The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 08, 1874, Image 2

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    , , , JUIIIOH.
The Itcpobllcans of the Twelfth Con
gressional District licld their convention
nt Wilkes-Uarrd.otl Tuesday, and norul
Jialcd.Wi."W.iiKotcliani. Tlio present
'representative, Iazarus D. bhociuakcr,
Who voted, against but took backpay,
and , whoso, record on the Inflation bill
('Id not sulthls constituents, only with
drev'frotti"tho contest Monday.
The public debt' statement shows a re
tlucilondurlng July of $1,283,800. ' Coin
In the Treasury, J81, 113,210; currency,
&0,013,233;-coln' certificates, $33,409,
'000 j fcpeelaT 'deposits of legal tender for
'Ihiridcmiitlonof certificates of deposit,
SoT),0Ut),0b0j 'butstanding legal tenders,
?380,toOiOOO. Tho total expenditures
of the Government for tho fiscal ycp.r
cndlrig June 30,' 187-1, were $287,13.
873. 17t
There are flvo Important stato offices
to,bo, filled In.Pcnnsylvo.iila (his years
Lieutenant Governov.Secretary of Inter
.nal.Affalrs, Auditor General, and two
.iJudgcsof the Suprotno Court. Thoprlu mlnorlty representation having
leeu applied to the eleotlon of the Judges
when two aro to bo elected at tho sumo
lime, of tourse each party will elect
,pno of tli6m.
Each day's news from the far West
brings reports of fresh Indian troubles.
At Fort Totten, Dakota, tho Indian
agent complains of the presence of a
largo party of Cat Uead Yankfoukise,
who profess .to desire to move their resi
dence, hut who really want to Btay and
do mischief. Tho agent asks for a com
pany of cavalry, for protection against
them. Near Fort Dodge, oil tho Cana
dlan Itiver, nlno Indians wero killed,
nnd a number ,pf white scalps were
found n .their possession. Kear -Fort
Sill, a wood camp has been attacked,
nnd tho report Is. sent from there thai
Jvlowas,, Comanches, ,autf Cheyonucs
nro combining for an attack on the
(Fort. In Texas, pear Jacksboro, about
4ivo hundred Indians attacked a body
fit t)ia tonth United States Cavalry,
with thp slaughter of soveral on each
Thp )flood..ln. and, arpund Pittsburg
proves to be oven moro disastrous than
was at-first supposed. Pittsburg itself sq badly damaged as it suburbs;
but In Allegheny City, Wood's Kuu,
ifutclioi.'s.Jtun, .and clswiiere, In an ox
tent pf .territory from twenty .to twenty
five miles in diameter, the damage Is as
,grcat;as (n localities of the recent mill
dam disasters Jn New England. Tho
water-cpiirsos, around nttaburg aro.ali
uountalnjstreams, nnd If suddenly In-,
creased, clthor by rain nt Pittsburg or
by flopds from their head waters, havo
no.recourso ,but to overflow their pre
cipitous batiks, long most of these
banks foundries, factories, dwellings,
and all manner of othor buildings close
Jy cluster, somo ofthe dwelling-houses
being as puinerously tenanted as beo
Jiiyes, It is riot surprising, then, thai
( the sudden r'lso of tho waters swept number of victims. Tho
fall of the' waters from tho two clouds
Which met. over Pittsburg was moro
like n watcr-spout than au ordiuary
tnrin, and Its v'loleuce sufficient to
cau?6 fearful amount of ruin, even
had no simultaneous rise in tlio rivers
taken place. Although the vicinity of
Pittsburg ha been visited by many dls
asters of tills, kind, npno In nil Its his
tory has been, so ruluous as this. Tlio
Trlblmo estimates tho money loss by
this dbastor at upwards of $3,000,000.
A remarkable )(nclJeutlsthat almost nil
the victims of tho flood wero swept away
nnit drowned'. Tlicro arc few or no
cases otylnjured. survivors.
Philadelphia Letter.
PniLAEELTOlA, August 1, 187-1.
