The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 27, 1874, Image 1

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    II III IMWj n
u. v. moKTuiamu;
Editor and Proprietor.
Ono Oollnr n Yonr In Alvanc0
VOL. II., No. 32.
Jjehighton, Directory.
tW-jri,1frl'l Singer JkKHnff Machine and Jn
FAtrhnte,Mt ; to K H.'Sjitdtr'n, Hank at reft
rH. pJwJDTJOS, ittpgi lUxr Ctdtingand Skam
r, - yifwy, umier-ivjfcrnwngw hum-i, hhiir inrrw
Doot and mi or Mnkrri.
3hli! Yeuwr, nearly ypotU Vtt post-office, Bank
alnrat: alio.deaUr tn Omfectionerv.
Clinton Bratney, fit Lenin's budding, Uatik street.
All orders promptly juiea-wtirie uhirramea.
jHauiman fc Kubns, cippuftlit- OLert'i store, Bank
street. All orders prvnipuy jwea,
Tlrv flnAila and Grocrrle-
H, Long, ojip. L, A S. Depot, Hank dealer in
Hardware, tyutensware, Ladies Dress Good, dt.
II. A, Hells, LeUCKti 8 UlOf K HSDK SI., iry u-Jr,
Groceries. Oiueniware. Gxrvets. Vl CVth f CV.I
K, II. 8nydy,M"nk street, AVry (footl', Mums,
Drug! aitd JSIcillclnr.
sA.J DurlloRrttrKMluoratjuiti i - Hank street.
OtZi, Mints, Ikrf ninety J Ilitent ifedi&us, Ct-.
iff, P. Seminal, neifly opp. rxrhango Hotel, Bank
i' street, it a ton, Uiu, jwuisrm
ttano. tc
Shomaa Mints.
S Jii
Exchange, ' cpp. Public $qu ,
Bank st. Jvtronage sirted.
Furniture 'Ws.i'eliotif e.
V. 8cfcw.rU. street, aVaer in oU kinds of
furniture. uojjLnsmaaeto oracr
t y J L . Mcr6lasst?rllor. .
ClaussA Bto., Llti.L street, iuwl i.J:rn7s'itf
iVmUhiny Goods, Hunts, M', icit", Oij'fi. fc
"TbomS,Silckr 1'. 0 LuHdm y, Ei'ikU, OjiCi
.Aimfr M'n0 GWi, 7ftU, Chy, eS.'.poi 2Pks, tc.
, K , Milliner., .
lira. C Fath, Bans street, 2nd door llow tbe M.
K. Church, .Vnt-umi and Trimmings
phy.lclnuM nuil Siirgt-oii..
X)r.X 8. German, ctrner tf Bank anj liuutrfij
' Cbntuliation iA,Engtun and Grrniun..
Tr.XMJ. Itebtrnvit door to-Vi O., IHok street.
OoTUuiatwn in Englith attd German,
t lProyllou. ,
os. Obert, Bank lU'JWA-TJij, Curing attd Suekin?
UstaUUhmenL UU order prom pttyJUM,
. J. Fatilugar A 8oa,'Iliiik' kL; dealers in Flour and
Ftdt Groceries, lywts and JtgeUiUes.
Watchtnaker and Jeweler
A, 0. Uolleumayer, fi'outh vlrt-vt, atuvn Hapk,t.
JfeaUr in Watcftes, iXocks, fiingt, dc.
IUsl Colltlon Aguocy. Will nujrand
.SullKuJijitalfc Coareyuiclui: iieatlyduii. Col.
;l.ctloog (jroDipUy nuule.' battling Ust.ttii if ho
cetleut, a spwutty. May b cou.uiuu iu tDKllkli
.and U.roiau. uv.
lOrrics Flrit Natloo.1 Baok Dulldlnj,nd i'loar
llay lie cootulted In Gcrm.a. spr 18, 1871
Office, on UaoiXUAT, first dour bvlow American
HoUMaueuCuuul'eaa'a. ColltKtloua pruuipt
ymada.- Kiv 21.
Oct 18, 1873, .
J. n
Kait Wclaiuurl, Pa.
N: D. Balaa of nery iorlptlon attended to at
eeasouabla chargva. In. patrunag. of thu putlle
4s ratpactfully.tollclted. Jau.21,'74.
