WP01 II. V. IUORTIIIMER. Editor and Proprietor. IMEPEMEMT---"I.1VJB3 AIO MET LIVE." TERMS: One Dollar a Year In Ativan VrOI XX., No. 30. lehighton, carbon county, penn-a, Saturday morning, july 25, 1874. SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS Lehighton Directory. Agent "W. C. Trellriel, Singer Sewing Machine and In mrance,neit to K. H. Snyder', Bank Btreet. Barber K. D. CVIDDOS, Glaring, Hair Cuttinsand Sham pooing, under Kxchange Hotel, Bank atreet. uooi anu siiuc finncri. Charles Yeniwr, nearly opposite the past-office, Bank itreet; also, dealer in Confectionery. Clinton Bretnej. in Levant building. Bank street. Confectioners. Hauiman k Kuhns, opposite Obert's store, Bank ... ill n.. vmrt AIM Z. II. Long, opp. LAS. Depot, Bank St., dealer in Hardware? Queenswarc, Ladies' Drat Goafs, fa U. A'.'ltoUi,' teuckera Block, Bank st, Dry Goods, Groceries, Qutuuwart, G&rptts, Oil Ooths d) Coal IS. II. Sujder, Bank street, Dry Goodi, Notions, Vrttsisooas, urvcerus, ywewwrt, xiaruKwytt, Drugs auid Medlclnei. A.J Dorllng.ilrst dooraboro l Bank treet OiUyjHiixUi Irumery, IUent Medicines, c. iiarawsre. JB, P, Cemttel, nearly 'opp. Exchange Hotel, Bank btuxtn Cultivators, Oils, Flints, Guano, fc. TThomos Mantt, " Exchange," cpp. PubllO Bqua.e, Bank st. lUronage solicited. K Funoiiure ivmreuonic 1V.,Bchwarta,Bank street, dealer in all kinds 0 Merchant Tailors. Clauaa & Bra, Bank street, and dtalertinQenti furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Oips, dc 'Thomas S. Beck, P. O. building,- Bank at., GtnVs Furnitldng Goods, Hats, Caps, School Hooks, die Milliner. Mrs. K. Fath. Bank it re it, 2nd door below the M. E. Church. Xotions And Trimmings Pliyalclana.and Bitrgcous. .Dr. C. U.Uerman, ccrner.of Bank and Irouetree Consultation in English and German. J3r. N. B. Keber,'tieU door to P. O., Bank street .Consultation in English and German. Provision. Jos. Obert, Bank st lacking, Citring and Smoking Establishment. All orders promptly filled. A. Fatslnger & Bon, Bank st, dealers in Flour and tbtsQroctries, bruits and Vegetables. waioamoMer ana uowcier A. 0. Dollenmayer, Bouth street, Above Bapk st. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Kings, dc TV. M. RAPSIIBR, ATTORNEY' AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, IReal Estate and Collection At'ency. Will Day and .'Sajl Ileal Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Col lections promptly made. Settling Kststes of De cedent, a specialty. May be consulted la English ind Herman. Nov. 22. JNO. U.EiEllTOL,ETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATJLAW, tone First National Bank Building, Jailloet MiUJCll CHUNK, r.i!fl. Slay be coniulted In German. apr 18, 1871 C. DIJUM1CK, iDlSTRlCT ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OOice, on Hkoadwat, first door below American y made. Nov. 23. M, JUULUERN, ATTOENEY AT LAW, JIAUCH CHUNK, I'A. Oct 18, 1873. X U.-DLMV1CK, AUCTIONEER, Jaat Weliiiiort, 1?b. N B. Sales of .very descrlpUon attended to at reasonable charges. The patronage of the public la respectfully solicited. Jan. 21, '74. JJUV YOUR BOOTS AND SIIOBScf Henry Campbell, East Weissport, WIipxp. von enu'alwavs net tha verv best urtlclo at the lowest price for cash. .Boots and Shoes made to order and neatly Repaired at short notice and rca. .sonablu terms.- apr ll-m3 E AGLS HOTEL, N. KLOTZ, PROP'R, Summll III11, Carbon Co., Pa. ,Aja.Bet of accommodations. Excellent res. itaurant underneath. Oood sUbllng atUched Terms moderate. US OnACOIQIST. 