kditok; LKIIIOI1TON, PA.! SATURDAY MOKNINO OOTOI1BR II. 1874. Governor Hartrauft has notified Mr. Perdue, ono of the Undertook counsel, that, nfter caretul consideration of tlio case, ho finds It bis duty to issuo a war rent for tho oxeculton of Udderzouk. borne statistician has estimated that the growth of our American railroad system has been at an average of four and a half miles per day for tho last forty-four years, there being now iln operation In this country about 73,000 miles of railway. In tho year 19X0 there were about 23 miles of railway In opera tion In all tho country, Ofllolal returns to tho Huresui of Sta tistics rIiow that, during tho three mouths onded September 80,1874, there arrived at the port of Now York; 47, C54 immigrants, and 12,703 passengers not Immigrants, Of tho total number of Immigrants 20,104 were males and ily490 females. Tinder fifteen years of nge, 11,903; fifteen nnd uuder forty, 23. 831 ; forty and over, 0,880. From Kng land, 13,153; Ireland, 0,072; Germany, 11,859; Russia, 4,044; born at sea, 16; lied on the voyago, 20, of whom 23 were under forty years of t ago. These immigrants represented over 310 differ ent occupations. State elections were held Tuesday in Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska, West Virgin ia and .drkatisas, In nil these Slates, except Arkansas, Cougressmen were chosen. Tho.leadlng State officers elect-, ed in Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa wero Secretaries o'f State. In Nebraska and Arkansas, Governors were elected,. No State ticket was votnd for in West Vir ginia. The returns received are mea gre, but those from, Ohio show 'large Democratic gains, indicating that the State has gone, Democratic by a largo majority, and that tho Democrats havo gained at least two Congressman. In Iowa, the Bepnbllcan ticket has the usual majority,' and all tho, Congress ional Districts aro Republican. In In diana, the Republicans claim the Legis lature. Correspondence has passed between tho Governors of Illinois and Tcnuesiee regarding ,a kidnapping case. Some weeks sinc, George W. Smith was ab ducted from Musslc county, III., and tako(n to Tennessee, where ho 'Is held under an Indlclnieut for murder, Tho Governor of Illinois demanded tho re turn of Smith and tho surrender of his kidnappers. Tho Governor of Ten nessee, admitting tho action of the Ten nessee authorities to bo without warrant of law, hopes that, ns Smith's guilt was uotorious and thero was no Intentional disrespect, tho matter may be allowed to remain as it stands. The Governor nf Illinois, however, renews his demand Stating that tho guilt or Innocent 'of tho accused Is not lu question, and that tho (laws of Illinois provide for the deten tion for a reasonable time of nay per son agalust whom thero U liability for crime lu another State. F. D. Collins Xoinlurtteil. The conferees of'the 11th,' Congress ional District, on Monday last, nomi nated Frank D. Collins for Congress on tho liiQtli ballot, as follows : Collin's 10, Klutz, 0, Burnett 2. Brandon, Henry Lowenberg, Jacoby, Swisher, Gruver aud Blllmyer, along with Dr. Trimmer,, Barton aud Bea mish, cast their votes for Frank D. Collins, which nominated him . for Con gressman on tho Eleventh District. R. A. Packer, D. M. Vauauken and W. H. Jacoby were appointed to wait upon Mr. Collins and 'Inform of bis nomination. Mr. Collins replied to tho committee as follows: Gentlemen: I thank you mot cor dially that you havo extended to me ' tho