II, V. MOUTH I Mi: K. Editor nud Proprietor. T Kit MS; Voar In Advance VOL. IIV No. 33. LEIIIGIITON, OARRON COUXTV, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1874 SINGLE COPIES, THREE GENTS Lehighton Directory. A grill. VV.O.Frellrlfl, Singer towing Machine and In ' uran,nexttoK. It, Snvder's, Hank street, Uarlier, II. II. WIDDOS, Storing, Hair Calling and Siam pooi'ng, under Hchanire Hotel. Hink slreet. Iloot nml Slior (llnlirr. Charlea Yeuwr. nearly nfifminV l (ul-!i, Hank street; also,dealer in UmttiioiiT. Clinton Hretney, in itmn'l budding, Hank street. .4U orderi prvmpltyjllledwurk warranted. Confectioners. Ilausman 6 Kubi.s, o poslie Ol erfs tcre, Bmk street. All orders prnttlptly .Mm. Ury Gootls nml io!rlm. 7.. It. Ltmtr, opp. I- A S.' Deit, '""k ',.''", r .' WoWwure, Ouwrnicanr, Luuim Press imui, im.. II. A.UelU, l.e..tk.l's Hick. Ilank bt, ry Groceries, Queensware. CUrif, Oil aMs d Out E. II, Snider, llxuk street, 'rjf , Arfiwir, nr. Bomn. groceries, Quemsware, Hard ware, dc. Drugs " Mllclnn. A.J Durllhjc, lust tloor ulmte l". . Hank ",roe, OiU, Jliints, fcrfumery, latent Mediums, dv. HartlM-nre. 1 T Semmel.neirly i'p. l.xclumgo Hotel, llauK street, Cidlimtort, Oils, iinlt,Uuano, ire. irotei. Thomas n.antj, " Enhance, 'tpp. Public Squa e, , Hank Bt. l'utronagcstt'uUtd. Furniture Wnrrlmuie. V. Bcliwartx. Bank street, dealer in all hinds of Furniture.. CbJinltainfcto ordrr. Mcrclialit Tailors. CIsum lire. Hank street, una tleul:rin1tts iirnilhitig Mlj Uwti, Mi's, Hats, CHJit.dc. Thomas S. Heck, I'. O. building Hi' kt. C'"1 t-umishina Ciwll, lAUr, Ho", Milliner. Mm. E. Fatli, B"k street, 2nd door Lt'low the M. J5. Cburcli. Xotionsund Trimmings Physlclann nml Surgeon. Br. C. ft. Uerinan. ft riicr ol Hunk ntij lion etrx. s ' Omiulialion (n Englhh ami Unman. Dr.N. 11. llebtr, next dor to I', a. Hank street. OuntuUatvm in English and (itrmun. l'nivliliil". , Jt. Obert,'Hank t., IMckiug, Curing and Smoking Kstallishment. AUordersiiromptlyfiU'd. 3, FaliiUKtir 4 Son, llauk at, dmlert in J lour and ' iiOr(xerUt, tYudi and VigrtaUrt. VValclimaUer and Jeweler A. 0. Iiolloumajor, tuuth ureot, uliuio Bal'K tt. W M. nAPSIIlillt ATTOHNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, JlnalEBlatoauil Uoll.cllun Akuc. W l'"j ai,d bell Kial tutate. Couvjucli.g iiliitlj lioi.c. Col leclloua liruuililly UlaJo. tellllllg fcblatua of Utf cudout, a kueiiallj. ilay bo cou.uiua lu hnisll.u au4 Ueruiau. JKO. U. UlilfrOliET'i'li, ATTORNEY AND 0 JU.SSELI.OIl AT LAW, Orncz Vint Katioual llink lJulldlni, Jud.Iloor jlAl'CIl CHUNK, l'lMia. May lo tonsultid lo Ueruiau. apr IS, 1S7I giD. C. DIMMIOKi DISTRICT ATTOHNEY, ATTOUNEY AT LAW. OBIre.ou llaoADBil, brkt Uuor Ulow Auu-iIimii .Jlotel, SlauchCbuuk, 1'aim'a. Culkciloua iiroo.pt 3 Ulado. Nov. fll, iHUJLIlUK.V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAU01I CHUNK, l'A. Oct 18, 1873. J U. DIMM1CK, AUCTIONEER, Knt WeUlioi t, la. N B Sales of otry ieKrlptlau attended to at reatonabl cbargef. '11.8 pulrccage ut Ibe pul llo l retpeclfully Kilkltcd, Jau. !!l,'7l. gXJY YOUll HOOTS AND SIIOHS of Henry Campbell, East Weissport, Wliwo you can always gi-t the vciy bi'st nttlclo' at tliu liiAt'at inietj lur e.iah. Boots and Slioi'3 mmle to oriltT nml iieally llfpalred at shoit notice ami r.a eoiiablo ternij, apr ll-iu3 jgAOLE