IS E.lltornn.l Proprietor. M.xmMWMJM. JJJijyj jl jui.m. w -HJ.. mam. W Jh One Dollar a War In A1vnnrc. VOL. II., No. 31. LEH1GIIT0M, CAltBON COUNTY, PEN'N'A, SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 20. 1874 SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS Lehighton Directory- Agent. W.O.rredlrlfl, Singer Hewing Machine and In. ' wencensxt to B. H. Snyder's, Bank street. llarber, B. B. W1DD03, Shattvg, Hair CuUingand Siam T-paofag, under Kxrhanite Hotel, Bank street, lloot nnil Shoe IllaUera. Charles Yenser. nearly opimtite the yoiKce, Bank street; alio, dealer in OMTatunyry. Clinton Bretney, in Levant OuMing, Hank i street. Morderl promptly filled-work warranted. Confectioners. Hausman A Rutins, oprlieOberts .tore, Bank treat. Allordtritrmiay fiUed- . Dry Goods anil Orocerlea. 7 It 1 onYoM). L. A S. Depot, Iiauk at. .( fer m Groceries. OuectuuwK, CUrjiell, Oil K lifter. Bank Uriel, fry 'VA"'"'' Or lice ami Medicines. A J Durllm! hr.t door above V. ; Vk ',t,xU A,OiU"X Rrfumer,,, latent iledicinee, dc. Hardware. P P Bemroel.neirly opp. radiance Hotel, Bank str'eeT. CuXr! 'oil M'U, Guano, do. Thomas juatit., " Es".", tpp- l'ubllc Squa e, Hank t. lWronagc injured. . - Furniture Warelionse. V. SchwartJ.Bank street, deafer in ull Undt of Furniture. Coin$ made to order. - merchant Tailor. nu A Brc Bank street, and iwJerainGentl ilnUhirg odi, Hoot,, Uat, l IhomasS Beck. I'.'o. building, Ibo k st eIf ' rurnUhing Coeds, Hati, Cap; &Ji llooU, do. Milliner. Mr.. B. Falh, Bak street. 2nd donr Wow the M. K. Church. .VotCon Trimming! Pliyalclana ana Surgeons. Br C. 8. Ueruiau. a rner i . Bank and lion .tree . Clm,uIalion Jr. Englilh """J CJ"-n,nk ,., Br N. U. Retar, next door to P. O, Rank: street. Cbniutolton in ZnglUh and German. Provisions. . Jc Obert.Bank .. JMckinu. Vurwp andfmoUng lUlabliihmcnt. Alt order, promptly filled. J lfattlniler Son, Bank t, dealer, In. Flour and toed. Groceriet, Fruili and Vegetable,. p Watchmaker anil Jeweler A.O. Dolleuniayer, eouth street, above Bark .1. Dealer in Watcltu, ClxU, lixngl, dc. w. M. IIAPSHEK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Heal Estate and Collection Ageucj . W ill Buy and Sell Estate. Conveyancing neatly done, un ions promptly made, settling Estate. i of le cedent, a specially. Ma, be cou.ull.d In hnglUh and Oeruian. I"T- JNO. V. BUUTOliETTE, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Omci-1'lr.t National Bank Bulldlne, 2nd Floor MAUCH CHUNK, 1'IKKI. May be consulted In German. apr IS, 1S74 pQ. C. UIBIJIIOIC, DISTRICT ATTOlth'UY, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. OBice,-n B.osnwat, first door below American Hotel, MaucUCUuuk,l'eim'a. Collections prompt yinade. Nor. 23. jffi 31, AlULIIUUIV, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAUCII CUUNK, PA. Oct 18, 1873. J 11. DXMMIOK, AUCTIONEER, Kant Wlliort,-Pa N B. Sales of eery description attended to at reasonable charges. The patronage of the public I. respectfully solicited. Jan. 21, '74. JJUY YOU1X BOOTS AND SHOES of Henry Campbell. East Weissport, Where you can nlay get tlie very Bi-st article, at tliu lowest pricu lor cash. Boots and Shoes matlo to order nn'l neatly Impaired at shoit notice and rea sonable terms. anrll-ui3 lAOLE HOTEL, N. KLOTZ, PllOP'n, Sununll Illll, Carbon Co., Pa. 4-l)et of .ccomuodalluQS. hxeelleut res taurant underneath. Uood stabling atUched Terms innUerate. T OIlACCOXST. OLIVER CRILLEY, dealer In To liacco, Cigars, Plnea, Ac, next iltxir to Ilex's Grocery Sttue, Su-quel'anna ft., Mauch Chunk, respectfully asks the people of LfliiKhton and vicinity, when visiting that place, to call in and try ills FRAGRANT CIGARS, the very best In the maiket. Every articles In his line uarranted as repre sented and at lowest prices. inHi'S8 