The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 19, 1874, Image 2

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    Wm dilute IMtowflt.
n. v. mortiiimer editor.
LKiliailTON, IM.:
Ex-Gov. Curtln who openly procla
ims his preference for the democratlo
party, will, It Is reported, take an an
tlvo personal' part' in the approaching
political contest.
Tho Maino election 'Monday resulted
In Ihe election of Dlngley, Republican,
by 11.000 to, 1,Q0Q majoilty, and a full
Republican delegation Jo Congress.
Las); ye,ar tlo Republican mojorlty was
A number of condemned lron'-cladi
were, sold by tho Government', at Hew
Orleans, on Saturday, and brought the
following prices : Etlah, $1)300; Wy.o
quab, t'3700; Winnebago, 7350; JrU,
$7400: Pejuma, $10,075; Katainath,
$7400; Katahdln, $7750, and Chickasaw,
$3850. The salo produced $Q0,725, and,
It Is oxpdcted, will bo disapproved by
f he Navy 'Department.
In a test casoatHarrlsburgon Thurs
day, of last week, Judge Pierson gavo
his decision In regard to transgressing
tho Sunday law, that the transgressor
can be fined for each and every. "salo of
mercharidlzo"durlng"the "day. This U
belle ivedto be the Srs'f diclsion upon
the'poln't n Pennsylvania. "Under the
J3 ngllsh' law only opp jno during tho
entire Sunday could ' be' imposed. ''Be
also decided that n house having a hotel
llcpnss can sell tee cream or anything
in the eatable line' q clflzepi or trans;
lent cuBtomcra. TUo prosecutions were
brought by tho'Sunday league.
Tho Mllford (PikirSeraTd puts' It
thusly: "Wo undorltand that Hon
Charles Albright, of Mauch Chunk,
will probably be tho Republican. nomi
nee, for Congress In this district. Mr.
Albright, who is now. serving as Con'
nressman-at-larrc. has already made' a
good.iecord lu the national legislature,
and If he receives a re-nomination for
that position, will be a strong opponent.
It therefore pecqmes'the Democracy of
the district to go into' thd contest 'with a
united and harmonious spirit. 'We hope
that such spirit may-prevail, whichever
of the numerous aspirants may 'prove
successful at tho Democratic Congross
tonal Conference.'
Tho "Christian at Work" thus sens!
bly comments upon tho Louisiana revolt
" The wjekod folly of Congress, In
neglecting to settle tho Louisiana ques
tion ut its last session, with, nil the
facts brought before it, Is manifested,
is, might bo expected, In a riot which
In Its proportions assumes the nature
of a rebellion. Whatever may be salt
of the crime of a, resort to arms, we do
pot forget that tho most culpable, are
pot, Indeed, the Immediate participants
In such an affair, but those, wbp,sp acta
or whose neglect of duty precipitate
revolution. Had Cougrea done Its
duty; had it settled the Louisiana dllll
cutties, when the facts were brought be
fore its committee having tho matter In
charge, we might not now havo tho
disgraceful record of armed rebellion
, and bloodshedi As it is, neglect and
'PFon,ipetepc,e 'mvB wrought out their
logical result; but how long can the
country endute: such a condition of
things,, and for such a causo and how
lpng will itr
Written pr Tin CiRiw AdvocahJ
Echoes from Summer Ilc-
Uafe mat. This Is a swell of a re
rort in every respect. Not long since
an old husband refused to allpw Ids
young wife to 'go in and bathe, because
he heard there wero 'so many "wlilto
pap'd awps" about; Tho' sflllors o.f
tills place are famous, for who has not
beard of "Capo May sats,"'f.?l Sell
ing is indulged In hero to'a great 'extent.
Suppposo (l(ls Is on account qf tho sa?
line matter In the mighty deep,. A roan,
loft hero sometime ago 'to swim across
to Portugalj ho has not been heard from
since bis departure.
Atlantio Citv. The ocean here Is
pretty fair, but it is not as salt as the
one they have at Cape May. A bushel
of sand cosfs but very little here. I
- sat down on ths beach at this "city by
the sea'' and wcptafewbrluytcars, for
the shore reminded me of an old friend
long Blnce departed, ho was a Scotchman
and his nnmo was Sandy.
