to tote ililwwvk n. v. mortiumer, ...... epitor. LEIIIQI1TO.V, 1A.! SATURDAY MORNING SEriC 12, MJf. Grant has a stud of thirty-eight hor ses on his fatm tit Whitehaven, Mo., besides slxty-sljf horses bcloiiglpg to other partlos. Eight ot tho president's horses are to bo entered at the approach ing St. Louis Fair. In tho case of Tiltop vs. Beecher tho answer of Rev. Henry Ward Bcecher, denyhig the charges brought, was re ceived In New Tork Monday, an,d serv ed upon the plaintiff. Fostmaster General Jewell has can ,ccllod the contract for the penknives usually presented to the clerks ot his .department atNpw Year's. The knives were necessary when quills were Msed .for writing, but have not been needed slnco tho Introduction of steel pens, ,thoughtho custom ot presenting them fas been continued. A party of experienced hunters and miners is to start from Bismarck, Dako for the Black IIIIls, In about thirty days. It Is said the party "not only know tho color of gold and tho hablfs ,of Indians,' but will be "sharp enough to evade tho military." Once In the bills, they expect to bo nblo to Uyo as ..the Indians do; consequently they will not encumber themselves with what they consider unnpepessary supplies. Tho Survey of tho northern boun dary of fho United States," which has' been going on for two years past, has .been completed. It was conducted by a Joint engineering Commission, renro .sentlng England and the United States, and having a strong military escort. This survey was provided for by tho Treaty of Washington. A portion of .tho American party have already r.'1 rived at Bismark, In pakota Ter'rltoij on their return honie.- Tho Washington creditors of Jay Cooke & Co., aro very' anxious togali) ,some information about tho situation ,of tho Insolvent estate, and aro taking measures to try to cqmpell the' trustee -to make a statement of tho condition ,of tho assets, sp that they may know .what they hayo to expect in the way ,of a dividend, if anything. It is nearly a yearlnoe the Cookes failed, and "as yet the creditors havs been vouch sated nothing of a satisfactory character as to their prospect of receiving a dividend, .or havo they been premised to have In formation which will afford ' them grounds for making a reasqnabje con: .elusion of their own upqn tho subject. There Is a feeling that lees secrecy should be observed, and it la" proposed to make a strong effort to net at the fruth of tho matter. pur Friend iu Time oflVccd. Tho Chicago Tribune says few peo plo know how deeply Indebted tho Unit ,cd States Is (o Russia for kindly services during tho war. It ias ptten been vaguely whispered that Russian Influ ence prevented the armed Interference of Franco, fjnd perhaps England, in be half of tho South. Wo 'aro enabled to lay before our readers trustworthy in formation never before" published, in support of the truth of the rumor. When Gov. Curtin, pn the ovo of his return to this country, went, in bis ca pacity as Minister to' take for nul leave of t)o Emperor, the latter closed tho conversation substantially in theso words: 'V wish, sir, that you would upou your return, express my hearty thanks tq tho American people for tho receptlqn they havo given my son, tho Grand Duke Alexis." This, It will bo remembered wps shortly after .Gen. Grant had refused to return Alexis's call, and tho latter had left Washington in disgust. Gov, Curtin noticed tho Emperor's failure to send thanks to tho Government as well as the people. He suppospd, however,' that it was a slip of tho tongue until' the Em press bade him farewell in almost pre plsely thosamo words, "I shall be hap py," said he, "to carry your Majesty's thanks to my Government and people." "I Bent my thanks, sfr.M said the Empress, f'to tho peopje and only to the people." Goy. Curtin afterwards complained pf tho slight that had thus b,een pijbllcly put upon the Government he rppiosent pd. He was Invited by Gqrtch'aW a conference on tho subject. Tljieo books wero brought In from the arch ves of tho Foreign Office. Tho'flrst