The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 25, 1874, Image 2

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A monument to Martlu Luther, to be
set up in Falrmouut Park, Philadelphia,
during the Centennial year, Is talked of
bytho Lutherans.
llov. Mr. Cook, who has been for
many years laboring to bring tho Sioux
within tlio palootthoUplscopal Church,
f,cems to bo disheartened with tho task.
In a letter recently written to tho In
dian Commission, ho declares tha,t, In
his opinion, tholnfluencesot tho Gospel
would bo brought homo tothcmmoio
impressively If preaching was supple
mented with a sound thrashing.
Tho Bcechcr-Tilton scandal Is occu
pying tho attention of tho committee
appointed la Investigate tho charges,
mid tho daily papers nro filled with the
disgusting accusations and denials of tho ties concerned. In commenting on
this subject, tho Baltimore Gazette
says: "And now, with such circumstan
tiality of detail as to almost forco con'
vlctlon, tho shameful story is told, and
whether It bo wholly true, or only truo
In pait, it blasts henceforth and forover
tho chaiactcr of two men one the most
eminent preacher of his tlmo, tho other
u writer of no little public rcputo."
TIso Decision In the Groat
Voul Land Suit.
Mnich Chunk, Pa., July 22 Tho
great MO.000,000 coal land lawsuit of
Turnbull agt.Paidco and others, which
has, been pending in this Stato for two
jenis, and which occupied the lawyers
twenty years beforo it was in a position
to warrant a hearing, has been decided
In favor of tho defendants, under tho
provisions of tho Pennsylvania Jaw
gnverlng the gaining of tltlo to land by
treasurer's deed.
The question at stake was tho tltlo to
several thousand acres of coal land in
lower Luzerne county, In possession of
Iho defendants, and claimed by James
Turnbull, as tho heir of Alexander
Turnbull and Jame3 Turnbull, Sr. Tho
land is in tho heart of tho coal fields,
and was tho property of tho Turnbulls,
onco an influential Philadelphia family,
long before It was known that It conceal
od untold wealth. Thelast of the Turn
bull family In whom tho title vosted
was James, tho father of tho claimant.
Unconscious of Its value, ho neglected
tn keep tlio taxes paid, and it was sold
at treasurer's sale, ns provided by tho
State statute. It subsequently went to
Arlo Pardee, Asa Tacker, and other
mpltalUts. Turnbull. tho elder, died In
Philadelphia beforo coal was discovered
on his tract, JIo left a divorced wlfo
and claimant, then a child. Somo tlmo
after the decease of his father, young
Turnbull went to sea. Ills mother, be
ing a woman of mors than ordinary
activity, In 1852 beoan to Inquire about
Iho land her husband had owned, and
concluded that her son was tho rightful
owner. Sim found a friend In O. H.
"Wheeler of Mnuch Chunk, who shared
her confidence In Iho lust claim of her
son. Wheeler recommended an eject
ment full: but It was first necessary to
find tho missing heir. It was twenty
years beforo he gained any cine to Turn
bull, and then heard of him by accident
nt Mazatlnn, Mexico. IIo was summon
ed tn his native land, arriving In Phila
delphfa early In 1872.
Ills career had been ono of danger
nnd haidship. On Ills first voyago ho
was shlpwiecked. With eight others ho
loated nine days In an open boat on tho
ocean. Tho boat was picked up at sea
near thn Hand of St. Thomas. Every
(iimatowasdi-ad except Turnbull. When
bo ji-tovered from tho effects of this
voyngo he went to Central America,
and sulwqueutly.ln 1840,to California,
win-in tho gold fever was at Its height.
Itrmalulng thero a year or two, ho suc
ceeded In saviiic considerable monev.
working In the mines, and 'adhering to
nn cnrly formed resolution to abstain
alwajs from Btronc drink and camb
ling. From California ho wont to Mex
ico, engaging in luo construction of a
canal at Mazatlan. While theru ho was
robbed several times, nnd was onco left
mr dead by a gang pf nntlvps who bad
assaulted mm, with 12 daggers stick
ing in his bodv. On his wnv from Call
fornla to Mexico ho was blown up by a
t-teamboat explosion, being ono of a
very few who were saved out of tho
hundreds on board. He was several
times shipwrecked, but lived tosumouut
till tun perils about him, and to answer
tlie summon to return home.