nomination at the 11th hour. I will enter in the canvass like a Democrat, and will work as heretofore, lu the in terest of the Democratic party. Again I thank you kindly for the. nomina tion. Messrs. Trimmer, Henry and Taylor escorted'tho candidates Itito the room. Each one of them made a few remarks, saying that they would staiid' by tho choice, aud were satisfied with the do ings of the 'convention, and would uid the young nominee as all Democrats should . A French newspaper states that a girl named Cavrlgrac was carried to the shrine at Ijourdes In a dying state, but bad no sooner touched the holy water than she rose up perfectly well. Another girl, who had ben dumb fur seven years, commenced singing us noon as she reached tho grotto. At Marseilles, moreover, the nun liavb marched In procession to nn altar In nun of the churches which Is dedicated lo our Lady of Lourdes to express their gratitute for the miraculous pure of one of their number, who hud suffered fur tweuty months frutu an apparently lu curable malady. II. V. MORTIIIMER, Republican Convention. On Monday afternoon, at 8Q'clook,, tho Republican County ConVenUSrns-' semblcd in the Court Housot jMauclr Chun'.;, Tho Convention wng calledUo order by tho'halrman of fiTe "County' Committee, Hon. Clus. Jlbrlght, nnd organized by tho appointment of Gen. W. Lilly as Presldeut and tho appoint ment of a number of Vlce-Piesldcuts and Secretaries. Tho Convention then proceeded to tho nomination ot, candi-. dates for the various offices, as follows: For Assembly James H. STrutticr, Thomas S. Deck, John W. Fryor, H.C. Taylor, Harry Williamson, aud Thom as It.-Williams were named. For " County Commissioners Joseph Ruch and James AbIi were tho' only candidates presented. For District Attorney .Win. M. Rapsher and F. Bertoletto wero the con testants. For Auditors J. P. Longshore.' For Coroner Dr. O. A. Rtvea, 'The Convention then. .'proceeded to ballot for candidates with the following result: ' For Assembly, James R. Struthers, was nominated on' the first ballot, re ceiving 37 votes, and Thos. R. V illlams was chosen1 on the Second ballot. Mr. Struthers' nomination may be consider ed about the most judicious. He s well known throughout tho county, is .hon est, capable, and If elected, and from his popularity throughout.tlie county, 'we havo no reason to doubt but that ho will be, will thoroughly represent tho interests of our county lu the Legisla ture of the State. .Unbalsed by party prejudice, we can heartily recommend James It. Struthers and, A. J.Durllng (the Democratic nominee) to the suf frages of our' people, .believing that both of them will do honor to the choice of tho people. , For County Commissioner, Ja"cob Ruch was nominated on the' first ballot. , For District Attorney, Fred.1efto lett received the nomination on, tho first ballot, defeating our respected and talented young townsman, Wm. M. Rapsher.Esq., wlib was also a .eancj dato for tho office. For Auditor, J. P. Longshore, and forCorouer, Dr. O. A. Rives were unan imously nominated.' '' ' ' After the appointment of a County Commltte.o and the transaction of othor buslnofs the Convention nil Jout'ied. Tim Decline of Mechanical Skill. Twenty-five years ago surfaces of wood were made smooth and ex.ict by a plane In the hands of a 'mechanic, The same Is. true ot surfaces in metal, except thnt the Instrument used was a file or chisel. 