Lok.o BuAKcn."-"Jllg Stick" wpuld
bo the proper vtao for this, place. I
speak ,hy, the card (where's tho poor
house?) Many peoplohero aro on "Tho
Bluff." Eye glasses arn useless horo for
you ran sea shore without them.
"The Fisuihq iiANKav oCae May
are splendid; I have often reposed my
weary form upon them, first selecting
a sandy spot under tho trees, hero 1
fead my copy of "Tho Advocato"- and
was at rest.
IUciawa,t, Of U sea eldo resorts
fhls Is tho most popular with the hnblof.
Who has uothuard.of "The ruck beside
tht! sea" or Iougcd to bo a child again.
So at to he t'focked in tho cradio of the
deep." That beautiful 6ong '(The
'White Squall" ls'eupposed to have been
written, here.
Newtort. This Is a very old port.
They have an ocean here, but It Is
doilbless. bogus. Unolo Sara has p, tort
horq, It is named after MrTExpressj J
'would give the name In full put Bumce
It to say, It commcncce with an A arid
has 'sundry bits of profanity after it.
Commodore Perry was horn here, ))0
was not related totjfo Perfwlnkp fami
ly, though our navy pever hoastcd a
braver "shell back" than ho.
SjtiTn's Island. This Is a resort of
the cltto, hero tho votaries of fashion J
most do congregate. Tho air of this
placo lias a most remarkab'o effect up-
pn thoeyes. Miv Klgglns Ivisllcu thjs
Island and though his eyes wero blue
whcn he departed, they were .black
when ho returned. If I hod a dull boy
I should certainly send him tq this Is
land, for he would be euro to como
back with n good bead on him.
Ballston Srxu. Never having visi
ted this place, I asked a friend about it,
he said "ho had never seen Ballston
Spar, but ho could tell mo all about
Billy Edwards or Sam Collyer.'' I have
nothing-further to say about Ballston
rb!a., Sept. 15.
Rovot n Louisiana
'In Now Orleans, Monday, tho white
peoplp tevolded against the Kel'ogg
Government, and there wero some flght-
Ins, many being killed and wounded.
At It a M.ia large mass rqeetfng1 as
sembled to take Into consideration the
recent seizures of afrns by the Kellogg
Government. Canal'etreet was' crow
ded for several squares, and tliere was
a general suspension ot business, many
stores being closed. 1 Two companies of
United States'troOps were on duty- In
'New Orleans, and a regiment on the
way there from Holly Spring "Missis
sl'ppi. Tho meeting adopted resolutions
requesting the' Immediate abdication of
Governor Kellojjfj, find, sent'a commit
tee to communicate them to him. Tho
Governor declined to see them, becauso
bodies of armed men had gathered in
various parts of,tHj,pity, and he regard
ed this osa menace. Hp further stated,
lowover, that If tho peopfu assembled
peaceably, without menace, lie would
entertnli) any petition fronithem which
was aauressea iq 111m. Aiier soine
further parley wtl) the Governor's offi
cials the committee withdrew, and re
ported tho result to tho mepttng. Tlie
people were than advised to go home and
gee their arms and return to assist thd
"White Leaguers," wno wero unqer
arms, to oxecute the plans that wmild
bo arranged for them. The 'rneptlng
then dispersed. . Jp tho afternoon u
proclamation appeared reciting tlio
wrongs under wlilpu t0 people of
Louisiana have so loug ..y(erpi(, and
sighed by D. B. Peuu, Lieutenant-Governor,
who was chosen. on the Mc-
Enery ticket. It called out the, militia
between 18 and 45 "for tho purpose of
driving the usurpers from power," ar.Q
an annexed order appointed General
Frederick N,.Ogden Piovlsional Gen
eral 0: the militia. Aliotner proclama
tion -was also Issued to quiet the nppr'er
henslons of the colored people. Armed
men assembled in Canal street in tho
afternoon, ond five hundred police, un
der Uaneral LotigsfrPet appur, the same
time appeared on the groutid, Long
street ordering tho citizens to 'disperse.
