The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 13, 1874, Image 2

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I.l:lllailTON, PA.:
A special Washington dispatch to tlio
N. Y. Evening Post, dated Juno Oth.
says: It Is understood that there Is to
bo a thorough overhauling of all the
papers In tho Treasury Department, ref
lating to the Syndlcato business, with, p.
view to ascertaining the truth of sono
serious charges which have been made.
It Is also undei stood that asulthasbeon
begun by the fcllent partners ot Ilenry
Clews &' Co. In the Syndicate and for
sign fiscal agency business, to compel
them to 'account for tho profits of the
Mime; aud persons who claim to bo la
miliar with the history of the matter
nay that there will be disclosures of :
startling character as to tho means era
ployed to effect tho removal ot Baring
J7rQS.,and tho appointment of Jay Oooko
& Co. and Ilenry Clews C Co. as the
United States fiscal agents abroad
Some very high officers are said to be
implicated, and' if the exposure ts mado
It, will be another national scandal, and
lend to a Concessional Investigation.
Woman Jn ttio l'ulpli.
Tho subject of woman In the pulpit
which came up before the Qoneral As.
hembly of the Presbytetinn Church at
St. Louis, last week, was finally dlspns
ed of in tho adoptlou, by a voto ot 211
to 84, of a resolution declaring that
"the Assembly expresses no opinion as
to the Scriptural view of woman's right
to speak or pray In tho social prayer,
meetings, and commits the whole sub
ject to the discretion of the pastors and
elders of tho churches." Tho only
doubt involved In this is as to whether
woman's preaching In the pulpit on
Sunday Is embraced in this resolution.
In any event, we think In committing
the subject to the discretion of tho res
pective churches interested; giving each
church perfect liberty to follow Us own
inclination, the Assembly lias acted
wisely. This U a great step forward.
Now, where a stupid minister Is settled
o or a congregation, wo suggest tlint a
lively ciiteitaining1 woman preacher be
called as associate. Theeffect,we doubt
not, would be magical upon tho congre
gation and beneticlal upon the Rev. Dr.
Bull. .dny way we rejoice to know that
every facility Is to be afforded for the
salvation ot sinners, even through the
foolishness of woman's preaching.
Christian at Work.
Philadelphia Letter.
PniLACELFnu, June 0, 1874.
It Is now finally settled that Congress
will not appropriate a dollar to this ob
ject, and tho people of Pennsylvania
lnve thereforedetermined of themselves
to make tho Centennial a success. The
National Cotumisslou is to be continu
ed, and the money contributed by our
people Is to bo spent In pa j Ing tho mlle
at'e, hotel ejepentes and refieshment
bills of tho members comprising this
Commission; whenever their duties to
tho Centennial require their august pre
sence In Philadelphia. They have fast
ened upon us a large numberof persons
1p lucrative positions, and our money
mhst pay their large. salaries, ,Even
some of the States tha$ voted solid
nualnst an appropriation bv Congress.
have the principal and most Important
offices, and theso Commissioners have,
the asurance to Inform and instruct us
how tho money of Pennsylvania shall
be spent. Connecticut voted against us.
and while she has subscribed for six
shares, making the grand amount of
460, she sent two Commissioners, and
Idaho, after having subscribed for ouo
"harell favored us with tho preseuco of
her Commissioner. The mileage of
these gentlemen, not to mention their
expenses in this city, must be paid from
tim centennial tuna.
Is It surprising that our people will
not take any more of tho stock, and will
not contribute money to the cause?
They nre opposed to strangers nnd even
enemies to their interests, holding tho
Important positlpns, directing all tho
workings of the Centennial, and being
paid from the funds furnished by Phila
delphia, We should Insist upon these
persons going home, and none but our
friends ought to. mnnago the affairs,
Common decency would suKizett their
immediate departure, but they stlllablde
with us, realizing, perhaps, how plea-
pain. 11 is 10 receive a large taiarv lor
tlielr iuauequatu services.
Captain Urady, after having assumed
coinmnud or the steamship Fenuylva.
nia, when she had been disabled In a
terrible storm on her leturn trip from
IJverpool, has seen nroner to decline the,
gift of the company for his valuable
services on tint occasion, and he brought
an action of ralvauo for damages. If
this suit is decided In his favor, bo will
make a handsome fortune out of the
Tbu case has been fevers! weeks be
fore the United States Commissioner,
mid thy testimony of the third officer.
Mr. lllvrrs, is very damaging, If not fa
tal to Brady's claim. Mr. Rivers was
the only jeif-on who had the right to
roue urn command, una lie was entirely
competent for tho occn&loii. The crew
had chosen Brudy an their commander.
aud Mr. It I vers wisely refrained from
coming in collision with hlin, because
ne iraru mat n mutiny would result
nod this would have been tho total
wrecking of the vessel.
