The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 18, 1874, Image 1

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Editor ami Proprietor.
One Etoilnr si Year In Advanc
VOL. .II., Ho. 35.
Lenigliton Directory.
"W. 0. Frodtrlct, Singer Hewing Machine and 7n
ttiranee, next to.)'.. II. Snyder's, Hank street.
Ilnrbcr, ,
It. IB. WIDDOS, Shaving, Hair Cutting and Sum
pooing, under Exchange Hotel, Hank street.
Jloot nml Slioo Makers.'
Charles Yenscr, marly opposite the jMsl-offm, Bank
street; also, dealer in Confectionery.
Clinton llrctney, in leran's Milling, Bank street.
All orders promptly filial iiyrk warranted.
JIausman Kuhns, opposite OWrt's store, Bank
street, Mlordersprmnptly filled.
Dry Goods nml Groceries.
Z. II. Long, op)i. I- A S. Bepot, Ilank St.. dealer in
JIardware, Quecnsmarc, Ladiri Dress Goods, dx:
II. A. Bolts, Leuckel's Block, Bank st.. Vnj Goals,
Groceries, Quremware, Carpels, Oil CtoVis a mil
E. II. Snsder, llnuk street, 'Dry Good; botwns,
Dress Goods, Groceries, Qiucnsaare, Hardware,dc.
Drugs mill McUlelms.
A.J Burling, lirst doornboi'o 1 O., Bank streot.
Oilt, lMinls, Jirfnmerg, ralent Medicines, djc.
F. T. ScmmeLnoarly opp. Kicliinpe Ilotel, Bank
Btreet, Cultivators, Oils, Paints, Guano, at.
' lToteT. "
Thomas Hants, " E.chanse," cpp. rublto Slua.o,
Hank st. lxttrtmagt stilit Bed.
Furniture 'Wnrelioiise,
V. Schwsrtu, Uauk street, dcuferin al hxnds.of
lymiturc. Coffins tnadt to vrlcr. ,
Merchant Tailors.
Clauss A Bro., Bank street, and dealersinGcnti
tximishing Goods, lloott, Mots, Hats, Cups,,Ct.
ThouiasS.Beck, T. O. building, Bank st.. Cents
Furnishing CoodsK Hats, Cups, tthool Umls, tv.
Mrs. E. Fatu, Bank street, 2nd door below the M.
IS. church. Xotions and, Trimmings ,
Physicians mill Surgeons.
Dr. C. 8. Ueruian, corner of Bank and Jronjslrsa s
Consultation in English and German.
Dr. N. B. Keber, next door to L O., Bank street.
Consultation in English and German.
Jos. Obert.Bank St., lacking, Curing and Smohwg
Establishment. All orders j)rompttu filled.
3, Faltlnger A Son, Bank st, dealers-in Hour and
Iced, Groceries, Iruits and Vegdablct.
Watchmaker nml Jeweler
A. 0. Bollenmayer, South street, above Bank s..
Jjcaicr in litucnes, y.iou.9, .;., v...
Dank Bihe-t, Lemgiitux, 1'a.
Usui Estate and Collection Agency. 'Will Buy and
Sell Ileal Estate. Uouvcjumlnir neatly dona. Col
lections promptly nude, Kltling Lblate or B.
cedeut, a specialty . Way be tousulte d In English
and Uerman. Nov.-.:
Orric- First National Bauk'Bulldlng, 2nd Floor
May bo consulted In ierDVn. s V 18, 1'
TplJ. C. DIMMI01C, 1 ,
Ufflco,n BuOAtWAT, Brst door below Amwlcau.
lIotl.M.iuchCuu-,lnu,a.r. JJollectlons pi-ujupt '
huu'.jl'olin'a.r. JJollectlons pn$ut 1
f NoyJ-3.-l t
y uiada.i
Oct 18, 187-.
j ii. U1MM10K,
East WcUsport, Pa.
N B. Sales of eury liestrlptlon attended toat
reasouaUa diaries, . -he P4troiiasa of tbv.vuUle
Is respectfully sollclUd.-- " Jan. J1,''T1. 1
Henry Campbell, East Woissport,
Vliere you cau nlways gut the very best
article at thu lowest- prlco.,lor cash.
