ffiWMt H. V. MoimiiMEU, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Lot Live." ' $l-00 a Year if Paid in Advance. , . , . .., .in ... i i hiiii VOL. II., No. EO. . LEHIGnTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 81, 1874 SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS CARDS. Furniture Warehouse. V. Behvrarti, BanK .treat, dealer tn all linai of FumfUre. Oiffint mailt to order. Boot mill Shoe Haktn. Clinton Bretney, in Levan't building. Dank street. All orders promptly JUled work warranted, -grj- ji. nAPSUBR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, B1KX 8ur, LtawniOK, PA. Real Estateand Collection Agency. Will Buyand Sell lUal Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Ool lectlona promptly made. Settling tatatea of De cedent, a specialty. May he consulted In EnRllsb and Oerman, N0T.S2. JNO. D. BERTOLBTTB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Orrici-First National Rank Building, 2nd Floor MAUCH CIIUNK, Fissu. May bo conaulted In Oerman. apr 18, 1874 D ANIBIi KAIiBPUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Mauch Chunk, Fa. jc-Otflce,'abov Do!onVJwA-y Store.Braat'wav. pip, c. uuiaiiclc, OISTRICT ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY ATTLAW. Office, on BaoanwAT, first door below American 'ITotel.MauchCbunk.l'enn'a. Collectlona prompt ymade. Nor. 23. JgJ M, QlULUERrY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A 7. 1. ETON, ' PA. Oct 18, 1873. j It- IJIBIJI1CK, AUCTIONEER, East WelainArt, Pa. N B.8alee of every description attended to at reasonable chares. The patrooage of the public Is respectfully solicited. "' TJR. N. B. ItEBEll, nA.irrvn PHVSiniAV AND SURGEON. Office, 1HBX Street, next door above the Po.tc.flUe, Ijehlgnton, ra. umra nuun , romiuio luo'ciuc, .. . ,i Lehlghtor. Nov U, 78. VAOLE MOTKIj, N. ICI.OTZ, PKOP'IX, Bummll Hill, Oarlion Co., Pa, -Bet of accommodation.. Kxcelleut res taurant underneath. Good stabling attached Terms moderate. -M- DOYD IIENHI, ARCHITECT, 122 S. 9th StAllentown,Pa, -Will furnish Plans, Specifications and Estimates Kiting esart ret of public and prlt.t. Luildlugs, from the plainest to the moat elaborate; nHo Drawings fcr Stairs, lland-llalls, sc. jeij UOJMAS A. WlXIilAMS. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S . Fasblonable Boot and Shoe Maker, Nearly opposite the Post-office BANK BTEEET, Lehighton, Pa. Hiving commenced bulne6s, aa above, I would Tespectfully announce to the cltliens of Lehighton and vicinity that I am prepared to do all work In ray line In the neatest aud most substantial man ner, at prices fully as tow as tbo same work can ha ni.lnfil in rhlladelnkla. A snlendld assort. ment of CHILDREN'S and MISSES' WEAR of the best make always on hand. Atrial itmiciiea and satlfaetlon guaranteed. at lowest prices. July 4, 1874. niAUOBIAS UEMERER, -- CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Kepresentedf .Lebanon Mulual Fire, Reading Mutual Fire, Wyoming Flro, Tottsville Fire, Lehigh Fire, and tho Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also Fennsylvanla and Mutual Uorso Thief Detoctlvo and Insurance Com pany. March 29, 1873. TTOS. M. FR1TZINGER, , Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite T. D. (Tlauss Store, JL1NK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., respectfully Informs his friends and the imbltcthat he has just received a uuw and excellent assortment of Men's Wo men's aud Children's Ready-Uade Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, "Wlilcli he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. I3f Roots and Shoes tnado to order, and Repairing neatly and' substantially -done at short notice ap 25-yl Tlio undersigned rcsiieel fully announces that he is hotter prepared than over to Buy and Sell Illdcs, Cuir and Sbcep SUlna, Tallow and Plastering Iffalr, s,l his Old Stand, nearly opposite the post office, Dank Street, Lehighton. 