The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 05, 1874, Image 4

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    IlowCnrI ItoNa GotlllHrricil.
Cnrl Rosa nnd Pernpa, antipodal as
they wero Id complexion, staturo and
avoirdupois, wero supremely harmoni
ous, excellently ftdapted to associated
enterprise. Ho had never undertaken
management until after his marriage,
ond In) Is indebted to licr, It is falil, for
tlio Inspiration, Hp Is so modest and
retiring a llttlo fellow thatniritiy orsons
have wondered how ho could summon
courago to propose! to n woman so
much larger than himself.
The matter of his proposal isthusre
lated. Tho musical twain weio en
routo to Hartford by rail seated sldo by
side; Rosft seeming to bo unusually de
prived. Parepa, a close observer, and
Always sympathetic, noticing his mel
ancholy, Inquired the cause. Ho an
swered: "I havo been unlucky In this coun
try. For sotno reason or other I havo
not been able to keep my .friend In
America. With tho best of feeling and
Intentions, I appear to lose as rapidly
as 1 mako them. I think I havo not to
day n slnglo friend."
"Oh, I am sure you have," respond
cd she brightly.
"Alasl" ho exclaimed, sighing, "I
fear I have notl"
"Indeed, you are mistaken, my good
Carl. II you have not so regarded me
heretofore, I promise you now that I
will always be your friend."
Rosa's boyish face kindled with do
light, ho took her gloved hand; and
with chivalrous instinct lifted It to hi
"And," she added, with a charming
Ingenuousness, "I will be your wife al
so, If you like."
A fortnight later tl'cy wero married.
Sho had long been very fond of him,
and he of her, and sho knew It. But he
was so sensitive and self-depreciating
that sho felt that he would not reveal
his affection unless ho wero liberally
Few men or women have been better
partners, sentimentally or financially,
than Parepa and Rosa. They gave
English and Italian opera at tho Acad
emy in better styles than it had ever
been given, and notwithstanding the
great expense to which they had gone,
they realized handsomely from tho en
deavor. Rosa ond his wife cleared
here over t250,000. Chicago Times.
Odd I'ollotvslilp.
Tho annual minutes of thn Grand
Lodge of tho Independent order of Odd
Fellows of Pennsylvania havo been
rmhliOipil in hnnlr form. Thn fttntUttnt
report of tho Order for tho year ending
Mav 13th. 1871. shows that tho mem-
bership In tho State atthat time amount
ed to 03,197. being au Increase of 10,
031 duilng tho year. The Lodges in
working order numbered 800, showing
an Increase of '10. The Rebecca degree
Lodges uumbered 80. Tho relief report
shows that during the year 13,021 mem
bers wero relieved, at an expense of
$205,770.83, thero was also paid 810,
720.18fortho relief of widowed families,
1,431.59 for the education orphans, and
$70,C30 32 for burjlug thn dead, mak
ing tho total amount for relief $203,
fiOO.GO. Tl'o receipt.? In tho vari ms
Lodges during the year amounted to
$893,302.30, and their total assets Is
given at $1,100,202.40.