'Great works wero Im-I possible, except at a heavy"coit; and a contract that wpuld,be a mei;e trifle in these days was a terious undertaking, for It Involved' c'alculatlbus as to' tlio number of men who, had euMclent manual dexterity to be' lul'rusted, With tho woik. In 'reducing tho valy.q scat of a steam euglno, fur instance,, to a plane Hurface, a few too heavy blows on the chisel would render 'additional labor necestary. adding much to tho cost. ...... The circumstances of, thoso times produced good workmen They maiio mechanics In, every sense of tho word, mo:i of ample experience 'and high. In telligence, familiar with all branches ot thi-lr business, aud able, to execute one detail or the other with eijuAl facility. Through the Introduction of automa tic machines, wliich only require to bo bet in motion to produce certain forms, manual dexterity Is no longer a prime requisite, mid as a cousequencp versa tilo mactanics are scarper every year. A prominent man remarkeu,.to us re cently: "I can. take all, the so-called carpenters lu this town, andjout of, the hundreds find u dozen, perhaps, w mliy of the name; a dozen who uuderstand their calling .In all details, and can esti mate for a contract." Persons bavin,? work doue In tle country towns may be, able to verify this statement from, their own experieucQ Work which wos to havu cost a certain sum has exceeded It enormously, The. reason Is u the fact that the men wero Ignorant ot their business aud guessed whercthey should havo calculated. Machines ru-produco certain forms' with far greater accuracy than the baud can do, and with Jioro rapidity. The result is advantageous to society at large, the tvorkman included, but it Is destructive to manual dexterity as ap plied In the arts. The abolition of (he apprentice jystciu has also much to do with this condition ot thngs. Wheu a young man had served eeveu years at his trade he una fitted) -to undertake Journey work at tho end ot the. time, re ceiving a Journeyman's pay; but tho system having fallen Into dlsuse.nn fix ed time being requ'red lu mo.t cases, or no penalties attaching If the time agreed upon verbally Is not adhered to, young men becomo restless, and leave after ac quiring a mere smattering of their )iandlcraft(andgo tobeek their fortunes. The result Is that tho workshops 'aro full of men who can do certain Hues of work and no others, aud manual skill In tho'uso of aiytools.Mvllh all that it Ipvolves, Is no longer. common. Mapy ,who are out of employment at dull tea? sonshava only themselves to blauioor lit, for they lmve failed to become adepts, because they havo learned only such portions of their business as would cnablo them to fill supernumerary places. N. Y,un. rutting- Up tho Stove. The season, has, coma w)i.en,vf! cap no, more depend on the heat of tho siin for our comfort." lloklii'dles his'fTreso'iato In tho morning; and banks tuenVUp so early In ashes of cloud at iilghC Even the extra cont.or sha.wl lu tho evening time do no seem jtp do tho work ex pected tiy them. Wo havo had three or four fchnrp frosts. In tho city we send for a man to como .and examine our furnaces, aud tho, lighting of fires Is no exciting event. , lint In the country I hero Is a day as marked as Nev Year or Christmas, and .that is tho day, In which wo puf up the stove. It has been .standing In tho gar ret or shed all summer, dull and, dead, tho fires gone out of thu.oldibacksllder. Spiders havo festooned tho'Jolnttof the pipe, and run In and nut the so'oty.tun nel;,the open top of tho stove perhaps having been the nursery where tho old cat honorably brought up her household of kittens, Dot the day for putting up tho stove has come, 'The children 'fly around with expectation, 'and are somewhat In the way during tlio undertaking. 