'Sr vttwvj nnTTTfv .intA. in rrA iiacco, Cigars, Pipes, &c., next door to Kex's Grocery Store, Susquehanna St., Mauch Chunk, respectfully asks tho people of Lehighton and vicinity, when vlsltliig that place, to call in aud try his Fracrant cicars, the very best In the market. Every articles In his Una warranted as repre sented and at lowest prices. mar28 CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Represented t Lebanon Mutual Fire, Reading Mutual Flro, Wyoming Fire, Pottsvlllo Fire, Lehigh Fire, and the Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse Thief Detective and Insurance Com pany. March 20, 1873. pS. M. FRITZINGER, Fashlonabln Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite T. D. Clauss' Store, BilNK STREET, LEUIQUTON, Pa., respectfully Informs bis friends and the public, that he has Just received a new and, pxcf llent assortment of Men's Wo- lueo s ana unuaren b ueaoy-uade Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, Wiiettiie 'will SJell at thaLowest Prices. HT Roots and Shoes made to order, and Repairing neatly and substantially one at abort notice. an 25-vl Railroad Guide. jq-ORTII PJSNNA. RAILROAD. r-assenfcers for Philadelphia will leave Lehighton fnllnv.l- tM a. m ,' via L. arrive at Phlla at 9.00 a.m 1:S7 a.m.vla L. 4 8. ' " 11.10 a.m. 7.39 a. m. via L. V. " 11.10 p.m. ll.OIp. m.vlsL.iS. 2.15 p.m. 11.02 p.m. via L.V. '. 2.15 p.m 2.27 p, m. via L. 8. " " sja p.m. 4.4J p. m. via L. t 8. " 8.20 p.m. Lit p. m. via. L. V. " " 8.20 p. m, 7JWp.m.vlaL.V. " 10.30 p.m. Uetnrnlnir, leave depot at Berks and American Etreets. l'hlla, at 7.00, 8.30 and 9.45 a. u 2.10 30, and 6.15 p. m. fare from lUtilghwn to Phlladefphla, t2.55. Feb. 1, 1874. MILLS CLAHK, Agent CENTRA ti R. R. OP N. J. LEHIGH 4 SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. Time Table of Juno 29, 1874. rains leave Lehighton as follows: Por New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Ac, a, 7.37, 11.07 a. m, 2.27, 4.47 p.m. For Mauch Chnnk at 10.15 a. m., 1.14, 0J3, and am,, n for WirUoc Barre and Scran ton at 10.15 a. m., 1.14, Itdurning Leavo New York, from station Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey, foa of Liberty street, North lllver, at5.15T9.00 a. m, 12.4), 4.0t i.m. Losvo rhlladflphla, from Depot North Penn'a R. II., at 7.00, 0.45 a. ui, 2.10, 6 15 p. m. Leave Easton at 8.30, 10.05, 11.48 a. m, 3M and 7.15 p m. Leave Mauch Chunk at 7.30, 11.00 a.m., 2 20 and 4.40 p. m. Stailon.: - r II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. ratungtr Agent. July 4, 1874. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, PHILADELPHIA t ERIE RR. DIVISION. Sumter Time Tavlile. On and after SUN DAI. HAY 31st. 1874. the trains on tha Phllada. & Erla II It. Division will WESTWARD. Fist Liiti leaves Philadelphia 12.55 p.m 5.00 p.m 9.00 p.m 10.1.1 D.in " IlarrlBourg " " Wllllamsport .rr ' VMk 1 1 ...... n EslI Mill, eaves Philadelphia 11.55 n.m " Jlarrluurg " " Wliliamport " Lock Haven " u Reuova 4.25 a in. 8.35 a m. 9.45 a.m. 11.10 a.m. 8.05 p.m. Elmiih Mail leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a.m 1.20 p.m 0 20 n.m. " llarnsourg " " Wllllamsport ml - , T V. , 1 If., UW&U1,U Niaosu Kxiaat leaves Philadelphia 7J0 p.m. 7.20 a.m 10.40 a.m " " " WlllUmsiwrt " Lock Haven " " " Renova " " arr. at Kano HIBTU'llin 2.05 p.m. 3 10 p.tn, 4.20 p m. VM a.m 1120 .m PmtA . EirEtss leaves Lock Haven Hiuiamspnrt " " arr. at Ilarrlsburg U 14 l,hllarfunl.t. 7.45 a.m. 11.4am, 3.35 p.m1 11.20 a.m. 9.15 p.m, 10.39 p.m. 12.10 a.m. 4 30 a.m. 0.15 a.m 8.1)0 .m. Eric SIail leaves Erie ' 44 Renova " Lock Haven " " Wllllamsport " -arr. at llarrlsburg EuiiiA Mail leaves Lock Haven " tv lulainsport " arr. at Uarrlsburg .4 ihll...li.t. 'JM a.m. ) .40 p.m 6.55 p.m. 9,00 a.m 4 05 p.m. 6 25 pm. 6.60 n.m. ItiAOAtA Eirasss leaves Kaue " lleuovo " " " Lock Haven " " u Wllllamsport " arr at Harrlsburir 10.55 II.U1. .... A umu,iium .ou k.ui. 2.50 a.m. -.