TOII091AS KOICRCn, JL CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Represented! Lebanon Mutual Fire, Heading Mutual Fire, Wyou.lng Fire, rottsvllle Fire, Lehlih Fire, and the Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse Thief Detective aud Insurance Com. pauy. March 21), 1873. TfOS. SI. FRITZINGCR, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite T. D. Clnuss' Store, B4NK STREET, LEHIGI1TON, Pa., respectfully Informs his friends and the public, that he has Just received a new and excellent assortment of Men's Wo men's and Children's Ready-Made Boots, Shoes & Gaiters "Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. t3T Boots and Shoes made to order, and Repairing neatly and substantially "done at -"on. ap 23-y 1 Eailroad Guide. JOIlTIl PENNA.ItAIl.nOAD. Passengers for Philadelphia will leave Lehighton s follows! 8.00 1. m , via L. v.. arrive at I'hlla at 7 37 n. m. via L. S. " " 7 39 a.m.TlL. V. " " 11.07 p.m. via L.t S. " " 11.02 n. in. via I.. V. " " 2.27 p, m. via L. ft 8. " 4 47 p. m.vlaL-4 S. ' 4.44 p.m. via. L.V. " " 9.00 n.m 11.10 a.m. 11 in p.m. 2 IS p.m. 2.15 p.m. S.35 p.m. 8 20 ,m. 8.20 p. III. 1UW p.m. 7 J8 p. in. la L. V. Returning. Iave deoot at Berks and American Streets. I'hlla.. at 7.UU, 830 and 0.45 a, m.; 2.10 310, and fi.lo p. in. Fare Iroln Lenlgh.on to Philadelphia, f2.5S. r'eti I, 1874. MILLS CLARK. Agent CENTII OPIf. J. Lr.lllOII & SU.-yUKIIAN.S'A DIVISION. WIXTJilt AKHASGEMEXT. Couimeucliig Dec 19, 1873. Dow.i 'J'k.lK.. No. 1. No. 3. Nn.6. A. H 10 25 I. 130 10.57 II. 25 12. S 1.3J A2.00 L2 20 3.17 3.23 U7. 4.03 No 6. P. M. 3.53 4.27 4.37 4 45 A45 1.0.115 0 23 7 08 8.30 8 33 0 25 0.30 No. 7. r. m. 1.25 1.31) 4 51 2.20 3.40 4.19 4.40 5.39 5 47 IV 0 0.25 No.14. P II. 7.15 7 43 7.67 8.U0 9.10 iar A.M. . l. 7.30 1M 8.112 8J0 0M 10J7 Orean ltldgo Scranton l'lllnon Wilkes llai re White Havel l'euu lla'l. June. Alaucb Chunk Catasuuqua Allrlito u Bethlehem Arrive Lastoo 7 30 11.00 8.3S 8.43 0IMI 1168 I2. 1! 17 0.27 12 43 Ue Thumi. No. 10. No. 4. Leave a. m. Kaston 8J0 Belhteliem 8A5 All-lit. n Catasnuqua 0,.4 Mauch Chunk 1 .25 Pcnn Haven J'n. 1045 Ulilte Haven 11.23 Vtilkea-Uurre 12 40 I'ltlston 1.0.1 Scraiiton 1 0 rr.Ureeu Rldgo 131 A. M. 11.5b 12.13 12.23 12.32 41.25 Ll.45 2.02 2411 4.00 4.20 4 53 6.00 COM.ECT1IINS, XettnuhonXng Valley It. .Down trains Nos 3 6 and 7, and Up tialn. Nos. 10 aud 4 connect at Mauch t hunk. AorlA linn'a It. R Down trains Nos. 1, 3, 5 A 7 connect at Bethlehem lor Philadelphia. Up tralna Noh. 10 4 connect at Betblrbem Tnr Philadelphia. Returning leaoPhlladelplila at 7.10 a. in. fir Has. ton, Mauch Chunk, Rath, Wilkes Barre, Tamaiiua, Brrantou, Sharcu, Lei ai 0 45 a. ui. tor Kaslou, Mauch chunk, Tamaqua, U llllauisKrt, Wilkes Riiro and Scruuton; at 2.10 p. in far Scrantou, Wilkes Rarre and lutermedtalo stations; at 3 30 p. m. fur Bath aud ustou ; at 6.15 p. m. fir Mauch Chuuk. jTtiiu7ua IJranch Up trains Nos. 10 A 4. and Dou trains Nos, 3,6 fi tconnectat Mauch Lhunk to and from Lehigh d-Laclautanna it. 11. Down trains Xos. 1 & 7, and Up trnlns Nns. 10 A 0 connect at lleth. lehem for Bath aud Chapman Quarries. Return ln leave Chapman's nt 7.40 a. in. aud 2.15 p. hi Centra! JiaUioad tJ XewJer,eysS trains make close connection at Latou with, trains ou Ccutrul Railroad ol New Jtrsey. Jlrlcidcre-Delaware It. It. Down trains Nos. 3 A 6, and Up tialns Nos. 4 & 14 tnuueel at I'bullps burg with Brl.