The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 03, 1874, Image 4

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Willows who cry most nro easiest
consoled; there Is nothing Hho wet
weather for transplanting.
Most .kinds of roots and barks nrn
cow used as medicines, except tho cubo
root and tho bark of the dog.
Types continue to cut up antics,
ovon in, well-regulated offices, we Infer
from seeing John Brown announced as
"a linseed preacher."
An agricultural paper recommends
la quart of brandy to euro the staggers.
Wo have thought brandy was the canto
of 6tnggcrs.
An old maid Is not without power.
,A writer observes that ho has known
ono such to turn a steamboat excursion
Into an occasion of gloom and despond
ency. Had you, sir," said Ilenry Ersklne
to a dilatory carpenter, "been thero to
build tho ark, wo should not havo had
the flood yet."
"How on earth do you manage?"
asked a gentleman tho other day of two
inseparable loungers. "You are always
together, you never do anything, and
yet you always have plenty of money."
"Simplest thing In the world, my dear
fellow," was the candid reply: "Wo
borrow of one another."
Tho Danbury man thus briefly re
lates hlsexperlcncoou English railways:
"The englno consists simply of the boil
er, Btnoko pipe and steam wills tlo.
Sometimes you Imagine that It consists
entirely of the steam whistle, but that
Is only when It blows. I always crawl
under (ho seat when I hear It. I can't
help It.
A man bought a horse. It was tho
first horse he over owned. lie saw lu a
newspaper that a side window In a
stablo makes a horse's eye weak on
that side; a window In front hurts his
eyes by tho glaro; a window behind
makes him squint-eyed; a window on a
diagonal line makes b(m shy when ho
travels; a stablo without a window
makes him blind. So he sold the horse.
Getting rid of owls. An old farm
er who was troubled by owls that Inva
ded his hennery got r(d of them In a
rather novel manner. One night he
ground a scythe blade very keen, spilt
a long pole at tho top, Inserted tho blade,
and holstod tho pole. Tho birds of
wisdom never lit on this but once. Ono
gallon of owl-toes were picked up next
morning, and tho farmer has not lost
a hen sljicp.
In a certain vlllago not far away,
lived a very honest farmer, who hav
ing a number of men booing In a field,
went to see how his work went on.
Finding ono of them sitting still, he re
proved him for Idleness. Tho man an
swered, "I thirst for the spirit." Grog,
you mean, I suppose," said the farmer;
"bpflf tho Blble.tcaches you to thirst
for the spirit, It says also, "hoe every
ono that thlrstethl"
A gentleman at Lt&o Gcorgo,after
waving his handkerchief for halt an
hour or nioroat aujjunknown lady,
whom discovered at a distant point
on tho shore, was encouraged by a warm
rosponso to his signals to approach his
charmer. Imagine his feelings when,
on drawing nearer, ho saw that It was
his own dear wife whom ho had left at
the hotel but a sliprt time before.
"Why, how remarkable wo should hve
recognljcd each other at such a dis
tance," exclaimed both In tho same
breath; and tneu they changed the sub
ject. At Fair Oaks, whllo standing In
tho very tempest of death, with his
sword uplifted In command, Gen. O. 0.
Howard had his right arm carried away.
The night, after Howard had suffered
amputation, and was lylnc spent and
racked with pain In a box car which
(was to tako him to Washington, Kear
ney, who had lost his Ieft;ami in JexI
co, drow near, and looking In tho car,
said: "Howard, old boy, I'm sorry for
you sorry with all my heart; but, How
ard, I have just thought of something,
When you get to Washington, Duy a
pair of gloves; send mo tho right and
keep tho left for yourself, and I will
dlvldo tho cost with you, nnd hereafter
wo will live more economically." And,
turning away, Kearney muttered :
"That Is better for him than praying,
and theuIIoward can beat me praying
any way,"
Of Mrs.'IIenry Ward Beecher, it Is
said that she Is ruddy faced, with a pro
fusion of gray halr.and somewhat stout
In figure. Ono summer Mr. Beecher
had gnuo to l'eeksklll In advance of his
wife, who remained in Brooklyn to see
that tho house was left In proper condi
tion for tho vacatlou. A new coach
man was hired in l'eeksklll who had
never seen Mrs. Beecher, and on tho
day of her expected arrival he was sent
to tho station to fetch her home. After
a time ho returned alone, and In an
swer to Mr, Ifeecuer'a Inquiries he said
that Mrs. needier did not come on tho
train. "That's Impossible," said the
astonished parson; ''sho telegraphed
this morning that she would tako the 3
o'clock train, Did no one get out at
tho station?" "JYb ono except du old
Irishwoman." "Go right back," said
Mr. Beecher, ''and fetch the Jrlsbwo,
man. Sho's my wife,"
BANK Street, LEniGHTON, aro
now offering Fall and Winter
comprising DeLalnes, Alpacas, Satlncs,
Empress Cloths, &c., and a full lino of
They also call particular attention to
their Immense stock of Ladles', Gent's,
Misses' nnd Children's
E$t9 Slioes9
Gaiters & Rubbers,
manufactured especially for the trado
of this section, at Low Prices.