THE rEOrMM'KinE insurance po.,
Iplng, business at C14 Walnut street, In
llis city, lias suspended operations,
"fllo cause for this suspension 13 given
nil a notice which wns posted on tho
door which states that "Information hav
ing bqcB.rcceived that tho Manager and
Treasurer of tho company had luft for
parts unknown, 'it Is deemed advisable
H'sliBpend all further business." The
Vanager,nnd. Treasurer Is II. Prlndle,
or 170 Broadway, New York, who, It
scoins, deeming a chango of air benefi-
t'elalaa: his health, lias raked all tho cash
and,.avallabo assets of the company to
gether, and left with them for Europe,
not even waiting to bid the policy-Hold-tti
gb&dibye, or to explain to them ns
In days gone' by bf the many benefits of
-Ilrp Insurance. Prlndlplsnlso a-default-i
rto soveral other Insurance companies,
and Is said to have carried ?S50,000
nway. with him. Tlio fixtures nnd all
thu contents of the office havo been levi
ed upon by tlio Janiljord fpr rent. It
eotislstsof threo desks, a half a dozen
btools, and an empty flrc-prbof, Tho
company, seems to have "died of a long
mill painful illness," and of Prlndle it
may, ."Jie is gone but not
liat'riUb ciosed'Us 'doors .ifi'd. suspended
il cratlons. This company was formed
several months ago. for tho purpose of
doing business In, banking, Insurance,
real estato and stocks Tho establish
ment in which the buslucss was trans'
acted Is a largo marble front store, on
Chestnut street, which wns fitted up In
tho most gorgeous mannor. Tho furni
ture; which was of solid walnut, must
havo cost 20,000. The president of
tho company is Harrison Grnmbo, and
tlio secretary A. SI. Zatiu Who the
other ollicers are, Is not ki.own. Mr
Grambo has figured qulteconiplcluously
here of Into In "suspensions," nnd tjii0
company did not have the conQileo'ce of
the public, henco the collapse. TP,U c03.
lug of the establishment, It I'j under,
stood, was tho result of n Jugmnt ob
tained by: J. M. Pile, Esn , atiorney for
the Gerrish. estate, for '$1200, agalnt
Mr. Grambo under l.,a former finauclal
and the PIiIIp.; Wllmlugton and Baltl
more Itallrijad Company have been at
outs for somu time, In reference to
thopos'mi car service. Mr. Hinckley,
the r,reUlent of tho Itallroad Co, has
bten threatening to remove the postal
cars bet ween this city and Washington,
unless the Department allowed a larger
conpensatlon for running them, and the
Department Is not-willing to nccodo to
Ills demauds. Mr. Hinckley has Inform
ed the Department'that ho will removo
the cars after tP day, If his terms aro
not complied with, and tho solicitor of
the Department has leplled that If tho
cars are removed, tho Government could
take possession of tho roll road, and cotu
pel tho running bf the' cars nt the estab
lished rates. Thus the' niattor stands.
It Is thought that a number of railroads
wish to make this a test case, aud are
urging Mr.- Hinckley to take the steps
he proposes to. '
No tidings havobocurccelvcd of little
nnd It is some that ho is
taken by hlsabiluctors to (7.111 ada, where
It will bo a dlfllcult matter to recover
him. Our dotectlves havo' worked hard
on this case, but not with munh success.
Tho New Yolk and Boston newsuacer
aro quite Bevoro on our, detectives, for
their not recovering tho child, forget
ting that their owri detectives have fail
ed to unearth many crimes. Ono of thp
Boston papers. Is sarcastic ,uud witty
over tho abduction. It says, "one of
tho kidnappers Jammed the hat over tho
eyes of a Philadelphia detective, and
the detective said, if you do that again
I will arrest you." It also says, "tho
peoplo of Philadelphia, will fnrgivo tho
kidnappers, If thoy will only pick up
and carry off tho detectives," and'advl
sis tho detectives, "not to go out'' lifter
Persons outsldo of- Philadelphia are
as likely to discover tho child ns nnv
one here. It is not known in what sec
tion of the couutry his abductors havo
taken him, and it 6hould bo known
everywhere that $20,000 reward will bo
paid for his recovery and for the con
viction of his abductors.
