The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 01, 1874, Image 2

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    H. V. MOllTIIIMBIl, KDITOll.
I.KIIiaillON, PA.:
Gen. Charles Albright Is spoken of
by fccvornl of tlio Pennsylvania Repub
lican journal for tlio U. S. Senate.
At Wnslilngton on Thursday of last
week Mr. Brlslow, Secretary of tlio
Treasury, openoil tlio bids for tlio whole
or any part of the remaining $170,000,
000 of tbe new flvo per cent. loan. The
bfcla Were opened In secret, but they are
said to Ik' for a largo amount If not the
wliulo of tlio loan, and tlio terms aro
favorable to the Government.
It Is understood thattho Philadelphia
and Reading Coal and Iron Company
lias purchased all the Valley Forgo Coal
lands, which Include a good portion of
the' most valuable tracts In the vicinity
of Combol.i, Silver Creek and Now
Philadelphia, In this connection an ex
change noted tlio other day that ten
millions nioro had been borrowed by
Mr. Gowcn since in Europe this last
Under tho now mllltla law, this
portion o( the stato will bo known as
Third Division, comprising the counties
of Luzcrno, Carbon, Monroe, Pike,
Wayne, Susquehanna, Wyoming, Co
lumbia' And Sullivan making a much
larger c implement of men than tho old
Ninth Division and will continue
under command Major-General Os
Philadelphia Letter.
Philadelphia, July 25, 1874
One of tlio greatest monopolies with
whioii our city is cursed, Is tho
which have so completely glrdlroncd our
city Unit there is scarcely a street which
Is not obstructed by them. Originally
constructed ai a convenience for our
citizen?, thoy have, In many eases, pass
ed into the control of a few Individuals,
who are reaping Immense profits irom
mem, nnu acting as ir mo puuiic JilgU
waVs were solely for their use.
Although tho right of way was given
tlu-so companies freo of charge, and
they are able to declare enormous dlvl
dHiuU; tho faro asked by them is higher
tlian Is charged by passenger railways
in any of our large cities, and the poor
woiklngnian and sewing girl, weary
wun meir aays' lauor, aro virtually de
barred from their use, as the faro ask
ed U entirely beyond their slender
Seven cents for a ride In a street car
may seem a small matter to some uf
.your readers, but it Is quite an Item to
tliose who uso tno cars uaiiy. The com
panies consider that every first-class
House crcctea near tneir terminus, is
worth to them from ono to two hundred
dollars per annum, they calculating that
the occupants will spend that amount
during the year In thcircars, while most
persons living any dletanco from their
place of business look upon fifty dollars
n year for car fare as one of their neoes
wiiy expenses. Our citizens aro taxed
to build bridges, which theso grasping
corporations seize upon and use, with
out recompensing tlio city for tho use
or mem,ana now we nave the disgrace
ful scene of a number of companies
quarreling for the possession of the Gir-
nrd Avenue bridge. Tho conductors and
drivers are n hard-worked set of men
being on duty from sixteen to nineteen
hours a day, and are allowed but a few
minutes for meals. It Is statod as a fact,
that' so much are theso employees uway
lrom their homes, working every day in
the week, that In many cases their
young children do not know them.
The companies although reaping large
profits from the thousands who Hock to
the park, do not contribute toward Its
adornment, as Is tho caso In other cities,
but are continually quarreling among
themselves to gain possession of tho
streets which approach tfco park, and
which have not vet been seized upon
The Union Lino declares a dividend
of 41 per cent, per annum on Its pald-lu
capuai; mu uiestnut & walnut street,
111 percent.: the Green &Coates Street,
SO per cent.; and tho other roads, from
l!0 to 80 per cent, per nuiium. Tho
companies, although frequently Jangling
uiiiung themselves, aio a unit m deny
ing any concessions which tho city or
public may ask from them. Their pow
i r doubtless would have been broken
long ago If their Interests were not In
terlocked with tho political faction
which is ruling our city and State,
lias demonstrated the fact, that steam
Miips can run from this port to England
at a profit, and so creat has been their
success, that they coutemplato adding
two aaumonai steamers to tuelr line.
