. Ill Ml Wl I U.mA-UJJlJliaJlUUiJILM.L4l B. M 11UI 1 1UMWIIJJW1 MVomati Know; One folnt Illirtliaiilli Devil.' If you want ta.know bowtho natural bridgo was built across llio Jlynach river in Wales, this Is tlio true story: Onoo upon a timo an old woman had a cow that foil on tho Crom Torder mountain, and caino home night Md morning to do milked. Ono ovcnlns: sho did not come, and tho old lady, nnichtionblcd, went to fetch her. IVheO ' slid camo to where the Jlynach 'Hows between two high rocks, she saw the cow on the other side. , , Tiicu aim set up a loud lamentation', for sho saw tbo cov' could llotcomo to Iter, and sho could not go to - tho cow; for tlio liver could not bo crossed, mid it was nday's Journey to go rouud. Tn this strait tho devil appeared. 'Sol sol you've lost your cow, old lady, havo you? Never mindj I'll build a bridge, aud you shall go fetch her. "Thankee- kindly, Sir; I'll bo -much obliged lo you If you will,' and sho curtsied low nnd with great huaiillty. 'To bo suro I will;' nnd hn cast a look at herout o thecornerof lib eye. 'But tho cow is worth something I must havotolljkoep that dog qulet,cap'tyou?' for tho old woman had a cur dog that kept on growling and grumbling. 'Ilarkio, old lady if I build you tho bridge, I'll liavo tho fir.it that crosses it. Is It a bargain?" Sho was oorely troubled. If sho went over for tho cow, sho knew that elio iiad sold herself to tho devil; and If tho cow canio to lior, sho lost her cow. 'Bridge or no bridge?' said tlio devil. 'Build tho bridge, sir, if you pieasp.' 'Ay, ay," said tlio dovil, 'it's very easy" to say build tho bridge, but d6 you ogreo to tho t(4Jt" Ye3; sure, sir,' replied tho woman. "With that tho devil put both ills fore fingers to his mouth, and gavo a shrill whistle; and thcro was tho bridgu i suro enough, aud tho devil sitting on tlio middlu of it, smiling away liko clock work, rocking himself to aud fro, aud switching his tall with great .satisfaction. Tho old women shool: liko an aspen leaf, but sho took a crust of bread from her pocket, aud shoeing it to tho dog, throw it over tho bildgo and passed the devil where ho cat in ihu middle. - 'Whip that dog!' said tho devil; for ho was cut lo tho quick- at beliig'outwltteil by tlio old woman; but lie did not want tho dog, and ha did not try to stop lim, and tho bridge was crosud and tjio spell broken. IIo was mortified utid angry, but being a gentleman, ho arose nnd doffed his cap to tho old lady for the keen respect tlio keeu- and having done so ho hung his tall, mhch hum bled, and walked away. And tho old chronicler who records tills fact comments thus on tholncident:' 'It must bo acknowledged that fcatun behaved very honorably and kept ils word which is more then men 'alway b do. .K'MISCKISIIHY-:' :iii , Opposite, h.'& S, Depot, , ' On tho Bait Vcissport Canal Bank, lifispentfully Informs tlio citizens of (ids vicinity that iio keeps constantly tin and, iiiul Is selling at tho very lowest Market Trlcus, thu, very best brands of '( ALSO, DEALliU IN For Zullding and other purposes, which ho guarantees toi bo Thoroughly Seasoned And to Bell at tlio VEBT LOWEST HATES. 