-Uel. R. it. to aud from Treutou. Philadelphia and Belvldere rnladelpltia tC Heading ItaUroad.1hei Depots of the f ast I'enn II. R. and the L. A Ej. DlvUtou are connected by street Cars. II. I'. UALUW1N, O'cn. I'auenger Agent. Peb.7, IS74. PENNSYLVANIA UAILIIOAU, PIIILADELPII. A ERIE RR. DIVISION. Winter Time Table. On and after SUMAY, NUVbMitKK 21, 1873. the trains on the 1 bla. Sl Erie K H. Diilslou.v.1,1 run a. follows! WESTWARD, Bvrraio Rxpklss leaves Phi'adelphla " llaril.burg " " Wllllamsport " " Emporium 11 arr. at Ilutlalo Erii Mail leaves Philadelphia ' llarrlliurg 11 " Wlllamsport ' Lra'k llaveu 11 " Renova " an. at Erie Elmiua Mail ieaveB Philadelphia ' ' llarriaburg " " Wll lamsport arr. at L ck llaveu ' 12.65 p.m. 6.16 p.m. D.20 p.ui. 2.15 a.m. 850 a.m. 10 30 p.m 3.15 p ui. 7.3 1 p m. 8.40 p.m 10.06 a.m 7 20 pm. 8.0 1 a.m. 1.30 p.m. C 2 1 p.m. 7.35 p.m- Renova Accoumod'm le.ives llarrlsburg 8 23 am ' Wllllamsp't 12i6 pin Bilu Eaole Mail leaves Williauispitrt 1.15 p.m. " arr. at mk-k llaveu EAbTU'tiiL). Bcrmo Exrscss leaves Butfalo " rmporlum " Wlllliiiiiport " arr. at llarrikburtt ' " 1'hlUdelphU Ebie Mail leaves Erie Itenova " Luck Haven " " Wllllamsport " arr. at llanlsiiurg " " Philadelphia Elvira Mail leaves Uick Haven ' W tlliaiusport " arr. at Haritsburg " ' l'hllad.liihla 310 pin. 325 pra. 0 lu p.m. 1.10 a.m. 4.6J a in. 9.10 a.m. 11.2 l a.m. 8 40 p in. 9.63 p.m. 11 ID p in. 3U5 a w 8 0 a.m 7.53 a.m. S 30 a.m. 3.03 p.m 6.60 p.ui. llAllRISOunO ACC0U. lotves Wllllimspnrt 030 p.m. arr. at uarn.i'Uric iu.oop.ut-- I'hlliJelpbla 25ia.iu. Bus Eaole Mail hates Lik Htteii 12.21 p.m. j' arr. at Wllllamsport 131p.m. Mall East connects ost and west at Erie with L SAMS It W and at Curry and Irtluetou with Oil lieck and Alle,iueuy It It W. Mall W'ei wllh east and west trains on I. S 4 M S It v. and at t'orry aud lrvluetuu with Oil Creek aud Allegheny R It U. Elmira Mall and UuTalo Rzpre-a make close ronnectionsst W UI!aiuporl wllh N C II W tialua uortb, aud at Hurnsburg MllhN C K W IralUi, south. W31. A, BALmYIN,Oen'l Supt. MOTICX In Hereby Given, That an Application will he made under the Act of Assembly nf the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorpora tion nnd Regulation of OTtaln Corpor ntlom," approved April 24th, 1874. for the charter nf an Intended rorpor.itlnn to be callnl "Thi'Lehiuh Valley Emery Wheel Company," .f WVIsspurt, Pa., the clmrneter ami objeet of which Is to Mnnutni'turp Emery Vli"clsand Artlll clnl Stones of all kinds, anil Machinery ot various dtscrlptlous for Ihe pnrposu of Mounting the same for use, and for thee put puses, lo have and and enjoy all the rights, benefits aud privil oges ot the snld Act of A-sembly. June Oth, 1874.-W3 WONUKRFUL, HUT TRUE! Whenever 1 get a llottle of Ulooni of Youth or Magnolia Halm, Ho-.e Tint, n Box of Lilly White, or anything In that line to beautify the complexion, at Dm ling's Drug Store, it seems to bo nicer and better than 1 can get iiny v, here else. may 0 "taUS T look at her Hair I Why I thought It was turning Grey? So It.was, until she got a Dottle, of that new Xlair Restorer at Durllng'a Drug Store. BEATTY & PLOTTS. The Really & Plotts celebrated Gold en TongitP PARLOR ORGAN is arkiinwledeeil by professors of music and relebrated organists to be the lead ing Parlor Oigan now In uso, Tetl nionlaliniiil cants of honor aro con-tan t ly being received in favor of them. Wo append a few and wish you to read them : Anthony, N. J.. Jan. S.'i, 1873. jVessrs lleat y &l'lotls, Gents Your Organ, sold me, gives entire satisfaction. It beauty of ton" and style of workman ship are seldom If ever Mil passed. Wish lug you success In your Imsliie.-s, I am, Willi lespect, Prof, M. II Ueaity. Siiamokin, Pa.. Feb 11, 1874. I have ono of Realty & I'lott-' Golden Tongue Organs. It I nn fxecllent in strument, lino tone and full power. I like it better than liny I have heard. M. II. IIaiipkl, M. D. Lauiiy's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. 