-"v wuuniD cash aim week b r.rie wiia u 8 4 M 8 It Wandatlrvlneton with Oil Creekand Aiiegivuj IV IV. IT. Jlall W est with east and west trains nn L S 4 M a iv n. aua ai xni sndlrvlneton lth Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Elmlra Mail aud BulTato Rlprers make close uorth.aud at Uarrlsburg with NO R W trsln. outh. WM-A. UALDWIN.Oen'lSupt. rjlUOitlAS A. WILLIAMS. LADIES' AND QKNTLEMEN'S Fsshlonsble Boot and ShoeMaker, Nearly opposite the Post-office BANK BTREET, Lehighton, Pa. listing commenced business, as above, I would respectfully announce to the cltiiens of Lthlghton and ylclnlly that I am prepurwl to do all work In my line in the neatest aud most substantial man ner, at prices fully as low as tho same work can be oulued In Philadelphia. A splendid assort mentof CHILDREN'S and MISSES WEAR of tho best make always ou hand. A trial Is solicited and satlfactlon guaranteed. mr The trade supplied with all kinds of SHOE FINDINGS. at lowest prlcea. July 4,1874. pUcapcNt Place In Towul The undersigned respectfully Informs hlS friends &ml thn nttivanc t nanami that he lias Just received a largo and uicyuui, ussurimeui or WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER PLATED WARE, J ewelry, Gold Pens, &c. Wlileli he s offering at very LOW PRICES FOR CASII ! Also, Agent for the celebrated DIAMOND Spectacles & Eye-Glasses The very best in the market. JF. !Dcbordc9 Nearly opposite the P. O. , Bank St., Lehighton. June 0, 1874 PJU. N.,n. UBUEIl, PRAOTTPIVn ntlVSTnriW IMn onniu.... ----- . .wi.v.i . ., u ounur.uj, wnijnton. Pa. Office Hours Parryvllle eact rora 10 to 12 o'clock i remainder of day atom Lealgktoi. Novt,'' r : , - u.i..., u.v uwt . j , o lue rnsvoinee. Lehighton, Pa. office Hours Parryvllle each dsv ooiceio NEW DRUG STORE IN LEIIIGIlTOir. T. W. Senshaw Respectfully informs tho citizens of Le- hlslltOn anrl vIMnttV Mint. Iin lino ntmti- a Drug Store, In Stauffer's Dlock, on Bank Street, Lehighton, and that ho lias just received an assort ment of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Family Medicines, Flavoring Extracts.Perf umery.Coal Oil, Pure Wines and Liquors, For Medicinal & Sacramental Purposes. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c, which ho will supply at the very lowest price for Cash. Renshaw's Writing Fluid, The Best in the Market, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The attention nf nliomUtj to m;nii.. - ' - - u 0j.viaiiv ca I'd in tills nrrinln nMI, n,1,ll l t' i, I "...v..!, nunc ihis fully equal to the best in the market, is euiu iu m pur cem. less man any other. Oualitatlvn Cllnmlr-nl lfvnmlnnllm,. carefully made at reasonable charges. rnysicians- and Family Prescriptions carefully comnoundpd. tS The patronage of the public is vevy iv-scubiuuy euiiciieil. T. W'"nF.WMnAHT pr 11. Chemist and Druggist, BEATTY & PLOTTS Tho'Beatty & Plotts celebrated Gold. CU A.U1IUU is acknowledged by professors of music and celebrated organists to be the lead ing Parlor Organ now in use. Testi monials and cards of honor are constant ly being received In favor of them. We append a few and wish you to rend them : AxmoNY, N. J., Jan. 25, 1873. .Messrs Realty & Plotts, Gents Your Organ, sold me, gives entire satisfaction. It bcautv nf tntmmifl .f vln ,,f ..... m ( " j . w . niuniiiau. snip are seldom If ever surpassed. Wish- ... juu duvvuo in yuur uuMiiies, j. am, with respect, Prof, M. II. Beatty. Sitamokin, Pa.,Feb. 11, 1874. I have one of Beatty & Plotti' Golden Tongue Organs. It 1 an excellent in strument, finii rnnn otifl full n,..,n. r like it better (ban any I have heard! AI. II. hahpkl, M. D. Laury's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. I have lin.il llpnttv & TtifQ. rt- , , . ... . - j iwwo vyiuivil sIlco August 14th, 1872 ; It gives the lllchest sattsfni'tlnn. anil In. ,.n, n that it was recommended by the prop'rs tlOU HENRY. Slatinqton, Pa., Feb. 0, 1874. Eeattv.; I'lntt lfl, n v in better than the Standurd, and it gives better satisfaction, as I find In my trav els. Prof. Fit. V. Mavbi. St. Clair, Pa., Dec. 6th, 1873. v.