A ftrango though not a novel phase
of the Indian question, Is that two pro
phets have arisen, each of them In re
gions far remote from the other, preach
ing that tho Indians should have no
further intercourse with whites and
missionaries, and that though few In
number, they shall again possess the
land, Smohalla, the Oregon prophet,
urges tho Indians to live upon no reser
vation, to accept no bounty, to enter
no church or school or houso of prayer,
and to bo In no way lured from the
habits of their forefathers. Already
ho has a compact and powerful band
who bcllcvo in his doctrines and try to
llvo up to them, though no attempt hat
been made to carry out the cxtermlna
tlon of the whites, which ho also preach
es. A similar pro het has arisen among
the Comanches at Arizona, who tells
his people that ho has had an Interview
with tho Great Spirit, who said that
tho Indians who wero adopting the
mode of life of tho whites weto
going down hill fast, as regarded popu
lation, and that the Comanches would
do tho same, should they too become
John lint per, familiarly known as
"Undo John Harper," the well-known
Kentucky stock raUerand distinguished
turfman, was of a plain, frugal family
of Pennsylvania Dutch oiigiu, though
long settled in Kentucky. He was one
of Qve children, only one of whom, a
brother, ever married. Another bro
ther, Adam, was killed In 1804 by
guerrillas, who visited his house- for
booty. Ills brother Jacob and sister
Kllzebotli were, on tho lltli, of Septem
ber, 1871, murdered iu their beds by
parties ttill unknown. They 1ml am-
nssed a latgo property by farming and
rearing nice horses, all of which bo
can a the property of John Harper, He
leave, by will his homestead; with COO
Acres ot the tintst blue glass land in
ntmucKv, icgetiier wttii all ids race
lioree(lucludini! Longfellow), to his
nephew "Little Frank Harper." John
naiper was aootit 7 years ot ago.
rg D. OiiAUSS,
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gcnt'H FiirnlNliliip: Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Casslmeres and Vcstlngs.for Men's and
Boys' Wear, which I am prepnied to
Mako up to Order In the most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well selected stock of French and
Turkey Moroeco, Glove Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebblo and Oraln Leather Boots
and Shoes on hand, or
111 title to Order.
Hats C1sBfts5
Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at
the Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
American & (.rover &. Itakcr
Scwiog Jlaclimcs.
Only Ono Price for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
clsspot-t Ahead !
The undersigned would respectfully
Inform builders, contractors and the pub
lic in general, that they have opened a
In connection with their
Near tho L. S. Depot,
and that they havo now on hand an Im
mense stock of Mioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pino Boards,
Surfaced Pine Boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, of all kind,
Shingles an immense stock,
Roofing and Ceiling Lath,
and, in fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at tli" very lowest market prices.
We are also prepared to furnl.ih Build
ers and others with a very lino article of
S u n d , suitable for :11 nsonry
Work. Plastering. &c, at Re
markably Low Figures.
Wo havo constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
which we will tell, In large or mall
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Our Mono I10.Nr.Sl' COUNT LOW 1'ltIO S.
fCaltd & Allriht,
? '
23-yl Carbon county, Pa
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lehil)ton and vicinity that ho Is
now pi epared to contract for tho erec
tion of dwellings, churches, school
houses, anil other buildings. AImi, that
he keeps constantly on ham! a full as
sortment of eveiy description of
consisting of Hooting, siding, di.ors,
sash, blinds, hhutters, mcldiugs, &e.,
which ho Is piepaied to turulsh ut the
very lowest uiaiket lutes.
Pittrouago respectfully solicited.
W. R. REX.
Lehlghton, May 17, 1373. ly
Charles Trainer
Respectfully informs tho peoplo of Le
hlghton that ho has mo-t Excellent
Flour lor .sale ;
Also, good FEED of nil kinds, and
STRAW In tho bundle. Hd Is nlso
prepared to do any kind of
Hauling and Plowing
at short notice. '
LElilGH (2d) STREET,
Lehlghton, Pa. March 2R-ly
liEII IG IITO ., lU..M.
Dry, Notions,
Kress &i3MMiJs,
Glassware, Hardware, &e.
May 31, 1873
Practical Slater,
announces to tho chitons of LWilghton
nnd vicinity that lie is prepared to till
all orders for Rooting Slate and do all
kinds ot Roofing and Slate work on
short notice and reasonablo terms,
EtT Repairing neatly and expeditious
ly done. Juno 13-tf
TO1TY HIM ? NOI-That Eleetrlc
Liniment, like I got nt Durlinii's
Qrug Store, will euro him or any other
mail oi iiuisiuid TlSJi and all other
Pains. may U
"HUY IT I TRY ITi-The India
-mM Rubber Plasters for a Weak Back
DURL1NG has them rosy 9
In order to close out present stock,
the undersigned respectfully announces
to tho citizens of Lehlghton and vicini
ty that ho has
Marked Down Prices
of all kinds of Goods to about cost,
and will Sell
Ho has in stock a largo assortment of
Dry Goods,
and a variety of other articles loo num
erous to enumerate.
