The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 31, 1874, Image 3

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    Advertising Rates.
We desire It to be distinctly understood that to
Advertlsementsittlll be Inserted In the column! of
Thi Cakbox Advocatx that may be received from
unknown parties onfiras, unless accompanied with
theCAia. TUMIowIng are our 01UT terms)
AdTertlsemente fori year, per Inch etch
.Insertion.. 10 Cents.
" Six Montbs.parirKach Insertion IS Cents.
" (Three Months, " " 20 Cents.
" Less thin three montta, firttlnser-
tlon $1, each subsequent Insertion 25 Cents
II. V. MORTtltMBR, Publisher.
11. fUGWBRe,
OFFICE! Ground Floorlnthenew addition of the
Mansion House, Hauch Chunk, Pa. Badness
transacted lu English and German. Collections
proirjply made and Comreyandng tieatl y done.
a-fetllemtef Kstatss. looting Wills, ob.
talning Letters of Admlnls frallon, Filing Accoun.s,
and Orphans' Court Practlcecsrefallyattended to.
Licenses, Charters and Incorporations procured,
and Criminal Cases made a specialty.
Wit taiwm &&wtnU.
Local and Personal.
Special Notice. Those of our sub
scribers receiving their paper with a
cross uponitho cornor.near their name,
'will eave fifty cents advance In piiceby
iremlttltiK the (dollar subscription at
once. Our terras arc41 In advance, or
il30 It not so paid.
Our young frlnd,. Christian Hag
erdon Is now teaching school in the'1
Jahoning District.
Mrs. Leggett will lecture In the
Court House, at Allentown, on the eve
ning of the 2Cth 'November.
Kev. D. K. Kepnor's Juvenile sing
ling class, on Saturdayeveulng, Oct. 17,
presented hlui with nvery handsome
iprlvate communion totyiee.
The Ilatartl Manulactnrlng'Co., ot
'Mauch Chunk, propose, during the com
ling winter, to put up-a-new water wheel
iat their wire mill, nnd to further greatly
improve tlielr pru6entfacilltieslordr&w
.log wire.
The Mauch Chunk Bnlldlng, Txutn
iand Saving Association have Just sold
lght more dwellings to their members.
The prices ranged, from $930 to 1075
ach. house. '
For family flour, of the very best
.quality go to J. K. Itickert, East Wclss
port. Lumber and coal in large or
isiuall quantities at ilowest market rates.
A few lots In llickertown Btill unsold
Ibny at once.
For salo a Ave octave Parlor Organ
(new) at a great, reduction, ripply at
aim ouice.
If you .want a nice fitting shirt
ileave your measure at Laury AjCeten,
Tost oluoe.
For fall and wlnterbaots, call at A.
& D. Graver's. Cheap and good.
Certainly you can always procure
'neat carriages and gentle horses at the
illvery of David Ebbeit. His clmrges
tnre also very wederate. Try him.
Our Poor Directors on Friday last
aeiit the wife and family of J. Bacchus,
,home to tlielr friends lathe, old country,
,at an expense of $48, Jolm having run
away ftom theut a few days previously
,nnd left theuia charge upon the' boro
' 'tigh.
A seven octave JUarchal & Smith
IFIano, rosewood case, front lnrgp,iound
cornersgserpentine niouldlugs on plinth',
large moulding oh ilm, carved Icgi;
new; cost G00 will he fold cheap or
itraded on a lot in Lehlghton borough.
Apply at this office.
Diaries far 1872, at tlio "Advocate"
Now goods received almost dally
.at A. & D. Graver's, at popular prices.
Eureka Piano aud Golden Tongue
Parlor organs are the Instruments that
.ought to call attention to all contem
plating buying an instrument. Seo ad
veitieemeut lu another part of this pa
,per. On Ttiunday evening, Nov. 12!h,
O'Donovan Kos.-a. the Irish Revolu
tionist, will deliver a lecture at Ctta
tmuiiua, on "lihli Revolution and En
glUli Prison Life." The lecture will be
delivered under the au pices of anil fur
-the benefit ofthe Worklngim-n'ti Bene
ficial Society, No. 103, 1. (J. B. IT. of
the Lehigh Valley.
--On Monday afternoon a week a
slight tire occurred hi the engine-room
ot the Cataauqua Manufacturing Com
pany, at Calalauqua. Sparks from
the rolls Ignited some old waste, which
had been placed In one corner.
F. P. Lentz has got 'em 1 Calicos
from 0 cents per yard upwards. Try
the in.
Continental black writing Ink, In
glass buttles, ut the "Advocate" office.
