H . V. Mobthimbb, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" LlVG and Let Live." $l-00 a Year i Paid in Advance. VOL. XL, No. 51. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7. 1871. SINGLE COriES, THREE GENTS CARDS. Furniture Warehouse. , y.gthwuii, Hank street, dealtrin all linrfl If Furniture, fioff'nt mailt to order. ' ' Hoot nnd Shoe Waluri, Clinton liretney, in iWi lufWinj, llank street. All ordrri prompflyuVal uor niartanltil. r M. nArsiiiiii, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bans: StKct, LiinoniOH, PA. Real Estate nd Collection Agency. Will ayna Sell Iltal Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. L.01 lections promptly tn.de. Settling Estate! i of De cedent, a specialty. May bo consulted In English and Uerman. Not. -8. JNO. D. nERT01.ETTlS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT.LAW O icc-Flrst National Dank llulldlng, Snd Floor mauch chunk, 1'cnna. Hay be consulted In Oerman. tapr 18. 1874 JJANIEI. KALiUFUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, llauch Chink, Pa. -WOfllceJaboTe Dolon's JeweJry Store, llrmdnay. JjU. O. DISJMIOK, DISTRICT ATTOUNKY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UDlce, on IJHUAPWST. w uwi wiun Hotel, MauchChunk, Tenn'a. Oolloctloni prompt y made. No' E, fll, MUI.IIEUIV, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, VV.I.BTOM, PA. Oct 18, 1873. j. It. DIMM1CK, AUCTIONEER. K.st."lVelssiiort, a?r. N n. Sales of every description attended to at reasonable charges. The patronage of tie public U respectfully solicited. Jan. 24, '74. TQU.,N. B. ItEUEK, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON, Office, Daks: Street, nelt door above the Postofflce, lhlghuo, ta. Office Hour-l-rrytlIle eaih dsy rom 10 to 12 o'clock! remainder of day at office lu Lehlghtor. pAOIiB HOTEL, N. KLOTZ, PHOP'U, Summll Hill, Carbon Co., Pa. ATS-Best of accommodations. Kloellent re taurat underneath. Uood stabling attactud Termsjmoderate. j 1IOVO HENUI. ARCHITECT, 122S. 9th St.,AIIentown, Pa. Will furnish Plana, Specifications and rJlrnat-i fo'lrTthTplalni'i.t to lbe most elaborate; alio Urawuiga for stairs, nnuu'iw,i-, . 1 IIODIAS A. Wxa.IABlS. LADIKS' AND UF.STf.r.MBN'S Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, if early, opposite tbo;Post-ofnce BANK BTREET, Lehighton, Pa. Hating commenced business, a above, I would respectfully announce to the cltlsens of Lehighton snd Ticlulty that I am prepared to do all work In my line In the neatest and moat substantial mau Her, at prices fully as low as tho same work can Ik otalned In Philadelphia. A splendid assort, raent of CHILDREN'S and MISSi:!j' WiiAllof 'the beet make always on band. Atrial Is whetted nnd ssllfacllon guaranteed, s at lowest prices. July4,lS74. mUOMAS KE31EREU, CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Represented t Lebanon Mutual Fire, Reading Mutual Flro, Wyoming Fire, Pottsvillo Fire, Lehigh Fire, and tho Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse Thief Detective and Insurance Com pany. March 2'J, 1873. "JOS. 31. FMTZIIWGER, Fashlonablo Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite T. D. Clauss' Store, B1NK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., respectfully Informs his friends ami the )Ubllc, that he has Just received a new and excellent assortment of Men's Wo men's and Children's Heady-Made Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, Which he. will Sell at the Lowest Prices. EST Boots and Shoes wado to order, and Repairing neatly and substantially done at short notice. ap 25-yl fMUio undersigned resncct- fully announces that he Is better prepared than over to Buy and Sell Hides, Gairaml SUcop Siting, Tallow iiml -Mustering Il.ilr, at