B. V. MouTiHMn, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live .aild Let Live." $1,00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOIi. II.,.Vo 45 ' ' LEHIGnTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1874. ' SINGLE COPIES, TIIREE CENTS ' W-i-rM '. . I " 1 I ' ' . . : . , " 1 I , r . 111 1 CARDS. . - - ' FuriiltttreTWrhomi. V.8clnrarti,llanlt strut, daltr in all Kinds of Furniture, Coffnt nait to order. Boot'aimlToine Makcm Clinton Eretney, in Leran'i building. nrk street. jr M. HAPSIIISU, ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ItealEstatoan Uollectlon Agency. Will Bujand Sell lUal Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Col lectlona promptly made; Settling Estate! lof lie tedent, a specialty. May lwj consulted In English andUerman. ' JMO. D. IIIIRTOI4ETTB1 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 'Olfm First National Bank Building, 2nd Floor . MAI)CII,CIHJNK,-P!NA. riay ta consulted In German, apr Is, 1874 -QANIELi KALBFUS, M-pATTORNEVfAND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AOfEce. aim. PoTon's Jewelry tore, Broadway. pip. C. UIBtMlCIC, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY -.AT LAW. OHee, on llaoanwar, flrnt door below American Hotel, MaucllCliunk, I'enn'a. Collectlona prompt ymade. Not. 23. ATTORNEY AT LAW, , llAZLjsTON, PA. Oct 18, 1873. j n. piMMioic, ', AUCTIONEER, , Bait WeifapoVt.jPa. - N B. Sales of 'eTerV tfescrlpUon attended to at reasonable charges. The patronage of the public I, respectfully solicited. Jan. 21, TU. . II. RHBEU, PRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Office, Bank Street, next door above the 1'ostoffl.v, lehlghtoni Pa.- Office "oura-Parry vllle each day rom 10 to 12 o'clock i remainder of day at office In Lehlghtov. Moral. 72 -tpA.Gt.B HOTEL, ' ' ' w: KidTZ, rnoP'it( Mnmmll IIII1, .Carbon Co., P. LT.ro" ."ozonation.. Excellen , res taurant underneath. Oood stabling attached Terms moderata. i , BOYD 1IENKI, t ARCHITECT. 122 S. 9th St., Allentbwn, Pa. "Will fuYntsh Plans, SperlOeallons and Estimates riving exact cost of public and private buildings, from the plainest to the most elaborate; also, Tir.lnir for Stairs. Iland-IUIls, to. Je fgiUOMAS A. WBIIsIAMS. LADIES' AND QENTLEMEN'S Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, .Nearly opposite' tba rost-offlce. 3JANK BTEEET, lehighton, Ta. t - - - - .W. T llsving commenceu uiwtue. . . respectfully announce to the cltjtons ofUhlshtou raid vicinity that I nrn prepnredlto do-all work In inv line In the neatest and most substantial man ner, at prlceafdll'a. low as the aanie work ca be otalned In- Philadelphia. A splendid assort ment of cniLDBEN-S and MISSES' WEAK of t be best make always on hand. A trial la solicited jihd aallfactlon guaranteed, at lowest prices. July 4, J8, 4. . nnllOSlAS KEMEREU, M. ' CONVEYANCER, And GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The follow'ing Companies are Kepresented ; 1 Lebanon Mutual Firo, Hcaaing Mutual Firo, AVyou-Ing Hire, ' Pottsvlllo Fire, Lelilgii l'lro, ana uio Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horso Thief Detective and Insurance Com pany. March 21), 1873. TTOS. M. rhlTZIXGEU, ,Fashlonablo Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite T. D. Clauss' Store, BNK: STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., respectfully Informs his friends and the public, that lie has just received a now and excclfent assortment of Men's Wo men's and Children's Ready-Made Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, "Which ho will Sell at the Lowest Prices. CSTJJoots and