The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 27, 1874, Image 2

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Both houses ot Congreis adjourned
slue die, at 0 p. m., on Tuesday last.
Mrf. Cara.Tun, wife ot tlio Hon. f,
Cameron, died In Harrlsburg, Pa., on
Friday innrnlng last, Juno 19th, and
tho fuucrul took place ou Monday after
noon. Tlio President lias blgued tlio Cur.
reney bill reported from tlio last com
mittee of conference, nnd It Ins there
foro become, law. Under this bill nil the
Western and Southern Elates and Ter
litorles, with the exception of Colorado,
Montana, and Wyoming, will be. entitl
ed to oddlilonal calculation. Indiana
will bo entitle 1 to about &,800,000,
Ohio to about $0,000,000. Minnesota
i 000,000, nnd Nebraska $300,000. The
other Western and Southern States will
bo entitled to much larger nmounlB.
Several new banks hnvo already been
uuthoilzul to commence business.
A Florence jouiual saye tlio Pope lias
been presented with a copy of the ad
dress sent from tlio United States to
Arch bishop Ledochwlskl, of Poscn.
The, Holy Father, In replying, spoko
most cordially of America, and bald
tlio Unlt.d States Is tlio only country
where 1 nm renlly Popo In the eyes of
the Government. I nm always afraid
lest European Uovernmotits shall op
pose or control my nets, wheicas, I can
freely bend pontifical documents to tlio
United Slates without foar of opposi
tion on the pu t of its Government.
The Democracy of Mnlno held their
State Convention, at Portland, on Tues
day last, 23id inst. Dr. Alonzo Garee.
Ion of Lcwlstou presided. In his ad
dress lie tool: a- stand in favor of haul
money, equal rights for all men, equal
and Just administration of the law, and
arraigned tlio Itepubl!cnn party for its
alleged d 1 reliction of duty. Ho believ
ed a stringent license law was better
' for tlio promotion of temperance than
alt the prohibitory laws that were ever
put on the statute book. The effect of
the prohibitory law Is to make men du
hlrous of breaking all laws. It Is a
client and n Ira ml, and It Is tlmu tlio
people of our Statu and country should
take the Government Into their owti
hands and be their own dictators. Tlio
Hon. K. F. Illllsbury of Augusta mov
ed that Joseph Titcomb of Keiinebuuk
be nomltnted for Governor by acclama
tion, which was carried. A btioug series
uf U'Eolutloiis were adopted.
An appalling catastrophe occurred at
Syracuse, iV. Y on Tuesday night. A
ilrawberry festival was being held in
the parlors of tlm Central Baptist
Church when, without any premonition,
the Moor gave way about half-past nine
o'clock, precipitating tlio room full into
the story below which was also full of
people. Fouitcen dead bodies were
taken from the ruins, ami about one
liumlred persons were more or less In
jured, a fow It Is feared fatally. A
minute before the floor gave way It
tiembled so that many persons lelt the
loom, foiling an accident, which had
been picdlcted by many. The accident
was caused by tho giving way of the
joist that supported the floor. The joist
inn f I oin loth sides of the loom to a
cross stilnger, the uiiddlo of which was
tuppottcd by iron lods from the roof.
Tlio blrlngcr gavo way, pulling the cell
ing nnd loof down upon the people, and
precipitating them into tlio room lolow.
II. N. White was architect of the build,
lug, Dickinson & Colemau did tlio car
penter work. The work of recovery
was exceedingly slow, nu It bad to be
done In the dark, nml It was feared
veiy moment that the walls would fall
Philadelphia Letter.
l'liil.ACiiLi'iiu, June 20, 1874.
Wn have had a surplus of "sporting
contfeti." dining the past week. Tim
great trotting match between Goldsmith
Maid mid Ntdtie, at Suffolk Paik, at
tracted fully five thousand persons, mid
proved very exciting. The met' was for
ii purbo of $5,000, nnd a won by
Goldsmith Maid in tluee straight heats
'I lie first beat was miulo In 2.23, second
in 2.20, and the tliiidlu 2.24H. A laruu
amount of money changed hands when
the lesiiltot the laco became known.
lluully a day passes but that a gaunt
4 if base ball between professional play.
m uomt'H off, and the different clubs
urn leaping a harvest from the thous
ands wtio iis-tiiulilu to witness tlu-lr play
ing. Itrceius strange that there is so
much Interest felt in this game, that
hundreds of perb"us will ay from ill ty
cents to u dollar for a seat to witness a
game, three thousand persons frequent,
ly assembling to witness u match, ll.ise
hall playing Is a trade In this city, uud
thu "uluu" ot I he Athlitics received
$18,000 for their services for the season.
