The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 10, 1874, Image 2

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    11. V. MORTHIMKlt, KD1TOR.
The Controller of New York has
made a ttatemcnt of tho debt o thnl
city, which shows Its aggregate mi Sep
tember 00th to liavo been $153,720,092,
tin Increase of about twenty-two anil
one-half millions since, tho beginning of
the year. Thero arc at present in tho
sinking fund ol New York securities
valued at $20,829,732 ; so that tho debt,
loss tho sinking fund, on September 30,
was S120,sqc,300.
Dr. Ltndencin, In his report as Dl
lector of the Mint, says the amount of
specto In this couutry on the 00th of
Juno last was $107,000,000. The esti
mate shows a gain In specie and bullion
In tho Isvt two fiscal years of $38,500,-
000. Tho 'amount of gold and sllvor
coin and bullion In the world Is estlmat
d nt from ten to twelve thousand mil
lions. Tho present rate of production
is-sllvcr, $80,000,000 rihI gold, $100,.
000,000 j the two together being nn an
nual addition of about one and a. half
per cent to tho existing block of specie.
TWs last point Js elaborated; in Uio ro
port. A. correspondent of tha Panama Star
and Herald gives particulars of tho
earthquake nt Antigua, which commenc
ed mi tho evening of September 3d.
Tho shocks began without previous
warning, the movement being "a series
of strong vertical and horizontal impul
ses combined," and tho direction from
west to east. Tho surfaco undulations
rose nt least n, foot, making It almost
Impossible for people to movo without
being thrown to the ground. 'Loud,
thunder-like sounds roso from the earth
and mingled with the noise of falling
walls and tho cries of the affrighted peo
ple. About two dozen lnhabltod'liouses
were demolished and thirty-two persons
wero killed. Many houses were so bad
ly damaged that they will have to be
rebuilt. Tho shocks continued with
varying violence until tho morning of
the 4th.
a. J. imiiK,
Tho popular druggist, of this borough,
on Monday last, received tho nomina
tion of thp Democratic Convention for
number of the Legislature. In this
nomination tho delegates thero assem
bled did themselves and their party an
honor. Mr. Darling Is n man of the
people; honorable In his dealings, liber
al n his principles, and yet Democratic
to tho "back-bone." If elected to tho
Assembly, and we doubt not that ho
will be, wo have no hesitation in saying
that ho wl woi k honestly and assidi-
ously for tho best Interests of his con
Blltutenls. in this, ills own town, wu
believe that men of nil classes and par
ties will qlvo him their suffrages,
knowing as they do that they and their
Interests will bo faithfully represented
by.apd through him In tho Stnto Legls
Tho Coroner's Jury In their verdict
tho case of tho Grjnite Mills victims
say that they examined thoroughly for
ty-nlno witnesses, nnd ascertained that
tho firo originated In the mule room In
tho fourth story at pair of mules Nn, 13
Tho nro department responded as
promptly as posslolo, considering tha
four alarms were sourdeJ from separato
boxes. The Hook and Ladder Depart
ment wero U'sumclent. Due euro was
not taken to glvo tho alarm to tho occu
pants of tho sixth story, had it not been
for which neglect, the lives of all In that
story might havo been saved. Tho
mill's flre exthiEulsldng apparatus was
In order, but thero was no water in the
tanks, hence they were useless, There
were not, moreover, nmplo means to es
capo from tho attic, a neglect which
Was tho cause of much loss of life. The
jury therefore find lhat had proper
alarms been ul ven. nnd had the means
of escape been better, there would have
been no loss off life. They severely
condemn tho model of tho mill, and
recommend that other mills profltby thu
Atlvico to Politicians.
The following timely advice to poll
tlons wo take from the "Chilstlan nt
"Work," and earnestly commend It to
the attention of candidates In particular
nnd polltlcans In general :
"Wo hopo tho day will comu when
Christian men will liavo clmrgo of tho
ballot-box. It at present wants olean
Ing inside and outside. It Is black and
filthy. There have been uncleaned
hands pushing It about (or a Rood while.