-. j x 1UV19, UC1IV3 A haverccptvpil tlm nmmi nni ... firm to me, and I have had It examined, and It gives ample satisfaction. lion. John Siney. Mahanoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1873. Tho Beatty & P.otts celebrated Gold en ToEPUP. I'nrlnr Oman la lit, tn- !,. best Parlor Organ In uso. I have care- muy cxamiuta it, and find Us tono, workmanship and durability to bo tlit, best f uvpr Rnw. nml I nan will, nlu.. recommend it to any in want of a first. tiaao junur organ. J.TOI. u. 11. UNOEH. Messrs. Upattv Plnlta nt v.ci,ir, ton, N. J., aro gentlemen of enterpri!.e, and whose presence would be a credit to antrrYitmnunlt.v rTTn.lruiicfn,n. j , v - " " . . " J., Herald, 1872. WAsniNOTON, N. J., Sept. 5, 1873. Tn Itntwrr. rnr,ran ll.ttlct.llla V nn. - - ... f, .... , Au.v4,...v i aui happy to state that tho Instrument gives entire sath.fact.on, not only to myself but also to the teachers of the Seminary itev. A. M. Jelly. Wft Rftv. nftnr -nrafnl nn.H n. tierlmellt. it 1st with nlpnnnru nin lufrn- duco the "Golden Tonizue," knowlnt! it possesses manj advantages over all others manufactured. Tho tone excels in fullness, mirltv. anil tli lliniic,n,,lo of testimonials which aro being con. stantly received, aro evidence that our pffnrta hnvn h..pn ntntna,. I., cnaao..l For particulars and Price List, address ' BEATTY & PLOTTS. Feb. 21-Om Washlncton. N. .1. "A Xeartr Jrproiimalim to tfte REAL SWAN Man Anything UUherto Inttntal" Tho coxsiaxut l.icnr.m.10 sale of the SPENCERIAN D0UULK ELASTIC I Steel Pens I Is owing to their tuperior writing qualiliel, as at tested by theedltorlal endorsement nfnv,. . nnn papers, and by Merchants, Lawyers and Rankers wuuuui numuer They are all made of the best Steel, In the ,, T r . " . wyrameu in urot. Hr Silt by all lkakrt. 1 ." 2b acamiHcdat4 Moi Kha may with to tn "'JU'VH'' Mnd ". c,,rrf containing one ,acl qftke IS tinml.ru,lymal,Qnrutiptcf2te ivison, uiBKeman, Taylor & Co.. i 138 and 1W GRAND SIR bKl', N. Y. I AprUa,J87i. ! III AY ASIIL.EVS RINf3 "You haven't answered my question yet, narry Slml I suppose, then, you cannot answer !t, so all there Is for us to do, Is to part." They were walking by the river side, mat still September night, Jfay Ash ley and Hurry Sim. The mellow moon hung high In the heavens, and shone down upon tho broad, rlpnlinir river. and the far stretch of meadow-land be yond It, and tho lovers standing to gether by an old tree, that witnessed so many Interviews In years that it had rustled and whispered thoro by the river path. May was but seventeen proud, Impa tient and sensitive. There was a hasty flush upon her pale, pretty face, and a stormy light in her eyes. Harry Sim stopped, and took both tho tender rest less bands in his. "You don't mean it, Mayl You are angry now, but you surely cannot mean tnati" "Cannot I? Yon think, then, that I am so much your slave that I will sub mit to anything you choose to say or dol I will show that I can live without your favor or your smiles. I can go away from hero and strike out a path for myself, lou may marry Hattle Gray, if you prefer her to me, and I will never- " "Now, May," interrupted Harry, mere is somo mistake, l think I can explain " "No, it