Shoen made to order, 'luid Repairing' neatly'and substantially douo at sliort, notice. ap 25-yl - is-" j i ' TIio undersigned respect . fully announces that he is better prepared than ever to Buy and Sell III.1CH, i . - Cair and, Sheep Stilus, Talloiv and Plastering Hair, at Ills Old Stand, nearly opposite the post office, Bank Street, Lehighton. t3f The, highest cash' prices paid for illldes and Skins. ov. S3. C. E. GllEENJWALn. , TMTONpERFUL, BUT TRUE I Whenever I get a Bottle of Bloom of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Rose Tint, .Box of Lilly White, or anything In that' lino to beautify the complexion, at JJurllng's Drug Store, It seems to be nicer and better tlian I can get nny where.else, may fpOBACCOXIST. .OLtVKR CRILLEY, dealer In To liaeco, fJigars, Pipes, &c, next door to Rex's Grocery Store, Susquehanna St., Maucb. Chunk, respectfully" asks the people of Lehlghtob and vicinity, when .visiting that place, to call in and try his FRAGRANT CICARS, the wry bet In the market. Every articles hi his Hue warranted as repie eented and at lowest prices. (marSS Railroad Guide. JOnTH PKNN A. RAILROAD . rasrenicersforPhlladtlnblawiU leate Lehighton as foil' ws : S.OO a. m. via L. V. arrlre at Fhlla. at t.f0 a. m. 7.37 a. m. via L. A 8. " " 11.10a.m. 7.19-x. tn.vla L..V, " 11.10a.m. 11.07 p.m. via L. AS. " " 2.18 p.m.. 11.02 n.m. via L.V. " 2.15 p.m. 2.27 p. m. via I.. A B. " " 635 p. m. 4.44 p.m. i la L. V. " " H.20 p. m. 7.18 p m. tla L.V. " 1080 p.m. Jlelun.ltig. leaTO flepoi ai uerss ana Aiuenran Street. Phtla.. at 7 00. 830 and 9.4$ a. m.s 210 U.30 and 5.1fi p. m. tareirum i.enigntonto rniiaaeipoia, t.oa. Feb. 1, 1874. MILLS CLARK, Agent OENTRJL R. n. OP N. J. LKIIH3U A SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. Time Table of Juno 20, 1874. Trttn. 1..Tn Lehlirhton aa follcws! For Xew York, Philadelphia, Easton, Ac a, 717, ll U7 B.n.,,ii p.m. ForMauch Chnnk at 10.15 a. m., 114, 6J8, and, 0 03 n. m. For Wilkes barre and Scrauton at 10.15 a.m., 1.14, 6.38 p. m. Heturning eave New York, from station Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey, fnoi of Liberty street, North Hirer, atM5, 0.00 a. ra, 12.4.1, 4 00 p. m. . Loaro Phlladf-lphla, from Depot North Penn'a IL II., at 7.00, 0 45 a. ra., 2.10, 5 15 p. m. Leave Kaston at 8 30, 10.05, 11.48 a. nr., 3M and 7.15 p a. Leave Maucb Chunk at 7.30, 11.0(1 a.m., 2 20 and 4.40 p. ni. , Foi further particulars, see Time Titblea at the Stations. , II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. ratienger Agent. July 4, 1 b74. pBNSSY-VANlA BAI-ROAD, PHILADELPHIA A ERIE RR. DIVISION. Bummer Time TaMe. On and after SUN HAY, JUNE 28th, 1874, the tralus on the 1'hllada. A Erie RIt. Division i. Ill run as follows : WESTWARD. Fist Lixb leaves Philadelphia " " Harrlsburg " " Bnnbury " " Wllllamsport " arr. at Lock Haven Erie Mau eaves Philadelphia " ' llarrlburg " M Sunbury " Wllllamsport 11 " lck Haven " ' lleuova arr. at Erie L'lmiea Mail leaves Philadelphia " ' Harrlsburg " Sunbury , Wllllamsport ' arr. at Lock Ha-eti 12.55 p.m. 6.00 p.m. C.55 p.m. 8.50 p.m. 10.00 p.m 11 65 p.m. 425 am. 6.30 a.m 8.35 am. 9.45 a.m. 11.10 a.m. S.05 p.m. 8.0) a.m. 1.20 p.m. 4.20 p m. G 2'J p.ni. 7J0 p.m. 7.20 a.m. Niaqara IIXPRISS leaves Philadelphia uarnsourg " " " Sunburr 10.40 rum. 12.30 p.m, " " " Ullllamsriort " " " Lock Haven " " " llenOva " " arr. at Kan EASTWARD. PnilA. Express leaves Lock Havcu " fcunbury " " Wllllamsport " arr. at Harrlsburir " " " Philadelphia Erie Mail leaves Erie " " Kenova " " Lock Haven " " Wllllamsport " " Sui,bury 11 arr. at Harrlsburg " " I'hlladelphla Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven " Wllllamsport " ' Sunbury " arr. at Harrlsburg X.OB p.m. 3.10 p.m 4.20 p.m. 9.60 a.m. 0 20 a.m. 0.3i p.m. 7.45 a.m. 11.4.5 am. 315 p.m 11.20 a.m. 9 20 p.m. 9.35 p.m. 100 a.m. 12 40 a.m. 2 40 a.m. G 40 a.m 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 12.40 p.m. 3.05 p.m C15 p.m. 9.0J a.m. 4 05 p.m. 6 25 p m. 0.60 p.m. 8.40 p.m. 10,55 p.m. i-niiaaeipiiia XltdAEA Express leaves Kane ' " Ilenovo u " Lhck'Haven u " " Wllllamsport " " " Suubnry " - arr at Harrlsburu " - " Philadelnhla Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L '.ou a.m S A M S It W and at lrvluetou with Oil C'reekand Atlcibeny K 11 IV. Mall West with east and wesi trains nn L 3 A M S It W. and at Curry and lrvineton with OllCreek and Allegheuy It 11 W. . Elmlra Mall and Buffalo Rxpre'a make close connections nt Wllllamsport with N O It W trains uorlh, aud at Harrlsburg with NOR W train, south. VII- A. BALDWIN, Qen'l 8upt., 1AAA REwAHD for an Incurable llllcase of Catarrh. Mler liaTlog RQUlTered. dl lined, partrlfld. hnwti. ed, Fplt and gaed ti jour tiitlra aaltf.t4Ct.oa la jour uneieM eiiataTori to p rviivi rrom catarrh, me ltria' Alleviator according to dlrcctloui. The filthy mass of n.U't.us will Uj Immediately expcjl ed, and the IntUmed iurt'ace noothed. the ey parkleWlth dtlirbt. the head lWa natural nvntnt hnje revivea, for a cure Is aure to follow the ue of inn ag refta Die, scieotiho aud reliable remedy. CaAlVafvlia MUOII has been said Vjtllltoilla tnd written, and many re S"1 medles have been oifered for the relief and cure of throat and lung dtaeaaea; hut nothing baa beea eo eminently successful, or ub talued such a wide celebrity, aa Urlgs1 Throat aud Lung Iltaler. iflM.lcif T1IE excruciating pain Villi IIM produced by corn, the u ureas , 7 'iug twinging from Uunlous, the piercing, dlitrnnstog pain from lnirrowlng NalU, caunot t described. ThouuudssutTer, not know, tug there la a cure. Urlgga' corn and lluulou Remedies are no acid rr potash compounds, but are reliable, soothing, and eOectual, ami justly merit the success they hive erned from au ap preclatlre public. Ihe Curatfre la a healing olut ment; Immediate relief Is obtaloed by Its applica tion, and it will posltlTely euro the worst cased of festered corn( Inflamed aud ulcerated bunions, the sorest Instep, the largest and seTerest tHstera, the most exteusho callosities on the soles or hels of the feet; uo equal led tn the cure of chlldbi ns or frosted feet The A I It viator for ordinary corns aud preventing their tcrmatloa Is aUolutely ua iualed by anythlngeer known. Ask frrUrlggs' Itemedles. Take no other IS I 0 T IT'S ALL VERY WELL, I I II IS 2 troubled to think it isnoth- the unfvrtunaU tujferer get vtry ItilU tyxnjHxlhy, ThtagonyoTvphttitnotor cannot U much wor$t than Iht torture endured by tniUumtwho art trouUed wUh internal tttredtng, ezttrnut and xtcJung piUt, Glad Tulingtfor $ujtrertr, lirigg$'$ IM4 Jitntdiet are mild, tafeandture f1AMnt, I ARETIIEMOiiTPLEN. V jllllIN . 'C"' "'" iferam in DumarkrU AVery one Auj 'a nnty , rom Pit thru year ctd chitd to tin prandtire verging on a hundred; ttyluh,handtomeyoung ladiet uthodatly promenade fathionalU raortl;middltajed tnatrvnti old piaidt, aretted up toavptar young and ga;dan. diet, with their patentUaVurt, and IuventiabUvaU.. ing etick; tho urgymant merchant, clerk, artitan and mecttantc, 0 all aget and ttationit hace-a J'ulf euply of corns, tuniotit. bud nailt, and otier bother atwntoj the Jed, aU otohich are banished and cured by Uu use of Jlriggs'i Cbrn and bunion UenUdieu Alleviator and Vuratire, Sold by A.J. DURLING, Druggist, Lehighton, Pa. May 0. 