Henry Campbell, East Weiasport,
AViiuro you can always get tliu vcry bftt
.-article at tbe loAeat irlco lor cash.
jUixita and Shoes made to order and
weatly Itcialrtd at sboit liotlce and rea
sonable terms. ai,r 1 l-iiiS
l-jJtA,aa,E HOTEL,
umnUl Hill, Carbon Co., Pa.
Jtf of aeooinmodatloni. hxcell.ot ri
itauraut uod.rDBatb Good itabllD altaehl
Tartna mndtfata.
.OniVEU CRILLET, dealer In To
bacco, Cigars, Pipes, Ac, next door tn
Ilex's Grocery Store, Su.quehanna W.,
Mnuch Chunk, respectfully asks the
people of Lt-bighton and vicinity, wlinu
visltlug that' place, to call in and try Ills
he very best In the market. Every
articles iu his line warranted as repre
sented and at lowest prices. mnr28
tallOfclAS KEB1ERER,
The IbUowinit CompaniM an RepnMDttl I
Lebanon Mutual Flra, H
t Heading Mutual Fire,
Wyotulng Fire,
' ' Pottsvllle Fire,
Lchlph Fire, and the
Travelers Acclt,ent Insurance,
Alio Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse
Thief Detective and Insurance Com.
fas, March 2U, 1873.
Boot ad Shoe Maker,
yOppoJte T. D, Clams! Store,
Wjpectfully Informs his friends and the
pabllerthathelnisjust received n nw
od excellent assortment of Men's Wo
pen;j , nd,pblldreo'B Ueady.Uadu
Bbcfaij Shoes.& Gaiters,
Whleb be' will Sell at Ihe'lowect Price.
. ..CW7JQ09U, and Bhos made to.order,
PplrlEfg"neatly and substantially
Railroad Guide.
r.MnKprR for rhUHdlph1n
Ill le.lYe Lchtghton
mi lows r
A.flO -. in , Tin I,. V4 nrrlre at I'hlla at 9 01
7 .IT a to. via r, st. " Jl.lOa.m.
1 31 a. 111. iW I.. V. " " II 10 p.m.
IU)7p. m.vUI..8. " " 21(
11.11: p. ui, vl 1,. v.
I S7 p. m. tIi U f. " " A .15 P.111,
AUn .
447 p.m. via L. A S. ' " 8' I
4.14 p. Dl. la. h. V. " 8 20 p. 111,
7J H. m. tl I.. V. " " 1030,
Helurttlnr, Inivf dpput at nrk ani Amirlran
Mr.clK. I'hlla., at 7.UU, 8 30 aud 0.46 a. Di.; 2.10
ana o 10 p. in.
Knre Iri'iu lplirh.on to VblfjdWDlita. (2.M.
IVh 1, 1K74. MILLS ULAhK, nrnt
1.1. men su?quKiM,NNA division.
Commencing llco 13, 18m.
1UM Til K INS.
.1. Ki, 3. N",5. Ni7.
Lfare A. M. A. it. a. m p. m.
Own Itldne, 7.30 HI 25 1.25
Srrantoti 7.33 1)30 1.1U
l'lttMi,ii....u 8.112 K1.07 45.1
Wllkw lluiro 80 ll.iS 2.20
UMte llavpi 0A5 12. a 3.411
l'uiiu lla'n June 10.37 1.3J 4.10
JIaucli Cliuuk ISa 11.00 J. 4.40
.CatAKiuquil 8.35 1 1 iS 3.17 fi.'KI
Allelitimn R.43 12 I'll 32$ 47
Urllllrlu.U 000 IK 17 ! .'U7 IV O
JrrivtlMloa 0 27 12 43 J .03 C.23
Up Tbaimi.
Nc. 10. No. 4. No Kn,14.
Lean a. m. a. m. r. m. r. t.
Klfn ll.f.o aj5 j.u
Uellilpbem 8 WS 12.13 427 7 45
All-utiwu 010 12 25 4.37 7.57
C.IMIUU ..,. 0,.4 12.32 4 45 Ssili
5IaucUClmnk...lJ5' jWj 9.10
I'cim Il.vpn J'n, 1045 2.vt 0 25 ....
liil. Ilavpi.. 11.23 210 70S
WllkllurtP. ... 1240 4.1.0 8.30 ....
1'lHptoii 10.1 4 20 h55 ... .
Snalilin 1J!0 4 53 0 :S
Arr, UioeuHlilso 133 .l,0 9.30 ....