The traveling public has been much
benefitted by the fierce competition
which tho American Line has provok
ed. Steerage passengers can go from
Now York to Liverpool, If the New
York papers can be believed, for the
small sum of ten dollars, and hundreds
uf persons are taking advantage of this
reduction to visit their friends In tho old
Tne salvage suit of Oapt. Cornelius
I,. JJrady against tho American Steam,
bhlp Co. for bringing the Pennsylvania
Into port during the terrible storm
which she encountered some months
nco. has been decided in his favor, and
lie has been awarded $4,000 for Ills
We have had a number of cases of
nnd attempts at self-destruction hero
lately. The cause which led most of
the parties, to attempt self-destruction.
was poverty, although not a few were
caused by inauia produced by drinking.
There Is considerable sufferluc here.
muting tliose persons thrown out of
tiuployment by the dullness of the
jiuies, ana many teeU idle' from this
world's trouble In death. A number of
our largo manufactories aro running on
half time, and business Is generally de
pressed, although tho prospects are mat
we will uavo rt busy Fan. one of tho
latest attempts at suicide was made by
William Long, a sailor wbo was dis
charged from tbo United States steam
er AJax, and paid $'JUU, which was duo
him. This he squandered In a two
weeks' debauch, and wound up his spree
by Jumping Into the Schuylkill river.
lie eluded all attempts to rescuo mm,
until ho was thoroughly exhausted.
when ho was secured and properly car
ed for.
Charley Ross, has not yet been found,
and his abductors aro still at large. Our
detcctivo force Is severely censured for
not ascertaining his whereabouts, and
our newspapers are expressing uiem
selvos freely In the matter. Christopher
Wooster, who was arrested ana com
mitted to prison, on suspicion of having
been concerned In the abduction, Is now
tliouclit to bo entirely Innocent of the
charge brought against him, and ho has
been released from prison. MnyorStok-
lev on Wednesday issued a poociama-
Hon, offering a reward of $20,000 for
tho recovery of tlio child, and the arrest
and conviction of his captors. Mayor
Stokley was authorized to offer this re
ward by a number of our private citi
zens, who aro raising a fund to recover
the stolen child. It Is to be hoped that
the large reward offered will stimulate
persons throught tho country to search
for the child, and that ho may bo recov
ered at an early day.
Yours truly, Modoc.
Philadelphia Markets.
Thero was rather more demand for
money to-day. Call loans rule at at 4
to G per cent. Prlmo commercial paper
ranges from 5 to 0 percent, per annum.
Trade generally has been more ac
tive during the past week, but prices
of most of tho leading articles are with
out material change.
Tlio Flour market has ueen moder
ately active during tho past week, nnd
prices are rather firmer, buperune,
$4 00 to 5 00 ; extras, $5 to 0 ; Spring
Wheat, extra family, $0 75 to 8 00, and
higher grades at 8 8VA to 10 00.
Wheat continues dull and prices are
lower. Common and choice red at
$1 25 to 1 35; amber at el 40 to 1 C3j
No. 1 sprinc at $1 25: No. 2 spring at
SI 20, aud white sprlug at $1 80. firmer. Sales 03,000 bushels
southern and Pennsylvania yellow at
83 to 80e, and western mixed at the
tame figures.
Oats arn unsettled. .About 40,000
bushels sold at 72 to 75c. for white,
and 70 to 73c. for mixed, closing at 72
to 73e. for white, nnd 70 to 72. for mix
ed, nnd70c.:for now Delaware.
Pittsburgh, July 27. A destructive
flood has occurred at this point.
All the flood gates of tho heavens
were opened last night, and vast volumes
of water wore discharged upon the city.