If Captain" llraily obtains salvace. tin
largo amount tu ba paid will probably
destroy the company, and American
steamships will ue once mnro driven
from the ocean. His currently repqrt
ed that New York Is backing Brady In
thU Hilt, as they nre jealous of Philadelphia,-
and they wish to ruin her ship-
plug Interests.
The directors of this company have
tmnlmnmly elected Ool. or, .ns he Is
commonly called, Tom Scott to the
presidency, in place or the. into J. Ecljmr
Thomson. Tins is a wise selection, ani
one must Increase tho confidence of nil
persons In stability of the company.
iliu ctuviv Hi- ntxil (til nwtitu llll,U Ol.M-
Ing belowpari but thills due to th espec-
ulatlou or brokers, wno wish 10 mane,
money from the foars of outsiders,
There nro two parties In tho Hoard of
Hiokers, technically called Hulls and
Bears. The former 1110 for keeping up
stocks, and tho latter for knocking them
down. The Hears have managed to get
and keen the Pennsylvania Railroad
low down, but in a short time the stock
must advance, particularly wnen uoi.
Scott is now president or tho company.
The road Is doing a very largo business,
and It was nover in n more prosperous
There should be a law against theso
marriages, in JSntianu a widower may
not marry his deceased wlfo'ssistcr, nnd
yet cous'ns ure permitted to inter-mar
ry ab libitum. Victoria was married to
her first cousin, and among the nobility
sucu alliances are very common.
We cannot understand why tho mar
rlage of a man with his deceased wife's
sister is worso than tho marrlngo of
blood cousins. First cousins children
of sisters or brothers, or of brother nnd
sister are as nearly related as the chit
dren ot the second generation can he.
Accoidlng to the statistics In fils
couutry, a largo proportion of the deaf
ami dumb, the blind, tho idiotic, nre the
ouspring or married cousins, burcly,
me worm is large enough to make
selection of a partner for lite, without
Doing oullged to contino ourselves to
suit a narrow circle as that of our own
blood relation. It would bo far better
for humanity, if tho marriage of cousins
were prohiulted by law, nud so inuoh
misery would not thou be entailed upon
our race.
A person recently died in this city
ironi eating uncooked ham. ills soil-
ctlngs were of the most excruciating
kind, and ho was literally devoured by
worms. Apouertui microscope revealed,
ul the ham hundreds of trichliie that
were sporting around llko Immense boa
coustilctors. We advise all persons nut
to eat meat of any kind unless it has
been previously cooked, as there Is al
ways more or lejs danger from tho pre
sence ot these nauseous vermin.
This week two centletnan died, who
were engaged In almost identical per-
sults. Richard Norriswas tho celebrat
ed builder of locomotive, and A. Whit
ney owned nn extensive, establishment
of car wheels. Theso two men died
within twenty-four hours ot each others,
and their places of business had been
for many jear s aimo-a 111 mo same
neighboihcol. It Is seldom that such n
singular coincident occurs. N orris
was the nrst, and only man wno inane
a locomotive run up and dowu an In
cline piano with perfect safety. When
the Columbia Railroad was built, theru
was 1111 Incllno piano near the fechtiyl-
klll, nnd over It Norris exhibited a loco
motive that Actually run down nud
stopped 011 the plane at the pleasure of
tho engineer.
yours truly, Modoc.
Philadelphia Markets.
Friday Evening, lune 5th.
Tho financial question assumes a
varying phase with each fucceedlna
dty. Yesterday tho Inflationists seem
ed to be buoyant over the fact that a
satisfactory compromlso was to be ef
fected- tiy the conference committee
while advices from Washington to-dav
show that such a compromise is hope-
ess, and a feeliua of depression exists
In consequenco The President U re
ported to be extremely reticent on the
subject, and It appears he Is determined
to stand on his lato veto message, aud
anything opposed to tho spirit of that
act will meet Ills positive disapproval.
So everything Is at sea ngaln, nnd day
light Is not yet breaking in on tho vexa
tions question. In the meantime the
business of tho country Is adapting It
self to the likelihood of n do nothing
poucy on mo pare or uongress; and
while trndo Is unmistakably dull, the
warm period is suincient excuse fur n
The financial views of Secretary lirs
tow are not yet known, but it Is alto
gether likely that ho Is In full accord
with the i'reslilent. A Hairs on Third
street areassumingamoresettled shape,
and a more confident feeling is gaining
I hero was no material cbango to no
tlce in the money market to-day, and
first-class borrowers have no dllllculty
in obtaining all the funds they reaulre.