Jioots nud .Slioes niado to onler and
'neatly Repaired at Bliort notice and rea
sonable terms. ' ' nrll-ui3
w lrr.riTi. pnOP'R. .
Suminll 11111, Carlson Co., Pa.
Bast of ttctouimodatloin. :i:xcelont-restaurant
underneath. Uood ttabllug attachtd
Terms moderate. '
0L1VEH CRIMjEY, dealer In To
bacco, Cigars, Pipes, c.; jiext door to
Itex'a Grocory Btoe,"'i5iittiitcl-uiiRt.,
Mauch C7liunlf, respectrully asks the
peoplo of Iieliigliton and vicinity, wlien
visiting that place, to call in and try Ills
the very best In tho uiarlieti Every
articles, In his Hue warranted ps repre
sented and at lowest prices. ,-ar8
The fo)16wlnjr Oora pnnles ftreltcpresentedl
Lebanon Mutual Eire,
Reading Mutual FIro, r
AVyoiuIng PIre,
Pottsvlllo PIro,
Lehigh Fire, and llio
Travelers' Accident Insurance
Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Ilorso
Tblct Detectivo and Insuranco Com.
pany. March 0, 187-.
Boot and Shoemaker,
Opposito T..D. Clauss Store,
respectfully Informs his friends and tho
public, that ho lias just received a now
and excellent assortment of Men's "Wo
men's and Children'. Ready-Mado
Boots, Shoes 6c Gaiters,
Which ho will Sell at thr Lowest Prlcoe.
I5T Roots uud Shoes made to order,
and Repairing neatly nud substantially
dono at short notice. up "0-yl
Railroad Guide.
Vnssenpers for Philadelphia ivlll leave Lolilshlon
A. C..1tAt.. a. m , via L. V.j arrlro at Thlla nt
0.00 a.m
ll.lo a.m.
11.10 p.m. p.m.
2.1S p.m
fi.Kl p.m.
8.50 p.m.
S.20 p. m.
10.30 p.m.
7.37 a.m. via i,. o
7.nfln. 111. laL. V.
11.07 p.m. via I,. S.
p. m. vm u. .
4.17 p.m. via L. A a.
4.1 1 p. n. via. L. V.
"it A.'.-J.. A. TtA.l.. inAtn...
is p. in. via i.. .
lit'lui unit., i...- ...u.t.t...
Klrfnt.. lMtlla.. at 7.00. 8.30 and 0.1.1 a. in.: 2.10
3.30, and li.lfi p. m.
Faro rrniu j.entn;on 10 l'nn.iuefptua, vz.jj,
Feb. 1, 18TK MILLS C1.AHK, Agent
l'lllLABBLl'lII A A EIUE Kit. DIV13I0.V.
Sumter Tlnio Tulile.
On and nfler SUNUAV, MAY 31st, 1S71, tho
trains on tha l'hilada. A Erie 11 It. Ul,lslou ivlll
run as follows :
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia 12.55 p.m.
" " llarrlsburg fi.00 p.m.
" Willlamspcrt 0.00 p.m.
M nrr. at ItOfk Haven 10.15 p.m.
Emc Mail leaves 1'hllndclphli 11.65 p.m.
' JarrlDur 4.2., a in.
" WUJlamsport
" Ivk llaven 0,15 a.m.
' Bcnova 11.10 a.m,
" arr. at Erlo 8.C5
ElMtu.v Mail leaves Philadelphia 8.0J a.m.
" " llarrlsburg 1.20 p.m.
" " Wllllamsport (i 20 p.m.
( nrr. at Lock Haven 7;i0p.ui.
NlAOACA lttltES3 leaves 1'MUdclpbla 7.20 a.m.
" " " " llarrlsburg 10.J0 iuu,
' . " " Willi unsport 2A" p.m.
" " " Lockllaieu a.lop.m,
" " " ltenovn 1.20 pm.
' " arr. at Kano 0.50
BitiLA . Esmcss leaves Lock II u cn 0 20 a.m;
" " Wllll.iui.port 7.15 a.m.