his Old Stand, nearly opposite, tho post office, Rank Street, Lehighton. X3f Tho highest cash prices paid for Hides and Skins. nov. 22. C. K. GREENaWALD. OUACCOX1ST. OLIVER CBILLEY, dealer In To baeco, Cigars, Pipes, Ac., next door to Rex's Grocery Stoic, Susquehauua St., Mauch Chunk, respectfully asks tho people of Lehighton and vicinity, when visiting that lace, to call in and try his FRAGRANT CIGARS, the very best In tho market. Every articles In his lino warranted as repre sented and at lowest prices. Jiunr28 "BjiUV 1T1 TRY ITI-Tho India Rubber PJttters for a Weak Hack PRULING luw thru moy 0 .N ADEN HUTTEN TANNEEY LEHIGHTON, PA., B. J. KUNTZ, Prop'r, Respectfully announces to the publlo that ho has just rebuilt tho Tannery, formerly of Daniel Olewlno, and put In all tho best and most approved ma chinery for tho Manufacture of Leather, such as Hemlock and Oak Sole, Harness, Upper, Kip, C'air and Sheep, winch ho will supply at tho very lowest prlco. Plastering Hair supplied In largo or small quantities very low. HIDES and SKINS bought at highest cash prices. i'atrouago solicited. Aug. H-yl I ROM! "HON!!! Tho undersigned calls the attention of all parties using Iron to tho fact that ho keeps on hand, at the WeissportRollingMill all Sizes, which ho offers at tho Lowest Mai-H Prices. Also, that ho pays tho Highest Prlco lor SCRAP IRON, or will takn It In exchange for Manufac tured Iron. In tho absenco of tho undersigned, parties will call at the Feed Store of W. U KNECHT, Esq., and be attended to. LEWIS WEISS. Weissport, Sept 12-in!) BUCK. MAN, MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Sleight), Buggies, and erery description of SPRING WAGONS. Nearly opposite Eagle Hotel, Bank Street, Lehighton, l'a. REPAIKI.VO PItOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO At reasonable charges. -Patroi age Tery respectfully solicited, and satlsfict Ion guaranteed. Feb. 7, 1874, A. BUCKMAN. JpLOirR AND FEED. Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs tho pcoplo of Le highton that lie has most Excellent Flour for Sale ; Also, good FEED of all kinds, and STRAW In tho .Bundle. He Is also prepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at short notlco. ' LEHIGH (2d) STREET, Lehighton, Pa. March S-ly E. H. SNYDER LCIIIGHTOX, PEXJI'A., DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, o:aiv:rnsrt3-s , GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Glassware, Hardware, &c. May 31, 187il. "WEST'ONDERFUL, BUT TRUE I Whenever I get a Bottlo of Bloom of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Roso Tint, a Box of Lilly White, or anythlpg In that line to beautify tho complexion, at Durllng's Drug Store, It seems to be nicer and better than I can get noy whero else. may lEILSIAItf & CO., BANK BTREET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In Floiirt&ireetii. All kludsot G1U3N Bought and Sold at Regular Market Rates. Wo would, also, respectfully Inform our citizens, that wo are now fully pre pared to supply them with tho Bct of Coal From any Mluo dcslrod at the VERY LOWEST l'KICES. M. HEILMAN & CO. July 25th, 1874. 1TY HIM 7 NO I That Electric Liniment, llko I got at Durllng's Drug Store, will cure him or any other matt ot RHEUMATISM and all other Pains. may 0 ""UST look at hor Hair I Why I thought It was turning Grey? So It was, until slio got a Bottle of that new Hair Restorer at Durllng's Drug Store. HY, OU. WHY will you suffer with that Couch or Cold? when relief may l had Immediately by using JURLING'S Compound Syrup of Tar lid Cherry and Horehound. Railroad Guide. jq-OUTII I'KNNA. it Aii.no AD. Passengers forPhlladelphlawlll leare Lehighton askfollows : 5.00 a. m. tU I.. V. arrlre at Phlla. at 0.00 a. m. 7J7 a.m. la L.4 8. " " 