7 ? o o Wholesale and lietail at tho very Low- , e&t Cash Prices. No !;;.s also a number of very eligibly located iiMcliinir3L& in RICKEUTSTOW2T, Franklin Twp.,. which, ho will sell on very Easy Terms, aug. I), "T3-yl J. IT. ItKJKEItT; t 1 I , WILLEAM 'KEMERER, Corner of Bank & South Sts., Lshighton, Pa., Keeps a full lino of ' Comprising Ladies' Dress floods, Black and (Co!orcd' Alpacas, Ginghams, Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &c. of every grade aud price.,' CARPETS Al.ii OIL CLOTHS, In grct '- v.uUrty. FeS"Lf5SSEl Teas, Coffee,", Sugars, Spices, Fruits, llnms. Shoulders, Slde-Moat, &n. Salad forboicdpi'cplo Litturo aloho. A musical burglar Ono who bro alts' Uto a tune. The tcntluel who did not sicep on his watch had left it at tlio pawubroker'sl If your wife runs away, don't you run after her, for if you-'do,, thcro will, bo two fools in tho ehasu. Naturo provides no reserved seat for tho rich aud daintily reared. When thero is ico on tho pavement, they sit where they can. Judgo Jeffreys, pointing with his cano at a prisoner beforo Mm, observed "Thcro Is a great roguo at tho end oj this stick." Thuuiaruerllcd, "At which end, my load"? "I bcllovothejuryhavobeen innociila- t2d for fctupidlly,"tatda lawyer. "That may bo," taid tho opponent, "but tho bar aro of opinion that you bad it lu tlio natural way." ' Quito a nutubrr of young men in Le higliton aro attending a night school whero Latin is taught. Atloastwo judge bo, as wo saw a crowd the bther evening who had got as.far as VJIlc" Dr. Adam Clark bad a perfect abhor rence of both pork aud tobacco. Ho U leportcd to have said; "If I were to offer sacrifice to tlio devil, it should bo loasted pig stuffed with tobacco," A sophomoro flayt, ho cannot under staud how any ono possessing what Is geneially known ns a comcienco can counterfeit a five-cent flleco, aud put on Ihu back of it "In, God we trust." Drydcu was w bound iu tn ills books' Hint his vvlfoescialmed: "I wish I were a book that I might always bo in your society." "I with you weroanalmanao, ho I could clmngo you every year," re plied he. Ho went back on his own truo lovo, because sho ate onions, aud tho .Jury gavo her $0,200 damages. Toast at a railway dluncr: "Our Mothers, industrious tenders, though tlioy oltdi luispUiol tliu swl Julys. " A llttfu toy was atked about the story of Joseph, undjU hu know what wrong bis Ijiollrttn dime In disponing of him, when ho replied "J, UitOjK they .bold him top cheap," , . , A givtinlHirn sat n long time very at tentively musluj:!iiMju a ome-UttUom cb.ilr. At length he saM, "I wonder i .t i, l.iw took Ihu trot bin to fii d a'l i .i '.n l.di'a and put s.n-.w mound. Bought, Sold fjr Exchanged ; H'AEDWAE.E For Building and other purposes , In lgrcatvaUety,nf ,tholbps5liualIty. All 'ioods warranted as renresenfed aud prices fully as low as elsewhere. April 5;lrj7:i-yl - . .. I A tnca ". ta.fi . ,. G MB l mem- mafl. 'i ' . . i I".''"' ."'I ' Wpuldi.cspcctful and - lite frloTtilu oti ... 'H'"" ...... iuo puunc m genoiai, mas no uas open ed a flrbtrdnss Livery & Sale Stable, and that'liocaji furnish.IIes, Bugjtlcs and CarilAge's of Hip bet description,, fyr Pleasurp, Business, or .Funeral ptu- po.ii;s, at very neahouamo uiiargcs, and on s,hoit notice. ,IIU.TM(i dono at short n,oUcb and pn sboi't notice. In connexion nu viu,;;ioo coutuuoiiii3 Cfirriage 'Manul'actor y wliern tho people can get their 6'auiagcs JSuggles, .Wagons, etc., maue to outer, or ULPAIKKU on short 1101 ico and r.5 ;-eniiouablo piicqs. Tho undersign'cd x-csi;rctfuly'-nn-nouncC3 that bo has been njtpdinteil Agent for tho , Uiiivej:so,l Wringer , '; AND Doty'sOlothesVtT asher. Tlicso nro uiidqt)btedly'llio best Wa'.i cra and Wringej-s iij tlio mai);et, and our ladles arq Invited to call and bee thqm. , ' L. F. Kleppinger, Cor.'ZK and Jlio.V Streets, Feb. 22, 167U. Lohlghton, P,-. ,1 ! mii facta riiV CAW " 'r II i.