llOTEb, n. KI.OTZ, riior'n, Suinmll lllll, Carlni" Co., Pa. Bot of acfom modal li.U. klwIWlit re laurant uudormatli. Uood itabllu,! alUiU.a UVruis uilHlerato. OI1ACCOXIST. OLIVER CRILLEY, tlcalor In To liacco, Cigars, I'lptW, &c, next ilnnr to , Rex's Grocery Stoic, Sii'qiicliannat., ''Mnucli Cliutik, ri'ipi'ctliilly asks tlio peojiloof LclliKlitnn and vlclnlly, uln'ii visiting that ilac, to call in and try his FRAGRANT CIGARS, the very best in the marltt-t. Every articles In his lino warranted as repre sented and at lowest prices. uuu'JB fjiniioMAS ucjn:ui:it, , JL CONVEYANCER, AND OENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies aro llepremmted i Lebanon1 Mutual Fire, Heading Mutual Firo, WyoiUng Fire, rottsville Fire, Lehigh Fire, and tlio Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse Thief Detective and Insurance Com pany. ' March 2U, 187a. JOS. SI. FIUTZINGUK, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposlie'T. D. Claim' Store, BASK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Ta., respectfully Informs Ills friends and Urn public, that ho has J not received n new and excellent assortment of Men's Wu ruen'a and Children's Ready-Made Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, Which he will Bell at the Lowest Prices. 137 Boots aud Shoes made to tinier, and Repairing neatly aud substantially done at short notice. up 25-y 1 Bailroad Guide. N OIITII PKNNA IlAIMtOAU. I'apsenera for Pbll idelphla will le ire lehlgliton a" rolloust 6.11 1 1. in , i la I.. V.; nrrlte at I'lilla at fi 00 i.m 7 37 a ul.Tll L. 8. " ' Il.ltla.ln. 7 30 a. in. i la L. V. " lllt)p.m. 11.07 p. in. la L. A S. " " 2Mp.ui. ll.OJ p. in. t la I.. V. " a.lV p.m I i p, m. via L. A S. " B.:Vi p.m. 4 47 p. ill. ill L. Si S. ' 8 VII i. in. 4A4 p. in. l in, I,. V " " 8 20 p. in. 7.3S p. in. l l.i L. Y, " lllllUiMi. Ileluriilntr, Ihiio depot at Tterka nod Alnellcan ftrrels, I'lilla. at 7 uo, 8 30 and U.46 a. in.; 2.10 3.30, and o 15 p in. Inm iron Ulilgb.ou to I'blfid fplila, (2.S.. leli. I, 1674. MILLS OLAliK, Aellt p H .V . M Y 1. V A XI A 1 1 A 1 1. II () , I) , riiiL.uiia.i'ii as. 11:11: mi. unio.v. Sumter Time Tnlllr. On ai d ntl.-i Ml M i.M, JltV ol-t. 1S7I. Iho trains on Ibo 1 bllaila. S. I.lle Kit. DhlMonuIll tun lotions i f WOTWAIID, Fast Li.NE leaves Plu'adelpbu 1 2.1." p m. " " J l.in il u, c Aon p.m. " " M lllliuiKpnrt . IM II p.m. " arr. at I.oi k llalen ll.irip.in Emc Mail (rates i'i.llndelplil.i 11 pan '' llnrriluiir 4 2.1 it in. " ' WII'iauport Sill urn. " u lakllatell O.Iaa.lil. " l( llet.ota ll.IUa.ui. " art at r.rlo Kt & pin. ELMtltt MAlLleatea I'lilailelfihU S.Oin ni. ' llarlibol; 1.20 put. " " Wll launport G2p.ui. ' nrr. at Lock llateii 710 p.m. NlAQtRA Uxrjusa leatts 1'bitadelplila 7.2U a.m. " . HaiithbuiK ltl.Oii.ui. " " " Willi iuiH.rt 2ik"i p.m. " " u Lthkllatou 3 lu p.m. " " Leiiota 4.M p Ul. (( " arr. at Kane 0.0 tun. l.At'lU.u.l). 