11.10 a.m. 7.39 a. m. Tla L. V. " " 11.10a.m. 11.07 p. m. Tla L. & B. " 2.15 p. flu 11.C2P. m.ilaL. V. 2.15 n. m. 2.27 p. m. Tla L. ft S. " " bS!i p. m. ..it p. m.Tia i- a. " Bup. m. 4.44 p. m. la L. V, R.20 p. m. 7,18 p. m. via L. V. ' 10.80 p.m. lleturnlng, leaTe depot at Berks and American Street, Phlla- at 7.00, 8.10 and 9.15 a. m. 2.10 3.30 and 5.15 p. m. ' tarerrom Lemgntonto rniiadaipnia, ei.o.i. Keli.1, 1E74. E LIS OLA I.KK, Agent OENTnAIi 11. It. OP N. J. LK1IIG1I k SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. Time Table of Juno 29, 1874. Trilns leaTe Lehighton as follows: For New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Ac, a, 7.37, 11.07 a. m, 2.27, 4.47 p.m. For Mauch Cbnnk at 10.15 a. ul., 1.14, 6J8, and 0 03 p. m. For Wllkn Ilsrre and Scranton atlo.15 s. m., 1.14, C.SS p. m. Iteturninn lxaTO New York, from station Cen tral Itallroad of New Jerwy, foot of Liberty street, North HWer, at6.15, 9.00 a. u, 12.4D, 4 Oli p. m. LeaTe Philadelphia, from Depot North Penn'a It. It, at 7.00, 9.45 a. m, 2.10, 6 15 p. ro. LeaTe Eaaton at SAO, 10.05, 11.48 a. m., 35 and 7.15 p m. LeaTe Mauch Chunk at 7 Jo, 11.00 a. m, 2 20 and 4.40 n. m. To: further particulars, see Time Tables at the llUSjS. U. P. BALDWIN, Gen. rautngtr Agtnt, July 4, 1874. PENNSYLVANIA IIAILIIOAD, PHILADELPHIA t EltlE Ml. DIVISION. Summer Time Table. On and after SUNDAY. JUNE 28th, 1874. the trains on the 1'hllada. k Erie lilt. Dlvlilon will run as follows t WESTWARD. Fast Lux leares Philadelphia 12.55 p.m. " " Harrlsburg 6.00 p.m. " sunbury u.oo p.m. " " Wllllamsport SiO p.m. " arr. at Lock Haven 10.00 p.m Em Mail leaves Philadelphia 11.65 p.m, " ' Harrlburg 45aui. " " Funbury 6oa.m " Wllllamsport 8.05 am. I.OCK uaven a.m, 11 11 HonOTa 11.10 a.m " arr. at Erie 8.05 P.m, Elvira Mail lesres Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. " ' Harrlsburg 1.20 p.ui, ' " 8unbury 4.2Upm, Wllllamsport tWp.ui. arr. at Lock llarsn 7 JO p.m. Nufl.IRA Itzrnsijs letvc-s Phlladelobla 7.20 a.m. " " " Harrlsburg 10 40 a.ui. " " Bunbury 12J0 p.m, " " " Wllllauisport 2.U5 p.m. " " " LotKIIATen .uup.rn. " " Itenora 4.20 pm, ' ' arr. at Kane UM a.tu. EABTWA1ID. Phila Eifrkss leaves Lock Karen 6 20 a.m " " funliurv SJlJn.rn, " " Wllllamsport 7.45 a.m. 11 arr. at llarrlshunr 11.45 am, " " " PhiladelphU 36 p.m' Exit mail leaves Krle 11.20 a.m, Renova 9 20 p.m. " Lock Haven 9J5 p.m. " ' Wllllamsport 10.60 a.m. " " Buubury 120 ,m. 11 arr. at Harrlsburg 2 40 a.m. 11 " Philadelphia G40a.m Elhiia Mail leaves Lork Haven 9.45 a.m. " ' Wllllamsport 11.00 a.m. " " funbury 12.40 p.m. " arr. at Harrlsburg 3.05p.m, ' " Philadelphia 6J3 p.m, Kiaoasa Exratts leaves Katie 9,00 a.m. ' " ' KenoTO 4 05 p.m. " ' " Loik Haven 6 25 pm. " " " Wllllamsport 8J0 p.m. " " Sunbnry 8.40 p.m. " '' arr at Uarrlsburz 10,65 p.m. " " " Philadelphia Win, Mall East connects east and west at Erie with L S A M S It W and at Im loeton with Oil Creek and Allegheny It II W. Mall VI est with east and wet trains nn L S A M S It W. and at Corry and Irvluston Ith 011 Creek and Allegheny 11 II W. Elmlra Mall and UuITab Itxpre.s make close connections at Wllllamsport with N O K W trains uorlh, and 'at Harrlsburg with N O It W tralni. south. WJI- A. BALDWIN, Qeu'l Supt. 1 AAA REWARD for an Incurable 118110 case of Catarrh. After having -.ww .nurerfi, deluged, gargled, hawk ed, spit and gagged t3 your entire satisfaction In your useless endeavors to get reltef from catarrh, use Ilrlggs'AlleTlator according to directions. The flltby.masi of mucous will be Immediately expell ed, and the Intlained surface soothed, the eyes sparkle with dcflght, the head feels natural again; hope revives, for a cure Is sure to follow the use of this agreeable, scisntlfic