Charles Trainer, Lehigh street,
will supply you with flour aud feed,
plow your gardens or do your hauling
at reasonable rates.
Carpet!, a full assortment, at low
prices, at A. & D. Graver's.
A. & D. Graver present every pur
chaser ot one pound of Imperial Tea
with an elegant cluomo, lu walnut
frame ready for adorning your parlors.
Neat carriages and fast horses al
ways for hire at the popular livery ot
L. F. Kleppluger, corner of lion street,
at reasonable cbaiges. Also, a few
building lots for sale at low prices.
Daniel Krock & Co., late Haiuman
fc Kuhns, have Just received a lot of
inlce fresh country butter, nhloh tbey
, are selling at the very lowest market
prices, fresli bread ana cakes dally.
A Pottsville telegram, dated October
20th says: John Nlefuss was brought
from Malianoy Planes this morning and
.lodged In prison, charged with be
ing implicated lu the Ellas Lesber mur
,der, near Frackville, last week. The
.body has not yet been recovered, though
.a reward of $1,000 has been offered by
ifn, Leslier for It. The case Is shrouded
Tn mystery, and continues the absorbing
.topic on the streets, No U act) was lelt
ot the murder or dispo-itiuns of the
body. Parties ore cun.luulug the
search on the mountain for iln recovery.
Mr, John Mucllnger, a bus In the
employ ot the Del. & Hud, U, Co. at
Archbald, Lurerne county, committed
Bulclde on Sunday- morning a week.
Ho loaded his musket with a heavy
chargo of powder, and leaving tlio ram
rod In the barrel, lid placed tlio muzzle
In his month, nnd moved tlio trigger
with a string attached to his toe. The
rod passed outatthoUackofhlshead near
the ear, kltllpg him Instantly. Ho was
a man of about stxty-flve, leaves a fam
ily, and no causo Is known for the rash
Attention, Flrtroenl
A regular meeting1 of Lehigh Ilrok
& Ladder Co., No. 1 of Letlghton
will be held In Ileber's Hall, on Mon
day evening next, November 2d, 1874,
at 7:30 o'clock sharp. A full atten
dance Is requested.
By order of the President,
W. W. ItEBEii, Secrotary.
Goal Sales.,
Tim sale, of Scran ton coal In 2favr York,
Wednesday, drew together a numerous
company, Including tlio representatives
of the leading manufacturing and
steamspip companies. The bidding was
brisk, and the entire offering was run
off lu about twenty minutes' time, and
at an advance In prices. Annexed are
tlio details
Sept. Oct.
Steamboat.$5 174 a 5 20 $5 74a B 50
Grate 5 2214 a C 27J4 , 5 22X a G37K
Etta .6 83 a. 5 07Ma5-70
Stove 0 024a0 05 015 a 0 20
Chestnut. . .4 93 a 5 00 5 00 a
Another New Stock.
T. D:7lauss, the tailor, desires us to
state that he lias Just returned from
New York, and' that hols now opening
a very largo invoice of clottH, cassl
mcres and vestlngs, suitable for fall and
winter trade, which he Is prepared to
make up In the best and most fashion
able styles at "knockdown" prices. Ho
guarantees u "perfect lit" every time,
and tlio goods In all cases as represent
ed. Also, an Immense stock of rub
tiers, boots, shoe-, hats, caps and gents'
furnishing goods. Remember the place,
X. D. Cluuss, just above the Public
Square, Bank street, Lehlghton.
The Coal Trade.
The following table shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh
Valley Itallrnad for tlio week ending
Oct. 24th, 1874, and for the year as
compared with the same time last year:
From Week. Year.
Wyoming.... 20,214 0G 037,327 17
Hazletou 53,170 04 1,738,170 18
Up. Lehigh.. 175 12 4,201 10
Bea.Meadow.. 14,771 13 3G2.939 02
Malianoy 10,025 18 423,584 03
Mauch Chunk 154 13 4,177 10
Total 9S,118 00 3,070,527 01
Last Year.... 68,075 13 3,784,010 14
Increase 40,142 13
Decrease... 114,880 IS
'Who Know Html
John Collins, an old soldier at the
Soldier's IIome,Dnyton, Ohio, especially
desires to lorn the address of Dr. It. B.
McKay,. who, In 1802, was a surgeon
In charge of the hospital at Hampton,
Va., and afterwards at Norfolk, Va.