1'IULA . Ell HE48 leillea l,ck HatCll C2)ll 111. ' W 111! tuiKjiort 7.45 a.m. " 11 arr. at llairihbui 11.43 am. " " I'biladellilila 3 3J p.m Ejue Mail leaves Krle 11.2 a.ui. ' Itenota 0 15 p in. " Lock llaren lo.tl) p.m. " " Wllllinnpoit 121.1 a.m. " arr. at llariLliiir 4 3.) a ni. " " I Inl.id. Iplil-l Olja.ui I.LMlltA Mail Iivo Lotk llauil 8.. U a.m. ' t llliau.nirt OJOa.m. " arr. nt II irtl.it urtf '.ll)p.m " I'lilla 1 I l.ia. 6.53 p.tn. Xiaoiea ExpnbtB leaves ..at.o tioi a.m. " Iteiioto 4 U3 p ui, " ' " Lotk Haven A 23 pin. ' ' Willi tmpoit Uoop.iu. " ' arret Hal nalurx 1U.53 ,.ui " 41 " I blladciptlia 2.00 a.m. Mall Eai.t connects east and i at l.iluuith I. SIMS 1; W and at lrtliictou ttitb oil Luckand AlWih. ny It It W. .Mail lW'i.1 tvitUiast and eit tralusnn L S & M b It . nod at torrj audliviuetou Mltti OllCreek und ileiilituy K u w. i.lmira .tl.nl and Itu.Tilo Uipro s make cloFe roni.ettloiisi.t W t,l.lnporl v.iu . O It W Cluliii. u Tib, nod at Jlairibur0' ttllli ,S C ii W tram oum. Jl- A, IjALOIt l.,Uell 1 .-opt. QiitMSimst lMucu in Town! Tlio undersigned respectfully Infonns Ills Iticiiits nml tltc citizens In general, tlisit he lias Just rerelved a lingo and elegant a-stiitineiit of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER PLATED WARE, Jewelry, Gold Fens.&c. Which lie Is offering at very LOW I'KBCKS FOIt C.lSEfl : Also, Agent for Iho celebrated DIAMOND Spectacles & Eye-Glasses The very best In the market. Nearly opposite the P. O., Banli St, Lehighton. June (1, 1874 W, D RUG STORE IN LEIIIGHTOiV. T. Respectfully Informs the citizens of Le. litglitou nml viclnitv, that 'U lins upen a Drug Store, in Stauitkii's Dluck, on Bank Street, Lehighton. and l lint he lias just received an assort ment of l'uro OrugN, Chemicals, Family MimIIcIiion, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery.Coal Oil, l'uro fVlnes il II (I I.lciuoi'K, For Medicinal & Sacramental Purposes. CIG1US, TOIt.iCCO, &c, which ho will supply at the very lowest pi leu for Cash. Renshaw's Writing Fluid, Tho Rest In the Market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The attention of Chemists Is specially called to this nrt'ele, which, while it Is fully equal to the tiet In the iniiiket, Is cold at 3 per cent, less than any uther Qualitative Chemical Examinations carelully made at reasonable charges, Physicians' and Fsuilly Fiescrlptlons carelully compiuiiidtHl. P" Thti p.itrtinati of tlio public Is very respicttully Millciteil'. T. V. RLNSHAW, apr 11. Chemist aud Druggist. BEATTY & PLOTTS. The Tlently & I'lotts ci lehrated Gold en Tongue l'A II LOR ORfiAN is ai kiiowleilL'eil by pro'essnrs nf music mnl relehmteil nri;atil-.ts In In- tilt lend lim Parlur Otpin now In u-e, 'IV.Ii niiiliiiiSnnil emtlsot lioiiiirmeeiiiitmit ly being received In favor ol them. Wo nppi'iiil a few and wish you to rtud them : Anthony, N. J., Jan. 2., 1S7H. Jessrs Unit & I'lotls, Cents Your Oigali, -olil me, gives elitlie-ntislnetlon. It Inntity of lotiMiind ctyh nf woikimiu shin iileselilotti II ever Mil parsed. Wl-li lug Jim Mteiess In jour IuiMuib, 1 am, Willi le.-peet, l'tlll, M, H IJEA'ITY. SilAMtiKiN, P.i.i Feb li; 1874. I have one ot Realty & I'lott ' (Joltlen Tongue Organs. It I mi execllent In stiutiient, line tone and toll power. I like, it better flian iinv I have liemtl. M, II. llAiirKL, M. D. Lauuy's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. 