The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 20, 1874, Image 3

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    Advertising Itntcs.
lit deatra It to t distinctly understood tht no
Adwtlsements will be Inserted In tta columns of
Tni CAtBON Adtocti tht may be rewired from
unknown parlies or firms, unless necompanled with
the Cl. The following re oor omr Urm I
Advertisements for 1 year, per Inch each
Insertion 10 Centr.
" Blr Monthi. per4nebeh InMrtlon ISCeuts.
" Three Month, ' " 20 Cents.
Lees Ibao thrwmontlis, flrstlnser.
Hon $1) etch subsequent tnrtlon 54 Cents.
II. V. MOUTH UlKJl, ruMaher.
Jt n. B1BWBIM,
OFfICE 0 round Floorln thenewaddl.'lonof the
Mansion House, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Business
transacted In English and Oerman. Collections
psotnply made and Conveyancing neatly done.
Settlement of, Estates, Proving Willi, ob
UeatngLatleriofAdmlrJstratlon.FIIIng Accounts,
and Orphans' Court Practice carefully attended to.
Licenses, Charters and Incorporations procured,
mod Cdmjnal Casea made a specialty
to (&mbm &vmte
Local and Personal.
Special Notice. Those of our sua-
RCtlbcrs receiving tlielr paper with a
- cross upon the corner near their name,
will savo fifty cents ndvanco In pilco by
remitting tho dollar subscription at
once. Our terms are $1 Ju advance, or
tl.50 If not so paid.
There Is a perfect rti9h, day and
.evening, At nausmifi & Kuhns for their
fountain soda water and icecream.
The Look Havea steam tiro com
pany have been doing Allentown dur
ing the past week.
Ti.eJr.O. U A. M. jot .this box
ough will go to Easton on 4th ot July,
.to participate In the festivities to he
Wo hear a report that the M. E.
.Sunday School Children will have a pic
tiln on the 4th of July. Why not have
all the Sunday School Join, and give tlio
.children a real jolly time.
Ilats and caps, for men, youth and
children, a new assortment of the most
fashionable styles, just received at T.
D. Clauss', at prices which .ate bound
to suit.
A. debating club has been started
at Wm. E. Kemerer's store, at Big
7reek. Tho subject for debate this
(Saturday) evening is, "Thelndian and
the While man."
The soda fountain at Ilausman &
Kuhns' Is In full blast. A draught from
-this refreshing fountain is just the thing
this hot weather. Only C cents a glass .
hyrups of every flavor.
Thero Is a rumor afloat that G-n.
George H. McClellan, will be the next
Democratic candidate for Governor of
New Jersey.
Horses and carriages .of tho nicest
kind can bo obtained at David Ebbert's
livery, day or evening, at moderate
Just received at T. D. Clauss' a
new and fashionable assortment of
ladles', gents' and children's boots,
shoes ODd gaiters, which he is offering
At tbe lowest prices.
A good girl Is wanted, immediate
ly, for general housework. Apply to
W. M. Itapsher, attorney, I.ehlghton.
The plank.walk lu front of the M.
E. church Is a decided improvement.
Wtm-Zahner has put down a new
sidewalk In front of bis residence on
Bank street, during the past. week. We
notice several other paitles preparing to
follow suit. "Dot is goot."
A, C. llelney, of Lehigh Gap, Ins
two young bald eagles which were re
' .ccntly captured on the Blue Mountain.
Thirteen Democrats of this district
Aspire to the nomination for .Congress.
L. S. ScMauch, editor ot the Slating
ton News, Is a candidate for Recorder
next fall. Mr. S. Is a thorough business
man, and would undoubtedly fill the
duties of the "posish" to tho satisfaction
.of every one. Tho people should elect
iJenj. Kern, of Millport, accoropaul
d by his lady love, was on a visit at
if ig Creek, Sunday last.
The Fourth, ye glor'ous Fourth,
will 0on be here, and Ilausman &
Kuhns, have prepared for that occasion
by getting In a very largo Mock of tho
very choicest fireworks, which they wil'
.sell at prices as low as In the city.
In gent's furnishing goods, T. D.
Clauss has an Immense stock. If you
want a neatly fitting shirt leave your
For sale a five octave Parlor 0:gan
new) at a great reduction, .ripply at
this oflieo.