3T The highest cash prices paid for Hides aud Skins. nov. 22. C. E. GREEN4WALD. OUACCONIST. OLIVER CRILLET, dealer In To baeco, Cigars, Pipes, &c, next door to Kcvs.urocery stoie, busquelianna bt,, Mauch Chunk, respectfully asks the people of Lehighton aud vicinity, when -visiting that place, to call In and try his FRAGRANT CICAR8, the very best, in the market. Every articles in bis Una warranted as repre seated and at lowest prices. mar28 maUY IT I TRY IT I Tho India RubberPIastorsfor a Weak Rack "PRULING has tliecn may 0 Railroad Guide. N URTIIPENNA.nAlI.RnAD. PaenirersforFblladelchtalll leave LehJehtcin aa follows : 8.00 a. m. via L. V. arrive at Thlla. at 9.00 a. m. 7.37 a. m. via I.. A 8. " " 11.10 a.m. 7.19 l m, via L. V. '' " n.ioa.m. 11.07 p.m. via LAS." " 2.16 p. mw 11.02 p.m. via L.V. " 2.15 p.m. 2.27p.m.Tlar..A8. 44 " o.-Hp.m. 4.47p.ra.vlaL. 8. " " 8.20p.m. 4.44 p. in. i la L. V. " " R.20 p. m. 7.18 p. tn. via I.. V. " " 10 80 p.m. Returning, leave depot at Berka and American Street, Phlla., at 7.00, 8.30 and 9.45 a. m.j 2.10 3,10 and 5.16 p. m. rareirora Lmgntonio rmnaeipnia, cs.00. Eeb. 1,1874. E LISCLAIiKK, Agent CENTRAL. II. R. OP N,'J. LEHIGH A SUSQUEIIAN.N'A DIVISION. Time Tablo of Juno 29, 1874. Trllns leave Lehighton as follows: For New York, I'hiTndelpbla, Easton, Ac, a, 7.37, 11.07 a. m, 2.27, 4.47 p.m. For Mauch Chnnk at 10.15 a. m., 1.14, 6.38, and 9 (13 p. in. For Wltkes llarre and Scranton atl0.15 a. m., 1.14, 6.38 p. m. Itctur ning Leave Nw York, from station Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey, footer Liberty street, Korth River, at6.I6, 9.00 a. m., 12.4), 4 00 p. m. Leavo Philadelphia, from Depot North Penn'a II. It., at 7.00,9 45 a. in, 2.10, 5 15 p. m. Leave Easton at 8 30, 10.09, 11.43 a. m., 3.55 and 7.1.1 p m. Leave MnuchChuuk at 7.30, 11.00 a.m, 2.20 and 4.40 p. m. Fo: further particulars, see Time Tables at'tbe Stations. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. rauenger Agent. July 4, 1874. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, PHILADELPHIA A ERIE RR. DIVISION. Summer Time Tahle. On and after SUNDAY. JUNE 28th. 1874. the trains on the Phllada. b Erie RR. Division will run as follows 1 WESTWAHD. Fast Lini leavea Philadelphia 12.55 p.m. " llarrlsburg 44 " Bunbury Wllllamsport 11 arr. at Lock Haven E&U Mail (eaves Philadelphia Ilarrlburg 41 44 Sunbury " " WlWUmsport " " Lock Haven " " ltenova " arr. at Erie ELMIU Mail leaves Phladelphla " " llarrlsburg " " Sunbury " Wllllamsport arr. at Lock Haven Niaoaba llxraisa leives Philadelphia " " " llarrlsburg " " Bunbury ' " Wllllamsiwrt " " Lock Haven ' " " Renova 41 arr. at Kane EASTWARD. PniLA, Express leaTes Ick Haven " Sunbury " u Wllllamsport " arr. at llarrlsburg Philadelphia Ebjb Mail lcarea Erie 14 44 Renova 44 " Lock Haven 44 44 Wllllamsport 41 44 Sunbury 44 arr. at llarrlsburg 44 44 Philadelphia o.uu p.m. CM p.m. 8.50 p.m. 10.no p.m 11.66 p.m. 6 :itl a.m UilPl. 0.45 a.m, 11.10 a.ml H US p.m, 8.09 a.m, 1.20 n.m, 4.20 p tn. 6 p.m. 7-30 p.m, 7.20 a.m. 1U.40 a.m. 12.30 p.m, p.m, 3 10 p.m. 4.20 p.m DM a.m, 020 a.m. u;in p.m. 7.45 a.m. 11.45 a tu. 3J15 pjn' 11.20 a.m. 0 20 p.m. 11.35 p.m. 10JU a.m. 12 40 a.m 2 40 a.m. 0 40 a.m y.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 12.40 p.m. Eluika Mail leares Lock Haven Wllllamsport - runoury 44 arr. at llarrlsburg 44 44 Philadelphia Xiaoaia ElfBlts leaves Kane 4 44 44 Renovo " " " IKk Haven 44 44 44 WilllamsMirt 44 " 44 Sunbnry 44 4 arr at llarrlsburg 44 44 44 I'hllidelnhl 3.05 p.m . (1.33 p.m 0.00 a.m 4 05 p.m. &upm 0.50 p.m, 8.40 p.m, 10,55 p.ta Mall East connects east and west at Erie with L 8 A M S It W and at lrtloeton with 011 Creek and Allegheny II R W. Mall H est with east and west trains nn L S A M 8 K W. and at Curry and Irvlooton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R U W. 