con talned an autograph letter from Napo leon in. asking Russia to Join with Eng. and and. Franco in breaking up the Federal blockade, and guaranteeing tho Independence pf tho Confederacy. The letter asserted (hat England had already promised bet cooperation, which was probably a Ho. Thp. Becond book con tained tho Emperor's reply. Ho flatly declined tho alliance proposed by Na poleon, and declared that; In the event of any European Interference in. he war, Russia would actively aid tho JNortii. The' third book had wllhjn It copies of the scaled orders given to the Rus sian Admiral who, as our readers will remember, brought tho fleet Into iVew York harbor during tho war. The or ders directed him to proceed at once, with his whole available force, to New York city; to remain at anchorago there for sorao time; and in tho evejt of Eu ropean Interference with the blockade, to put himself and his whole forco at the command of tho Cp,btnet at Wash ington, and promise, abundant and spee dy reinforcements. WhiioGov. Ourtln stared.dumbfound ed, at these Unexpected proofs of Rus sia's stcs.dfast fidelity to the Union cause, Gortchakoff said to him: "Per haps you can appreciate now, sir, why Uio Emperor and Empress sent their thanks to tho peoplo who havo honored the Grand Duke Alexis and not theGov ernment that has insulted him. Wo saved your country, and now your Pro sldent Insults our representative. It is too much." Curtin qnito ogrped with him, and tho interview ended. Written for Tnt Caebok Advocat.. A Trip to Hie Clouds Iy aiarcutlo. I have had the pleasuro of taking a trip in a balloon, and shall never regret It. Wo loft "terra firma!' the other morn ing about 0 o'clock. It was a sight to see the thousands of upturned faces In. tently gaalng upon us as wo took our terieal flight. I noted many of mv most affectionate creditors In tho crowd, and waved them a fond adieu. Tho earth seemed fast fading away, and I felt happy, for, "after years of toll." I could proudly say, I was .'.'up In lifo." in tnis train of thought, I looked down over the edge of the basket, and there in the surging mass below was my tailor waving bis bill high In the air, exasperated beyond measure, I threw ac a bag pf ballast and "ballasted thn ipes" of that tailor forever. The balloon now shot upjpord? wifh fearful rapidity.and I could feel the blood tingle in every vein; a glance at the ther mometer showed that tho temperature wus 00? below zero In the shade, and VP were at least 20 miles above the earth, but did not retain this attitudo very long, for we had forgotten our overcoats Soon wo could glaupo downward and note the pujious pheno mena below, for oceans seemed sea3, seas 6eenjed lakes, lakes seemed rivers, and Here I fairly chuckled with Joy, for wo were right over Le hlghton, the view was sublime, Weiss port was near -at hand, and Packerton and Mauch Chunk wero In plain view, how beautiful wet o flic mountains, and what a tiny thread seemed the Lehigh, tho long trains atPackerton looknd like nut shells filjed with coal. I was much disappointed at not being able to drop a few despatches to "Tho Advocate," but the aeronaut in charge seemed to think they would mako too large a hole in the roof, and might possibly dispatch the Editor In chief. How I longed to stop at "Tho Valloy House" and shako tho hand of lfs worthy host, but It could not bo, J did drop a lock ot my hair, but regretted to see that it brained a cat which was sleeping sweetly In tho garden of D. Ebherts' Esq., at this moment wo struck"the eastern current, " and Lehlghton and its beautiful school house was no longer to bo 6een. "Pull tho valve rope" shouted my coinpaniqn In a vqlce of terror, before I could pos sibly comply, 01 horror 1 1 tho balloon exploded, down, down I went right pn tho floor. For I had been dreaming, and Instead of falling out of a balloqn. I had tumbled qut qf fc,ed. MAjtcuTiq. rhtla., Sept. 7. Pftinn;i-aplic. What'slnaname? "Swears Dams" is thQ sign of a Ipgal Arm in St. Louis. Important new discoveries of salt