" arr. at H:irr!burg 11,45 a.m.
1'hll.idelphU OJ35
Ems Mail leaves Erie 11.20 mm.
o i i " Kenova i 0.15 p.m.
. "j Lock Haven 10.80 p.m.
" " Wllllamsport 12.10 tun.
arr. at llarrlsburg , 4.110 a.m.
" " " l'hlladelphla " 0.15 a.m
Euiiiia Mail leaves Lock llaien 8.00 a.m.
" " Wllllam.port OJOn.m.
" arr. at llarrlsburg J. 10 p.m
" " l'hlladilphla 6.50 p.ui.
Niao iel Err.c&8 leaves K:tuo 0.OJ a.m.
" Renovo 4.05
" " " Lock llaven 525 pni.
' r " Wllllamsport. W0 p.m.
11 ' ' arr at Ilarrlaburx 3 10,55 i.m.
" " " l'hiladtljihla 2.50 a.m.
Mall East cOnuocta east and west at Erie with L
SAMS It W and ct Inlueton with 011 Creckaud
Allegheny It K W.
5Iall W est with cast and west trains on L rj AM.
S U W. and at Uorry and lrvlnetou With 011 Creek
and Allegheny It I: V.
EllniLt Mall and BuXlln Express uiakd closo
eounecttous tit Yt Ullamsport with NOR W tralus
uorth, and ut lhirrlsburg with N O H W trains
southt iM'M.-iii'Al.UWI.N.(Ji(irim)tt .
y.iw.ii'asiU'w'uA.iMi m i i wn n5r.n.xJ
JBieiiic I'iuco lu Town!
Tlie undersignrd respectfully Informs
his frii-nds and tho citizens In genera!,
that he has just received a largo and
elegant assortment o ' '
Jewelry, Gold Pens; &o-
Vfnicii he l-'pfTerlng at very
:. ii'" Jt t. . ..'.s';U'
"I-OW-PS-ICCS" WOR C.lfe !
- t .i ' 1 '
'Also, Agent for tho cplebiated '
Spectacles & Eye-Glasses
Tho very best In tho market.
Xcany opposlto tho'P."0. ;
Bank St., Leliighton.
JunoOlSTl ' ' '"' .'
Respectfully Informs the citizens of Le
liighton and vletnlty, that ho ha4opeu
a Drug Store, In Si'AUKi'Eit's Block, on
Bank Street, Lehighton.
and that ho has just received an assort
ment of
I'nro JJrngs,
Vanilly il&cillclncs,
FlavorlngExtracts.Perfumcry.Coal Oil,
I'.iro IViiicN and Ltdiiors,
For Medicinal & Sacramental PErposes.
which ho will supply at tho very lowest
price for Cash.
Renshaw's Writing .Fluid,
Tho Rest in tho Market. "
The attention of Chemists Is specially
called to this article, which, while It Is
fully etjual to tho best In tho market, Is
sold at -'5 par cent, less than any other.
Qualitative. Chemical Examinations
carefully made at reasonablo charges.
Physicians' aud Family Proscriptions
carefully compounded,
EST Tho patronage of the public Is
very respectfully solicited,
npr 11. Chemist nud Druggist.
7 iintial Fiiiariclsil r.tate
meat of Receipts and Expendi
tures of Jhhonlng School District, Car
bon county, Pa., for tho year ending
Juno 1st, A, D. 1874 :
Gross am't of Tax duplicate! S17C8 42
Exonerations, & abate
ments $35 Gl
Collcctor'scommlssl'n CO 31
104 03
1C03 no
270 00
180 00
Cash from old Collectors ....
State appropriation
Total Receipts
Paid Teachers' Salaries. .....
" Fuel and contingencies.
" Repairs
" Salary (In part) Treas'r
sans no
$15U a.-;
215 74
38!) 00
14 45
$2113 CO
Outstantl'g taxes, D. E. Fritz
lato Collector $330 00
.Total indebtedness of District 173 53
Bal. In favor of District. . . .$105 47
We, tho undersigned Auditors of-Ja-houlng
School District, Carbon comity,
having carefully examined the abovo
accoents of. the Treasurer, find thorn as
abovo stated.
