Advertising ItntcH. Vr desire It to be distinctly understood that no AdTertlement will w Inserted In the columns of Tni Ci0!t Advocuti that rasy be received from unknown partial OTflna,n1!" accompanied with the Cub. The showing re our ost-T terms : -AdTertlsements fori rear, r,er)nch each Insertion Cents. " Bli Months. wr Incheach Insertion 15Cents. Three Months, ' " " 20 Cents. ' Ihws than threemonths, flrstlnser- Uen'tlieKh subsequent Insertion 26 Cents II. V. MOIITIIIMKK, rntllsher. -jft IX. SlKWEitS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICEl Ground FloorlnthenewaddHonof the Mansion House, Mauch Chunk, Ta. Business transacted In English and Oerman. Collections promplyuiaaeiind ContejanciiiF neatly done. O-Petiletnmt of Estates Proving Wills, pl talnlmr Letters ot Adinlnlstrntlmi.l'lllns Arctln-s, nd Orphans' Court rractlcecarefultyntten led t" Licenses Charters and Incorporations procured, and Criminal Cases made a specially. ' I Packard Orchestral Or gans, aud Ilainps Brothers Pianos, A. P. IIokn, Agent,. Lehiprhtonj Pa. Jlllr 25, U71-ni3 lw flfavtom Atomic 8ATUIIDAY MOKNING, OfTOIlKK 3, 1874, Local and Personal. Special Notice. Those of our sub- scrlucrs receiving' their paper with a cross upon the corner near their name, will save, fifty cents advance In pi leu by remitting tho dollar subscription at onco. Our terms are $1 in advance, or $1.50 If not so paid. - The Republican delegate election -will be held on Saturday next, aud the County Convention In tho Court House, sitJIauch Chunk on Monday, the i'Jth Inst. Our public schools will bo closed on Thursday and Friday of next week, In order, to alluw thu'llttld folks to at tend the fair. Hie annunl exhibition of the Franklin Institute will commence. on the 0th Inst., in the spacious building corn er of'13th and Market s(ieets, Plillailel phla, and continue till the !Ust. Open from 10 a. m. till 10 r. t. "Have a carriage?" If so go to David Ebbeit's livery on Hank street. He, can furnish you with one at a low lrlce, day or evening. The Delaware, Lackawanna am! "Western Railroad it niunces a quaiter ly dlvldent of,2!i per cent, payable Oc tober 20. Daniel Krock & Co., have purchased tho stock, good-will and fixtures of F. S. Kuhns.' bread and cake bakery, In this borough, and look possesion on Thuisday morniug last. They propose, to largely increahe the stock anil to op en a nice eating saloon in connection. The Zorough Council sold the 2nd crop of grass on the Publio Square to Fred. Lwuckel for $10.5(1. The gravs was cut on Wednesday last. For family Hour, of the very best quality go to J. K. Ulckert, East Weiss port. Lumber aud coal in largo or small quantities at lower! market rates. A few lota in IMckcrtovtii still unsold i buy at once. For salo a five octavo Parlor O. gan now) at a great reduction ripply at 'this ofilce. If you want a nice fitting shirt leave your measure at Laury & l'eturs, 1'ost' office. For fall aud winter boots, call at A. & D. Graver's. Cheap and good. St-tek No. 1 of tbe.Lehlgii Iron Co., rat the Junctionals to remain idle over winter; owing to tho'coutlnuud depres sion In the iron trade.. The Central Halroad of Now Jer sey will pay Its quarterly dividend of 2pr cent on Tuesday, October 20, Dennis Sharkey, convicted of at tempting to assnsslnato ll"S.s Green, in July last, was sentenced at Wilksbarre Tuesday to six years and nine months" imprisonment lu the penitentiary. At Wllksbarre, on Saturday night, four colored men, Henry Thomas, Jus. Welcome, Thomas Irwin and Oeorgu liazaiue, assulted a white man, i anted James English, on the street, and Thomas cut his throat. Thomas was arrested, and It required all the effwts of th.- police to keep him fiotit being hanged by an exasperated mob. Kit. gltsb Is lu a precarious condition, A fine St. Charles bay horse, six years old, sound all over, lor salo at L. F. Klepplnger's, livery stable. Will trot hls.mllu In 3 minutes, and has never been, under training. Apply soon A good girl wanted to assist at houeowork, &c. Good wages, ripply .at this olllco. Perfumery and toilette articles in great variety at A. J Dutliug's, IEc ber's Building, Bank street. 