Mauy uf the "matches" are sold before
band lu thu Interest of tl.o ;iimbllHg
fraternity, ami the gamo fiom beluc a
jicullhtud spurt, has dencnciated Into a
gambling uud moiioy.iuiiMug hChenio.
Vie tchujlklll Navy Rcgittas came
off on tho 17th nml 18th, lnt., nnd wero
witnessed by thousand of persons who
lined the banks of the river, nnd cheer
ed the coute-tants in their efforts to win
thu laces. The boat houes of the dlf
feient clubs wero (rally decornted with
lings, and presented a beautiful appear
mice. The course was from th- Fulls
llridge to Rockland, a distance nt one
and n half tiiileo. Q.ilte a number of
club3 frormNow York, and other cities,
participated u thu rao.-.s. Mlilch were
nun iij niiletent clubs, The prizes of.
lered Wuiu liaudsuiue pieces y! silver
Edward Puyson Weston, tlm well
known pedestrian, has been giving an
exhibition (if bis powers of end urauco
at the Chestnut Stleet Itllik. lie coin,
in'fiicnl on Wednesday to walk 200
miles in four days. As lie only walks
ten hours u day It will be seen that ho
lias a dlllieult task to perform, especi
ally as hi! walks a half a mile each day
backwards. He has already walked one
hundred and llfty miles, uud bills fair
to 'Jnlsli his task tu-thiy. Veton has
creut ioners of cniluiiuico, nml Is stim
ulated to complete his iiiidellnklim by
the npplausu ill the crouds who flock to
see him As tluichaigeof arlmisloii is
11 1 ty cents, Weston ftuds his pudustilan
Isin yery prolitnble, ami be may be said
to be walking into a lortune. Some of
our physicians seem gieatly interested
In his uudoriakiug, and our paper.-, havu
lengthy accounts ot what ho eats, how
ho looks whpn his day's woik Is,
and every minute particular concerning
him. A biass baud is stationed In the
link which performs excellent music,
and selves as anaddltlonal attraction to
Philadelphia n bounds In charities.
Within the past few years quite a num
ber uf buildings have been erected lino
for charitable, they bring in
most eiws erecteil by private subscrip
tion. The Presbyterian Heme for Wid
ows and Single Women, which has been
In couisu of erection for several years,
is rapidly approaching completion, and
will be opened In the fall. It is situat
ed nt Fltty-ICIgh'.h St. and Darby Road
lu the suburbs ot the city, on a huge lot
of giouud which was donated lor this
purpose by Mrs Ann Thomas. The
bulldhig will cost $73,000, and will
furnish accommodation lor about lOOiu-
mates. Its object Is to provide a loom,
for aged nuddcstttuto females, who will
be admitted upon the payment of com
paratively sma)l sums, ami will there
after bu provided for without chaige.
Applicants will be received fiom any
pait of the State, subjectto eeitnln con,
dltlous, Tho Hume wi'l prove a boon
for many who have found old age has
come upon them, and are destitute of
this wot Id's goods.
All effort lias been made for somo
time past by MayorStocltley to prevent
our streets being tilled with Itinerant
btreet musicians, who nnnoyed the
passers by with their tllscnidaut music,
uud weie constantly asking lor alms.
The musicians were in must cases Ital
ian children, who were stolen, or pur
chased, lioui their paieuts in Italy, and
were brought to tills country by men
called "padrones," wholorced the chil
dren on the street, uud appropriated
their hard eained money. Some "pad
rones," hnd as inauyas adozcnchlldieii
working fur them, and inmost cases
treated lliem very ciuelly. Dy an act ie
ceutly passed by tho Senate ami Iltmsu
ot Hepresenlntlves it la tendered unlaw
ful lor any person or persons, to employ
minors to act as street ntiNciaiis In this
State, the penalty being a Hue or Im
prisonment. The Italian Government
has also taken the matter lu band, ami
wo will heiealter bu ftecd from this
nuisance. Tho musicians havu disap
peared, scarcely ouu isto bu seen on our
slleets, they having taken up their
abode in some of the Wettein cities.
1'AIU: DlSsTIillS.