There was sharp tiring, and the police
at onp place, urouej nnu mo citizens cap:
tured one gun irom tpeni. The citi
zens captured the City 'ali Bn(l pollco
telegraph'bflico, and' began bulhllpg
barricades; At dusk thd cltjiens' held
all tht portlpii ot the'pity above Canal
street, the police being massed in and
around Jnpksofi Squflro. number of
sharp skirmisher havo pecprred, caus
ing a loss of eight citizens and' thirty
pollpe killed ' and1 wounded, General
Badger, ot tho pollco, Is wounded.
There nro reports that Governor Kel
logg'lias called oh the President for aid.
Last nlghtthe city wasiquiet; and the
impression prevailed that 'no. further
attempts would lo made by the pollco
to disperse their opponents, Tho citi
zens npppar to havo the advantage.
LATitu. Quietness has been restored
at 'New Orleans. During Monday' night
(he umzens' party .so strongly en
trenched their posltlon.and-streimhten. i"'l wltli a une- lorso limw mumcn
ed their forces, that Governor KHlo"g er Wagon, loaned by the undersigned
determiped to call upon tho President
for aid, and In tlio meaimhilo to sar
render their forces. Kellogg, 1-otig.
street and their olUclah took' refug' In
thu United. Sa,(u3 Custom House, and
Tuesday morning tho entire forco ot
Metrppplitari police, with their auxilia
ries, arms, station houses, Ac, surren
deree u) uov. A eqo, wno in mat uiue i
had 10,000 men under arms tq support
linn, l cull ui, uuuu assuiucu uiu turns
fit government, and announced tho In
tention of installing all the officials
chosen with him un tlio McEuevy ticket
in 1872. Kellogg hayjQg appealed fur
aid to WaBhtugton, the President de
termined to support htm, and Issued
proclamation, commanding tho Nbw
Orleaus citizens to disperse in uvaila,ys.
Orderit In Accordance with It was unt
to Gen. Emery, commanding at Now
Orleans. There was no violence there
Tuesday, and the exrdtemect annouue-
,.e'd as subsiding. Governor: Peun has
made an appeal to tho President for the
recognition of. Ills authority. Mr, Matr,
In ircnt of St. Charles hotel, made a
speech to a Crowd, deprecating
ami oxhortlng (o peaco, aud a procla
mation ot similar import was issued by
the Mayor of the city. ' All tho tele.
grams received ut Washington Indicate
that quietness prevails In Now Orleans.
General Emory repot ts that ho lias not
troops enough to mantaln himself if a
contjlct should, occurr, undthatthe mere
presence (inraor.3 nas lost w moral et
feet. There wero creat rejoicing Tues
day lu New Ofleans at thu result of tho
.coutost, and the t'ulted States troops In
the Custom House, appeared In the
windows and heartily cheeied a passing
procession of the citizens. A meeting
lu sympathy w,itU,UmWMa"Ohel,u,llu
Profound qnletnrss still prevails at
out opposition In different parts pt the
State. Tho condition of Louisiana af
fairs was the snlilect- of dlscu'slori In
thd. Cabinet at Washington Wednesday,
but no final method of dealing with tin'
case was decided -upon. Gen. Emory,
commanding the United States troops In
Louisiana, yas Instrup'ed "under np
circumstances to reocgnlzjthft, insurgent
Government of Louisiana," and that
within Ave days from the date of tho
President's proclamation, "such action
will bo taken as tho emergency r6
qulrcs." 'The proclamation- asMssued
on. Tuesday, and the, five days will .ex
piro'on"Suhday'. Washington, bept. it. 'J. no i-rcsiucnt
to-day ordered three vessols-of-war' to
bo;scntto Npw Qrleaqs, Thny have
not yet boon sejpefed, bqt may bo in the
course Of to-day." 'Thty will be siich ns
cah cross tho bar with safety, and Will bo
gunboats of heavy pallbre. Tho Presi
dent, sent for Adrnlra) Reynolds, this
morning, with ' whom 10 had a, long
conference this morning. ''
On Monday evening' a series- of
darlne robberies wero perpetrated,.-at
Pottstown, the Post-office, three stores
and two dwelling being ' entered and
Charles Ynndcrvort, Grand- Master
of Odd Fellows for New York, died at
Harlem .Monday evening.
rj0 tho democracy of Carbon counjy ,
A. J..DURLING, of, thu orouKb.of
Lflhluhton. At the earnest solicitation
of rpany friends I have consented ,to let
my name go before the appriiicl'lng
Dcraocratlp Delegato Convention, 'as a
candidate fpr tne or Assomuiy.