1 liavu had Really & I'lotts' Oivrtn sil ee August 14tli, 1872 ; it gives tlio highest sali-faetlon, ntul has proved all that it was ucuiiiiiielided by tin-prop'is Jon IIknuy. Slatington. Pa., Feb. 0, 1874. Realty it Plutts' Parlor Organ I like better than the Stand ird, ana it gives belter satisfaction, as I flint lu my trav els. Prof. Fn. V. Mayeh St. Claiii, Pa., Dec. Oth, 1873. Messrs. Really ,fc Plotts, Geiit-I haveiecelved tlio Organ, assent by your linn to me, and 1 have hail it examined, aud It gives ample Mitlslae Hon. Hon. John Siney. Maiianoy City, Ph., Oct. 10, 1872. The Ui iitty & P otts celebinttd Gold en Torgut! Parlor Organ Is try tar the bet Pallor Oigati In Use. I have eaie lolly exatuin d it, ami find Us tone, woikm.iiislilp anil ditiablllty to Iih Hi,, best 1 ever saw, anil 1 can willi pleasme reiomiiienil it to any In want of a first class parlor organ. Piof. O. II. Unouu. Mebsrs. R.'atly & I'lotts, of Wishing ton, N. J., mo gentlemen of enterprise, anil whtisu pleseiice would bo .t cietlit to any community. llackeltstuwn, N. J., lleialtl, 1872. Washington, N. J., Sept. fl, 187a. To Robell .Moigaii, Pottsvllle 1 ain happy lo statu tlt.itllie Instrument gives entile satislaclion, nut only to mjselt but also to the teachers ot the fceminaiy who utu better jutlges. Rev. A. M. Jully. We say, after careful i ml eoslly ex lierlment, It is wllh pli-ttstire we intio ilucu tlio "Goltleii Tongue," knowing it possesses mau niUuiitimes over all otlieis uianulaetuieil. The tone ex.'els lu lulliir-, putllj, aud the thousands ot testimonials which uio being con. staidly lecelved, am evldeneu that out etloits lime been eminently stietesslul. For paitleulais mitt Pil.v List, atldress BEATTY c PLOTTS, Feb. 21.0m Washington. N. J. ".I Xatrtr Afptoxtmatb-H to the l!l;.L SIIM.V QUILL than Anything llahtrto Invaded." The CONSTANTLY INCtlCASINa sale of the SPENCEKIAN D0UIII.H LLASTIC la owing to their tup'rtnr writing fint1itiet,ntit tested bytlieedltorlilenttirsemctitof oter lOOO pipers, anl by Merchants, Litvyors mil lliukers ttltluiut iiumtvr. 'I lie)- are all maderf the lirst fteel, In Die beat in tuner, by the beat ttuikuiea lu Kuroie. tor SdeigallDealerli V Tn ucctimunnlate those whi may wish tt try these pen, we will send a CUrtl, containing one each of the. 13 X urn lie re, by injif, on receipt of'lM. Ivison, lilakeman, Taylor & Co., 13S a. d H3;ait.NO STUEEr, x. Y. April 23, 1871. V.lIUUIi GU.iVUK, Opposlto tho Public Squaie, SOUTH ST., LEHIGHTON, PA., Manufacturer ot Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kinds ot t3T Rooting, Spouting and Jobbing promptly attended to. nov, lit) HDITY IIIM? KOI That Electric -- Liniment, like I got at Duillug's Drug Stile, m 1,1 cure him or any other man ot RHEUMATISM aud all other Pains. may 0 njJVlE People of Lehlghtw and vlciu lly all unite In teslllyl-ig that at V . J DUItl.lNG'SDiug ami Family Med icine S'ore, I'uim, i'iiksh and Unadul terated ...EDiciNbS can always be found. may 0 HY, OH, WHY will you suffer with Hint (Jouehnr Colli? ivlieii relief ni.ty li Ibid iiiiuiedlately by ulng I ouubiu s uutiipouuil byiup ol Tar, ild Cherry aud Horchouud. An ii ii al Fltiniiriiil siatc lliniit nf Receipts and Exn'lnl. hues nf -Viihonlng School District, Car bon county, Pa., for tlio yiar ending Juno 1st, A, I). 1874: llKCEIl'TS. Oios nm't of Tux duplicate. J-17C8 42 Exoiienitititis & ulinte- meuts $:r, 01 Collectoi Vcomnilsal'n 01) !U 104 03 " lofisli) f'asli fiom nld Collectors .... 270 U0 Statu appropiiatlou 180 00 Total Receipts E.;rEND!TUHEi. $2113 no Paid Teacheit,' Salaries $1514 23 " Fuel mid contingencies. 