'The pipe- aro biought out and emptied and thumped clear of soot and dust.. The housewife goes, over all the, surfaces, with Slackening polish, making the homely dark a Jiandsomo black, and then the work of carrvlmrthe stove ln- to the hlttlng-room commences. 'There ! arp,not epough Jiands. There., never are. Wo havo put up stoves, a, dozen times, and never had help -enow?!!, Stoves'are'so'unwloldy, and 'they feel bo heayj' when when yoU set them 'down on your iustep. Fatlier, with .ills loy? er lip clinched, of his teeth, lifts anrf pulls'and'sliovos; and' g'ets fn4t in' 'tho I doorway, pother ami tho seryjngj-rn'afd uuiiiea ,c mo rescue, out pun mo stove the wrong way, nnd get. nn. Invocation upon their carelessness'. ''Drtn't 'you see wha( you are1 doing? full 'it Wk, the other wayl Ouch! JusVlook.ot, .the back of my hand, black and blui from Ibis scrouglng. There I you havo,''sct thnt rlgiil,!eg of it oii.my'sofo'too.t My bide Is stove inl" l!ut with an ajl;tii cether lift the heavy burden reaches the mlddlo'of the room. Now' begins 'the work of findln'p one of "ttif 'lost legs One of them is gone. There is always onejif them gone.' Tlio sheds aro ransnclct ed to uo avail, nnd two bricks are'.tem? poraillly substituted. Then thd pipe is tp.bn Joined, anit set up. This requires more conscientious aud determined com sislency of' behavior than .any Other part. A man who will keep correct ness ofYpeecli in aU'.tio' re,s"t of the pro cess needs sojie toning up. here., Xou makeup your mind as to' where: ,tinj joints niid pieces telona, and Insist j'oii their taking their pUcus, but' hoy;, to Insert the larger ju the smaller Is Ihj: conundrum; yet .withe hanimtr,,yuu pound and bang ami twist until yoii have, four stubborn pieces annex ed, nnd have tjiem hoisted., i'oii rise on tho top of a ch air to make the last conjunction; you' handld 'the Whole affair' with utmost nkllfuluessypu have your wlfn holding tho njpo'at tjie bgtf tom, 'and the daughter holding, It at, tho middle, -when, without the sllghtost premonition, one of tho Jower joints bucks out of its place, and down all oomesln onagrandcrasli,tho,vlfubtruck' ot tho falling 'pieces, tho daughter frightened .lost she may' somehow"' haVe beei), the cause' ot tho. mishap,; iVQUrsclf running your sooty baud across your' brow to wipe off tho perspiration,1 leav ing you lu stago struck position,' black as Othello. j ;, ,J Every time the attempt is made, tho line of plnu parts at a nowplaoe.' until at last, to the reifief oft lib whole house-, hold, 'the undertaking Is complet'eil. Then the'fire.is kindled, the moko at first not knowing whether to come out. In the room and' bo sociable, or go up the chimney and disappear. Hut lit "last the great black Instrument of comfort roars with a ohorus ot congratulation . and good cheer, aud In tlio evening all tho family gather about to hear ft laugh aud crackle. Good old .sto.vel For thecomlngautumnaland winter months it will draw the family together. L$t tho winds howl down the, chimney, o,nd the snow drift over the tops of the fen ces, on tho floor of your, country, home will stand this great,- 'warm-hearted,. benediction. May there ,up. as. .many feet oq. the hearth next spring as this autumn, and no loss or torrow or be-.' reavement turn the damper. Christian at Work, ISthlnst. At the last Methodist Conference In Aituvia, N. V., out) of the 'Elders' sild ho was once settled' over a -weak church, and appointed a, committee ot young ladles to collect subscript lobs for1 its bunhort, One ot tlmiii was so Suc cessful that he thought sha wohld" be h good overseer and helpmate. Iti a family, aud to he married l:cr, Pnragrnpliic. -Shopeneyranch.of tho jiostaj servtcaUtQ uo. reorganized. -pneraljButlji' hasulieoi, renomU. "noted fdrtCqultress. vJE 2 . J ' . 