During Jthe day heavy showers took
place, but they proved- to bo only pre
paratory to tlio deluge which came down
upon us between 8 and 0 o'clock in the
Tho rain was accompanied with vivid
lightning, nnd for over an hour the
storm was fast and furious. The'water
came down in sheets, which fairly glist
ened as the Hashes of lightning fell up
on them In quick succession.
A fearful loss of lire Is reported from
Allegheny, and a pecuniary loss beyond
that causod by the late destruotivo con-
uagation. At tho union depot the tun
nel of the Pan nandlo Railway was
flooded with some four feet of water.
nnd, of course, became Impassable for
trains, and traffic for the time being on
that road was suspended.
in me Thirty-sxitii ward wcro felt tho
most costly results of the deluge.
l ne tremendous body of water which
swept down the hills into the Saw-mill
run raised that stream with great rapi
dity, and sent It whirling with tremend
ous velocity and power to tho river. A
largo quantity or barrels nnd.iumuer
were carried away and fast plied up
against the new Iron bridge, which did
not long resist tho fury of assault.
Below the brldgo by .which Carson-st.
crosses the river, was swept from Its
abutments. So great was Its lorco that
a largo number of barges, with coal,
were torn from their iastenlnes and
swept down the river.
i-or moro tnan a milo out on Spring
Garden Avenuo, Allegheny City, marks
destruction everywhere. Some houses
are thrown together In heaps, Sorno
twenty-flvo or thirty slaughter houses
on tho avenue were washed away.
Many buildings not totally destroyed
aro seriouslydamaged. The water rM
to the heights of 15 ft., flooded tin fir
floors of all the houses, aud In many
places the second-stories. Several
houses were swept Into the middle of
tno streams,and others were carried
hundred of yards and shattered to
pieces. A house contalLluc two or three
families at the rear of Centro-st., was
uestroyeu, and ic is supposed all the In
mates were drowned. In Temperance-
ville and Saw-mill run the elements
made sad havoc. Fierce torrents swell-
cd every little tributary of Saw-mill
run into tho boiling stream, aud ac
cumulating waters rushed with mad
and irreslstablo fury down the alloy,
sweeping everything in their course.
The loss of llfo exceeds upwards.of
uu men, women nnu cunuren.
FVIE People of Lehighton and vlcin-
Itv nil lltllta in tpatlrvllirr Hmf of A .
DUItLlNG'S Drue nudFnmllv Med-
Iclne Store, Poim, Fhebii and Unadul
terated Medicines can always be
found. mav 0
J" ROSYI-A llottle of DURLING'S
ROSE GLYCERINE for Roughness of
the Skin, Chapped Hands, Ac, only 25
cuius u uuuie. may V.
JT UST look nt her Hair I Why
tliouclit It was turnlnp Qrev? So
It was, until she got a Bottlo of that new
iiair jtcstorer at Durllng's Drug Store,
MOTHERS, Look at that Child, It
linn Wnrmo Cln
to uuiilihu's Drug Store, and get
bottle of his WORM SYRUP, so plet
taut aud yet so sute.
may 0
Stockholders of tho Iron'a Loan
and TJulldlng Association will be held
at tho Office of the Carbon Iron Co., on
THURSDAY, August Cth, 1874, at
7 o'clock P. M., to pass such resolutions
that will enablo the Hoard of Directors
to dispose of the Monthly Income In
Dues, Interest, &c In tho absence of
voluntary purchasers, or an opportuni
ty to Invest tho same with profit In real
estate. The plan proposed by tho
.Board of Directors Is recommended to
the consideration of tho Stockholders,
In tho written application (Zy Laws,
Art. IX., Sec. 3), calling for a special
meeting, to overcome this difficulty
with which the Association Is now con
tending. A full attendance Is requested.
JACOB PETERS, President.
W. W. Bowman, Secretary:
Note Parties remitting their dues
by check, should not fail to stamp them.