215 74 " Repairs 310 00 " Salaiy (in put) Trcas'r 14 45 S211U 50 GENERAL STATEMENT. Outstnnd'g taxes, D. E. Fritz late Collector .' S3M 00 Total indebtedness of District 173 53 Ril. In favor of District... $103 47 Wo. the nndeislmieil Auditors of Jii linuing School District, Carlon comity, having caif fully examined the above nccoents of tho Treasuier, liud them as above stated. NATHAN MOSKIl, I .DSIAH MUSSULMAN, -Auditors. JOsIAll XANDr.lt, j Mahoning, Jun? 23, 1874-w3 An n ii a I Financial .Slalc MENTof Rec.lpts and Expendi tures of tho LEHIGHTON SCHOOL DISTRICT for the Year endl ug JU.NE 1st, 1874 : RECEIPTS. Gross amount of Tax Dupli cate for School purposes $3 201 09 Do. fur Building purposes. . 3,201 00 Total De luctexlioneratloii" d-flclenciosoieiroiK?349 82 Outstanding tax 1052 30 $0,402 18 1,402 18 5,000 00 200 80 1,025 00 203 00 28,007 75 88(1 00 524 00 Total tax receipts Cash from loriner Treasurer Sale ot buildings and lots,,, titate iippioprLttloiis Cash on li'inils issued Teuiioiary Loan Fiom other sources Total Receipts $33,017 04 EXPENDITURES. Paid Teachers' s.tlailes 2,437 75 " New School Buildings and Lots 19,197 27 '.' Int. on lit. mis & Notes. 4si U0 " Fuel and contingencies 150 31 " Repairs Bid 03 " Salary of bid eta rj .... 100 00 " Salary of Treasurer aud Collector 703 58 " Miscellaneous expenses 3l.0 35 $23,481 69 Total amount in hands of Treasuier 12,432 75 We, tlio undersigned Auditors ol Le. hlgliton School Disliict, Cm bun county, having carelully examined tliu above accounts of the Tieasuit-r, llml tin m collect, to the ocat of our knowledge and belief. n. FENSTERMACIIER, R. J. VOUNUKIN, WM. SEAROLUT, Auditors. Lehighton, Juno 17, 1874. II. Ci.AU.SS, And Dealer In GciiI'n Furnishing' Goods, LEHIGHTON, PA. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of NEW GOODS, Consisting of Plain and Fnney .Cloths. Oussl meres and Vestlngs.for Men's and Rojn' Wear, which 1 am prepnted to Make up to Order In tho most Fashion, able Styles, ut short notice. Ladles', Misses and Children's A well selecto.l stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glovo Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pebble aud Grain Leather Roots and Shoes on hand, or illado lo Order. Msciis Caps? Of the Latest Styles always oa hand, at the Lowest i'rlce. Also, Agent for tho Anici lean & lirover &. linker Sewing JSachincs. Only One Trice for Everybody. January 11, 1873-yl TTUST look 'at her Hair I Why I thought it was turning Grey? So it was, ti til II shegnt n Rottle or tout pew Hair Restorer at Dnrllng'h Drug Store. OTHERS, Look at that Child, It lias Worms, Go or semi at once to DUULING'S Drug Store, and get a buttle of his WORM SYRUP, bo .ea- Bant and yet so sine. may 9 Not Aefcil On. JVashlnglon, Jiine 23. Among tlin bills which go over till next session are the following: For Hie relief nf owners and ptncha r" nf laud sold for direct taxes in the liisUireclioinirv Slates Aini'iiilltig tlie ninth section of tho act appiovetl July r.1,1860, coticernlng de-po-lts in savliies nanks. Toestabll-li and malulaln a national savings depository as a branch of tho Post ( mice. To Ineoipnrate the Southern Trans continental Itiiiltnid Company Gratit'ng tn railroads in the Tetrltnr les the right of waj thrnuuh tlie public lands or the Uunited States. Piovldlng lor the cotislrtictfon or tlie Ptiitland. Dalles ami Salt Lake Rail load, and for the