A'eiauthtmlpa rulleu If. . niwn trnln. Vn. .n
aim it ami up tiaim .Mm. 10 and 4 ctmnect at
Maucii i hunk.
AoiUi f tna'd It. It Down Ira ns Xra. 1. 3. R S,
? connect at Uethlrluuiriir PlillailMluMi,. lit, iri... ivat cuiiupc: at Urtlllrlir tn lrt'lill.idppul u
Rpluriilhif Icaioelillad.lnlilH at 7.10 a. in f ,r p.n.
ion, ijUKawiiutili, limn, llKra ll,,rfe, TnuinUa,
mi,"", otiaii.ii, t-., m to a. in. inr r.nisioii.
Klauc l liunk. TituiHQiia. Mlll,iuipi,nrt. UIILkk.
rfi.ira iu ocraiiioti; at x IU p. in r,r Srrantou,
Wlika Itarre and intermediate ftt.tloim: mi i.
in. ftr llatb alld fcafctuu 1 at 5.15 D. m. l'l r Much
ITuitiuetHi RrotKh Up tralna Noa. 10 i 4. nntl
OOMii traliia At p. J. o &, 7ciainect at.MauiiiLliunlt
to and rum Tauiauu.i.
isMtjn a MCi.uwaniui f, r. uown tralna Xo.
I A J, alld UP HlllltJ AlJAIi c nnect Ut Itelll
lehein ft Ilath and Qutirriea. Iteium.
Ililt Uiavu CliapuiHu'f at 74 J a, in. and 2.15 p. in
cewruw.nnrouuty Atwjtrtfy. All t rami. make.
clow, comiecitou ml r.3 tuu ultn trall.8 ou Cullal
lUILmad ! Aew Jerpvy.
ltltuttrt'UeUwart Jt, f-Down tralimXoa. 3
A.alid Up tlaln 4-& 14 tituiirct al I'Ultllpp.
ourK iiii jinwu ,t. i. w auu iruui Arelllou,
Plil adelplila and Halt ldere
Wtdiiiitliiltiti t Jitading ItuUroad.TU Depot,
of Um Knitt Peon K. K. aud Ilia L. si. uivLlou
aru connected by rMrettt Carp.
II. I'. UALUtVIN, (icii. I'atunatr AgaU.
Felt. 7. IWI.
Sumter Time Tablr.
On ard pf er SUNDAY, ilKX 31.t. 1871, (Up
traloi en tba 1 Ullada. A Kite H K. Ditiuou nl.l
run a. folluui:
Fast liki Itirei I'hi'adelpbla
41 M llnril.turir
" ' Wlllljuipport
44 arr. at Leak llatea
Ekic Mail (eaves I'tlludclptila
44 llarrll.ur
44 44 Wllunipport
44 11 1-ta.k Haven
44 44 llenova
44 art at Krle.
ELM1UA Mall leavea I'blfadelphU
44 44 HarrUburK
41 41 W II lampport Lock llaien
Niaqaka Itxram leaiti PnlU'lalpbla
44 44 44 llaubburtr
12.55 p.m.
6.uo p.m.
0.00 p.ui.
H'.li p.iu
1153 p.iu
4 23 a Ul.
8 33 a m.
0.45 a.ui
11.10 a.m.
8 1 5 p in.
8.0 1 a in,
1.20 p.ui.
C 2 1 p.ui.
7JJ p.ui.
7.20 a.ui.
10 ,0 n.ui,
44 4 4 44 Willi, uitlK.rt
44 44 " Lot llaleu
41 44 44 ll.iinva
44 44 arr, at Kaua
rIU,ExrnibSlatt ltck Haven
44 44 Willi i tort
2 05 p,ui.
a lo p.ui.
4.41 p Ul.
9.50 a.m.
823 a.m.
7.43 a.m.
11.43 am.
333 p ui
11.2 a.m.
0 IS pm.
10., 9 p.m.
1210 am.
4 31 a Ul
8,"0 a.m.
030 a.m.
1.40 p.ui
6.A5 p.ill,
0 0 1 a.m.
4 05 p m.
A 25 pm.
6.50 p.ui.
