The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 01, 1874, Image 3

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Papkard Orchestral Or
gans, and JSaineB Brdtliers
Pianos, A. P. Horn, Agent,
Lehightpii, Pa.
July 48, 187-m3
Ufa fefeow HmxAt.
Local and Personal;
On Tuesday last bar Iron advanced
ono center pound.
Fpr a nobby suit and a perfect fit
go to Laury & Peters, merchant tailors.
Slnco June 10th upwards ot G000
persons have visited Glen Onoko.
W. A. Gravor has received a now
lot of goods.
Over C0OO tourists liavo "done"
the Switch-Back so far this season.
Ono dollar a bushel Is the price
asked for potatoes on our streets by the
farmers: Butter 80 cts. u pound and
'ggs 25 cts per dozen.
Tho Lehigh Emery '"Wheel manu
factory have now .got about all their
machinery in 'working' order, and are
prepared for order's for wheels of all
They are busy as bees at Olewlno
fc MlnersFort Allen Foundry, in Weiss
3ort. W. A. Graver sells calico at 8 cents.
Go and be convinced.
The Easton Jail holds 60 prisoners
-at present five in excess ot the num.
iber of its cells.
Tho old Presbyterian Church at
Slatlngton Is being torn, down to make
room fora better and larger structure.
Subscribers to ,tho Advocate are no
Banger Kable tor postage on this paper
St tliey live within the county.
Side band calicos at Wm. A.
The fall meeting of the Leo Fark
'Trqttjng Association of WUkesbarro
will tie held from August 10th to tho
From and after tho 1st of August
tthe employees in tho Allentown Rolling
-Hill are to bavo another reduction on
ithfinvageSjtfttx time from .1 its 10 per
Ilorses and carriages of the best at
IL. F. Eleppinger's livery; also, on hand
a lot of curb stones snd planks suitable
iior sidewalks.
On Friday last the No. 2
tthe Thomas Iron Company's Fu
tat Alburtls, tos nelUtbtcd, Is now
sagaln producing first-class Utfn. It had
tstood Idle since last fall, (jawing to the
H.TE. FaUtager, lato J. Fatficger
rf6on,lkeep8 constantly onliandalarge
.stock of flno groceries, fruits and vege
tables, which he Is selling very low for
cash; Fresh frultsiocd vegetables icl
tfriost dally.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones are both recov
ering from the effects of the stabbing.
As smi as the -attending physician's
-consent canibe gained tho husband will
too taken to the countyjjall nd told for
Laury & Peters have just received
a largo and elegant stock. of now goods,
comprlsing.elo4.lis, casslmcrec andwedt
lngs, which they are prepared to make
-up in the .latest fashion at the lowest
Jessie Toung, a- brakesman on the
X. V. K. It., bad his foot hurt, ono day
Jast week, by being caufffct between the
-rAbout now, as the almanao says,
ou may. expect huckelberry pie. The
vcrop Is large.
Boots and shoes can be hadutt W.
A. Graver's.
If you want a nice fitting shirt,
deavo your measuro at Laury & Peters.,
Post office.
Wo learn that the Allentown Roll. Company havoieeu shipping
about one hundred and seventy-five
tons of rails per day, for several day
past. This indication of a revival of
ithe iron, trade Is a very pleasant thing
to contemplate.
Yeakel & Albright of Weleeport
have just received a largo cargo of shav
ed, shingles at a low figure. Their new
.planer Is now In operatl on and they
are doing work to order on short notice.
Mr. Alex. Weiss, formerly of Welsa
port, with his children, starts for Cali
fornia noxt week. He proposes to go
Into the orange culture. His wife has
been removed from the Fhlledlpbla to
the Harrlsburg Insane Asylum.
'Fabla cock-tails" are tho latest
novelty at the Mansion House In 2auch
Chunk. If you go there ask the gen
tlemanly bar-tendr to fix you one up.
.It Is a strictly temporance drink of most
delicious flavor,
Certainly, you can always find nleo
torses and tasty carriages at the popu
lar livery of David Ebbcrt, Bankstreot,
Xehlghton, at reasonable prices.