1 F. P. Lentz has got emj Calicos from 01 cents per yard upwards, Try them. The Lehigh Hydraulic Cement Works, at Coplay, have resumed opera tions. Fall hats aro appearing on our streets. Our merchants havo a fresh supply.- Look out for pick-pockets the com ing week, 't'hey gather at Fairs llku buzzards around carrion, It Is rumeredthat tho No. Ofurnaco of the Crane Iron Co., nt Catasauqua, Js to be re-started. Miss Lizzie Kramer desires us to .state for the Information of the ladies that she Is now receiving the fall and winter styles of hats and bonnets, aud (that she Is prepared tu do them up lu tho latest aud most failuouable manner At very reasonable prices, Laury & Peters have jutt received a largo and elegant stock of new goods, comprising cloths, casslmeres and vest lng, which they are prepared to make up lu the latest fashion at tho lowest P rices. For a nobby suit ami a perfect fit tjo to Laury it Peters, merchant tailors. rj Mrs.' 9 won Ebhcrt, of South Lo nlUlittiUwas kahdjhg at her door on Friday"of fast' week, when Mime pe'rson Uischaruetl.R gun In the field near by, some rf the shot striking In I ho tloor post within a foot of where she was standing; Mrs K. was so frightened at her narrow escape, that sit- has been In 'n yery" "crltjeal condition ever since, fjportsuien tihould be more oaieful when out In pursuit of game, and look In what direction thex aim. This might have been a very Serious accident. Dr. N. li Iteher presented us with a dish of fine-grapes, aud a specimen Of his Dttcliess Dang luleniH pears. They'nrc line, somo ol them weighing 10 ounces each. Tito furniture for the hill of the new school .building ha- arrived, nmt tlie Hull will b fitted up attei Hook & Ladder OVs ball on the lUlh, lliarles Trainer,; Lehigh street, will sufmly you. with Hour and feed, "plow fiur.'gRfdens.or do your hauling at reasonable lates. Carpets, a lull assortment, nt low prices, nt A.. & D, Graver's. For pure drill's and medicines go to A.I. Du'illug, Uunk street. Four Italian organ grinders wero camping in a grove, n-iir Wllkesl'arro on Stt),(tny, nnd wcrovl'lted about noon'' liy a gat g of men and Itoys under the lendeishlp.of P.ililek .1elvln, who tried to pick a qtiatiel with them. The Ital ians oi nducted themselves quietly until .Melvlu sttuek one of them, when the Insulted Italian tlrmv n revolver and shot Melvin In' the lireast The crowd then lied, and when they returned tho Italians weie gone, ami have nut "been seen since. Melvin will recover. Tin; deepest coal sha tin tills country-was foinieily that of tuo lliekoty mine at Pottsvlliel'a., which was stink to the depth of G00 fret, at'the cost ol $100, 000', ami consuming 428 working days in Its cnusiiuctUm. This, however, Is but little more than half tho contem plated dentil ot two shafts now excavated near Pottsvillo by the Phila delphia and Heading Coal and Iron Company, and wlllclt urn to be pushed n vi'iticat distance of l,.r00 leet, 000 in one shatt and 750 in the other having ulioady been accomplished. At tact slialt twenty-live diamond drills are U'ed, boring holes in tint depth of be. iween, uttil -iw leet, wl.tcli aro charged and blasted'slmultaneously. It to estimated that the" completion of the work will develop n mining urea from which at leat b0,00O,O0O torn of coal can be produced. The Ileecher Tilton Scandal ; a complete History of tho c.tfae, fully II. Justrated, Justrreceived and tor vale at i the "Advocate" otlice. Price 20cts. New goods received almost dally nt Af & O. Graver's, at popular prices. Our friend A. P. Horn lias Just re- I turned from the Itingtown Fair, where he with great success with ills cele- hraled Packard O l'uiis. t.n i Inganydiint: lii his Unci c.itmot do bet- I ' "fc " ". J ... I .. V. ... .! Ilttll V'lllllUl tt;r ttutyjntrust tlHr oidets to I he always glveslhe woh'li "of the i him, as money. Attention, Ktreinrikl The next regular slated meeting of Lehigh Hook and Ladder Co. will bo held in Heller's Halij on Monday eve ning next, October 5th, at 7:30 o'clock sharp. - By order of tho President, C. T IIoitK, Secretary. NrwHtnreliiRiK Pcnn, Mr. Noah Notn.steln will open a sioro in East Penn, on Monday next with a large iStock of choice groceries, ptovls Ions, i)ry giodsnud eveiy other article usually found n a first-class country store, which lie offers to Ids friends at flitf verv low'e'sf prices for'pash on thirty days.' ' ' - ' K elitgH-IIook,fc l.'xlllfr Hall. , The tickets for't'lie' aljoyp.' lMli; which will come'otf In' lite liafl of the'' ' new ,fCl:o.l 'building-, lu this Imrougii, on Friday t;vcnlin;,OqtoVer lpth, aie go Injj.o'ff raid.dfy. Tl.e Eureka Drchestra, of Allentown, hafc'hoeii encaged for tho occasion, and tlQ affair bldsMnir to ho tho one of the sya-ou. Secure tickets oirly. l'ain,tr. - ' Ildok & Ladder Co , Nol.of thispla'le will. hold a grund parade-on Tlinrsday next tho'8lh inst. Inrion.Pliconlx and Onoko Hose Companies of Mauch Chunk have been invited and aro ex pected ttrbe. precept to participate on the occasion, Tliu members of Hook & Ladder; Co. will have thulr new truck In line and'wiir parade in their new uniforms, Oniorrn I'Mrctcit. vlt a regular-meeting of Gnaden Hut ten Lodge, No. 080. L O. O F , oflhls bjrnugli, on Tuesday evening list, the following olllccrs were elected for the ensuing terms: N. G',, Andrew Graver Jr V. (!., D.ttifel Graver Sec:, U It Hex . A. S., JHclgcl Jreas., A. G. Dollenmaycr Hep., A G, Dolleimmjer Trustees, Daniel Qrayer, W. M. Du Four. i,1 c ( ' ' j. " i " , ' f 'To th'ejt'nlillc. Frank Deborde, Jeweler, Hank street, opposite the post-office. Lehlghton, Pa., wishes to call attention of the public to his stuck uf watches, clocks and Jewelry which he is offering at the lowest cash prices ; also agent for tho celebrated Diamond spectacles and eyeglasses and a full line of cheaper spectacles. JAmy Diamond spectacles have been sold where others did iut give salt. faction, which can bo provesl by the recommend ation of several of our prominent citi Iselilglitnu Fiilr. Next week Oct. 0, 7, 8 and 0, bor County Fnlr will be held at Lehlgli ton. We hear that great exertions nre being made to excel (Wen tho large and fine displays of former years, and that the expectation Is that an unusually large cro td will bo pnsent. As tho Carbon folks usually turn out tti large numbers to our annual exhibitions, wo hope for once to sen 'tin cd In goodly numbers fiom this direc tion. They up thi-rij have agnt at many things to show Hint, are not to bo seen at our own fairs. Allentown Democrat, If You Want Envelopes, note, letter or foolscap paper, lodgers, day liooks, tlitto books, butcher's or other memorandum books, slates, pencils, pens, Ink.or In fact any thing in the lino of stationery call at tho' Advocate olllco, where you can cet every article of the best quality for the least money, A new stock of fancy note paper and envi lopes just received. ISTWo haveitl',0 a quantity of choice, new and papular works, which wo nru selling nt publisher's price, or lean at lOcts per volume per week. Tile Conl Trntle, Tito following table shows tho quan tity of coal shipped over tho Lehigh Valley llallroad for the week ending Sept. 2(Jlh, 1874, and for tho year as. compared with tito same time last year: IV'.in Wtk. War. Wyoming 15 910 03 8.13,010 13 lLuletou 33,01.! 13 1,301,040 03 Up. Lehigh.. 30 11 3,03.1 15 llea.Meadow.. 