II. V. MOKTIIIMKR, EDITOR. LKIIIUIITO.V, I'A.: SATURDAY MOIININO JULY 11, .1874. Tlio "Advocate" ami tlio school Hoard. As will bo seen by a can), publish cd In another column In to-day's paper, nt least a portion of oar School Board tako exceptions to an articlo wo pub' lislied last week In regard to tho em ploymontof teachers for our schools, Wo hayo Inquired further in regard to tho matter In question, and find that our article was a Just and truthful statement of tho Inside workings of tho Board, tho card In to-day's paper.to tho contrary uotwlthstandlug. Wo havo no reason to doubt but that tho said articlo did misrepresent a portion of tho Board, for wq aro fully awaro that a minority of the Board nro decidedly dissatisfied with, Jho doings of what might Justly bo termed "tho Ring." Our only object Is to.see tho.causo of education advanc ed, not retarded, nor do wo think our articlo "calculated, to create an, impres sion injurious to tho causoof education.' Tho resolution contained In tho "card" was proposed by Dr. N. B. Rcber; sec onded by It. J. Youngkln,, and carried by tiireb votes, viz: Messrs. Itebcr, Youngkln and. Albright; Messrs. Lentz mid Durllng not concurring, and Mr. Uellman bulng absent.- Wo would slm ply state, iln conclusion that tho Advo cate, ihas always stood by tho Zfoard when Its work was deemed for tho In terest of all the people, but no cllquo or party ,wlll be allowed to sway our opin. ions or, turn us from our duty to the citizens. Do.s--IIydropliobia. For tho past week or so wo have hard' ily .taken up an exchange, but wo havo ibeenmet by tho heading "Another case of hydrophobia." But notwithstanding , the fact, i that tho deaths from this sourco are so numerous, our council still main- tain n.'stolld indlfferenceito tho matter; sand onyinumberof scurvy, mangy.curs . aro permitted to roam our stfeets to tho danger of the lives of our citizens. Is j it-necessary ilhat some ono of our peo ple must suffer death from this horrible liiseasolbeforo'tho council will mov6 in tho matter? We' append'the ordinance in record to dogsand ask our Burgfiss and 13orough.Councllto' soo to the mat ter: . i , ciur.' XVII DOGS. Seo. 1. That no dog or bitch shall bo permitted to go at largo or loose within' Jhti limits ol the.borough, after duepub. lic notice, which shall boglven'anndally, unless such dog or bitch shall have on a' strong and suuicient .basket wire muz zle oyer.lts Jaws as effectually to pre vent such dog or bitch from biting. Sec. 3. That from and after the time 'Of public notice in each year, It shall bo the duty of all owners of dogsor bitches suffered to run at large within the lim its of the Borough otLehighton, to havo them securely muzzled with basket-wire nuzzles, and it shall be the duty of tho high constable), or any policeman, to kill' or cause to be killed, -each and overy UOir Or bltCll SO found rnnnlnr. a'f In.-.. , , : - ....... u . . . Liu without being securely muzzled, as.re qulrcd by this ordinance. Tor which duty he shall receive two dollars for each aud every dog or bitch so killed and hurled, according to thostlpulatlons ot these ordinances. ' Sec. 8. That In caso of tho high cons table or policeman, refuslugto perform his duty in regard to tho ordinances, which have been or may bo passed, bo shall, on conviction, pay. a flue not ex ceeding five dollars for tho use of tho aforesaid. "u lucuverea in manner as Tho Urio Railway Company has com menced a suit against Jay Gould for tho recovery of ?1,203,000. This sum