Daniel Itanck quarreled with his wife
and mothei-ln-lnw, and attempted to
poison them, by pourlut; white vitriol
over a ham which was boiling on tho
stovo. Mrs. itanck nelng suspicious
that something was wrong, tasted the
water in which tho ham was boiling,
and finding It puckered her' iuouth, sent
8omo of It to a druggist to bo analyzed.
The druggist reported that It contained
poison, and suggested that thev should
place tho meat on the table for supper.
'Plintr'.IM en Imf Tt.nli.1 ,tt Ai. ...
uiu W uuu isumui U UHUfalUiJUll 11.
The noxt day they told him of their dls-
covery. and ho grew pale, and said It
they would not say anything about It,
ho would go away and never return.
Mrs. itauck had him nt once arrested,
and he was held in 3,000 bail, to ttwalt
tho action of tho grand Jury.
August Phanke and Edward Snvder.
partners In the sewing machine' busi
ness, quarreled at- their plac'o of busi
ness, No.-207 Itace street, Snyder, fear
ing Pahnko would do I1I111 bodily harm,
drew a revolver and shot him' a number
of times, killing tho unfortunate mau.
Snyder has been arrested nnd committed
to prlsoa.
lours truly, Modoc.
Pliilailclhla KlarKctN.
Friday Evening, luly 31st.
The moncv markers nrintmifa msv n
about former rates. Call loans rule nt i
to B per cent. Prlmo commercial paper
ranges from 5 to 0 percent, per annum.
Business genera My has been very
(llllet (1 lirliirr thll imsf wmL- lint nrlxoa
of most the leading articles are without
material change.
Tho Flour market Imo lmmi ,n
atcly active during tho past week, d
prices aroratlier tinchnnopil. Ktm, i-flnn
4,00 to 4 50; extras, $ to 15 7!); Spring
ti iieai, uxft iauiuy,u 10 to 8 UO, ami
hither grades nt $8 87a to JO 00.
vt neai is in uetter ucmumt hut prices
nre lower. Common nnd'ehdico red at
61 25 to 1 05; amber' at 1 40 to 1 51;
No. 1 spring at U 20; No. 2 spring at
f 1 itj, and white spring at $1 25.
Corn is lnwar. Snlfw 1 if) nnn Imal.nia
southern and Pennsylvania yellow at
80 to 81c, and western mixed at the
tumu ugures.
Oats am unsettled, .about 55,000
busheU sold at 75 tP 78c for white,
and 70 to 70c. for mixed, closing at 78c.
for white-ami 75 to 70. for mlxcd, and
72 to 74c, fpr now Delawnro.
llye may bo quoted nt Ppc,
In Cloyersee4 moio doing; salesat 10
to 11c. per lb. Timothy sellsas wanted
at 3 25 ner bushel, anil Pin vanAil mail.
ily commands 00.
uniier. neceipfs vory light; market
npliyejXow Yoik' State and Bradford
COUIltv cholea'32 to Slle: wi.iti.rn,-,.
23 to-20c; ftilr to good 17 to lOe.
i.aiu. 1 ue tone 01 the market is firm
er, sales of western and kettle render
ed at 12'4 to 12ic.
Eggs, receipts liberal, market quiet,
renna. 20 to 21o, western 10 to 20c
per doz.
Hay, prlmo timothy )10 to 120, mix
ed 85 to 05 nnd new; Straw 00 to'OOc.
KOSE GLYOEUINE for Itoughliess of
tlio Skin, Chapped Hauds, tc, only 25
cents a bottle. - may p.
New Advertisements.
rENo whom it nmy concern.
All' persons nro hereby forbid
meddling with TWO GKEY MULES
now In possession of George Freeby, ns
they nro my, property!
Lehlghton, AiXg. 8, 1874.w3
uwjToii's xaslcE
In the Orphani' (hurt for Vie County ofCurhm.
ntatenf ir. It. KIWIILK, who iva the Admin
jtlraloraf XAHAlt A. ElipitLV, iltcmtni.