Fresh pine applos, salad, onions,
radishes, and all the new vegetables and
fruits of the season, fresh every day, at
J. Fatzlnger fc Son', Bank street, Lo
lilghton. Cheap for cash.
John Balliet's charcoal stock house,
M bis furnace, caught lira and burned
down on Monday week. II U loss is
quite severe. Mr. Balllet owns and
runs one of the very few charcoal furn
Aces in this State.
You should not fall to be on hand
to witness the grand balloon asceuaion
from Bailsman and Kuhns' this (Satur
day) at 7 o'clock. Tbe balloon Is of gl.
gantio proportion.
The best spectacles wo have ever
u&ed;ae the Diamond, for salo by V.
Dehorde. ,
During our visit to Hazlelon, Tues
day last, wo dropped In to seo our old
friend, J. C. Flncher, of the llazleton
Dally Nows, and found him stripped
and going In like a major on the hand-
press Friend Flncher Is n good fellow
and deserves tho success ho Is meeting
with In that region, lie wants to po to
the Legislature, and Is one of those
whom wo think could not bo spoiled by
being brought Into contract wllh tho
evil company usually found In our
State Lcfcl lature. The peoplo ot 1m.
zerne should t least glvo him a trial.
Wo also had the pleasure of a short In
terview with tho popular job printer,
George Mauoy, and our old friend and
employer, Mr. J. S. Sanders, of tho
Sentinel, ono of the best and most
popular pnperspuolUhsd lu this section.
Long may It wave.
. Two good girls for housework are
wanted, by M. W. Itaudenbush, at
Packertnn. Amount of wages for gool
Rlrls who suit the placo will bo no ob
ject. Apply soon.
-A top buggy, as cood fts new, for
salo, cheap, by Thomas S. Beck.
The services In tlio M. E. church
last Sabbath were of a very Interesting
character. The church was handsome
ly Jecorated, tho day devoted more es
pecially to the Interests of tho Sabbath
School. The church in the evening was
completely tilled with tha Itttlo onus
and tin Ir frleuds, and the services wero
very Interesting.
Dr. II. T. Bond, of Allentown, d?-
sires us to state that he will be In town
on Tuesday next, 23th Inst., and every
Tuesday thereafter, to attend to his
L. F. Klepplnger keeps onn of the
nicest lot of huises and buggies to be
found In this section. Ills price Is
down to suit tho times.
Charles Trainer, Lehigh street,
will supply you with Hour and feed,
plow your gardens or do your hauling
at reasonable rates.
Tho Lutheran Synod recently in (cs
sion in Lancaster adjourned to meet In
special session at Allentown on Juno
23rd, 1874. Tho whole question of tho
Seminary and Mulhenberg Collego will
then be discussed. Thesesslons will be
held lu St. John's English Lutheran
church, Fifth street, commencing at 9
A. M.
Andrew Kindt, a farmer residing
near Nazareth, waslound lying dead in
a corn field on Ills farm onu day last
week. The Easton Argus savs the de
ceased was subject to fits, and that It is
believed he was attacked by one of them
and fell over on Ills faco noil was suf
focated. He was about 30 years of age.
Trunks nod satchels, for ladles anil
gentlemen, a new and handsome assort
ment, just received at T. D. Clauss'
merchant tailoring establishment, which
he Is selling at tho Jovveat prices.
For lamlly flour, of the very best
quality go to J. K. Itlckert, East Weiss
port. Lumber and coal in large or
small quantities at lowest market rates.
A fsw lots In Rlckertown still unsold-
buy at once.
If yo.u want a nice fitting suit of
cloths leave your measure with T. D .
Clauss, and make your selection of goods
from his Immense stock of cloths, cas
slmeres and vesfings. Prices, quality
arid workmanship bound to suit.
The roads in Lehighton and vicini
ty are now In excellent condition; thero
Is no better place In the Lehigh Valley
for carriage riding, and our liverymen
David Ebbert and L. F. Klepplnger
keep the best teams lu thu county, and
their charges are very reasonable.