springs have been mado In tho valloy of the SJaglr.axy, . The foreign resident population of Paris Ig mado up ns fellpws, 4.Q00 Americans, 7,000 Englishmen, 47,000 Germans, 82,000 Belgians, and 12,000 Swiss. Out ot tho fifty, four young men an. pointed cadets at West Polntanfl exam lued durlpg the past week, only twenty, two passed tho examination and were admitted. At a recent Capo May Juvenile ball two Philadelphia misses exhibited be tween them 125,000 worth of diamonds. They were sisters, and their mother used to take In washing ' W W i. A.C?.llf0,rnI'v teroperoHPe nsspclatlon limits tho beverages of its members' to w ne, beer and cider, "except" when laboring under a sense of discourage rpent, and then whlskoy will bo allow ed. A delicate lady who cent to tho White Sulphur Springs on a matress was so restored to health that she married a man worth $200,000. l-he waters of those sprlpgs then, aro wealth-nlvlne as well as hcalth-glvlfig, it would seem. fm'llTa,1frClpll,8',SePt- -A despatch from Jeffersqnvillp, Ind., states that a child resembl ng pharlla 'ft h i" charge there, A photograph of the boy has beep sent ti Constable Smith, who qefcttlje Information, " ! A shower of whltO toads took ntnnn In Larimer county, Col. Tho shower embraced a strip of country half a mllo wide, and several miles In length. From n distance the frogs, as thoy bounced along tho ground, looked for all tho world like hall stones. After the show er tho frogs hopped about over tho country In droves of ten thousand. A woman was placed on trial In tho Chester (Pa.) court, last weok. charged with disturbing a religious meeting by riotously eating peanuts. Tho evidence for tho prosecution was that, although sho was repeatedly requested to desist, she made a loud nolso by munching, and crushing the shells with her hands, declaring to tho deacon that she should eat peanuts whenever she wanted to. Tho woman wa discharged. Judge .Basil Hamilton, tho Kalam azoo centcnarln, has Just died at the advanced aged of 103 years, presprviug his faculties clear to the last. ' Ho was ono of a family of twenty-three children . Six of his older brothers foucht the British under tho leadership of Wash ington, mho old man himself had known tho Father of his Country, bad voted for his second term, and 'had voted for every President ever since. Ho was married at 10, in tho year 1700, eloping wiiii a gin ci iu, wiin wnora no had lived uutll tlio year 1857. Thoy twain wero man aud wife for sixty-seven years. During those years of uninter rupted happiness they had sixteen chil dren, of whom cleht are still llvlne. Thero nro also elghty-ono grand chll- uren ana n numuer or gruat-gramlchll-dren. As nearly ns can bo estimated tho fruit ot the clandestine iinlnn nf Mum Hamilton and Martha Still well was 2-U souls. Born March 15. 1771. he was older than tho reuubllc. Wash ington was larmlng at Mount Vernon; Jefferson was 28 years of agp, George IIJ. was on fhe Kngllsh throne ; Nelson was a midshipman; tho future Duke of Wellington was a baby in arms; Robert Burns was a school boy; Walter Scott and Murat were not born; Mary Anto inette, at 10, was barply foreshadowing that exquislto beauty which was one of tho agents proparincfor tho over-throw of the old regime; Napoleon was an In fant, and Lafyetto was studying In Paris, "Jock," said a farmer to ono of his workers ono Sunday, after the return of tho atter from church, "wluur wus the text to-day?" "I dlnna ken," an swered Jock; I was ower lang In gauri In." "What was tho end o't then?" "Idinnaken;Ic,imoyot nfor It was dune." "What did the minister say nboot tho middle o't then?" said tho master, angrily, determined to have an answer of some sort. "I dinna ken, rnaister," replied. Jqck; "I sleepita' the time." A freo lepluro delivered recently in Tioy, is said by a local journal to havo been "worth the prico of admission." POLITICAL. rjpo tlio Democracy of Carbon county, FOR ASSEMBLY, A. J. DURLING, ot thn iorough of Lchiuhton. At thn p.irnpst. Holli-trnttm, of many friends I