VOL. II., No. 34. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1874. SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS Lehighton Directory. Agent. W. 0. Frellrlcl, Singer Hewing Machine and In linnet, next to K. II. Snyder's, Hank street. Barber, II. D. WIDDOS, Sating, Hair CuUtngand Sham porting, under Exchange Hotel, Uattk street. Boot aud Shoe Makers'. Charles Yenser, nearly oppotiu Uie pottrofftoc, Bank street) alto, dealer in CbnKtiorury. Clinton Bretney, in Levarii luBatng, Bank street. All order! promptly filUd-aork warranted. Confectioner!. Ususman A Kuhn, opposite Obett'i "tore, Bank street. All vrderl promptly filltd. Dry Good! and Groceries. , V.. II. Long, opp. L. A S. Depot, Bank St., dealer in Hardware, Queentware, Ladiet' Drill Goodt, tCc. 11. A. Bolts, Leuckel's Block, Bank UVry Goodt. Omtria, Quanmare, Oarpelt, Oil OothttOal E. II. Bnyder, Bank atreet, Dry Ooodi, botumi, Drtu Goodt, Groceriet, Queentwart, Hardware,. A.J Darling, Brat door abore P. 0, Hank atreet, OUt, lxintt, rtrfumtry, rutcnt iledianet, do. Hardware. F.iP.Semmal.nearly opp.'Eithange Hotel, Bank street, CuUitatort, Oat, rulntt, Cuario, tfe. Hotel. ThomssMsnts.f Exchange," cpp. Putllo Squa.e, Bank st. ratronagi toliated. IVar.lmlll.. V. Schwarti,Bank atreet, dealer in alt Unit cf Furniture. Otfitmaacu.oracT. Merchant Tailor. Clause 4 Brc, Bank street, and dealeriinGenU turnUhind Goodt, Boott, Sheet, llatt. Oat, , fc. Thomas S.Ueck; P. O. building, Banket, Ccnfs rurnithing Goodt, Halt, Oapt, Sdiool Book!, ifc. Milliner. . Mrs. B. Fath, Bank street, 2nd door bolow the M. E, Church. Xoliont and Trimming! ni....i.i.n. mitl Surceons. Dr. C. 8. German, corner of Bank and Iron stroe s Cbiwutalion in Englith and German. Pr. N. B. Keber, nest door to P. O, Bank street. Contwaivm in inytw. urn w. .... T1 . I . I r. t. jo.. dbert,Bank st, racking. Curing andBmoling . .-iif.i.i HI levf nmnnil fulfil. t v.t.iniri,p k Son. Dank sU dealers in Flour and ed, groceries, truiUand wJalte. A. O. Dolleomayer. South itreet, aboTO Utvk it, m. rafbiier, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bass: staiir, LinionioK, ri. Heal EsUte and Collection Agency. Will Buyand 7. .... ........ nnlni nA.flv ilnllA. COI lections promptly made. Settling fcsutes of I)e- ceaenu a epecuuj. ndOerman. bot.m, JMO. D. UEKTOIiETTK, ATTORNEY AND COUNflELLOft AT LAW, OrriCX llrst National Bank l)lliioj, 2nd floor MAUCII CHUNK, Pusil. May bo consulted In German. apr 18, 187t jgiD..(j. msiMioit, n,an,M iiwnwwi-V iTTIMlKT.V AT LAW viaLiiit. . , Office, ou UaoiUWAt, llrst door below American Jlotel,slaucJllinunK,i-eBna. vouocnuu; y made. Nov- ATT0ENEY AT LAW, MAUCII CHUNK, PA. Oct 18,-1878 J II. DIHM1CK, AUCTIONEER, T7 . , WAlaatinrt. la. N IV-8ales of every description attended to st .-Trr:. . 4 of the nubile rasooaoia . "v , - . i. trn. nii.lt.Ml. Jan.24.'74. . O I CB,m. HU.IJ TJUY YOUR BOOTS AND SIIOKS of W.nrrr PomTlrlpll. V.Hit WfilSSDOlt. Where you cau nUvays get the very best artlclo ut tho lowest prlco for cash. Boots and Shoes made to order and neatly Repalrod at short notice ana rea. eonauio terms. ai-iu AQIiE HOTEL, N. 1CLOTZ. pnop'it, Summll Hill, Oarbost Co Pa. ar n-t of nccommodatlons. Exosllent res taurant underneath. Good stabling attached Terms moderate. T OOAGCONIST. nT.TTTPTj rriTT.T.WV. rlr-alfir In To- uacco, Clgars, x'lpos, avc, nexi uour io Box's Grocery Storo, Susquehanna St., Mauch Chunk, respectfully asks