is made upintwo'separateaccounts. First, covering moneys expended by him and the proceeds thereof in his transactions in stock of United State's Express Com pany while President of Erie Company. The second Is a claim by the compauy for reimbursement In money expended to freo from cncumbrancocertaln property conveyed by Gould to Erie In the fa mous1 restitution In November, 1872. Under the agreement then entered into Gould, It.ls claimed, agreed to freo theso properties, from the encumbrauces to which they were subjected, but'has fall cd to do so, and tho action Is based on that stipulation. Tho following is'tlie Th-le Railway Directory ticket to bo vot ed on tio 44th Inst.: Messrs, Roberts, Stebblns, Smith, Johnston, Babcock, Duncan, Meyer, Ramsdel, Robinson, Barlow, Morgan, Baltzo, Gray, Packer, and Schuchardt. We learn that the British Government demands eight millions of dollars from Spain' for tho massacre of the sixteen English subjects captured on board the Vlrglnlus and executed In Santiago do Cuba. The, steamship Iijahq, arrived Jn Now York on Monday t, from Liverpool with ,1127 emigrants, OOOof whom were Mor mons. They sorted for Utah Tuesday Via Pouua. Central Railroad. Ellah Rfdcford, nged 70, who lives near (ireenport, L. I attempted to commit suicide on Sunday by cutting tho main aitcrlcs in his arm. What the Astronomers Say. The comet which is overy night be coming more distinctly visible, will It is said, within tho next two vcokp, afford moro and better information Regarding tho material naturo of comets' than .has been available for four thousand years. According to Professor Swtftot Rock ester, who for nearly twenty years has, given his attention to this particular branch of astrouomy, and who discover ed this present comet beforo its.appear? auco In Europe had been announced by Coggla, tho tall every evonlnglh6roas6s" in length, by thrco or four degrees, and it is travelling In a direct courso toward tho earth at thoratri of thirty miles i second. Dcsplto this trcmendlous vo locity, as It has yet to traverso.a ,spaco .of more than 20,000,000 ,mllos Pofessqr Swift thinks that It will not extend so fardurlng-lts visibility.- Tho opinions of tho savans of astronomy of tills subs Ject vary, however; Pofessor Pierce says ho has still some "Hopes" of a collision ,But even should our planet coma Into contact with tho comet the general opin ion among scientists, among them Prof. essor Swift, Is that the matter of which tho latter is composed is so rare that the meeting would be Imperceptible The tail wilted Increases in length at tho rata of 600,000 milesi n day, may possibly Bweepover tho earth, in Which caso there arc a few astronomers who hold that all life would bo scorched off 'tliis planet; but.tho moro .gen erally accepted theory is that there would bo no per ceptible results, not oven an increase of heat. Prof. Swift bellves that this comet, which has never beforebeen visible from tho earth, will never visit us again .a theo ry which ho deduces from the) fact that its obit is parabolic. Tho dlsk'seems to par take moro" of tho planetary 'than of the stellar naturo, and Its. nucleus 13 exceed Ingly bright. It will, bo, nearest to the' sun on tho 10th, of. this month,, when it! will bo within 03,000,000 milcs.of that luminary. t , Prof. Swift thinks tho tall is splitting! and Increasing in width, and that. beforoj It disappears two tails wllLprobablyba visible. rro'f.