and reliable remedy. sflkiisvlio T MUCH has been said 1 jUHlLlla I aud written, and many re WJgsl m,,,, have been offered for the relief aud cure of throat and lung diseases: but nothing has been so eminently successful, or ob tained such a wide celebrity, as llrlggs Throat and Lung Healer. aflA..TTHE excruciating pain Q ill I II 31 produced by corns, the unceas v w aasje rng twnglDg from )urions, the piercing, distressing pain from Ingrowing Nails. cannot tie described. Thousands suffer, notknow Ing there Is a cure. Rrlgga' corn aod llunlou Remedleaare no acid or potash compounds, but are reliable, soothing, and effectual, aud justly merit the success they have erned from an ap preciative public. lb Curative Is a healing oint ment; Immediate relief Is obtained by tta applica tion, and It will positively cure the worst cases of festered corns, Inflamed and ulcerated bunions, the sorest Instep, the largest and severest Ulsters, the most extensive callosltlcaon the soles or heels of the feet; unequalled lu the cure of chtldul Ina or frosted feet. Tho Alleviator for ordinary corns and preventing their formation Is absolutely un equalled by anytblogever known. Ask for llrlggs' lteinedles. Take no other. IBS ler-ce T IT'S AI'T' VERY WELI" III,! Au not tnulltd to think it si notA ' ingtokattJVa. br tU reaion, Me unurtunofe mtferer gtit vtry lutie lyaixUAy. 1htagQnytTipnetitnotor cannot be mucA vtoru than Ute torture endured bymiUione whoaretrouLUd with internal bttedino, external and itching piUt. Olad Tulingtfor luffenrer. Mriggi't Ite itcmcdki are mildt tale and lure. sf1iM.tci I ARE THE MOST PLEN- 1 illl ISS l(uU.nJoilrainin(.cnarlcl. U u us- iWry one hat a lujfty , roes the tltree year old cAfU to the orandtirt verging en dAundrni; itylitK,handiomeyounalidiu vihodatty tmwtcnadefathionablc reiortiimiddlcajedmatrom; old naidt, dreued vp to appear young and gay; dan diet, with their pattntleatMrt, and intenUablt walk ing ttict; tho clergyman, mcrcAani, cleric, artitan and wecAanic, of Hi agtt and ttaliom, hart a full lupply ofeornt, liuntou, laI iti,andoArlier ationtojthe feet, all ofuthicharebanukedandevred by the uie cj Briggtt Corn and Bunion litmedtet. Alleviator and Curative. Snbl by A.J. DURLING.Drugglst, Lehighton, Pa. May 0. 1874 ly. rn HE People ot Lehighton and vlcln-j- Ity all unite In testifying that at A . J. DURLING'SDrug and Family Med icine Store, Pona, Fhesh and Unaddl terated Medicines can always bo found. may 0 A FREE sLOVE TRAGEDY. An Injured Husband 111 California Shooting the Seducer or his wire A Mutual Friend Ilastenln B the Catastrophe. Sin FraucUeo Mta, Oct.W, A dispatch received from Canlstoga yesterday announced that Harry Lark yn8,bettcr known ai Major Harry Lark yns, was shot and almost instantly kill ed by Edward J. Muybrldge, a photo grapher of this city, on Saturday night, about 11 o'clock. Tho cause of tho murder Is said to bo tlomes'.le troublo, and of 'this tliero seems to bo no doubt. Larkyns was an Englishman, about 85 years of age. Ho camo to this city a year and a halt ago, with Another Etig llshman. Ho got emiloyroent on tho Post as reporter, his engagement last ing some time. Ho was then employ ed by John Wllson.tho circus man. His last employment was to make, maps ot soma mlnes'ln Napa and Sonoma coun ties, and It was on this business that ho went to Canlstoga. Muybrldgo Is a photographer In tho employ of Bradley & Rulofson. His principal business Is to take photographs of country scenes, and ho was, therefore, most of his time absent from tho city. Mrs. Muybrldge was at ono tlmo clerk I.i Ackerman's $1 store. They have one child. Mrs. Muy brldgo Is now In Portland, Oregon. It Is said that Muybrldge formed ac quaintance ot Larkyns, and that