1874 ly. nnUE People of Lehlghtm and vcla Ity all unite In testifying that at A. J. DURLlNG'SDrug and Family Med icine Storo, Puns, Fmesii and Unadul terated Medicines can always be found. may 0 HjgUY IT I TRY ITI-The India Rublx-r Plaoten for a Weak Hack DRUL1NG has them may 0 rjp D. CliAUSS, Slcrcliant Tailor. And Dealer In Gent's Ftirnlfriilnpr Gootls, LEniGHTON, PA. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of NEW GOODS, Consisting of Plain and-Fancy Cloths. Casslmeres and Vestings,for Men's and Boys' Wear, which I am prepated to Make uti to Order In the most Fashion. able Styles, it short notice. Ladles', Misses ond Children's A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boots and Shoes on hand, or Jtlnde to Order. Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at the Lowest l'rice. Also, Agent for tho American & (.rover-& Baker Sewing; MacMwcs. . . Only One Price for Everybody. January 11,,1873-yl "Tclssport Ahead! Thft linilpralrrnpil vrnnlil Tosnorlfiillv Inform lltlllriprs.r-nntrnr.tfirsnnrl thn null. lie In general, that they have opened a In connection with their SAW- MKSLSL9 Near tho L. S. Ilepot, WEISSE'ORT, Penha., and that they have now on hand an Im mense stock of '.horoughly Seasoned Lumber; such as Rough Pine Boards, faurfacccl I'lno boards, Flooring, Hemlock and Pine, Sidings, of all kinds, Shinnies, au Immense stock, Hood up; and Ceiling Lath, Scantling, and, in fact, Lumber of every descrip tion at thi very lowest market prices. Wo are also prepared to furnish Build ers and otliers with a very fine nrttclo pf S ii n d , suitable for Ulaxoiiry Work, Plastering, Ac, at Re markably Low Figure?. Wo have constantly on hand f. largo lot of Wood, suitablo for Firewood, which wo will sell, In large or small quantities', at Priced to suit your Pockets .IOC Motto HONESC' COUNT LOW TRICUS. Ycakcl&AlbriIit, Weissport, aug 23yl .Carbon county, Pa, BUILDER CONTRACTOR BANK STHEET, LEHIGHTON, PA, Respectfully announces to the citizens of Lehtshton and vicinity that ho Is now prcparea to contract for the erec tion of dwellings, churches, school- houses, and other buildings. Also, that .110 iteeps constantly on nanu a full as- soriuiHut 01 every description of consisting of flooring, siding, doors, sash, blinds, shutters, moldings. Ac. which he Is prepared to furnish at.the' very lowest market rates, Patronage respectfully solicited. W. R. REX. Lehighton, May 17, 1373. ly JpiLOUU AND FEED. , Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs the people of Le highton that he has most' Excellent Flour lor Sale 5 ' Also, good FEED of all kinds, and STRAW In the .Bundle. Ho Is also prepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at short notice. LEHIGH (2d) STREET, Lehighton, Pa. March 284y E. H. SNYDER LGUIGIITON, PEAK'A,, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Dress roods9 GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Glassware, Hardware, tbc. May 31, 187B. 1TY HIM ? NO I That Electrlo - Liniment, like I got at Darling' Drug Store, whl cure him or any othe man ot RHEUMATISM and ail othe Pains. .may 9 A. si. Crraver. BANK Street, LEIIIGIITON, are now offering Fall and Winter 'ess 4ooU9 comprising DeLatnes, Alpacas, Sattncs, Empress Cloths, &c, and a full line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, at "POPULAR TRICES. They also call particular attention to their Immense stock of Ladles', Gent's, Misses' nnd Children's Gaiters &..Rubbers, manufactured especially for the tra'do of this section, at Low Prices. Our