1 linvu had Realty & Plotts' Ort-an slice August 14th, 1872; it gives the highest satl-faetion, and has proved all that It was recommended by the prop'ts Jou IIunky. Si.atinqton, Pa., Feb. G, 1874. Bealty & Plotts' Parlor Organ I like better than the Stand ml, and it gives better satisfaction, as 1 find in my trav els. Prof. Fit. V. Maykh. St. Clair, Pa Dec. 0th. 1873. Messrs. Beatly & Plotts, GenU-1 liavo received the Organ, assent by ynor firm to me, and 1 have had It examined, and It gives ample wilMai'tlon. Hon. John Siney. Maiianoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1872. The Beatty & P oils celebrated Gold en Torgue Parlor Organ Is by far the be-t Parlur Oiyan In uso. I have care fully examined It, and dud Its tone, wtiikniHiishtp and duinblllty to bn the beet 1 ever mw, and 1 can with pleasure recommend it to any in want or it. first class parlor organ. Piof. O. II. UNOtiit. Mes-rs. Realty & Plotts, of Washing ton, N. J., are gentlemen of enterprise, and whoso presence would bo u credit to any community, Hackeltstowit, N. J., Herald, 1872. Washington, N. .1., Sept. 5, 1873. To Itubeit Morgan, Pottsvllle 1 urn happy to state that the instrument gives entire satisfaction, nut, only to uijselr but also to the teachers of the bemiiiarj who are better Judges. ltev. A. M. Jelly. Wo say, after careful nd cosily ex periment, it is with pleasure we intro duce tho " Golden Tongue," knowing it possesses umui advantages over all others manufactured. The tone ex.-els in fullness, purity, and the thousands of testimonials which nru being con stantly teceived, are evidence that our efforts have been eminently suceesstul. For particulars aud Prl.'e List, address BEATTY & PLOTTS, Feb. 21-Cta Washington, N. J. "A Xearer Approximation to the HEAL SWAX QUILL than Anything Hitherto Invented." The coHSTANVir ischcasino sale of the SPENOERIAN DJUIILK ELASTIC 1 Steel JPeim I Is owing to their tuperior writing qualitiet.n at tested bylheedltorlalenil-irsemcntornver 1000 pipers, and by Merchants, Lawyers and Bankers without number. They are all made of the best Steel, In the best manner, by tho beat Wurkmea lu Europe. tor Hale by all Dtalert. 7b accommodate thote who may with to try thete pent, we will tend a CXirti, containing one each othe 15 Nlimbera, oyntai!, on receipt o23c. Ivisoti, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 138 ard 140 GRAND STREET, N. Y. April 23, 1674. g-jASIUEL. GRAVUK, Oppostto tho Public Squaie, SOUTH ST., LEniGuTON, TA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kinds of STOVES!! W Hoofing, Spouting and Jobbing promptly attended to. uov, ,'iU jScviGaiuu't, AUTici:. Notice Is hereby given, Hist n. A. Beltz.of Leliluhton, Carbon county, Ph., and Emma E. his wife, by deed of Vol. u.ilary assignment have assigned all the pei sotial estate of the snld II. A. llelti to Tilfflmian Artier, of New Malumlm, Carl on county. Pa., In trust fot tho benefit of the said II A. iVHz I All persons, tlieiefore, Indebted toth said II. A Holt z, will make payment to me, the bald assignee, at Ntw Mahon ing, or to my duly authorised agent, II, A. llt-llz, at Leltigliloti, and lliuse hav ing claims or demands will make known thesauio within six we-ks from this date. TILGHMAN A RNER, Assignee of 11. A. Beltz. I iay 3, 1874-W8 L.ETTI0K IFItOM (14U I,1S. Clyde, N. Y., June 0, 1874. Dear Advocate After leaving your thriving little town, wo were whirled along on the UuflVo Express with lluhtiiing speed, through the deep gorges of the mountain ranges of tho Lelil h Valley, until wo renched tho celebrated Onoko Glen, where a number cf persons left tho train to en joy the pleasures of the diversified scenery at that place. Alter " All aboari" was sounded, the lionehorse, seemingly Impatient, started oil with Ills wonted speed, to climb the hill sides that lay befote us, and In duo time brought us to White Haven, where our eats wire greeted by the stentoilan voice of an American clllzen of African , i.