10 55 p. in
44 44 arr. at llrrll,urit
" " 44 I'blhd.lphia
Eiux Mail learn Erla
41 ftanova
41 - Lock llarcn
" " WlllUm.port
41 arr. at llarilalmrK
. " 44 Ihllad.lphla
Eimaa Mail loarea 1 fk llavpn
" 44 Wllllam.port
41 arr. at Harrl-t urx
" I'hlldJjbla
Mini" Exrxist leav.a t,ai,o
" 44 44 R.DOTO
' " 44 ltrkll.T.D
" " Wliiliiinport
" a r at lltrrltburx
44 44 4 I'hlU.l.ttthta
ll.ll V..I ..r
ZO a.m.
...t ..n.t vuKiteci. cai( atiu wen ai rrieMiin i,
S i M S It W andatlrtloaum with OlUrtckand
All.tibeny It It W.
M.ll Wo.mltbcaat and went traluann I, S A M
8 H W. and at 1 orrv and IrTlu.tttn uIihrninrMtlr
and Alleubeny II H V.
fclmlm .M.ll and (lulalo Rxpra a make elow
ronneitlonsat H Iltlaiu.ptirt with . 0 It W tialna
uriu,.uu ai iiarn.our vitn . u uw traiu.
toutb. tlM. A.llALDWlN.Oen l Supt.
" Whenever I cet a Ilottle of Bloom
of Youth or Magnolia Iialiu, Rose Tint,
a flux of Lilly White, or anything In
that line to beautify tlio complexion, at
Bui ling's Drug Store, It seems to be
nicer ana Detter than I can get any
where else, ido v 0
"MUST look at her Hair I Why I
thought It was turnlnt; Grev? So
It was, until she got a IJotlle of that new
liair llestorer at Hurling' Drug Store.
Wgj OTIIHRS, Look at lint Child, It
has Worms. Go or send at once
toDURLIXG'S Drug More, and get a
bottle or his WORM SYRUP, so plea
sant and yet so suie. may 9
M.OOK UKAUl'IFUL - L'oo'ii
-Jim HfltiVI A 11-.1.1.. - . lT,r ...t.r,
ROiE GLYCERINE for Koiighness of
the Skin, i happed Hands, &c, nuly 25
Cents a buttle. jMy 9.
122S, 9th St.Allentown.Pa,
Will "urfiUU Phui, t?pfl(ifatlori and Vstlmates
Pill us ex art coet of i ublij and -prlrata tmUttiK, I
from tha plalDfNt to tbe most labor to; alto,
PrawtDgi w ataiw, Uud-ltallf, Ac. frlf
TIip TJi-nlly & riotts cclobrnteU Gold
on Tiiiikiih
,N nt'kiiowli'dtrcil lit nrtilMHsnrM i,F mtulp
i ""o t't'leorateil iiriitilt In lit- the leiul.
ini! rnrinr Oipati nmv In u-e. Tt-ll-niiiiilHlsRinl
i-aiiN nf himnriii'tToiwtnnt.
ly lielni; rt'ceivetl Iu fnvdr tif tlietu V
appi'inl a few nnd wish you to rend);
Anthony, N. J., Jan. 2,1, 1873,
ir i, . . '
wj.PT! lifai y oc ritiiih, lii'iin 1 imr
Oiiiaii.Milil mi'.nlvi's 1'iitlin-ntlsfnetlim
ll bantyif tniiHiiiiil MtliMif work in i ii
l aieselildin If ever .uipaeil. Wlli.
Ini; im MKWM III ji.tir IhisIih'ps, I am,
Allll le.-pit l, I'ltll. M. II IlKAlTY.
Siiamokin. Pa.. Feb 11. 1874
I Imvfiiiii4 ul IJi-itilj & I'lntt ' Gulden
longiu. urtiaus. It I- an excellent In
slluiiit'lit, line Kino ami full potter. J
like it belter flian nnv I have heard.
M. II. IIaiii-kl, M. I)
Latjuy's Statin, Ph., Jan. 27, 1874.
i nave, liail lleatiy & Plotti' Ori.nn
-ii it iukiimi Ain, io, a; u elves lli
iugliet Mllrai titin, ami has proved nil
that it was recommended by the priip'is
Jim HiiNiiY.
Slatington. Pa., Feb. 0, 1874.
neatly & PUts' Parlor Oman 1 like
belter tliitii Hie Sliiml ml, nun itjjlves
iietu r baiioiaclion, a. I find In my t;av
I". Pn.f. Fit. V. Mayuu
St. Claim, Pa., Dee. Dili, 1873.
Messrs. Ileailj & Plolls, Uent-I
liaveiecelved tlm Orunii.aspeiit by your
linn to me, ami I have had it examined,
and it gives maple Mititfaellnti.