Our park, ot late, has grown Into dis
repute Willi carilago owners and eques
liiajis, en account of the accidents
which are occurrlni; there dally. Itiui
aways are quite trequent, and are in
most cases caused by horses taking t right
irtiin the whistling uf the locomotives,
which are constantly l turning mi the
dlffcicnt rail roads whHi suriouiid and
I tin through the park- Quite a number
of our prominent citizens nave received
injuries being thrown Irom their carri
ages which have resulted fatally, while
others have considered themselves for
tunate to escape with broken limbs.
During the past week n number ot ac
cidents have occurred there, although
none have as yet resulted fatally, 'iho
paikisagreat place of resort fur n
people, and the lull roads nro duen ed
Mich anobftaclu thut an effort Is lining
made by our nuthoililcs to have theui
removed from the vicinity of it.
the rusiLUuns,
This crack military organization of
lloston, Ma-s., paid a visit to our city
on Wednesday, nud were tho cuests of
the State Fenelbles. The Independent
Fuslleersls tho oldest military oigan
Ization In Mass., and was organized In
17S0. Af'r a street parade, they weie
reviewed by Mayor 'Slokl'y, and par
took of a handsomo cQllilloii at the ar
mory. They wero entertained ut tlio
Continental Hotel, and ?iu shown iho
various places of Interest In our city.
They lelt for homo m Friday, much
plcacd with the kind reception which
hud been given tlifin.
niviut kxcuiisioks.
The warm weather has cumo upon us
and It Is severely ft It by all, Thosy gf
our citizens who are obliged to remain
In the city during the Minmii-r, especi
ally the poorer classes, feel thu neid of
bouin recreation, and the river excur
sions are well patronized. Steamboats
leavo here every day for poluts ou the
Delawaui river and the furu is placed
nt a prlco that will suit the purses of
the poorest persons. It Is a great blest
ing that the poor can 11 ml somo oheup
mode of travel, and can have a chance
to get a "breath of fresh nlr." OurPark
also affords an opportunity for a cheap
pic-iiic excursion, and every fine day
liundredsof persons spend thodaytbeie,
who. If It iaa not for this outlet, would
bo obliged to spend their whole time In
narrow and growdeil ttretts.
Yours truly, Modoc.
I'hllti Itilphlu niai-lUtlH.
Friday Evening, Jumi 19th.
There Is no material change to notice
In the mimey-m.irki't to-day. Call Irans
continue to ru lent 4 ton percent. Flr-t-diss
mercantile paper ranges fro.n G to
U per cent, per annum
There was an unusually dull stock
market to day, ns well lor stocks a'
limns. A siii all amount of 0 sold nt
lO-l'-S fif the new. nnd 101 was hid for
the old. For Btato fW of the second ser
les 103 wns bhl and for the third 113,
without blinding any of either on the
market. Very little was repoifed Ip
company bonds. Camden nnd Amboy
ltallroad mm tuauoOs sold ut lOVs, lVnim.
nnd New Yoik CnnnlTsat 10a'$, lVnna.
ltallioad dividend scrip nt 103, Kniplie
Tin importation Company 8s at l), and
C'uudei and IJurllngtoii utility ltallioad
Gs at HO. The tiaincilons In shines
were largely cuuliiied to I'euiin. Kail
loud of which 7000 shares sold at pi Ices
Within Hie laijui; of 40 ' to 40. S. Iteuil
leg Itallniad soltl at 07. Miigh Valley
linad at and Is-MU Navigation
at 434 to 43. The maiket closed
quoted btea ly.
Tlm inaikets generally bnve been
rather moreactlveduilug the past week,
but prices of most of the leading articles
are without uiati rial change
The Fiom market continues very
dull, nud pi lees nre unsettled. Super
line, $150 tori 50; extins, 3 GO to (1.
2.1, Spring Wheat, extra family, 0 73
to 8 00j and higher grades at 4-S 874 to
10 25.
The receipts and nffeiingsr f Wheat,
although moderate, are lu excess of thu
demand, nud prices lemnin unchanged.
Common nnd choice red at $1 40 to 1.
50 1 amber at $1 45 lo 1 53; white 1 40
to 1 00; No. 1 spring at Si 38 to 1 40;
No, 2 spriug at $1 35, and white spring
at 31 40.
Corn is unsettled. Sales of 07 000
bushels southion ami P-nnsylvanla vol-
low at 77 to 8O0, closing at 80e, and
western high mixed at the same IlKliros.