Cill loans rule at 4 to 5 percent. Prime
mercantile paper ranges from 5 to 0 per
cent, per milium.
Pennsylvania Railroad dividend scrlDt
sold at 101K, an advance ot M. Penn
sylvania Railroad share weie, the. most
active on the list, .duout 13,000 shares
Pennsylvania Railroad sold nt 48 to
40, closing at 48)4' -nn advance i'f M.
Reading sold at S0!to SOX l.ehlgh Val
ley at 0UJ to ill, no change. Catawlssa
prelerred at 41, no change; and Oil
Creek at, 0 no change
Trade generally has been very quiet
during tho past week, aud prices ol
mokt ot the leading article aro weak
and unsettled.
The Flour market continues very
dull, though the aggregate, business Is
larger tbau for several days past. The
demand is principally, to supply tho
wants ot home consumers. Superfine,
$4 73 to 6 SO; extrai, i5 73 to 6 S3;
Sprlug Wheat, extra family, to 75 tu
7 30; aud higher grades at $3 67 to
10 SSIJ.
The receipts and offerings of wheat,
although moderate, are In excess of the
demand, and prices are lower. Sales of
isu.WU bushels common and choice red
at fl 40 to 1 OO.amber at tl 45 to 1 08;
white at 1 05 to 1 03; No, 1 spring at
SI OS to 1 -10; No, 2 spring at $1 83, and
white spring at fl 43.
Corn Is lower. S.iles of 80.000 bushels
yellow at 78 to 82c, closing at 82c; and.
western mixed at tun same ngures.
Oats nro dull and lower, hales of 75,
000 bushels whllo at 02X to Hoc, and
black mixed nt GO to 02c.
Rye comes In slowly, and may bo
quoted at OSs.
in Cloverseed very little doing, and
we.quoto tho article nominal nt 8 to 10c.
Timothy sells as wanted at (2.00 per,
The Butter market is hlaher. Tho
demadd Is equal to the supply. Brad
ford county fresh calls 83o: New York
State fresh palls and tubs S3 to 35c;
uicingan choice tubs M) to aacj West
ern nud Pennsylvania P.oP 22 to 24c.
i.aru is urm; sales or western and
kettlo rendered at WA to HJic.
Eggs are II nil at 17 to 10c..
New Advertisements.
122S. 9th StAllentown, Pa.
Wl 1 furnish Plans, Sperlncatlona and l'stlmates
Firing exact cost of public and prlrate bulldlnira,
from the plalnent to th mnit elaborate; also,
Pruning for Stain, Hand-Ralls, Ac. J13
Practical Slater,
announces to tho olthensof Lehigh ton
nnd vicinity that ho is prepared to (ill
all orders for Rooting Slato aud do all
kinds ot Roofing nud Slato work on
short notice nr.d reasonable terms.
ESETRepalrlng neatly and expeditious
ly done. Juuo 13-tt
Will be offered nt Public Sale, by the
undersigned, Executor of the Last Will
nnd Testament ot AllRl'M AHNER,
late of the Borough of Lehlghton Car
bon connty, Pa., deceased, at 2:80 o'
clock P. M., on
SATURDAY, JULY 4tli, 1874,
on the premises of said deceased, name-
ly: ah inoso two certain Lots, situate
on the south Mde of the Town Square,
in said borough, and bolng numbered
on tho plot of said town Nos. 11 nnd 12.
The Improvements on Lot No. 11 are a
iwo-btory Frame Dwelling, 20 by 21
feet, a Frame Hum, a Well of never-
falllng Water and n number of Choice
t rult Trees. Also,
II Ollnir Lois or Plccnu or
Ground, situate on tho west side of
Pine street, said lots belntr laid out as
nn addition to tho original plot of said
Also, n certain Lotor.l'ieco of Ground,
situate In said borough, and lying west
of the last named lots, containing Ono
Aero nud ISO I'ercHcN strict
The nbove premises will he sold sen-
nrnie or In the whole to suit purchasers.
Terms nnd conditions will be made
knowu nt. tho time and place of sale, by
iiiua. ivrsniiKEK, Executor.
Lehiahton, Juno 13, 187-1-Hw
nnual Smtciuuut of the
Welssport School Olst.