-Tynda'li predicted that tho earth would at'ono time, or another! bo enveloped In its. tall an.ovent.wblchj is not Impossible 'should1 Its increaso in' width continue. The, tal),'jiowevcr, bo- sldo being of rare, nebulous matter, is! hollow, and boyond a possible "display j fore'obi'orvea, causo any,effects,by com- ing in contact with our planot.r N." Y. Sun. ' Philadelphia Letter. . Philadelphia, July 3,. 1874. 11UILDINO IMPKOVKilENTS.'J Tho approaching Centennial lias elven a great Impetus to publio iflnd' private improvements hero, and signs of pros perity are to bo seenon.every side. Tho mammoth grain elevator of thelnter nattoual Improvement Company, at the i unction of tho. .Delaware and Schuyl ;1U rivers, Is rapidly approachlngxiom plctlon. and will be reailv for 'main In September. The capacity of the elevator will bo 800,000 bushels', and Its cost,-Including tho wharf, will mako a total of $750,000. Tbe.new freight depot of tho Pennsylvania rallrbad will be ready for use In August. It is located at "IVhtnnt and Dock Stst ;&nd ,is472 foot'lodgy 110 wide. . 3 It Is to, bo hoped that this, great qor pordtlon, will erect' at ijo" futur'o'day a handsome passenger" 'depot hero. Tho .huge shed which they now use'for that purpose, and which was onco before In use by tho Saniltary Fair which was held hero in 1804, is a poor apology for a depot. As this is tho terminus of tho" lino, our city certainly deserves a depot, at least as comfortable as our other railroads' provide for" their patrous. It has long been felt her that It was strange that tho company should build such n handsomo building on Fourth street, and furnish it so extravagantly for their employees to occupy, and that tho.uatrons of the road should havo poor accommodations. Active operations will soon bo com menced, on our new Post-Omc build ing, at Ninth and Chestnut Sts ' The length of the new building will be 4S8 feet, breadth 104 fcot. height to main cornice 102 feet, and to tho top of tlio' central dome 195 feet. Tho material used In, Its' construction will bo granltei ' and It will bo entirely fireproof,, no wood being used in its construction. , Tho total cost of tho building Is limited 1 to $4,000,000, exclusive of tho'ebstof tho site. The contracts for tho erection . of tho. main buildings, of the. Centennial Exhibition have been awarded to,Mr". R. J. Dobbins, a well-known builder of this city, 'ho being tho lowest bidder, and tho orecttonof the bulldlngs'wlll bo at onco commenced, nis contraot s will amount to. over ,? 2,000, 000. Tho now building of tho Now York Mutual Life Insurance Company, at Tenth and Chestnut btreets, Is' nearly completed. It is an imposing, granite structure, nnd has cost over $500,000. The West Chester aud Philadelphia rail road havo Just completed a neat and commodlou j' passenger depot. . These are but a few of tho extensive building operations that aro being car ried on here, and show that wo aro los ingour Quaker plainness of architecture, and are1 becoming- maro andi mare daorucd. now oon rooit live. Bedford and Spa'ffordSts., at thls'sea son of tho year, aro not very inviting places. They nro tlio Five Points of our city, and are tho scenes of much misery and destitution. Tho poor aro here' crowded together in tumble down tene ments, nnd crowded npartraents. Evory available foot of ground is built upon, nnd 6uch a thing as a yard to a houso U tmknown. Avaricious, landlords reap largo profits from, thejr real estate, and the tenants havo poor accommodations, 'and largo rents to pay. Horo tho poor live from "hand to mouth," as Is seen by the numerous pawn broker shops, where a poor wretch can havi a few pontiles ndvonced on tlic smallest ortlclo of wearing appnrel.