ho liked him very much. Ho Invited him to his house a? a friend, and introduced him to his wife. Larkyns often visited Mr. Muybrldgo's house, and for a long time was always kindly received. But tho husband left the city In pursuance of his employment, and wasgono for sometime. When ho returned ho learn ed that Larkyn's conduct to his family during his absenco was not that ot a friend. Ho cautioned Larkyns never to visit his houso again or speak to his wife. But It was of no avail. Tho In timacy between Mrs. Muybrldge and Larkyns continued, and was to open that tho outraged husband sought his false friend and finding him In the office of the Evening Post, quarrelled with him, and struck him. This had not the desired effect. Larkyns and Mrs. Muy brldge still met clandestinely, even openly, In tplte of thu protests of her husband. Whatever may have been the rela tions of Larkyns and Mrs. Muybrldgo, the difficulty seemed to have been blown over with tho departure of the former for the Canlstoga, and tlio latter for Portland. It reraaled for a "mutual friend" to stir up the passions of tbe outraged husband and drive him to the commission of murder. This mutual friend was a lady, who was employed as nurso by Mrs. Muybrldgo, and all the correspondence between Larkyns and Mrs. ifuybrldgo was turned over to her for safe keeping. The mutual friend wanted money, which she t-ald Muybrldge owned her, and for this purposo slio paid him a visit on tho forenoon of taturday last. She demanded the money, but Muy- brldge;ellher'rtfused ?to pay or gave the old lady a guff answer. Thereupon she pulled a bundle of letters from her pocket, aud handing them to him said "Will you pay me now?" The husband took the letters and read them over carefully. His breast heaved with In dignation, his wrath was fired, and ho determined on revenge. Having learn ed that Larkyns was lu ttinlstoga, ho left in tho afternoon for that place. On his arrive he went to tho hotel whero Laikyus was, and having found him, shot and killed him almost Instantly. Jfuybridge was at once arrested, iron the San Pranciico Clironicle. Major Larkyns was troubled with great anxiety on Mrs. Muybrldge's ac count. Mrs. Smith relates that in the Utter part of July he wrote from tho Geysers saying. "I can neither cat sleep, nor work, till I know something more about that poor girl. I'm afraid I shall have to glvo up my business and come down and seo whero sho Is and what has become of her." And again, shortly afterward, ''If tho poor girl Is In distressed wrltoaudlet me know, and I shall go and fetch her down or send her money l oome." Some months ago Major Larkyns' wrote a play for Charlotte Thompson, which was successfully produced In New York, and at tho tlmo of his death he had one prepared for Mrs. Chanfrju, which that lady had not yet takon oft his hands. A lady who knew htm pro fessionally abroad adds tho following particulars: Jaor Laikyns was con nected in England with a family oj wealth and respectability, and boro an Irreproachable character. Hi; first en tered business by putting qulto a largo sura ot money in tho Lyceum Theatre, a place which stood high In theatrical circles. His connections with tho drama so Incurred tho displeasure of his family that, with tho expcctlon of his sister, they ceased to receive or recognize him. His theatrical venture was a failure financially. After severing his con nection with the Lyceum ho obtained a commission In the English army, and served In India. Ho then volunteered In tho 'service of Garlbildl, and was with him in his champaigns. At tho tho breaking out of tho Franco-Prussian war, ho Joined the 'Freneh army. Ho was promoted to the rank ot ilkjor, a title, which ho retained until his