A Household Iteinedy. No family
should be without some efficacious
remedy for the euro of affections so
universally prevalent as coughs, colds,
sore throat, whooping-cough and croup
some remedy, too, which can be reli
ed on as safe, sure ami certain. Dr.
Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry com
blues the desideratum,
Howl calls thu slamming of a door
by a person in a passion "a, wooden
County surveyors are now required
to hove, their offices at thu county seat.
One night last week fifteen L. &
S. coal cars wero smashed to smithe
reens at PhiJIpsburg. The accident was
caused by a car running off tlio track.
Mr. K. E. Miller, of Lehigh Gap,
will at once begin the erection of a new
tannery nt that place, on tho site ot the
one destroyed by fire about four week
To the ladles of Lehighton, Welis
port and Packertun. Laury & Peters,
agents for J. L. Farr's French kid
button shoes, lasting button gaiters and
French foxed gaiters. The best fitting
an.l Wearing shoe lu the market. Give
them n trial.
Our friends and patrons are respect
fully informed that wo havo made ar
rangements whereby we can receive
buoks, magazines, music, Ac. for bind
ing, and guarantee tho work to be well
and substantially done at prices fully
as low as the work can be douo for in
the city. Music properly arranged for
binding and lost numbers of magazjpes
luruUhed to complete volumes. Send
your work to the Advocate office.
Ton much 'Tniif;lt-ffit'"
A nuiu named Fritz Meyers, a music
teacher, from Slatlngton, was In town
one day last week, and after filling him
self with "Tnngle'-foot." Insulted seve
ral ot our most respectable ladles In n
very gross manner. Ho was finally
captured by the police and lodged in tlio
lock-up; after ho had become sober ho
was taken before Eq. Snyder, and "fin
ed 2 and costs. Strangers coming to
Lehighton niut hear in mind that tho
day Is passed, wheu they can visit our
borough for the purposeofgettlngdrunk
and Insulting our citizens.
Mrs. E. Fatli, Bank street, this
borough during tho past week received
another lot of millinery goods and no
tions, to which she Invites the attention
of our citizens.
Itnllroad Acclitent.
A man named John Harklns, aged 10
years formerly employed lu the Hulling
Mills nt Catasauqua, and a resident ot
Ilokendatiiua, in attempting to jump
on a passing coal train, Monday evu
nlng, at obuutO:20 o'clock, slipped un
der the cars and had his left arm mash
ed from the wrist to the shoulder. lie
died from the effects of tho accident on
the following morning between 4 and G
The, Coul Trmle.
The following table shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh
Valley Railroad for thu week ending
June 13th, 1874, and for tho year as
compared with thu sauio time tast year:
Vfvxa Week.
Wyoming.... 28,218 08 587,073 04
llazleton 51,1)7;! l(j t),5 ,:!UU 10
Up. Lehigh.. 28 00 2.40J 13
liea.Meadow.. 14,823 10 321,315 02
Mahanoy 12,038 18 202,771 08
MaucU Chunk 123 14 1,081 07
Total 107,730 15 2,001,151 01
Last Year,... 88,123 08 2,000,007 05
Increase 10,314 07 03,433 10
Netvfouiitllmitl Uogu nntl ItlugCUaa,
Tho Royal leudeiny Art Critique
says: "Dogs, Laud.-cer lias painted, a
dogs mere' never painted before; from
the noble hound and NuufumidLiriu dog
to the scrubbiest little teirier, ot the
sleekest oi King Charles' spaniels, with
the exactest appreciation of every shade
of inward character and outward cover
ing. Indeed, in his expression .of ani
mal character, Landseer has gono be
yond thu .animal and linked it with
some human sentiment. Witli Too
Christian at U'oik, T. DoWitt Talmage,
editor, Is furnished a niagnlficlont cluo
mo of Landseer's 'Twins,' ono of his
best paintings. Sample copies mailed
free. Office, 103 Chambers street, N.
Five Ceimfe
Wetsajiort Items.
George Horn, of Allentown, form
erly of this place. Is on n visit among
his frleuds.
A. Oswald Is sporting a new and
handsome sign, painted by Milt. WcUs,
of Lehighton.
One windy day last week a gentle
man was lu town looking for the Chief
JSurgess to stop thu wind. Ho, .my I
- Yeakel & Albilght, thu lumbermen
are putting up a planer this week, and
will soon bo ready to plane oil kiuds
of boards and flooring to order.