-Second hand stores abound In tho vicinity, and Junk shopi, and 8U8plcIousIpoklng rqstaurapts are to bo seen on eyery side. Smalf groceries with half decayed Vegetables exposed at tlio door, tond windows hung with cheap goods, adorn ,thp, corners, .and whiskey shops where vlllanous' c6mp'ouuds aro sold, aro-plentlful. Slokly lookingchll dreu nro playing In the cutters, white and black mingling indiscriminately together, whlle'tho tiiwements-and door steps, nro filled wlth'dronkeh' men and wojuen., Whaljia1,contrast tlora is In city life! Ih ono, pr'otlon ,of the city) hundreds struggling w"lth 'poverty, while' a fow squarcsdistant. 'mlllionaires are living, in luxury undgandeur. John Chinamen .haff lately taken up hl3 abodo here, and'islir'activo competi tion with Bndget and Dinah in the laun dry business. John' works cheap, wash Ing clothes at about half tho usual prlco, and consequently is well patronized John perhaps is not awaro that he is exciting tho lro of his opponents, and wo nro alraid that ho will wake up soruo morning aud flud himself "Interview ed," and will learn as ho has done In California, -that ho must hlo to somo moro congenial clinic. oun HIGHWAYS. , Vfo are to hflvo som6 df' our principal streets paved with tho American-Patent Stone Pavement, a recent invention, and which experts pronounco a decided Improvement on the paving now used here. This has been claimed for all now methods of pavlnc. most nf whirl, i,nv proved to be failures. Wood pavements of all kinds cannot stand tho strain that ls.put upon them by our heavily loaded drays, and thfiv have nrnvpil wnrthio,. and tho cobble stones have manv obicc- - vl)v 1'UVUIUCUl IS wua it--jou, ' or-io De ot practical value, remains to bo seen. Tlio now ijuvement is lam wltli rectangular gran ite blocks, of uniform lcin. r,n.i ... with a scml-flexiblo cement, i'n a liquid uww uaiuuua, raaKing an ovea .- iZOOLdaicAV. n This-new enterprise, Qf which brief llieuuuu V10.3 maaO In nnr 1-icf Idln..,.,. lutujaiivTJiicucu-to the public on VeH nesday last. Tho collection, although id its Infnncy-i3 quiet a larno'onoJcom. lpriSiugi)Uqua'drubeUs.v'074'blrds'. and MePl5s1'1 .Tho ,Zpological, Society state that tho garden-is not near' com. pleted, and that thcro arala numbnr nf animal.sppn, to he(ad'df!d.'t9 tho colicc tjon. The "garden" ,C9mprises :thlrty "5i," V'u A?ri mi", is utteu up with every couveniHiiRn. StrAnimra vlBltlne hero should hv nil mnftnQ mnlrn It a Visit, as It' Will wnl! reUvtlmm fnrl tlin ftmA'nnnnf ln4tfelu ti-' , a cuur ill yji AN DWINDLED. It is SUrnrlsin!?: viUen cnnRApnpn nicri.'aro so tho'rouL'ld nxnriQBi r,, iu'n nejvspapefs, thdt" rie'rsousvlsltlng 'our uuy -ivm nnow mennelves to bo ap-i coWe so liitrmato' wltir them; A gente raan'frbm' Cape May, Ni- J.,-'formed n'h .-iuaintaui;u wnn a siranger nere a-rew days ago. The stranger treated tho Jerseynla'n to several 'drinks, nnd finally proposed to, trade watches. The' Jersey man handed over a valuable itlmo piece, and received In exchange n tin bull's oyo, and while the sharper was attach ing the watch' to the Jersoyman's chain, no nnstracted.a wallet from his vest' pocket po.ntalnlng $G0. Thy Jerscyraan, althqugh pretty ,welUntoxJcafedmls.sed his, , money and, is,eUcd ls' n'ew-uiado friend by theiec.as.ho, was ruiiulni? un a palr,of.stalrsiand recoived In return as'eyc'ro kick, on tiio 'forehead. When1 