He writes to the postmaster at Easton,
Inquiring concernlngTDr. McKay, whom
he.has reason to think U In Pennsyl
vania somewhere. Our contemporaries
will be doing a kindly act to an old
crippled soldier by giving Ms request
for information as wide publicity as
How the Honey GoesI '
After November 30th, It will be easy
to see how the money goes, for then
the drawing will take place ofthe Pub
lic Library of Kentucky, and at that
Grand Gift Ccncert t2,500,C00 In cash
will be given away to ticket holders.
The fortunate holder of the ticket draw
Ing the first prho will walk off with
25O,O00; ofthe second prize, $100,000;
of the third prize, 73,000; of tlio fourth
prize, $50,000; of the fifth prize $25,000,
Ac, &c, &e until 80,000 grand cash
prices shall all have been distributed.
Truly, this distribution will tell how the
money goesl
During the night of Saturday last,
come midnight prowlers entered the
collar of the rusldenco ot Alfred Train
er, on Franklin street, this borough, and
helped themselves to the following ar
ticles: pies and ans, Jelly, wine, oake,
&e which they carried off. At the
rear end ot the lot, on Sunday morning,
Mr. T. found an empty bottle and a por
tion ot the pie pans, showing that the
perpetrators of the robbery had, at
least, partaken of a portion of the lux
uries before leaving the premises. We
would advise our people to be on the
look out for these midnight, piawlers
and endeavor to capture and bring them
to speedy Justice.
A Fashionable Stock.
Messrs. Laury & Peters, the merch
ant tailors, post office building, Lehigh
i ton, Pa., have Just received their large
and handsome stock of fall and winter
goods, comprising clot In, cassl meres
and vestlngs of the latest and most
fashionable designs, and of a quality
unsurpassed by any other slock in Car
bon county, which they aro prepared to
mane up in tne -latest siyie ana tnosi
durable manner at prices to suit tlio
tlmef, guaranteeing a "perfect fit" lu
every case. In addition to the above
they keep a, lne of ready-made clothing
loots, shoes, gaiters, rubbers, gent'
furnishing goods, hats, caps, &c, &c,
of the' latest stylo and best material,
which (hoy aro now offering to the peo
ple of this section at prices unparalellcd
In tho history of the trade of Lehlgh
ton. They respectfully ask an inspec
tion 'of goods and workmanship by tho
peoplo before they make their purchas
es elsewhere.
Just Organized.
A Brass band In Mackcreltown the
members chosen are all professors of
music, tho following are the members:
Prof. Peter Keliey, Leader, , John
Erang, (7has. Snell, Daniel Bloso,
Aqulltas Chrlstman, Ephronlel Snelt,
Richard Miller, Alfred Friend, Stephen
Frltzlnger, Tilghman' Snell, George
Snell, Philip Sheets; Henry Ilhodarmel,
Noah He mine I. Solomon Chrlstman
wis duly elected to carry tho torch.
The band has leased the hall of Philip
Sheets, at which placo they will hold
their meetings on tho evening of Mon
day and Saturday of each, week. Suo-
cess to tho boy6.
A SuDBcmiiKn
Lehlehtnn Institute.
The Ihstltuto met and was called to
order by the president, Mr. Barnett.
The devotional exercises wero conduc
ted by Mr. Allem Tho roll called,
members all responding to their names.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Mr. Kowiand, being present, was
elected an honorary member and nartl-
clpated In some of the dUcusslons.
Music by tne institute: "uomo to tne
Mountains," "What shouts from the
Mountains," Ac. Writing was next
taken up, and a very Interesting dis
cussion had, nearly all the teachers
participating. Manyoctno difficulties
which are encountered In teaching this
branch were presented. It was thought
an excellent plan to have beginners
practlco for a long llmo on holding
the pen correctly. After pupils begin
to write In copies have tbem trace, with
a dry pea, the letter or letters they are
to mako for several minutes beforo
commencing to write, Is In this manner
they become familiar with the shape of
tho different letters.
A recitation In Mental Philosophy
was had on the subject of tho Anal) sis
and Classification of the ifental Facul
ties. Programmo for next meeting: Gen
eral Exercises; Select Heading; Object
Lessons, by Miss. Weaver; Mental
Adjourned to meet Nov, 7. '74.
Hattih M. Heilman, Secy'.
Kev. W. Weldman, of Easton,
will preach In the' Presbyterian church
to-morrow (Sunday). Services In the
morning at 10:30 and In the evening at
7.00. Sunday School In the morning at
9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed
nesday evening at 7.30. A cordial In
vitatlou Is extended to all.
Evango'lcal church Kev. A.Krec
ker, pastor. Preaching, Sunday, 10.30
a. jr.. and 7. 00 r. m., oy Kev. A. F.