.Since his arrival In this country ho
has worked faithfully In tho prosecution
of his claim, no takes his great defeat
philosophically, nnd If ho does not car
ry It to higher tribunals, will doubtless
;igam seek now ndventuresl- Jix.
Philadelphia Letter.
PHILADELPHIA, July 18, 1874
On Iho Ikt Inst., Charllo llrowster
Itoss, n child four years of ago, and bon
of ono of our prominent merchauts, was
kidnapped vthllo playing in n lano near
lilafatiir's losldenco lu Germantown.
Fur seveial days two strange men wero
noticed lu tho neighborhood, with :
liorto nnd vwiyon, und by means of can
illen nul ca'.;u thuy had secured tho
child's conlhlenccniidheand his broth
4-r, of about Iho wiuio ago, readily ao
i'rnU'il mi Invitation tn take a tide In
iliu tvacon.
Alter tiding eoveral squares, tho
eldest boy was givun soiuo money to
juirclipeu lirmackers with and as soon
ns lie wns out ot sight, tho horse was
(Irlveii dtf at a furious cait. Tkochlld
wus toon minted, nnd his parents falling
to find htm, the police weie informed or.
his disappearance, and since that tlmo
tho-wholo detectlvo forco of tho city
have lelt no stono unturned to recover
lit in, but ns yet his wuereanouts nrq un
known. Three days after the .child was stolcu,
his father Inserted on advertisement in
the Public "Ledger, offering a reward of
8300 for his recovery ; and tho next morn
ing, In tno "personal column." of this
same Journal, appeared thu following:
Itoss We be heady to'nmotiatu.
On tho samo day, tho father, Jr.
Ross, received an anonymous letter
through tho post offlco, In which It was
stated that little Charllo would bo re
turned for'520.000. It went oh to say
that tho boy was In good hands; that tho
treatment given him wus careful; that It
had cost tho parties a great ucni or
money to get him, and that they could
not think of returning hlai for less than
Mr. Jioss answered tno viiiiansmrougn
the samo paper, that ho bad not tho do-
shed sum, but would try and ralso it.
IIo then received another letter, which
reads similar to this:
'Wo know ou nro not worth much
money, but wo nro awnro that you havo
rich friends of whom you can borrow.
If you lovo money better thau your
child, Its blood bo on your, head.,"
"Any nttcmpt to ascertain wo cnuas
hiding placo will result in Its annihila
tion. Wo will 'turn tho child up' on
our owu terms. Wo know our busi
ness," nnd wo nro "going to Dgut it
Nothing that has occurred hero for a
long tlmo has excited tho community
hko , this Infamous procedure. Tho
parents, nsinay bo supposed,, nro uearly
distracted at tho loss ot their child, and
they havo sympathy of over ono. A
moro audacious or bolder 6oliemu wns
novor carried Into execution hero, aud
It surprises every ono.
On Thursday last Detectlvo Taggart
arrested Chris. Wooster, a well known
confidence man, lu this city, on suspi
cion of his being concerned in tho, ab
duction of tho child. Wooster has been
connected with n number of black-mall-ing'opcratlo'ns,
and susplolon has been
directed against him, but what testi
mony tlio detectives havo against him
Is not made knoyvu to tho public. Woos
ter wns taken beforo Alderman Smith,
who committed him to Moyauieuslng'
prison to await a hearing.
It Is expected that tho
south sthxet uniDon
will bo thrown open to tho public lu'a
lew weeiss. .11 oi lua inusumj nui
of tho brldco has beou comyletcd, and
All of tno masonry wont
tho east and west river spans arc being
erected. Tho draw lias not yet been
erected, but all tho material for tho
samo has been manufactured, and Is
ready to bo Dittoed in position. 1 Ills
bridgo will provo a great convenloiico
to persons residing lu West Philadelphia,
and will glvoagrcatlmpetusto building
Improvements iu the south-western por
tion of our city. Tho growth of our city
Is to tho north nnd west,, tlio southern
portion of our city not being desirable
lor a place of residence, and tho Dela
ware ltlver bclug closely uuut upon
Our city is In tho coutrol of a
as completely as Now York was when
Boss Tweed and his associates reigned
supreme, and thu public ilioneyls stpian
dercd lu a reckless manner.