Should the. honored with a nomination
and election, It will bi my" slncero, en
deavor to, fulfill tho duties of tlio olllce
with fidelity and to the: best of my
ability. . A. J. JjyilUNW'
Sept. .5, 1874-tp
Lehlghton, Pa., Sept. Dd
Tn V. n.SWTDKn. ElQ..'
nmn Sin. Wo tho undersigned,
Voters of the Borough of, Lehlghton,
real ectluliy nsk you to become a can
illrl.itn for tho'nomlnatlon of Iteprosili
tatlvain tho State Lenlslaturo ,ot the
next Democratlc.County Convention
T D Olauss,
Francis StocUer,
Z II Long;
W II Beunlnger,
Clinton Brctney,
Val Schwartz,
Charles Yener,i
D lleberliug,
Joseph Horn,
John T Nu-baum,
i'eter Helm,
Fred Dreher,
Fred I.euckel,
II German,
Pliao'u Clauss,
Wm Warner,
Daniel Rex,
Johu Peters,
Josenh Obert,
M Hellman, "
Samuel Graver,
Jonathan, Seldle,,
Daniel Clauss,
S Kieldenwels,-
Fred E M Her.
John Miller,
Jacob Walter,
Edward Paetzel,
Win Wnterbor,
win tinier,
D II Long," . .
Frank Lelhenguth
Jacob Uel rehn,
John A, Obert,
J BroUgi
Pa., Sept.-4, 1874
To T D' Claubs. and others.
Gentlemun, In lesponso to' your
verv flatterlnc Invitation, 1 re3pecttully
state that I consent to let my name go
before tho Democratic Nominating Uon
veutlon ns a candidate for Itepresenta
live. If nominated and elected, I pledge
a faithful nerformauco ot tho duties of
the office.
Very truly yours. .
New Advertisements.
rmaE cahhon count? aGhi-
at Tublio Outcry, on the Fair Grounds,
on theSOtli day of .Septenlber. 1874, at
Two o'clock!', M ot the highest and
best' price, the Sheds,, Stalls and .other
By order of the Board of Directors.
EKTliK LAUX, President.
W. C. FKitniiwpi, Si'crutary,
Lehlglitou, Sept. 10, 187,4-w2
persons nro hereby forbid wed-
1 w Ameai Bmiui, ot Ajenig nvm, i a
Lehlghton, Sept. 10, 1874. '
The undersigned respectfully informs
tho citljenp .pt Carbon and, tuljplnlng
counties, that ho Is now prepared to
supply iiieui iviui
Dressed or Live Hogs
at all times, at' prices fully ns1 low as
they can bo bougtit for elsewhere. Also,
Smoked Hams, Bologpe and Saussage,
at Wholesale and Jtetall.
Ordeis will bo promptly filled,
and lings shipped to any polnt at the
shortest notice.
lianU Street, Lehlghton, Pa,
Sept. 10, i674.yl
? or.
Millinery Goods & Motions
" AT
d Poor below the M. E. Cllurchi
All work niadeCup In the Ltt, Siy'-,
at me Uiweot frlces.
geptajba 19, 1874-013
On tlm subject of " The nand of
God In Ibv Htory of Our Country,
fvlll bo delivered In ths'EngllshjLatigu
ago, by
Itov.'TnpS, 60WMAN, of ylllentown,
Wuissport, on
Monday Eve., Sept. 21, 74.
Our citizen's aro'feVnfttfuTlv Invited
to extend -n' lib(!ral "patr'6fiafie to this
Lecture, tlio proceeds belnir for THE
auJllSSlUN :
"Family Ticket, .V. '..... . V. . . .$100
ldults J If K '
Children, under 12 years, 15
- 22(1 Annual'- Exliibitibn
1 of Tnii
Pa. State" Agricultural Soc'y,
FOB 1874, will be held at
Septemlier 28th, 1874,
Books of Entry close SFPTEMBEK 32.