(;'. 50, Dollars,! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, , MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY, Buy the .World-Renowned WISS S3UILDER,a COWTRACTOn DASK EXJSUfcT, l.UIllGll'l'O.N'.l'A. Ilespectfully announces to tho citizens of Leldghton aud vle'nlty that iio is ilow prepared to coiItr.ict for tho elec tion of dwellings, chinches, school houses, nnd other buildings. Al-o, that ho, keeps coustantly on bnnj a full as sortnient of'eveiy description of consisting of flooilng, siding, doors, sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, Ao,, which ho Is prepared to fuiulsh at thu very lowest matxet rates. i'atronago respectfully solicited. W. It. HEX. Leliighton, May 17, 1373. ly , i'ilf I .in i Save 20 Per Cent. 'i : '. . M ii . v,ri."U i ! n.lj (i1, if ii J r ) ! p ,v. ' ""''ivsi.i' ,1JJ:epU'igJ9irNr.r'. ' i' i f.h,il. r ! i!) is'll ii . -j .ii' ,.t ;:-! ii i ni i; ) . ' JOB , EhRINTING .I' . '.f i i! ' : i ,!',. i ; f : i '..' i i ... : ,.T, ' t- I I! .7 ! Dono at tho OfflcooMho ,ai9Ssoi3 AdVocato, IN HEINTIELMAN'S.'BUILDINa, Bet'.' tbo I'. 0. linj I.. K. II. ni'Dct, f.eliigltton, Cnrliou1 Co., Va. i'i..."i . ' ' "Ml' . ' -I, '.. . ..; f. - Wo 'have just received a largo and ele- ' 11 gaut asiortiu'ent of '" -' ' HEW' 'SrSCWM'c Of tbo latest .styles ; together with a ' supciior stock Of ' ' ' 'Oliarles, Trainer Ilosppctfully informs tlio peo-plo of Lo Ulyhton that iio has mot Exctjlcut Pluar lor Sal o : Also, good PKKD k all' Wnds,' hnd bTl'.AW iu tho uudlk)".' Ho Is also prepared to do any kind of Hauling- aricl Plowing- at short notion. vgL'o) , i.. jiawh. as-iy BEST IN THE WORLD! CSTlio Highest Promiuui .was awarded to it at Ohio Stato Fall' Norllievu Ohio Pair; . Aniur1. Institute, N. V.j Cincinnati Ksposltion; Iudlana;ielts I5xpasitiou; St. Lcuta Fair ; Lor.islana Kiato Fair; ' Hl3iss:ppl Stato Tairj and Georgia Stato Pair; .1., FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and dolds the ia'rgt-st 'and' h6st , raiigo or iverk. All(.otlier. , Machines 'in tlio 'Market' .,. iwcyo .in direst 'zS"For ilcmming,J?ell-ilig,SbitcJu7ijJr-Cording, Binding, Braiding, JJJmdroidarmg, Quilt ing and Stitching -fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Whore vro havo no Agonta; wo -will dolivor a Machine for tho prioo naraocl above, at tho nearest Bail Road .Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, &o., and Copy of tho Wilson Reflector, ono of the best Poriodicala of tho day, devoted to Sewing Ma chines, Fashions, General News and Miscollanj. Agents Wanted Mm. Mw Hacilne Co. CJDEVELA.ND, OHIO, OF 3f THE GlffiAT REMEDY FOR CARDfJ, BILLHEADS, 1 1 .ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPEK, Aud a variety of other A. ' MATERIAL, which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation ns bns boon proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by tho proprietors. It is acknowl edged by ranny. prominent physicians to bo- the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for tho relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to tho public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy .cure in tho ' most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Soro Throat, Pains or Sore iicss in thq Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lunrrs, &c. "Wistar's Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave' tho cause behind, as is the ! case with most preparations,' but it loosens , ' an,d cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rr.Ei'AnEn nv BEIK W. ?CRIiE & SOWS, Boston, Mass., An.1 noia hp Prugalu mlDaakreEcnera'ly. a t. j UEWA11D for an incurahlo fiMBrllDsB ("" of Cuwili- iiit luvln' riV7tyW J.ir, di ui-ln-r.