Mahoning, June 23, 1874-w3
Thc'Beatty ii'Plotts celebrated Gold
en Tongue
is acknowledged by professors of music
and celebrated organists to bo tho lead
Ing Parlor Organ now In use. Testi
monials and cards of honor aro constant
ly being received In' favor of them. Wo
append a few and wisli you to read
them :
Antoony, N. J., Jan. 25, 1873.
Jessrs Realty &Plotts, Gents Your
Organ, sold me, gives cnllrosatls'fnctlon.
It beauty of tonu and stvlo nf wnrknmti.
lshlp"nro semom If over surpassed.- Wish--
ing you success lu your business, I am,
With respect, - Prof, M. 11. Beatty.
x ' SnAMOKis. Pa.,HFeb: 11. 1874.
, I hayp quo of Realty & Plott' jUoldon
ioiiHuu urgans. it is an excellent in
slrnmcnt, fine tono and full power. I
llko it better than any I havo. heard,
M. II. IlAlU'UL, M. D.
Laciiy's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874.
I havo had Beatty & Plotts" Organ
sIlco August 14th, 18'73 ; It gives tho
highest satisfaction, and has proved alt
that It was recommended by the prop'rs.
Jon Henuy.
SL.vrurqTON, Pa,, Feb. 0, 1874.
Beatty it Plotts' Parlor Organ I Ilka
better than tho Standard, anil It given
better satisfaction, as I find In my trav
els. , Prof. Fit. V. Mayeu.
St.-Claiii, Pa.,'n'ec. Ctli, 1873.
Messrs. Realty &. Plotts, Gents I
havo received tho Organ, assent by your
firm to mo, and 1 have had it examined,
.and It gives amplo satisfaction.
Hon. John Siney.
Mahaxoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1872.
The Realty &; PJolts celebrated Gold
en To-guo Parlor Organ Is by far tho
best Parlor Organ in use. I havo care
fully examined it, and find Its tone,
workmanship and durability to bo tlit,
best I oversaw, and I can with pleasure
recommend It to any in want of a first
class parlor organ. Prof. O. II. Unoiat.
Me3srs. Beatty & Plotts, of Washing
ton, N. J., aro gentlemen of enterprise,
and whoso prcsenco would bo a credit
to any community. Uackettstown, N.
J., llerald, 1872.
Washington, N.- J., Sept. 5, 1873.
To Roheit Mqrgan, Pottsvlllc I am
l.-nppy to state that tho Instrument gives
entire atifactton, not, only to myself
but also to the teachers of tho Seminary
who are better judges.
Rev. A. M. Jelly.
Wo say, after careful and costly ex
periment, It Is with pleasure wo Intro
duce tho "Golden Tougue," knowing
it possesses nianj advantages over all
others manufactured. The tono excels
,In .fullness, purity, aud the thousands
of 'testimonials 'vtilch uro being con
stautly received, nru evideo6e that qur
etfoits havo been eminently successful, Price List, addrevs
Fb, 21-Om Washington, N. J.
'.l Alow -tjijiroxfuiadim to the JtlLAL .S11V1.Y
(Jl'lLL titan Anything Jlttherlo Invehted."
The co.TiNUY iNoniAusa sals of tho
Issniugtothelr superior writing oualitia,tt,i..
tested bytheedllori-ilertdorsjuientof uver 1000
papers, and by Merchants, Lawyers and Bankers
without number.
They are all mads of the best Steel, la the
best manner, by too best workmen lu Europe.
Tor SHU ky all DeaUn,
To accommodate thou who may istsA j try
these pent, ice wilt sewtf a Oml, oontai Hiiy out tuck
ojtkt 15 Numbers, ssai,OA rtcttpiofifc.
Jvison, Blakeiuan, Taylor & Co.
ls and 110 Q II A.M) STREET, If, V.
April S5, 1ST.
Paul -iiiucnsi, Uic PrlVntc.
BY,F. E. M.
, !