the iwinlo nt IvMnMnn nnd vlclnttv. when Visiting that place, to call in and try his FRAGRANT CIGARS. tho very best in the market. Every articles in bis lino warranted as repro ecnted ana at lowest prices, (.uiurio mllOMAS KEJICnER, JL CONVEYANCER, GENERAL INBUEAN0E AGENT The fallowing Companies iro Represented! Lebanon Mutual Fire, IteadlDg'ilutual Fire, Wyoming Fire, PotSvlllo Firo. Lehigh Fire, and tho Travelers' Accident Insurance, a ion TVnnavlvnnln and Mutual ITorsfi Thlet Detective nnd .Insurance Com- pany; miuii vt ato jfOS. M, FUITZMIGER, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker Opposite T. D. Clauss' Store, B4NK STREET, LEUI6HT0N, Pa., respectfully Informs his friends and tho public, that lie lias Just received a now and excellent assortment ot Men's Wo men's and Children's Rcady-Uado Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, Which ha will Sell at the Lowest Prices. t3T Boots nd Shoes inado to order, and Repairing neatly and substantially done at short notice. ap 25-y I Railroad Guide. N ORTH PENNA.RAILIIOAD. rafenirer fbr rhllsdelphla will leaTO Leblghton i.00 a. m . Tla L. i arrive at Thlla at I inllawfil! 0.00 a.m 11.10 a.m. 11.10 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 2.15 p.m 5.15 p.m. 8.20 p.m. 8.20 p. m. 10.30 p.m, ?.37a.m.vlaL.A8. ' " S9 a. m. via L. V. .07 p. m. via L. A a. .02 n. m. via L. V. .27 p, m. via L. A 8. .47 p.m. via L. it 8, 44 p.m.vla.L. V. as p.m. via j.. v. Beturnlnir. leave depot at Rerka and American Streets, Flilla., at 7.00, 8.30 and 0.45 a. m.; 2.10 3.30, and 0.15 p. m. rare Irom i.enign;on uo rmtaaefpuia, ?.ou. xeo. 1, loii. Diii.i.a liunitrt, Agent TQENNSYI.VAN1A UAILnOAI), ritlLADELPHI A & EHIE lilt. DIVISION. Sumter Time Table. On and after SUNDAY. MAY 31st. 1871. the trains on the Philada. k Erie 11 It. Division villi run as follows t WJSSTWAKV. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia 12.55 p.m. ' llarrlstiurg o.uv p.m. 1 Wllllamsport 9.00 p.m. ' arr. at Lock Haven 10.15 p.m. Eeii Mia leaves Philadelphia 11.55 p.m. 1 liarriourg 4.zaain. 1 " Wllllamsport B.35 a.m. ' " Lock Haven 9.45 a.m. i lienova 11.10 a.m. ' arr. at Erie 8.05 P.m. EufiB Milt leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. " " llarrisourg i.zup.m. " " Wllllamsport 0 20 p.m. arr. at Lock Haven 7 JO n.m. NnoiBi KiriiE33 leaves Pblladolphla 7.20 a.m. " liarrisourg iu.u a.m. i i i WUllsmsport 2.05 p.m. ' " Lock Haven 3.10 p.m. ' " ltenova 4.20 p.m. arr. at Kana 11.(0 a.m. EASTWAIID. Pniia . Exrncss leaves Lock llavon 6.20 a.m. ' Wllllamsport 7.45 a.m. " arr. at Uarrisburg 11.45 a.m. ' " " Philadelphia 335 p. nr Kail Mm leaves Erie 11.20 a,m. . llfineva 0.15 p.m. Lock Haven 10J9 p.m. " WUllsmsport 12.10 a.m. 4 arr. at Harrlsburg 4 30 a.m. Philadelphia 0.16 a.m Eiuwi Ulll leaves Lock Haven 8.00 a.m. " " Wllllamsport 030 a.m. " arr. at Uarrisburg 1 .40 p.m " . Philadelphia Uiw Jiuaixi Expbiss leaves Kana 0,00 a.m. " " " Itonovo 4 05 pjn. " - Lock Haven 525 pm. " - " Wllllamsport 650 p.m. " ' arr at Harrlsburic 10,55 p.m. Philadelphia 2.50 a.m. Mall East eonnecta east and west at Erie with L 8 X M S B W and at Irvineton with Oil Creckand Allegheny 11 It W. Mall West with cast and west trains nn L 8 t M 8 K W. and at Corry and Irvineton with OU Creek and Allegheny U It W. Elmlra Mall and Buffalo Rxpress make close connections at WUllsmsport with MOIIW trains uorth.and at Uarrisburg with N C 11 W trains soum. a. UALunu.uen'l