Oats are dull. Sales of 75 000 bus.
white nt 01 to 03c, nud black mixed ut
GO to 01c.
llye may be quoted nt 0,'c.
Ill Cloversecd vciy little doing, and
wo quops thu nitichi nominal at 8M lo
1014c. Timothy sells as wanted at 00
per bushel.
lltitter. Receipts moderate; market
quiet; New Yoik State nud Ilradford
counlv onoloe 23 to 28c; uo-tein do 18
to 20c"; fair to good 14 to iio.
Lard. The to''Q of the market Is
quiet, pales uf western steam nt ll'ic,
and kettle tendered at llJ-a to 114C
Fgg-. iiro'dull. Penna. lbc western
15 to 10c per dozen.
Hay. Pi line Timothy $1 10 to 1 20;
Straw 85 to 03c. ,
New Advertisements.
NoriCK is iiF.itKiir oivuv. Hist tii new
t. iitiei.i.iATHfirbCil 101, mil iti'ii pisu
TAX litt lcli llrtcid In 'h InniH of Mfi.jlis,
WK11II, Coinlabf, fi.r lMMHIHeiV. COI.I.IC
TION. tfinj coiui)lell,y Llw to tsJluct tbu bJlue
lu Nlnvly l)tv.
11 orildr Lf tbo Sfllisol tlryiril.
J. S. I.KNTZ l'rlillit.
A. J l.imi.lNU,ScivUry.
Lllll;liton, June 2IIIL, lbM.-U
I.STATK OK OWKS MOYItR. lute of Wf.nrt
llfroiilp,lj.CaiHn I mintv, I'h, Uoli.i'H. All r
fniriH ln.llTeU to Mild KMtM sre r-7 uw I tnl to miki.
laimill lie ,av nitfTir, Hud Ihohelivlji; il cl.ilinK
njriliiflt llid Simla will preKnt tliom Mtttiout delay
la pioner urdvi' fur ftriileiiient 10
Welsport lloroujrh, JuaeS7, U71 wO
I ho undiTklgni-d, Awliw of TH03. P. IIKCK,
liertiliy ec nutli'u lo Uiomi luJclavd to ttie fild
KhtiOu, unlet hil.l liitltib'tudiieM fif butlltid
iK'fori) JUIiY4lli,18,lbaatinuiiii Mill bu I.cbJ
In tlm band ut'n Ju-llu if tbb IVil'u lor eulluc
t,loo. J. K. WA.N.NAMACIimi,
Leblghton. Jons S7, It71 J
the undrliine.l heitlr fortld U ti?rwini to
huut or tlt-h 011 llirlr iiruiwitv, kuown ng -UlnttK-IiIpU'8
llaui," mid tbo udjttcont Lnnds under
poll illy of I li law. 1 bey aro itetermpied to pron
iTUto nil periiuui fouud ir8iusklug tbereuu aftor
JuneST, lS7I-3
Tlie undrrblirDed bervby glire i.ollivi to wltom
It may rnnceiu, that troui mid lifter tlitn dttn Iho
rrrdit aibleui Hill lm aliollbliad at IiIk L'Klal.IUIe
iiiiit, uud all rk douu or articles iiurrh.m-d
Hlu lie atrlclly caiu on dfllvery, 1 hae many
hundred nt dollaa btaiidltu ou my VoloIt and
baiu tberefmo Ucteriuliied to do a slrUlly la&u
bulua only. A. U. liOI.I.KNMAV Clt,
WntclimaWr, "South btreet, Leblchton,
Juuol.7, l7I-a " 1
initial riiiunclal stalc-
mciit of Receipts nnd Expendi
tures of Jiihonlng School District, Car
bon county, Fa., for the yen,r, eulug
Juno 1st, A, D. 1874;
Gross am't of Tax dupllcitQ. S17C8 43
Exonerations & abate
ments $35 01
Collector's commissi'!! CO ill
104 03
1003 50
Cash from old Collectors .... 270 00
Statu appropriation 180 00
Total Receipts $2113 50
Faid Teachers' Salailes , $1514 25
" Fuel and contingencies. 215 74
Repairs UXO 00
" Salary (In part Treas'r 1145
$2113 50
Outstnnd'g taxes, 1). IC. Fritz
late Collector $330 00
Total indebtedness of District 173 53
Hal. In favor of District. . , $105 47
AVe, the undersigned Auditors of Jfa.
honing School District, Caibon county,
having caii fuliy examined the above
nocoents of the Treasurer, Hod them as
abuyu stated,
J0;IA1I XANDlil;, J
ilahouliig, Juus'.'0, 1B71-W3
New Advertisements.