-.i i ueceot iniifc we ouu twenty iiiinuie.s ior dhner. -Winy availed themselves of this opportunity, nnd paitook of a bountiful repast prepared by initio host ol the Kallruad llott-e. The twenty minutes were past, and we wero again on our way up the mountain shies until we readied .Mountain Top, tin) extreme elevation of the Lehigh Valley R. R. Aim, btraugu to say, at this great eleva villages of the valley the Schoouuver Utuihers aie doing a glowing it i. d protltalilo business in the uieicitliille line. Leaving tills high point, we descend tlie mountain sides with fearful rapidity Into the Lacka ..limit, vuiiuy, iiiuii-ci ill uiaiuiy ns inu scene uf many outrages by tho Indians upon the early settlers, where Is now the City of Wlikes-Uiirro-aeityof Itn- wealth, bring surrounded with coal lieids and lavored with r.tllroa. 8 an.t a canal to facilitate business.' Leav- wanna Valley, lamed in history us Ihe lug this place, wo again resume our i ...,... journey, passing many towns woilhy of note, until we arr ve at a relay -.tatloti at the Junction of the L. V. and V. of N. Y., called S.tyre uoubtloss in lionor of RuUeitSajre, Esq,, the efficient I'll jlneerund supeiluteiitlent ol the L. V. road. Here, alter the usual delays In cident upun the changing of passengers ami baggage Irom one road to another, we lelt on the O. R. It. of N. Y. fur Auburn, a distance of (17 miles ; our tialn moving with the rapidity of a Jaded horse lor about six hums, reach ing Auburn depot ut U 30 v. M. This train was known as tlie accommodation train, by this we were induced to be lieve It was meant lor the exclusive ac commodation of the people, living along tlie line, uf that toad, fioiu tliu luct o. Its slopping at nearly every house, barn, and cow-hlied, and it the slied was a very long one It wuu.d stop at each end. Having yet 2.) miles ol lail beloro leach ing our destination, we ut once uiado Inquiries to know how soon wo could leave oy lail lor that point, and was cooly intormed that we would not bo nolo to teach their until 3:30 i: m. next day. This was not very savory, ns wo were anxious to reach our Journey's end as soon as possible; but we were obliged to accept the situation, so meek ly got on lioaru of nn omnibus and weiu safely lauded on the steps of tho St. James Hotel, where uurwauts were abundantly provided tor by mine host, Mr. U. V Chapman, At 10:20 uext uiuiiiing we gut on boaid the cars, and alter backing up unit down a few tint s we gut a stait uh-itd lor Wetdspurt, a distance of eight tulles, aud alter one halt hour of characteristic running wo lauded at that place, there to remain live hours lur the closest connection to proceed on our journey; tliuu seemed to linger ana was veiy slow In getting aruuud, but itcuuiettud we were once more ou a rail, aud in due lime was lauded saluly ut this little village, aud at this pulut as well as at other stations uhuig the line wo saw evidences uf the extensive business done by the L. V. R. R, in tliu coal trade, as at each nla Hon we aivt cars uiaikcd with the un mistakable L. V. R. II., which to one who Is acquainted, would bring to mind tlie genial cotiiilauauce ofE. R. Drown, esq , too enicieni manager of lie Uo's lion, wliero the mountain tops mingle , ' -'""""''"""""' will! theclouds, a little luwu has sprung ve of t 'j'Pl' "BW'y mBdu cuu,Ple up, aping Ihe active scenes or the mote " ' v"et0 mTV' u,"co ,oa a s'lort niu,,u. ..r ii.m vuituv it,u bridal tour. The bridal party was then extensive car works ut Packerton. At i eyo view this description of our city to nus phtcu (Clyde) we wetu met by a 'l'1)'- can do other than marvel when relative who united us to a seat in his 1 we place by its side tlie seaman's