The Auditor appointed by tho Court
in tho above matter of thu first anl final
nccount of (1. It, Kb,erle, AdmluMrator
of W. II. Eberlo, who was tlio Admln
l'trntor of S.unh A. Eberl'e, deceased,
and to mako distrlbhtlun of tho mnoys
in tho hands of the Administrator (0 the
parties entl(led thereto, will mett the
parties Interested for tho, purpojes of
his nppoliitment.-'on jlcinday, Anaust
81st, 1874, nt 1:30 P. II., nt the Olllce
of Albright & FrHj'innn,- In Mauch
Chunk, W. Mk ItAPSHEU,
Aug. 8, 1874.v-l Auditor.
B. J. KUNTZi Prop r,
Ilespectfully announces to the pibllc
that ho has just le.bullt tlio Tannery,
formerly of Daniel, Olowlnd, and 'put
in nil tnu uesc ami must approved ma
cliinciy for the
Manufacfcuro ofSfLoathor,
sucli'ns Hemlock and Oak Sole, Harness,
Upper, Kip, Calf and Sheep, which ho
will supply nt tho very lowest pricB.
Plastering ltnlr supplied In large or
small' quantities very low. HIDES and
SKINS bought at-hlgh'dst cnHi prices.
Patronage solicited. Aug. 8-yl
. 01' T;IIb"
Borougli o Wrjissporfc,
For the Year ending June 30th, 1874.
HENIIY TItOPP, Treasurer.
Bal. in Treasury last yoar. ... 9 23 to
Tax Duplicate 1873.'....' C35 04
Exonerations $15 00
Collector's lees 27 00
42 00
530 C9
Sec'y fee' nnd horse hlroj ? 10 03
Treasurer's fee, 2 years , 20 00
Pollen outfit 11 50
Auditors fees,..., 0 00
Attorney's fee v 25 00
School'Tax'i ' " 05
Trees for Square 11 07
County and Stato Tax. . .. ..... 1 03
Publishing Borough account. . 0 00
School house Bell 35 00
Lock-up expenses . . .' 270 07
Itcpalring streets and crossings 100 04
Total i S507 03
Balanco In Tieasury 20 01
We, tho underslgiifd Auditors of tho
Borough of tVelssport', Carbon County,
having carefully examined the above
accounts of tho Treasurer, find them
correct as stated,
August 8th, 187,4-wS
31 IX A'i'Vlt K. Mlshler's Herb
Hitters Is not beergiT liut a strictly mcdtdnal
propnrAtiou, moretliurougllVa& to tbu wants
of the general public tliau ntiy other la the mar
ket. UtiMke all other spcalleil Ktimetller,U ispre
pjred under the direct perkonal vuperklklou of an
e.ilueut riijtician, S. D. IUrtmao, M. 1), the tea
l9 propiletor, la a regular graduate oflhe JelKr.
eo,u Medical Cohere of 1'hlUdelpUU, aud a practice
lugphyrMiu otli&Q oxperlcnco aud extenfcive
practice. In suchlian'ds ilie'publlc way test '&3i
ured that Mlshler's Herb Bute's la coaiiounded(
In atrlct accordance lth correct Pli.irm icoutlcnl'
f'rinclples, aud that none but the cbolcuat luredi
euta cuter lnto'ttc couiposltloul
Ita ItumeuFe sale alone la .couclusjro proor that'
It posnssea merle ofa'bljh order. Merchauta,,
baLkera,cleritinen, lair; erf, rlerLs and othera en
Kajed In aedeutary ocedpatrona, experleuce ill
wuuderful ellccta la rllevlu; lbedepretlou caus
ed by aeveru luluUI labor; whl o the mechanic,
farmer aud laborer, l'.ud thel UiXlly TUur ruktori
ed iLe laile by pa use.
At thla aeahen of the year When Punnuan,
Cniue, Oouca aud kludred disorders, cautod by
eatluj uuilpe fruits, luiprudeut luduleuce in,
cold drluka, etc., are prekaleut, acertalu, speed)
aud itTectual remedy kvill be lund la .MUu.o.V
HUb Hitters.