Hun. John Sincy.
Mahanoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1872.
The Uealty & P oils eelelirati (1 Guld
en 'I'orijue Pallor Organ Is liy far thu
be-t I'm lor Oian In ute. I Lave care
fully exaiiuiiitl it, nml find its tone,
noikmaucliip and tltiiahility lo be. the,
best I ever daw, mid 1 can Willi pleasure
reeonmiend It to any In want of a flrt.
class parlor oivan. Piof. O. II. Unoeh.
Jlebrs. Oeatty & Plotts, or Wishing,
ion, M. J., alu neiitli'men of enteiprie,
ami whose ptesence would be a eieilit
to any coiiiinunity. Ilaekeitatuwii, X.
J., Ileialil, la72.
Wamiinqton, J., Sept. 5, 1873.
To ltubeit. Mtiiuaii. Pottsville I inn
happy lo statu Ihatlhe liistruim-tit ukvn
eiilhe satKfactiim, nut only to uiself
Out also to tlie teachers of the bcniiiiaiy
who are betler uilnes.
ltev. A. . Jully.
We say, after caieful . ml l-omIv iv.
peiluieiit. It is with uleastire WO illtttl-
tluce the "Golden Tongue," knuttlii
It pussesses mailt advantages over nil
otheis manulactiiied. The tone exjels
in lullness, nurltv. ami thu tllllllHlllllItt
hi leMiuiuiiittis which uro Delntj cull.
otaiitly lecelved, im, evidenco that our
eiroits have been emlneully sucies.tul.
Fur pultlcul.irs and Prbv list, atldress
Feb. 21-Cm Wasliinutoii. N. J.
44 A Kcartr Apioxlmatum to the HEAL air.l.V
QUILL than Anything IlMerto nientul."
Tbe constantly iNcatASisa sale of tbe
la owing ti Ibelr tujftinr wrillvg 7tn(,dV,n at
tested liylhaedltorlilemloraenientofoTar 1000
rnpera.aud l,y M.rcbiuta, Lawyer, an! Ujuken
without number
They are all made of Ibe best Elel, In the
brat manner, by the beat Witkmeu In Europe,
ibr .Sale ly alt Dealers.
To accommodate those toho may utih to try
Viae prn, we mil unit a Uml, eimtatning one each
athe IS Number., oynuu!, en r'tti'fn23e.
Ivison, 31akeman, Taylor & Co.,
138 and UO OllAND STREET, N. Y.
April 23, 1871.
.1.11 (JUL, GRAVER,
Opposite the Public Squaio,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds of
7 V
IS" Hoofing, Spouting and Jobbing
promptly attemle.l to. nov. 80
The Examination of Public School
Teacl crs lor the borougli of Lehlghtoii
School Dl-trict will take place In the
liou Slreet Sclioul-lloiise, in said Uor,,
on Thursday, JULY 2nd, 1874.
Ter.u piubalny t u iiiunths.
J. F, kENiZ, PrcslJeut.
A. J. Ijurlino, Secretary
June 13, 1874 -3v.
ttlTY IIIM? N'OI-That Elecltlc
L Liniment, like I got nt Dm Hug's
Diug Store, w 1,1 euro Idin or any other
niauol RHEU.M1TLSM and all other
Pains. may o
Sfatrmo it of t!it
sport School Ilsi.
OWEV MOVER, Treasurer, in ac
count with tlio V'eloHport School )U
tilet, for tlio year ending June, 1874:
.flu I. on hand from last year. S 180 G,"
Fioai Collector, including all
taxes 1100 31
From State appropriation tor
year emlliiL June, '74. 02 00
From Kent and otlux sources 83 75
5149a- 71
Fur Furnishing school limi.-o
hall...; $ 79 15
Fur Rep.tirlni; .ehinil house.. 72 31
For Teacheis' waues 070 00
Pur Fuel mill cuutniKeiieii s. . 07 14
'FumiI her expenses yt U0
For Fees ol 6'olleetor A: Tleil. 40 00
For Salary ol Secretary 10 00
Fur Ilelit paid 200 Oil
For liteieat paid 207 70
Total expenditures
Cash Lul. in Tiea's hands.