0,2.W 14 511,781 00 Muh.moy 10.U33 13 374,538 07 Mauch Chunk 101 01) 3,3i0 00 Total 00,283 03 3,311,543 10 Last War.... 100,284 13 3,430,0112 12 Increase Decrease 31,003 08 123,414 02 Another Nrw Stock, T. D. (lauss, tho tailor, desires its to stale that lie has just returned from New Yolk, nnd that he Is now opening a very large invoice of cloths, cassl meres and vostlngs, suitable for fall and winter trade, which he Is prepared to make op In the best and most fashion able styles nt "knockdown" prices. He guarantees t "perfect fit" every time, and the goods In all casus as represent ed. Also, an Immense stock of rub tiers, Imots, shoes, hats, caps and gents' furnishing Itemember the plnce, T. I). Clau-s, Just above the Public Square, Hank street, Lhlghton. IlnllroAil Acclttrnt. Asthe accommodation passenger train on the L. & S. railroad was Hearing Siegfried's IJrldge on Friday morning at 11 o'clock, Wlso's foiir-mulo team from this city was seen approaching tho track. The engineer sounded his whlstlh to want the driver, a man by tho name of Thomas Spengler, hut as If determined to get across, he urged his mules forward. Tho result was that the engine struck the rear of the wagon and upset It, Spengler getting under neath. The mules with the front wheels attached ran down the toad, hut were secured without much injury. Spengler ns very seriously hurt, dying ttoin the effect of the injuries sustained on Sun day morning list. He belonged to IJetlil-heiu, and leaves a family. Al Democrat. Trotting Coin-He. An arrangement has Just' been made by a number of our most prominent Citizens, whereby they havo succeeded In leasing the grounds of the Carbon Agricultural Society for a number of years, for the purpose of a regular Trot ting Park Assocla'ion, to build stables, re grade tho tiaek aud make other nnd necessary linprov, ments on the grounds, and pay an annual rental of $200 to the Agricultural Society, who are also to have the use of the grounds for their fair uses This Is a ,20'd arrangement, not only for the Agricultural Society but also for ilie town of Lehlghtnn be ing another step forward In the progress of our lltllu boiotigh. Keep the ball rolling, gentlemen, there are miny otlf er, entet prises you can develop, all of which will tend to advance the Interest of .ill our people. Itellglnna Hev. .1. W. Wood, of Allentown, will preach in the Presbyteilan church to-morrow (Sunday). Services In the morning tit 10:30 an t in tint evening at 7.00. Sunday School In the morning at 0 o'cIock. Prayer meeting everv Wed nesdiy evening nt 7.30. A cordial In vitation Is extended to all. Evalige'lcal church -Hev. A. Krec ker, pastor Preaching, Sunday, 10.30 A. M. nnd 7.00 e. m. by the pas'nr, In the Voitliamptou street school house Sunday school at 0 a st Also, prayer meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday (Kug llsh) nnd Thursday evenings at 7.30 o' clock. All aro cordially Invited to at tend. Hev. L. droll, will preach In the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church corner uf Iron ami North-amptou-sts. Services tofluorrow (Sun day) at 10 a. m. in Gct'fian; at 7.00 i m. English. Sunday Syhool at 2. i. m. Piayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.31) o'clock, and Vachers' meeting Thursday evening. ) Methodist Episcopal church Hev. Wllmer Cullman, pastor. Pleaching 10:30 a. M., by Hev A. K. Urban; and nt 7:00 i m., by the pastor. Sun day School 2 p. M( Hev I vii I services will be held during' the week .'oininenc Ing at 7,30 r. xi. All are cordially In. Tlted. Our Fair. The annual exhibition of tho Carbon County Agricultural Society will com mence Tuesday next, October flth, nnd continue for four days. Tho appoint ment or olllcrs un.t tlm salo of stalls and other privileges of tho fair ground took placo on Saturday last; tho stalls 'bringing the following prices: No. i. Jos. .Miller 812.00 No. 2. Geoige Eiiieiy 43,00 No. it. G -go HuL-en 40.00 No. 4. Leopold Meyer 4S.00 Nn. 5. Kred Dreher 40.00 No. 0. John Hank 40 00 No. 7. William Sendo' 41 00 No. 8. Paul Schwelbliu 43 00 To al $329.00 Tho privilege of running the Flying coacli was not sold, and was lelt to the committee of airangeiiients to dispose of. Tho following offices wero then ap pointed for