-:-Two good girls for housework are
wanted, by M. W. Itaudenbusb, at
Taekerton. Amount of wages for good
filrls who suit the place will be no ob
ject. Apply soon.
Mr. Geo. B. Flckardt has disposed
.of his Interest In the Blatlngton News
to Mr. BenJ. Patterson, of alem, N. J.
Wo havo latoly rccolved one or two
complaints from subscribers thai they
do not get tho Advocate for several days
after It Is published. Wo aio trying to
find out whero tho blamo rests our pa
pers are all wellpackcd,plalnly directed
and promptly mailed on Friday after
noon and If wo find Just whero tho
fault rests, that Individual will discover
that ho has got his bead into the biggest
kind of a hornet's nest.
An Episcopal Sunday school was
organized at Wcatherly on Sunday last.
Do our Borough Council Intend to
have South and North streets properly
graded and pavements laid before tho
fall season sets in? If they do It is
about time the work was begun; unless
this matter Is attended to, wo fall to see
how tho children are to reach t!ie now
school building In bad weather. The
sidewalks throughout tho botough, with
very few exceptions, ore a disgraco to
our people.
For family flour, ot tho very best
quality go to J. K. Rlckert, East Weiss
port. Lumber and coal In largo or
small quantities at lowest market rates.
A few lots In Illckertown still unsold
buy at once.
A large volume would not contain
the testimony whlch.has accumulated In
favor of Dr. TPIstar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry as a safe, efficient, and reliable
remedy In curing coughs, colds and pul
monary diseases. Jany of the cures
are truly wonderful.
Sometime between Saturday night
and Monday morning, sonlo miscreants
broke Into the Packerton School House,
whero tho tools used by the men build
ing tho now house were deposited for
safe keeping, and stole about $15 worth
ot the tools; comprising, saws, chisels,
braces, &c. Tho cntery was affected
with a grubbing lioo through tho rear
window. The thieves have not yet been
Christopher Mctzer purchased a lot
from Mr. J, E. Rlckert, in Rlckerts
town, a day or so ago, and purposes
putting up a house at once. Only a fow
moro lots left.
Robt. A. Packer, of Mauch Chunk,
has purchased ono of tho "Thousand
Islands' In tho St. Lawrence Blver. He,
with a company of other well-known
railroad capitalists, Is tliero now, on a
few day's camp. The party took with
thein43!t)00 worth of edibles.
paulnc nftlis NenrSehool Untitling
The now school Dulldlng , at Lehlgh
ton,Pa.,wlll be opened for public school
uses on Monday, August 10th, 1874. In
the afternoon and evening of tho above
day public exercises suitable for .the oc
casion will be held In the building, which
wiKioanslst ot nddtecocs by prominent
educators; the exercises will be Inter
spersed with vocal and Instrumental
music. 'Tins public aro cordially Invi
ted to be present
;.. u. uiauss, tuo merchant taiiorin
order to reduce stock, is offering yrecial
bargains in boots, shoes, galtew; hats,
caps, ready-made clothing, AC. He In
vites especial attention ofbsr citizens
to Uieso tgcods, all of which aro -of the
best quality he has oo low priced
auction goods and will be sold at an
Immense reduction on former prices.
You are Invited to call -and Inspect these
goods; tfiere Is no charge for inspection
oven if you do not purchase.
The Coal Trade.
The following table shows the quan
tity of -coal shipped over the Lehigh
Valley Railroad for tho week ending
July 25th, 1874, ami for the year ns
compared with 'the same time last year:
From Week, Tear.
Wyoming.-,. 14,747 13 C90.822 17
Hazleton..... 30,480 14 1,205,108 14
Up. Lehigh.. 114 17 2,701 08
Bea.Meadow.. 14,080 15 404,087 02
Mahanoy..... 11,390 01 285,927 17
Mauch Chunk 119 17 2,227 10
Total 70,045 17 2,570,725 08
Last Year.... 85,618 14 2,501,702 05
Increase 15,023 03
Decrease 8,573 17
ltev. J. A. Little, ot BTokendauqua,
will preach in the Presbyterian -church
to-monrew (Sunday). 'Services In the
morning at 10(30 and in tlio' evealng at
7.30. Sunday School In the morning at
9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed
nesday evening at 7.30. A cordial In
vltatlon is extended to all.
