll Ilnnin .linirml
In Its fourth year. 10 large' pages with
illustrations. Price, 51.50 a year.
ivery suoscriuer manes selection of a
valuable premium from tlio many niw.
en. i noso suocriuii,g now leceive the
paper tho remainder of tho yenr free oi
At thu iVainnlng ot
If YOU Cnuiint nlTnnl tn ditlienilltn nn
nrratiiTt'niiMit will 1m mtil.t'itt, iui!r,i.
you can receive tlio paper for one joir
tviiiiuui. iiiuiiey.
oeHrt J cents for sample cepy. ,
A CfnitnpJoK t'rliitln? Press
A Clininplon rifntlii- lrcss
A Cliainplon HM Indiiv i'l-cvs
Is fllvou Aivay
is Givon Aivaj
ts Given Away
8s fiivcii. Awuv
Forn club of 115 subscribers to Our Own
Fireslile. Eveiy Business Man nud
Roy should liavo one. Send 3e. stamp.
Oar Own Fircside'Fublishing Co.,
itoom 4, Sun liuildlng, N. Y.
.T IT. ! 1
!2 and 12 Horse Power
Address, M. L. GUMP A CO.,
Room 4, Sun Ruihllug, N. Y.
-The Champion Job Press
Printers, Business Men and Boys.
Tho best press made. Also,
Semi 5c. for Pamphlet. Address,
M. L'GUMP & CO.,
Room 4,' Sun Building, N.Y.
announces to his friends and the'putdic
In general that he has leased the Store
in Liebenguth's Building,
BANK street, I,ehighton,, Pa ,
and furnisht d it with a complete assort
ment of
Puro Drugs,
Patent Metlicinos,
Flavoring Extracts
Toilet. Artifilns.
and In fact everything usually found in
u nrn-Kt'pt.jJrUK OIiilCi
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
He also keeps constantly on hand u
full stock of choice anil pure
Wines and. Liquors,
for Mpillnln:il .C-. Snrrnmnntnt ihifAig.. .
and a luil line of the choicest brands of
Cigars and Tobacco,
which ho Is selling at tho very Lowest
Cash Prices.
O. W. LENTJ5,.
Hank Street, Lehlghton.
October 3. 1874.
T.nt nn Mm ir?Lfliti rirtiinti Avrlful
tural Fair Grounds, in the Borough of
ienigiiton, on Wednesday, evening,. Oc
tober 14th, 1871, a SILVER WATCH,
whoever has found the samo and will
return .It to Tnu Cariion Advocate
Office, shall receive the above icwarJ.
Wit AVI.-" nn VT-IJ
Lehlghton, Oct. 31, 1871-w3
Agents Wanted.
A I'rofllatilt) EIiisliioss.
Store-keepers preferred. Will sell only
to one agent lu n town. Wo will fill
orueru iroin private citizens nt l'tillaue.
nlill lirlpi'S. friiilit. tmM nnil vr.t Iiiivm
securisl a good nccnt In vflcli town.
117 & 1 lis. Tcuth St.. I'iillad'n.
oct. 31 w4
Of Valuablo
Tho undersigned will offer nt Public
Sale.nn tlio piemlsrs late of DANIEL
SOLT, dee'd, In FRANKLIN Town
ship Carbon County, Pa., on'
Commencing nt ON K o'clock P. t.
The followlno valuablo Roil Estate,
situated as above, and known ns tho
"Daniel Solt Farm," consisting of 110
Acres, morn nr l.'ss. 7fi Anunt ...t.ti.
nro Oleared nnd under n hich state of
(..iimvmioii, the remaining 33 Acres be
ing Wlilto Oak, Pine, .to. The Im
provements consist nf Ono 2-Story
rnniui wwj'.liIjliSIr HOUSE, 34 X 30
feet, Ram, 33 it 53 feet, and necessary
Outbulllllnes. ThernU.i nnvpr.fn III in.
Spring of Water on tho premises, con
veniently located to be taken to House
or Barn.
'1 Ills Offers a rare eliaiien fnr n mnn
with a limited rnnltnl
Farm, tliere being no better laud in
Carbon coutitv.
when tho Pronertv la lrimn!ri..l' ,lnin .
M.C00 upon delivery of Deed lu two
weeks .xfter Sale, nnd balance In two
enlial DllVlllenls III! 1st nf Aitrll 1HTII
nml Ht of April, 1877, with Interest; the
blow's Dowery will remain a lien up
on tho property.
Franklin Towiitblp, Oct. 17th, 1874.
Dealer In Fancy and Staplo
Dry Goods, Groceries, &c.
Would herein' resioc ftillv inform bis
friends and tno public In general that !
notw I island hp t in iln ,r n.
times he Is determined to keep up Ids
stock to its u.-ual fullness, nud Isr.t nil
times ready to show (sell or not) his en
tile lino ot (vnods. frn.ii Uil.-a nf 40 irt
per yard down to Calico for Be. per yd.;
and would also bo pleaded to havo those
wno cannot suit inuiuselves (110 matter
in what nrtlclol in Hits nr en rmn ti.f Iim
towiiH. to call 011 him flvl
OI' full ilUprlntliin t 1 1 11 .1 ... I
waiit.ulii'ii It will Im fiirnUliPil Hi nni In
a few hour's time, at tho lowest City
in ices, imving secured 1110 suu-agencv
of ouu of tho large.-t wliolesale nud re-
1.111 nouses in tnu City.