the positions named : Committee of arrangements Jonas A. Horn, Thomas ICoons, p. stocker. Etitlj Clerks-JacoO lirong, Chas. T. Horn. Ticket Agents W. P. Long, Char.'os Lent z Doot Keepers Jonas Hehrlg, Godfrey Peter, Aaron Shlve, Samuel Elibert. Day Watchmen JiiHlu Kuons, David luge, Andrew Sldve, m. Evert. Night Watchmen FianclsStocker, Jr., Orlando Ketnerer. Chief ol Police FianclsStocker. Squllilela by '-Mnrcullo." Tho gentleman who put his watch under the steam hammer in the Packer ton shops just to see how near tho ham mer could descend without Injuring it, lias come to the conclusion that steam hammers aro frauds. Where's the villain who sent tho Sall ying family the boquet powdered with cayenne peppei? Julias Sneezer I I where Is he? Tho Stnivlns havo done nothing but sneeze since. A sedate old gentleman, who was at tending tho funeral of a near and dear f i iend, was much horrified at having oiio of his fellow mourners in the car lingo with lilm ask if "lie had a eucher deck In his pocket,"lf so,he thought "a few games would help to rtllay his grief." I note with pleasure that a liumano citizen of Lehlghton advertises "Dress ed hogs,'' tills Is right, for I have often thought that nature had but poorly clad the porclt.o race, now the bito of tho festive mosquito or the chilly blast of winter will no longer strike terror to the heart of the hog who Is dressed. I frel that the advertiser deserves these few tender loins. Huir tfuiigbhitt was much hurt the other day ut the Insult of ono of his guests tor whom ho had opened a bottle of choice Hhlno wine, lie did r.ot like it a bit to bu asked it his wine wasn't pretty good for pickling purposes. I am obliged to the kind enemy who sent me a box of lattlo snakes per ex press, ho might, to say the best, have sent them lu a collln instead of a soap box. Sucli delicate attention causes me to feel as if I would like to reach the heart of the donor with an ounce of lead. How nice It Is to ramble In the yard Monday nights after the folks have taken In the day's wash, the darker the ulglit the better. I went out the other evening and tho first thing I knew ono of Hie clothes lines took off my bat, an other caughttr,e violently in the mouth, then glanced up aud barked my nose lu the ,nost beautiful manner, I had Just commenced to rejoice (?) when I flip ped over n box of clothes plus and Aits pitched head first Into one of my clinic est rose bushes, then I realized that "the pathway of llfo Is ever best with thorns." Mamma why did the doctor choke the other day at the dinner table when pa pa propose!, "the good health of the city?" "Hush darling" was the reply. "I guess It was on account of Its belug n dry toast. Maucutio. Phlla., Sept. 2S. Dig Gi crk lltma. Last week wo witnessed tho first frost of this season Hatlier early. The Public Schools of Franklin and Towamensiiig districts will open on Monday, Nov. 2nd. A bridge will bo built across tho Po ho Poko Creek at Daniel Krutn's (a wise thing ) It ought to havo been done long ago, for the creek Is not ford, able for teams In the winter tlmo on account of the high watei, floating Ice, Ac. Mr, Solomon Stemlcr Is building a new addition to his house, which Is now nearly finished. It increases Its size considerably. Mr. Paul Huck Is rapidly pushing his hou-o toward completion; when finished It will ho oneof the linrxt In the valley. ' Mr. H. F. Smawley, of Hath, North ampton Co., formerly of this place, has been again appointed to the Pino Hun School (tiiu'ght for threo terms by W. E. Kemerer.) Ho Is a young man ol considerable talent. The district can pride themselves upou receiving his vuluablu services agalu for anuther term. Pino Hun, Stoiulersvllle, Eckhait's Valley ajnd Heer'a Valley -four Sunday rcuoolj will hold a plc-nlc in tbo groTO of Mr. Nathan Stemlcr, nt Stemlcrsvllle, on this Saturday, Oct. 3, nt 10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation is extended to all on