Evangelical church Rev. A. Kreck
er, pastor. Preaching, Sunday at 10.30
a. m., and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor, In
the iVbrthampton-st. school house. Sun
day school at 3 a. m. Also, prayer
meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday evenings at 7 30 P. m. .411
Te cordially Invited to attend.
The Reformed congregation will
hold services In the Acvlemy to-morrow
Suhday) evening, at 7.30 r. m In the
Germau language. Rev. L. K. Derr,
Rev, D. K. Kepner, pastor, will
preach In the Trinity Evangelical Luth
eran church corner of Iron and North-ampton-sts.
Services to-morrow (Sun
day) at 10 a. m. In German; at 7.30 r.
u. English. Sunday School at 2. p. m.
Prayer meetlug Wednesday evening at
7.30 o'clock, and Teachers' meeting
Thursday evening.
A HOtf lble Death.
On Sunday morning Mrs. Hlljah
Fronohlser, who resided with her hus
band near Trolchlersvllle, Washington
township, met with a horrible nccldent
which resulted In her death within an
hour after tho occurence. Mrs. F. was
alono In tho kitchen preparing breakfast
for her husband and family, tho former
ot whom was bringing tho horses home
from pasture. Mrs. Frouehelser was
subject Id falling fits, and whllo thus
alono was seized with a spell and fell
on the stove which was rod hot, ner
clothing took firo and commenced to
blaze briskly. Before help could arrived
she was fearfully scorched, some por
tions of her body being burned to a
crisp. Iler husband entered tho houso
while she was still covered with tho
flamos, nnddld all In his power to hasti
ly outen them. But all too lato. She
was perfectly helpless, and suffered
fearfully, when death put an end to her
pains. The funeral took placo Tues
day morning, and the remains wcro In
tered In the Frledcn's churchcometery.
A largo concourso ot relatives and
friends attended the funeral. 'News.
Powder fixploslon.
At about 10 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing, II. A. Weldy, & Co.'s powder
magazine, said to contain aooui auuu
barrels of powder, situated at Mintzar's
Station, about three miles north of Ta
maqua, exploded, billing three men and
seriously Injuring a boy. Tho names
of the killed nro Mumma, Gaibor and
Krauso. Mummaand Krausswerelnthe
magazine at tho tlrao of tho explosion,
aud wero blown to atoms. Nothing has
been found ot them yet, except part of
a foot and piece of breast. Garbor was
employed as carpenter, and was In the
carpenter shop, planing off a board,
when a stono, thrown by the explosion,
canio through the roof and struck him
on tho head. Ho died In about ten min
utes. The boy Coyle, son of tlio Super
intendent of the mill, was playing out
sldo the carpenter shop, and wasstiuck
with a stono on the head. No hopes
are entertained of his recovery. Tho
causo of tho explosion Is unknown.
The Great Chicago Olreui,
Will exhibit in this borough on Thursday
afternoon and evening next, the 0th
Inst. Read what is said of this great
show by the Philadelphia papers, and
then get your fifty cents ready:
Tho Immen-to combination of circus,
menagerie, museum, aviary, balloon
ascension, Ac, spread Its canvas on
Fnlrmount Park Hill In this city yester
day, and It Is the biggest 'spread' ever
made In this city. We are somewhat
familiar with the sensational language
used in the advertisements of circus
companies, menageries, &c, and have
not been disappointed when we saw a
superior display upon the bill boards
than wo did within the canvas. Ia tho
present Instance wo are happily disap
pointed tho other way, liaird Howell
& Go's Show Is "all t Is cracked up to
be," The managers perform and ox
tail they advertise. Their show is
simply Immense, and Is well worth rid-
many miles to see. Tliey have the
largest collection ot wildanlmals, birds,
&c, ever exhibited in this city; and
their circus performance has never been
equaled iu our city. This fact became
apparent when the grand parade took
place in tho city In the morning and
the consequence was, their canvas, large
as it is, was utterly inadequate to ac
commodate the thousands who docked
to see the show, both in the afternoon
and evening, There were more people
garnered on rail-mount nm last even
ing than was ever before collected on
the same space In the city. So great
was the demand for tickets, and so
great the crowd inside tho tent, that the
performance had to be stopped; and
nearly five hundred people had to leave
their money being refunded. The
ticket boxes were closed and thousands
had to be turned away. There has
never been anything like It at any
similar show. Philadelphia Sunday
A l.lttle Girl Outraged.