In a. Now England home, at tho
brcaking'out of tho Rebellion, lived a
boy nineteen yearsold. Ho was abrlght
quick-tempered fad, who was always
getting Into trouble, yet whom every
body liked. From tho excitement of
enlisting and tho speech-making on tho
corners bf tho streets, ho would go homo
full of enthusiasm. He was youug and
strong, well, and willing. His father
did not heed him, but his mother's oyo
would fill with tears, which was always
too much for him. .His llttlo slstor
Nclllo whom ho loved with all his heart
was another blockado ho had not cour
ago to run.
But there came a night when ho went
homo with a palo face, and a determin
ed look In his dye, and then they nil
know that he had enlisted, and after
that hls mother went quietly and sad
ly about fitting him off, and Nclllo h)d
herself oway lu odd cpruers, or In, her
own room, so that Paul should not
kuow how'very hard" it was, for sho
meant to bo bravo.
And tho day camo, when ho marched
away with thu regiment as a private.
The army'lay on tho Potomao, as wo
know, many mouths, much of tho.tlmo
in great danger, when its safety.dpend
ed largely on picket mem It camo
Paul's turn ono dark nighty aud'ho had
thai day. been caring in his, bungling
boy 'way for a siji: comrade. ' Rough
men and careless boys grew tender and
thoughtful lu thoso.days, wlion thero
was no genllo sisters and mothers near.
Paul stood by his post, watchful tho
night through, though his eyes would
'go shut sometimes, but ho propped
them open with thoughts' of home,
mother, Nellie, and tho old school time's.
Tho next.' morning tho regiment was
oidcrcd to move. Paul's friend was
only able to march by his' side, by be
ing allowed to rest occasionally, and by
having Paul carry his musket aud knap
sack, which ho had ' all day, his 'own
kuapsack hanging over ono ohoulddr,
and Tom's over th$'ther, and' tho guns
wherever ho could find au easy placo
for them. But when the night came,
and tho army halted, word was sent
that Tdm, his sick friend, had been de
tailed for picket duty. Paul was lamo
and core, and had no idea-wherohawas
tired tho most, he wa3 so tired all over,
but h? knew Tom could not do It ho
had just put hinidntho bunk, his face
and bauds burning with fever. Ho tried
to forget how tired he was, and went
over o tho 'Captalh's tent' du( told hlui
that Tom could not watch, but tliqt ho
would tako his , placo. Tho captain
merely nodded h'is head and turned
again to his wilting. Was It tho Cap
taiu's business to know what his privates
had been doing? A palo young, faco
was none or his affairs:
So Paul had turned away also and
was soon marching to and fro wearily
wondering If ho could keep awako till
morning, and that little word which
meaug so much, death, would como to
him, for lo know it would como lu n
dreadful way If ho forsot himself. Those
llttlo props ho had used beforo failed
ono after tho otijer, and everything
would grow misty, and then that terrlblo
word would bring him hack. 'Agalu
and again ho would loso himself, but
ngaln gather strength and would walk
his beat In a determined wayforailme.
But ho finally stopped before' a huge
treo and leaned up against Its' trunk,
but sank down after a little, utterly
lost to everything but' sleopq-and, thero
they found him the next morning.
And after a court-martial camo tho
terrlblo order Paul Duncan waS to bo
shot for 'sleeping at his post.' Tom
wont to tho Captain and told him how
lt'Was, that Paul wa&doing his duty
that ho had watched tho night beloro,
?ut It was of no use, thgrpiwa- no help
now, oniy a reprieve for a week.'-' -
Paul sat down in his tent that night
and wroto it all hoiuqto bls father. Ills
mother and Nellie.
. That little whito envelope took two
days and llirco nights In Its journey,
and then was opened , and tho letter
read In tho homo and wbo would try
to tell how' Nellie heard it through,
and then n bravo thought camo Into her
heart. Sho told her father and mother
she was going to save Paul, nnd going
to tho depot, film took the midnight
train. Sho told the conductor her story,
nnd hearts wcro open to sympathy In
that dark time. Ho believed her nud
helped her on, and sho was helped on
and on through all the chnngoa elio
needed to mako till sho reached Wash
ington the morning of Ilia day Paul was
to bo shot. Sho made her way to tho
White House, and told tho black portor
nt tho door that sliO' wanted to seo Mr.