-J, , nj;n-tl. ! iwK" cd. nAt ind i;'i5 ol 11 jiiurciitl.y ,itl..i'.i. tion in jour n-H'lot-s wilttivom tJ :iol r. 1 lot 1'iom i.itairh. i',IJilr-' AlliiVLitpriu i-pnJJni lo lh ret lone, 'llio Mthy m.iH 61 iniduui ivill ln li.iut.nl'.ttelr uijiell ed. miilllio In (1 in il mii ho m tlt.nl. Illu ejeit n ill liiMltt) (1 i::lii. tlie I.- i.l f.H n illli'iil a';.iln; 1. .pa ...Ir.r.r .. 1 fit' I l IIuW.IIim IImI Ul' 5 i is njiritf.il. if, i .fin ..yrniiu ith iuiu ivnicity. T1 B. MUCH lias been said B ' HS)iH'il'IS?l i't 'iflil'Mn'Rnil 'inanr if- the ri-UefiinU i nuiorilni.'tillunifn, itl-i i b.lt hoililn; lt.i lini uiluiily feHMCiiriil. of-ilh t4llicitMn.l ;l lUo ulubilty, a lliiV I'lifOt una j.iin iiuaR-i-. And can now giv& our patrons first- class work at'rrices' at least ' '' -'2G-Per: Oeht'240W.eiv itt. .ciairif, ' uiuitrr I- J" 'j't'i..lij'lf) - '. i .' .il!lll li'l I. '. .)., .ul t)-"l -7Si'r UCii iju'.l.'...i Thari' any other Omcc'In llil'a section, t ' i .i . i -i.! . , . li'J.lit -Wi.' -it; IP b J 1 "' ' .is- i ; iM i . i i i" ,i. .. .in tii'' ' T. '. i ' i ii . .: irin'.' : . : Give TTs a Trial, and bo' Convinced. , t3?"Tha patronage of tho. .public is respectfully solicited. i n,.i . i..'i. . v i'iv :t I : .1. i " it -'' ' '. ..I . ' . e I . in .' .It. '-1 .i i' ..rwi'a. -tl'- TEJE 'CARKOrff' ABiVOCltTE, f i ii i. ., A 31-colunin Lbcal PapcrJ and'tlid Auiy Klitlrelj" Printed lu the County,1 Ispublislicd overy Saturday mora In pa $1 a Year in Advance, Or $1.50 if not paid in advanco. Tho Advooate, with its largo aud lu . creaslD; circulation, is ono 1 ' of tl:o very T1-tnnri7Tlrc oxcruclallng pain a jVlotv PS 14 Z. riojf ifi foin.. 'the iiiidHB. vva.iajo inowlniaiiatKin annlon-, Hie ntf. in-filnin" Mill fiolh In .16 vln- N ills. clliniu ihi Ui'-..rjjUi"7O'ij'luuH0 (V, voiitiio lun: IbtTO li 4 nrt'.' Jlil'ry ti.ru nud llnnlou lluiil4' n.i t .iflj at otni-h 1 ojiiKnimln, ljiit mu jiiliiil'lu, Mtliiiii4 uii'l illftiul, mul jiislly mlilf i.tii'i''''. Inry h imJ p'i n.M f 0111 un np )Miillto publii;. 'I 1 ('iu.-t0vu 1' nlii-.ilil' olnt nit'ul: Intni'i'.'.ito i lUii U obui'iej by lm nipllca tlotl.Hll't it f lll'l'iilllVfly IIHH tllturfltr.li't'1 of J'.iliued.oni'-', livllmantl uuiX-nliiimliiil liuulon, 11.0 silftt liliLep; (tni llifV t nmrtiiMTnnWIitc'iS, tto uvst titU'U-tvp'tnllW'Ulciio'i luo-iolMOFhi'l.ii oftho Wet: uiiyiu.ill'jd lu Ibu curp vi clillillil inx orlitilVil r'Hl.'l,liOAlUt.lt('l"tVn''Crdhiiiy ronin ami ineveiitlng tlifii',tviin.itloii Is ati.otilely uii iilU3?l(-il by niiytliiligfvtkocftn. AfiU forililj; Keuieatu., 'TiiMiw.i'Vliiir. GBS !i hei'V'WS ALL VKUV WELL, H 8 llS iM 1 14"" notitiiUi,liai'n,il, iIijiiM'i JO. AUiUKJ (t,rf fofiai.e pit. yt,r,'in r- lion, lit li''itlk'iatti m'frf'r a-ltytrit mm Any'ij, T Ve oi') 'I ,''i'i'l 'tl.'i in' crrnilfil be i.uirh tvoi , n( i'"" . lim '.' 'I m.'i.'.f " '.'.'.iiVhiiW tl vuji mtn-itul UiiUiuh i.'