have consented to let my name go ueioro (lie approacring Democratic Delpcntn OnnvKiiUnn. no n candidate for the office ot Assembly. oiiouiu i uo Honored with a nomination and uleotlon, it will ba mv sinccro en deavor to fulfill tho duties" of the office with fidelity aud to tho best of mv ability. A. J. DURLING. bept. O, lH74-tO CAUS. Lehlghton, Pa., Sept. 2d, 1874. To E H Ssyder, E3q., Du.ui Sin, Wo the undersigned, Voters of tho Borough of Lehlghton, respectfully ask you to become a can didate for the nomination of Represen tative in thp State Legislature at the next Democratic County Convention. T D OJnuss, Joseph Obert, Francis' Stocker, Wllloughby Wert, Frank Shlvely, M Hellman. Z II Long, Samuel Graver, W II Beiinlnger, Jonathan Seldle, Clinton Bretney, Josiah Sentinel, Vdl Schwartz, Daniel Clauss, Charles Yenser, S'Kreldenweis, H lli'berllng, Fred E Miller, Joseph Horq, John Miller, John T Nubaum, Jacob Walter. Peter Helm, Edward Paetzcl, Fred Dreher, Wm Waterbor, Fred Louc'kel, Wm Miller, II German, D II Long, PhaonClausg, Frank Lelhencuth, Wm Wnriier, Jacob DeFrelm, Daniel Rex, John A Obeit, John Peters, J Broiig, Lehlghton, Pa., Sept. 4, 18T4. To T D CLAps,s, and others. Uentlemijn, In iespoqsip Jo your very flattering invitation, 1 rpspecttully state that I consent to let my name go before the Democratic Nominating Con ventlon as a candidate for Represents tlvo. If nominated and elected, I pledge a faithful performance of tho duties of (he office. Yery truly yours, E. H. SNYDER. New Advertisements. The undersl ned calls thn nioniinn of nil parties using Iron to the fact that nu Keeps tin uanu, at me Weisspor tRolling Mill all Sizes, vllch ho offers at the Lowest Market F-rloes. Alo, that he pays tlio Highest Price for SCRAP IRON, or will toko It In exchange for 'Manufao tured Iron. In the absencq of tho uuderslgned parties will call at 'the Feed 'Store of V" U KNECIIT, Esq., and be attended to! ' LEWIS WEISS. Wtlssport, Sept 2-in8t 1 - New Advertisements. JJANIEL ICALDPU8, ATTORNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Munch Chunk, Pa. WOlIlce. ibcte Doton'n Jawelrjr Store, DnuiliriiT. ALUCTDHE On tho subject of " Tho Hand of God in tho HKtory of Our Country, " will bo delivered In tho English Langu age, by Rov. TIIOS. BOWMAN, of lllentown, In tho EVANGELICAL OnUROn, Welssport, on Monday Eye, Sept. 21, 74. Our citizens aro respectfully Invited tfl extend a liberal patronage to this Lecturo, tho proceeds bclnir for THE BENEFIT of thb SUNDAY SCHOOL. EMISSION : Family TickeU 1 00 ldults 25 Children, under 12 years, 15 Sept. 12-w3 ANOTHER CHANCE! Fifth and U?t Gift Qgncert IN AID OF Tl)t5 .1 POSTPONED TQ November 30, 1.874. DRAWING CERTAIN AT THAT I) ATE. LIST OF GIFTS, ONE ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ' . . ' 100,000 . 79,0)ll 0(1,100 . 23,000 ' 100,000 140,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 90,000 100,000 100,000 120.000 CO.ObO 950,000 , $2,200,000 . 3 60 (10 23 00 '6 00 t O) 00 . lu'00 00 ONE ONE ONE UHAND CASH OIFT . (JItAND CASH OUT ORANI) f!AKII nil'T 6 10 16 20 25 3J CO 100 240 r.oo 19000 CASH CHITS, f20,000 EACH, CASH OIFTS, 14,000 EACH, CASH (HITS, 10,000 EACH, unan w i r AC, u,uuu r.AUll UASll Ult'TS, CASH GU'TS, CASH UIFTS. CASH (II FT.-, CASH UIFTS, CASH UIFTS, CASH UIFTS, 3,000 EAClt, 2 000 EACH, 1,000 EACH, COO EACH, 100 EACH, tQ EACH Grand total20.0O0Oirtii, allr.ish . Price of Tickets. Whole TlckitJ Hnlreti Teothii, or each Coupon . . , II Whole Tickets for . ll'i Ticket! for .... For Tickets and Infoumstion, address THO.In. llRAMLETTU, AaKxr aud Manager, 1'uWj! Library Dulldlnj, l.oul.vlll, Kj., or TIIOS. II. HAVS Si CO,, E.iiHru Agents, 009 lv ,n ., 'Sqv Yo k. sept. 12-Ut t a c m to t tO L 1 s & $ Kj w cj !2 w M Q w -1 tr o 5 o .13 re ft CO CO CD S3 crq tr O CD -t CO o 3 9 3 Ul Ci o a 9 3 Ci a ct-ci- o (3 UlUBL CUAVER, Opposite tho Public Squaie, SOUTH ST., LEIIIGnTON, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all kinds ot TOTS!! t3y Itooflnjr, Spoutlncr. and Jobblnc promptly nttsnded