Our stock of Groceries, Flour,
Provisions, Qncdivivarc nnd
Wood and Willow tVuro,&c,
Is full and complete In overy depart
ment, nnd goods and prices aro suro to
suit. A trial Is respectfully solicited,
nug 59-mG
jp D. CL.AUSS,
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
OciiI'n Furnlsliliifr Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock Of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Casslmeres nnd Vestlngs.for Men's and
Boys' Wear, which I am prepared to
Mako up to Order In tho most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well selected stock of French and
Turkey Morocco, Glovo Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebblo and Grain Leather Boots
and Shoes on hand, or
Mario to Order,
Hats & (CsapSj
Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at
lira r.rtMraef Trla
Also, Agent for tho
American & Urovcr & linker
Sewing JSIiicMiies.
Only Ono Price for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
Tclsspoit Ahead !
The undorslgned would resppctfully
Inform builders, contractors and the pub
lic In general, that they havo opened a
laiiiiliei UTawsl
In connection with their
Near tho L. ft S. Depot,
anu mat tney nave now on mum an im
mense stock of ,horoughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pino Boards,
Surfaced Pino boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pino,
Sidings, of nil kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,
Roofing and Celling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at th very lowest market prices.
Wo are nlso prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very One article of
Sand, suitable for Masonry
Work, Plastering, &c, at Re
markably Low Figures.
Wo have constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
which wo will sell, In largo or small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Yoakol & Albright;
aug 23-yl Carbon county, Pa
W. It. IfcJSX,
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lehlshton and vicinity that lie, Is
now prepared to oontract for tho erec
tlon of dwellings, churches, school
houses, anil other buildings. Also, that
no keeps constantly on hand a full as
sortmeut of every description of
consisting of lloorlug, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, &c,
which he Is prepared to furnish at the
very lowest market rates,
ratronage respectfully solicited.
W. R. REX.
Lehlghton, May 17, ViTi. ly
Contractor & Builder,
Plans and Specifications
For all kinds of Buildings made at the
shortest notice
Made for Plans and Specifications when
the contract Is awarded to the under'
i signed. A. W. EAOIIES.
June 14, 1878-yJ
Save 20 Per Cent.
By getting jour
Dono at tho Offlco of the
Carboo Advocate,
Bet. the P. 0. nnd L. V. K. It. Depot,
Itclilgliton, Carbon Co., Pa
Wo havo just received a largo and
gant assortment of
raw wm.
Of tho latest styles j together with a
supeilor stock of
And a variety of other
A nd can now give our patrons first
class work at prices tit least
20 Per Cent Lower
Than ony other Offlco In thlssectiou.
Give Us a Trial, and be Convinced.
GTTho patronage of the publlo
respectfully solicited.
A 34-column Local Paper, and tho only
Klitlrcly rrlnttil In Hie Con )',
Is published every Saturday mornin a
$1 a Year in Advance,
Or $1.50 If not paid In advance. The
Advocate, witli Its largo and In
creasing circulation, Is ono
of tho very
licit Alcdlunii fur Advertising
In this Section,
Rates furnished on
Lehlghton, Carbon County, Pa.
In order to closo out present stock,
the undersigned respectfully announces
to the citizens of Lehlghton and vicini
ty that ho lias
Marked Down Prices
of all kinds of Goods to about cost,
and wilt Sell
For Caish Only
He has In stock a large assortment of
Dry Goods,
and n variety of otlier articles too num
erous to enumerate.
If you desire to secure
Now Is your Time A Small Sum of
Money will Buy a Large Quantity of
Goods I
Store, Opposite L. & S. Depot,
BAIiK-street, Lehigh ton, Fenna.