A school. station. or enulne house can
not bo erected for less than twice tho
amount that a prlvato party could havo
them erected for, and when onco erect
ed, they aro generally In a tumble-down
condition In ii few veurs. A strong ef
fort wns mado here recently to makutho
city purchase a lot intho suburbs of tho
city, at an uxoruuaui price, upou which
to erect a school house, but the effort
wns foituuntely defeated, uuo or our
Councllmeu btnted that tho lot lu
n.ipstlon sold two vearsnco for two dol
lars a squaio foot, and tho price asked
the city was an advance ot three hun
dred per cent, moro than lots wero brlng-
linr llitl.O lie liuuornoou. iioiiisu oin;u
that tho Influence of a champagne sup
per was brought to bear upon him to
effect n sale.
Quo of our reservoirs, needing re
pairs, proposnls wero luvltud for tho
completion of tho work, and over twenty
u ds wero received uom couirnuiurd,
who wro anxious to recclvo tlio con
tract. Tho Chief Engineer of the Water
Uetmrtmeut awarded the contract to the
highest bidder, notwithstanding a re
sponsible patty offered to perform Iho
work for 1G0,000 less thau was given
this favored one.
Our Paid Firo Department has cosi
the city an enormous sum how engines
costing as much, iu oi)o year for repairs
ns was their original cost, ami oiuer ex'
uendltures being on u nuo scale.
Your correspouueiu wus passing u v w
weeks auo where our uew public build
ings nro being erected", and btopplng a
uiomeiit to watch tho workmen, his at
tention was called by a policeman, who
said ho was abrleklaycr by trade, to thu
bad quality ot thu mortar used In tho
construction of tho foundation walls.
Tho' nollcemnH dctaohlng a small piece
of mortar from the wall, and, crushing
It in his hand, said: "This mixture Is
totally unfit for tho purpose It is used
for." Tho mixture looked moro Hko
mud than mortar, and seemed destitute
of Hum.
recently closed hero, was not pecuniar!
ally a successfuloiie, nudltls to bo hop
ed that the chnrce of admission to places
of amusement will bu reduced for tho
coming season, which yll largely in
crease the attendance atiu receipts iu ail
our theatres.
Thealre-Koers aro tired of 'war prices,'
and feel that an ordinary play Is not
worth ono dollar to witness it, una con
sequently only star pel formers draw
crowded houses. One reason for tho
theatres not paying Is accounted for by
the Immense quantity of complimentary
tickets which nro given out, Thero Is
ouo of our theatres, whosu audience part
of tho year Is ono third Mead head:
and of courso the proprietors must mtike
up tor this loss.
Tho Chestnut St. Theatre, Is being
completely remodelled, and will ho fit-
ted up with every modern convenience.
Tnu animal piioTUCTiQN sociETV
Is doing a good work for the brute ere
at Ion. Formerly It was quite common
for horses to drop drnd bf re, during tho
n ..!. li yl I
warm weather, from being ovcr-drlvon,
a'nd from not receiving proper caro and
attention, nnd nulmalj of all kinds wero
cruelly treated, Tho Society has mado
a rovolutlon'in this matter, and If they
cannot appeal to the conscience of own
ers of tho bruto creation, they arrest nnd
flno them, nnd make thorn feel tho strong
power of tho law.
Drlnklui! fountains havobcen erected
on our principal thoroughfares, whero
horses and dogs can quench their thirst,
nnd an ambulance has been constructed
to removo horses who may bo sick or
met with nccldents. This Is. a uoblo
charity, nnd tho friends of tho bruto
creation, will bo pleased to learn that
tho Society is In nu exceedingly pros
perous condition
Yours truly, Modoc.
IMillndcInliln MtirKcis.
Friday Evening, July 17th.