Parryvllle, July 11, 1873-wS
Isolation Notice.
Notice Is hereby clvcn. that tho
co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween B.K. llausman and F.S. Kuhns,
doing business In the Borough of Lo
hlghton under the firm name of llaus
man & Kuhns, is this day (July 14th)
dissolved by mutual consent. The
business will bo continued by Ftp. S,
Kuhns, to whom all persons Indebted
to tho late firm will rnako payment and
those having claims will present them
for settlement.
Tho undersigned respectfully Informs
his friends and the publio that ho Is
prepared to fill all orders for Bread,
Cakes, Steam-made Ice Cream, &c, on
short notice and at low lates. lie res
pectfully asks a continuanco of public
patronage. F. S. KUHNS.
July 18, 1874-w3
lssolution of Partnership
Notlco is hereby given, that the
co-partnership heretoforo existing be
tween James Fatzlnger and Uriah Fnt
zlnger, doing business under the firm
namo of J. Fatzlnger Son, was dis
solved, by mutual consent, this 15th
day of July, 1874. The business in
Lehighton will hereafter bo carried on
by II. E. Fntzlngcr, and In Wclssport,
by Uriah Fatzlnger. Parties Indebted
to the late firm of J. Fatzlnger & Son
are requested to call at olther store and
settlo at once, and thoso having claims
to present them for settlement.
Lehighton, July 18, 1874-w3
Tho undersigned hereby forbids nil
persons meddling with the following
articles purchased by the said under
signed nt the Sheriff's salo of property
of S. n. Dunlap, and leased by him to
Charles Dunlap, of Parryvllle, Carbon
county, Pa., to wit : 1 sorrel mare, 1
bay horse, 2 butcher wagons, sausage
cutter, butcher tools, and other articles.,
All persons ore hereby forbid med
dling with the Household Furniture and
1 Cow now In possession of Ccllnda
Dunlap, of Parryvllle, leased by the
undersigned to her.
Alius lmmzu.
July 18, 1874-w3
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lehighton and' vicinity, that ho has
New Photograph Gallery,
on BANKWAY, (near tho Lehigh Val-
ley Railroad Depot), Lenignton,
nnd that ho Is now prepared to give our
citizens Llfo-Llko Pictures at the most
reasonable rates.
Particular uttention paid to taking
Children's Likenesses. A Trial is
solicited. June 18.
BANK BTEEET. Lehighton, Pa.,
MILLERS and Dealers In
All kinds of G1UIN Bought and Sold
at Regular Market Rates.
Wo would, also, respectfully Inform
our citizens, that we are now fully pro-
pared to supply them witn tne
Xtest of Coal
From any Mine desired at the VERY
July 25tb, 1874.
Opposite the Publio Squaie,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds ot
tar Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing
promptly attended to. nov, vv
Practical Slater,
announces to the citizens of- Lehighton
and vicinity that he Is prepared to fill
all orders for Roofing Slate and do all
kinds ot Roofing nnd Slate work on
short notlco and reasonable terms,
37Rcpalrlng neatly and expeditious
ly dono, Juno 13-tf
When In tho courso bf wear and tear
of every day life It becomes necessary
to dissolve our connection with tho suits
that have dono us so much services in
keeping s warm nnd free from expo
sure, there Is one place where we can
find consolation and a friend Indeed In
our distress. Yea, a place where wo
can safely put our trust where there
Is no need of fear that weshallbo cheat
ed, unsuited or unsatisfied whero the
fabric Is strong and the manufacture
superb whero the prices aro iust and
and tho stylo all that can be desired.