'Tho ArcHc-wlnllrigfleethas' not had a prosperous season. -Annther dlnmoud field has been found lruSouth., N&br , ,,. v TllorOsagoiJriaiduaV.VvHut to bo civilized and Initiated Into tho peaceful paths of Agriculture.. , , ' 4 ..j . .' 'Oh '.. .r., I.: ... in wasuingtnn it is tnougiic time tK6'Gell!rmrrdcfectIoTi''ln ' Olilo " walPlir coSseilehcftof thtillqUOt qusllon. Governor Hartranft has Issued tho death warrant 6f UJdertook', OMiini a) Erj.-ijB'whwiir'cxTCuted Nov. ' In the 'forthcoming report Tost-rnas'tcr-Gerierai Jpivell will rccqmmend no',new legislation ,oi great ih.portaiicq. Llko his predecessor, he is opposed to tho. franking, prlvlego. The Delaware peach crop Is slated by a 'Wilmliigtou paper to. havo' amoun ted, to 800,(X.O, baskets, not moro tija;i one.lmlf of last year's. . ' Tho Alaska nernld says that In Nushlk, AJaska, In latlttttc 02 deg. N., tho thermometer on the coldest day of last winter Indlcited 12"deg. nbpyo zero, nnd that .outdoor work can be 'successfully carried 'On there' from tho '1st of April to thp,mld(iloo(Pctober. r ( Three young .English girls, unac comptinfeii by atiy'geiitleman, havo 're cently! inado. the ((scent of Mount Blanc. ('Iihey st'ar)te.dyr6ni Chamounlx', return (iig'Jq 'tho, ' sa'ine.vila'ce a' midnight,, making the jourin-y live ' hours longer ,than is ubual by! not Bleeping at the cliaiet on the,rohd''down'. This bt'lng the first 'time' that three ladle's' In oiio party had nmd e'llie accent, Inhabitants of tho village, on the following 'morn ing, presented,' the adventurous trio with an address and bouquets of flow ers. ' ropPi'Pius-IX has lately received' froin,anta BruzCal., tliiough Cardi nal Francby,. prefect of (ho Propaganda, thi photograph oj nii Indian still llviugi who has racbed the ige ot, li;3 years. Beneatlrlhls plettire'iiro''riieso words, wtltterrln Spanish by this "old mm'litm self :. "I Justlnlano' Rbxas, 123 years old, wish 'tlio hidft holy' H'ope lung year .of life.'' The Parlsh- register of of Santa Cruz shows that Roxas was baptized' March 4, 1702, being at that time above -10.' years of age. Ho has always led an exemplary life, still walks to' niass on Snud nys wilh no help but that of lils;slaff. he asks tho blesslng'of the Pope, whom he calls.the "Capitano do lojlpadrea,'l"i C'i'uU f') Inn eonvetisation which took placo lecently between a jCier'gyiiian of the establlshed.church ,niid a. member of his congregation' at dllftu'n, England) the liymdn ieuia'rkjed'thit 'ho Icjld, riot bellevo either In tho.perpohallty of the devil or In eternal punishment. Upon tdls' the 'clbrgymari Widhat unless the gentleman. sent him a letter.-retracting Ihesu, 'opinions, ho n'odld'refusahlm the Sacrament ,of th c Loidts Supper.' The layman dld-not sent tho retracllun, nnij on tho occasion vof his next attendance at thn"Holy Communion flie eff rgyman .PiissedhUn jover., jTaklng'-.ther, PF??"