If you deslro to secure
Now Is your Time A Small Sum of
Money will Buy a Largo Quantity of
Goods I
Store Opposite L. & S. Depot,
BAXK-street, Lehlghton, Penna.
Z. II. LONG, Igent.
TiLonMAN AiiNElt, Assignee.
March 28, 1874.
Opposite L. & S.
On tho East Weissport' Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs the. citizens of this
vicinity that ho keeps constantly on
and, nnd is selling at tho very lowest
Market Prices, the very best brands of
For 27ullding nnd other purpose', which
lie guarantees to be
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell at the
7 ?
Wholesale and Retail nt the very Low
est Cai Prices.
He lias olso a number of very eligibly
In RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp., I
which he will sell on very Easy Teims.
nug. 0, '73.yl J. K. RICKERT,
Corner of
Bank & South Sts Lehighton, Fa.,
Keeps a full lino of
Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods. Black
nnd Colored yllpaeas, Ginghams,
Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, Ac.
of every grado and price. j
carpets a:
In grc.
Tens, Ci ff 'i's, Suga s, iipires, Fruits,
Hums, Shoulders, Mde-Moat. &n.
Bought, Sold or Exchanged
For Building and other purpose? in
great variety of tho best quality. i
VII coods warranted ns represented
ami prices run v as low us elsewhere.
April 5, 1873-yl
V. KI,i:il'I.GCIl
Would respectful
ly nnnomtce to
his friends run
the public in general, that he has open-
cu u ursi-eiuss
Liveyr & Sale Stable,
and that he can furnish Horses. Ilugles
nnd Carriages of tho best description,
for Plensuie, Business or Funeral put
poses, nt very Reasonablo Charges,
nnd rm short notice. HAULING done
nt short notice and on Miort notice. In
connection he will aUo continue Ids
Carriage Manufactory
where the people can get their Carriages
higgles, Wagons, eto., mane to order,
or REPAIHED on short notice and at
reasonable prices.
The undersigned respectfully an
nounces that ho has beeu appointed
Agent for tho
Universal Wringer
These are undoubtedly tlie best Wash
ers and Wringers In the maiket, and
our ladles aro invited to call and see
L. F. Kleppinger,
Cor. 2UNK and IRO.V Streets,
Feb. 32, 1B78. Leblgbtoo, Pa.
A New Idea,!
Sewins Mac-liie
50 Dollars ! !
Buy the World-Renowned
ESTIio Highest Premium was
awarded to it at
Ohio Stnto Fatrj
Northern Ohio Fair;
Amcr. Institute; N. Y.j
Cincinnati Exposition ?
Indiaunpolis Exposition
St. Louis Fair;
Louisiana Stato Fair;'
JIlssIsslupl Stato Fair;
nnd Georgia Stato-Fair;
and doing1 tho largest nnd best
rango of work. All other
Machines iu tho Market
wero in direct
For Hemming, Fell
ing, Stitching, Cording,
Binding, Braiding,
Embroidering, Quilt
ing and Stitching fine
or heavy goods it is
Whero wo havo no Agents
wo will deliver a Machine
for tho price named above,
at tho nearest Bail Road
Station of Purchasers.
Needles for all Sewing Ma
' chines for Sale.
Old Machines taken in Exchange.
Send for Circulars, Prico
List, fitc., and Copy of the
Wilson Reflector, one of tho
best Periodicals of the day,
devoted to Sewing Ma
chines, Fashions, General
News and Miscellany.
Agents Wanted
Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Tho Carl) on Advocate,
Tiie Cnespest faper In the Lehigh Valley
Only One Dollar Ye'ar,
Save 20 Per Cent.