No Entry Deo unargeu.
Competition is co-extensive with the
United Statesrana tho citizens of tho
several States nro cordially Invltedrto
nnmrnjt.iTfni' nil. tirlTf TOnr T'rpmlll 111
l,UIU.t.kUlV. VW. " " ...
Lists and other Intormatlou apply to
either of, tho undersigned.
J. k. Jtisc, t'rcsiuent;
D. W. Seller. Rec. Secretary.
Eltrhlgo McConkey, Cori Secretary.
- . - - - 1 - - '
fit r
Fiftfi and LasT Gift- Concert
November 30, 1874.
ONVi.OltAAD.CAall (1IH i;
o.NE'oitASn cAsit oi n . '
MV ioo
6 cash atrn, jaijKiiriiACir, ino,
10 UAlll lil l, IJ.UWSAUII,
IS CPII UlVTi, 10,11'K), UACII,
SO CASH (111-Tr ,
25 OAP11 011Tb,
1,1)00 KAOII, -;),U0I)
z.000 i:acii
1,000 KAOII,
; -MilUOtl,
100 KACU,
ft) J-'AOll,
3D UASll Ull' lo,
60 UASll 01 MS.'
100 CAfiuaw-
sii CAaii.uirrth.
roo cash oii-is.
i9ouo cash on ii,
OrandtoUlSOOo60irii,allrii'sli .
t2,200 0J0
I'rlce or tiokcii.
WliolaTlcUf '
UaWiH . , . ' .. . .
Tunthp-vuu Coupou, , , t .
II WhoWTcllptfor . , . ,
Tickets fori . .' . ,
.8 r.o.uo
2. M)
6 00
COJ 00
. 1000 00
For Xlckots ond iDfodinatton, qddreiis
T1I0. K., UKAMLirriU,
Aatsi nMAiotii,
I'nUlp t.ltrry Building, UiwUtlll Iy, or
TII0S. II. 1I.VS CO, Kaateru As"t.
.OO'J'IlrovI'MJ'i Now Vor(l, iEept.,13-3t
I I , flL
CD4- -CD
c3 j i ii. 1
, i
s o
O f-'S
vri S ' '!!
Opposlto tho Public Squat e; '
Manufacturer of
T in & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds ot
TSar Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing
promptly jattmidadtf , noyi 80
Livery & Sale Staples,
And positively LOWER PRICES than
any other Livery in the County.
EH .Large nnd-thapdsome Carriages
for Funeral purposes. anJ Weddings.
Nor. S8, 1873. DAVID K1IUKKT.
"jISTATU notice. , ..
-- Estate pf Itobert Phlfer, late of
Parryvlllo, Catbon County, Pa., decVo
all petsons lnnotitert to t-am extnie ur,
rciiuested to make Immediate payment,
uui thiHu having claims will present
tneiu without delay In proper. order for
MAIU A. PUIKEI Parry vlle,
J. G, ZEKNi .WeiiK)rt,
Aug. 22, 1874- w8 Admrs,
Now Advertiseme1itrfftr.!
Pruf. FowleVs-' Great Work
On Manhoo'lt iromniiioof, nrd thtir, Mutual inter
JldaUonv, Lore, 1Y1 Laib$tllwtrt elf.
j Agntii are Ratlin? from' lBV 35 copies dayV
Pend (or poclnin pijrp una terms to AgrntB,
and w whv It Mis filler than nnr other book.
delphlf eep5w4
r. M " el
S . H
coruct an Aitenev to1 tl)e reception of (idtertlsi
ment fbV Amerlcat. NitwpupiRatheVt onnl
ptete cUnMlsbtnentof te klpd In the world. BU
tliouxtind RswspArrM hfe kept reffulAl-Ir on flltji
open to InKpeclion bjrcu(omrB, Krery Aclver
tUctnent in takrn fit the homfe prle ofthe iA
rer. without nnr Additional chance of eommlfion.