'Z.ou a.m, Elmlra Mall and ilulTalo Riprets make close connections at Wllllamsport wlthN O R W trains uonn, ana;at llarrlsburg with N C R.W train south. WM.A.BALDWIN,aeu'lSupt. $1000 REWARD for an Incurable case of Catarrh. After having snuffered. deluded, caroled, hawk. ed, spit and gsgged to your eutlre satlibctlon In your useless endeavors to get relief from catarrh, use Ilrlgica' Alleviator according to directions. The filthy mass of muiims will be immedfately expell ed, and the intlamed surface soothed, the eyes sparkle with delight, the head feels natural i train hope ruTtrei, for cure Is tmre to follow the uce of tun ogreeauie, iciaaiinc ana reliable reoied. jnK..wvl.n f MUCH lias been said Jl Ilia 11 3 an wr,,t0D d n-ny re- a uivaiei cafe uttjQ ouerea lor the relief aud cure of throat and lunir diwifs: but nothing hai Urea 10 etnlueatly iuccchttful, or ob Mineafeuca a wma ceieuruy. as utia Throat ana JjUou iteaier. Aea f- fTIIE excruciating pain B?5 produced bjr corn, the uuceaa- lUg llUgsUg 1TUUJ 1IUDIUUK. IUI plerclnjr, dlstrHMlnj; palu trom Injrrowlug Nalla, CiDDot be described. TbouKandfrulTer. not know- lop there la a cure, ltrli' corn and llunlon KCDiedtea are uo acli or pulah compoundi, but are reliable, toothtntr. atid effect ut). and iustlr merit the aueceis they have euaed from au ap- jrwiiiTe puuuc. lue uuraure 11 a Deaiiug oiut mnt: lmuedUte relief li obtained hv ita at-Dlica- tlon.and It will positlTtly euro the worst caieiof itunereu rorDS iDnamea ana ui re rait a bunions, the torest lnsten. the larirest and aeferest Ulsters. the most extern! fe callosltlcion thenoljsor heela of the feet; nnequailed lu tbecure of cbttdbMus or frosted feet. Tho Alleviator for ordinary -corni anaprevenung ineir loruauoa is absolutely uu- e'luideu vj aayiuingever kdowd. ask lorurigg; j.euieuiei. iaae uo oiuer Bb!l.k I ITS ALL VERY WELL, i III ,.i ' those not trvuLUd to Mink tt it noth- v w ' ing to have J Wei. J-br this reattm, the unfurtunate eujferer gtXt very ttU sympathy. TheqgonyofTophtiUnatvr cannot be muck xoorse thanUtt torture endured bymiliioni who are troubled with internal bUalina, external and Uctina piles. Clad Tidings for tujfertrer, Uriggs's ISle Jiemedies arc mua, tare ana sure. .fliiMiiici f ARE TOE MOST PLEN N ilirilK ' tiful kind of urain in the market. jjvtry one has a supjily , frxm the three year old child to' the grandsire verging on a A undrtdj stytuh, handsome young ladies who aa ily prowunaoAjatAumaue resorts; niaaie ajeu matrons t old maids, dressed up to appear youna and aav: dan dies, with Vteir vatentleaOiers. and inxenliaLU walk ing sticl; th cUrgytnaHf mrcAa(, clerk, artisan and mechanic, q alt ages attd stations, have a fuU supply cf corns, bunions, bud twits, and other bother ations of the feet, alt of which are banished and cured by the use of'tMggs's thrn and Bunion Jiemcdie, Altviator aiui lltratir. .Sold Iy A. J. DURLINQ, Druggist, Lehluhton, Pa, May 0 1871 ly. rgHUE People of Lehlghtm and vlcio ity all unite in testifying that at A . J. DURLING'SDruc audPamllv Med icine Store, Puiie, 1'itEsn and Unadul- tkiiatkd JlEUlciNEa can always be lounu. mayv .JN N ADEN HUTTEN TANNERY LEHIGHTON, PA., J. KTJNTZ, Prop'r, Respectfully announces to tlio publlo that ho hits Just rebuilt tho Tnnnery, formerly of Daniel Olewlne, and put tn all tlio best and most approved ma chinery for tho Manufacture of Leather, auclias Hemlock and Oak Solo, Harness, Upper, Kip, Calf and Sheep, which no will supply at mo very lowest prico. riasterlnc Hair supplied In largo or small quantities very low. HIDES and SKINS bought at