Wo nro glad to know that the old crop
of politicians aro dying off very f-tst.
iliey wero a despeiata race, and their
reformation was Impossible, We wUh
that coi secratod Chrlstlnn men would
tako charge of public affairs. Tho
jtroubln Is that when good men go into
politics they do not tuka- their religlou
with them. Wc, tl.erefore, now tlint
,be,autumiial election U approaching.
volunteer them a llttlo advlco. First,
Do not lie, Thero will bo every temp
tation for you to say untrue thing
nbout tho opposing candidate, and
your county newspaper may yield
to fulsliood. But do nut surrender your
own veracity. All tho good you hevo
done belore this ca,tupilgii opens, and
nil tho good you will do after H has
closed, will bo no excuse for pre&ent
mendacity. Secondly, Do not drink.
When you nro out electioneering, and
get ycur feet wet, niidlhunlght Is chill,
you may bo allured to take a.rdent splr.
Its. When you cannot get n man tn
vote right, you will bo tempted to In
vito him to tho neighboring bar, know.
Ing that a man's henu Is not far re
moved from liU stomach. Ono of tho
worst effects of jjleetlon Day Is tho
(act that it lenves so many men d.nnag.
ed."f stroiiK, drink. Thirdly, Do not
swear. liven Christian men, In hot
politic'., I contests, nro apt to nso tho
namo of God rhetorically. Beware!
When you employ ovi r-empathlc
plirase, your Sunday-school hoys may
'near It, and men who do not believe In
sobrlrty of speech will copy your bad
example. Scowl ns much as Is neces
sary, and bring down your foot very
hard, and gesture violently, but do not
wear. Let nil politicians, especially
Christian politicians, pray for help to
keep light side up till after next No
vember." I'nrfy I'iaJiiiti ms.
Tho following excellent niticle wo
reproduced from the columns of Tho
Guide, published at Germantown. Pa.
We commended it to tho attention of
both political factions ;
"So notable havo been tho chanaes
within thu past few years ulde the two
groat parties of the country that It Is al
most impossible when compailug tin i r
State and National platforms, to dis
tinguish tho difference between Kepub
llcan nnd Democratic. Of course tho
one will ever be characterized ns "ne
gro worshippers' nnd the others as
"copperheads;" the ono will never cease
pi aling nbout its victories of tho war,
nor tho other of Its adherent! e to the
constitution of the country. To tho
though' ful looker-on, however, all this
miking of faces and calling of hard
names will prove about ns Interesting
nnd convincing as a wordy squabble of
school hoys over n gimu of marbles. If
tho licpublicans did all tho lighting,
nnd the Democrats remained at home to
feed (ho soldiers who wero in the field,
why who eares? Somebody must fight
while others till their haversacks and
prepare their nmmunltlonl If all thu
Republicans went fmtli to war, who
could havo been left nt homo to preserve
nn oiderly condition ofdomesMealTairs,
except tho Democrats and old woman?
It was a petfectly natural and econom
ical arrangement; and now nil this cri
mination nnd recrimination because the
Democrats "didn't light their shaio."
How could they? Thu Melds laid to bo
tllltd and the harvests gathered, the
anvils kept ringing and tho looms
whizzing. But ns we. havo said tho
changes have been so marked, In both
sentiment and policy, that the one can
with difficulty be distinguished from the
other. To day the "copperhead" of
Pennsylvania is a better protectionist
than the "loyalist" of ihu West; and ns
this, iho tai lit question, Is destined to
be the great bone of contention, the
great Issue of the day, after thu green
back and gold dllllculty shall havo been
settled, It Is plain to bo seen that thu
difference between these political anta
gonists will soon dwindh'diiwu tonbout
thu tame as that "betwixt twooggs."
'In our own Statu nothing is left for
fagtlonists to crow over, save the "glo
ries of thu past" and the predictions of
tho "future;" both ot which the ran.
tlous and upright citizen cares nothing
for, for it is of the present with which
l.o has to content. Ho has rd
and felt enough of war, tor It U wiitteu
on his tax-bills nnd iu tho rent of his
hou-e. Ho needs no moro light on the
constitution, for it Is but a ground on
which demagogues ate trained for tho
ring. What thu hard working nnd
honest tax-payers want Is honest and
capable men to vote for. Platforms are
of no nccount; no matter how many
planks they contain, It is well known
tln-y are nil of rotten wood, lloolu
tlons, no matter who or what they
nial-a or condemn, aru valuless, for ut
best they am but a string of decep.
tivo bunenmue. Ulve us pool men;
this Is what wo demand, nnd wo care
not n fig furyour party principles. Cease
your pinting about thu war and the
constitution, for these are mire blind!