. Tho money-market continues very
nulet at about former rates
Call loans rule at 0 to 5 per cent.
First-class niercantllo paper rouges at
from 5 to 0 per cont. per annum.
Tho markets Generally have been
veav nulet durlnc tho past week, but
prices of most of tho leading nrtlcles arc
lather firmer.
Tim Flour market has been modo:
ately active during tho past week, and
nr ees ar nil her inner, du luruue,
?4 00 to 5 00 ; extras, 85 to 0 ; Spring
Wheat, extra family, U 7j to 8 uu, nun
hlHicr trades at 58 8TA to 10 00.
Wheat continues dull and prices nro
unsettled. Common and choice red at
SI 25 to .1 40: amber nt $1 40 to 1 03;
No. 1 SDrinc nt $1 30: No. 2 spring at
SI 25. and wlittn snrlue nt 81 40.
Corn Is higher. Bales tw.uuu uusueis
southern nnd Pennsylvania yellow at
81 to 82c. and western mixed at the
fame llmiros. '
uats nro steady, Bates iu,uuu uusuuia
white nt-74 to 77c, andblack and mixed
at 72 and 74o.
Laid. Tho tono of tho markqt Is nrni,
sales of western, steam and l;ct
tin rpndered at 1131 to lYtc.
Eccs are lower. Penna. So to sue,
western 24 to 25c, per doz.
, prlmo timothy 125 to 135, mix- clothing and havo them mado up In first
1 new $1 15 to 1,25; Straw 85c to class stylo by Laury & Peters, (post
office building), Lehlghtou, Pa., who
ed aud
New Advertisements.
crn-nn-nfi rl.:'i.4 -d
BANK STREET, Leliighton, Pa.,
MILLERS and Dealers In
All kinds of QIM1N Bought and Sold
nt Regular Slarket Itates,
We would, also, respectfully Inform
our citizens, that wo aro now fully pro-
pared to supply them witti tno
From nny Mlno desired nt tho VERY
July 25th, 1874.
Stockholders of tho Iron'a Loan
and Julldlnc Association will bo held
nt tho Ofilce of tho Carbon Iron Co,, on
THURSDAY, August Cth, 1874, at
7 o'clock P. M., to pass such resolutions
that will eunblo the Uoard of Directors
to dispose of tho Monthly Income in
Dues. Interest. &e. In tho absence of
voluntary purchasers, or an opportuni
ty to-ln'vest tho same with profit In real
estate. The plan proposed by the
j'oard of Directors is lecommended to
tlio consideration of tho Stockholders,
In tho written application (y Laws,
Art. IX.. Sec. 3). callliiK for a special
meeting, to overcome this difficulty
wth which tho Association. Is now cou
a mil attendance is reuuesieu.
JACOll PETERS, President.
w. W. Bowman, Secretary.
Note Parties remitting their dues
by check, should- not fall to stamp them
l'arryvllle, July ll, iao,-wo
-pxotlco Js Hereby Given,
J-J To whom It may coucorn, That
Anthony Houser and Ann his wife havo
placed in tlie hands oc uio uuuerbigueu
ono Black-Ware nnd ono Oow, as secu
rity for tho payment of Execution' from
Adam iieer for $28.11 and Execution
from Samuel Klblor for $20.57.
JUUJN Uloihr.K.
Towamcuslng twp., July ll, "74-3w
Opposlto tho Public Squaic,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds of
C37" Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing
promptly attended to. nov.
PTinUK People of Lehlghton and vlcln
ltv nil unite In testlfyliic that at A .