performance of all Government mm vices lieu ot charge. To enable thri central branch of tliu Union Paeillc Knllrn.nl Company to sub mit its claim against the United States under the existing laws to the decision ol tlie Supreme Court. Amendatory of tlie Civil Rights law. To authorize tho organization ol national banks without a circulation. To establish tho Teliitory of Pembi na, and provide nGovcinmenttherctor. Providing for a postal telegraph. Providlm lor the lesuinptlon of specie payment aud fur free banking. Amendatory of the tnilll and internal revenue laws. Tills bill fulled in consequence of tlio disagreeing votes on the amendments. k For the admission of New Mexico anil Culm ado as States. Repealing the Pie.emptlon and am endatory of the Homestead laws. To protect navigable waters of tho United States from injury aud obstruc tion. House bill for the reorganization of the unity. The House bill tn cquallzo bounties. Tlie bill grunting pensions to all soldiers of the War ot 1812, and their widows aud cliildien. Fur the coiisiiuctlou and repairs of Mississippi river levees. Tim McCimy bill reguliting charges for r.tiluitd traiispuitatioti. Tliu House bill amendatory of the steamboat Iinv. The Semite bills for tho abolition of compulsory pilotage, nml to authorize tlio organization ol national batiks with out ciieulatlon. Allthelaud grant bills, ami many hundred bills fur the relict ot individuals. Kohl Iliijiostiircs. Arthur Orton does not shaio his rep utation alune; long beforu his day men ot equal boldness have arrogated to thetiiselio-t lights which lest not on a gialu ot Inundation. Of tlie many pre tenders who eucli claimed tlie tin one of Fiance, as being thosouof Louis XVI., si. id to haw tiled lu the Temple, but who, according to them, had been taken away whlln auntherch.M wu3 sub. mut ed in Ids place, there was the sou ol a tailor; a watchmaker: two adventurers: ami the sun of a sabot imtker. II is as tonishing; to consider the iiuiiibeis anil iosptelaliity ol tluisu rtho sided with one or the other ot the various imptisi tots notiles, blshoiH, priests, soldiers. the staid ami soli, i-mlnded few, tlie fiWoluus ami li 1 1 tli 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ir many all weio e.tilluil a way by tliespi cuius tales ami uuniushtiig ell'iontery of tho-u who itveiitt! Unit tliu chlltl p'risoiicr of the luminous Simon -the patient or Dr. Dfsault tho unfortunate Daunliiti ot Firtiict ha I escaped the late to wh eh his uiuliil j.iiiors liit'.l condemned hi.u. tlie taltoi'stoii became a suitor for thehaud ot a piiuivss lieoeillclltie t f Poilti'jal Ihu sun ot a sabot iti-ikcr sent, tiy tint nanus oi a gtiia I8 ililler, a letter writ ten to "Mine. Royalu." The watch maker was the pit of noble ladies mid luave met,, and liveden Piliirv In Pail-. Theru was not onu ot them all hut was enabled to tiade, with marvelous sue ces., upuii ihu credulity of all classes ot society. Such is the strange ,potver of tiiiuiusuiug nuLi.iciiy upon inu majority ot people, mat honesty Is to otlen (lis tau.'etl bj vie -In tills unthinking uoild. Apropos ot this subject a Vienna paper announces the death o( n imuclactnr, who lur suiiiit time piojed on the trade ol Paris under the tales) name and title ol' Prince Uyurgy. Accompanied by an nilvcnluress, whom he gave out to be his wile, lie succeeded in running up enormous debts In the lirst houses lu tliu capital. From Paris ho went to Poith, where heiuimcdi.ituly collliiienc ed similar operations, aud succetded in obtaining goods troui one lirui to the value ot l.'