iio recovereu 1113 friend ' was "gone, and ho 'returned hbmo to tell "how hd had &6ea tlio' elephant."1 ( ' Yours truly, ' koDoc, I'hilaclciuia lUarJtcts. Friday Evening, Juno 20th. Thorn' was no materlai'qimnga'to noT tlco In' 'the, monoyTpi'arket' to-day, .Call loalns cqhtru'uo t'o'rurq at 4'tof;'per cent. Pfir annuui." ' ' '' ' Goyornm'ciit',, bonds tb-dny fell off largely and moro generally than In any Ono. day for a long time. Tho 5-20s of 1803J old, declined K, tho 1805s, now, and tho 1807s,cach declined tho loug 0s of 1831 , tho 1801s, 1808s, 'tho new Cs and tho 10-40a each ,'and the 1872b Tho local stock market was very quiet and sales In some Instances wero n f rao iton lowen State'Os of tho second series sold ox interest at 107K, and 'City 0. new, at 104H tolOlVf. Penn, R.R. dlvi dend scrip sold to some extent at 102X, do. do. second mortgage Cs at 100H, N. Penna.- Railroad 73 at 105J4, West' Jer sey Railroad 7s at',103, Pittsburg, Cin cinnati and St. Louis 7s at 08, Jtoidlng Railroad general 'mor tgago reglstert-d 7s at '103tf,,'LehU:h Valley Railroad 7s at 107; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Cs nt 89K, Camden and Ambdy Railroad Cb of 1683 at 04. Tho Flour market Is dull. Superfine, $4 00 to 4 50 ;' extras, 83 to 0 Spring Wheat, extra family, ltd 35 to 0 CO. Wheat continues dull and prices aro unsettled. Common and choice rut nt $1 40 to 1 45; amber at $1 G3 to l C8: wo. 1 spring nt Si 85, NO. 0 spring at1 W 30, and whlto spring at $1 40. Corn Is lower. Sales 30,000 bushels, southern: and Pennsylvania yellow at 81 to 83c, closing" at 83c, and western mixed at 80s. Oats are 6teady. Sales 40Q0 bushels whlta at 05 to 07c, and black and mixed nt-03 and C4o. Rye may be quoted at $1 00. In Cloverseed very little doing, and we qnote the article nominal at 8)3 to W4c. Timothy sells as wanted at $3.00 per bushel; liuttor. Receipts moderate; market Crni; Now York State and Bradford co. choice 28 to 30c; western do 23 to 23c; fair to good 18 to 20c. Lard. Tho tono of tho market Is firm, said of western steam and ket tlo rendered at lX to UXc, Eggs nro higher. Penna, 2-1 to SOc, western S3 to 24c. per doz Paragraphic. The now telegraph cabjo.ot tho, Anglo-American Company is completed. Tho Groat Eastern Is'td leave today this cable between Ireland ' and Newfound land, on thd7th Inst. Tho Rlght'Rev. Bishop James' O'Gor man of tho Roman Catholic Church, died suddenly In Cinclnatl on Saturday, of cholera morbus, nged sixty years. Albany, July 8. Judgo 'Fullcrton nnd John L. Hill appeared beforo tho Attorney General this morning, with an application to comroenco suit against the offlceri of tho' Erlo Railway1 -doni--pany, on account of , their management Wm. M. Evarts nnd Judgo Shlppen ap pearfd on belialf df IHa.ArfiSars'in op potlttom Tho Attorney General reserv ed his decision as- to ( Whether ho' would JjringsuJt. , -Madrid, July 8., General Babala Is making preparations to renew 'tlio n't tack upon tho Carllsts at Estclla. Tho defeat of tho Carllsts In theirattack up on Teruel on Saturday last was so com plete that they havo left that section ot the country altogether. General Morlo-' nes has been appointed Goierallsslmo of the Republican troops In Havana. Washington, JUIy 8. lion. A. G. Riddle returned hero last evening, and this morning fdrmally accented tho ap pointment ot Assistant Attorney-Gen. to prosccutetho burglary cases growing out of the blowing up of the safe In tho District' Attorney's office during tho re cent Congressional Investigation. Mrj lliumo took tho oath ot ofllco to-day, and will commence work on tho cases Immediately. Capo May, July C.