'the depresblnff feellus of Languor or Debility,
incident to the ' healed term,' Is at once removed,
the energies restored! and Aew hfeaud Tlg&r itu
;arled to the prostrated osteui, Ijy ita use.
In Urtriraii, LircaCoueuiNTaud Atrtcilosi
or tin Kiim it lurarla.bly works like a charm,
it la not a drastic puree nur lietdy stlmuUnt.
vlileut iu ita oieratious; but it is simply a uatural
remedy, thoiuuhly .adtpted to unfit nature. It,
suplies tone tu the stuuach, reluTiorateethe di
Kestlk organs, stimulates the sevrelloua, and pry.
melius a regular uctiuu or the buwrla, euablekl
fiery orgsu of the body to perlorm its nUotliid,
werk,re,;uUrty and without luterruptlon.
Ills the uuerriugtvrtatuty of desired rvaultsat
teudiutou its uae, euupled with ths lact that hiH
prufesiau, that has rendered Minor's Herb ltit-t
lore ao iiojiutar, and as tuLalllar as a household
wurd. 'l-lteL'eaMs or otuers all Oker the laud
hare found it to be tMeeafeia and best remedy for
use lu their fawlllkK; they uot only kite 11 witu
per.ect aatety to eleu trie youuest cuifd, but
wheu used with cauliin tnld It the Kiiest uieaua vt
e.suriutAtff own heal.u and treedoui tvom liu
weary acues aud luiusiucideiit to their sex, 1'el
teclly hiruUesa, It Kju.t Iho remedy Ueeded Ij
them tneuabto Nature to perform her luuctloui
riaturuiy, rryttbrly nid tuuieuf ini-e.iiciiiciio. .N j
ttir buuiui hi wiruoit it If she would posse.
the clearUoouiliigtv npteXioh uhdcheerlui apirlli
lusepauule trow eouud bejUu. It is ud Uy all
iiruclstk aud Ueeer;if t'eatcrs; 11 is uv-iit) 'put up
u uare Uiatel ilo Atvttt e-4cfoeol lu a vutow wras
iur. ills not sold on liiauht, belu ikruty a
Malicat prtikirutlon, and 'as such is eudurad le
unuy uiihemutemiueu(pVjsL.iaua ui tbdLouu
try. Au.s, le7t Im.
Opposlto tho Publlo'Squaio,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In nil jliluds of
t3T Hoofing, Spouting and Jobbing
promptly attended to, ' ' nov. 80
Now Advertisements.
Pub. Library of Ky.
Monday, Cov. 30,1674.
A postponement of tho Fifth ' oncert
of the Public Library of Kentucky has
been so generally anticipated, and Is ao
mannerly lor the Interest of all con
cerned, that It must meet the approval
df all. The day is now absolutely fixed
and thero will bo no variation from the
programme now nunuuiiced. A sulllcl.
cut numb"r of tickets had Deen bold to
havo enabled us to havo had a large
drawing on the 31st of July, but a shott
postponement was considered ureter
able to a partial drawing. be
uorno in niiiiii time
Thu t'lflli dirt I'oiicci t
is Tin: last w men wnx r.vfcit ni! givi:n
u.hukk lllia LllAUTUIt ANU III TliE-l'ltKS.
li.N'T .MA.NAtlLMKXr.