highest cash prices. ratronage solicited. Aug. a-yi UOM! noxm The underslcneil calls tho attention of all parties using Iron to tho fact that lio keeps on nanii, at mo WeissportRollingMill all Sizes, which'ho offers at the Lowest Market Trices. Also, that he pays tho IliRhest Price for SCRAP IRON, or will takn It In exebango for Manufac turecl Iron. In the absence of the undersigned, parties will call at tnet eea istoro or W, II knjsuut, issq., ana uo attended to, LEWIS WEISS. Welssport, Sept 12-m3 BlICKBUiK, MixurACTumit or Carriages, SIclgbs, Bugglctt, and evory description of SPRING WAGONS. Nearly opposite Eagle Hotel, Bank Street, i,enignton, i'a. ItEPAIRIKO PROMPTLY ATT1SNDED TO At reasonable charges. 49Patrorage very resnectfully sallclted. and satisfaction guaranteed. teb. 7, 1B74, A. DUCKMAN. JpL,OUU AIVD FEED. Charles Trainer Respectfully informs the people of Le- mguton mat nu nas most Excellent Flour Tor Sale ; Also, cood FEED of all kinds, and STRAW in the iJundlo. Uo is also prepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at short notice. LEHIGH (2d) STREET, Lehighton, Pa. March 28-1 y E. H. SNYDER IsEUIGIITOIV, PEJIK'A., DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Glassware, Ilardwaro, &c. May 31, 187a. ONDERKUL, HUT TRUE I Whenever I cet a Bottle, of Bloom of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Rose Tint, a Vox of Lilly White, or anything in that lino to beautify the complexion, at Durllng's Drug Store, it seems to bo nicer and better than I can get any where else, may IlElXaiAIV & CO. BANK 8TREET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In Flour &:F ced. All kinds of GIUW Bought and Sold at Regular Market Rates. Wo would, also, respectfully inform our citlzcus, that we art) now fully pro pared to supply them with tho Xt.est of Coal From any Mine desired at tlio VERY LOWEST I'lllCES. ; M. IIE1LMAN & CO. July 25th, 1874. B1TY HIM ? NO 1 That Electrio Liniment, like I got at Durllng's Drug Store, will cure him or any other man ol RHEUMATISM and all other Pains. may 9 TTUST look at her Hair I Why " thought It was turning Groy? So It was, until she got a Bottle of that new uajr .Restorer at Durllng's Drug Store. HY, OH, WHY will you suffer with Hint Couch or Cold? when relief may b-had Immediately by using JURLING'S Compound Sytup ot Tar wna unerry ana uorenoana. irtlllzlngn Jucli Rabbit. While my friend Clyde and myself were out in the hills back of the Golden Gato Park last week, a Jack rabbit came along, and stopped to look at us. 'If I had thought to bring my revol ver along wo would liavo jack on toast for breakfast to morrow," 1 remarked. "Not with my consont," he replied. "What renson can you glvo for not consenting?" "A rabbit saved my life, and I havo not killed ono since, and will never kill ono again." "How did ho manage to savo your life?" "Three years ago I was living in Mon tana. A bineltcr had JuBt been built, and it created a demand for silver rock. I owned an interest In a lead that had been sunk on SO feet. Thinking tho time had como to mako it available, I concluded to go there and get sotno ore and have It tested. I did so; and reach ed tho placo just In time to take shelter In tho mine from a terrible hailstorm. I lighted my candle, went to tho bottom, and went to work. I had not been thero more than five minutes when I heard a nolso that sounded liko a can non. The rock over my head shook, and In a moment tho shafL behind me caved. Vou can Imaglno my feelings better then I'can describe them, when I found myself burled alive. I trem ble oven at this distant day when I think of that moment. The roof of the shaft was rocks, and when they came down they did not pack so tight but what tho air came through. Thero was nothing that I could do to release my. self. I knew that if relief did not come from tho outsldo I must perish. No ono knew I had gone thero. A road.