.UOU liuuccs. He was short ly attcrwuids taken Into custotlv whilu in Vienna, whither he 'md repaired. It appears mat lie was Implicated In the L'umiuuuu. His swindling transactions wero lo nil amount almost uuprcco Ucut. With such swindlers us the fore going maklug their appearance from time to Hum we ought, by experience, to learn to avoid tiieui. A C.lntslly Chateau. Travelers In Switzerland who have explored the Hal alluvial delta ot toe valley of tho Rhode may icmember a line old house about tliieo miles from Villeiieuve, called the Chateau du Gran de Clus. Ot a solid squaiu fuim, with uigii pedKeit looi, lottj oiliuueys, spa ciuus hall und perron, and pretty old lushioiietl garden, with cypresses nud fountain, it seems to have beeu trans planted out ut Nuithcru Franco In the lust century to this icgiuti of ugly little stone liuu-es or mountain wood cd chalets. Its story Is curious. It was built und for a long time iuhauited by the self- stvli'd "Due do Nnrniandle," ono ot those niniieroiis claiuants to tin the r-al Louis XVI 1 1., of whom, it seotns, we lire neyei to hear the last. Tho "due," at all events, tonic great pains to Inform himself of nil the pirtlcnlara which, (supposing him to have been the lll-lu-tetl prince) lie ml lit Im epicted to know. His Library which recen lv re mained in i'i.. chateau, am Is probibly still to tin seen there, consisted nf books, pimphlets, nml pipers ot all kinds, many hundreds lu numbers, hut all, Willi one exception, connected with tlio story or tin French Revnlullon. It Is necAs-ary to mid libit the qtialt old chattMit possesses Its ghost story? An English f.tinlljvit is solemnly stated by tlie neighbors, were twenty years ago tenants of the house. Tney wc,nt to sleep as usual ono night, but nett morn ing tlie placo which had known them knew them no more. They had disap peared utterly from the faco of tho earth, and truin that hour dismal clank ing of chains have been heard at mid night through the echoing rooms. Un happily the narrative Just stops short at thultitercstlng point. Had the lost fami ly paid their bills? Tho New Comet. This new cloud of costnical dust Is to become in n few wciks one of the most splendid meteors ever witnessed. It was lirst discovered on April 17, 1874, by M. Coggin, at Marseilles, small, but having an inten-e nuclear condensation. Its polar distance was about 20 degrees 15 minutes and 23 seconds, and It was moving slowly towards the southwest. It was lirst visible in the. eat ly morning, but is now also visible In the evening. It has been increasing in btiglitnes", and by a sharp and somewhat practised eye, can bo seen in tlie constellation Cam -leopard In right ascension about seven hours and declination about 70 degrees north. It Is now receding from tliu yin ami Is diminishing In actual size nml brightness, hut as it is np proacliing nearer to us Its brilliancy is apparently augmented. Tills luminous meteor, which is nam ed Comet II. of 1874, Is wholly outside of the earth's orbit, but, as It moves on Its tlery Hack, will on the 3rd of Au gust attain Its maximum