That It will Kwitliely and unequivocally take
initu )iai-e ua auu.iuucea on
MONDAY, 3Jlh Ndl'J'.MUBl:,
that the Mu.le will ho tho brat the rnut'try af-
turu-,auu kuat u,uau uaau isaai'asi, ag-
?2, 500,000 I
will te distributed by lot amr.n ticket holders.
ont. nitAN-n cash uipt , . . Ciio.oon
OXK OIIA.NU CASH tlll'C . . . 73,0(il
ONK (1UANO CASH IIIIT . . 5ll,iH)l)
ONH OltAMI "ASH (HIT . . . 25.(W
o cash mm, ti.uut) dacii, mu.uou
meiMi kiir i, li.uuu i; uu, 1'1h,ihi
16 CASK UUTd. 1U.0U0 K.tCII, 15IIIU0
0 CASH OirTS, 6,'IUJ 11AOII, ltOt'OO
a CAMH UII'IS, 4,iWO hAOU, 10O.II00
3) cash tin-is, a.nuo men, po.oju
60 081! tlll-IS, i!U0O HArll, llU.UOO
lOOyCASU (HKf , 1,001) KVUII, lOI.IJOO
2lJ HASH tllFTS, 5J0 l.ACII, ISI.1W0
r.oj cash mvin, mo hAcn, fo.oui
looq cash uiits, t.0 i:acii, o:o,ooj
Grand total20000Oirts, all cash . . $2,'J!W0J0
Price of Ticket.
Wholo Tlckits $ 60 00
Halvea 2i HU
Tenllia. nr cirh Ci'lilion .... 600
11 Whole Tickets for .... CO I On
'HYi Tickets for 10J0 to
reruns wl-Iilnrj to Iniest aboul.l order pri'inpt
ly, either of the home uffl o nr'our local Age'nta.
Ulieraf coiumlslona Mill be allowed to aatisf ic
toryapenta. i
Clriuhra containing foil particulars furoUheJ
on application.
THO. r. llltAMI.KTTI!,
AatNTallll MiNAOEIt,
TuWle Library lluildin'.', U.ulsillle.Hv., or
TH0S. II. IIAVSi til, nastern Agents
000 lH-oidway, New Voik, nu. 8
dJC o tljfln fer nt I1'"". Terms free
4J H vttU Addreas Qeocoe Sti.nso.i S. Co.
l'orilind, M Hue.
AI) VKltTlSKUt S'lid -Ji ct. to (lr.n. r
IlimKLl. 11 I'arl; How. .V. Y.. their
j:i'ijitj-jxij;e ltMji!tUtt khuMiu of ndviirtl'ln.
Respectfully announces to the citizens
of Lehlshton and vicinity, that he has
New Photograpli Gallery,
on I1ANKWAY, (near Iho Lehigh Vnl-
ley Itntlroad Depot), Lehlghton,
and that ho Is now prepared to give our
citizens Llfo-Lllte Pictures at the most
reasonable rates.
Pellicular utteutlon paid to taking
Children's Likenesses. A Tilnl is
solicited. ' June 18.
BAHK STEEET. Lohighton, Ta.,
MILLEItS and Dealers In
All kinds of GIUIM Uouglit and Sold
ut itegular JIarket ltatcs.
ATo wnultl, also, respectfully Inform
our citizens, that we aro now fully pre
pared to supply them wllh the
From any Mind desl'tcd at the. VEKV
July 25th, 1874.
Practical Slater,
announces to the citizens of Lehlghton
aud vicinity that he Is prepared to till
all orders for ltpoling Slate aud do all
kinds of Pooling and Slatu work on
short notlco and rcaoonublo terms.
Sritepalrlug neatly and expeditious
ly done. Juno IK-tf
raiUE People of Lelilght )iraiTii"vTciu-Ja-
lty all unite In testifying that at V.
J. DUULIXtJ'S Drug and Family Med
iclno Store, l'unii, eitUsn aud Unadul
TKitATKD .slLDici.Nia cau always bo
fount). may 0
TTUST look at her Hair I Why I
tliought it was turning Grey? So
it was, until she gilt a llotlle of that new
Hair Uestorer at Durllng's Drug Store.