We want good men) trim mt'Jil honest
men I Men win will neither ihciit us
of our voto nor fell thoiufelvts fur a
glass of rum. This Is what we want,
Away with your plattorinsl Something
better than th uso palched.up concerns,
made to order by a set of bloated poli
tic ins is what wu want, aod will havu
lieluro long upon which to rtaud What
noes jour cry in -miauy 'iiiiu "ingger"
amount to without good men fur phicc?"
Abraham Ilardeiiburgh, business
manager nnd e.ashler of the Jersey City
"Staudard," Is repotted to havu disappeared.
Iclileti TC'pie ry Wlieel Crmimny.
Wc nro glad to lcnrn that tho Lehigh
K.ucry Wheol Company nre again bnl
ly turning out their solid wheels. Ow
lug to tho giving nwny nf tho cylinder
of one of the powerful hydrnullo presses
U'-ed In making tho wheels, thu work
was Intfrriipted for n fiiw days, but Is
now resumed, nnd tho orders which
lmvo been accumulating are being filled.
This Company have fix of their ma
chines nnd a number of their wheels at
the Franklin Institute Exhibition now
hold in Philadelphia, nnd probably no
better place could be found to plnco
them where they would be s.eeii nml ex
amined by mnniifaetuicrs, machinists
and all Interested In emery gilndlng ma
chlnriy. Mr. James J'. Sanford, the
ngent of th Company, is In charge and
will show tho wheels In operation day
nml night, during tho whole time of tho
Exhibition, which will he open all this
It is gratifying to see that among nil
tho various manufactured products, tho
machinery, the ingenious mechanical
appliances, collected at this mol inter
esting exhlbitlon.that our Valley Is rep
resented In this nev Industry which
gives such proriilsn of succes. As this
enterprise Is largely controlled by Mnuch
Chunk capital, we look with In
terest at the record H will mako at tho
Exhibition. Coal Gazette
Tho district Sunday School Con
vention o! the Evangelical Church will
be held in ion's Chinch, Upper Mauch
Chunk, nn the loth and 10th of this
month. Children' meeting on Thurs
day veiling, the ISth, at V4 o'clock,
All friends of tho Sunday school cauo,
Irrespective of denominational differ
ences, are Invited to attend,
"Jy Amhrntype," by Mnrcutlo, Is
unavoidably crowned out. It will tip
pear next week.
New Advertisements.
On the nlaht of Saturday. Sent. 20th.
1874, from the person of John B.ieehus,
nt the Lehigh Va'ley Depot-, in Lehie.h
ton, one Pocket Hook containing 40.7.")
one pair of Moss AunteSlevc Buttons,
set In eighteen caret cold, and a mini
ber of papers of no use to any petvon
but tho owner. Let tho young man
who took them, return at once to the
his name will In- publlsliHil In next
week's Issue, and If not, I will present
huu with a pair of steel culls to wear
with ihu sleeve links, ami a stone man
slon to live iu for fifteen vears.
Lehlghton, Oct. 10, 1874.
The Chilian County Agricultural Soci
ety announce to tho publlo that, on ac
count of tho wet weather, they have
Postponed their
iLEQE&iaaS Urals
ffiondaV, Oct. 12tb
1874, nt 1IIG1IT o'clock, to Continue
FQUIt DAYS. All stock already en
tcrcd will be held over, and Additional
Enterics can bu inado until 12 o'clock
noon on TUESDAY, October 13th.
By order of the President.
W. C. FKEDIIUCI, Secretary
October 10, 1874.
of tlio Poor Accounts of
1 1 if bnrmnih nf llilgliton, from April
UUIIi, lisia, tn Sept. SMtn. ib7-l i
Geo. Valentine Swaiitz,
Tieasuror and Collector,
Gross amount of Duplicate
for 1873 J1.22S.30
Exonerations Deficiencies
and Krrors , !)8
Total ain't of moneys ree'd. .. 1,120.57
Money In hands or 'i reasuier.. u.iu.a:
Money In hnudsof D.m'l Clause
Collector ot Poor Tax for
1873 334.
Money In hands of Jos. Ouert,
Treasurer for 1872 23.1.00
Totnl ain't due the Borough. . . $817.2!