- tlon to comply with the rubric and give oeroreuaml notlco ot ills intention to couiniujilc'atf, thytlayman.Vjgaln attend ed tlio Holy Communion, nnd was a beconif llViie," 'passed' 'over T hereupop ho wiote to tho .Bishop of Gloucester and Urfstof,. who ropl)e)l that tho Jn cufnbent was not unlfled under tl:u clrcunis'tanco'ln refusing' the 'Sacrament. The .J,iyuia,u . luerids, .to .nttend oncp moro the Sacremeiit at thoichurpli ip question, and If again refused theSacr.i- men't, hfter tho bishop's intimation, ho L'wlll df Buce 'take proceedings, nplust iua uiergyiuuu iu uiu pruper cuuii Cosing' Prices of .DElUvlte '& Towns hn'd,. Stock, 'Government and Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, October 15, 1.874. !, IBS I vi m. u. 1?. san, ibo-j . US,.2D,,lS&l.",T. IT.. 5M, tSS6V '. . U. S s, 1S65 J. I, J. , U S.a'30'l8i!T '."' . liC Mil. -11S1 ' lafs Hi 'IT - 'i.Kfd. IS, , UJ, 16 .knl. V. F.I(VI),lb(U ir.g.i'Hoi ' U. 13 n'rtncx; U. fc. 6'i. Ml. i .'B'l: Hl?l1.d.''lTflled. .. ... !'. I l l 1 0 1 - . .1 .1 Pi-miaVlTanlk II. II l'LlU..t Iiedluii IU II. , UMfh Vnlley KaUronil Ublili Coal NiT.'&j. , Uiiui Ooiudaalut olN, J, UuM . . . Bllur ' . , . , W4 UJ. Cl LaJ. GRi t,lil. CI1' inked. 10 'i biJ. CO'Ju.teJ. Mll Ui. lU5kl.. io bht. laViiikwJ. i II J. 7' ulal. klUtnjnls'trntortif Valo .t 1 , Of..Va)u4bu , ,,, P er son&l.Pr.op.erty. .Wlllbe sold,, nt, Public Sale, oil thq premises late of Ellas Sl;lve, Mnboulng towuship,Carbon Co,, ra.,decd'd, ou Suflii-clfij-. Oclbticr It, I8T4 commencing (ot, TEti o'clock. In- the Forenoon, tho (ojiowlng- I'ernal Pro-, Terty, to wit 2 Jules, 18 tonn of Hay by tlio ton, 600 shucks of Corn, 100 bushels1 of Potatoes In lots, 1 -lot of Oats ln'-(traT, IS ouMieU of Hye, 1 Fanning 'Mllt.tt'bhares .Carbon County Agricul tural -Society, BU bundles Hye Mtaw, , lot of Manure and a variety of other 'articles' too numerous 'td mention. Conditions mode kutwmat time and plicn of saler-by , ' ' AARON SIIITIB,. IIBNKV TUCUKlt, Oct. 8, 1874-w8 Aduin, New Adverlisemeii 11. I ' M Vi . Of Valuable r '.' ' ( Meal Stsiiel The undersigned will offer nt fubllo Sale.on the piemlfps late of DANIEL SOLT, dee'd, lu FRANKLIN Town ship Carbon County. P.i., on TUESDAY, NOVKJUEIt iOth, 1874, Continencliig nt ONE o'clock P. M. The following valuable. Real Estate. iSKuhted as above, and known ns the ' "Daniel Solt Form," consisting of 110 Acres, more or leas, 75 Acres or Which." are denied, and under .a. hich, btato of. Culttvatlntv, th' remalnlnir 83-Aores be ing FINE TIMBER LAND, Comprls lug White Oak, Pine,- &cV Thrt Ini proveuients cquslht of Ono 2 Story Fraiuo DWELLING HOUSE, 2'4 x 30 feet, Hani, !)5 x 05 feet, and necessary Outbulldlnui-. There Is a never-falling Sprliii of Water on the premises, cbn venlenlly located to be taken to House or Barn. This offers a raro .chanco lor a man with a limited capital to get n first rate Farm, there being no better land In, Cat bou county. CO.NDITIONS OF SALE. $500 when the Property Is knocked down ; 1,500 upon delivery of Deed lu two weeks niter Sale, and balance In tw'o equal pajtnents on 1st of April," 18T0. and 1st of April, 1877,wlth Interest; the, Widow's Doweiy will remain a lien up. on tho property. SOL. & WM. SOL. Franklin Township, Oct. 17th, 1874. TJD o Ji a Dealer In Fancy nnd Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, Would hereby respectfully inform his friends aud the public In general that notwithstanding the dullness, of the times he is (letei mined to keep up. his stoqk,tO',lts..ii..ua tullnessllandJlSBt ,all times ready to