We are In receipt, Says the Hazleton
Daily News ot tho 20th ult., of Intelli
gence of a most diabolical crime com
mitted Tuesday, by a fiend in human
shape, on tho mountain between Mil
ncsvllle and Butler Valley, the parti
culars which, as near as we could learn
them, are as follows: Mrs. Zlcgler, a
resident ot Mllnesvillc, and who Is now
lying alarmingly HI, has a little daugh
ter 9 years old, whom she wished, dur
ing her Illness, to havo remain with her
sister, who lives in tho Valley, and to
that end Tuesday placed her under the
protection of ayonng man who boarded
with her, and they together started for
the bouse ot the child's aunt. When
they reached the top of the mountain
the wretch assaulted the child, and ac
complished his hellish purpose, alter
which he departed for parts unknown.
Tho child is reported to be in a criti
cal condition.
The monster who committed ths re
volting crime is a man 35 or 40 years ot
age, and supposed to havo been at one
time a physician In Germauy. Ho is
still at large but officers are in pursuit.
Wllkesbarre, July 27. The temper,
ance movement in this county having
been dropped by the crusaders, the men
have taken up the cause. To-day dele
gates from all parts of the country met
hero In convention, adopted a platform
of principles, a plan for the campaign,
and nominated the Rev. Y. C. Smith
of Carbondale for Congress, and a full
legislative and county ticket. Five dele
gates were appointed toattend the Stato
tcmperanco convention at Harrlsburg,
on tho 12th August to nominate a State
Archbishop McCloskoy sailed from
New York for Europe on Saturday, to
bo absent twn mnnthn. ilni-lnr. tsMM.
time he will visit tho Pope.
Annum Itonort dftho Super
lntcmlent of tho Common
Schools nfCarhon County.
In submitting this annual roport ot
tho condition of tho public schools of
Carbon county, itisgratlfylng tobonblo
to say that tho larger portion of them
havo made commendablo progress dur
ing tho past year; but there Is still room
for further Improvement In tho best ot
them. Thero aro many things that
claim the attention ot teachers and
school officers, prominent among these
aro the diversity of text books in soma
districts; directors should adopt a uni
form series in their respective districts,
and Insist upon their use. There aro
still a number of school houses unfit for
school use, theso should bo replaced by
better ones. Furniture In somo houses
is so illy adapted to tho use It Is intend
ed for that It should bo removed and
better and suitable substituted for it.
Blackboard surface Is too limited in
many of tho schools, and so poor that
It Is almost useless; there Is no neces
sity for this when good surfaco can bo
made at almost the same cost of common
plastering. School grounds In some
cases aro too small, and, with but few
exceptions, ate entirely unimproved;
while houses and furniture are improved
corresponding Improvements should bo
made on the outside surroundings.
Directors should visit schools more
frequently than they have been in tho
habit of doing heretofore. See school
laws nnd decisions, page 49, Sec. 54.
Parents should visit schools as often as
they havo tho opportunity for doing
so, it would give encouragement to
teachers and children, and obviate
much of the fault-finding about parti
ality and dereliction of duty on the part
of teachers. Teachers would cnlargo
their sphere of usefulness and mako
their labors more pleasant and success
ful by frequent visits to tho' homes of
their pupils. This would afford teach
ers an opportunity of learning the homo
habits and training of their pupils, and
enlist tho co-operation ot parents in
securing better attendance.