stock of Groceries, Flour, Provisions, Qiiccnsvrarc and Wood aud Willow H'arc,&c'; is full and complete In every depart ment, and goods and prices are sure to suit. A, trial Is'respeclfully solicited, aug 29-mO gl 2J ADEN HUTTEN TANNERY LEHIGHTON, PA., B. J. KTJNTZ, Prop'r, Respectfully announces to the publlo that ho has Just lebuilt the Tannery, formerly of Daniel Olewlne, and put in all. the best and most approved ma chinery for tho Manufacture of Leather, such as Hemlock and Oak Solo, Harness, Upper, Kip, Calf and Sheep, which he will supply at Iho very lowest price. Plastering Hair supplied in large or small quantities very low'. HIDES and SKINS bought at highest cash prices. Patronago solicited. Aug. 8-yl W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEIIIQUTON, PE.NN'A. lMnns anil Specifications For nil hinds of Buildings made at the shortest notice. NO CHARGES Mado for TlanS" and Specifications when (lie contract Is awarded to the under signed. A. W. EACHES. Juno'14, 1873-yl "RON1I RON!!! The undersigned calls tho attention of nil parties using Iron to the fact that' he keeps on hand, at tho WeissportltollingMill all Sires, which ho offers at the Lowest Market Prices. Also, that he pays tho Highest Price for SCRAP IRON, or will iakn It In exchange for Manufac tured iron. In tho' nbsenco of the undersigned, parties will call at 'tho Feed Store of W. U KNECHT, Esq., and be attended to. LEWIS WEISS. Weissport, Sept 12-mS BUCIOIAIV, HAHUTACTVlia or Carriage, Sleighs, Rugglcs, and vory, description of SPRING WAGONS. Nearlj oppoalUt Eagle Hotel, Bank Stmt, Leblghtoo, !', IIEPAIR1.VO PKOStlTLY ATTENDED TO At reasonable charges. aa-Fatrorago very respectfullj solicited, and saturation tru.ranleej. . r.b.T,imi, a.bokman. Tns PIIOTOCiJUAPHEB Respectfully announces to the citizens of .Lehighton and vicinity,, that he has OPENED his New Photograph Gallery, on BANKWAY, (near tho Lehigh Vol. ley Railroad Depot), Lehighton, and that he Is now prepared to givo'our citizens Life-Like Pictures at the most reasonable rales.' Particular nttentlpn paid to taking Children's Likenesses. A -Trial is' solicited. June 13. TrUiW loolt at lijsr, Itjlrl Wby I thought It was turning Grey? So It was, until she got a liottle'of that new Hair Restorer at Durllng's Drug Store) BBTOTHERS, Look at that' Child, it has Worms. Go or send at once (q CURLING'S. XilM Store, and gel a bottle of hli WORM SYRUP, so plea sant anjl yeto suio. may 9 Naming he Baby. Smudge had ransacked various books fora nnmo, and,. as the sixth of, the la test edition of Smudge was Indicative ot toll in the ranks of men, as tho Infant looked strong almost .warliko a great name was the quoit ot .its distracted parents. Mrs. S. wanted It named after some o,d Bible character. Smudge sug gested Sampson Goliah, which would typify strength; Mrs. S. leaned to Moses Samuel, emblematical of weakness. Smudge had declared that ho would .czposo tho child to the mcasels before It should be nicknamed Moso or Sam. Then he hinted at Jonah j but Mrs, S. would listen to, no such monogram. She didn't want her last child's name con nected with a pah story! Already they fiad named a child Hainan, and she was sure that he would be hanged homo day. Seeing that 110 Scriptural na'mo could bo agreed upon, she- suggested Omega, re minding Smudgo that they bad named their first born Alpha. 'You don't call this one Omega,' said Smudgo, 'y.W put tue,name away, and; when we want It I'll et younow,. ,How would Martin Luther do?' 'I'm a Baptist, I am, Smudge!' retor ted Mrs. S., coloring. 