J. DURLlNG'S.Drug and Family Sled-
Iclno Store, Poitn, Fuusu and Uhauul-
TKitATED .MEUicisrs can niways uo
found, may 0
" w AVhonover I get a Bottle of Bloom
of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Roso Tint,
a Max of Lillv White, or anything in
that lino to beautify tho complexion, at
uurung's Drug store,' it seems to uo
nicer and better than I cnU get any
where elsei may 0
TTUST look at her Hair! Why I
thought It was turning Grey? So
it was, until sho got n Bottle of that now
llalr itestorcr at uuriing's Drug More.
m-frOTIlERS, Look at that (7hlld, It
-"Ji- i)a9 Worms, Go or send nt once
to DURLING'S Drug Store, aud get a
uottloot his WORM SYRUP, so plea
sant aud yet fo sure. ' may U
"When in tho courso of wear and tear
of every day lira It becomes necessary'
to dissolve our connection with tho suits
that havo dono us so much services lu
keeping us warm and free from expo
sure, thero Is one placo whero we can
find consolation and a friend Indeed In
our distress. Yea, n placo whero wo
can safely put our trust whero thero'
is no need of fear that we shall bo cheat
ed, unsultcd or unsatisfied whero tho
fabric Is strong and tno mnnutneturo
superb whero the prices nro iust and
nnd, tho stylo nil that can bo desired i
There Is a charm about an easy, glovc-
fitting, elastic suit, that is seen mid oi
served by nil men. "Whero did you
get that superb suit of clothes?" "Whero
did you sccuro such a splendid fitting
garment?" Is often nsked. lucro are
mauy tailors, and a number of thorn
aro undoubtly fair samples of tho genus
uomo nnu also a crcuii 10 mu cruu; uu,
how generally tailors fall In tho fitting
of garments to tho human form; how
often n good plcco of goods Is spoiled In
tho fit; howsadly and dejectedly raanya
man wanders about tlio streets, loot
ing tho 8hnmo tho tailor has caused him
In allowing a poor Job to go out. of his
shot), nnd ho tho wearer of ltl Perhaps
his lady lovo has oven Jilted him lu con-
sequenco of his forlorn nppearauce.
lircttsinnKcg iiiunmn;
Tlio want of It tlio fellow.!
Not that n man Is less a man for wear
ing plain clothes, but when hols "dress-
ed.up" he should indeed bo dressed not
having Ills cloths bang liuo bags around
him, and wrinkled nnd dlstorcd In all
sorts of shapes, but. that ho should bo
clad In fitting garments. Tnsto should
bo shown both In. tlio colors and make
up of his suit. Many high priced goods
are af such outlandish colors aud styles
that a man's character Is Judged by his
foolishly selecting thoso odd goods. A
mau Is known by the company ho keeps,
and if lio insists upou fraternizing with
Ill-looking and Ill-fitting clothes, ho
will not make his "marl;," as n man or
taste, that's positive. To bo looked up
on ns possessing the requisite attain
ments of a tasty gcutleman, ho must
select cloths of suitable colors for his
havo a splendid stock toselectfrom, and
where you will obtain that symmetry of
fit so necessary to tho adornuioutof ,tho
person! Call and examlho tho most
beautiful assortment pf cloths, cassluiers
aud vestincs, ever brought Into Lehlgli-
ton, nndleavo your measure with Laury
& Peters. i.lorch 14, lsn
TAX for 1874, having been placed In
my hands for Collection, the Taxpayers
of tlio Borough of Leulghton are hereby
notified that said Tax must bo raid
Within 30 Days
from this date, or payment thereof will
bu cmorccd nccordinr; to law,
JUS. S. WEUU, Collector,
July 18, 18"4.-wa
Ono Jale and Ono Female Teach
er wanted by the Packerton School
Boaid; thu former to tench at Packer.
ton and the latter at Jamestown, l-.x
nnilnatlon dny August lbt, nt 9 A. M.
lu the Jamestown School House. Long
Term and Good balary.
C. w. iiamman, becreiary,
Packerton, July la, 1S74.
ouse and J. (it fur Sale,
Situate on Bank street, In the
'orough of, Lehlghton, nnd numbered
lit on thu pi nn or plot of said borough.