$1338 20
100 43
Amount borrowed and unpaid 2003 80
Liabilities in excess of re
sources ,,. 2833 33
Estimated value of Selioul pro
pel ly ' C300 00
We, the undersigned Auditors of the
Rorouuli of Weie-iMirt, report that we
have exam tied the hooks nml accounts
nt J, G, ZuitN, Secretary, anil Owen
ilovuil, Tiea-urer, of the Wel-spurt
School District, for the year eiitllnj;
June, 18.4. a i ul liml the honks correct
ly ki pt aliil the accounts us set furtli in
the uUovu rtatemeut.
I'. J. Kl.siI.Utt, S-Audltora
Welitp nt, Juno Slh , 1S71. 'J
AX initial E'i ii: nc (:il Siatc-
MUNTnf lleclpts and Expemll
niSTIIICT fur the Year tiidlni; JUNE
lt, 1874 :
Gros amount nf Tax Dupll.
cate for School inn noses S3 201 00
uo. tor uallilltn; purposes
3,201 09
$0,402 18
Deiluctexhoin ration-
deflelencle.-& eirois310 82
OutslniidliiB tax 1032 !3U
1.402 18
fi.OOO 00
209 89
1,023 00
2115 00
28,007 75
830 00
524 00
Total tax rocelnlM
Cah fiom former Tieauier
Sale of building., nml InW. . .
Statu appiuprhttluiis
l.asii on liiimls issued
rtMiipoiary Loan
Fiuui other suurccs
Total Ilecelpts $33,917 04
Paid Teachers' salaiies 2,457 73
" New School Iliillillngs I
and Lots 19,107 27
" Int. on lh mis & Notes. -is 00
" Fuel and contingencies MO 31
" Repairs 510 03
" Salary of Secietary..,. 100 00
" Salary of Treasurer and
Collector 703 58
" Miscellaneous expenses 309 !15
$23,484 89
n mount in hands of
Treasurer 12,422 75
We, the, undersigned Auditors, ot Lo
highlon School District, Cut hon county,
having cifelully examined tint above
uccotllits of tlie Treastiier, find them
c.nrec', lo the best of our knowledge
and belief.
Lchlghton, June 17, 1874.
jjjiLoim fcuu.
The undersigned Is now selling to tho
citizens of Wtlssport and viclulty, tho
Family Flour 4.2-5
2nd tirade- - 3i0
iSatlsfncllon Guaranteed. Try it 1
H.1ULING of every detciiptlnn
nt Reasouatde Hales. Ilaggngo taken
to nml from the Railroad Uopots at the
shurcest notice.
Near thu Canal flrldgo, EAST WEISS
FORT, Pa. upr 11-mU
Contractor & Builder,
lMans anil Specifications
For all kinds of Buildings made at the
shortest notice.
Made for Plans and Specifications when
the contract Is awarded to tlie under
signed. A. W. EAOIIES.
June 14, 1878-yl
r.rfjlNladvo Acts.
Thn following nresome of the Impor
tant acts passed by our last legislature:
Supplement tnnn not tn estahlMi (he
Mechanic!' Illuh Sclionol or I'elinsyl.
vnnin, niilhor'zli.c the trustees to ex
pend certain funds.
To piovlde for an ndillllnnal Normal
S''ln ol Inr training colored teniheib for
colored sehi'ols.
An act relating tn thp election oftho
Secrelary of Internal affair , and fixing
To exempt from taxation pul llcprnp
erly ued fur pulillo purposes, and
pli'c-s of religious purposes placm of
burltl not ued nnd held for private or
ci rporato profit.
A aiini'lenicnt o provlilo for tlltf let-.ter-ecurlty
)f life and property from
tho damages of coal and petroleum oil,
Act tosuppiess the trade in obscene
llloraluro, and tho clicuhttion (f'llltn
tliitliius, niveitNeineuU and scenic re-
piesi'iitatiuns, patent medicines, lk I pa
to procure iti-oriion.
An act to prevent traffic In chldren.
it to legallzn agree tits of com.
promise between debtors and creditor".
To nuthorize tint collection of poor
taxes on unseated lands.
To cieate n commission to propose
amendments to the constitution of tills
comuionw, allli.
Act. making appropriation for Indus
dial Home for Wind Women at Phila
delphia. Granting an appropriation for the
support of the Home lor Deaf Mutes at
Making decoration day a holiday.
To provide for the erection and main.
taiiianee of three hospitals iu tlio anth
racite coal regions.
To prevent School directors from
ae-esslng or collecting a bulldlug tax
during proceedings In court.