Lincoln, IIowas stronaly Inclined at
first to turn her away. YIlat could so
little a girl want pf so great a man?
But her winning faco and her determin
ed mannor finally won the dark man's
heart, and ho allowed her to pass Into
tho room whero sat tho grand and slmplo
man whom wo delight to honor, llo
was busily engaged, but sho went soft
ly up to his sldo and stood quietly until
ho should notice her, which he did very
r. Lincoln did not skip tho llttlo
things, nnd was' not that what mado
him so noble?,
'WpII, my llttlo girl, nnd what do you
'Paul, sir, If you please.'
'And who is Paul?'
My brother, sir, who Is to bo ihot to
night for sleeping nt his post and ho
was not to blame; ho stood 'guard for
Tom, sir, becauso ho was sick, and ho
stood for himself tho night before, and
marched all day, sir, and carried Tom's
knapsack, and ho could not help going
to sleep, ho was so tired.? Mr. Lincoln
had put his arm round Nclllo aud drawn
her closer to him while she was talking,
her faco so earnest nnd not a tremor In
her voice, nis oyes were, misty befor?
.she had finished her story,- and when
sho was through' ho lifted her up on to
hlskneo, asking her moro a'bout It.
Then, lifting her gently, ho put her in
his chair; telling her ho would, be back
directly, weut out nnd telegraphed,
countermanding tiio order. He was
hack lu ten minutes. Ho told ITclllo
what ho had done, then told her that
thoy might not 'get tho telecrram, or
nilght not understand, and tho safest
way would bo to go themselves aud at
tend A quick liaht of joy cover
ed Nellie's faco. Tho President stooped
down 'and kissed it, then took her hand
In his, and they started for Paul.
It was five o'clock in tho afternoon
when they walked across tho camp
giound, mid fouutl the soldiers draw'n
up iu'llne, and In the distance, a tall,
slender hoy standing nloile, with his:
1 eyes blinded. Nclllo dropped th6 hand
sho was holding and rau across tho
ground. In an Instant moro her arms
were around Paul's neck, and her faco
close to his.
Tho man whom tho world lias learned,
llttlo by llttlo, to understand, hail saved
tho boy's going himself.
Tho telogram had not been received.
"GQiiifj.HlIcr I'-cUI-Hl."
Tom Potts, a well-known loeoinntlvo
engineer in Englrfnd ah'd tho States, Is
tho Self-accredited herb of tho follow
ing wonderful story of successful daring.
I will narrate It as nearly as I can in
hls'own wprds. I havo heard him' tell
It often,':
" Well, gentlemen, I say you'll think
it's a lie, but I can't help that ; you
havo' asked mo to tell It, and nil I can
say is, If you'd been In my placo 'you'd
havo seen it.
"I had been driving tho Witch for
About seven months, and a sweet thlug
Eho was. I never was half so fond of
an engines ns I was of her. Sho, was tho
kind of machlno a mau only gets once
in a lifetime.
"Sho mado her steam quick, was easy
on fuel, started off lively, and tyeiiUiko
a deer. Iler cylinders were ,10-lnch,
her stroke 22, and her drivers 7 feet 0,
and she was .13 kind to handlo as a
"To seo herrunoHwlth a heavy load,
light aud gay, was enough to shamo tho
Juno, Venus, and Helen, and other 18
Inch machines,
"Sho ncvor wanted fixing up, Venus
was always going In and out of tho shop
to bo titivated, and If there's wiy thing
I don't llko It's an engine that all tho
thuo wants to bo titivated. She wis
always ready nnd willing for work.
Why, bless you! sho was only washed
out for tho, sake of cleanliness sho
didn't neod 11 a bit.
''Sho was tho tidiest thing I ever 3cen
seemed as though dirt wouldn't stick
to her.
"Well, what I am going to toll camo
off years ago, beforo I left the old coun
try, and H was ono of tho best railroads
slnglo tracktlien, though lt'gpt threo
now, and four In some spots.
"Well, the Witch and I were put on
tho mall, ono of the fa.tet trains, and
they went like sixty In them days.