chart carnage, aud in u very bhurt lime was having a gen nil shake ol hands witli a orotner and sister uud other relatives at the house of a brother; and as was expected every thing seemed lu be 111 periect older and all ptesent were carry ing vey smiling couuuluat.cos. Too cause was easily divined, tur, as per pieviuus uotle , we knew theie was to be a come olf ou the following day, and the bride n no less pet sou than a niece of the writer. The morning came aud brought with It many a threat UiDg cloud, uud man) an a.ixiuus lace was turned heavenwaid to deviuu, If possible, what tliu earner would be tit about 4:30 l". M , the hour appointed lor the Intel estiug ceiemuuy to come off. The conjectures were as vured us tne cluUuX, but the tliieitiiing clouds did nut in Ihe least dampen tlie ardor of the invited guests, lor long belt re the ap pointed hour, theie had arrived at the bude's residence about 120. Aud niuv tliu heavens seemed Ut siu.le moie up ptoviiigly uud gt-utly brushed uway the I ttligiy uluuus which liau seeiueu but a slum timo beloro anxious tu mar Ihe festivities of the hour Aud now the . aiiiHiltiicu hour had cotue and ml tinners . wcleleuuy, the guesls weie iitruuged in two so as loulluw the uride uud giouiu with their ulleudanls tu walk tu tno Irotit Ij meet the luspousiuiiities , tlmt were before them. At the south-1 west corner nf tho parlor stood Ihe offl elating clergyman, m on his left and a little. In front stood the bride's fatner nnd mother. And now tho bride and groiitu advanced, accompanied by their attendants, tliobridesmaidsand grooms men. until within a (v feet of nlllelttt lug clergyman -tLe Rov. Mr. Chandler, of tho M. E. church. The bride was beautifully altlred in white grenadine, with white, satin trimmings ornnnent ed w li orange blossoms, with a wreath of tho same on her head, her hair was beautifully arranged In curls about iter forehead and hung in rinizletsdnivn her biefc, she worn white kid glove and wltltn satin slippers. The brldegriom was draped in black, cut alter tho lat est stylo for such occasions. The brid -s- mauls and groomsmen were beautifully attired, as became the Decision. After the services were brought to a clo-u by the onienous announcement that Miss Rosin A. LeViinwav and Sir. R. R. n . ,, ; ''nes were man and wife, commenced tlie congratulations led olf liv the luther nnd inotlierof the bride with other rela tives followed by their many friend . Tlie party whs then Introduced Into the dining hall where a bountiful collation was provided aud an hour's pleasant conversation periiuaut to tliu occasion, uitd the Inner man well cared for, they escorted to tlie baiouchu that was In waiting fur them, andafttr euibirklng with ninny a hearty good wish nnd a shower of ladles slippers, fortheir future happiness and piosperity, started off for tne i ii ciock train on tlie Central u. u , - v ... k , ., . , tY't 1 ,B r'" U,U ? that t about U o'o.ock al had lelt but a few near Irleods and relatives 'r"m '-"!. jvho would remain for "few days to visit the bride's paients. We n. 0 ,,m ' 10 tlmt ," ,tl118 oc.c'1- , " " , , , r . , large number of useful and valuable presents amounting to several hundred Hollars. Aud now, if ihe now made couple aro as happy aim prosperous in their future 'lives ns their many friends wish them they will never have cause for complaint of the dealings of proviuence witn tlietti. The pro'pect of an abundant harvest through this section of the country was never butter, nnd If the Irult comes up to Its present indications there will bo asupeiabumlance, and I think there will oo nrraiigements made by which LeMghlOit will be supplied with choice miiu tun coming winter irom tuts sea tlon of tile country. As distance pro cluiles tho possibility