Paid for removing Ellrabeth
Suvder t 5.00
Paid for icmnvlug Catharine
Wertr. 12.2
Paid for Orders of Relief and
Traveling Expmses 21.00
Paid for removing Chas. Umpt.. 5.00
Paid ns per Vouchers 70.1,011
Puld Colli elm 's & Treas,' Fees, . 03 G5
Paid tor auditing accounts, 3.00
IVitnl ain't of Expenses, . . ,. ., .4S72
Money In hands of Treasurer. ..250.8:
We the undersigned duly elected tu
(liters nf Lehlnhton. Iiiiviiiu c xiimlucd
' inn uuovi' hccoums tlnu them to uo cor
rcct as slated.
Wm. Scaiioldt,
Oct. 10th, J871,.3-.
announces to his friends and the public
In goneral that ho has leased tho Store
n Lh'benguth'v, Building,
BASIJC street, Lohighton, Fa,,
and furnlshtd It tlha complete assolt-
mcnt or
?uro Drugs,
Patent Medicines,
Flavoring Extracts
Toilet Articles,
and In fact everything usually found In
well-kept Drug Store.
Preset Iptlons carefully compounded.
lie nlso keeps constantly on hand n
full btock of choice .nut puru
Wines and Liquors,
for Medicinal & Sacramental purposes :
and a luil Hue of the choicest brands of
Cigai-s and Tobacco,
which he s selling at the very Lowest
Cash Prices. "
Bank Street, Lehightou.
October 3. 1874.
OrpCiutiN' Court Side.
By virtue of an Order of the Orplnns'
Court of Carbon county, there will bo
exposed af. Public S.ile, in. the. premises,
in tho Borouuh of Lehlehton. on
t half-past TWO o'clock P. M., thu
following descilbed
deceased, vi.' All Hint certain hit, piece
or parcel of Ground, situate, Ijing and
ng in the lioroii"li or l.ehlliton.
Caibon county, Pa.; bounded and du
sciibed as follows, to wit: Beginning nt
a Btone, thence by hind of Lew ii Gravel
outli three degrees ami one hall west
twenty-hvu perches and one. tenth to a
lone, thence by land of George Ksch
dun eait twelve peiche., and two-tenths
to a stone; theueu bj laud of thu Intu
John KuuU, deceased, ninth twenty-
nliio degrees west eleven perches to a
toiiu; theneo uy the samu ninth lour
and one-half degiees east nineteen per
ches ami threes-tenths to a corner Iu thu
public road; thencb by public mud south
tllty-llve degrees west eight perche t
the placu of beginning, containing 1
Acre nuil i!, perches slilct Measure.
I he liuprnveuieiitstheiunn uru a one-
.ind-a-Hiilt Story DWELLING HOUSE,
Willi li.i-vmenl; a good well ot Watei,
and a number of Choice Fruit Trcs.
Terms and Conditions will bu untie
knonu ut thu time nml placu of sale by
Lchighton, Oct. 3, 1871, Adiniulstialor.
AlmlnIs(r:Uii-N' Stilo
Of Vnln.ihlu
Per sonalcPr operty.
Will be sold, at Public Silo, nn the
piciiil-cs late of Ellas Shire, Mahoning
tnwnshlpjCaibon Co,, P.i.,deciPd, on
.Suturiluy, Ocrolier 11,
commencing nt TEN o'clock In tho
Forenoon, the following Personal Pro
perty, to wit 2 .Voles, 18 tons of Hay
by the ton, 000 shucks of Corn, 10U
bushels of Potatoes In lots, 1 lot of Oats
iu straw, 13 oushels of Itye, 1 Fanning
Still, o Shares Cat lion County At'ilcnr
lural Society, 83 bundles Itye Straw,
lot of Manure and a variety of other
ui tides loo uumeious to mention.
Conditions made known nt time nnd
pIsco ol sale, bj
Oct. 3, 187i-w3 Admrs.
r ,
Milliuery Goods & Notions
2J Door below tho If, 13. Ciurch,
All work made up In the Lntcst Stjles
at the Lowt Pi Ices,
Soptember 10, 1874- mS
.nnmo to tUo iirciulNON f
tlio fiubscrllirr, on thu night of thu
S7tli ult.. a Whlto Shei'i), with two
black utrloes on the back. The owner
will prove property, pay expenses nml
tukn lur nnay, or blm win uo soia ac
corUInu to law.
No. 0 Brick How, Fackettou,
Oct, B, im W
No. 1, ol'LcIiigliton, Pa.,
IN Till!
ct. 1.
For. Tin: occasion,
Jlngti r of Crrtmniilci l
J. W. Raudenbush.
TICKETS, 1.00.