'I don't want any Luther names In this houso. For your mother's .sake, I allowed ono of my children to be' called Jonathan Wes ley. Sho don't poko 'any Methodist names on, to rae again. If Luther had been a Baptist, tlie'name might do. There's Roger Williams. Roger Wil liams Smudge would sound well. He .could wrlto.lt E. Williams Smudgo, you see. 'But he never will!; cried, tho parent, with determination., R. Williams was a Baptist, and you know, Mrs. Smndgo', that I don't lean that way. I'd sooner call him Tom Paine.' 'Call him Tom Paine, and 111 kill him before he's weaned.' 'You like Puritans, Mrs. Smudge, Call him Miles Standlsh.' 'No, sir!' I don!t want my child to grow up with any such an outlandish name. You called our second boy Ply mouth itocK bniudge, and that namo will kill him before he votes. No more Puritan names.' 'You'r, the confoundest particular woman I ever .saw,' retorted Smudge. 'If It had been a girl, we would have railed her .Cleopatra Octavo.' 'No we wouldn't! Our fourth girl now groans under the name of Olympla Tarpeia. It will make, her bo .an old maid. Let's compromise, Smudge. You like a strong name Goliah, for Instance I, a Baptist ono. Let's coll the baby Roger W., Goliah Smudge.' 'Put tho Blblo name first.' !I won't do It!' 'Then we'll call him something else. 'My father's name was Joshua bid- eon,' meekly suggested Mrs. S. 'What do I care It it was? None of my children shall bo called after your relatives. That's cettledl Let us fall back on a lato name Garibaldi, for In stance.' 'Or Bonaparto.' 'Which one?' Napoleon tho Third. 'No; I won't have him called. Napo leon. 'Then you shan't call him Garibaldi, retorted Mrs. S., as 'firmly. 'Smudge, you'r the thickets Individual I ever liv ed with. You won't listen to anything, I'm reasonable willing to listen to any thing you. propose.' 'Then call,the boy Daniel Webster, ,1 always admired, tho old statesman.' 'Our family shan't, ho disgraced by a Whig name.' said Mrs, Smudge. 'Lafayetto Is great, a good, name.,' Smudgo thought! hs was on the eve ot suggesting the name, of the great Frenchman himself. 'He must have a middle name.' '.Lafayetto Wlll.Iamsl' said Mrs. S. 'Tuero'p your old Baptist name again! I tell you Roger Williams shan't, la any form, hang to that boy's coat-tail.' 'Then you shan't call him Lafayette.' And thus the quarrelling over the christening continued for six mortal hours. Finally, the affair was settled Smudge's twelfth baby is to face tba world with, the simple cognomen ot John Smudgo. - - 1 " 1 1 Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Milk iure, it directions are correctly (ouow cd, dissolves the mucouj or nbleem. which stops the. air passages ot tba lungs, its ueauug properties act upon the Irritated surface of the lungs nnd throat, penetrating to every diseased part, relieving pain aud entirely sub dulDgall IriUammatlorf.- The Arabian 'lonio invigorates tho digestive oreans. restores the appetite, Rtrepgthens the uuuuny, purines una enricnesuie mood, and-ex pels from' the system the corrun- f Ions which scrofula breeds upon It. See 40.Tcr1u3m.en1, revived tho old English rule that fraud In procuring a marriage Is good ground for dlvorco. handler Yretskl complained that his wlfo Eddel had practised fraud upon him by falsely re presenting before marriage, that sho was a sound and healthy woman, when In fact, she was subject to Insantty. Judge Wheeler romarked that ho sup posed tho husband was" a sane person, but the fact of his marrying after only one day's acquaintance with his wlfo left doubt as to the condition ot his mind. It seems that immediately after tho marriage