-ilary Shaw wifo of Joseph Shaw, ManayUnk, a member of an excursion party that arrived. hero to-day, bathed this morning, contrary to til j advlco of bernhvslclan. nnd 1Iim! shortly nfter going into tho water, from Internal hemorrhage. She was much debilitated by sickness. She was fifty thrco yedrs 'of age, and leaves eight children. Whert sho was taken out ot tho water Dr.. Duffy mado Unavailing efforts to sa vo her: ' 1 Last Saturday, a man named'Georga Treple attempted to take his own llio by endeavoring-to break' .his' head with 'a stono which no neid In hls'hand. Iio was unsuccessful,' but afterwards with a' razor succeeded to'his satisfaction, wo , IT,, I , ' i.i . ' . ' j.itoumu. J10 ii-uves u who ana nmo children, -was' fifty 'years' of ngonnd.a1 f u.. !.!-!. . 1 - 1 1 . . .V 1 uciiuuu ujf uiitu. no nveu anarsou s, Scranton City Journal, ' ' London. Julv 5. Thn, aHnlvprsnrv of American Iqdspendoniio wascelebra-j ted at St. Petersburg with a "dlnnot at tha- United. States Legatloni Minister uowen presiuing., in XaMUon a lote.was was given by the lAmerican Minister.' whoso official resldenco was handsnmn-l ly aecorated. lt Paris there was a llb-i eral display of .American flags at the-; legation and' elsowhero, but' no formal celebration' took place- I i. t A woman-who iwas arrested In Troy a few nights ago oh tho cliargo of drunk enness said that previous to tho latn wnr. sho" resided, with her husband and faml-' ly on a large plnntatldn: lidar .Ponsacola, xia., owning, oesiues ibu slaves, about 5200,000 worth, .of property.. She and her husband, whodiad been- brought up' in Maine, refused to, tako." tlio oatliol al legiance to; the Southern, Confederacy. ahd.they wera compelled tocomo North. All tlielr property, excepting 30,000 In, n hbw xorK oanm was contlscatml. With tho $30,000 her!llusband began to speculate and lostn In 1807 he died, leaving hcrnlmost penniless. Slncotlmt tlmo sho has travelled Irora place to placej Sho says that she otlll has the Interest of .IIOOOO, wljich Is deposited In bank for tho benefit ot her children.. Jslx In number, wheii slid dies. Sho savs tuiib Dim wua iiuuxicmcu wnen nrrestpn ' but drauk only a few glasses of 'ale, in tending Jo take tho evening boat for New York. When' arrested alio wa3 smoking a cigar In tho street. New Advertisements btico is Hereby Given. To whom It mav concern. That Anthony Houserrind Ann" his wifo have piaceu in tiie hands of tho undersigned ono Ulack Mare and ono Cow, as secu rity for tho payment of Execution from Adam i?eer for $28.11 and Execution from Samuel Klbler for $20.57. JOHN DISTLEH. Towamenslng. twp July 11, '7-t-3w SPECIAL MEETING OF TIIE RtnolrlinMorj tt lin Trniiln Tn.. and BuIldlng'Assoclatlori will bo held at tho Ofllco of tbo.Carbon Iron Co., on THURSDAY, August Oth, 1874, nt 7 o'clock P. M,, to pass such resolutions that. will enable the Hoard of Directors to dispose ot the Monthly Incomo In Dues, Interest, &o. In tho absence of voluntary purchasers, or an opportuni ty to luvest'the same with profit In real estate. Tlio plan proposed by tho ioard of .Directors Is recommended to 'the consideration of the Stockholders, 'In tho written application (ZJy.Laws, Art., IX,, Sec. 3), calling for a special meeting, to .overcomd this 'difficulty with which tho Association is now con tending. A full attendance is requested. JAC.0B PETERS, President