Will rpffTered nt Public Sale, ntlho
ACADEMY, In this lloioiigh, on
Thursday Eveninrj. July 9, 1874,
commencing at 7:00 o'clock, n lot of
Ilousoiioid FuiTiltiirc,
coiiRl-tlng of Bedsteads, Chair, Tables,
Carpets, Stoves, Cioekety, &c. tho
piopeity of thela'e llev. O. KUSSLEIl.
Teims will lo made known at llinu
and place of sale.
Lehlghtoii, June 27-w2
IWUAliSTA I i:Tof the
ItTi lids nnd Dlslmr-.i'iiipiits of
Fianklln Tiiwiihlp Seliiinl l)l-ti lct
llobt. Inthony, Tu iisiin r, In accoui.t
with 1'iaiikllii Twp., Caibon county,
l'n., for the school year ending June
1st, A. D. 1874 :
187H. iiECEirrs.
lly bal.mre hi Tieasuiy.,.,.
Aug DO State appropriation.,
Oct 1 II Campbell on dup
licate, 1872
Oct 11 Iteo'dasTiensiiieron
dupileate 18711....
May 23 II Levnn, dup. 1873.
June 1 A Dclbeiton dup...
Treasurer balance ......
5 30 at
190 00
103 73
U 15
10M 00
407 01
157 18
82311 07
Juno 21 John Schpbo, tnvein
expfiiies, twice.. $ 5 10
fiept 1 Slatlngtop Sah Fac
tory 8 pr s'uitters 28 10
July 30 Uoyli-nnd Mortlilmer
for mlvi'ilisiiig... 81 00
Oct 23 J W llrberllngAiCo,
nails. N). 4 belt'l ho. 4 40
Nov 12 W A
teilliK No 4 ditto... 21 25
Dec 0 F I' Sentinel, paint. V
cowl and lock, No, 4
liniwi . :i fid
Dec 8 l'Clauss btove& pipe 2115
Dec 11 Moyer, for itiak-
ii'K blackbo-id 5 00
Dec 18 J Zelgenlius, hauling
coal 8 37
Dec 18 Dav lhltz, repaliiug
school buiitc, ...... i 4 87
Dec 18 lictitUiUol, lepatiing
tcliool house No. 1 . . 0 28
Jati 20 YeakelA Albright, 4
loaila Miliil , , ,
Feb 10 N Snyder, poaj to No.
7 bchotil house, '70, .
Feb lp 4 no Schwab, for coal
Feb 10 J Hiuni, liittiber and
wol; ut No. 4 school
bouse . . . ,
Jar S J Knell, lime bill..,.
Apr 13 alary llemalcy, scrub
bing No. 4 S. house,
May 25 J K I ticket I, for coal,
lumber and Socio
tary's ail .ry .......
May 23 Jan'ies Ash, slate tur
No 4 school house. .
June 1 V 11 liaber, uoik at
No 4 school house. , I Jo, huii (J i aver, liaii
lug coal two j can to
No, 7 school house. ,
June 1 Tidily school ordeis
lo leat heis
Juno 1 Adam Enclies, ou ac
count ot hulldliu No.
H school house
June Coimqissluii
IS 00
1050 00
724 70
45 00
82341 07
Treasury balance 157 18
We, the undersigned Auditors of
Fritnlillu Township School District,
have examined thu above accounts and
found the same to be correct.
JOSEl'll i'OYEIt, Auditors
J. K. U1CKEUT, )
June 27-w3
i X VA 1 STA'I'i:?! U.VI' of the
lleceluts ami Ulsburseiuents of
Franklin Towi bhip liuunty Moneys.
Robert Anlliony, 'fveasurer, In ac
count '.villi Franklin Township School
District, Carbon uouuty, 1'a., for the
School year ending June 1st, A.D. '74.
1873. itECUiPi's.