this occasion. Our farmers havd now nearly nil done with their seeding. The limn Is fast coming when landed proprietors will be esteemed for tho condition of theirncres rather than their extent of territory. A series of protracted services' will commence In the Polio Poko house, at Shoenberger's, on Sunday evening, Oc. lllh, nt 7.30 o'clock, and contlnno for several weeks. The pastor, Hev. A. Zlegenfuss, of Parryville, will olllelato. A cordial invitation Is extended to per sons of all denominations to nttend. Services In the German language. W. E. K. ' III? Creek, Sept. 29th, 1874. Democratic. , Agreeably to the announcement of Col. Hob'ert Klotz, Chairinan of the Democratic County Committee, the members met nt the Couit House In Jiinch Chunk, on Friday of last week. A large repicsentatlon was present and inueh Interest manifested In tho pro ceedings. C.d Klotz called the meeting to order nt 1.30 r. it., Dr. J. G. Zero being elec ted Secretary. The list of members of tho Committee was called. The first business In order jvas tho setting of n time for holding the Dele gate Election; on motion, Saturday, Oc tober 3d, was thO lime selected, to hold tho Delo'ate Klec'tlon nnd Monday, Oc tober 0, at 11 o'clock, A. m, the time for the meeting of the Democrntiu Coun ty Convention, in the Court House, In Mauch Chunk. On motion, the following gentlemen were selected as Judges an i Inspectors to hold the Delegato Elections; also, the number of Delegates eacli District Is en title to according to the voto polled at the last Gubernatorial election. Hanks. Audenreld, 2 delegates, Judge, W. E. Maloue; Jas. Dunlavey, Patrick McClaffcrty, Inspectors. Heaver Meadow. 4 delegates; Judge, J. J. Galleglier; Daniel Hri .h, Alex'. Dwyer. Inspectors. Fast Penn 2delegites; Judge Isaac, Glnderj William Hoss, Josiali Andrews, Inspectors. East Mauch Chunk. .-2 delegates; Judge, Elwln Hatier; Win. DeFrclin, Neal Mcl'ole Inspectors. Franklin. 3 delegates; Judge Joseph Hliiisleker; Isaac Uagenstoce. Thomas Aruer, Inspectors Kidder. North D!strict.-2 delegates; Judge, James Duncan; Daniel McClaud, John C.tllaghnn, Inspectors. South Dlstilct. 2 delegates; Judge, Win. lilery; Christian George, Jacob Christ man, Inspectors. Laii-nnna, 2 delegates; Judge, Ma tins McGiuty; Jas. Smith, John McCule. Inspectors. Lehigh 2 delegates; Judgo, Geo. Stittler; .Martin Mcavoy, Wm. llurke, Inspectors. Lehlghton. 3 delegates; Judge, Win. Wagner; H. II. Dtngler, F. P. Lentz, Inspectors. Lower Tovameiislng. 4 delegates; Jtl ige, Levi Kern; Daniel terf.iss Hen ry lieltz, Inspectors. Mahoning. 3 delegates, Judge, T. Horn; Ellas Kouns, Daniel Heck, In spectors. Mauch Chunk. 3 delegates;' Judge, noniliilek McFadden; W. W. Seott, Abraham Shortz, Inspectors, , Nesquelinnlng. 2 drle.-ates; Judge, Philip Co)le; Henry McGurry, Charles Fritz, Inspectors. Pa ker. 2 delegates; Judgij, John Fnust; Heub-n Stelner, John C. Ilitner, Inspectors. Penn Forest. 2 delegates; Judge; Frsnk Smith; Frank Koch, Samuel' Kin-liner. Inspectors. Summit Hill. 0 delegates; Judgo, Sam'l Ulckert; Geo.-ioyle, John Sharpo, In-pectors. Upper Towamensiiig. 2 delegates; Judge, Win. Hehler; Nathan Stemler, Peter Jones, Inspectors. Weatlierly. 3 delegates; Judge, Lewis Klngle; Levi Hartz, Joseph Meyers, Inspectors. Weissport. 2 delegates; Judge,- Dan iel Schoch; F. O. Knlpe, Jacob Slrass berger, Inspectors. According t 'he rales, tho Delegato Elections must In held nt the place where the General Elections am held. To Cnr re pontic ii tut Iii answer to scores of lei tors of in qulry, westatoi Tho Fifth Gift Concert ol the Kentucky Public Llbraiy will potltlYL'ly titku plauo November SO, 1874, ami there will bo no postponq mtM.t. Tho capital prlza will on 4250, 000, Savo ua tbo truublo of writing letter, good friends, and for Informa tion cotKvrnlng this matter, drop a lino to Gov. Thuin.H K. IJr.unletto, Louis ville, Ivy. You will receive full par ticulars by ret.iru mail. Plenso spare us. X circular tl.itotl U'h. Valley Oflko, J.tucli Cliunk, Sept. 18, t-ays: "On mid afttr October 1st, 11. 