Two new school houses were built
during the past year. Ono in Franklin
Township; this Is a good frame houso
furnished with good and convenient
seats, desks and blackboatd surface; the
other In the borough of Lehlghton, and
deserves more than a passing notice.
It Is situated on acommandlng position
at the north-west corner of tho publto
square, and Is a beautiful structure,
two stories high, with a Mansard roof,
which is equivalent to another story,
this Is surmounted by a neatly finished
cupola with a fine bell, a vane and the
letters showing tho cardinal points ot
tlio compass, mere aro eight school
rooms, each of which Is 20 x 30 feet.
and 15 feet high between floors and
ceilings, with plenty of good blackboard
surfaco there being about 150 sq. ft.
to each room. The entrances to the
different rooms are entirely separate
so that during Ingress and egress the
scnoinrs irom tno amerenc rooms never
come in contact with each other; they
are furnished with tho most Improved
patent seats nuu uesxs. un the third
Uoorls a large hall Intended to be used
for public entertainments. The rooms
are all ventilated ua the most Improved
plans, and heated by hot air from four
furnaces lu tho basement. Tho plot of
grouuu upon wuiuu it sianus 13 l'JU x
180 ft., surrounded by a neat substan
tial fence, painted and sanded. The
walks ore all paved. This is tho most
completely, planned ana finished school
building in tho county and cost (35,
000. It is a noble monument dedicated
to tho causo of common school education .
and reflects much honor and credlt;upon
tho directors who' In the face of strong
uppusiiiuu prujuctuu uuu consumated so
great a work.
Great care should bo exercised In tho
selection of school directors; much of the
success of the schools depeuds on the
manner In which directors dlschargo
their duties. There are many outside
Influences opperating upon and retard
ing the progress of the schools, such as
faultlindlug parents, speaking disre
spectful about teachers in presence ot
pupils, and encouraglDgchlldren lu acts
of disobedlanco. A teachers Influence Is
often destroyed In this way, audho falls
because ho is not properly sustained
and encouraged by directors, a word ot
encouragement or a sympathizing look
from a friend at the right tlmo often
produces wonderful results.
The schools at Summit Hill could be
much Improved by grading them more
Penn Forest Is an unfortunate district;
it embraces a large area sparsely popu
lated, so that they aro obliged to keep
up six schools for the acommodatlon of
about one hundred and fifty children;
and this necessitates a fifteen mill tax In
order to keep the schools open four
months with low priced teachers.
Tho Annual 6'ounty Iusltute was
held at Mauch Chunk, In tho lattor
part ot November. It was well attend
ed by teachers and other friends ot edu
cation. District Institutes wero held only In
a few districts. These important aids
in promoting the cause of education anQ
in elevating tho teachers' profession
should not be neglected by teachers and
school officers.
The examinations of teachers and
school vi8tatlons wero conducted on the
same plan as stated in former reports.
My thanks are due to directors, teach
ers and other friends of education for
aid and kindness extended to me In the
discharge of my duties.
R. F. HoKfonD, C. S.
It is now estimated that It costs the
poople ot the United States (5,000,000
yearly to keep, their tooth iu repair.
Closing Prices of DbIIavkn & Towns
end, 40 South Third Street, Philadel
phia, July 30, 1874!
U. 8. 0', 1881 ,
U. 8. 8-20, 1862 ,
U. 8.6-20,1804 .
18V Wd.
13 tld.
16K Ud,
101? bid.
lOU bid.
17) bid
18 bid.
13J bid.
17j M4.
13VJ bid.
(0 bid.
19 anXed.
13 niked,
16 asked.
17 aflkett.
Wi aiked.
mi aked.
18K asked.
13? asked.
17M asked.
13)2 aaked.
toy. aiked.
bay, aked
CI axked,
U. S. 6 20. 180.V J. k J.
U.S. 6,10, 18C7 , .