nupi. ilicapcst Place In Town! The underslcned resDoctfullv Informs his friends and the citizens in general, that he has just received a largo and elegant assortment ot WATOHES.OLOOKS, SILVER PLATED WARE, Jewelry, Gold Pens, &c Which ho Is offering nt very LOW PRICES FOR CASH ! Also, Agent for the celebrated DIAMOND Spectacles & Eye-Glasses Tho very best In tho market. Nearly opposite the P. O. , Bank St., Lehighton. Juno 0, 1874 NEW DRUG STORE IN LEniGUTOiV. T. W. JHenshaw Respectfully Informs tho citizens of Lo hlsbton and vicinity, that ho has open- a Drug Store, In Staupfeii's Block, on Bank Street, Lehighton! and that ho has Just received an assort ment of Pure Drugs, Chemicals', Family Medicines, Flavoring EztracU,Perfumory,Coal Oil, Pure Wines and Liquors For Medicinal & Sacramental Purposes CIGARS, TOBACCO, Uc, which ho will supply at tho very lowest prlco for Cash. Renshaw's Writing Fluid, The Best In tho Market, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The attention of Chemists la specially called to this article, which, while It Is fully equal to the best In the market, Is sola at o por cent. leas man any other, Qualitative Chemical Examinations carefully made at reasonable charges Physicians' and Family Prescriptions carefully compounded. 1ST The patronago of the public Is very respectfully solicited. T. W. RHNSIIAW. - apr 11. Chemist and Druggist. ANNUAL STATEMENTof the TlpopliitK nnd Slsbursomenti of Franklin Township School District. Robt. Anthony, Treasurer, In account with Franklin Twp., Carbon county, Fa., for the school year ending June let, A. D. 1874 i 1873. IlECEirTS. By balance In Treasury $ 80 31 Aug 80 Stato appropriation.. 100 00 Oct 1 11 Campbell on dup- Hcate. 1872 103 73 Oct 11 Rec'd as Treasurer on duplicate 1873.... 311 15 May 25 H Levan, dup. 1873. 1081 00 Juno 1 ADciberton dup... 407 01 Treasurer balanco 157 18 2341 07 EXPENDITURES. Juno 24 John Schobo, tavern expenses, twice, .is o 1U -Sept 1 Slattngton Sash Fac tory 8 pr shutters 28 19 July 80 BoyleandMorthlmer for advertising. . . 21 00 Oct 25 J WHeberllnc&Co. nails, No. 4 sch'l ho. 4 40 Nov 12 W A Zclgenfus.plas- tering JN0.4 ditto... - 21 85 Deo 2 FP Semmel, paint. W cord and lock, No. 4 houso 3 80 Dec 8 PClauss stove & pipe 2115 Deo 11 Ezra Moyer, for mak ing blackboard 5 00 Deo 18 J Zclgenfuss, hauling coal b 117 Dec 18 Dav Beltz, repairing school house 4 87 Dec 18 ReubGroot, repairing school bouse No. 1. . 0 28 1874. Jan 20 Ycakel& Albright, 4 loads sand 'J w Fob 10 N Snyder, coal to No. 7 school house, '70. . 6 80 Feb 10 Jno Schwab, for coal shed 8 80 Feb 10 J Krum, lumber and worn at No. 4 school house 100 00 Jar 3 J Ruch, lime bill. ... 4 00 Apr 13 Mary Remaley, scrub bing No. 4 S. house. 2 00 May 25 J K RIckert, for coal, lumoer aim secre tary's salary 180 43 May 25 James Ash, slate for jno. 4 scnooi uouse. . oo uu Juuo 1 W,H Rubor, work at No. 4 school houso. . 14 44 Juno 1 Joshua Graver, haul- ins coal two years to No. 7 school house. . 13 00 Juno 1 Thirty school orders to teachers 1050 00 Juno 1 Adam Eaches, on ac count of building No. 3 school house 724 70 Juno 1 Commission 45 00 $2341 07 Treasury balance 157 18 We, tho undersigned Auditors of Franklin Township School District, have examined tho above accounts and found tho samo to be correct. ROBERT ANTIIONY, 1 JOSEPH 2JOYER, Auditors J. K. RICKERT, ) June 27-w3 ANNUAL STATEMENT ot the Rocetnta and Disbursements of Franklin Township Bounty Moneys. Robert Anthony, Treasurer, in ac count with Franklin Township School DUtrlct, Carbon county, Pa., for tho School year ending Juno 1st, A.D. '74. BOUNTY MONEYS. 