OTHEltS, Look at that Child, it
has Worms. Go or send at once
to DUIILING'S Drug Store, and get a
bottle of his WOItM SYItUP, so plea
sant aud yt't so sine. may 1)
Vhene,vcr Iget a llottle of Bloom
of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Iloso'TIut,
a Vox of Lilly White, or anything In
that lino to beautify tho complexion, at
Dialing's Drug Store, it seems to bo
nicer and better thai) I cau get ay
whereclse. way
Tho Lehlghton School X?oard now
otter, at Private Sale, the following do
scribed valuablo HEAL ESTATE, be
ing a portion of the'Publie School Pro
perty of the Uoroiigh of Lehlghton, to
utt :
One Lot and Building,
situated on tin- corner of Iron nnd Pine
r-trceti, tilnl bounded nnd described ns
lollows: On Iho nmth by Iron street;
west by a ctitiiintui alley ; south by a
lot owned by .Joseph Obert, and east by
Pine ffreet. The lot Is'GO feet front by
lav iter, v I tie i us in depth, Also,
Numbered lb3 nnd 151, situated on Pino
street, in said borough, boundod and
described as follows : -On the west bv
Pino street; 6outh by lot No. 155; east
by West alley, nnd north by. Cedar al
ley. Stld lots being each CD feet fro'i.t
ny 1BU lect U Indies In depth. Aho,
One Lot and Building,
Situated on Northampton street, and
known ns thu South Lchlghlou School
Property. Al-o,
E3f For terms and further particu
lar, npplv to either of tho iindenlgned.
JOHN S'. LENTZ, President.
A. J. DUKLINU, Secretary.
Dn. N. H HEDEIt, Treasurer.
Lehlghton, May 2, 187-1.
""7"oissiort Ahead I
The undersigned would respectfully
Inform bullders.contractdrs nnd tho pub
lie lu general, that they have ppeued a
In connection with their
Near the L. A-,'S. Depot,
tnd that they have now, on hand an im
mense stock of thoroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
liough Pine Hoards,
Surlaced Pino Aianh,
Fiootlng, Hemlock and Pino,
Sidings, of nil hinds, .
Sliinules au Immense stock,
Hoofing and ( oiling Lath,
and, in fact, Lumber of every descrlp-1, tun very lowest mariiet prices.
Wo are alo prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine article of,
S ti ii U , suitable fur Masonry
Work, I'liiNtei'ilirT, &o., at He
uiarkably Low Figures.
We have constantly on hand a laree
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
which wo will sell, in large or small
ijuantitles, at Prlees to suit your Pockets
Ode Moiro HONi:Sl' COUNT LOW HtlClS.
eakcli& Albright,
W eissport,
aug 23-yl tttrbon county, I'Oj
Tho Hcatty & Plotts celebrated Gold-
en Tongue
is acknowleilireil by nrofessiirs of music
nnd celebrated organists tu bo the lead
ing Parlor Organ now in use. Tejll-
i.'ioiiiaisatiii cams or iionornre constant
ly being received In favor .of them. We
append a fovv atid wish you to rend
them :
ANTnortv, N. J Jan. 25, 1873.
Jessrs Heatiy & Plotts, Gents Your
Oigan.solil mo, gives entire satisfaction.
It btnuty of tonennd style of workman
ship aioseldom if ever surpassed. Wish
illg yon tHccefrS lu your business", I am",
wun icspeci, rroi, ai. ii jji:attv.
Shamokin, Pa.Feb. 11, 1874.
I have ono of Heatty & Plottt' Golden
Tongue Organs. It ! nn excellent In-
Etruuient, lino tone and full' power. I
nice ii uetter man any l navo Heard.
M. II. IlAitna, M. D.
LAUitt's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1814.
I havo liad Ileatty & Plotts' Ori-an
sit ce .lugn'st 14th, 1872; it gives-tho
highest satlitfat-tlou, and has' proved all
mat ii wn recommended uy thuprop'rs.
Jll" llKtJUV.
Slatinqton, Pn., Feb. 0,' 1874.
Heatty & Plotts' Parlor Ori;an I "Hko
better thaujbetaiul trd, and It.glves
In-tter tatlra,ctlon, as I fltid in my trav
els, Prof. Fit. V. MAVr.lL
St. Claih, Pa., Dec. Ctb, 1B73.
Messrs. Heatty & Plotts, Gents I
have reoclved the Organabsent by ytiur
lirm tomcf nnd I liavchnd It'oxainltie'd,
aim it gives ampje,satlsfa!:tlQU.,
JIauanqt C:tt, I'a Oct. 10, 1872.