Leopold, In the Northampton street
school house. Sunday school at 9 a. m.
All are cordially Invited to attend.
Methodist Episcopal church Kev.
Wllmer ('offman, pastor. Preaching
(to morrow) at. 10:30 a. m., and 7.00
p. m., Sunday School at 2 p. u. The
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be
administered lu the morning.
The Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
church corner of Iron and North-ampton-sts.
Services to-morrow (Sun
day) at 10 a. m. In Gcnnanj at 7.00 r.
m. English. Sunday School at 2. p.m.
Piayer'meetlug Wednesday .evening at
7.30 o'clock, and Teachers' meeting
Thursday evening.
Sqnllileta by 'Mrcutlo."
" Mo raother-ln-law " thinks your
paragraph about my second edition was
done up BROWN.
"Coal 1 coal I" shouted the coal man,
as he went through the streets peddling
that useful article. Mrs. Goodheart
heard the plaintive cry, and turning to
her daughter, she exclaimed, "Ain't It
a shame, Maria Jane, that In great city
like this we should find this poor color
ed man actually crying with the cold ?
My, what will he do before the winter
Is over 1 Here, my good man, take
this," said the kind hearted lady, as
she wiped her weeping eyes and banded
out a. five dollar bill to the coal mer
chant, who was so astonished that ho
could not regain his voice or find his
cart, uutll ho was sure that the old lady
was out of sight. That night when
Mr, O'Kafferty went homo and had
washed the coal dust from his face, be
told his wife ot his good luck, and how
he came by It. Then there was a ruc
tion and a row, for Mrs. O'Kafferty
wag very Jealous ot her husband, and
she said ishe was Bure "tho ould varmint
gave if Ike the money on account ot his
beauty bad lock to her sowl I"
.Vr. Qulgg has been married four
times. Now when he was on bridal
tour number four, an old time friend
happened to meet him In the ears, and
not having, met or even heard of Jfr.
Qulgg for a great many years, hi was
overjoyed at seeing him, so he grabbed
the hand of Mr. Qulgg' and bussed the
young lady by his side, as he said,
"How de do, friend Qulgg? I am rale
glad to see you, and I knew this young
gal was.your daughter J.he moment I sot
eyes onto her. Your youngest, I sup
pose?" He. Q. was .much enraged , and
said, "No, elr, the lady's my'wlfe."
Our neighborhood was much startled
the other morning nt. having a young
urchin put his head out of the window
and call to his roollier pn tho sidewalk,
" Marm, mam I thero ain't enough
3ugar In tho house for breakfast, there's
only threo spoonfulls In the house I"
Now's the time for candidates to bo
friendly with .voters.
Sunday' morning last ahout'4 o'cl6ck,
was tho time Mr. Henry Joggers c&mo
reeling home; hlsfaco was cut up worso
than a country road In spring time, and
his clothing, or what was left ot It, was
a sight to behold. "Wheio liavo you
been, you vllllan?" said Mrs. J., in her
sweetest and most amlablo manner.
"Don't yer hie scold hlo I'vo been
hlc to see hie tho o hlc llpsel"
"Go to bed, sir ; I should say you had
seen hlo and tho eclipse, and that you
saw them through the bottom of a
glass." " Yes, darlln' hlc thas was
cr hlc smaller," muttered poor Jog
gles, as ho tumbled Into bed with his
boots on. Yours truly,
Phlta., Oct, 20. MAnccTio.
County Courts, Oct. Tci'iu.
Report ot auditor ot tho estate of
James Carroll, dee'd; confirmed absolu
tely. Report of sale of estate of Daniel
Kruni, dee'd; confirmed absloutely.
First nnd final accouut of Joseph IIol
shoe, guardian of Stephen Frltzlnger;
confirmed absolutely.
Auditors report ot estate of Polly Al
lender, dee'd; confirmed absolutely.
A II Franciscus vs Nathan Snyder;
A'o 38, Jarch term, 1874. Testamony
Petition for public road tn Lower
Towamenslng Twp. Rejected for want
of termini being described.
On petition Henry Boyer, Tll.gliman
ylruer and James It Butler appointed
re-vlewers of public road leading from
Summit Hill to Lansford.
Com vs Edward iHIs; assault and
battery; true bill. August ilrmbruster,
By agreement of attorneys on both
8ldes,the following two cases were tried
at the same time and by tho same Jury,
Com vs Fredcrlckand Benevllle Drehr,
and William Emmet; assault and bat
tery; truo bill. James Gumbert, prose
cutor. Com vs Benevllle Drehr and Freder
ick Drehr; assault and battery; true
bill. Henry Gumbert, prosecutor, ver
dict: guilty In both charges.