is to late, now, you must not try I I gave you a chance, aud you would not. I see you do not care for me as I thought you did when I let you put tins ring on my finger," she said drawlug It off as she spoke, ."and I will never ask you for an explanation again!" Harry was growing angry, ne did not suppose May was In earnest, and it provoked him to bo set so coolv aside "Just as you please, Mayl" he eald drawing back. You are in a strauge mooa to-night, and will not listen to reason! Rut what are vcuroIiic to do?' he asked as she drew her shawl about her and turned awayj "you are not go ing?" "Yes," she answered, turnlne and showing a face from which all color had failed, leavlnc It white still, "yes. I am I am going where you will never see me again. You will see what I can do to win a name and fortue for m vself. And I will never forgive the heartless way you nave treated me!" ".Never In a lontr time. Ma v." TTarrxr earn sun incredulous; "don't say any- u . - ining you will be sorry for." "No, I will not," she renllcd. sneaklnc slowly and firmly. "I'll take that 'never back " biio stepped to the river side, and tossed the ring she had drawn from her uncer, far Into the litiDllncr wave "When you bring that ring back to me irom tne river, then, and not until then, will I forclvo voul" Ind before tho astonished vouncr man could answer, she had turned, and was flitting up the liver path. Then a look of pain and apprehension camo into ins face,and be looked eager ly and wistfully after tho vanished girl. "May, May, como backl" bs cried "don't leave me sol" But she did not turn, and ho would not follow. Aud so, for a moment anger, theso two who had loved each other wen, wero parted. "She will bo sorry and como agai to-morrow," ho said to himself, as he reluctantly turned homeward. "Jfay Is proud, hut sho loves me to well to cast mo off llko this." So the next night found him an anx lous watcher by the river side. But no slender, graceful form, and proud pale faco was there to meet him, and though he camo night after night, honevor saw her any more flitting down the path to the old tree. Then his pride gave way and ho sought hor at a dreary boardlng houso in the villago. that bod been hov only home since she came there two years before, a homeless orphan. "No," Jlss Strong replied. In answer to his Inquiry, "May Ashley ain't here. Slio got through dress-making for Mrs. Campbell turee days ano. and went nff. Sho didn't say where she was going, and as long as she paid her board I didn't care. She's a stuck-up plecel" with a toss oftliehead, which showed that May was no favorite. He went from thereto Mrs. Camnbnll. a stylish young widow. Sho met him with her uinst rlinrmtnr. umiiu i. cbaused when ho made hla Inquiry. Jim valuer uiu aoi ten mo whore sho was going," sho said coldly, "Sho left without a causo. I should havo been willing to employ her longor, for she was a good seamstress, though too Independent In her way. .Out as she ioid without consulting mo. I did not choose to inquire Into hor affairs. Ho turned away with a doapairlng pain at his heart. She had gono, gone In anger and bitterness, jealousy, that he might so easily set riant, but for a teasing Impulso and a passing touch of resentment, uono without leaving a single trace to toll where he might find her. Gono without a kindly word of forgiveness or farewell out In the wide. wide world, with only her fair faco, her proua, tenaer heart, her slendor. child ish hands to fight tho stern battlo of Ilfo alone. "I havo lost her myllttlel" ho mur-' mured, as ho stopped at, the tree ouco more. "X never knew how much I loved bcr until nowl" Six years later, one November nftpr