.nnV aiW iii,inj jhI'k. '(.xt TM'ttfh , n"1 f 'uiuU'''riltti 1 . a era hi let, nacu..i'M gunsciuuH iron TIiQ Carbon .lOvocutc, 111. ... . . , TU Ckmpttl litptr la the Lahlgli ! Only Ono IJbllnr s. '.nr( 1 Ilcut Jleillums far AilvertUIng ' In tiiis Section, application'. iimijn- Kates furnished on A 1 1n m b ri V A ItU T tl E MO&T rLF.N- U iia Sliri I ':'"'' t"wi iHtti'Mrt lhntl.retvmrillii.ihdh Hit ffriel'We mv'ua oh n 1.,l.l, .l..1!.t. l..)i,il.n,i.v .K.ur..j 7li.'l 1'ttillltflit jiXOntcinuYijbdiioaaU Tti ! muttUd,ttd wlfi iw.j rxa VIHW Ul tWKa WJI 10 1 (7 yuvay upu yuy,uun- ttlht WiOi t'ltirpatfiitlmtur, a id 1iturVil,Uioalt' i,vi it&t; tlut it i-nwif. 4nc'ioit. link, ar'wh jani w-kinV, of alt aip unit Jaonii, h'icra Jail tUPlJ Of Wf. IIMN.I. 1111 9-,UIIVUIrOOlt'T- atftmnn tht ttrU cW fit miiUmif bllH'HUiwil until U ue itf Itiujji' ri,;t ami llimion .Virn'its, Alki-iut'ii-and Vutv-vt. SiUhl . T TlITtll 1 II T- Itay 0.18T'1 ly:, Lelilglitou, Vi. n, v. sioivniiMEi!, Leliighton, Carbon County, Fa. In order to close - out prceent slock , tlio uiiderslgiievl-reRiieetfully auiiouneos to tho citizens of Lchhjhton aud vicini ty. that lie hag Marked Down Prices of all kinds of Goods to about cost, and will Sell Wi? Cosh Baly IIo. has in btpok n largo assortment of Krocoiies, 1'iovlsloii.s, .. . Qiiccuswnro, ISaiiUvurc, and a variety of other articles too num erous to enumerate. 'If you doslre to securo it .1 i Now Is your Tirae-r-A Small Sum of Money will Buy a Largo (Juautlly of .Good I " r . Stora Oppolta L. & S. Depot, BANK-street, Lahifhton, Fenna. X. H. LOXG, -dgent. TiuimiA.s Ansui, A-'iigueo. March 23, 1871. Dr. J. Walker's California Vlnegnr Hitters nro a purely Vog otablopioparation, liiatto chiclly from tlio native herbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Novada moun tains of California, tho medicinal properties of which nro extracted therefrom without tlio nso of Alcohol. Tho (lucstlon is almost daily asked, " What is tlio causo of tho unpar alleled success of Vineoak Urr TKitsf Our answer is, that thoy rcmovo' tho causo of disease, and tlio patient recovers his health. Thoy aro tho groat blood purifier and a life-givinp principlo, a perfect Inno vator aud Invigorator of tho systom. Kcvcr beforo in tho history of tho world has a inedicino'bpou compounded pos ecstiiug tlio rcmarkabto qualities of VIM- LQAK BlTTEUS in healing the slclt of every diseaio man is heir to. Thoy aro a gcntld I'urgativo as well as ft Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tlio Liver and Visceral Organs, lu Bilious Diseases. Tho properties of Dn. Walk er's YiNr.o.UtHlTTliits aro' Aporiont, Dia phoretic, Carminative Nutritions, Laxa tlvo, Diuretic, Sodativo, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterativo, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegak' BiTTEits tho most -wondor-ful Invigorant that ovor sustained tho sinking systom. No l'crsou can take theso Bit ters according to directions, and ro niain long unwoll, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted boyond repair. Bilious, ifemittent, nnd In termittent Fevers, which aro so prevalent in tho valloys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, especially thoso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennosseo, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo rado, Urazos, llio Grando, Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Eo anoko, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our cntlro country during tho Sumnior and Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of unusual Heat and dryness, aro invariably ac companied by oxtensivo derango monts of tho stomach and liver, aud otticr abdominal vlscora. In' tliojr treatment, a purgativo, oxorting a powerful influonco upon thoso vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. Thero is no cathartio for tho purposo equal to Dn. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily rcmovo tho dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho samo timo stimulating tho accretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy func tions of the digostivo organs. Fortify tho body against dis easo by purifying all-its flnidswith Tikcoak Bittkks. No cpidomio can tai:o hold of a system thus foro-armcd. Dyspepsia or Indigjistion.'iiead- acho, Tain in tho Shoulders, Conghs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Soar Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lnngs, Pain in tho region of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bot tlo will proVo a better guarontco of its merits (him a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or lung's Evil, Whlto Swclliuge. Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affeo tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tbo Skin, Soro Eyes, oto. In thoso, as in all other constitutional iDiseases, Walker's Tik eo au Bitters havo shown their groat cur ativo powers in tho most obstmato and 'intractablo cases. For Inilamniatory aud Chronic It kcumatisni, Gout, Biljous, Remit tent and Intermittent rovers, Diseases oftho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, theso Bittors havo no equal. Such Dis eases aro caused by Vitiatod Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persona engaged iu Paints aud Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typft-setters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as thoy advanco in lifo, aro sub ject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, tuko a doso of Walker's vhiEOAR Bitters occasionally. For Skiu Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Sal t-lthcum, Blotches, Spots, Pim ples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King worms, Scold-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipe las. Itch, Scurfii, Discoloratlons of tbo Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever nama or naturo, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system iu a short timo by tho uso of theso Bitters. Tin, Tape, and other Worms, urking iu tho system of so many thou sands, aro effectually destroyod and re moved. No systom of medjeino, no ver mifuges, no anthelmintics will frco tho (system from worms liko theso Bitters. For Fomalo Complaints, in young or old, married or jsiuglo, at tho dawn of wemanhood, ortho turn of Ufa, these Ton io Bitters display so decided an influonco that Improvement is soon pcrceptiulo. Cleanse tlio Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through thu skin in. Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; clcanso it when you find it ob Ftrticted nnd sluggish in tho veins cleonso it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you whori. Keep too blood puro, and tho health of tho system will follow. It. II. McIMI.VAt.D .t CO., ,J)rujKUU Sc. Ocu. ArU, Bun Kruuclco, Cantor, nla, .t cor. of WiuliiUKtun unit Charlton hli,N.Y, Hulil hy all DriiRiil.la and IH'ulcrit. J)H. W. is. Ittcinsu, PIUCTlnKfl PHYSICIAN AND SDI10K0N, Omte, Him Ptrert, mat dr Uw PotUifllc, Ililltliton, l'a. Omen Iloum 'rryTllla web day mm lu to 12 o'clock) reuialuiltir of day At oJUcola Luhljbtoc, Kovl,