"Thiicugl!ieevas fined u shilling for
every inlnutOjlig. lost. He dared not go
slow for fog, unless ho wanted to loso
his day's pay. Ho had to keep going
right along, and sec things beforo ho got
In sight of 'cm.
"Wo wero running north ono darkish
wintry day, and were making our best
streaks. I should reckon wo wcro going
about fifty miles and hour.
"I was saying to myself, 'she's going
her prettiest,' when wo suddenly shot
ahead, ns It wo had been fired out of a
"I know what that mout. Wo had
broko loose, wo hadn't a car behind us.
The coupling had brokou between tho
tender and tho first coach.
"How we flow, tobo surol I whistled
tho guard to break up tho train. How
wo bounded along!
"I could mako no objects alongside;
wo seemed to go faster; wo must havo
got as fast as 100 miles au hour.
"It was a straight piece of track for
some miles. I did not shut off steam
directly we broko, for I 'didn't want tho
train to run Into us, which might hap
pen If they did not hear mo whistle for
down breaks.
"It was lucky I kept her going, for
just as r had about ottough of such
fiylng, a man started out about six hun
dred yards beforo us, holding a red
"Thero was nothing In tho way, so I
knew something must bo wrong with
tho track.
"You might as well havo tried to stap
a whirlwind as tho Witch in that dis
tance. Her speed was frightful.
"Thero wasn't much tlmo to think,
and as wo could not stop, tho faster wo
went tho better; so I gavo what moro
steam there was. Sho seemed to havo
sonio"go' in reserve, for wo shot past
tho red flag Hko a flash,
"I saw men standing Iiorror-struek.-
"'Blll,' I said, 'quick! Get on tho
coke, and seo what's ahead, t
"IIo looked and went deadly palo,
tottered, and fell back lu a faint.
"By this time I could see plain enough
what was wiong,
' "Thero was a gap In tho track whero
'a bridge had gono down.
"You can't' Imagine my feeling Just
then. Going to death death, swift and
terrible, nt nbout two miles a mlnuto
getting nearer, ncarerl I thought of my
wife and child neaicrl An instant
motp-'tho gap!
'"God havo mercy,' I shrieked.
"Well, would you bellevo It? that en
gine Just cleared that gapl
'It w'as fifteen feet across, and about
sixty feet deep.
"Sho jumped that gap llko a stag,
and what's more, sho struck tho rails
all right on tho other sldo and kept
right along, iust as If sho had not no
ticed tho gap.
"I stirred Bill up, and, with both of
us nt tho brake, wo managed at last to
stop tho, Witch,
"Sho was on a. tear that, day, but I
never dreamed she'd jump tho gap
that's n fact."
A young beauj at his sister's evenlog
party last week, began to sing, "Why
am 1 so weak and weary?" when a llttlo
brother brought tho performance to a
sudden closo by yolilng out, "Aunt
Mniy says It's becauso you come homo
so late, and drunk most every night."
"Fred," said a youug man, walking
up Main street, tho other day, listening
to his wonderful Btory, "do you know
why you aro llko a harp struck by light
ning?" "No," says Fred, "I give It
up. Becauso a harp struck by lightning
is a blasted lyre."
A minister a few years ago, purchas
ed a whUtlo,aud when his hearers went
to sleep' he emitted frm It a very shrill
sound. AU wero awako, and stood up
to hear him. "Well, ho Eald you aro
smart specimens of humanity;" as ho
slowly guzed at his wondering people;
"When J preach tho gospel you go to
sleep, when I play the fool you nro nil
Au Interesting llttlo boy, timid when
left alouo Inn dark room, was overheard
recently by his mother to say In his
loneliness, "Oh, Lord, don't let any
ono hurt me, and I'll go to church next
Sunday, and give you somo money,"
A Hartford man keeps a spado closo
by his kitchen door, nnd whenever a
tramp comes along aud bogs for a din
ner, lie Is roquosted to cam It by dig
ging four feet square In the garden, but
tho tramp invariably refuses to pay this
Now the green apple doubles tho llt
tlo boys Into quarto form,
Second Adventlsts now say January
1, 1091. Thoughtful editors will put
It In their diaries.