1). Ueirylill, Kin., will tul;u cli.trge of llie Su.tlus o lliis Ouinpaiiy. K. II. Morris, Esij., will succeed -irr. ll.irryliill as ngitiitiitl'ack- frrim iiri.iirilitii finli.. frmn th nlutvn late. Coiiiniuiiicnlioiis slioulil bo nd dressed acconliiiKly." Coslna rricw ot DuIIavhs & Towns, Stock, Government mid Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, October 1, 1B74. U.S. fl's, lal ... IS ISMaatlfil. U M Jit, mi . . , Vtil 1-1 1. 121? a,k. U. S. 5 JO. IW.l . . . 1 lii I'l l. UK atke-J. U. a3,lbs , . .10 Wl U. M ru, lettj J. J. . 15K bid. U S. J.W, ltl-7 . . . IT lilt V. (-.6-iO, 18W ... IT bid. U. S. 1U4J . . . IlljUt U. . Cuirucjr, U' . , IT l-li, U.S. &' Ibil, new . , 17 I'M. I Willie, I, aula it. ,.. , , t-iu. id.-n.TUi 1'lilla. & Heading H. It. . tl'., 1.11. Sl'Ca.ked. Ubili Valley Itallruid . OlU old. 0liil.eJr UMhCll .Vav.Uo. , 4T bid. 4T1, a)(ed. L'i iioUOomiMultiol.N. J. iiS 111. lMiaiaeJ. Uuld j , . Ill) IU. Uiif.'a.seJ. MlTir , , . . J" til. pr,,.l. IMl udteil, allied. 1U? Hiked. 17K akkd. IIS. aHldd, ITU krd. ijJb ..kt. B.ttlilghton Itolall Prices. Carefully corrected each week express ly for "Tho Carbon Advocato." Apples, per bushel CO " dried, per lb -,.12 to IB Butter, roll, per lb 33 Cabbage, per head 8 to 12 Clteefe, factory, per lb 20 Eggs, per ihtfen 30 Fish, mackerel, No. i 12 to 15 Ham, per lb 20 Lard, pure, per lb 20 Pork, prime mess per lb 13 Potatoes, per bushel 80 Corn, per bushel $1 15 v'JIiop, Corn, per 10P lbs 2 00 " Bran " 1 40 " Uje, " 2 20 " Mtxd " ' 2 10 Fljur. H'hent,- perbbl..'. 7 50 " Ue, per 100 lbs, 3 25 Oats, White per bushel 70 " lllaci',, per bushel G5 Hay, per Ion 20 00 StrawVper' bu.nlle 30 COsI, chestnut, per ton 4 00 " stove, per ton 4 50 Hides, green per lb 5 to 7o Calf Skins, each 1 23 to 1 50 Sheep' Skins, killed this mo., en.50to75 Special Notices. ASUBSTttTEJTE FOR QU1 jsI.12. -For years, qulcine was regarded as theoalj specific for inaUr.oui diseases nml Immense qumtltloi of the dm were annual ly conmmm. throughout our western country, more p.trtlcul i rty nlong.tba rlrer bottom! and ad joint u; low hnJs. With the fill inoothst malaria, la allltsrarled form. st.ilkn Ilka tin cnldemle thrnuzh the laud. laud whMtJ'dlilrlctn are rofttinted with chtllaand ivwr.ine ernire pnpuii'ion RUivunx wiia ague. Heretofore- quinine iviruUrly reortbd to; but wlille It frequently tailed to I'lTect a cure, ttlnvarl ably der.nvo.l the xtnntcii, producing munea, Ttirtlid nnd t tyl tlvt pains In the to suh an extmit tlrit m mtlw etipied ere the system rcur tre'd from Ita afTectfl. Thue objections tolls u wero its marked, tlut the Introduction f MIhters Herb Hitler was hailed as a triumph In medicine. Iminltely more certain tn ltsbtm-ficHloifrctii than quinine, It pe4jd iiijne of the demerits of that dnu. Iim'widof mu-OAtlnir, It times and lnvl orates tbestomtcli,and while upeedlly expelling the tiolom humor, Increase the appetite 'aud ficllit.ttes dletitlJti; thui rendering the sysOat Hirotufand better fitted toresltt the attiqlts of dl-e.e. In tact, n judicious uso of Mlobler's Herr,UttterMat thU seis.m of the year, will pre vent the racurreneeof this dliase,even In those wh.huve ucr.r piH'el an autumn without it. ,ti t'jpttrknte of twenty jeara proves It to bo tht (irtHtet anti Pbiodio known to medical nclence. There are, piThapj,, no dliuisert so subject to cllmutli chtuts a affections of the Kidneys. Hundred of our firmers, mechanics, and ltborlng m,fn,t.troni? and h.irdy In all other respect f, suf. rercontluuil lncmepviicei and occasionally ex cru'ditini paluit In tho bictt and acnM the loins; ttierlonce a 1'ienuent desire to piss water, pain 'during ltd pis:te,and frequent stoppage In Its Uow,, Thijw are manifestations resulting from '. Itl....1 l,.,i..., llfin.hUi Fina mn ami PMIIIU PI I Jin or HOIfJ iltb UJK' J v" " aratatedty