Com vs James Gumbert; assault and
battery; true bill. Prosecutor William
Emmet. Verdict; not guilty and prose
cutor William Emmet pay costs.
Com Vi Reuuen Hunslcker; assault
and battery; true bill. Prosecutor, F
Ileleer. Continued.
Alias report of sale ot real estate ot
Sarah Holly, dee'd; confirmed absolu
tely. First and final account of assignee of
the estate of John Fenstermacher; con.
firmed absolutely.
Report of auditor of estate of William
Koolfe, dee'd; continued absolutely.
First and final account of Jos Obert,
administrator ot the estate of Polly Al
lender, dee'd; confirmed absolutely.
Report of auditor in tho distribution
of the moneys In. the hands of Daniel
Wentz, administrator of Reuben Smith,
dee'd; confirmed absolutely.
First aud final account of administra
tor of the estate of Charles Garmon,
dee'd; confirmed absolutely.
First and final account ot Andrew
Boyer, guardian of Mary Kctn, late
Mary Mehrkam; confirmed absolutely.
Report of sale of real estate ot Tho's
Mehrkam, dee'd; confirmed absolutely.
Report of sale of real ejtato of Joliu
Uercher, dee'd; confirmed absolutely.
Com vs Henry Murrey; assault aud
battery; true bill. Solomon Schneck,
Com vs Stacy Mills, Edward Mills,
Charles Scip, Charles Sherwood, James
A Tripp and John Mlchean; riot aud
assault; true bill. August Armbruster,
prosecutor. Verdict: guilty ot assault
and battery.
Com vs Charles Boxmeyer; selling
liquor without license; true bill. Prose
cutor, constable return.
Com vs Silas Segmore; larce,ney; truo
bill. Prosecutor, F J Keck.'
Com vs Jame Hall; breaking and
entering In daytime with intent to com
mit felony; true bill. Prosecutor, John
Sites. Defendant pleads guilty.
Com vs John Koons; assault and bat
tery; truo bill. Prosecutor, F Heiscr.
Com vs John Harkness; selling liquor
on Sunday; true bill. E Sweeney,prose
cutor. Verdict eullty: sentence ot
court that defendant pay a fine ot $10,
costs of proseoutlon and undergo an Ira
Imprisonment in the county Jail for 10
Com vs Benevllle Drehr and Freder
ick Drehr; assault and battery. Henry
Gombert, prosecutor. Verdict guilty:
sentence of court that each pay a fino
of $5 aud that they pay the costs ot
prorocutlon Jointly; and In the case of
the commonwealth vs Frederick Drehr,
Benevllle Drehr and William Emmet,
each pay a fine of $5 and pay the costs
of prosecution Jointly.
Report of viewers In the road leading
from NIchohoh'sSawMIU to ZNakesIee's
Ford, Kidder Twp; affirmed and when
opened to be 33 feet.
Report of viewers of public road on
lands of J R Rlckert, George Miller and
others In Franklin Twp; affirmed, and
road to bo 33 feet.
Com vs James Gumbert; assault and
battery; William Emmet, prosecutor.
Verdict: not guilty and prosecutor to
pay costs.
Com vs Henry Murrey; assault and
battery; prosecutor, Solomon Scbneok.
Verdict: guilty, sentence ot court, that
he pay a fine of $20, costs ot prosecu
tion and undergo an Imprisonment In
the county Jail for three months.
Com vs Stacy Mills, Edward Mills,
Charles Selp, Charles Sherwood, James
A Tripp and John Mechean; chargo
riot and battery; truo bill. August
Armbruster,prosecutor. Verdict: guilty
of an assault and battery: sentenco of
court that tbey Jointly pay tlio costs of
prosecution aud that Staoy and Edward
JillU and John Mechean each pay a
fino ot $10 and undergo an Imprison
ment lu tho county Jail for tho period
of three' months, and that Chirles Selp,
James A Tripp and Cliarles Sherwood,
each pay a fine of $5 and undergo nn
Imprisonment of ono month in tho co.
Jail, and stand committed. Ac.
Com vs Charles MDevlt; assault and
battery; Bridget McBrlde, prosecutor.
Sentence of court that delendant pay
costs of prosecution and n fine of $5.
Com vs Pat Furry and Wm Cullln;
assault and battery; J P Dawson, prose
cutor. Verdict guilty: sentenco of
court that each pay a fino of $5 and tho
costs Jointly.