Z. II. LONG, Jgent.
Tiloijman AitNEit, Auslgnee.
March 28, 1874.
Opposito h. & S.
On the East Weisspoirt Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs tho citizens of this
vicinity that ho keeps cmitnntly on
hand, and Is selling at tho very lowest
Market Prices, tho very best brands of
FlMr sMFe2M!5
For Zhilldlng and other purpose, which
he guarantees to bo
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell at tho
Wholesalo and Ranll nt tho very Low
est Cash Prices.
He has olso a number of very eligibly
JBiafiMiBBg ILots
In R1CKERTST0WN, Franklin Twp.,
which he will sell on very Easy Terms,
nug. 9, '7a-yl J. K. IUOKERT.
Corner of
Bank & South Sts., lehighton, Pa.,
Keeps a full lino of ,
BBry g1s5
Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Black
and Colored yllpaeas, Ginghams,
Prints, Shirting Sheeting, Ac.
of overy grade nnd pi lee.
In great varlo y
(&rocea'te sand
Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Splees, Fruits,
Hams, Shoulders, SIdn-Moat. &).
Bought, Sold or Exchauged
For Building and other purposes In
great variety of tho best quality.
All goods warranted ns represented
and prices fully ns low ns elsewhere.
April 5, 1873-yl
Would respectful
ly nnnoimco to
his friends and
the public in general, that lie has open
ed a first-class
Livery & Sale Stable,
and that ho can furnish Horses. Bungles
nnd Carriages of tho best description,
for Pleasure, Business or Funeral put
poses, at very Reasonable Charges,
and on short notice. HAULING dune
at short notice and on short notice In
connection he will also continue Ids
Carriage Manufactory
whero the people can get their Carriages
juggles, Wagons, etc., mane to order,
or RKPAIHED on short notice and at
reasonable prices.
Tho undersigned respectfully .an
nounces that he has been appointed
Agent for tho
Universal Wringer
Doty'sOlothes Washer.
These nro undoubtedly tho best Wash
trs and Wringers In the market, and
our ladles nru invited to call nt.d bee
L. P. Kleppinger,
C'ot.UAK and IRON' Streets,
Feb. 22, 1878. j Lehlghton, Pa.
A Hew Idea!
50 Dollars ! !
Buy the World-Renowned
tSTTho Highest Premium
awarded to it at
Ohio State Fair
Northern Ohio Fair;
Aiucr. Institute N. Y.J
Cincinnati Exposition;
Indianapolis Exposition J
St. Louts Fair;
Louisiana Stato Fair;
Mississippi Stato Fair;
nnd Georgia Stato Fair;
and doing tlto lnrgcst and best
rango of ivork. All other
Machines in tlto Market
ivcro lu direct
ZWFor Hemming, FelU
ing, Stitching, Cording,
Binding, Braiding,
Embroidering, Quilt
ing and Stitching fine
or heavy goods it is
"Where we havo no Agents
wo will deliver a Machine
for tho price named above,
at tho nearest Rail Road
Station of Purchasers.
Needles for all Sewing Ma
chines for Sale.
Old Machines taken in Exchange,
Send for Circulars, Price
List, &o., and Copy of the
Wilson Reflector, one of tho
best Periodicals of the day,
dutroted to Sewing Ma
chines. Fashions, General
News and Miscellany.
Agents "Wanted
Wilson Sew ins Machine Co,
Tho Cnrbon Advocate,
Thu Chepit I'nper Id thi Lthlih Valley
Only One DolUr a Year.
HIM 1 -a M i at ' AMi M IH M '.m
,aafe6toittnwwwniiiiiini fin wi
Dr. J. "Walker's California
Vinegar Bitters nro a purely Vcg
otablo preparation, mado chlelly from
tuo u.itivo uerus louutt on tuo lowpr
ranges of tho Siorra Nevada moun
tains of California, tho medicinal
propcrtlo3 of which nro extracted
therofroni without tbo uso of Alcohol.
Tho quostlon 13 almost dally nakoil,
" Wnat is tuo cattso ot tuo unpar
nllolcd success of ViNErurc IHt-
teks!" Our answer is, that they
roraovo tho cnuso of disease, and
tho patient rocovcrs his health. They
pro tho great blood purifier anil a
jlfo-glving priuclplo, a perfect Reno
vator and luviporator of tho eystom.