W. "V. Bowman, Secretary. Note Parties rcnijttl'ng their dues by check, should not fall to stamp them. Parryyllle, July 1, 1873-w? TT OOK BEAUTIFUL .LO.QK - ROSY I A Cottle of D,UJtLING'S ROSE GLYCERINE for Rqughposa of the Skin, Chapped:nands, &o., only 25 cents a bottle. t may 0. JOTIOK TO piSHE'ttBIEi. Th undsrstined hereby forbids 11 persons FIllog In th,sj portion pf Wills' Qreek ruanlng turough hit property after this date, under penal. ty ol thejav. July 4, 1871. JOHN DISTLER. TU8T look at her. 4faUl Why I T .thpught it was, turning qroy? So It was, until shegot nBottlo of that now Hair Restorer at Durllug's Drug Store. JSJ-OTHERS, Look at, that 6'hlld, it . .5.1? Worm3- Qo r send at once tpURLING'S Jrug Store, and. get a bottloof Ills WORM SYRUP." sn nlpn- sant and yet so suro. may 0 rjjriuomAs a. williams. , LADIES' AND OENTLEMEN'S F8blostla Boot and Shoe Maker, Nearljr oprxult th roiUilBce. BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa. IlaTlni commencod lmlne6, obeys, I would infBtiiuii; nuuounca io ins clllleDS or llilibton ond Tlclnlty that I am prepared to do all work In my Hoe In the neateit aud moat tubstantlal man ner, at price fullr 1a io as tho aame work can U otained In l'blladelpbla. A aplendW assort. ment or b'liiLOKKN'S and MIS3KS' WEAR of j on nan1, A oliclted im W11.11UC11U11 guaranteed. - Off- Tho trade supplied with all kinds of SHOE findin'gs'. ' awowpstprlces. .r Jnl3r4,lS71. PjENTItAIi II. K. OP N. a. LUllIQU i SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. Time Table of Juno 20, 1874. rains leaie Lehlgliton as follows: lprK' '"llauelpula, Easton, c a, 7 J7, 11.07 a. in, 2.27, 4.47 p.m.. . ' ' oU)pCm"Uk " " m'' U4'6-Mnd 1'or Wilkes Harre and Scranton at 10.13 a. m., I.i4. lltlurninn lavo New Vnrfc. from .t.llnn tral llallroad ofXew Jersej, foot of Liberty aireet, North Hirer, at S.U, 0.00 a. m, 12.4D, 4 00 p. m. Leavo l'lilladelphh, from Depot North Tena'a It. It, at 7.W, 0.45 a. m, 2.10, 6 15 p. m. Loaro Easton at 8.30, 10.05, 11.48 a. m, 35 and Leare Manch Chunk at 7 JO, 11.U0 a. m, 2.20 and 4.40 p. m. Fo: further particulars, see Time Tables at the Stations. II. P. BALDWIN, Gtn, liutngtr Agent, Julr4, 1874. BUCKItlAN, MAHOrACTUKtB Of Carriages, Slclglis, Buggies, . and every description of SPRING WAGONS. iNearly oppoilto ISaJlo Hotel, Bank Street, Lehighton, I'n. RErAIRINO 'PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO At leasonable charges'. 3-Pati-oi as8 Try respectfully solicited, and tatiiract Ion truat-a.nteed. Feb. 7, 1874, A. BUCKMAN. E. H. SNYDER 1L,EIIICHT01V, 1'EXM'A., DEALEK" IN Dry Goods, Notions, GIIOOEUIES, QUEENSWARE, Glassware, Hardware, &o'. May 31, 1873. ' D. CliAUSS, Merchant Tailor, : And Dealer In Cent's Furnishing 'do oil's, LEilGllToX PA'.- i Constantly on hand "a splendid stock' of NEW GOODS, Conslstlnc of Plain and Vnnv PiniLo Casslmercs and Vestings.for Men's and Hoys' Wcnr, which I am prepared to jhuku un 10 uruer in tno mnst Vaa i nk able Styles, at short" ribtlcd. Ladies', Misses and Children's A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glovo Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather' Boots and Shoes on hand, or fllailo to-Ordcr. ! Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at tho Lowest Price. Also, Agent for the American & Grover & Baker cwiua: MacMucs. Only Ono Prlco for Everybody. January 11, 187tt-yl The undersigned is now selling to the citizens or veissport and vicinity, the TIIE CHOICEST Family Flour $4-. 