of the Advocate's being kindly remembered by way of c.tKes, eve, ItlilnK lie will not bo. for gotten lu the season ot fruits. Itespeetluily, C.tnL03, Rotrospcc (-Prospect Tho following editorial from tho At lantic county "Weekly Itevlew," Mr, A.L. English, editor and proprietor, published at Athntio City, will show the progress that has been made at tills celebrated watering-place since the close of the season of 187ft: Looking down upon tho roof-tops from our otnce-wludnw to. day, our thoughts revert to tho marvelous rise of cities in the vast and varied domain of our na tion, and rest wonderlogly upon the II lustration of that growth In tho beautl fill picture at our feet. Hard, broad avenues, newly cleaned and graveled for the summer's use, lend past tho front of tho cottago homes and attractive hotels out to the sen, to the Inlet, to the buy, or through the green meadow miles away to the mainland. Hundreds of cottages nestle amid the foliage of lonz rows of trees', ptivate boarding-houses and hotels without number, and then the border of green sward skirting the city front, aim the ever restless, toys terious sea beyond. Seven of these roof. tops shelter In summer full congrega tions of C7liflstinn worshipers,-and, an other covers the half-dozen departments ot our excellent puoiio ecliool. who mat reads with us In a bird' of twenty years ago, saying, "Absecon Uracil, an Maud of excellent strand but no civilization," Art has added to Its native attractions, beautiful yards auorn tlie cottuge I routs, ami tlie inula wheels constantly spin past upon the varied and excellent drives. To the promenade of the sidewalk Is ad ie.l that of of a broad board walk, several miles In length, on the very edge of the sea. ousting our ues about, we bee hero new avenues opened, there an old one extended aud newly graded, and everywhere the fresh roof of tho houses that so rapidly spring up. Counting the Hew tops that rise in our view, the number reaches one hundred aud eight, boarding-houses aud cottages of dif ferent sizes; but the larger number, person illy visited by us, are of excel li ut many uf them of elegant, construe iun, mid all of these, be it remembered, built within the pst seven months. This is a lypu uf other years, and thus the city lias grown until It has a commonly concealed capacity for thirty thousand guests Such rapid uud healthful growth Is liiueio marvelous. Vet there reasons why It should progtes, for its charms are Inviting and peculiar to iu'it- ,Fur PhUadelphlaiis, and visitors Uu,u "eyelid, it Is nearer be 10 miles llm" u"y ollu"r ru,i"rt' Kv,?,y Mr ' taken lu inako the ride hither ts safe, comfortable, and speedy as toselble, while the facilities of tho railroad com- nilliiOniufl M tli. ilrmuliw, rrtmiiu ti. luW. pany and the arrangement of time, tables nro uniformly excellentandconvenlent. Tlio best medical and sclentlllo tests concur In rntlng Aliunde City highest In general Influence upon the health. The air Is remarkably drv. Here. too. In ai'.itinn to tho glorious luxury ot safe bathing In the open sea, Is found a provision not met with anywhere elso in tills country, namely, completei arrangement- for hot and cold sea-water balhs. This quiet bath In the house Is most grateful to tho nervors Invalid to whom the rude shock of the surf brings alarm nnd danger. , Uut It is when wo look upon tin salt waters that we discover, the secret of yltlantlo City's success. Stretching nwny Into space ono can perceive for miles naught bun tho heaving, tossing, sparkling watersof tho Atlantic, breath ing upon the laud that health and vigor wiil.'h draws to our shores so many of our countrymen. It Is a grand scene, the whole coiunined making n vislou a'mo-t as beautiful to tliu sight as the border of the hind