Thu Lot Is 33 X 18'J ft'et ; tlo. iloubo
Is three stories with, basement, 2-story
Y-l.-t 1 . . .1. ., tl.1l '..
jviieneil aim jici-esaiu y uuiuuiiuiUK, .kf
nevor-taillng wen ot water, oca. n is
nicely located for almost any kind of
business, being situate on thu principal
business thoroughfare. For price and
further particulars apply nt tills uuice,
or on tho premlsps to
July 18, 1874-tf
Livery & Sale Stables,
iiakic stkki:t.m:iik;iito., pa
And positively LOWER PRICES than
any otner .Livery in tno uoumy,
1ST Larco nnd handsome Carriages
for Funeral purposes nnu weiiuing-i.
tov.Si, 1673. DAVID 1-UUEUT.
rrnho undersigned'iect-
fully nnnounces that ho Is better
prepared tuan over 10 uuy nuu doh
C'uir nnd Sheep SIiIiin,
Tallow and
IMiislcrlns if. ill
at his Old Stand, nearly opposlto tho
uost ofilce. Bank Street, Lehfchton. :
EST Tho highest cash prices pad for
Hides and Skins.
nov. 22. C. E. GREENMWALD,
TjraUY IT I TRY IT I Tho Iudia
Rubber Plasters for a Weak Back
DURLING has them may t)
JUOYD II i:hi,
122 S. 9th St., Allentown, Pa.
Wit' furnlih Plana, Spaclfic.Ucn. anil Kstliuitea
filing eiact cost ot yuhlU aud private bulMloca,
froQ (1,0 plainest to the uioat eliburate; alto,
Dnwlrjga for SUIra, llaoil-llalla, 4c. j.13
JIQ1TY HIM? NO I That Electric
Liniment, Hko I got at Durllng's
Drug Store, will euro him or any other
ujan ot RHEUM. 1TISM and oil other
l'tlns, may 9
Of Itecclpts and Expenditures of' tho
Town Council of tlio v
Borough of Lehighton
For thn year ending Juno 30, 1874.
'E. II. SNYDER, Treasurer.
To amount received from
former Treasurer. i .98 02
To cash received from Thos.
Komeror. Collector , . . . 527 04
Toca'sli received from Win,
Komerer forigrass on Sq,
licenses and permits. . . .
To cash received from Win.
Keinercr, money liorro'd
000 (0
20 00
Circus Licenses
To cash received from Win.
Keinercr for surveys and
To cash received from Thos.
1.-.,.,,- riit.. -inm 79.
Total receipts $3703 08
Balauco in hands of Treasurer 7 00
By Orders paid .for grading,,'
rona rs. interest, maio- ,
llals, &c. , S278C 48
Bal. lu hands of Treasurer. . 7 00
$2703 03
Wo, tho undersigned Auditors oti tho
Borough of Lehlghton, Carbon county,
having carefully examined the1 nbovo
accounts of tlio Treasurer, find them
correct as stated.
July 18, 1874-W3
Administrators' Sale
Of Valuable '
Personal Property.
Will bo sold, at "public Salomon tho
premises, ' lato of ELIAS SIIIVE, iu
Boaver Hun. Mahoning township, Car
bon Co., Pa., dee'd, on SATURDAY,
JULY 25th, 1874. at Onfo'clock r. si.,
the following personal property, to wit:
G.helfeis, 2 bulls, 1 cow. 'l ox; 4 hogs,
1 platform scalo, 2 two horso wagons,
1 ono-horso wagon, 1 carriage, 1 sleigh,
1 log sled, 1 threshing machine, 2 cut
ting boxes, 1 fanning mill,, a quantity
of plno and hemlock lumber nud a vari
ety of other articles too numerous to
mention. Terms will uo mado known
at tlmo and placo ot sale, by
July 18-21 Administrators.
TjlNlssoIutlon Police.
Ja' Notice Is hereby given, that tho
co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween U.K. llausinan and F.S. Kuhns,
doing business in tho Borough of Le
hlghton under the firm namo of Haus
man & Kuhns, Is this day (July 14th)
dissolved by mutual consent. Tho
business will bo continued by Frf. S,
Kuhns, to whom all persons Indebted
to tho lata firm will make payment ami
thoso having claims will present them
for settlement.
Tho understand! respectfully Informs,
his friends aud tho public that ho Is
prepared to fill all orders for uroad
Cakes. Stcam-mada Ice Cream, .as., on
short notice and at low rates. Ho res
pectfully asks a contlnuanco of public
patronage. F. b. KUIINS.