show (sell or nut) his ch tire llho of goods, froni Silk's' nt'f.S.7. per yaid.dqwn to Calico for 5c per jd.; and would ulto be pleased to have thoso who cannot suit thomselves (no matter, in what aitlcle) In this, or Surrounding towns, to call" on hlin giving. a ttauiple or full inscription of tie article 'they waht.when It will be furnished the'in lu' n lew hour's time, at (he .lowest City prices, having tecured the snb.ii!encv nf one of the largest wholesale aud, re- tall nouses In the City. Particular attention 1st also, given to ,the Groeeiy department, which 1 (jiade up or eveiyiliinv net-elect lu llio- laiully, trutu a barrel of Hour up to the 11 u est Tea. Goods delivered to all parts free of charge. Orders by mall or by other sources promptly tilled. A few.moie good, monthly ctutom- cr will lie accepted. Thankful Utr the liberal patronago received thus far, I hope, by fair and impartial dealing, lo secure all my friends und many others as regular cus tomer.s. All laslcls.a fair trials bear ing in mind thut I will not be under sold. Also ngeut for the famous light run ning DOMESTIC SEWING MA CHINE, which I sell on easy terms. With the latch string on the outside; and my right hand extended to all, you win always una a welcome at F. P. LENTZ'S .flank St , Lehlghloii, Pa. N. B. Tim highest market prices allowed for CpUNTRV PRODUCE lu exchange for goods. AT PRIVATE SALE. The Lelilghton School. .Uoani1 ,now offer, nt Private Sale, the following de scribed valuable HEAL. ESTATE,-being a portion of the Public School Pro perty of tho Borough of Leblghton, to ult ; One Lot and Building, situated pn the'eorner of Iron ahi Plue atrcets, and bounded and described 'as follows : On the north by Iro'n street ; west by a common alley ;, south by n lot owned by Joeph Obert, and east by Pino otreet. The lot Is GO feet, front by 189 feet 0 Inches In depth. Also, TWO LOTS, Numbered 153 and 154'. situated on Pine street, in said borough, bounded' And 'described as follows : On the west by 'Pine street; south by lut No. 155; east liy west alley, and norm oy ueciar al ley, '-aid hits being each Gti feet froLt uy HJ leet u iiieue in uepiu. For terms and rurtherpa'rtlcu lara, apply'tb either of the undersigned , JOUN S. LENTZ, President'. A. J. DUHL1NG, Secretary. Dn, Ni IS. niillEIl, Treasurer. Lelilghton, May 2,874., ' s w tv CQ -i CQ CD O rs -ts o .0 1 O s 5 o O M3 CD art O TJ CD u -St in Q a Z -a P o t-s rt- ,M o Initio to !llio prc'inlsos cf ,-1tlte subscriber, on Ihe night or tne 27th ult.. a White .Sheep, with two. black strlpos on the baok.. Tbe.oyfper- wiu provu property, pay expeu. vu WKe ner.away, oi-.Bue,!Riut)!tu .no cording to law. , pnN. uonK.i No. 0 Brick How, Puck,uilou Oct. !), 187-1-3W 5 Now Advertigomonta. (riKbAn ntvi bkminahy-x V"t bealthrul TntnllT Hording School, lira, ilier or 8tudenli llmUwl Oounw of lnttraetlm .ntfnflve. gludrati vnntred for nUrgn or Tmrt- ntt. Term tnodanilt. For rlrcuUrs iddri V. Vixiixotx, rrln., Jit. Joy, Lanotter Co, Ft. Mason & Hamlin Organ Co.r Wlnnern it Three IIlRheit Medale mil Diploma Honor at Vienna, I8T3, n4 tnrla, 1SST, nowolTrr the F,lneat AaaorC ment of tlm Beat Cabinet Orglana Id the IVorlil, InrlndinK sew iljlei with recent Im nrofvmeotl, not only txclutlvtly for caih. an Torm erljr, l,ut alio on Nenr Plane ofBair Par menta, the mot raTernble,eTer nrTered.OR (MNS Itenteil -IVIthPrltlleinr r... tOliaaectvalmtataoj partoftha.couD.trj. i'lrit pnment$O0ompwrd. 