U, 8. 6-20, 1803 ,
V. 8. 1040 . ,
U. H. Currency, 0' ,
U. 8. f'. 1881, new ,
rennsTlrtnla R, It. ,
Pblla. A Reading R. It.
Lehigh Vlter lUIIroad
60 bid.
Minizn uom & nar. uo.
41 aiked.
United Companies orN. J. 123 bid. 120 aaked.
Oold . . . . 109 bid. 109 asked.
Sllrer . . . .105 bid. 107 asked.
Special Notices.
The Acme Shirt. This Is to
eertlly, that Messrs. Laury & Peters
havo taken Instructions In the use of tho
Acme Shirt System, and aro fully quail
fled and authorized to Jlanufncturo tho
Goomotrlcally-Balanced Shirt In tho
Borough of Lehlghton. Signed,
Prof. W. M. Dildine.
Gentlemen desiring a handsomo fitting
Shirt should leavo their measuro at tho
post ofilco bulldlncr.
June 20, 1874m3
Piles! Piles!! Piles!!!
Piles, Internal, Internal, Bleedlnj or Itching.
The Intense aufferlngoccatloned bjrthe distress
ing disease, In Its Tarlous forms, is known only to
those who are unfortunate enough to be afflicted
with It. The Bteeplesa nights, the uncomfortable
days, the haggard looks of the aufTerer boar wit
nessof the intensity of the pMn experienced when
...u ,u yiBTauiug. uiwase. ine suc
cess of Mrlggs rile Remedy as a posltlre cure Is l.t th. r
... u. buu,u ui lueuiviue; iieuei ia
immediate when used as directed. The Immense
' romtsuy is uBparaieileu.
.thousands are using It wltn the most satisfactory
rn.nH.. HiM t.u k T mm. .un j ... r
nlghton. may 0 ly
The molt Wonderful Dlicovery ot
cue luth Century.
XXR. S. 13. HOWE'S
Arabian Milk Cure
And all Diseases of the THROAT, CHEST and
LUNGS. (The only Medicine of the kind In the
A Soutitois roil Cod Litir Oil.
Permanentir cures Asthma. RrnnchiM.. Tn.ini.
ent Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness of
uream, uaurrn, uoup, uougbs, colds, Ac , In a
Arabian Tonic Blood PnritW.
Which DIFFERS from all other preparations In
ItslHMXDUTE ACTIOgunon tha T.TVI.-R. Klnvvvfl
and BLOOD. It Is pureiy vegetable, and cleanses
Pure, Jllob Ulood. ItCUrasKrrnriilnni T)
lue ytueoi ei u imDuriues. nm mi un. nnrt m.iru.
an sinus, romoves constipation, and regulates the
TiiAiiii i , ana -liuiiri-lJljn W CONSTITU
TIONS," I "challenge the 19th Century" to find
its equal. Every bottle Is worth Its weight In
guio. a rice, fi.w ivr Dome.
Arabian Liver Pills.
They c lea una the Liver and Stomach thoroughly,
remore Constipation; contain no calomel nor any
other lojurloui Ingredient, and act quickly upon
vuewj urfjauB, wimoui producing any pain or wean-
uvea. j. rice cents per POX.
Should ns all three of thflabfiYa xrodlM
Sold by A. J. DUKLINQ, Drugxlst. sola Agent
for Lehlghton. Pa.
Da. 8. D. 110WK, Sole Proprietor, 161 Chambers
Oncol-, ow wr. apr, 11, IOIJ.yi"
Mrs. LANE'S Certain Cure for Ingrowing Nail.
Tnpo Worm! Tape Worm!