Ry Treasury balance 370 73
Oct 13 lieuiy uoytr, on mi-
plicate 1807 24 12
June 1 Henry Cnuipliell, on
duplicate 871,..,., 734 85
1120 70
Treasury balance,
May 10 D 2Mtz. Interest on
bond 30 ff
May 17 Luws Reltz, ditto.,. 5.1 '0
Juno 13 II Uree'n, att'y fees. 150 00
July 13 E M, oyle, ndver'g 14 00
Aug 7 C Albilght, all y fees 150 00
Au 7 Ueo Iluii(werk, in-
teio&t oil bnud P2 14
Aub 7 11 V .Uorlliluier, ad.
verlishig. 7 0Q
Feb 10 Reuben AldreaBt In
terest on bond. ..... 113; 00
Anr 11 Jere Amlieas. Inter
est ou Loud 21 00
May 23 Reuben Andreas, In
terest on bond iOO 00
Mav20 Ceo Handwork. In
terest on bunds 02 14
Juno 1 Thos N nlk, paid nt 0
ner cent on the 1 7 til
' dav of July, 1805... 24 00
Juuo 1 Reuben Andreas. In
terest on bond 224 75
Commission 10 80
" Treasury half uce . .. 37 8S
1120 70
Tifiasurof's balauco .... 37 82
Wo. the undersicucd Auditors of
Franklin Township School District,
havo examined the above accounts aud
found tlm same to be correct.
New Advertisfiments.
Pub. library of Ky.
JUIaY :ilsf, 1S74.
("II A Ml I'asll uii r
OH (Nil CASH (IJl-T ,
i;ami dins, ci'mm Ktu I.
Cl-tl OUTS, lo,u Kxi'tl,
Ij.i (Id r. ICll,
l., W r.Afill,
j.Uull t. OH.
y.Mio KAtjii,
youo k.hii,
J.OUII K un,,
1 0 t.ACII,
Cd KAC'll,
CAb UllTS.
i AMI (111-18,
CAsll Oll'ls,
cash oirr ,
O rand ttrtal 20 OU0 Olfta, all caih .
I'rlco uf TlcUvts.
, (2,800 0J0
.8 CO (,0
'i'j w
, i ou
60J 00
, 10J0 00
FlVnlli. nr oa h C, Uwu . .
II Uhula'lli'koli lur . , . ,
Ttckela tor , , , , i
ForTlcktU or Infitrpatloi), adilreM
Aoi.nt and .Minaoer,
Pallic Ulirary llulUlliv, Uuistlilf,Ky., or
fHOa. II JIAVai IM., i;-.aiiru AKvpta.
C0J JlrijJnu), Now York, unc27
rtesnectfully nnnnunces to the citizens
uf I.ohluhtoii and ylclnlty, that he has
New Photograph Gallery,
on 1UNKWAY. (near the Lehlch Val
ley ltallroad Depot), Lehlgliton,
and that he U now prepared to give our
citizens Life-Like Pictures at the most
leasonabli! rates.
Faiticular attention paid to taking
Children's Likenesses. A Trial is
solicited. Juno 13.
100 0.0
75 a o I
luotco . lWl
" J
5 80
8 30 655 rj
ioo oo Sh d 3
'lu0 tJT a t0 j
2 oo ga sis,
,ou r, 9 13
H44 m & s J I
& T
ffi H 'S
pq J
m O o
g I
a i s
w -g
a S I
EH hi mS
pq q &
Will bo ofTered at Public Sale, by the
undersigned, Executor of the Last Will
nnd Testament of AURl'M AUNEIt,
Ittu of the Borough of Lelilghton Car
bon county, Pa., deceased, at 2:30 o'
clock 1. M., ou
on the promises of said deceased, name
ly: All those Two certain Lot, situate
on the south bide ol the Totn Square,
III said, and being numbered
nn the plutof said town Nos. 11 and 13.
The Improvements on Lot No. 11 are a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling, 20 by 24
feet, a Fiamo Ram, a Well of never
lulling Water and a number of Choice
Fiult Trees. Also,
II Other Lots or Pieces of
Mi'ouuil, si,tuatu ou tlio west side of
I'lno sireet, sa,iu lots oeing lam out as
an addltloji t,n hu original plot of bald
Also, a certain Lot of 1'lcco of Ground,
bt,luatu In said borough, and lying west
of the Inst named lots, containing One
Acre uaU l'-tO I'cixlies strict
The above premises will lie sold sep
arate or lu the whole to suit purchasers.
Terms uud condltiou& will be made
known at the time and place of sale, by
TIIOS. K,EMEUER. Kxocutor.