Nf tro In hereliv (riven (hat tlie l'xrpntr, Ail.
inlnlclrntf rp, nml lluariljinv lierflnnftpr, tinmen,
liale flleil tliolr reiwi'tlw imnuntx of tho f -ltow
I if hfttnte In IIim llfuUtfr'i Oltlfi, nt Manrli
Chunl;. In ni"l f. r lh,i County of Cnrlinu, ivlilih
flfCminU lii'ol"V! nllowfj l,y tlirt Iteil.tpr. will
m pcentoi tn th .IuiUi'k or I lie Drplinnh' Court
on Mni.dty. tho 10. h di of Oct., next, nt ton
oclni'k, A 1., Inr font'irlttall u t
First and final accnuntof Wm. Ilomlg,
administrator of Ellas Anthony, dee'd.
First and finnl account of Elizabeth
Allen, ndniinlstratilx of Georgu B. Al
len, dee'd.
First and final aeconnt of Henry B y
nr, execu'or of the last will nnd testa
ment of Francis Crllley, dee'd.
Final nccount of Wm Kudus, ndmln
Istralor of Dai Id Koims. dee'd.
First and limit account of JoU n n
ner, administrator of Chailes Moyer,
Final account of Tilghman Arner,
Gtiardl.iii ol Samh Ltchlelter, minor
child of Jos ph Leehlelter, dee'd.
First and II mi I nccount of Thomas
Keineier, Executor of Charles Dcligler,
lte?ltt?rV Onice, M.iu.h Chunk, so.t., 2J, 1UT4.
Tho Lehlghton School Annul now
otter, at I'rlvnto Sale, the fnllowing de
scribed vntuablo ItUAL ESTATE, be
ing a poiliou of thu Public School Pro
pel tj ot the Borough uf Lehlghton, to
ult :
One Lot and Building,
situated on tin- comer of lion nnd Pino
streets, and bounded and descilbed ns
follows : On thu ninth by lion stieet ;
west by n common alley ; south by n
lot owned by Joseph Obeit, and east by
Pine street. Thu lot Is (ill feet front by
180 feet 0 Inches In depth. Also,
Numbered lli3 and llil, situated on Pino
stieetf In said botougli, bounded and
described as follows: On the west by
Pluu stieet; south by lot No. 155; east
by West nlley, and north by Cedar al
ley, aid lots being eacli CO feet frout
by ISO leet 0 Inches in depth.
tT For terms and fuither particu
lars, apply to either of Iho uinler-lgued.
JOHN B. LUNTZ, President.
A. J. DUULIN'G. Secretary.
Du. X. It BEBEIt, Treasurer.
Lehlghton, May 2, 1874.
The KiiuVrs'inietl respectfully Informs
the cltlzt-iis ot 6'utbuli anil uiljolniiii'
cniiiitiu'i, that bo t now pieptueil to
supply tlieiii with
Dressed or Live- Hogs
at nil times, nt prices fully ns, low ns
hey can be bouuht for elsewhere. Also,
Smuki'il llntiH, lloloiti' nml Saussnge,
at VA'r.olei.ile nml ltetail.
1ST Onleis will be promptly niled,
ami Hoi's shipped to any point nt thu
shortest notice.
Hank Stieet, Lehlghton, Pa.
Sept. 10, i874.yl
grwsi.v II.1UU,
Bread and Cake Baker,
llespeclfully Informs the citizens of
Lehljihtnn anil vicinity, that 1 o bin re
moved liN business from Weissport to
his premises on
nnd that he is now prepared to furnish
l'ri'li llreiid nnd Cakes daily. .Steum
made l'retzels shipped in Inrjje or hinall
()uantltles to order, nt wholesale and re
tail. Y7ESBKT3 AltS CLZ13 A
tdryCnndies m il C'onfectloiH, n largo
and choice variety uUiays on hand.
Sept. 2tith, 1674.-tf.
Livery & Sale Stables,
Aud positively I.OWEH 1'liICES tlian
any other Lively In tho County.
1ST Large and hauilsnme Carriages
for Funeral purposes and Weddings.
J.'or, K, ism, pAVID EBBERT.
Now Advertisements.
itlilAU Hlbb SKIUINAnY-A j,W
ant, healthful family Hoarding Sthool. Num
ber of Student! limited Couma or Instruction
extenslre. Sludenti prepared for cr)ltgafor bnal
ne. Ternta moderate. For rlrculara, address D.