Bridge stieet Is being filled in by
order of our imuiaculatu council. It
will make a nice street when the work
Is completed. Billy.
per at
Methodist Episcopal churcli Rev.
Viilmer Coffman, pa-tor. Preaching
10:30 a. M. and 7:30 v, m. Sunday
School 2 r. M. A Temperance prayer
meeting will be helil on Thursday 7:45
v. M. to which all members ot the
Leaguo ami others are Invited. An
opportunity will be afforded persons to
sign the pledge.
-Evangelical church Rov. A.Kreck
er, pastor. Preaching, Sunday at 10.30
A, M. and 7 30 P. M. by the pastor, lu
the iVbrthimpton street school house.
Sunday school at 0 a. si., prayer meet
ings on Tuesday and Thursday evenings
at 7 30 P. M. .All ar4 cordially Invited
to attend,
Rev. J. Walker, of Lock Ridge,
will preach in tho Presbyterian church,
of tills place, to-morrow (Sunday), In
tho morning at 10,30 and in the evening
at 7 o'clock. Prajer meeting on )IVd
n sday evening next at 7.30. All ore
cordially Invited to bo present.
Rev. Mr. Erb. of Philadelphia, will
preach In tho Trinity Lutheran church
lu this borough, to-morrow (Sunday)
morning at 10.30 and In the evening at
7.30 o clock.
Hausmnu & KiiIikis
County Courts, June Term.
Monday, Juno 15, 1874, present, Hon.
Judgu Dreher and Associates Huston
and Weutz. Constables Painter, Strohl,
Conway and La van wero appointed to
attend on tho court.
Constables elect wero colled, bonds
approved and sworn In.
Tho Grand Jury called and J3. F.
Luckcnbach appointed foreman. They
wero charged liy the court upon the fol
lowing points: oaths, twelve to acrcc,
duty of foreman, cos, roads, itc.
Levi Wltiner and Lucy his wlfo vs
George .Mes-ilnger ; rule to strlku off
service of writ, nnd new one made re
tui liable to next term.
In thu matter of thn rBtatc of Jchn
Schoek, deceased ; auditor's report on
widows appraisement tiled.
E F Booth vs Malvern Coal Co; mo
tion to havo tlio several rules intuited
onSheiiffof Schuylkill cuunty, to re
turns to Test II ta, 01, (12, 03 and 70.
Discharged by thu court.
In the matter of tho e.-tat of W II
Eberle and S A Eberle, ileo'd; adminis
trntnr's account confirmed.
Estate of John llirseher, dee'd; report
of ale of real e.tat confiimed.
Estate of Thus Mi'hrkam, deceased;
repot t of sale of real estate confirmed.
T! vs John F Bobbins et nl; an
swers of garnishee filed under oath.
In the matttrof the .dtributlon ot
the moneys In the lialids of Dan Wcntz,
adiiiluUtrator of R Smith, dee'd ; audi
tor's repoit confirmed nisi.
Ill the matter ot the application for
Incorporation of thu Mutual Insur
ance Company, of thu Lehigh Coat
Opcralors; decree of Incorporation filed,
runs DAY.
Application for appointment of com
mittee to examine bVd llettolette, stu
dent nt law. Allen 6'ratg, Dan Kalbtus
nnd E RSiewers, Esqrs., were appoint
ed to examine applicant.
Com vs Orskin Connor, M Dclbert
and Thomas Itaworth ; burglaiy ; truo
bill. Defendants plead guilty
Coin vs Delinda Snyder; nsault and
battery; true bill; prosecutor Samuel II
Duulop. Veidlctnot guilty, and prose
cutor to pay the costs.
Com vs Jos 1 1 urn niu 1 ; assault and
battery; true bill; prosecutrix A Hum
mel. Verdict guilty.
Com. vs J Edgar Klotz ; homicide;
casu continued until next term of court,
and J E Klotz, Nathan Klotz and Robl
Klotz each held in J2000, upon condi
tion that thu defendant shall be and ap
pear at the next term of Court of Quar
ter Sessions ot the Peace.
E,tate of Jno Itleliter, dee'd widow's
ap(; " Iscmen t con 11 1 med.