1873. UECE1PTS. By Treasury balance $ 870 73 Oct 18 Henry Boyer, on du plicate lmi 2i is 1874. Juuo 1 Henry Campbell, on duplicate lb71 7U4 85 91129 70 Treasury balance, DISBURSEMENTS. 1S73. Hay 10 D Z?eltz. Interest on Dond ft) do May 17 Lewis Beltz, ditto. . . 54 00 Juno 13 II Groen, att'y-fees. 150 00 July 13 B M 2?oyle, adver'g 14 00 Aug i u jvioriciit.atfyrees iou 00 Aug 7 Geo Handwork, in terest on bond 92 14 Aug 7 U v Jorthlmer, ad vertising 7 00 1871. Feb 10 Reuben Andreas. in tercstonbond 112 00 Apr 11 Jero Andreas, Inter est on bond May 25 Reuben Andreas, ln 21 00 terest on bond 180 00 May 29 Geo Uandwerk, In terest on bonds Juno 1 Thos Walk, paid at 6 per cent, on the 17th day ot July, 1805... Juno 1 Reuben Andreas, In 02 14 24 00 terest on bond 224 75 " Commission " Treasury balance . 10 89 3T 82 $1120 70 Treasurer's balance .... 37 82 We, the undersigned Auditors of Franklin Township School District, have examined tho above accounts and found tho samo to be correct. ROBERT ANTHONY,. JOSEPH BOYER, Auditors J. K. RICKERT, J June 27-wU Annual Financial State ment of Receipts nnd Expendi tures of .Vhhonlng School District, Car. bon county, Pa., for tho year ending June 1st, A, D. 1874: RECEIPTS. Gross am't ot Tax duplicate $1708 42 Exonerations & abate- ' menu $85 01 Collector's commlssl'n 09 81 104 92 1003 50 CaBh from old Collectors .... 270 00 Stato appropriation 180 00 Total Receipts. $2113 GO EXl'ENDITOllES. Paid Teachers' Salaries $1544 25 " Fuel and contingencies. 215 74 11 Repairs 889 00 " Salary (In part) Treas'r 14 45 $2113 CO OEKEHAL statement. Outstand'g taxes, D. E. Fritz Into Collector $339 00 Total indebtedness of District 173 G3 Bal. In favor of District. . . $105 4T Wo, the undersigned Auditors of Ma lionlug School District, Carbon county, having carefully examined tho above accounts of tho Treasurer, find them as above stated. NATHAN M0SER, 1 J03IA1I MUSSULMAN, 5-Audltors. JOSIAII XANDER, J Mahoning, June 23, 1874-w3 BEATTY & PLOTTS. Tho Beatty & Plotts.cclebrcted Gold en Tonguo ft PARLOR ORGAN is acknowledged by professors ot music and celebrated organists to be tho lead ing Parlor Organ now In nso. Testi monials and cards ot honor aro constant ly being received In favor of them, 'Wo append a few and wish you to read them : Antiioot, N. J., Jan. 25, 1873. Jfessrs. Beatty &PlotU, Gents Your Organ, sold me, gives entire satisfaction. It beauty of tone and style of workman ship are seldom It ever surpassed. Wish ing you success In your business, I am, with respect, Prof, M. n. Beatty. Siiamokin, Pa., Feb. 11, 1874. I havo one of Beatty & Plotti' Golden Tongue Organs, it Is an excellent in strument, flno tono and full power. I like It better loan any I have heard. M. II. 1IAIIFBL, M. D. Latjuy's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. I have had Beatty &Plotts Organ sliico .August 14th, 1872 ; It gives the highest satisfaction, and has proved all mat it was recommended by the prop'rs JOD UENKY. Slatinoton. Pa.. Feb. 0. 