An M(trtlfipr. In dpallni with the Aifencr. Is mt-
ediroubleandcorref ponder, ee. maklna one coo tract
inittiiAd or a ioxen, a nunarea or a iuouMna a.
Hnntr nfnthtv naffpa. irntilnloar lintel Of bent t
pent, Inrpent r1rculatlor)K, rfillnlous, afcrlcnUbrat,
rim, nnililn... callr and countrV nawrd. and all
publication), which are RpecLtllr aluatte to adrer-
tlprs, with some inrtirmaiinn bdoui prices, i aoni
IT lire 13 to auT'addre s on annllcatlon Persons
at a distance wUhlnj; to make rontrhela fbr adfer
IMiiK in ny town, cy coumy, Mare or itrri
torvoftht, United Btatos. or anv cor t Ion of the Do
minion of Canada, my ijenda concise Matfivt of
what they'wut. toietber' with a copy 6f the 'Al-
vcriifcmcnl they deMre lne ted. andiji
rHfflvi! tnfbrraitlon br return mail which will en
able them t(S decide w bether to fnrrea5fl or reduce
the order, tortucu information .lure la no.cnirffo
Ordera oro taken for a clngfe paper a well aa for a
M; for atlnjifo Aolhr'un lendlyai foranrgqy
turn, unices (limp imuainjri.
lurllind, .vlalue,
per day nt h-m, Tvrma free
Address Qkorgi bintaos & Co.
577 mats jiccntu. In llielr totality, fost.
jt a MKMt uuarnTiieoa o .1111(0 nou rv
30 f NOTI1IM1 to tryjt.. I'urllcatir.Free.
I". 0. V1CKEIIY li Co., AUuul, M8,
L&ury & Peters
Havo'jn'st'rl'ceived a,verylarge''abil,ele'
gaut stock of. Fall and Winter.
coniDrlslnc clatri' and fancy Cloths,
Casslmerosaiid Veitlngs, for men's and
hoys' wt-ar, which they aro prepared to
make up In tlio most niuonaoio siyies,
at reasonable prices, and on short notice.
Ladies', Gent's and Children's
Bpots, Shoes, Gaiters
and. Rubbers,
comprising a. splendid stock of all kinds;
manufactured especially for the trade
ot this locality.
of the litest and most, fashlnnablo make,
always on baud, iit.low. figures.
1" Agents for the Acmo Shirt the
best fitting garment' ever made. Leave
your Measure for Ihem.
Merchant Tailors,
P. O. Kpildlng Lehlghtop, Pa.
DOWN ! "!
In order to reduce present stock on
hand, and to make' .room for tho Now
Styles of
I havo Reduced my Prices to suit 'the
times, and am Belling at tho lowest' pos.
slhle prices. As an example ot tho
prices look nt tho following:
Calico. 10c, wortlrt23:
Gingham, 10-ic.';'WoM29.
.best, do,, lac, .worth. 1
Also, la ray lino qf
I defy companion ns to quality and
nrlon T tiin KitlHnrr finrt
No. 2 Llaokerol'fqfftliCsniall
sum of 5 cents !
1ST A liberal share of tho public
patronage!is respectfillly soUfltedi.'and
the best satisfaction guurranWeit at till
Lcuckel's Building,
Bank St., LohifeWon,
BANK STREET. Lehlghton, Pa.,
MILLERS and Dealers In
All kinds of GIUW Bought and Sold
at Regular Market Rates.
We would, also, respectfully Inform
our citizen, that we are now tuny pre
pared to supply them wltliruetj t
Memt of &$M
From any JIluo desired nt the VIIIIY
lowest inici:s.
July 20th, 1874.
ouso and Iiot for Halo,
Zorougl ot Lehlghton, and numbered
84 on tho plou or plot af sakl borough.