death. At Metz ho was wounded In tbo thigh, and after recovering, In the latter part of 1872, he camo to America. Tho Truo Way ori.lfc. Wo all aim after enjoyment of some kind; and we aim not only after, but after Its highest state, and to possess It contluually, we would bo happy always, aud that In tho highest degree. This Is the greatest error of our life, standing first, for It.is not In human naturo to possess thls.'we are not calculated for It. Wo can bear a high stato of excite ment, whether plcasurablo or painful, only for a short time; tho strain then will relax, and tho opposite effect will take place, weariness and a distaste, greater or less, for what was so relish ed. When wo are stimulated, reaction must follow. It Is henco that thosb long In trouble become emaciated, weak ened. If tho grief Is severe, death sometimes puts an end to It. It tho'sys tern Is weak, the strain will bo too much for It. So it Is with great excitement of any kind. Great Joy will take tho ap petite, tho appetite will affect digestion, and digestion the system, often Inclu ding the mental and moral. Now we cannot bo harpy long at a tlmo. A fter a time if the excitement has been very high, there will bo a drooping down, a lessening of the feel ing, until there Is a depressed, weary condition of tho system, a languor and satiety. The penalty.ls always attach ed the good neutralized by ils oppo site. Do we consider this? Very few In deed do. Wo rather follow our inclna-tions-premlt impulses to govern us. Wo aro Telemachus struggling to get to tho elrens; we have no thought of the real condition, much less a desire or will to avoid It. Hence wo go on, ever aim ing, not only after the happiness, but its highest enjoyment, and that con tinued. Was over anything so prepos terous? Is It possible to amend this? Will It benefit to do so? Nothing is clearer. It needs only seeing what tliero Is, and then practicing to obtain It, and In a short tlmo the thing will be accomplish ed. But will there bo more enjoyment In Its accomplishment, Nearly, yes. The high strain and tho low condition consequent may bo avoided, Thus the lover may loose his fits ot high ela tion and deep depression, tho two neu rallzlng each other, leaving the person the worst for tbo strain. This may bo avoided, There will be no after effect ot pale countenance and gloomy and. suffering aspect. The business man, Instead ot being merged wholly In tho one existing topic, elating and depress- lug him, and under-balancing his mind, may be freo from all this, and Its rack ing, hurting Influence, So In all the departments of life acd society, where we find this Irregularity, this excoss and folly, seeking after tho unattlan ablo stoking because tempting and not thinking that It cannot be obtain ed. Aro you then to avoid all that Is flat tering and exciting? Wo aro to avoid that which hurts us, however well it may appoar. We aro to avoid and this Is tho substance of the whole thing excess. Ob, then! You aro preaching torn perancel" Not tho tempcrauco you mean. In all nature, moderation or balanco Is the law. You grow your fruit to excess, and there will bo a hurt; exerclso excessively and tho result will bo apparent. Nothing, ludord, can lo dono to excess but It Is harmful. To bo happy to excess Is to bo mlserablo there after. Is It moderate onjoyment then that wo are to tako up with? This seemsrather dishcartenlng.but It Is all In the scorning. Great Joy, as it Is called, Is ircat excitement. It Is Joy diluted and Inflated to a great appear ance; tliero Is moro excitement. In a short time tho porson becomes wcuy, sighs, and tries to pursuade himself that ho still enoys. Woe If tho reaction Is suddcnl It often Is, and thus wo havo much of tho