On petition of Jeremiah B Hoffman,
minor child of J B Hoffman, dee'd;
Caleb Fisher was appol.ited guardian
and was requested to give bond of $200.
Com vs John Koons; assault and bat
tery; truo bill. Frank Uelser, prose
cutor. Verdict not guilty: sentence of
court that defendant pay two-thirds of
costs and prosecutor one third of costs.
Com vt Frederick Sutter; assault,
shooting with intent to kill and malm;
true bill. Prosecutor, Fdwin II nahn.
Verdict not guilty; county to pay costs.
Final petition of Andrew Fltzpatrick,
an Insolvent debtor.f or di scharge. Filed.
Cora vs August Armbruttcr; attach
ment for contempt of court to George
Brlslln and Lafayetto Wlldooer, witness
es. Sentenced to pay costs of attach
ments. Com vs August Armbruster; selling
liquor to minors, Oct., 22nd, 1874; truu
bill. Prosecutor, B F Bretz. Guilty;
pentenced to pay a fino of $10, costs of
prosecution and undergo an Imprison
ment In the county Jail for the period of
ten days.
Com vs Edward W Shelby; desertion,
defendant and Jackson Siowcrs; ball
called and not answering, recogntzauco
Com vs Mary McDonald; assault and
battery. Prosecutor, E Conroy. tried
tor breach of tho peace. After bearing,
tho court direct each to pay half of
Attachment for contempt of court;
witnesses, Mary Shields and Michael
Connor. Sentenced to pay the costs of
B F Llepplnger vs township of Pack
er; by leavo of plaintiff allowod to file
amended , and case continued.
Thos S Beck and Solomon Boyer vs
James Anthony; Oct., 26, 1874, on mo
tion of Albright and Freyman, atttor
ueys, P J Median, Esq., appointed to
distribute the balance of the funds re
maining In the hands of the sheriff.
The distribution of the funds from
sheriff Bale of real estato ot John W
Reed, Report of auditor filed. Confirm
ed nisi.-
Frederick Martinson vs John Fisk;
rule' to show causb why the appeal shall
not bo stricken, &c. Rule mado abso
lute. Township ot Franklin vs borough of
Welssport. Supplemental report filed.
Albright and Stroh vs Malvern Coal
Co. Judgment In favor ot plaintiff for
$2004.43, to date from this the 2nd day
of March 1874.
Petition of Jeremiah B Hoffman, mi
nor child of Harrison Hoffman, dee'd;
bond of Caleb FHberand Nathan Klotz
In $200, filed and appended.
Samuel Webr vs Leopold Frecdman.
In equity. Replication filed.
In all suits against the Malvern Coal
Co., pending In the couit of common
pleas of Carbon Co., Judgment for
Tho President has issued his procla
mation setting apart Thursday, Novem
ber 20, as a day ot national thanksgiv
ing. married,
On Oct. 11th, by the Rev. A. Bar
tholomew, Mr. Ellas O. Hartman, of
Allentown, to Miss Alice J. Fatzinger,
ot South Whitehall, Lehigh County.
On Oct. 19th, by tbo same, Mr. Jos.
F. Rex, of Wclssport, to Miss Elmlra
C, Koons, of Lehlghton,
On Oct. 22d, by the same, ifr. Geo.
F. Schoeuberger, to Miss Leha Kuutz,
both.of Whitehall, Lehigh County.
pn Oct. 24th by the same, Jfr. Reu
ben L. Fritz, of East Penn to Miss
Kate D. Balilet, ot Mahoning township,
Carbon County.
On Oit. 24th, by tho same, Mr. Jere
miah K. Daniels, to Miss Mary J.
Klclntop, both of Lehlghton.
On Oct 27th, by the same, Mr. Al
bert Bowman, of East Penn, to Mils
Isabella Frltzlnger, of Mahoning twp.
Carbon County,
On. Oct; 2d, In Welssport, John B,
husband of Marie Gutb, aged 41 years,
9 months, 12 days.
On Oct. 10th, In East Mauch Chunk,
Estclla E. daughter of Joseph D. and
Susanna Moscr, aged 5 years, 2 months,
9 days.
On Oct. 20th in Lower Towamenslng
twp., William, husband of Esther Peter,
aged 30 years, 2 months, 6 days.
In Franklin township, on the 8th
Inst., Sara Jane, daughter ot William
and Lydla Scbeckler, aged 2 years, 2 .
months and 0 days.
At Mud Run, on the 22d Inst., Chas.
Henry, son ot Adam aud Catharine
Rauch, aged 3 years, 1 mo., 16 days.
LeulgutoB Retail Prices.