The celebrited Goia-
cn Tozgno Parlor Organ Is by far tlio
best Parlor Otgau (n use, J Jave caro-
lully examiui-u it, ami nnd Its tone,
worknmnbhip and durability to .bn the
best I ever saw, and I cau with pleasure
recommend It to -any lu want of a first,
class parlor organ. Prof. O. II. Unqeu.
Messrs. Heatty & Plotts, Qf-Wishlng-
ton, N. J., nro eentleinen of enterprise.
nnd whoso presence would be a credit
to any community. Hackcttstowu, N.
J., Herald, 1872. .
Washington; N. j Sept. 0,1873.
To Hobert Morgan, Pottsvllle I am
happy to stato that tho Instrument gives,
entire satisfaction, not only to myself
but also to tl0 teachers of he Sdilnary
who are-better Judges. "
ltev. A. M. Jelly.
Wo say, -after careful arid, costlv ex
periment, It Is with pleasure we Intro
duce tho "Golden Tongue," knowing
It possesses mauj advantages overall
others manufactured. Tho tone excels
lu fullness, purity, and the thousunds
of testimonials which nro being con.
stantly received, aro cvldenco'tbat our
eiiorts nave Ueeii eminently successful,
For particulars and FrIro Llafi uddress
Feb. 31.0m Wasbington. N.'J. 1
Jtfew Goods and
New Prices I !
nnnouncca to his friends nnd tho citi
zens of Lehlghton and vicinity in gene
f il, that he has Leased tho Storo form
erly occuploJ by n. A. Uelw, on
Bank St Lehighton,
and, furnished It with n .very largo and
elegant BtookJof
Dry Goods,
Oil Cloths,
, Notions
Queonsware,, &b., &c,
of tho very Best Quality, which ne ii
now prepared to offer at
Unprecedontly Low Prices I
tSf 'A liberal share' of the public
patronage Is respectfully solicited, and
entire satisfaction is guarranteed.
July 18 F. P. LENTZ.
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer la'
Gent's Furnlslaln? Goods,
LEniGirroN, pa.
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy C!oth.
Casslmeres and Vestlng?;for Men's and
Hoys' Wear,, which I am prepared to
Make up to Order In the most Fashion.
able Styles, at short notlco.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well selected stock- of French and
Turkey Morocco, Glove' KI3, Lasting,
Kid, Pobble nnd Grain .Leather Boots
aud Shoes on band, or , ,
Made to Order.
Hats ti&Capg
Of tho Latest Styles always 02 hand, a
the Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for the
American & Grover & Baiter
Sewing Machines.
Only One Prlce for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-jl
.1 II,
Thoundersigned Is.npwselllng tothfr
citizens of Welssport-und vicinity, tho
?iunilr Honr 13
.t .
tirade- - 3M
(Satisfaction Guaranteed.' Try it I"
tS" HidUL'mG'c'f '6yery descriptton
at Heasouable Hates. uBaggago taken
to and from, the BaDroai. Depots at the--shorcest
Near the Canal Srldgo, EAST, WEISS
POHT, Pa. apr ll-m3
Qontrad'fo fe'Euilder,
LEIlioiITOtf, fENN'A.
IMans nnil, SpeclOcpUoHS
For all kinds of Buildings mado at the
shortest notice; '
. K.Q fen AJtG.'ES
Made for Plans and Specifications when
tho contract. i3 awarded to' the nridor
signed. "X. W. EAOHES.
June 14, 1873-yV
xiticriauEia or
Carriages, 8h Uggies,
WiAierf Usaeriptlco'of
Hearty .oprosJU iaila 'ifotal, "iaak EW,
Liihlgbton.'ra. ' "
At rsasonaUo charges.
s7-Patrotaga Terr-aapactull sollclUil. anS
aitlafittlontuirantiiia. Y M
Feb. 7, 1871, A.BDOKMiM.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Glassware; Uard'wari 4o.
Msy3i, 1873.