Estate ot Gideon and Elizabeth Ker
shaw, tlec'd; first mid final account of
administrator continued nisi.
E-tate ot Jos Collins, dee'd; first and
II n u I Hct'ouut of tidtu'r confirmed.
Estate of F J Fuss, dee'd ; order of
sale ot real estate; leport ot tale con
Estate of FGaumar, dee'd; first mid
final account of tuliti'r eourlriHcd.
Estate of Adam Eckhart, deo'd; first
ami liuul account confirmed.
Estate of Stephen Frltzlnger, minor ;
fiist unil final account ot guardian con
tinued. Estate of Mary Kern, minor; first and
final account of guardian continued.
lu the matter uf the distribution of
proceeds arising from the sherlll's salo
ol tho personal property of Peter Laux;
auditor's report continued.
In the matter of the assignment for
the benefit of creditors ot John Fenster
maeher ai d Mary his wife; tir-,t and
final account of usslgueo continued.
Com vs Ed Jones; assault mid battery ;
true bill ; prosecutor R Everitt. Case
withdrawn by DWrict Attorney.
Com vs II Scholleld; assault mid bat
tery; truo bill; prosecutor 11 Daily.
In thu matter of the Petition of John
Beliler, for transfer of license heretofore
gianted to B Zimmerman, iu Juuch
Chunk; transfer gran.ed
Com vs H Gallaghu-; assaultnnd bat
ter) ; bill Ignured and prosecutor to pay
thu costs.
Com vs II Gumhcrt; fornication and
Imstaidy; true bill; prosecutrix Einellnu
Huntz. Defendant pleads guilty and
Usual sentence.
Cum vs JI Council; assault and bat
tery; prosecutrix Ellen Jorris; true bill.
Com vs Arthur O'Douucll and Mary
Duggun; larceny; case settled.
Com vs S Munch; assault tmd battery;
true bill; prusccntur M Foreman.
In tho application lor appointment of
committee to examine Fred iertolette,
a student at law; lepoit of committee
filed, and the applicant admitted and
sworn as an attorney of tho several
courts of tho county.
lu the matter of the proposed road at
Summit Hill ; report of viewers cou
firiuua nisi.
lu lliu matter ot review ot a public
road lu Weatherly borough; report of
viewers confirmed nisi.
Com vs Mary Harltz ; selling liquor
without license. .Bill Ignored nnd pros
ecutors, John Harklns and N Maualis,
to pay costs.
Com vs Neai Paul and Pat'k Goldln ;
murder. Truo bill; prosecutrix Mrs N
Mcllrlde. Case on trial.
lu the matter ot the petition of Lewis
Whclau, no Insolvent debtor, for dis
charge by thu court. Upon hearing
petition, tho court directed thu discharge
of petitioner.
Com vs Arthur O'Donucll and Mary
Duggan; larceny of coal. Prosecutor,
Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. Defend
ants each hehi in $100, upon" condition
that they appear at the next court.
Com vs U A Weston; adultery; pros
eculrx A M Weston, Bill Iguorud and
Urosccutrix directed to pay tho costs.
Com vs Rowland Ed aids ; rape ;
prosecutrix KHz. Jenkins. Ignored.
Com vs Lehigh U & JTCo; uubauce.
Truo bill.
Com vs Ed Sweeuey ; selling liquor
without license. True bill ; ca?o con
tinued, and defendant held iu his own
recognizance for appearance at uuxt
teim ol cuuit In thu sum of (300.
lu thu mutter ot attachment against
Dr J 11 Longshore fur contempt us wit
ness. Sentenced to pay costs of tho at
tachment. Estate ot Thomas. Mcrkbam, dco'd ;
order of salo of real estate; report read
and confirmed nisi.
Estate of Francis J Fuss, deo'd ; In
matter of return of real estate ; excep
tions filed.
In re. Petition for a Borough charter
to Incorporate the town of Parryville.
Certified by the Grand Jury; same day,
certificate ordered to bo entered on re
cord. In matter of hridgo view over Qtiak
oke creek, in Packer township. Ap
proved by Grand Jury.
In matter ot bridge view over Aqua.
schleola creek, Lower Towamenslng
township. Disapproved by Grand Jury.