Carefully corrected each week express-.
ly for "The Carbon Advocate."
Apples, per bushel CO
" dried, per lb Yj to 15
Butter, roll, per lb 45
Cabbage, per .head 8 to 12
Cheese, factory, per lb 33
Eggs, per dozen.. t 35
Fish, mackerel, No. 1 12 to 15
Ham, per lb,. 20
Lard, pure,, per lb..' 20
Pork, prime mess , per lb 12
Potatoes, per bushel 85
Corn, per bu'nel.., l 15
Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs .'. . j .-. . . 3 20
" Bran " ........ 1 40
" Rye, 2 30
" Mixed " 2 20
Flour, Wheat, per bb'l ,. 7 00
" Otye.per 100 im.,. 3 25
Oats, White por bushel . 70
" Black, per buthel, 63
Hay, per ton..., , 20 00
Straw, per hundlo 30
Coal, chestnut, per ton 4 00
" $tove, per ton ' 4 CO
Hides, green, per lb 5' to 7c
CalfSklns, each 1 25 to 1 CO
Sharp Skins, killed this mo., ea.7Sto.SA.
Cosing Prices of DeUavkn & Towns
end, Stock, Government and Gold
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
October 2, 1874.
U. 8. 67,1811 . . . UUUi. lSJf asked.
V. 8. 6-20, 1802 . . . mj ltd. l:i.VpJ.
U. S. 5 20, 1601 . , I 1C? bid. 102 a.lte.l.
U. 8. S 20,1865 . . . 174 bid. 171 asked.
V. S 5 20, 180S J.k J. . iml bid. lJl asked.
u. a o bU, l ol9 f . a J. . dki. iti'jasaea.
U. 8.530,1807 . . . 17U bid 17V akked.
U. 8. 6-20, 1808 . , . Uli bid. 17? asked.
U.S. 10-40 . . .12 iil.i. 12a.ked.
u. n. uurrencr, ( a , it-r ii. is assen.
U. 8. 5's. 1831, new . . 12)2 bid. 11 asked. . fi-nZ bid. MK asked.
I'hlla. t Ileidlnn It. R. . 5.1 bid. M asked.
Lehigh Valley Railroad . 'II bid. CI1,; asked.
Ijehlh Goal & NaT, Co. . K bid. 47 asked.
United Companies of N. J. 128U bid. 129 asked,
old . . . . .10 bid. 10',; asked.
blfTer .... 5 bid. 7 asked.
Business prospects, wo hope, aro
beginning to Improve. The lower pri
ces seem to bo creating a mnro actlvo
demand, and, In fact, our country It be
ginning to feel tho reaction from tho
period of depression, but at lower pri
ces. Trade Is settllug down to Its nor
mal state.
Special Notices.
IVINE. -For years, qulnlno was
regarded as tbeonly specific tor malarious diseases
and Immense quantities of tho drug were annual
ly consumed throughout our western country,
more particularly along1 the rWer bottoms and ad
Joining lov hnds.
With the fall months malaria, In all lis varied,
forms, stalks like an epidemic through the land,
and whole districts are prostrated wltb chills anil
fsTer, the entire population shaking with ague.
Heretofore, quinine was regularly resorted to; but
while it frequently tailed to effect a cure, It lorarl
ably deranged the stomach, producing nausea,
Terttgo and fugttire pains In the head to such an
extent that months elapsed ore the system recov
ered from Its effects. These objections to Us use
were so marked, that the Introduction of Mishler's
Herb Hitters was hailed as a triumph In medicine.
Infinitely more certain In ltibenrficlal effects than
quinine, it possessed none of the demerits of that
drug. Instead of nauseating, It tones and InTlg.
orates the stomach, ami whtla speedily eipetling
the noxious humors, increases tho appetite and
facilitates digestion; thus rendering tho system
stronger, and better fitted to resist the attacks of
disease. In (act, n Judicious use of Mishler's
Herb Bitters at this season or the year, wlU pre
vent the recurrence of this dUease, eTen In those
who have never passed au autumn without It.
An experience of tweuty years proves it to be the
greatest anti peeiomo known to medical science.
There are, perhaps, no diseases so subject to
climatic changes as affections of the Kidneys.