1 lunatrnfea-patalOEue and Circular, wlthrull partlcplrt,iatntlre on reqneat. Ad drew . V HAMM1I ORGAN CO. Uoaton,Ner York or Oleago. Everybody's Own Physician I'VO. W OIIISOX.M.D A maffnMccnl volume of IBB ortnro pagea beautiful illuitrated and iltganUy bound. Cotitalna matter Juit adapted to the wants ottreryfamilj. tnor. One aarent lold 100 e wants oltvtryfamilj, Oper'AoO anorav One agrent loM 100 copitl in one wtkt an oilier 30 In Urre dayt and another US It our rfayi. Clrcnlara, with CmvUtt Index. See. . Mb- AGENTS WANTED. V, and exclusive territory. Addreii at once II. N. McKINNEVJt Co, 1'ul.li, 725 SimKm'Bt, 1'hlUdolphla. Pa. II A l.L'8 Patent IIU8KINO OLOVKS. VKIIY OUEATLY lMl'UUVKD In lormerthe cl.vwi.an4 the more complete ihltldlng oftbe parta a ul.ject to wcar.b; metal plates, making them wearjire timet at long, and do the work fttter and eaaler than ary other hunker. Made or thatvry lest calf leather, foor.slaef, right and left handed. Samples sent prepaid on receipt or price, Half (I!oti.,$1.V5; lull aioici, $1(0 per. pair, Ubaral dlacount In quantltlea. Mk your merchant, or ad dreas IIALLI1USK1NU ULOVJK Co,Chlcago,ILL. t. a a "a a Sai'2i3f o H 2 " o SS 5 51. OS Mi '; 01 1 Patent Improved. Better. ONEO" TUB MOT VALDABtB WECOVERtIS orTHBDAY. Pure hotter madefron the. fresh, caul fat 1 1 Horned' Cattle,-wMcai doea not become, rancid,-'id la In erery rat eciual .to,and for rulluary purpowa anperkir o enUnary lintier. rnm-M rryloipJ, coit orapparatua CrtBlag and. Infill Ijitat, The underalt'lftl are aula owofra. of tho l'atnt-thiht for Penniylraiilaid'areDoV ri-ady to atil County licenses en application. A. factory being In aucceaaful cperallon In Bethle hem, the pro. pit can W thoroughly Inspected.- Air. dree K. . Lelnbnch i. Co, UeChlsbam, Pa. A3IUEt, GRAVER, lrftOpn'oslto jtheTrtbllc Scjuaie, soorn st., lehigiiton;- Pi.fr Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron "War . And.Dealer In all kinds of Voir ESrs USboflng. SDobtlnir andvJohbln- promptly attended to. ' nov'.'80 USJGSA!f U MEDIOIN O. W. LENTZ. announces io his friends.' and the public In general that, bo has leased the Storn io Llebenguth Building, BANE street, Lebigbtcra, Fa,, and furnished It Tilths cvnpleto-easott-uientof ' - t Pure Druera, Patent Medicines,. .Flavoring Extracts Perfumery, ' , ' Toilet .Articles,. anil Iri fact'everythlng usually found-Ira ft well-kept Drug Storo.i rrescripnoos caretuuy compounded. He hlso' keeps1 cbiistantly on' band a. full stock of cholco:and pure Wines and Liquors. for'afedlclnal & Sacramental phrposea ; atid.'n ftiil tide of tiro choicest branchif Cigars and Tobacco ' which, ho Is selling at the very Lowest gripes., ife Bank; Street Lehlcbton. October 3. 1874. . , AX I, &.'TfI!TER OPHlVlrVO f 0" 'I-.1 n 1 MillineryGoods&lTotiQiis Mrs.-JBiOFatli's C ' f j . 2d1 Doorbclow the 31. K. t71iurcb, SANK Street; JHIGHTON. All work, mado up la t.ho Latest Styles at (ho Lowest Prices. J September 16, 1674-tn3NU ,1 Moiiso ana Eot for fyalq', .Situate' on Bank Etroevlii the borough of Leblghton, and uurbef ed lit qu tho plan or plot ot said borough. The Lot Is 33 x 189 feet ; the Blouse .Is thrtie, stories, with basement., 3-story Kitcjien and necesary outbuilding,' a. neycr'.fallliif' 'we)l of waterfWke. 1 It Is nicely located for almost anyklndiot b'uvlness. 'belnc situate on the p'rinolptl 'buslriess thoroughfare. For price aud lurtnec partlQuiars appiy at uiu unca, p'r ou tho prrrulsVs.' lo, , ,'tll , jsryf.DrPHICItLA.ncEflfl. July 9, 1874-rt ' ' '