July is, 18H-WJ
iNfioIutlon of Partnership
Notice Is hereby given, that the
co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween James Fatzlnger and' Uriah Kjfc
zlnger, doing business "under tlio firm
uniuo of J. Fatzlnger & bon, was ills
solved, by mutual conseut,- this 15th
day of July, 1874, Tho business in
Lclilguton will nurcaiter uo carried ou
by II. E. Fatzlnger,- aud In Welssport,
by Uriah Fatzlnger. Parties Indebted
to me uuo iirni ot d. raizinger its son
are requested to call at either storo and
settlo at once, aud those having claims
to present them for settlement.
Lohlgh'ton, July 18, 1874-w3
Tho unddrslgned heroby forbids all
persons meddling with the following
articles purchased by tho !ald under
sinned at tho Sheriff's salo of property
of S. II, Punlap, nud leased by him, to,
county, Pa., to wit : 1 sorrel mare, 1
bay horse, 2 butcher wagons,, sausage
cutler, butcher tools, and other articles.
All persons nro hereby forbid liied
dllng with tho Household Furniture and
1 Cow now In possession of Cellnda
Dunlap, of Parfyvllle, leased by tho
undersigned to her.
July 18, 1874-wS
Respectfully announces to the citizens
of Lehlghton and vicinity, that ho has
New Photograph Gallery,
on BANKWAY, (near tlio Lehigh Vol
ley Rnllroad Depot), Lehlghton,
and that he Is now prepared to give our
citizens Llfe-Liko Pictures at tho most
reasonable rates.
Particular attention paid to taking
Children's Likenesses. A Trial is
solicited. Juno 13.
New Goods and
New Prices ! !
announces to his friends and tho. citi
zens of Lehlghton nud vicinity In gene
ral, that ho hasXcased tho Storo form
erly occupioa by ll, A. Beltz, on
Bank St,; Lehlghton,
and furnished it with a very largo and
' . ' ' elegant stoct.ol
Dry Goods,
Oil Cloths,
Queensvaro, &c, &c,
of tho very Bost Quality, which ho Is
now prepared to offor at
Unpreccdontly Low Prices !
EST.A.'liberal 'sham of the publlo
patronngo Is respectfully solicited, nnd
entlro satisfaction is,guarranteed.
July 18 ' F. -P. LENTZ.
lei'cliiiiit Tailor,
And Dealer In
Qent'N Furnishing- Goods,
Constantly on hand n splendid stock ot
Consisting1 of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Casslmeres aud Vcstlnjts.'for.Meii's and
Boys! Wear, whloh I am, prepared to
Slako up to Order In tho most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles',- Misses and Children's
A' well solectod stock of French and
Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting,
Kill, l'cbblo and Grain Leather Boots
and Shoes on handj "or' ' .
Mailo to Order.
SI ats tf&Caps
Of tho .Latest Styles always oa handai
the Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tlio
American & Urovcr & Baker
Sewing Machines.
Only One Price for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
Tho undersigned Is now selling to the
citizens of Welssport and vlolnlty, tho
Family Floor $4.0(1
2M tale- - 3.25
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try it I
S31" nlULlKG of' every description
nt Reasonable Rates. Baggage taken
to' and from the ,ItaIroad,DQpots at the
shortest, uotico.
Near-tho Canal JJrldgo, EAST WEISS
FORT, Pa.' aprll-m3
Contractor & Builder,
l'Inus nnd, tppcclflcaHpHB
For all kinds of Buildings made at the
shortest notice
jr,o qn AKii'Es
Made for Plana and Specifications when
tho contract is awarded to tho under"
signed', A, EAOHKS,
Carriages, Sleighs, Pugglcn,
and ivcry dattatiptloUof
Umttov, Ta.
BEPAir.iKo rnosiPTLV attended to
At rcaaooaUe charges.
-rjroii!i) rry jwtMij, oiicita,B4
satlarietlou Ruarantoed.
Fli. 7, 1674, A. MJCKMAN.
EEUionvoiv, ieiviv'A.,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Glosswnro, Hardware, 4c.
May 31, 1873.