2ml Cirade- - 3.50 J?i- Cash: I Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try it I t3T nlULING of every description atlteasonablo Rates. Harefiuo taken to nnd from the Railroad Depots at tho ouuuesc notice W.FKLO.TZi Nearjho Canal Iftldgo, EAST WEISS PORT, Pa. apr ll-m3 JAVII) EBBGRX'S Livery & Sale Stables, HANKSTKEET.liKIIiailTON, Pa. FAST TROTTING HORS.ES, ELEGANT CARUIAGES, Aud positively LOWER PRICES than any other Livery iu the County. 1ST Large and handsomo Carriages for Funeral purposea'and Weddings. XiSist Cltaitc ron AN EASYPORTUNE FD7TII AND LAST GIFT CONCERT IN AID OF Tim Pub. Library of Ky. LIST OP GIFTS. ONE ORAND OASII.OIPT' . .- ,,1150.000 ONE GRAND CASH .GIFT . . lrjO OOO ONE ORAND CASH OIVT T .- , 7s!oOO ONE OltAND CASH OUT . . CoiftOO ONB.ORANDpASIIjOnX y . , 25000 5 CASH GIFTS, 20,1109 ACH, inooOO 10 CASH GIFTS, 14,000 EACH, 14IIO0O IS CASH OIFTS, 10,000 EACH, 150 000 20 CASH OIFTS, 6,000 EACH, 100,000 25 CASH GIFTS, - 4,000 EAOII, 100,000 30 CASH GIFTS, 3,000 EACH, 00OO0 60 CASH GIFTS,. I 2 000 EAcII, 100,000 100 CASH aittf, 1,000 EACH,. 100,000 240. CASH GIFTS,. 600 EACH, 120,000 600 CASH .GIFTS," 100 EACH, 60,000 loooo cash aiFTS,- 60 each, oso ooo Grand total20,000alft.",allcjh . .i,200,000 Price ot Ticket. Whole Tlckit $ 60 00 IlalTes 2A oh 'Tenths, or oach Coupon ,, .. ,. , 6 00 ii noiexicKeisrer .... 6U0 00 22J Tickets for 1000 00 For Tickets or Information, address1 TUO. E. BRAMLKTTE, AatsrandMixioEB, .j - PoMIc Library Building, LonlsTlUe, Ky or TltoS. II. HAYS 4 CO, Eastern .Agents, ' T' 003 Broadway, New York. . ' nne27 ,TOE PnOTOGBAPIIEB Uespectfnily announces to tho citizens of LehlRhton and vicinity, that ho has OPENED his New Photograph Gallery, on BANKWAY, (near tho,Lchlgh Val ley Railroad Depot), Lehighton, nnd that he Is now creDarcd to clve our citizens Llfe-LikoiPlctures at tho most reasonable rates; ' Particular attention Dald to tahlrnr ,A ,Trlal, Is solicited. Juno IS. o : o. m 'b Pi fig-- t o. tt 1x3 S3 P S to 3 . 'Hi !53 CS U2 t-t a) pi "O. k C3 a m j2 3 EHj o m o C3 B C3 rH' up A W. EACHES, Contractor- & Builder, LGIIIOIITOK, piilN'A l'lans anil .SiicclflcatlonH For all kinds'of Buildings mado at the shortest notice. . . NO CHARGES 1 Made for Plans anipiflcatfqns.-yyhen the contract is awarded to the under signed. A. W. EACHES. June 14, 1878-yi npiio undersigned respect- fully announces that lm is. belter .prepared than .over lo Buy anCSell ' niacin, ' Calf nnd Sliccp Skins,' Tallow aud j Plastering ji,Uf at Ills OItl Stand," nearly oppdsite tho pot office, Bank Street, Lehighton. 'a ISS" The hlgbost cash prices paid for Hides and Skins.. '.. ' nov. 23. O. E. QREEN4WALP. "BUY" IT I TRY ITI-Tho'fxudia --Rubber Plasters for a Weak Back PURLING has them may 0. j- novo ucn4ti, ARCHITEOT. 'U t ' 122S. Qth St, Allentdwn, Pa. Wl!t-fmUh'Pluit,,8plncatlons and Kstlmatea Slilng f.ot,,of;puut1od pltaUl,olillngs, fiom, 4h plsiMst.totlja most oUborata: alio! PrawlnTsrorgtalr,Ifand-IUIIi,e; (Ui? . WONDEItFUL, BUT TRIIEl UooU-lllniUlitV; Ourfrlendsand patrons aro.respect fully Informed that we have mado ar rangements whereby wa can rocelvo books, magazines, music,, &c. for bind ing, and guarantee the work to be well and substantially donb at pHces'Ifu'lly as low as tho work can bo done for in tho city. Music propcry arranged for blndlnc and lost numbors of lurnlshed to complete volumes. 'Send your work-to the, Advocate office, P5" ui iowiu-or Magnoiiftjuaitn r, . t! "l "'" ""'ft vi anytninccin that line to beautify the complexion "at where else. TmavO