1874, Beatty & Plotta' Parlor Orean I like better than the Standard, and It gives better satisfaction, us I find In my trav els, i'roi. an. v. mayek. St. Claib, Pa., Dec. 0th, 1873, Messrs. Beatty & Plotts. Gents I have received tho Organ, as sent by your nrm to mo, and l nave had it examined, ana it gives ampio satisfaction. lion. John Siney. Maitanoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1872 The Beatty & Plotts celebrated Gold en Tongue Parlor Organ Is by far the best Parlor Organ in use. I have care fully examined it, and find Its tone, workmanship and durability to be tht best I ever saw, and 1 can with pleasure recommend it to any In want of a first. class parlor organ, l'ror. 0. 11. under. Messrs. Beatty & Plotts, of Washing' ton, N. J,. aro centlcmen ot enterprise, and whoso presence would be a credit to any community. (.iiackettstown, ri. J., nerald, 1872. Wasiiinoton, N. J.. Sent. 5. 1873. To Robert Morgan, Pottsvllle I am happy to state that tho Instrument elves entire satisfaction, not only to myself out aisoto tuo teaciiers oi tue seminary wuo are Dcttcr judges. Rev. A. M. JELLY. We say, after careful and costly ex periment, it Is with, pleasure we Intro duco tho " Golden Tongue," knqwjng it possesses many advantages oyer all others manufactured. The tone excels In fullness, purity, and tho thousands ot testimonials which are being con stantly received, aro evidence that our efforts have been eminently successful, For particulars and Price List, address BEATTY & PLOTTS, Feb. 21-Om Washington, ,N. J. "A Fearer Approximation to (As ItEAL SWJlt QUILL than Anting Hitherto Invented.'' The coxiTAHTiT Eicauiixa sal of the SPENOERIAN D0O11LE ELASTIC Steel Pens I Is owing to their superior uniting qualttiet, as at tested dj tbeedltorlal endorsement of orer lOOO papers, and Vj Merchanta, Lawyers and Bankers without cumber. They are all made of the lst Bteel, tn the licit manner, by the beat workmen in Europe. iVr Silt ly all Dealtrt. 7b accommodate thotq Kho nay with to try then pent, we will tend a Gird, containing erne each of the IS Nnrauara,lyiial(inrwrie22. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 138 and llOtUUND BTUEET, N. Y. April 23, 1871. NEARER, HOME. SY MRS. ErjPIE O. CABTLEN. Tlio solemn thought steals sweetly o'romy soul, Llko ocean waves that o'ro tho lono rock roll,!i That thought I tread tho cruel illnts un shod, Tho way Is short, I thank thoo, oh, my Godl What though "lny llfo is like tho autumn loafl" Tho withorlng stem, tho trembling flowor, whoso breath, And fading llfo whoso soro and blighted form Is but lifo's emblem ? 1 am nearor homo. What though my llfo is llko a desert rock, Which firmly stands to meet tho ocean's shock: What though upon Its ruggod bosom bloom No sweet, wild flowers! It ucedctli not pcr lumo. IIopo, llko tho Boa-moss, firmly, wildly clings To my lono, trusting heart, and over urlngs, In loving arras, all to tho fold who roam. And guides my homeless foct still nearer home. Anecdote of Jefferson. A party, Mr. Jefferson, tho Presi dent, amonc them, went out rldtnir. A small shower had fallenduringtheattcr- noon, and when they got back to Moor's Creek, tho water was running up to tho saddle girths of tho horse. An ordinary western looking man was sitting on tho nans with a saddle In his hands. Ho waited till all tho party badentor- ed tho stream but Mr. Jefferson, and then asked him for a ride across. To rein up to a stone, suffer him to mount, en croupe, nnd carry him totheopposlto bank was a matter of courso. In a few rolnutos the party In tho rear, who had witnessed the affair overtook our sad dled pedestrian stretching his way along tho foot of Carter's mountain. 