By getting jonr
Done at the Office of the
Carbon Advocate,
Bet. tho P. O. and L. V. R. It. Depot,
t.ciilgliion, Carbon Co., Fa
We have Just received n large and ele
gant assortment ot
Of tho latest styles ; togpther with a
suptilor stock ot
And a variety of other
A nd can now give our patrons first'
class work at prices at least
20 Per Cent Lower
Than any other Office in this section.
Give Us a Trial, and be Convinced
KTThe nntronage of tho publlo Is
respectfully solicited.
A. 24-colun:n Local Paper, and tho only
Entirely Printed Iu lite Con y,
Is published every Saturday morula . a
$1 a Year in Advance,
Or $1.50 If not paid In advance The
Advocate, with IU large and In.
creasing circulation, Is ono
ot tho very
Beit Mediums for Advertising
In this Section. Rates furnished on
Lehlghton, Oarbon County, Va,
When In tho course of wear and tear
every day life It becomes necessary
fllMKfitva niip nnnnuillnn uttlt. tlm .nit.
that hnvn rinnn 11a an In
keeping us warm and free from expo
sure, thero Is one place where wo can
miu cunyoiauon ana n menu indeed in
mir (llHtnifta. Von n r.tan A
f.! wu i.iiciu n u
can safely put our trust where thero
iiu iirru uiiuar mat wo8naiiDo cneat-
fabric Is strong and tho manufacture
superb -where the prices are inst and
and the stylo all that can be desired.
Ther- Is a charm about an easy, glove
fitting, elastic suit, tlmt Is seen andob
served by all men. "Where did you
ci't that Kimprli unit, nf olnt line?" " Wl,,
did you secure such a splendid fitting
gaiment?" is often asked. There are
tliniiv tnllnm nn1 n titimKo ff llxm
j . . , -- UUMIUkt Ul , BUI
are undoubtly fair samples of tho genns
nu.uw nun m-Mj crruu vu me crau; 0Ui
w generally lauora ran id the fitting
frnrtl. Ullt.1 til Hln Knmnn fntom V.n.
often a good piece of goods Is spoiled In
wi ui, uuy puuiy ana uejecieajy manya
man wanders about the streets, feel
ing the shame tlio tailor has caused him,
ii uiiumug u liuur jou 10 go oui or Ills
hop, and he the wearer of III Pprhni
lll.l ladV InVH !'&t AVPTI IlltoH him tn nnn.
sequence of Ills forlorn appearance.
-witBo iiiumani
Tho want ofit tho fellow.'
"Knt Mint, n run n la lueo a man tnm
- - ma oo u uiau iui ncill
Ing plain olothed, butwhen he is "dress
ed up" he should Indeed be dressed not
llAVlntr ilia plntha liatin IIVa kn. n...l
him, and wrinkled and dlstored In all
sorts of shapes, but tnat he should be
clad iu fitting garments. Taste should
bo shown both in the colors and make-
ip or ins suit. Many high priced goods
FMflf Blipll niltlnnHtsh flnlnm nn Dli,lnn
that a man's character is Judged by his
luuiisuiy Bl'ircilllg inOSO OOU gOOUS. A
mnn ltlinnu;tl hvllinnnmnani. h lnt.n
j tiivwviiiHu iro ccp,
nnd If Im IhaUtu nnnti rmfurnUln
Ill-looking and IINfitting clothes, ho
win mill luuitti ins "uiarK, as a man of
tastp. thnt.A nri.qlHvn. Te ha 1nn,nA .....
ori as possessing the requisite attain-
urii hi u laatjr cuiicuiau, no must
Flmt. I'lnth.Q flf snltnhln UnlnH fn.
clothing and havo them made up In first
class style by Laury & Peters, (post
uiucc uuiMiiny;, ijcillgllion, I'a., WHO
havo a splendid stock to select from, and
where you will obtain, that symmetry of
fit so necessary to the adornment of tho
person. Call and examine tho inot
beautiful assortment of cloths, casslniers
and veatlngs, ever brought Into Lehlgh
ton, andleave your measure with Laury
& Peters. Jarch 14. 1874.