of R.tulan appeared' lo Christian when he nnd Ills friend Hopeful eaitghtn gliinpsiof Its beauties Irom the Delectable Heights. The sett has olessud this spot, and its summer breathings come to cool, to calm, and to caress. HUMOROUS. Shocking .1 farraersettlngsheavea together by the eais? A circuit couit The longest way home from singing-school. llefore slates were used, people mul tiplied on the lace ot tho earth; "Prayed out of town" are the wnrds painted on the doors of, Xenla, Ohio, saloons. A Western woman complains'that since her husband Joined the Patrons of Husbandry ho lias sown nothing but wild oats. Adam was tho first man who re ceived a land grant. Ho was also the first man who wasserved with a writ of ejectment. Tliu Indians around Omaha have a fondness for putty; they chw great quids of it probably to preveut their 'lights from falling out.. Adam hadoueconsolatlon when he tell. Fifteen or twenty acquaintances didn't stand on the opposite corner and laugh at his mishap. "Breakfast for ninety-nine," said a waiter to a veidnnt clerk at a hotel not lung aao. "Thunder!" said tho clerk; "we can't do It." Tho waiter ex plained that ninety-nine was tho num ber of the room. A young man at Kenosha bet two dollars that he could take a certain man's noso between his thumb and finger. Althugh the said certain mari was a church deacon, the young man's doctor's bill was fourteen dollars. A gentleman of Louisville has a dog a pointer. The dog ran up the steps ot a house and refused to come down. His master followed and found 'A. Partridge' on tliu tloor plate. This illustrates the force of Instinct. So you don't care, about donkey riding. Missy. And why?' 'Oh, I've got a pony, and ono doseu'tcar- about donkeys after that, you know.' 'Has a pony got more legs than a donkey, then?' Missy (who ilosen't like to bo chaffed) 'Yes exactly twlco as.uiany as some donkeys that I know of,' A ten-year-old, boasting to his schoolmate of his father's accomplish, oieuts, put in thus; "My father, can do almost anything. Uu'.s,,o;lnotary public, and lie's a 'pothecary, and lie can pull teeth, ana lie's a horse doctor, uud he can mend wagons and things, und ho can play the fiddle, aud he's a jackass at all trades. An arithmetical correspondent doubts the calculations In Ilia papers about the number of apples our first parents devoured, lie, answers the con undrum thus; "Eve 8, 1, Adam 8, 1, 2-20." Or It might be stated thus: Eve ..,.8 1 Adam 8 1 3 8 0 3 "now Is it that you came home from your party eo early last ulglit Susan? Uldn't you enjoy, yoursellV Susan Yes, nia'ani, buttheyouug man as tuk me uln tu tupper Insulted me. Mistress -I-sulted you, Su-an? Wny, what did lis say? Susan Yes ma'am. He asked if my programs was full, and I'm sure I never 'Ad nothing but sand wich and a glass of lemonade, eo I coma away homo. While manipulating the windlass of a well tliu other night, a party who hud been laying in a stuck of whiskey belure It was ull seized by tile polloe, let tho handle slip wlieii.thn bucket was half way up, and naturally enouirh re. celved a chuck under the chin that knocked him over a iiclghborluir fence. .Sold aglu,' he mutteied as he climbed to his feet, 'might anode hlo better than to hie go foolln' rouu' so much water. Bstcher boot I'll stick f whis key alter this.' -A conductor on the Chlcaco and Alton road is reported as havlui: tumid. den honeymoon 'billing aud coolug. Ouservlug a bridegroom a arm out of place hd forbade further demonstra tion. 'But I have a right to hut; her.' said John. 'Not on railroads,' said the conductor; 'there Is a law against all unjust discriiuinatlunson lailroads, and as 1 haven't a woinau for each man on the train to hug, your action is in viola tlou of thj law, ail mail bo stoop!.