Com v? Kato M'Donald, Mrs Thomas
Lyman and Minnie M'Donald ; assault
nnd butter,"; Prosecutrix Ellen Conroy.
Truo bill.
On proclamation, the Sheriff acknowl
edged tlie following deeds To Edward
Reed, for a tract of i.tnn in renn f orest
township, 2C2 acres nud 70 perches.
Consideration 50,
To Edwartl Reed, for trscf- of land In
same township, containing C52 ncres
nntl 100 perches. Consideration 840.
To Adam ' hrlstman, for tract of .'and
In same township, containing 123 acrt's
and 100 petches. Consldera Ion $1850.
Pemin. Sumluy Scliool Convention.
Last week tlio 10th annual conven
tion ot the State Sabbath School Asso
ciation, was held In Scranton. A large
number of delegates from various parts
of tho State wcio present, as also dis
tinguished Sunday school workers from
a distance. Gen. Albright presided
I ait of tlio time, mid was re-elected
president for tlio ensuing year. Tho
proceedings wero of a very interesting
character. The various denominations
wero represented. A spirit of Christian
unity pervaded tlio entire assembly; the
evening services especially drew ,'arco
audiences. It was evident to every at
tentive observer that the Sabbath school
cause Is receiving great attention from
the Christian peoplo of the country,
and is destined ere long to occupy an
important placo In the church every
where. Ouu noticeable feature of this
work is tho increased interest that is
being given to tho study or the Bible.
Possibly never before in this country
was tho Word of God so extensively pe
rused as Is belug done to-day. The
nation as well as the churcli has much
to hope from that Institution which Is
becoming a Bible school for old nnd
young alike. Tho day has passed when
the church can afford to slight the great
and Important work to which sho Is be
ing called In the Sunday school. The
convention assembled Tuesday evening
and adjourned Thursday, to meet next
year at Lebanon. Tho delegates were
hospitably entertained by tho citizens
of Scranton.
On tho 15th tilt., by Rev. F. T. ncn
tilke, Mi: Puul Wagner and Miss Eliza
beth Koons, both of Lehighton.
.losing Prices of DeIIaven & Towns
i;ko, 40 South Third Street, Phlladel
phla, June 18, 1874:
u. s, 6. issi
nil. 1.1. o:l..L.i
U. S. 5-20, 1802
. -IX, -13 aKuu,
. MJ Lid. It usked.
U. S.5'20. 1601 . . . 17 hid. 1714 mU t
tJ. 5 2.1,1805 . . . IS lid. lS(,akl
U. S. fi 20, ISO; J, & J, . 20 I'M. 20aik.
U. 8. 4 30, 1S07 .
2oJi bid 21 askMl.
2014 bid. 21 asked.
U. E. 6 2'), lb US ,
U. S. 1U-4U
U. . Currency, ti'a
II. S15'. 1SS1, new
Pennsylvania H. K.
bid. KMaskud,
Its? bid. li asked.
J3 bid. Unasked.
40 bid. i'J'2 asked,
l'hlla. & Iliwdlnir H. It. . tSK UJ. t0;2 nske.t
Valley lUllruail . UIK bid. Gl asked
l.onUh Cml A Nar. Co. . ii'4 Md. 4 asked.
United Companies ofN. J. 12314 Md. 120 askel.
Uold Ill Lid. 111 asked.
silver . . . .100 bid. 108 asked,
Lchlghluu Retail Pi'Icch.
Carefully corrected each week express
ly fur " The Carbon Advocate.
Apples, per bushel $2 40
dried, per lb 15 to 18
Butter, roll, per lb:.', 25
Cabbage, per head 15
Cheese, factory, per lb......... 22
Fggs, per dozen 20
Fish, mackerel, No. 1 18
Ham, per lb 17
Lard, pure, per lb 15
Pork, primo mess, per lb 12
Potatoes, per bushel 00
Corn, per bushel 1 00
Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs 1 00
" Bran, " 1 40
" Rye, " 2 10
" Mlxtd " 2 00
Flour, Wheat, per bbl 0 00
" Rye, per 10q lbs 3 00
Oats, White per bushel 73
" Black, per bushel 70
Hay, per ton 20 00
Straw, per bundle 30
Coal, chestnut, per ton 4 70
" stove, per ton 4 50
Hides, green, per lb 5 & 7c
Calf Skins, each 2 50
Sheep Skins, kilted this mo., ca. 1 00
Special Notices.