noon, May Ashley tolled wearily up the ong stairs to tho lawyer s office, where sne wonted at copying. She glided.into her accustomed seat but paused a little lijfnr ratrtnr i a t before taking her pen into her tired nngers, and rested her head uDon ncr nand. Six long years! And the fame and the fortune wero still so far awav. Ami the girl of seventeen who had looked tha future in the face, and rushed forward 60 eagerly to meet It, had learned somo nam lessons since then. It camo over her with a floor! nf lections as she looked out through the ousty windows from her high soat, over the tall house-tops to tho far bluo skv beyond. The parting by the river side irom tne one true love of her llfo-time j the anger that burned fiercely foralittle timo, men died out, leaving only pain and regrets; the lone, sincln-handp.il fight with poverty and discouragement, tin tna bravo heart nearly broke; tho lack of appreciation for the best endpav. ors; the years of want and toll; the passionate longing for tho lovo and tenderness she bad so hastily thrown away; tho slow wasting of the years that, after all her glowing dreams, had only brought her, at last, to a place where the grinding hool of poverty no longer pressed; where, bv natient. constant effort, she could be sure of a livelihood of tolerable comfort nothing more. Was It nothing more? Yes. tbovears had taught her worthylessons, tho fiery heart and passionate will of vouth. had given way to womanly sweetness and strength; tho palo faco that bent over mo books, had won from those a stern teaching, a better meaning than the sparkle and glitter of youthful beautv : for tho olden willfulness, It spokn now of patience; for the olden restlessness It told now of peace She took tho non In her lingers and began to write, but her thoughts wero far away. Spite of ail her efforts, there would come between her eyes and the paper, tho shadow of a inuo luu&iiig at ner inrougu tne stillness of the September night, with love and D,,..,.tnn anj i. i ... , . eu.ua.au nuu acjjiuuvu 1U IUU IlOneSl brown eyes. For the thousandth time the lover of the girl had seemed to come before her, looking as ho had looked when she turned from him In antrer to seo hlai no more. A sigh roso to her lips. "Of course, he has forgotten me! He has married no doubt 1 willnot think of him again." She resumed her writing, bnt the sound of voices In tho Inner office dis turbed her. The employer was there talking with somo gentlemen who had come in with him. Usually, May did not mind this, thoucb she could hear their volcesdistlnctly, but this afternoon sue was in a uiuerenc mood, and that she might fix her attention more close! v upon her work, she roso to close the door. As sho did so, a nan.e dropped fromheremployor's lips, caucht her ear ana neia ner speii-bounc. "There, Harry, you will find thesa papers all right. Quite a nice little for tuno for a young man llko you. You'ro a lucky fellow." 'That's what I tell him," saldanothcr voice, "but he don't seem to appreciate uib goou iuck. 110 looks as If ho wern going to tho gallows instead of coming into a nice fortune." 'Tho fact is, Harrv."sald thelawvnr 'yon havo burled yourself In that coun. try place so long, you don't know how to enjoy life. In the first place you must go Into society more, and the next wing marry. There are plenty of clrls - d - " 1 that would like to lift that doleful look uuu . eiwuio ior a j young man like yon to mopo UlmseU to death. Come alone witli mo to dinner. and I'll introduco you to a splendid elrl my wife's nleco. "Thank you," replied a autet volco. that mado May's heart stand still, "I bellevo I am not so stupid always, but I happened to fall