Tim Lot Is U.ll x 180 feet ; the House
In three stories with bnsesaeiit, 2-stqry
Kitchen' nud nocery outbuildinir, a
nevur.fallitw well of waters tto. It. Is
nicely, located for almost any kind o
business, belna situate on ttiei principal
business thoroughfare. For prion audi
further particulars, apply at. thS .Ojace
ui un liiu uiruiiorn lu
S. A. orlUtlSOlLLA'lREJEhSi
Jy 18, 1871-tl
IK Ctoavcr,
BANK Street, LEMC1IITON, aro
now offerlns Fall and Winter
comprising DoLalnes, Alpacas, Satincs,
Empress Cloths, &c, and a full line of
I)RY,G0QDS, , ,,
i; nyoii cLofiis,
They also' call particular attention to
their Immense stock ,pf Ladles', Gent's,
Misses' and Children's
Gaiters &' Rubber,
manufactured especially for, the trado
of this section, at Low Frlces.
Our stock of Groceries. Flour.
Provisions, Quccnsware and
Wood nud'Willbw Wnro,&c,
Is full' and complete in every depart
ment, and goods and prices are sure to
suit. A trial Is respectfully solicited,
nug 20-mO
B. J. KUNTZ, Prop'r,
, i. ii Ui i ' r
Itennectfullv announces to the nubllo
.that, ho has ' just rebuilt tho Tannery,
rorraeny or uaniei, uiowino, ana, put
In aU'ttie best and most approved ma
chinery fojlhe ,-;'rV
Manuf a,cturp .of Loathbr;
such as'IIemlock and Oak Sole, Harness,
Upper, Kip, Calf and Sheep,, which he
will supply at the very lowest price.
riastering Hair. supplied i Id large or
small quantities very low,. IIIDES-and
SKINS, bought highest cash prices.
Patronage solicited.,,, "'Aug. 8-yl
Contractor &.
LEUiailTOX, ritNS'A,
l'lans and Specifications
Foi n'l kinds of.' Buildings made .at .the
shortest- notlccw ... 1
Made for Plans and Specifications when
the contract Is awarded to tho under
slflnpd. 'A. W. BACHES.
June 14, 187gTyl, , ,
The undersigned calls tho attention
of nil parties using Iron to the fact that
lie Keeps on nana, ai.iue.
all Sixes, which ho offers at tho JLowest
MarketlPrlcds: Also; that hepays'the
Highest Price for SCRAP- IRON, pr
will take it tn' exch'angq ror" Mabufac
turqinfori. ( '
In the' absence pf the uhdcr'slgricd,
p'artles'will call at the Feed &ore'of W.
Ui KNEUu r, Jsq., and Da attended to.
Weissporti'r3ept l2.m3
, BVCipiAN,
Carriages, Slelgns, Buggioa,
nd tjrrf Ueci Ipl oi. of
Ntirij' oppMlW' Kiile Hotel. Bunk' Street,
ijemgutOD, itu
jrirPlftoince Terr ruriectfullr eollclUd. Ind
reD.T, ltn4, '. A. DUUKMAci.
Respectfully announces to tho ctlzens
ot Lehlghton and vicinity, that lie has
on BANK WAY, (qear the LehlghlVal.
.ley Rajlroad Deppt). , Lehlghton,.
andthht;ne IsWwprepaVed'to'glvd'our
citizens Llfe-Llko .Pictures at the most
reasonable, ratos, , ,
Particular uttcptlon ipatd to taking
Children's, Likenesses. A Trial Is
sollolted, j June, 18.
OLIVER, CRILLET, dealer in To
haeco, Cigars, Pipes, &c.k next door to
Rc'x s Grocery Store, Susquehanna St,,
M(ucli (Thunk, respectfully asks tb'e
peoplo of Lehlghton and vicinity, when
visiting thatlploeej to call ia and trylis
tho Very best Id tho' market. Every
articles in his lino warranted as repre
sented rnd at lowest pr(oe. -Cm&r28
TTJST look at hor'Hairl 'Whyl
'thodfe' wa' turning Grey? So
It was, nntll she got a Dottla of that new
Hair Restorer at Darling's Drag Store.
II Y, Oil, WHjr will you suffer
. . lulth llmt rVuiKhnr C!nA9 when
relief may b had Immediately by using
CURLING'S Compound Syrup of Tar
iMItl Uherr'y and Ilorehound.
: IWfOTHERS, Look af Uiat jCblld, it
:i-'f-i has Wbrm'i. iGo or send at onco
to DURLING'S Drug Store, and get a
bottlo ot hU WORM SYRUP, so plei
santandyotsosurp. ww