beauty mid brightness fur us. When lirst desciibed by .M. Cojgi.iits brightness wasonly ono in tho seal- now it is seven; but nfter tlie 1st ot July It will reach u much higher degiee of luminosity, and on tho 3rd of August will have a nrlghtness of 243. These tlgures will afford the reader an Idtaur what mi astronomic treat ho uiayltiuk forwtud tola August. There Is something so wotileilul to Mill hhii.un Miliiil tiii.t ... .......jjl ii I , ou puijiisfiii nil tiiicuiiHB in i.tu.oin; in mese otiortuouj volumes ot eoiuetary matter, whlilin through planetary space, that every ef loit should bu made to analyze and spectrosctipically test their nature. Al. leady tliu telescope has revealed nearly seven Inm, lie I comets, and uvoiy j ear wo have ouu or two ue.v ones. Greatl r activity among well equipped star-gazrs would piobably show a much larger nutiiuer iiishlng aluug on ur near tliu earth's oi bit. Tlnj disturbing effect on the earth's atino-pheru of such a comet us llallcy'n, whuao tail was nearly 90, 00J miles long, and whose tempi-rJluro was mure lia.i 23,0J'J times that of tho noonday sun at the Equator, Is a prob lem wclbwoitliy of mure accurate luves ligation than it has ever icccived. As jctitdoes nut appear tli.it Coggla's comet, tlm 2nd ot 1874, is associated with the stream of August meteois; but that also ivui.il.is fur Investigation. Lit our iisti milliners uml sp:tiocopists iiiaku the the uiuat of this uuivvisitjr I rum tlio distant Ileitis of the Atejlar w"rtd, ami, it possible, remove the re ptoacu which the Iguur.iuco uf the con stitution of cuiiiut.it y bodies has so long entailed on the science ot astronomy. What Water Is. On a certain occasion one Paul Den ton, u Mi-nudist preacher in Texas, ad veitiscd a o.iriieeuo, With belter liquor tiiau is Usually furnished. When tlm people assembled, a desperado in the eiuwtl cried out, "Mr. Paul Ddiituu, your reverence has lied. You pruiulsed not only a guod barbecue, but better liquur. Where's the liquet?" 'There!' answered the missionary, In tones of thunder, und pointing Im long, bony linger atthe matchtessdouble sl'ting, gushing up hi two strong col umns f oni the bosom of the earth; "There!" lie repeated, with a look ter rible us lightning, while Ids enemy actu ally trembled ut his feet; "There is the liquor which Uud, tho Eternal, hrewi tor all Ids children. Not In thesiiuuier ing still, over smoky tires choked with poisonous gases uud surrounded with the stench of sickening odors and cor rupilun, doth your Father in Heaven prepare tlio precious esseucu of life, pure cold water; but In tho glade nml grassy dell, where tho red deer wand ers mid the child loves to pluj-, there Gou biews It; nud duwn, way down in deepest valleys, where the fountain inui niers una me rills sing; and high up on the mountain tups,, where the naked granite glitters like gold in tlie sun, where storm clouds brood and the thun der storms crash; nud out, out on the wild, wide sea, wuere the hurilcanu IiuaIs musiu aud the big waves roar their ch.iius, sweeping the march ot Got thcto he brews it bevuragu of lite, health-giving wuter. And overy wlieio il Is n Jilu,( or beauty, gleaiulng In the duw-drop, singing hi ilia summer ram, shlulu lu tho Ice num. till thev seem turned tollvlug Jewels; spreidlng n golden veil over the setting sun, or a,