Particular nttentlnn Is.
uie grocery department, whleli In mado
un of evervtliitii! needed I 11 thn fnmlli'
from a barrel of Hour up to tho finest
Goods delivered to nil nnrla tn.n nf
charge. Orders by mall or by other
cuuilfa IIIUIllLIIIV linen.
A few moio oood monthly custom
ers will bo accepted.
Thankful lor tho liberal pntrouago
ti-eivt'u urns inr, 1 nope, uv lair nml
Iniartlal dealing, to secure all my
iiiriius unit many i.iueisas legularcus
lomer, .AU I n,k Is a fair trial, bear
ing in mind that I will not bo under
sold. , .
Also agent for the famous light run
CHINE, which I sell 01, easy terms.
With the latch string on tho outside,
and my right hand exlended to nil, you
will alwajs llnd a welcome at
J7ank St, Ltlilghton, Pa.
N. B. Tlio highest market prices
exchange' lor goods.
1 nr
Laury & Peters
Havo just received a very large and ele
gant stock of l'nll and Winter,
D SB 9
comprising plain nnd fancy Cloths,
CnsMmercsaud vmtings, for men's and
hovft' Vear. which tlu,v an, "nruii.iri.l tn
make up in tho most f.ihlonnhlo styles,
nt reasonable prices and ou short notice.
Lndies', Gent's nud Children's
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters
and Rubbers,
comprising a splendid stock of ail kinds,
manufactured especially for the trado
of this locality.
ISCstfe $k Cafdg;
.of the latest and most fashlonable make,
always ou hand, nt low figures.
KETAgents for tile Acme Shirt tho
best fitting garment ever made. Leave
your Measure for them.
Mcrchaut Tailors,
P. O. Building, Lehlghton, P.i.
H"OTII r.RS, Look at that Child, It
-LT Cl- hn Worms. Go or send nt nnco
fo DURLINO'S Drua Slore. nud g-t a
bottle of his WOR31 SVRUI', so plea
aaut aud yet nt suie. may 0
Packard PARLOR & Grand
Port "Wayne Organ Comp'y.
A. P. HORN, Agent,
Now Advertisements.
Godey's Lady's Book
Will plte to otery nubscrlber, whether Sinile rr
in a Uub, wild py, n Adrnnce Tor 1S75. and re
J)i..?ltf,.',,0tl','offl!'e'l,c,'PJ''f"'r,EriES. .,; Ith llaDl'net chromo nit offered br
a pulUbfr. J
Trrm. $3 per annum. For Circular, containing
Terms Tor Clul,atc, nddreii L. A.UODKY.eblla ,
if H O f S3
P"sa P. A'Ji.a'.r".11
9 Z
Free to Book Agents
An elegantly bound canvassinff book
luiili" nn ""rt fapart Family lllble "verpubJ
IIOieiLw llllnaant free orcbarne to any bonkaifent.
llioiitalna Over 700 On. fVrlptur. Illu.tra
tIon.and ai-iit arotneetlng unprecedent ucm.
AadrcwH, ftallnj! experience, etc.. and wewllehow
TM.1"',",? r Et'n'" "r" (,olni' NATIONAL PUB
St. liJli, ''"""I'lFblaiW, Chicago, III, or
JjsdBs: sit l?lalis t
A 'Mown l't"aent cot !17 ulncrl)wr In on
dnv, net Inn 8 8(1 fi rn da' work. Th. w
felllnir til.. "PKOPLK'S HISTORY OF
AIHKKICA." Iwant BgenUererynbere. Send
Tor lull di.i,crlptlve clrcuhrtn JAti. 1C.81M0N
-'S South Slrlh .t I'hlla, l'V.
I'EIiT CKIIiISO Tor roimi In' pl ,,f
I'ln.ter. I'UliT UOOFINUandSIllINU.
rur Kiuijilei., aldress
0. J. KAY, Ctmden, Jfevr Jeraer.
OOfl ,"'r J,1J' 111 "'mf- 'i''w fre
.VfW Addrew UlOBut SIISKOK A Co.
ronuuil, iltiiue
A WKfcK iluaraHmd to JIaa and Fe
lunlH Agenta, In tlmlr locality. Cojta
.NOllll.Mllo try It. l'arllcaiira Fre.
I'. U. V1CKBIU' t Co., AuuBta, Me.
Golden Tongue
nro acknowledged by.Emlnent Musicians
Mid Distinguished Men of Honor'as
tho Leading ,
Wo Ch allonge any Maker to Equal
No otlior Organ has gained
tno same popularity in tno
Lohigh Valley Organs
sold hero years ago
givo universal sat
isfaction all are
ready to add
thoir names
in proof
of what wo
say. Do not
bo misled bydeal
crs, until you have
examined this valua-
bio instrumont, with '74
improvements added to it.
Price List sent Proo to alL
Good Agents Wanted.
Washington, Warren County,
"ct 34-yl Now Jery.
Combination Lock, nt Half I'rlco.
Inquire of
j W. M. RAPSHErt.
Ltihlghton, Oct. 21, 1674.