LchigUtoiii Juuo 13, 1874-3w
rwilic imilcvsloiietl rcsjicct-
fully anuounces that ho Is better
prepared than over to Buy and Sell
Calf and Sheep Skins,
Tallow mid
I'lasferlns Ilulr,
at bis Old Stand, nearly opposite tho
post olllce, Rank Street, Lehlgliton.
tST The highest cash prices paid for
Hides nnd Skins.
uov. '24. O. E. CaRKENHWALI).
TUV IT I THY IT 1 Tho India
Rubber Plasters for a Weak Rack
DURLING has tbeu may 0
Now Advertisements.
Save Fifty Dollars !
ICE, 890 b.low ) anyothfrtlri.UI.1.
'ALUK,830 U,t. ; Saw.Bi Macblot.
SAVED, 930 kjr lutlni; tha riorant.
Erisr 5i-nis wwtasti.
Special Tarua to Clubi and DValera. 8tnl
for Circular to tha
Fioatsci 8. M. Oo, f lok.ic, Maiiv
nr 1123 Cliettnut SI., Philadelphia, rnn'.
. i. satviti, al.i 'iiii.o k( lii sdlia
tn tlio untir. If paid fr itioat readily, and la tha beat
ofallton.ll inhere la nn " Oomeatlc " airant la
ji.nrti.wn astilvlnMIMIPTlPB M.CO-N.T.
LAIIE3 CEltC far Xli'ist ftiklsa Soak.
tL How either rex ma falclnate and pain tha
low and anYcllonaofanv peraoi. thar ahooac, In
atantly. Tblaaluiple mental acqulrelnant all caa
Kiasei.!., free, by mail, for 23 rente; together with a
nrrlnia Uulda, r.t)ptlaa Oracle, Dreami, lllnla
lo Ladle. A queer look. lOO.OOOaold, AddreU
1', WILLIAM A UO, 1'uUlihera, fhlladalpbla.
Most Extraordinary
Terms of Advertising are offered for
Newspapers In tho State of
Send for list of papers and schedula of
rates. Address
Geo. P. Howell & Co.,
Advertising Agouti,
No. 41 Pavk Bow, N, ow York.
Repek TO ElJlTOJt OF THIS Tapem.
Tho Lehlgliton School JSoard now
offer, at Private Sale, the following do
scribed valuable REAL ESTATE, be
ing a portion of the l'ublic School Pro
perty ut the Rorough of- Lehightou, to
wit :
One Lot and Building,
situated on the corner of Iron and Pine
K recta, and bounded and described as
lollowh ; On the notth by Iron street ;
west by a common alley; south by a
lot owned by Joseph Obert, and east by
Pine street. The lot U 00 feet front by
181) feet I) Indies lu depth. Also,
Numbered 153 and 154, situated on Pine
street, In said boiough, bounded aud
described as follows: On the west by
Pine street; south by lot Ho. 155; ease
by VVst alley, and north by Cedar al
ley, "-.aid lots being each GO feet froLt
by 180 leet 0 Indies In depth, illjo,
One Lot and Building,
Situated on Northampton street, and
known as the South Lelltghiou School
Property. AUo,
1ST For terms and ftlrther partlcu
lars, apply In either of the.ntlderiicued.
" .JqilN LENTJ5, president.
A. J. DURLING. Socretary.
Dm. N. 11. REUER, Treasurer.
Lehlgliton, May ?, 1874.
oissport Abend I
Tho undersigned, vould respectfully
Inform builders, contractors nnd the pub
lic In general, that they have opened a
In connection with their
Near the L. AS., Depot,
ind that hey have now on hand an Ini
iueis.e stjucl; of '.horoughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pine Hoards,
Surfaced Pine boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and i'lne,
Sidings, of all kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,''
Kooflng and Ceiling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at tie very lowest market prices.
Ve are alsp. prepaid to furnish Build
ers and others wlttv a, very tine article of
Sand , suitable (or masonry
Work, Planterli?, &c, at Re-
niar,k,abiy Low Figures.
We havo constantly on hand a Urge
lot of Wood diiAtablo f.JC Firewood,
which we will . soil, In large or small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Oca Motto IlONKSr CpUNT-tLPW riUOZS.
Yeakel ft Albrfelit,
HVAg 28-yl Carbon county, Pa
Livery & Sale Stables,
Aud positlvelyXOWER-rRICEfllhw
any other Livery In the"
ST Larso,gnd;h'andsoma CarajDji
for Funeral purpose and Weddl.og,