-'run past the mouth of tho shaft; but It was not traveled much, and I was' not like ly to attract attention by calling; never thelcsa, I shouted at Intervals all day, The following morning I commenced calling again; and all day, whenever thought I heard a sound, I shouted. "When night canio again all hopes of being released had abandoned me. One thing added great bitterness to my suf- feriuge. I owed quite a largo amount of money, and, should my futu remain unknown, my creditors would think I had fled to defraud them, and my name would bo stigmatized. "I will not dwell on tho agonies I en dured; I am sorry I cannot forget them "Tho morning of the fourth day of my imprisonment I heard something crawl into my grave. I lighted my cauaie ana saw a rauuit. rnero was only ono aperture largo enough to ad mit him; I closed It to prevent his es cape. I saw In him food to appease, my hunger, and toy hand wasraUctl to kill him, when a thought occurred to me that prevented ttie blow from descend Ing. I had two fish lines; their united. length would reach to the road. I took off my shirt, tore It Into strings, tied them together, and on to the fish lines, I wore a long, gold watch chain; I tied It on to the part of the line that would cross the road. I then cut ser. cral leaves from my diary, wrote on tliem'.my condition, Sand-tied them on to that part of the line that would be on the outside. I then tied tlio end made oufeof my shirt around; Jack's neck and let him out. lie soon- reached the end of the line, and I knew by the way ho was pulling that he was making despe. rate attempt? to escape. Soon the tut;. glng stopped, and knowing that gnaw Ing was Jack's chief accomplishment I thought he had cut himself loose About threo hours afterward I felt tho line pulled, and some one called; I tried to answer, but the hoarso noise I made died in the cavern. I then pulled the line to show that I wa-i not dead "All grew still again, and I knew tho man had gone for assistance. Then came tho sound of voices; I pulled In ine line, ana It brought mo rood. It took all the men who worked in tho shaft nine hours to reach me. "A very large pine treo that stood near the shaft had been the cause of my misfortune. It had been dead a number of yearn,, and the storm had blown It over." The terrible blow It struok the ground had caused tho cave. "Jack bad wound the line around a bush, and tied himself so short that he was imprisoned outside as securely as I had been Inside. Ho was taken to town, put in a large cage, and supplied with all the rabbit delicacies tho market af forded. He however, did not thrive, and the boys believing that he 'pined In thought,' voted to set him freo. ne was taken back to his old girdling grounds and liberated. "no not only saved my life, but be came the benefactor of all the rabbits in the neighborhood tho miners refrain ing from shooting any, (rating It might be him, San Francisco Golden Era, Showing tlio Hoys In Wnslioo how to Shoot. Recently, at a saloon on tho Divide, somo men were discussing tho shooting affray which occurred during tbo morn ing between tho two brothers-in-law. Fallman and Ward. It was agreed on all hands that U was shocking bad shooting a discredit to Washoo. At last a Plocho man bantered a Comstock man, whom he knew to bo a good shot with a pistol, to go out In the back yard with hltn and do some shooting, Just to show tho "boys" how It should be done. In tho saloon was a box of eggs, and what tho Plochcr proposed was that each Bhoot two eggs off the bare head ot the other at tho distance of ten paces, the ono missing to treat the crowd. Tho Comstocker was bound not to be bluffed by a man