to. nov. 0 "A Xrarir Approitmaliim to tht JIEAL SWAN QUILL than Ali)UUug llUltalo Limited." The coxiASitr incbcasiso sale or the SPENCERIAN DOUULli ELASTIC 1 Steel Pens: Is owing to their tuperior writing tfimlititi, i. at. tekted ly OieeJItorlilenilorkemeotofoTer 1000 papers, and by Merchauts, Lawyers and Bankers without number. They are all made of the Iieat Steel, In the best manner, by the beat workmen la Europe. tlr&ilt In all llealm. To accomiiwdaU Uwst utho May wish to try thttt jmtat we will tend a Curt, coitaini(7 one each oUie IB NumlJere, 6y wail, or, rri'joiV. Ivisou, Qlakeman, Taylor & Co, 138 and 140 U11AND STREET, N. Y. April 23, 1874. -JAVIU EUBERT'S Livery 6c gale Stables, FAST TnOTTING HOUSES, ELEa ANT OAItniAGES. Aud positively LOyER PRICES than any other Livery ln'the Copnty. t3P Large n.nd handsome Carriages for Funeral purposes and Weddings. Hot. 22, lbT3. DAVID EBliEllT. fir i " llAMCSTmiSKT.LKHiailTON, Pn Now Advovtisomcnts. ACEMTS WANTED FOR Prof- Fowler's Great Work On Manhood, Womanhood, and their Mutual Inter jiciuiionii m, ui Lawt, Jtwer, etc. . Agents are sellln from in tnQft mt . Send for specimen pines and terms to Agents, -v.. & .uj nrni,in,ieriDnn nnr omer boon, Address, NATIOl- Ah PUIILISIUNO CO. Phlla delphla, Pa. Sep5-w4 3 a B Water l.ii j :lWhcci v V. a 2.5" Geo.P.Jlowell&Co., conduct an Agency for the reception of pdfarthe meniB ior Ameij an nivrBi'Arsns tlio tnesi com plete ctibHf-hment of the kind in the world. Six f bouftand NtyspApFRS are kept reulnrly on pie, upon in lnnpeciiou ujcmtomers. tuierj iivcr ttsemcut H tnken nt the home prire of phe pa per, without tiny additional charge or coinmlsslon. An advertKer.ln dealing with the Aeencr. U wir ed troubleand cot rerjn dence, making one contract instead ora doren, a nundred or a thousand. A UoftU or eighty p g a, containing iut of best pa- cl t, political, rfally and country papers, and all publications which are specially Taluablo to ndver tlcfw, with some In. rraatlon about prices, ) sent FIIBIS to any addrecs on application. Persons at a dUtnnro wlxbing to make contracts for adrcr- iiing 111 any town, city, county, state or Terri tory of the United States, or anv nor Hon of the Do minion of Canada, may rend a couclne statenientor wnat tney want, togetuer wub a copy or tne Au vcrUemcift they deMre into, ted, aud will receive Inform .ttou by return mull which will en able them to decide w he t her to increase or reduce the order. Forbuch lnforniationtliere isnoclwgo Orders nre taken for a Mngfo puper as weli as for a fist; for aMnge dotor ns reudlyas for a larger sum. unices rimes iiuuumg). 41ParkRow,N.Y. djC o tOn I,er AY ftt uome- Teims free QW H Add less Ueouos stinson & Co. 1'urll.iiid, VJalne. t)nyt A WLLK guaranteed (o Ma'e and Ke 77 uan'e Agentp, In their ' calty. Costs Iffi I KOTI11NU to try It. 1'articufars I'ree. JBEllI'liCT FITS." Laury & Peters nave just received a very large and ele gant stock of Fall and Winter comprising plain and fnney Cloths, Cassiinereaand "Vestlngs, for men's and hoys' wear, which they aro prepared to make up in tho must f.thlonnblo styles, at reasonable, prices and on short notice. Ladles', Gent's nnd Children's Boots, (Shoes, Gainers and Rubbers, comprising n splendid stock of all kinds, manufactured especially for tho trade of this locality. 95 of tlio latest and mostfashlonahlo mako, always on hand, at low figures. I"Agenls for tho Acmo Shirt tho best fitting garment ever mado. L,eave your Measure for them. LAURY & TETERS, Merchant Tailors, P. O. l)illding, Lehlghton, Pa. SOWN!! DOWN!!! In order to reduco present stock on hand, and to mako room for tho Now Styles of I have Reduced my Trices tQ suit tho times, and am selling at tho loyrest pos sible prices. As an example pf tho prices look at tho following: Calioo, 10c, worth 12c, Gingham, 10ic, worth 12io, Best do., 13c, worth 15c, Also, in my lino of I defy competition as to quality and price. I am selling fine No. 2 Mackerel for the small sum of 5 conts ! TIIEl' CANNOT 1JE HEAT I t37 A