Tlio Acme Shirt. This Is to
certl.y, that Messrs. Laury & Peters
have taken Instructions iu thu uso of thu
Acme Shirt System, and are fully quail,
lied and authorized to Jauufacture thu
Geometrically-Balanced Shirt lu the
Borough ot Lehighton. Signed,
Prof. W. M. Dildine.
Gentlemen desiring a handsome fitting
Shirt should leave their measure at the
post ollico buiUiui.
June 20, 1874-m3
Piles ! "Piles ! ! Piles ! ! !
Vile. Iuleruil, Urtnina,, llleetllug or lulling.
Tin lalttUt9idift)rluu;Mcibitiit1 lytb iiUtrt
liiy; Uiawase, lu Uivxiiuuifdriaf, li kuotru oulv to
IbuHd wbu an uuturtunaltf uuoujfti to t attlictuj
with It. Tbd fcm-plvits. uliht, ihd unounifortaUd
daj.,, tU liajuara look it tU JlTtfi-tfr Uwr wit
uoi tliii tuitfJktty of tUt pain xpertencdtl wauu
tiuutWd witb ttu prtfTstliiutf UiM-a. Ttioiuo
vvi ut lirla' Tile Itemed jr at a p llhe cur U
uujual4 IU tbe auuaJi 14 ut-tliciu. lullut U
luuicUUto wliu Uivtt u dlrvcled,. Tim Ituinttbw
Utimaua lor lbt Ctvsl rem! uttparallUd,
TuuueauiU aru u.luj It l(u tlio mout MtUCii'torj
roiulu. fcui 1 A. Ja-UULOUiuiit, U
LltfbtoL. U 1)
The moit Woiutcrful Dlicovfery of
tho lUtU Century.
Arabian Milk Cure
Anl alt Dlwnsrt or tb TIIUOAT. CIIKST and
LU.V03. (Theouly MuJlclne of the kind In tho
A ScnsTiTCTTfi ron Coo titin Oil.
Permanently cure Aslhuvi, IlronchltW. Inclrt
etit Conuiinptlon, (. of Voice. Mi'irtneM -f
Itrcath, Catarrh, Croup. CougUn, Golds, c In u
few days.
J) It, S. 1. IIOWR'S
Arabian Tonio Blood Puriflor,
Which DIFKi:il3 from nU ottwr preparations In
its Immediate Action upon the MVKK.KIDNtlYd
and 11 LUOD, It Is pun-rr tetfeWulu, and clom
the sj tem of all luipui itles. builds up, an 1 miken
Pure, JUcb lllooJ. It curd a Siirorulous DUewsof
all kinds, remove Constipation, nnd nulaten tbi
Howeli. fc'or "UKNHKAL DKitlLlTY," UVT
TIONS," 1 chnllenn tbe 19th Century" to Ami
Its equal. Kvt-ry bo! tie U worth Its Meltflitiu
gold, i'rlce, 91.UJ per bottle.
Arabian" c Liver Pills-
lbeyclMHBd tho LlTur and Stoinicb thorounlily,
remove Cmintlpttloii; coutalu ua calomel nor any
other Injurious ingrrdletit, all J act qulckljr Uu
tbe'morjE.tni, without prikluclugauypiluur wk
sens. Trice 23 cents per box.
Shoul,1.nwall threeof th above Medicines.
Sold b, A. J. DUKMXO, Drnlst, sole Agnit
for Leblibfon, l'n.
Da, S. 0. l.'OH'l!,Sote Troprletor, 101 Chamlx-rs
Street, Now icrk. opr. Il,lb7d.yl
Mbs. LANE'S Certain Cure for Insrowlu N'alls.
Tape Worm I Tape Worm !