from the other end of the Stato, so to lift back yard all hands adjourned. Each, man used his own six-shooter. Tho Comstock first "bus ted" his egg on tho topof thePiocher's head, which exploit was loudly applau ded by all present. It was then tho Piocher's turn to shoot, and an eug was produced to be placed upon tho head of the Comstocker, but when ho removed his hat thero was a great laugh, for the top of his head was as smooth as a bit Hard ball. For full ten minutes all hands tried tn vain to mako an egg stand on his head. It couldn't bo douo. Tho Piocher than taunted tho Com stocker with having gone Into the ar rangement knowing that ho was safe, The latter told him to set up his egg aud It was all right ho was there. The Procher went Into tho saloon, and a moment after camo out with a handful of flour, which he dabbed upon tho bald head of the Comstocker, and then trl umphantly planted in It his egg, fell back ten steps, and then knocked it off. The Comstocker then told him to set up his second egg and shot at it, as lie didn't want to have his head chalked twice during the game. This was done, and the wreck of a second egg streamed over the Comatocker's pate. Tho Pio cher now stood out with his last egg on his head. The Comstocker raised his pistol.and fired. Tho Piocher bounded a yard Into the air, and tho egg bounced whole from his head. "I've lostl" said the Comstocker. "Let all come and take a drink. By a slip I'vo put balf the width of my bullet through the top of his left earl" and so It proved upon measurement. Virginia Enterprise. A Xcgro Wcilcllus. A bride and groom, answering to tho names of Andrew and Susy, were field hands ot unimpeachable Guinea blood and both had passed the first half-cen tury of life. Their dress, howovcr, showed that they had not entirely es chowed the follies of their youth, for, though rude and cheap, as became their condition, It was nevertheless emoei llshed with those bits of gewgaws and glaring finery of bright-colored ribbons and ties in which the negro delights. With the most decorous gravity tho preacher began : "Andrew, does you lub dls yer wo man?" "I duz so," was tho reply. "Will you promise to stick close froo time and 'tarntty, renouncing all others an' clabblng'to her eber an eber, an amen?" "I will dat." "Will you lub, honor and 'boy' "nold on dar, Old Jackl" interrupt ed the groom, with no little show of indiglnation " 'taint no use talking to dls nigger 'bout 'beylu do wlmmen folks, euney'cept olo mlssl" "Silence dar, you owdumptlotis ng gert" roared tho wrathful preacher: "what fur you go fur spiling de grablty ob de 'caslon. Dls yer's only matter ob form, an' inspenslble to de 'caslon. No don't you go fur to open your black mout until do time for you to speak. Will you promise to lub, honor and' bey (Andrew still uhaktng his bead omin ously at the obnoxious word) dls yer nigger Suy, furnlsbln her wld all needed for comfort' an happiness an' protectln' from sugerln' an' makln' smoove do path ot all her precedln'days to cornel" "I suppose I mus' say yes to dat," eaid Andrew, meekly. "Den I pronounce deso yer two couples to bo a man an' wife, nu' whom de Lord has Joined togedder let no man go fur to put dem asunder," Here an uproar arose amog the I blacks, betokening a dilemma entirely unforseen by Old Jack. For, inasmuch as lie had forgotten to require thtj usual vows of Susy, they insisted that bow- over firmly Androw might bo bound by the bonds ot matrimony, Susy was still single, and tho pair woro but half married. Tho matter was at least ad justed by tho preacher commencing tho ceremony over again, by which means tho couple wero (Irmly united to tlio satisfaction of all. Atlanta News. IJon't IMcasc Don't. Don't tell the little one, who may bo slightly willful, that "tho black man will como out of the dark cellar and carry it off if it does not mind." Don't create a needless fear to go with tho child through all tho stages of Its ex istence. Don't tell tha little five year old Jim my "the school ma'am will cut oft hla ear3" " pull out his teeth" "tio him up" or any of tho horrible stories that are commonly presented to the childish imagination. Think you tho littlo ono will believe anything you tell him after ho becomes acquainted with the gentle teacher who has not the least idea of putting thoso terrible threats into exe cution. Don't tell tho children they must not drink tea because it will mako them black, while you continue tho uso of it dally. Your example Is moro to them than precept; and while your face is as fair as a Juno morning they wilt scarce ly credit the oft-told talo. Either glvo up drinking tho pleasaut boverago or glvo your children a better reason for its non-use. Don't tell them they must not eat sugar or sweetmeats, because it will rot their teeth. Pure Bugar does not cause the teeth to decay; and susar with fruit Is nutritious and healthy, notwlthstand- dlng the "old sw" to tho contrary. Tho case ot city children is often cltod as If tlio cause of their pale, faces and slight constitution wero an over amount of sweetmeats with their diet, when tbo actual cause Is want of puro air and proper exercise. Don't tell tho sick ono that tho medlclno Is not bad to take, when you can hard ly keep your own stomach from turning "inside ouf'at the smell of It. Better by far to tell him the simple truth, that if Is disagreeable, but necessary for his health, and you deslro him to take It at once. Ten to ono ho will swallow it with half the trouble of coaxing and worry of words, and lovo you better for your firm, decided manner.' Don't teach the children oy example to tell white lies to each other and to their neighbors. Guard yourllps andbrl dleyour tongue If you deslro to havo the coming generation truthful. Truthful ness Is ono of the foundation stones of heaven. Remember tho old, old .Book says, "no liar" shall enter within the gates of the beautiful city. Thero Is no distinction between whlto lies and thoso of a darker hue. The falsehood is an untruth, whether the matter, bo greator small. Rural Now Yorker. Somebody wishes to know why tho dolls aro all girls. A malicious person jays that cot ton sheets and newspapers are alike in the respect that a great many peoplo lie in them, A good nature d spinster used to boast that she always had two good beaux; they were elbows. Ell Lovo climbed a tree, to, shake out a coon. The dog heard something drop and went for It, but It was not tho coon. It was Ell. A dairyman was awakened by a wag ono night, who told him his best cow was choking. He Jumped up at once, wont out, and found a turnip stuck in the mouth of tho pump. Jones says he always makes up his mind regarding the value of a horso by the abuudance, length and beauty ot his tall, for It's a well-attested fact that "all's well that ends well." Saysawlt, "Last year I saw 8 watch spring, a uoto run, a ropo walk, a horso fly, and oven tho big treo leave. I eveu saw a plank walk, and a Third Avenue bank run; but the other day I saw a treo box, a cat fish, and a slono fence. I am now prepared to see the Atlantic coast and Paclfio slope." Summit Hill has a tailor long known for bis keen, pungent wit. Not long since a well-known clergyman called at his shop with a pair of pantaloons, aud asked him it they could be repaired. The knight of tho shears unrolled them, held them up lu a most artistic manner, ctrefully examined them, and replied, "Yes, yes; thq knees aro the best part of them."' Tbo reverened gentleman saw ilia joke, smiled blandly and grace fully bowed himself out,