despair wo seo In tho world nnd tho still greater portion wo do not soe. To avoid tho ono subject, tho con stant entertainment of which leads to monomania; to resist successfully tho temptations to excess, In whatever form or department they may appear; to era braco the various topics that present themselves for consideration and bene fit, so as to glvo that varity to tho mind which Is necessary to Its poise; to llvo rationally, soberly, yet not moodily, and couple contentment with a quiet life, thereby securing tbo largest sharo ot health, without which tliero Is no en joyment. If all. this Is secured and adhered to, thero will bo no causo ot regret, tho greatest good of llfo will bo realized; tho man will ba prepared to practise the Christian virtues, his nse fulnes and his other qualities will bo in harmony. Ecclcslastlcnl',lcatl Heats." The commercial world ha3 a signifi cant term which It applies, not to tho unfortunate and tho distressed, but to those who aro cxertlonless In their mis hap, and who succumb to adversity, ex pecting others to do for them what they ought to do for themselves. They havo a genius for borrowing money. They aro persistent bores. You know them a block- away, and wish they would always stoy at that distance. They aro among business men called "Dead Beats." Almost every Church has an clement corresponding with that. Theso aro they who, notwithstanding thoy havo means, pay no pew rent where tho pow aro let, or contributo nothing whero everything Is voluntary. Thoy aro vol ublo In prayer, mighty In religious gab, make a big swash, but do nothing for religious Institutions. They pray that the pastor may "bo blessed In bH basket and store," but do nothing to keep him from starving to death. Thoy do not rccognlzo tho fact that thero Is a religion In giving and a wickedness In withholding. Tho furnaces would go out for lack of coal, and tho lamps for lack of oil, and tho Church bo shut In six weeks, It It dopended upon tholr contribution. Tho poor must havo tho Gospel preached to them, and tho pen ny less must bo welcomed; but there art) not more than ten people In any Church who cannot glvo something. If a man cr.nnot glvo a hundred dollars a year ho can glvo three cent?. Woe, then, be to him if ho do not glvo threo cents. We never llko to hear n man pray wh takes it all out in prayer. It Is all fol ly for a man to pray for tho world's con version uuless ho gives something to wards It. Tho man whoso Income Is rot more than two hundred do1 lars a year ought to give somo ot It to God. Ono ot the great wants of tho Church every where Is to got rid of Its "Dead Beats." Christian at Work. Bad depts owing grudges. To secure a result, lock It up. A fact Is woth a thousand state mcut. Fruitful In axo-Idents A chopping sea. A high noto Ono ot a thousand dollars. Moonlight mechanics is tho latest for burglars. A man who "salts down" his cash General Penny-packer. "Darwin's Darling" Is tho sugres tlvo narao of a newly organized negro minstrel troupo at the West. A Jemphls policeman thought that his orders Included all cases ot drunkenness, and, therefore, arrested the Mayor and was discharged. It you wake up In tho night In an Italian hotel and shoot a burglar thn chances aro that you can't 6eo thu landlord next morning and tha this wife Is a widow. An Inquiring man thrust Ills fin gers Into a horse's mouth to seo how many teeth he had. Tho horse closed ills mouth to seo how many fingers tho man had. Tho curiosity ot each was fully satisfied. In the case ot a Kansas man being struck by lightning tho coroner' Jury rendered a verdict: "Ho wat killed by by tho Lordbut tho Lord Is all right." A fall pippin, a coal shovel, and a newspaper are hot bad things to set up with.