'I say I" quoth a unlor,."what mado you let that young man pass nnd nsk mat gentleman to carry you over tho Creek?" "Well," said Kentucky. In broad patois, "If you want to know, I'll tell youj i recson a man carries yes or no In his faco tho young chap's face said no the old 'un's said yes." "It Isn't every man that would have asKca mo Presldsnt of tho United States for a rldo behind him," said another. expecting to blank tho bold visage ot Kentucky. If such was his object, how- over, ho was vety much mistaken. ( "You don't say that was Tom Jeffer son, do you?" was tho reply; and ho immediately added, "he Is a fine fellow any way." "That was tho President!" was tho response Kentucky looked up and looked around the locality well known to travelers at onco carrying conviction In bis mind. Ho appeared to be In a brown study for a moment, themasslvo features then relaxed, ho burst Into aloud fit ot laugh terand thus snoke: . "What do you supposo my wifo Polly will say when I get back to Boono coun ty, and tell I'vo rid behind old Jeffer son? she'll say I voted for tho right man!" That Bad Boy. Elder Perkins had an appointment at the Ladles' Missionary Rooms, at fivo o'clock Friday afternoon, and at 4.50 you might havo seen tho street car com ing down South Main under a full head ot one-horse power, and the Elder com ing up Banks street as fast as 2501tve welght would permit. Tho bell of a milk cart had deceived him as to theproxlml. ty of the car, and if a fresh orange peel had not caused him to measure his breadth on the pavement ho would have had to wait for it. As it was, ho bad Just time to fish his spectacles from the gutter, and hts stovo-plpe, together with his gold-headed cane, 'from an open hatchway, when the car was on band. Tom Fills, the butcher's boy, was on board, and although most of the passen gers were smiling at the Elder's appear ance, Tom kept up a very sober look as he politely offered tho Oust rated Elder his seat, taking up a position on tho 6teps. The Elder was a sight as he slowly mov ed to tho proffered seat, One pantaloon leg was over tho strap ot his boot, and his bat looked like the leaning tower of Pisa. The muddy sidewalk had parti ally I eclipsed bis nose and painted a moustache that would havo done credit to a professor ot burnt cork. The El der bad got opposite to tho scat offered him and was preparing to put an end to his troubles by sinking with a dignified movement into a "place of rest," when alurch of tho car sent him down with a vengcaucc, but ho came up again as it a mine of torpedoes had oxplodod under tho car, pitching headlong Into an an cient maldcn'slap, smashlnganew sum mer bonnet she was taking homo, thumping tho prominent buglo ot a brother D. D., on tho right, with tho gold-headed cane, and letting off a yell that could havo been heard a block away. Tho ono-horso power etartod oft on a run, encountering the up car, re sulting in throwing them both from their tracks and mixing things general ly. Tho last seen of tho polite boy, was, around the corner telling tho boys how well that bent pin had perforated old Perkins, who, by tho way, was at this tlmo waddling homo faster than ho came, and thinking what a glorious preroga tive Elijah had to punish wicked boys. Danbury News. A Valuable Recipe. The Journal ot Chemistry publishes a reclpo for tho destruction ot insects, which, if It bo ono.half as efficacious as it is claimed to