To lugulate the taxation of the cor
poiiilltiu. To authorize warrants tn confirm titles
of paities Ui teal etatcsold"or conveyed
by trustees of unmarried wuiuuii wllh
out leave of court.
A Joint ru.ulutlon providing for the
nppoiiitiiient-nracoinmllteehy the Gov.
einur to investigate the ltiliiinluuus
Coal Mines ol Ihis coinuiouwe,ii.
To provide f ir submlting nueslloiH of
facts to tlio couils In trial ol civil cases.
To piuvlde lor tho ulectlun of Lieu,
tenant Goveiuor.
To provide lor tho ordinary expenses
of the Exee Hive, legislative and Judi
cial IJepaitoieiits ot Iheoininoniveallh
Interest on lliu public debt, and to tho
Common Schools for 1874.
IHnxliiiH Worth Knowing.
Admistrntms rire liable to account for
interest on funds In their hands, nl
though no profit should linve been made
upon them, nnlpss Hie exigencies of the
estalo n-ndered it prudent that they
should hold the fund" unlimited.
When a house Is rendered untenant
able In cort-eiinencii of Improvements
niaile on the adjuliilng lot, tho owner
of such cauiio: recover such riain.tges,
licence It is nresiimed he had ki.nwl.
edge of the api roachlng danger In time
iu pitueci oitnseii irom It.
A pi-rstin who lui" been led to ppII
goons nj means of fate preteies can
nut recovo- them from one who hns
purchased them In gbod fnilh from the
irauiiiuent vendor.
io nj;reem."ni, ny inn lioiiler Of a
iioir to eivo the principal debtor tluu
tor payment, without depriving him of
ine right lo serve, dues not dischaige
tun surely,
A day bonk copied from a "blotter"
In which ei.nrges nro first made, will
nut be. received in evidence as a book
of original entries.
Tho Iruits and grass on tho farm or
garden of an Intestate, descend to the
Moupy paid on Sunday contracts may
be it-covered.
A private ppnon may obtain an In.
Ju Ion to prevent a puullo mischief
by which ho Is affected, Iu common with
Ministers of tho Gospel, residing in
any cor oraled town, are. pot exempted
frm jury, military or Hie service.
Permanent erections and fixtures,
mail u by a mortgager, after tliti execu
tion of the mortgage upnn a land con
veyetl by It, become a pait of the mort
gaged '
A seller of goods, chat'cls or other
properly, coamlts no finud In law,
when l neglecls to tell tho purchaser
ut nuy Haws, delects or unsoundness In
the same.
'1 he opinion of wltnes'ics as tntlie value
of a dog ilint has been killed, la not ad
inlsskble In evldenc.4. Tlio vnlue of the
animal is to be decided by the Jury.
If any prison putsn fence oil or plows
1 lie land of another, hels liable fortres
pass whether tho owner has sustained
Injury or not.
If a person who Is unable from Illness
to blgii his will, has his hand guided
in making his mark, the signature Is
valid. b
A wife cannot be convicted of receiv
ing nolen goods when bherecelvestheui
of her husband.
An agent Is llablo to his principals
for loss caused by his mlsstaten-euts,
though unintentional.
ylll cattle found at large upon any
publlo load can bo driven by any per
son lo the publlo pound.
NO man Is uud-r an obligation to
make known his clrcuuistauces wheu be
Is buying goods.
Money paid for the purpose of sett
Hug or ccmpoondlnr; t prosecution for
a suppoeil.felnny, cannot bo recovered
back by a party paying It.
A stamp Impressed upon nn Instru
ment by way of eal, Is nsgood nsn seal
If it creates n durable Impression Iu tho
texture of the paper.
Changed HUM. ml.
John Traux m.nrled nt HofTirmn's
Feiry, Shenectndy County, N. Y six
month ago. Not long nfter thu couple
separated, the wife taking possession of
a shanty near the Central's new tracks
Ht the Ferry, nnd living alone. Traux
filially sou ht a reconciliation, but In
valu. lie then became exceedingly
Jealous of his wife, and re
vengit himself by commuting suicide
beloro her eyes. He repaired to tho
inllroad tra.-k, near the houso wlil.di
contained' his "other half," ami after
attracting her attention, ho laid himself
down on the track to die to beenc-hed
lo death by an approaching locomotive.