$1000 i
ISEWAItD for an Innnmhln
citse of Catarrh. trier baring
"iiuitu, uviukbu, gargieu, nawa
eJ, eplt ana gagged t your eutlro satlabctlon In
um llrlgs' Alleviator according to dlroctlone. Thn
filthy mass or muisiua will be immediately eipell.
od. and the intlaoied eurritce soothed, the evna
parklu with delight, the head feela natural agaltij
thn agrepahle, scientific and reliable remedy.
8'AIKl'llD T MUCH has been said
!jVllillBe',ml.,,rmen' n1 re.
medles hate been offered for
the relietuuu cure of throat and lung diseases; but
nothing has been Boemineutly successful, or ob-
tnli.uH Bliph nulLrltv nFl..l mi a
and Lung Healer.
f1nlBK!TTnE excruciating pain
"Ll Vl llkSa Produced by corns, the unuai.
, "-"""Ing twinging from Uunlous.the
piercing, distressing pain from Ingrowing Nails,
cannot desrribed. Thousands suffer, not know
Ing there is a cure, llrlggs' corn and Ilunlon
Remedies are no acid or potash compounds, but
ire reliable, soothing, and effectual, and Justly
uieritthe success they bare e-rned from an ap
preclnthe public. The CuraMve is a healing olur.
uientilttiuiedlate relief is obtained by Hi applica
tion, mid ll will posltliely cure the worst cases of
festered lonth, Inflamed and ulcerated bunions,
the surest instep, the largest and seierest blisters,
the mos extenshe callosltlcson the soles or beela
of the feet; unequalled In the cure of chlldbMni
or frosted feet. Tho Alleviator for ordinary corns
and preventing their hrmatlon is absolutely un
eiualleil by anythlugever known. Ask forlirlggs'
Itemedies, Take no other.
I 11173 9,tonttroubttdtothinkUitnott..
the uvfoTtunatt sujfcrer gets very little sytnpatJtv,
'" -if ..j"i..H".i.i vuh'ivi vt, rrtvf WJl c
than the torture endured by miUionn who art troubled
xoitk internal bleeding, external and itching piUs,
Clad Tidings for tuffcrerer, Vriggt'i Pitt Jitmtditi
are mild, tae and lure.
tiful kind of grain intftt market.
Kvtrit one hat a tuvntv . from
the three year old child to the grandtire verging em
a hundred; $tytuh. handtome young ladies who daily
prommadeathionable retort; middle aged matron;
old maidt, dretted up to appear young and gay; dan
diet, with their paUntUatJitrt, and invtntiabU walk
ing ttick; the cUrgyman, merchant, clerk, artitan
tHid mechanic, of all aget and ttationt, have a full
tuvply of corns, bunions. bd nails, and other bother
atittntpj the feet, alt of which are banished and cured
by the use of tfriggs's Qm and Bunion Remedies,
Alleviator and Curative. Snld by
A. J. DURLING.Dnigglst,
Lehlghton. Fa,
May 0.-18J4 ly.
"A Iftarir Approximation to tfit REAL SWAtf
QUILL than Anything IlMnto Invented."
The coxsTAKtir l.tcKitgisa sals ct the
Steel Penis I
Is owing o tttelr tueWer vtriting quahtiu, as at
tested by tbeedllorialendorsementof over 1000
papers, and by Merchants, Lawyers apd Bankers
without number,
They are all made of the beat Steel, In the
brat manner, by the beat workmen In Europe.
To aecommodaU those who may with to try
these jns, we will send a Card, containing one each
othe 10 Number, lymail, on rtceiptoZbc.
Ivison, Olakeman, Taylor & Co,
Ua and M9 QIIAND STIlKtir, N. V.
April 23, 1871.
Livery & Sale Stables,
And positively LOWER PRICES than
any other Livery In the County.
t3f" Larrje nnd handsome Carriages
for funeral purposes and Weddings.
hor.S, im. DAVID EBBBRT.