Tape Worm removed In from 2 to 3 hours with
hirmleKS Veueluble .Medicine. Tho worm paslni?
from tbo system allre. No fee tt.ked until the en
entire worm, with head, passes. Medicine harm
less, can refer those allllctod to the residents of
this city whom I hire cured. At inyolDeo can br
seen hundreds of hpecliuens, metsurlni; fiotn 4'J
to m foot In leniith. fitly wr cent, of cues of
lirspepla and disorganisations of tho Llrerare
cauel by stomtch and ot'.er worms existing in
the ulluientary canal. Wcrm, n disease of th
most dangerous character, are so little understraij
by tbe me Ileal meu of tbe present diy. Call anl
see tho oiUliinl nnd only worm destruyer, or send
for a circular which will bIjb a full description
aid treatment of all kinds of worms, oucloseSct.
Aiunp for returu of the sime. Dr. K. K. Kunkkl,
ijO North Ninth Street, l'hll.idelphll, l'a.
(Advice at olnceor by mill free.)
removed. Sept. U,18731y
When in tlio courso of wear nnd tear
of every day lllu It becomes necessary
to dissolve our connection with thu suits
that havo dono in so much services iu
keeping us warm and freu from uxpo
sure, there Is one placo where we can
find consolation and a friend indeed in
our distress. Yea, a placo where wo
can safely put our trust wliero there
is no need of fear that we shall bo cheat
ed, unsuited or unsatlslled where tho
fabric is strong and tlio manufacture
superb where the prices aro lust nnd
and tlio stylo all thttt can be, desired.
There is a charm about an easy, (jlove
littlug, elastic suit, tint is seen nndob
served by nil men. "Where did you
getthatsuperbsuitof c'otlies?" "Wheru
did you secure such a splendid fitting'
garment?" Is otten asked. Thero are
many tailors, and a number of tlcim
a io unduubtly fair samples of tho genus
liumo ami aNo a credit to tho l; but
how generally tailors fall In the fitting
of garments to thu human form; how
otten a good picco ot goods Is spoiled in
the tit; liowHtidly and dejectedly inauya
man wanders about tlio streets, feel
ing thu sha'iiotiie, tailor hascaused him,
iu allowing a poor job to go out of ills
shop, and he tho wearer ot iti Perhaps
his lady lovu has even jilted him In con
sequence of his forlorn appearance.
Dress makes tlio man;
Tho want of It tlio fellow.'
Not that a man is less a man for wear
ing plain clothes, but when hols "dress
ed up" ho should Indeed bo dressed not
having his cloths hang like bags around
him, aud wrinkled and distorud in nil
sorts of shapes, but tuat ho should bo
clad iu fitting garments. Tasto should
bo shown both In the colors and make
up of ills suit. Many high priced goods
i,roaf such outlandish colors and stylus
that a mail's character Is Judged by ids
foolishly selecting thoso odd goods. A
man Is known by tho company ho keeps,
and if he Insists upon fraternizing with
Ill-looking nud ill-IUting clothes, ho
will not maku his "mark," as a man of
taste, that's positive. To bo looked up
on as possessing the requisite attain
ments of a tasty gentleman, lie must
select cloths of suitable colors for his
clothing and havo theiu uiado up In first
class style by Laury & Peters', (poat
ollico building), Lehighton, Pa., who
have a splendidstocktoselect'rom, and
wheru you will ubtalu that symmetry ot
lit so necessary to tlio adornment ot the
person. Call and examine tho ioot
beautiful ussurtmunt of cloths, cassliners
and vestlngs, ever brought Into Lehigh
ton, and leave your tueasuru witli Laury
& Peters. ulnrch M, 1874.
JL e
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gent's Fiirnlsiilii Goods,
Constantly on haud a splendid stock ot
Consisting of Plain ond Fancy Cloths,
Cassiineres and Vest!iigs,for Men's nntl
Hoys' Wear, which I am prepated to
Make up to Order lit the most Fashion
ublo Stylus, at short notice.
Ladies', Missus and Children's
A well selectoil stock ot Frouch nntl
Turkey Morocco, Glove. Kid, Lasting,
Kill, Pebble and Grain Leather llootu
aud Shoes on ltaud, or
, illailo to Order.
Iff sits & C1s&j&s5
Of the Latest Styles always oa hand, al
tho Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
Amcrlcuu & Grover & Halicr
Sewing JfiacMiies.
Only Oho Price for Everybody.
January ll, ia73-yl