bo, will prove Invalu able: Hot alum water Is a recent suggestion as an Insecticide. It will destroy red and and black ants, cockroaches, spi ders, chintz bugs, and all tho crawling pests which Infest our houses. Tako two pounds ot alum and dissolve It in three or four quarts of boiling water; let It then stand on tho fire till the alnm disappears; then apply It with a brush, while nearly boiling hot, to every joint andcrevlco In your closets, bedsteads, pantry-shelves and the like. Brash the crevices In the floor ot tho skirting, or mop-boards, It you suspect that they harbor vermin. If, in whitewashing a celling, plenty of alum is added to tho lime, It will also serve to keep insects at a distance. Cockroaches will floo the paint which has been washed In cool alum water. Sugar barrels and boxes can bo freed from ants by drawing a chalk mark just around the edge of the top of them. Tho mark must bo unbroken, or they will creep over It; but a continuous chalk mark half an inch In width will set thelrdepredatlons at naught. Powd ered alum or borax will keep tho chintz bugs at a respcctablo distance, and tra velers should always carry a package in their hand bags, to scatter over and nnder their pillows In places whero they have reason to suspect the presence of such bedfellows. AJBadllault. The other day a very pretty young lady rodo In tho horse-car which dally conveys us down town; and as sho sat just within our range of vision, wo could not help observing tho "handkerchief flirtation" sho presently commenced with an exquisite seated opposite. That both enjoyed the sport was evident; her faco was so pleasant to look at that ono would think her secure from ill-natured romarks, but presently, whon the charm ing coquetto left the car, my ears ting led as I heard what her partenern tho pleasant llttlo gamo audibly whlsperell to a companion; while tho girl went her way, her pulses still tingled with grati fied vanity, never dreaming that ten minutes; folly had Jeopardized her good narao. If all young ladies who prido themselves on their skill and tact In tho art of flirtation, could only hear all that is paid ot them, behing their backs, wo think they would renounce their in delicate blandishments forever, if not past that whloosoino Indication ot shame, for tho false part they had so far play ed on society. The practical flirt Is look ed upon by all youug men, savo thoso green enough to be her victims, merely as a piece of human trumpery, with whom It may bo well enough to while away an hour or two now and then, when nothing better In the way of am usement offers. Tho Rov. Mr. Parks objected to eating his plcnlo dinner at Moro, Cal., under the American flag, remarking that "that rag throush which ho had put many a bullet hole disturbed his enjoy ment. On tho following Sunday, as Mr. Parks took his place In tho pulpit, ho found an American flag hanging from It. Ho was about to pull It down, when Mr. Miller, who placed It there, after hearing his unloyal speech at tho picnic, quietly rose and presented a pistol, ad vising blm to go on with hts preaching and let that flag alone. Miller sat on tho front seat with his finger on tho trigger, ready, for any allusion deroga tory to tho flag. At tho conclusion ot tho sermon Mr. Miller mada a motion that the church had no further use for the services of Mr. Parks, which was unanimously carried. Mr. Parks left Moro, and another minister Is wanted here.