Hundreds of our farmers, mechsnfts, and lsborlng
men, strong and hardy In all other respects, suf
fercontinual InconTOPience, and occasionally ex
cruciating pains In the back and across the loins;
experience a frequent desire to pass water, pain
daring its passage, and fro quent stoppages In Its
flow. These are manifestations resulting from
somo strain or heary lift (perhaps yeara ago), and
aggraTatedby erery change In the weather, livery
sllnht cold files direct tc this ono Weak spot, and
unless promptly attended to tbo disease becomes
chroulc,. and the once 6trong man a miserable
wreck. Mishler's Herb BIttera is the only certain
remedy for this tlaw of diseases, lt'liss a pecu
liar tendency to the kidneys, stimulates them to
healthy action, ad removing the cause, prevents
the formation of brick-dust deposits, which, ifpex
mltted to continue, will by cohesion form gravel
atone, necessitating a painful operation for Its re
moval. Many of the lugredlents entering' Into Its
composition, are universally recognised as Specifics
for all complaints of the urinary organs. In Liver
Complaint, Dyspepsia, all disorders of the Bowels,
and affections of the Throat and Lungs, It Is equal
ly certain and efficacious; while, as a remedy for
the complaints peculiar to the female sex, It bas
no equal. Lidiis, old and young, married and
single, In every condition of life, will find this
uxiiT rmiLr. HtvioT prompt, life, certain and
reliable. The pale, sallow complexion is replaced
by a blooming, healthful countenance, and Ita oc
casional utt enables Mature to perform hor funs
Sold only in bottles byall Druggists and general
dealers. Aug. 8-im.
The mot Wonderful Discovery of
the 19th Century.
DB. S. X, HOWil'S
Arabian Milk Cure
And all Diseases of the Til HO AT, C1IB3T and
LUKQ3. (The only Medicine of the kind In the
A SCDSTiTQTi roa Coo Livir Oil.
Permsnently cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipi
ent Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness of
Ureath, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Colds, le , la a
few days.
Arabian Tonio Blood Purifier,
Which, DlVfllllS from all other preparations In
HsIhhioute Actios upon the LI VEH, KIDNEYS
and BLOOD, 'It Is pure vegetable, and .cleanses
the system ef all Impurities, builds up, and makes
Pure, Itlcta Blood. It cure Scrofulous. Diseases of
all kinds, removes Constipation, and regulates the 1
Bowels. ror"QI5NEIlAL DEBILITY," ,1 LOST
TIONS," I "challenge the 10th Century" to find
Its equal. Every bottle Is worth its weight In
gold. Price, (1-00 per bottle.
Arabian Liver Pills
They cleanse' the Liter and Stomach thoroughly,
remore Constipation ; contain no calomel nor any
other Injurious Ingredient, and act quickly upou
these organs, without producing acypilnor weak
ness. Price 23 cents per box.
Should nsa all three ofthe aVjve Medicine!.
&ld by A. J. DUULINO, Drugilst, sole Agent
for Lehlghton, Ps.
Da. 8. D. HOWE, Sol Proprietor, 1C1 Chambers
Street, New York. apr. 11, 187d.yl
Mas. LANE'S flln Cure, for Ingrowing Nails.
Piles! Piles!! Piles!!!
riles. Internal, Paternal, nieedlng or ItebJnjr.
The Intense emterlogoeeaBloned by the distress
ing disease, In Its varl-jUs forms, Is known only lb
hwe who aro unfortunate enough to be afflicted
with It. The teer;'iau nights, the uncomfortable
days, the haggard looks of the sufferes bear wit
nessof the lute jKy of the pain experienced when
troubled wlt'a this prevailing disease. The sue.
cess of BrVj,, pu, llemedy as a positive cure Is
unequalled iQ the annals of medicine BellefU
Immed.ute wheu used as directed. The Immense
dem'jtul for this great remedy la unnaraletled.
AlVmsanda ar0 using it wltn the most satisfactory
results. Bold by A. J.-DUHLIMU.druggUt, Le
hlghton. may I) ly
OONSU UPTI VES and those who experience soy
dllficulty with the throat, lungs, or any ofthe
respiratory organs wUl consult their own Interests
by calling at the drug stores of C. W. Lents and
A. J. Purling, and Inquiring about Dr. l'orrli'
Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Uorehound. The
medical excellencies of these vegetable productions
are well known. Their curative principles have
been careulfy combined by the most palnstaklu
sclentlfle process, with many other vegetable in
gredients. This remedy possesses, In a highly eou
centreted form,tbe very swacs of soao of the mo.t
tafaUblepulmoola simples knovn to medical bol
anlsts. II Is a posltlie remedy for croup, fur
aalebyaUdealera. Sept. nth, lHi.-ly.
Opposite the Public Squaie,
Manufacturer ot
Tin & Sheet Iron ware
Anil Dealer In all kinds o(
HT" ltoolliig, Spouting auil JoublDg
promptly aUcmlcil to. uov, 20