eierychangelntbe weather. Krery 1 ....I it ... Il, ,11.1.1 ftuin.s.nwa chronlo, and llu once stton; mm a miserable wreck. MUhter'ji Herb lilt tern Is theoity certain reuuMly fr tbh c'a-is of diseases. It Ins a pecu liar tendency to the kldnetfl, stlmuUteH them to healthy action, and removing the cause, preveuts the luruiHltoii ofbrlckdust deposits, which, If per mltted lOconllune, will by cohesion form grarel moval. Many of the lugredients enter) oj luto H i-uiu(-.iiijii, nru uiiiversniijr ecujimeuan fpt-tiuti tor all conipl.tfuts of the uriuary organs. In Lifer (J mpl'ilut, Hy.popiU; all disorders of tho' Bowels, and aiTectlMiHfitUe 'Lhruntand Lungs, It Istxiual ly curt tin and e.Uca'ioujt; while, as a reuiedv lor I til complaints peculiar to the female Bex, It has uu.eqMti. lapie, itja aua younj, tearriea aua tliUid, Li erery condition of lire, will find this Qtutkt riMiLi KtiiBjY prort2t, lafe, ctrUxin and uliatU. Ti.e pule, sallow cuuiplexlon Is replaced ifj ,i hituifb, healthiul' counteoanre, and Us oc ti4wnal use etull? Aature to perform her funo tljUS KKauUKLY ASD WITUOLT IXCO.fVEXIK.YCI. Sfold uiil iu bottles by all Druggists and general Uvalers. Aug. b-4m. The most Wonderful Discovery of the 10th Century. S. ID. HOWE'S Arabian Milk Cure FOR COXSUMPTIONV .And all I)loftses or th THUOAT, C1IKST and UJ.N'iJ-i. (Theooly Medicine or the kind In the world.) ; A SmsTiTUTX raa Cod Li tie On. Permaqantly cures Asthma, Rronchltls, Tpclpl ent OVns'imptlon, of Voice. Shortness of 'llreath Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Cqlds, Ac, In a few dJjs, . . . DR. S. D. HOWE'S Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier, Which 'LUFfr'KIH from 'l other' preparations In ItslMVEUiUF. Action upon the LIVKlt.KIDNKVd nnd Ul Jtl. It in purey TeeUbte, and cleannes the MMeui ef all luipu Itles, t.ullds up, and makes Purr, Jllch Ulood. It cure Scrofulous Dlseasesof all ktiida, re more Constipation, nnd regulates the HoweU. ForUKNUtlAL UKUlLlTV," LOsT VI I'ALITV," and i(UOKKN'l)OVVN CONSTITU TIONS," I "clwllentre the- Wth' Century" to find ItsVejuil. Krery bo'.tla Is worth 1U weight tu gold IV Ice, fl.Oj per bottle. ALSO, DU. S. D. HOWE'S Arabian SSSiS- Liver Pills. Hit pJeniiM tho'Llrvr and Stom-neh thoronhl;t ruaiyiie Odullp-itlui) ; coutaia no calomel nor auy otbttr Injurious lutfrfldiditt, auil act quickly upon tbau orbits, wlthtmt trulucluz aujrpilnor wtiak uuhs. l'rlcu'25 ceuts ier lioz. CO NSUMl'TIVES konUnsenll tirtavtth above iletllcines. Mby A.J. DUlSLlNO,l)rugj,sf, sola Agent for LeliUhtUn. Pi, lis. s. U. UOWi Sjle rropr)etor,101 ChtmUra Street, New utt, apr. II, I873jl Mas. LAMB'S (Wi.ln Cure for Inirowlnjt Nalla. Piles ! Piles ! ! Piles ! ! ! WlaJ, Ihteruit,, lllw-llni or Itching. Tliu Ititenej su fdrluiroucMltned by too. distress tutf disease, in Us vailous iorins, U known onlj to tU mo whu are unfortunate enough to bo atlllcted with It. The sleepless nights, the uucouifortaU. .1 ij , ilia Uijr;-ird I Aka of the sulTerer Iwar wit. tleksot the luteusltyof thepiluexerlericod when troubled Willi .revallliln. disease. The sues cusa uc llrUf' I'ile Iteuiedy as a riiJtlvo cure Is uneulled la the annals uf medicine ltellefls luimediltM when used ill directed. The Itnoieni Ueaiaud for tha groat remedy la unpttralelled. Tnjuiuds are Uslujglt wltn the uiat aalUfactory rMiilts. bold by A. J. UUIthl.NQ, druUt, I.e uijlUKius may u ly Tho Acmo Shirt. This Is to oertDy, that Slessrs. Laury & Peters nuvu tuicen instructions in mo uu or mo Acuio Slilrt System, nnd nru fully quali lii'.d nnd nuthorized tu Janufacture tho Georueirically-Il.tlanccd Sldrt tu tho norougu ot i.eiiiKUion. Myuea, Prof, V. M. Uildine. Gontlciuen dealrliii: n handsome littlntr Shirt 8iould It-avo their iueauru rtt tho pOjt OlliCO Ullll.lillL'. Juno 20, 1874.m'J f ' ' --' Atiutlicr largo sclectlou of select und staudard noveU, Just leceived at tliu A bvoCate olllco. Terms : lOcuuU per vclurno per wceic. s