Mrs. YrotskLbecarao. vio lently Insane, and has since been an Inmate of a California asylum. During a lucid Interval she admitted that sho had been an Inmate of an asylum In Europe, aud as she hod represented that sho was a sound and healthy wo man before marriage the Judge ruled tnat fraud was established, and a dl vorco was granted on that ground. Ho added that Yretskl ought to be punish ed for his hasto tn marrying, but that four years ot such life had been suQlcl ant punishment. Tho Treasurer of the United States has Issued a circular requesting nation al banks to make an additional deposit ot S per cent, for tho redemption ot their circulation, with Instructions that tho United States notos may bo sent to tho Treasurer under the contract of tho Treasury Department with Adams Ex press Company, and under the samo regulattoos as aro prescribed for the forwarding of notes and currency ottho United States for redemption. The Treasurer says It is .with great relue tanco tiiat'thls course has been decided upon, and strenuous exertions havo been mado to prevent it from becom ing necessary; but It now seems Impos sible to prevent on interruption In, tho redemption of national bank notes un less further deposits ot the. United States notos shall bo mado. Experiments by Galletly show how dangerous it Is to allow greasy refuse to He around, even In small quantities, in warm places. According to theso experiments,- such waste, dipped in boiled linseed oil and wrung out, re quires at a tempertature of 170 degrees, only .103 minutes at tho most , to, take fire, and tho bulk, need not bo very great, as a match-boxful, at 107, do grces took fire In ono hour. With raw linseed oil it requires four or fivo Lours; with rapo oil, at 170 degrees, over sis hours; with castor oil, at 185, dc'ws, over a day; with olive oil, ono and two thirds days. With sporra oil It nouId not take fire at aU. Tho heavy coal and petroluem oils wero found to re tard oxidation by excluding tho air. Silk waste did not take fire, but gun powder placed In it was fired in an hour. Philadelphia, Sept. 11 Between noon and 1 o'clock this afternoon In the tenement house No, 240 South Flfth-st., a man first shot his wlfo, then himself In both cases doing his work thoroughly and well. When, attracted by the report of th e pistol, polico offi cers and other occupants of the houso rushed into the room 0 f tho murder, they were both found ly log dead, wel tering In their blood. The namo ottho man was Jamos Tozler, ot the woman Sallle Tozler, his wife. On the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Harrlsburg, Tuesday, the Pacific 'Ex press collled with a freight train. L.P. Johnson, freight conductor, and X. D. Cramer, train master, were seriously Injured, tho former, It Is supposed, fa tally. No one else was hurt. A mis placed switch caused the accident. E.C.Shelley, a caterer ot Wllllams port, Pa., who bad been on a visit to Tarrytown, N. Y., left there for home August 17, since which time he has not been heard from. Ho Is aged 43, and much apprehension is felt tor his safe ty. A little child answering the descrip tion of, little Charlie Ross -was found Monday evening at Hillsdale, Colum bia couuty, New York. A woman- who had him in charge was arrested, and he authorities In thl s city communicat ed with. Tho Board of Pardons, at Harrlsbu rg, continue to receive petition? for the pardon of Udderzook. No. -remonstrances against It are sent. them. No action has ye. t been, taken. The Board meets October 6th. David Baker, the poet of tho State, of Maine, died at Bongor Monday vtw nlng, aged 60.