Of course, she could not see her dear
John giotind to pieces under tho wheels
of a whole train of freight cars, ri'iid
would rush out nnd pull liliu olf tlio
rail, and then ask lilin to foi-ilve her,
mid they both ngaln would be happy,
and tlie of true love would once
more run smoothly. Uut she did not do
nnysuch thing. Shejuststuod an.llooked
on, awaiting ihetiaget.y. Allthe work
men euiplooil on thu new Unit rat
track stopped their workWl lo ked on
patiently. The engine of death ap
proached nearer ami nearer. Aiinnm-nt
mure and John would bo' ground to
pieces. Hut Jului did not Ilka thejdea.
oo lie rolled olf the track, nnd the train
lolled along, aud everybody was disappointed.
Changes in i'oniion Laws.
Washington, June '18. Tho House
Commit ee on InvaPd Pensions prepar
ed thu lollowing general bills, which
Imvu passed both Houses, viz.: Increas
ing tl.u total first grade lrom $31.23 to
$50 per inontt't rilling tho amputation
of an arm abovu the elbow and a leg
above thu knee ns equal to $25 per
mouth, to equaliZM the special net pro
visions with Uio gviiiidl law r.itlngs In
cases wherethelrpensloiisitrelesS.i Also
the following, which have passed thu
II ,ue and are now pending iu the Sal
ute: The bill giving 30 lor an
eye; a bill extending the provisions ot
the general law to u dependent mother,
lather, or relative, allerii widow'sdeath
or uittrri.ig); a bill lucrutialng pensions
from thu date ol tliesurireou'scertlllcnto
that llr-t shows fncretlseddUability;ul8i
a bill Increasing the pensions of ibo'.io
who have lost one arm and one le, or
one baud aud one loot, to tile sum of
Uiu pensiuns for eacli disability. Tlie
couiiiiiltee has iiIao reported a bill to ex
teuil tbe tiiue for tiling applications to
Jan. 1, 1875, which is now peudiugin
Uiu House. '
A Cure for llytlroplioula.
A friend having heard that some of
our citizens had been billet) by rabid
dogs, mill their cure was couiideretl
doubtful, say? thcGuiVostouNews, sends
the lollowing prescilptlon fur thectneot
patients afflicted by lliediseasu. IIusa a
mat lie cau pro uce evidence, that will
corrt.borate what he says. WuIvethe
prescription foi what it mny bewoith:
"Dull poke root and new milk, equal
pans, and give It to the patient until It
produces sleep." The aoove was used
in ono of the worst stages, and piuved
vffecllve when science aud inbdichiu
tailed. i
i mi . ilMJ
School Ac-coaiotl.itloiiH.
The State Superintendent of Publlo
In.-lructioii has issued a cucular lo llio
beveiul County Supeiinteudeuts, direc
ting lliein Ui withhold all school mohey
coining from tho State, ' fiom all those
districts In then counties which liayu
not su liable outhouses attached lo their
school building. Separate apartments
tor tliedifleieuc sexes, must iu every
case, bo piuvided. Si.-pt.iute buildings
uro recommended. Wherever satisuc
lory buildings aro erected by tho first
of September the penalty imposed will
be lumitled.
"I've known many a church to'dle
'causd It didn't give enough; butluuver
knowed u ctiuicu to die' 'cause it gave
too mudi, Dey don't die dat way)
llredcieu, has uny of you knowed a
sing'u church to diu 'cause It gave too
mucin n you uo, jtistici me Know, nnd
I'll luauu a phguuiage to uat church,
aud I'll elliuo by tie sou light of do
moon lo lis luuss-covereu roof, uud I'll
stand dar, and lilt my hands to heaven
and say, "cleaned uru de dead dat die
Iu Ue Lord,"
A Gciman citizens wants to know
why It Is that alter an American visits
nnd returns from Europe, tho people
gives fifty ceuts a head lo hear lilui tell
what ue eeeu and heard: but a uativo
of tlie old country might remain here,
he says, a hundred years, and not ono
of tho same Individuals would ask. a
worn about tlio ecencs and customs
among which he has been reared, This
is a hard hit, aud there is a deal of good
sense iu the couiparLun. It is easily
nuswered, however.
A New Castlo Delaware, woman has
been tolerably thrifty since her marri
age. During tho twenty-four years pt
her connubial Joys she has added'"' dar
ling hopefdl, yearly to- her blossmlug
household. She has now twenty.. hns-.
and don't expect to do better than tlio
uat doiio to the years to come.