DiKUNOEii, 1'rln., Jit. Joy, Lancaater Co., Fa.
Mason & Hamlin Organ Co.,
Wlnnora nf Thrre IIIp;liett Mcilal and
niploiun nrilonor atVlennn, 1873, and
Pnrla, 1807, noworfrr theFlueit Aaaort
mriit or the Heat Cabluet Organa In the
'World, Including new styles with recent lm.
proiementa, not only erclvtirfljf for caiA, as form
i-rly, tut also on Nr Plant of Eaay Pay
inentH the tnntt farorable ever ofiflrv.d. (lit.
HANS Rented With Privilege, of Pur
cllnae, tr almost any part of the countrj. First
m ment $1 O'l nr upwards.
Illustrated Catalogue! and Circulars,
with full partiiulars, aent IrCt on request. Ad-
lloalon, New York or Clcago,
Everybody's Own Physician
bv C. W. QLBtso.H, M. D. A magnificent volume of
4 88 ot tiro pagen beautifully MuttraUd nnd
tlegnntly bound, Coiitnlm matter junt dptd
tu Iho wftut ottveryfamilj OvtrlMO engrav
itifjt, Oitd ugent told 100 copiei tn one weekt an
other 30 lu three dayt and another 25 Itour
days. Olrenliirn. with Complete Index, free Lib-
and excluslre lerritorj. Address at once
II. N. McKISNKV & Co., l'ub'rs, 723 Bamson St.,
I'lilhdulrllU. l'a.
II ALL'S Pntent 11V8KING Ol.OVES".
VKKV (IIIKATLY lMl'llOVKDIn form of tha
ii.lws.and the more complete shielding of the
partsauljectto wear, by metal plates, making them
wearlre timet at lmgt and do the work faster and
tMiur than any rtber husker. Made of the nry
Veil ralfleatlur, four sizes, rlnht and left handed.
Kunples sent prepaid on receipt of price, Half
lllotis.fl.V6; lull OloTes, flM per pair. Liberal
discount In quantities. Ask your merchant, or ad
dress 1IALLIIUSK1M) ULOVt CO.,Chlcao,ILL.
Patent Improved Butter.
Ot'Tlli; DAY. Pure butter tnnde from the fresh
caul Tat i f Horned Cattle, which doea not become
raticlJ, aid Is In every respect equal to, and for
culinary purposes superior to ordinary Uulter.
rriwes tery slaiplo, coat of apparatus triOIng and
iV!ti Largr, 'iho undersigned are sole Owners'
of the I'ateiil-rkht for 1'ennsylranli, aud'arenoir
ready to soli County Licenses on application. A
factory being iu successful operation In Uothle.
hrin, tho proiess rau lw thoroughly Inspected. Ad
dress V i , Lelubach It Co., Bethlehem, Pa.
In order to reduco present stock on
hand, nnd to mako room for the New
Styles of
I bavo Iteduced my Trices to spit tho
times, nnd am" selling at the lowest pos-'
slbio prices. As nn example ot the
prices look nt the following:
Calico, lQo., worth 12c.
Gingham, 10c, -worth 12o.
Best do., 13c, worth l'5c,
AUo, In my line of
I defy competition ns to quality and
price. I ntu selling lino
Ho. 2 Mackerel for tho small
sum of 5 cents !
EsT" A liberal sharo of the public
patronage Is respectfully solicited, nud
the best satisfaction guarrantecd at all
w9 ip. MEjraa;
Letickel's Building,
Bank St., Lehighton.
Opposite the Public Squat e,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds ot
t3T Hooting, Spouting and Jobbing
promptly attended to. nor, 80
, Fo 36:E JLT9
Itespectfully announces to the citizens
of I.ehlehtou and vicinity, that ho lias
Hew Photograph Gallery,
on I1ANKWAY, (near tho Lehigh Val.
ley ltailroad Depot), Lehlghton,
nnd that he Is now prepared to give our
citizens Llfo-Like Pictures nt the most
reasonable rates.
Purticular nttentlon paid to taVlng
Children's Likenesses. A Trial is
solicited. Juno IS,
JSra OTIIEHS, Look at that Child, It
-L'-"- 1ms Worms. Go or send at onco
to DUflLINQ'S Drug Store, and get a
bottle of bla WOUM SYBUP, eoylea
sant and yet so sure, may 0
rri s r SS s)s I3g,a?i;2
sip. 1 1 ItfSs isilt1!
i Win si eiUfSlj