Thern Is a charm nlmut an easy, glove
fitting, elastic suit, that Is seen andob
served by all men. "Whero did you
get that superb suit of clothes?" "Whero
did you sceure such a splendid fitting
garment?" is often asked. There are
many tailors, and a number of thorn
aro undoubtly fair samples of tho genus
homo and also a credit to the craft; but
how generally tailors fall In the fitting
of garments to tho human form; how
often a good pteco uf goods Is spoiled In
the fit; how sadly and dejectedly manya
wan wanders about the streets, feel
ing tlio shamo the tailor has caused him,
Id allowing a poor Job to go out of his
shop, and he the wearer of It! Perhaps
his lady lovo has even Jilted him Incon
sequence of his forlorn appearance
" Dross makes tlio man;
Tlio want of It tho fellow.'
Not that a man Is less a man for wear
ing plain clothes, but when hols "dress
ed up" he should Indeed be dressed not
having his cloths hang Hue bags around
lilm, and wrinkled and distored In all
sorts of shapes, but tnat ho bliould be
clad in fitting garments. Taste should
be shown both In the colors and make
up of his suit. Many high priced goods
are at such outlandish colors and styles
that a man's character is judged by his
foolishly selecting those odd goods. A
man Is known by the company he keeps,
and If be Insists upon fraternizing with
Ill-looking and Ill-fitting clothes, ho
will not make his "mark," as a man of
taste, that s positive. To be looked up
on as possessing the requisite attain
ments of a tasty gentleman, he must
select cloths of suitable colors for His
clothing and have them made up in first-
class style by Laury & Peters, (post
offlco building), Lehighton, Pa., who
have a splendid stock to select from, nnd
where you will obtain that symmetry of
fit so necessary to tho adornment of the
person. Call and examine the most
beautiful assortment of cloths, cassimers
and vestines. ever brought Into Lehigh
ton, and leave your measure with Laury
b reters. warcn ii, ion
Hie Duplicate for the BOROUGH
TAX for 1874, having been placed In
my hands for Collection, the Taxpayers
of tho Borough of Lehighton aro hereby
notified tnat said Tax must be 1'aid
Within 30 Days
from this date, or payment thereof will
uo enforced according to law,
JOS. S. WEBB, Collector,
July 18, 1874.-W3
rmcAciiuns waivi'eu.
-- Ono Jale and One Female Teach
er wanted by tho Packerton School
Ifoard; the former to teach at Packer-
ton and the latter at Jamestown. Ex
amination day August 1st, at 0 A. M.,
In tho Jamestown School House. Long
rerm nnu uooii salary.
O. W. HAM MANN, Secretary,
Packerton, July 18, 1874.
TrSTousc aud Lot Tor Sale,
Situate on Bank street, In the
Xiorougii of Leuignton, and numbered
34 on the Plan or plot of said borouch.
Tho Lot Is 33 x 180 feet ; tho House
Is three stories with basement, 2-story
Kitchen and necessary outbuilding, a
never-failing, well of water, &c. It is
nicely located for almost any kind of
business,, being situate on the principal
business thoroughfare.. Fpr price and
iurtner particulars apply at this unice,
or on me premises to
July 18, 1874-tf
Livery & Sale Stables,
Aud positively LOWER TRICES than
any other Livery in the county,
tST Larco and handsome Carriage
tor Funeral purposes ana weuaingj.
Not. 22, 1673. DAVID K11UK11T.
fVUie undersigned respect
fnllv annniinrpfl flint bo Ir hatter
. : " .
prepared tnan ever to Buy and ben
Culf nnd Sheep Slilim,
Tallow und
Plastering Hair,
at his Old Stand, nearly opposite tho
post onice, uank street, Leuichton.
lr Tlio nignost casn prices paid ior
Hides and SKtns.
nov. 23. C. E. GREEN4WALD
TrUY IT I TRY IT I The India
Rubber Tlasters for a Weak Back
BURLING has them may 0
122 S. 9th St., Allentown, Pa
Will furolili Hint, Eptclficitloni and KitlmtlM
piling euct cut of ,uUlo nnd prlrilo building!,
from th pUUut to the most eUboratel lo,
l)rwDgi tor SUlra, UiDd lUlli, 4c
miTY HIM ? NO I That Electrlo
Liniment, like I cot nt Durling
Drug Store, will cure him or any other
man ot RHEUMATISM and all other
Pains. may 9
Hippodrome & Balloon Show.