Tare Worm romored In from 2 to 3 houm with
harmless Vegetable Medicine. The worm passing
iromiueaysiem aure. no lee asKed until tne en
entire worm, with head, tuuumk. MadlclnA harm
less, can refer those afflicted to the resldeots of
tnis cur whom I hare cured. Atmvomoa can be
seen hundreds of tDeclmens. measurlni from 49
to tOO feet In length. Fifty per cent, of cases of
uyspeps.a ana disorganizations or tno hirer are
caused by rtomach and o titer worms existing In
the alimentary canal. Worms, a disease of the
most; aaQirerous cnaracter. are 10 utile understood
by the medical men of the prenent day. Call and
see me original and oniy worm destroyer, or send
for a circular which will Eire a full detcrlDtlon
and treatment of all kinds of worms, enclose 3 ct.
stamp for returu of the same. Dr. E. P. Kdhkkl,
.wj nunu mum Qirtwi I'umaeipuia, ra
f Advice at omceor vy man free. i
439 K AT. 1'IN and STOMACH WORMS also
removed. sept, o, 1873-ly
Of Receipts and Expenditures of tlio
Town Council of the
Borough of Lehighton
For tun year ending June 30, 1874.
E. H. SNYDER, Treasurer.
To amount received from
former Treasurer 88 C
To cash received from Thos.
Kemcrer. Collector f27 (14
To cash received from Win.
Kcmercr for crass on Sq.
licenses and permits. ... 24 SO
To cash received -from Wm.
Keraercr, money borro'd 600 00
Circus Licenses 20 00
To cash received from Wm.
Kemerer for surveys and
fines a BO
To cash received from Thos.
Kemerer, Collector 1SD1 73
Total receipts S3703 08
Dalance In bands of Treasurer 7 50
By Orders paid for grading,
repairs, interest, mate
rials. &c $3760 48
Bal. In bands ot Treasurer. . 7 SO
$2703 08
Wo, the undersigned Auditors ot tlio
Borough of Lehlghton, Carbon county,
having carefully examined tho above
accounts of the Treasurer, find them
correct as stated.
July 18, 1874-wS
" Whenever I cet a Bottle of Bloom
of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Roso Tint,
a liox of Lilly White, or anything In
that line to beautify tbe complexion, at
Durllng's Drug Store, It seems to bo
nicer and better than I can cret anv-
wbero else. may 0
New Goods and
New Prices 1 1
announces to his friends and tho citi
zens of Lehlghton and vicinity In gene
ral, that he has Leased the Store form
erly occupied by H. A. Ueltz, on
Bank St Lehlghton,
and furnished It with a very largo and
elegant stock of
Dry Goods,
Oil Cloths,
Queonswaro, &c, &c,
of the very Best Quality, which ho Is
now preparedto offer at
Unprecedently Low Prices !
KST A liberal sharo of tho public
patronage Is respectfully solicited, and
entire satisfaction Is guarranteed.
July 18 F. P. LENTZ.
jrg D. CliAUSS,
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock ot
Consisting of Tlaln and Fancy Cloths,
Casslmeres and Vestlngs.for Men's and
Boys' Wear, which I am prepared to
Make up to Order In tho most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
$oots.ifc Shoes
A well selected stock of French and
Turkoy Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebblo and Grain Leather Boots
and Shoes on hand, or
Made to Order.
Hats &C nm9
Of the Latest Styles always oj hand, at
tho Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
American & Grovcr & Baker
Sewing Jlacliines.
Only OnaPrico for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
The undersigned Is now selling to tho
tlze ns of Weissport and vicinity, the
Family Flour $400
2nd firade- - 3.2
For Cash J
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try it I
t3T ITvlTTT.TWft nf
at Reasonable Rates. Baggage taken
to and from tho Railroad Depots at tbo
buutosi notice.
Near tho Canal JJrldgo, EAST WEISS
PORT, Pa. apr ll-m3
Contractor 6c Builder,
XMans nnd Spcclucntlong
For all kinds ot Buildings made at the
shortest notice.
Mado for Plans and Specifications when
the contract Is awarded to the under
signed. A. W. EACn.ES.
Juno 14, 1878-yl
BUCK. 31 AN,
iivriCTU&u or
Carriages, Sleighs, DugsIcH,
aod .rery description of
Nwlj oppoilte Kagle Hot., Bank Street,
At rwuoMUe charges,
MtliftctloQ Kuarinteed.
reb.7,1874, A. 11UCKMAN,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Die$s Goods,
Glasswaro, Hardware, &c
May 31, 1878,