liberal share of the public patronage Is respectfully solicited, nnd the best satisfaction guarranteed at all times. IT. I. MEM TOE Leuckel's Ballding, Bank St., LehightQn. JJE. EIEILCIIAIV & CO., BANK STREET. Lehlghton, Pa MILLERS nnd Dealers in Ji?lmiFti&; decile All kinds of GR4IN liought and Sold at Regular Market Rates. We would, also, respectfully Inform our citizens, that wo are now fully pre pared to supply them with, tlio llest .of Coal From any Mine desired nt thn VERY LOWEST PRICES. M. IIEIL,MAI & CO. July 25th, 1874. TK STATE NOTICE. Estate ot Robert l'hler, late of Parryville, Carbon Couuty, Va.. dco'd, all persons I. .ebted to said es 'to are requested to maka Immediate payment, anc those having plalms will presejt them wltliout delay u proper order for settlement. MARY A. nilFEIl, Parryvllle, J. u. Air.tvXN, lYeissiiori. Aug. , 1871-wO Admrs. A. OraTer, BANK Stroot, LEtTIGHTON, aro now offcrlnB Fall and Winter lress CoodliS9 comprising DeLalnw, Alpacas, Satlnes, Empress Cloths, &c, and a lull lino of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., at POPULAR PRICES. They also call particular attention to their immeriso stock of Ladles', Gent's, Misses and Children's l$oot$9 Shoes, Gaiters & Rubbers manufactured especially for tho tradn of this section, at Low Prices. Pur stock of Groceries, Floor. Provisions, Quccimvaro and Wood ana Willow Waro.&c, Is full .and complete in every depart ment, and goods and prices aro sure to' suit. A trial Is respectfully solicited. aug u-m jpiLOUU AND FEED. Thountlersicnml U nntv enlllnir tn thn' c,ljsens of Welssport and vicinity, tho TOE CnOICEST Family Flour $3.75 md Grade- - 3. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try it I 137" IIITIT.TVO nf nvnn larfnflra nt Reasonablo Rates. Baggage taken to and from the Railroad Depots nt tho W. F. KLOT2. Npar tho Canal Z?rldge, EAST WEISS PORT, Pa. aprll-ma. .NADEN .". JTTEN TAKNEBY LEOIGHTON, PA., B. J. CTNTZ, PropV, Respectfully announces to the publfo that ho has Just rebuilt the Tannery, formerly of Daniel Olowlne, and 'put In all the best and most approved ma chinery for tho Manufacture of Leather, 8uchasIIomlock and Oak Sole, Harness, Upper, Kip, Calf and Sheep, which ho win supply at tne very lowest price. Flustering Hair supplied, lb larger, - small quantities very low. HIDES and SKINS bought at highest cash prices. ' ' i-atrouago suucitea. Aug. B-yl W. EACHES. ' o j Contractor & Builder LBUIQUTO.V, PJSNN'A. Plans and Specifications P For all kluda of Buildings made at the shortest notlco. NO CHARGES IT) T Mado for Plans and Speclfjcatlons whea the contract is awarded to the under signed. A. W. EACHES. June 14, 1878-yl jj BVCKMAN, HllfDriCTUEIB or CHrrlupros, Slolghs, UugslcsK nd ewjr dKrljitlou of v SPRING WAGONS. 1 t Nwrl Eagl. uol.1, ptMt, llEPAimjfq PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Ai reasoaablo charges. ...P.'!'r"'s:e' "Ptfullr iollcltii'and ijUsfatllou uuarantwd. yb.T.I87i, A.BUCKMAN.. TOE 3 PlIOTOGRAPHEIr Respectfully announces to tho citizens of Lehlghton upd vicinity, thai be' 'ha? OPENED his ' ' HewPhotographGallery,; on BANKWAY, (near tho LeWghjTali loy Railroad Depot), Lehlghton, and thqt he Is nowprepare fo give our cltljens Llfe-LJIfo frctiires. at tho most leasonahje rates. ' Itortlcular attention paid to taking Children's Likenesses. AuTrlal Is. solicited; Jiinol8,. "MK"ouso an3 lot for Sale, . ' Situate on Bank streetln'the iorOUnll nf Thlnhlnn nnl ...lili j 34 ou tho plan or plot of said bbfoutfh.- Tim Ta, I. qq - Ion I . - ii M , ", "i" "i 4wh ipov, me House nhely located for almost a'nyknd bf , bu .lness, being sltuato on the prlnclnal busin " thoroufrhfnrn TPa- t. -Cj. . . - cj . 1'twVO'MUU- further particulars apply at this Ximati or on tho premises to a. a, or l'UISOILLA BHHR3. July 18, 1874-tf 5 JTHSV lqpk at her Hair I Why I it was. uutll she got a Bottle of thtfi(m' Ualr Kestorer at Durltog'a Dru ptor. wire. sHjnes wiin oa.semen.t, 5-st)ry Kltchen nnd necessary ouibulldW ' a never.fall nc well nr ui t.L ti .Ti