Organized and Perfected on a Scalo of Attractive Novel
ty hitherto Unprecedented in every respect, tho
Model Show of tho Season. Large and, varied dis
play of Rare and Curious Living Wild Animals, Im
mense Aviary of Georgeously Plumed Tropical and
Exotic Birds. Rare and strange Beasts from evory
Avhere. All tho Great Artists of the equestrian and
gymnastic profession. The greatest Zoological and
Equestrian display of tho ago under many Mammoth
Tents. Forming in its Notoriety,
The most Complete and Comprehensive
Entertainment ever Exhibited in America.
Particularly characterized for its rare spsclmens nnd for containing Animals
and birds which can bo seen In no other Exhibition. No Duplications In the
Cages as In every other traveling Menagerie. Splendid Water Proof Pavilions.
Cool In Hot Weather Dry In Wet Weather. Room for Everybody, simple
tlmo to see all the Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Living and Inanimate Curiosities
beforo' the Equestrian exercises commenco. A IteOned and Intellectual Enter
tainment. Tlio Great Chicago Show travels exclusively by its own conveyance,
as Its requirements being greater than any railroad or steamboat could give.
Look out for the Pageant given dally in tlio Street, forming a Grand Free
Scenic Panorama. The management wish to direct part loular attention to tho
Grand Free Balloon Ascension which will positively take. place, rain or shine,
every day of exhibition, between the hours of ten and five o'clock. Tq tbo
public who have been so frequently humbugged by unprinclpaled managers ad
vertising Balloon Ascensions and disappointing the poople, tbo management of
the Great Chicago Show pledge their honor and faith that ascensions will be
dally made in their Mammoth At Ships by one or more ot tho Aeronauts con
nected with tho Exhibition,
Wo also mako the Special Announcement that an engagement has been per
fected wllh Mr. Jimmy KeyuoldN, celebrated throughout Chrlstlandom
as tho very best Clown that ever stepped Into the ring, Our patrons will have
the rare opportunity of witnessing In Reynolds, the great desideratum) In cir
cus entertainments, n clown of educated wit and brilliant In funny originality
Mr. Reynolds holds his audience In epell-bouud delight from the moment ho
enters the ring, and Is without doubt the most unusually popular toralquo that
ever appeared before an American Audience,
Among the many specialties with tho Great 'Chicago Show are 4 Baby
Lions, born July Uh, 1S74. These tiny pets are as playful as kit
tens and their dam the Royal African Lioness Empress Is as prond of them as
h any young mother of her first-born. Wo challenge the world to produco tho
equal In size and majesty of appearance, the Great African Lion, Duke. Those
who have seen the lions exhlbjttd indifferent Jf nagerlea of theday.cannot form
the slightest Idea of the immense magnltute and formlabie appearance ot this
Savage Monster of the Jungle. "Duko" will beyond question, weigh mote
than thrice as much as any Hon In captivity,
The great nurdle rider Win. La Ruo, will positively rldo afc each exhi
bition. Mr. La Ruo will also Introduce his two lllustrous and talented pupils
in their statuesquo and classical &c, grouping. The best In the world. Ia
Ucllc Arillcniic, assisted by the world renouned Athlete, Mr, George
Mertz, will exemplify her daring skill and Interpldlty' on tbo doable trapeze.
The beautiful nnd accomplished Miss Anna Worland, tvIII each day and eve
ning ride her thrilling and exquisite principal act..
21 Acts m the Ming
By the most Stlllod and daring Artists of tbo Day.
Children uudcr 9 years. 35 Cents.
C. WHITNEY. General PJree'tor,
ED. STETTIjER, General Agent.
At Kresgeville, August 7th.
50 Cents.