Never before in tho history of tho world
has a lucdiciuo been compounded pos
sessing tho remarkable qualities of Vix-
"zaxti Bitters in healing tho sick of
overy diseaso man ii heir to. Tboy aro
a centlo Purgative as well as a Tonto,
rolioviug Congestion or Inflammation of
tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious
Tho properties of Dr. Walk
er's Vineoar Hitters aro Aporicnt. I)ia
phoretio, Carminativo, Nutritious, Laxa
tive, Diurotic, Sedative, Countcr-Irritaut,
Sudorific. Alterative, and Anti-Billons.
Gratefal Thousands proclaim
Vinegar Bitters tho most wonder
ful Invigoraut that over sustained
tho sinking system.
No Person can tako theso Bit
ters according to dirootions, and re
main long unwell, provided tuoir
bones aro not destroyed by- mineral
poison or other means, and vital or
gans wasted beyond repair.
Bilious, llcmittcnt, nnd In
termittent Fevers, which aro so
prevalent in tbo valloya of our groat
fivors throughout tho Unltod States,
especially thoso of tbo Mississippi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee,
Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo
rado, Brazos, Rio Grando, Pearl,
Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ro
anoko, James, and many others,
with their vast tributaries, through
out our entiro country during tho
Summer and Autumn, and remarka
bly so during seasons of unusual
eat and dryness, aro invariably ac
companied by ostensivo derango
mcnts of tho stomach and liver, and
Other abdominal viscera. In .their
troatmoiit, a purgativo, oxorting a
powerful iufluenco upon thoso vari
ous organs, is essentially necessary.
Thoro is no cathartic, for tbo purpose
equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar
Bitters, as thoy will speedily remove
tho dark-colorod viscid matter with which
tho bowels aro loaded, at tho samo timo
stimulating tho secretions of tho liver,
and generally restoring tho healthy func
tions of tho digestivo organs.
Fortify tho body against dis
easo by purifying all Its iluids with
Yineqar Bitters. No epidemio can
take hold of a system thus turo-arnicd.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head-
nclio, Tain in tho Shouldors, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizzinoss, Soar
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tion of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kidneys,
and a hundred othor painful symptoms,
aro tbo offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ouq hot
tlo will provo a better guarantee, of its
morits than n lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or lung's Evil, "Whito
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled
Neck. Guitro. Scrofulous Inflammations.
J, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affee-
I .1 I' ah n ti if .. i' . m.r
viuus, uiu cures, urupuuns ui iuu oniu,
Soro By os, etc. In thoso, ns in all other
constitutional Diseases, Waikkb's Vin
eoarBittersIiuvo shown their great cur
ativo powers in the most obstinate and
intractable cases.
For Inilammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases
of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder,
thoso Bitters havo no equal. Such Dis
eases aro caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons
engaged in Paints and Minorals, such as
Plumbors, Typo-scttera, Gold-beaters and
Miners, as tney adranoo in life, aro sub
ject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard
against this, tuko a doso of Walker's
VfNEOAR Bitters occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,
Tetter, Sal t-Klicum, Blotches, Spots, I'im
pics, Pustules, Boils, Carbunelos, King
worms, Scald-bead, Soro Kyes, L'rysipo
las. Itch, Scurfs, Dlscolorutions of. tbo
Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin vt
whatov.or natno or nature, aro literally
dug up and carried out of tbo system in a
short timo by tho tso of thoso Bitters.
Tin, Tape, and other Worms,
lurking in tho system of so many thou
sands, aro effectually destroyed and re
moved, No system of medicine, no ver
mifuges, no anthelmintics will freo tho
system from worms like theso Bitters.
For Fomalo Complaints, in young
or old, married or single,. ot tho dawn of
womanhood, ortho turn of life, theso Ton
io Bitters display so decided an influonco
that improvement Is soon perceptible.
Cleanso tlto Yitiutcd Blood
whenever you find its Impurities bursting
through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions,
or Sores; cleanso it when you find it ob
rtructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse
it wbon it is foul; your feelings will tell
you when. Keep too blood pure, and the
health of tho svstcm will follow,
it. ii. Mcdonald a co.,
Pnigglit) & Gen. Agti., Sun Fraociico, Califor.
bin, ii cor. of Washington and Charlton titiN.Y.
holil t,y nil UriiKi;''"
ROSE GLYCEIUNB for Iloughnesj-of
the Skin, ( happed Hands, ic, only SS
cents a bottle. may 0.