Into a brown study Just then. As to tho young lady," ho added lightly, "I will not trouble you, for I am a confirmed old bachelor. It would be a nltv far lip.rtn throw lipraatf away on a dull fellow llko mo. oven If sho would bo willing to sacrifice herself, which I doubt." "Nonsensel you are over modest," returned the second speaker, moving his chair as he spoke, until he sat Just by the door where May could seo him. It was out of tho question now to shut the door, and she could only seat her self once more at hor old place, with a bewildered feeling at-heart, and a mist before her eyes. As the vounir man moved, a sudden ray of tha sun flashod upon his watch chain, and glittered downward until It lit upon a quaint little ring suspended from it. The sudden snarklo caucht Sim's eye, and he bent forward eagerly I i itm a . n "That's acurious rlngyou wear, Rey nolds," ho said in a husky voice; "where did you get It?" Reynolds laughed. 'There lies tho charm. The findlnir was so curious I keep tho ring to tell of it. I found it iu tho stomach of n fish. May leaned forward with a stianee. giddy feeling In her brain, and tho room grew dark about hor. But she would not move or sDeak. "How long ago was It?" sho heard Harry ask. "Well, a matter of six years or so: ana by tne way,faim,lt was the Autumn I spent In your town. It was tho nest fishing I bad that year, I remember." The roomgrew darker about May, but sno wouiu not movo nor cry. In a trembllnc volco Harrv asked: "tjouid you be induced to part with it?" "Oh, certainly." Reynolds replied. detaching It as bo spoke: "if you fancy it you can nave it, and welcome. I often thought " The sentence was not finished, for Just then tho three wero startled bv a sudden fall. "It Is Kiss Ashley, my copyist'." tholawyorexclalmed, as they hurried into the room together, "she has fainted; she has worked so hard this year, and I have feared she would civo outl" And Harry Mm, coming near, saw in the pale, care-worn face, the girl ho had lost and mourned for so long. "She is recoverlnc." ho said, raislnir tho slight form tenderly, with a thrill Of thauksslvlni! in his heart, "pet nnmn water, please. Hardlnel and Reynolds. call a carriage! Miss ashloy ls.au old friend of mine, I will take carolof her." Tho two astonished men left tho room to comply with his rcnuests. and when mo urea eyes opened, May found her self In tho arms of tho only roan she had I "iv"u oo "u ever love1, ni9 tace wa3 14 ""l? saider I and nldnr. hut. thn nnmn lnvA 1ni-n.l mif and older, but the samo lovo looked out from the honest, faithful eyes. "Yes, May," holding the ring so strangely recovered, "the river has given it up, and now you must forglvo me; I have watted all these long years, and" I will never loso you again!" Ani he never did. PEARLY PnoVEIlBS. Many a man'n vlcoshaveat flrsCbeen nothine worsa than good qualities run wild. When the tree Is fallen every man goeth to It with his hatchet. To a gentleman everv woman Is a lady, in right of her sex. Diligence is a falrfortuno and industry a good estate. A laugh Is worth a hundred rzrnansi In any market. Whenever tho speech Is corrunted. sn is tho mind. 'I don't believe it ralnd and forty nights.' said nn unbflllfivlnc boy to his mother, 'and that story about aoaa ana nis ark, how could Noah bring all the animalsand birds from tlm four quarters of tho earth, and not a railroad or a steamboat In tho whole world?" A Scotch clergyman. nreachW nno day, quoted tho passage: "And I said In my hasto that all men are liars;" and nMpH "IVImMa -sr. . . 1. ..... li vuai, .u t , a aaimial Said It In your baste, did you? nad vou uvea in our day you would have said It at your leisure."