OWEN MOVER, Treasurer, in ac
count with tho Weissport School Dis
trict, for tho year ending June, 1874:
Ual. on hand from last year, t 180 03
From Collector, Including all
taxes 1100 31
From State appropriation for
year ending June, '74. 03 00
From Rent aud other sources 83 75
$1408 71
For Furnishing school houso
hall 8 70 15
For Repairing school house.. 72 31
For Teachers' wages 570 00
For Fuel and contingencies. . 07 14
For other expenses 31 00
For Fees of Collector & Trea. 40 00
For Salary of Secretary 10 00
For Debt paid r 200 00
ForlLterest paid 207 70
Total expenditures
Cash bal. In Trea's hands.
$1838 20
, 1G0 45
Amount borrowed and unpaid 2005 80
Liabilities In excess ot re
sources 2835 85
Estimated value ot School pro
perty 5300 00
Wo, the undersigned Auditors of tho
llorough of Weissport, report that wo
have examined tho books aud accounts
of J. G. Zuiin, Secretary, and Owen
MoYEn, Trcuaurer, ot the Weissport
School District, for the year ending
June, 1874, aud find tho books correct
ly kept and the accounts as set forth In
tho above ctatement.
V. J. KISTLKil, Uudltcn
Weluport, June lib, 1871. w3
JTK the matter of Assigned
Estate cf John Fenstermaaher and
wife, for the Benefit of Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given, That lleury
Uoyer, assignee under deed ot assign
ment of John Fensterrtiaclier ami Mary
Ann Ids wife, ot the Uorougli of Lo
hlgliton, Carbon County, Pa., ot nil
their property, real, personal and mixed.
for tho benefit of creditors, has filed his
first and final n'-couut as such assignee,
in tins olllce, and mat the same will bo
presented at the next regular term of
the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon
County, to be held at Maueli Chunk,
on the third Monday1 of Juunnext, 1874,
(June 15, 1874,) at 3 o'clock P. il., tor
allowance and continuation.
THOS. KEMEUKK, Prothonotary,
lToinouoiarys umce,
Uauch Chunk, May 23, 1871-wl
New Advertisements.
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of In'hlgliton aud vicinity, that ho will
OPEN his
New Photograph Gallery,
on RANK WAY, (near the Lehigh Val
ley Railroad Depot), Lehlghton,
Pa,, on or about
Tuesday, June 16, '74,
and that he will then be prepared to
give our citizens Ltfu-Llke Pictures at
tho most reasonable rates.,
Particular nttention paid to taking
Children's Likenesses. A Trial .Is
solicited. June 13.
The Examination ot Public School
Teachers for tho borough of Lehlghton
School District will take place In tho
Iron Street School-House, In said Dor.,
on Thursday, JULY 2nd. 1874.
J. F. LENTZ, President.
A. J. DonuNO, Secretary
, June 13, 1874-Rw.
i i
o -S
We have for years been watching all
improvements in Clothes wasners, nop.
Inc to liiul a real lab ir-snvlne and nrac
tical machine onS wortliy to bo classed
anil sold with Colby's Premium wring.
or. It has been our determination to
offer our friends nnd customers such a
Washer ns soon as found, nnd to have
i.otliing to do with Washing Machines
till we had ono right In every pnrticu
lar. -Ami not till we obtained tho
Colby Little Washer !
have wo seen one which would answer
all our requirements. At first sight of
this Ilttlo machine wo were Impressed
of its usefulness, and expected much
irom it. All our trials, experiments and
investigations nave only strengthened
our opinions. We have Improved it iu
many respects, and now offer It ns the
Uctit Washer In tho World.
It has been put to every test, and 'comes
out of every trial with uniform success.
It Is winning new honors and highest
praise as fast and as far as It becomes
known, being everywhere declared the
most Perfect Practical Washing Mach
ine made. It Is easily worked, light to
handle, can bo attached to any tub and
removed In one minute. It costs only
Flvo Dollars, and we urge our friends
overywhere to try It. Manufactured by
bury, Vermont.
GEO. SUIIOONOV1214, .Agent.
maySO Exchange Hotel, Lehlghton.
The Lehlchton School Board now
offer, at Private Sale, the following do
scribed valuable REAL ESTATE, be
ing a portion ot the Public Pro
perty ot the Borough of Lehlghtou, to
wit :
One Lot and Building,
situated on the corner of Iron and Fine
streets, and bounded and described as
follows : On the north by iron street j
nest by a common alley; south by a
lot owned by Joseph Obert, and east by
l'ino street. Tlie 101 is uu leer iront Dy
180 feet 0 Inches In depth. Also,
Numbered 1G3 and 154, situated on Pine
street, In said borough, bounded and
described as follows : On tho west by
Vine street; south by lot No. IDS; cast
by West alley, and norm uy ueoar al
ley, ald lots being each 00 feet front
by 180 feet U inches in depth, yiiso,
One Lot and Building,
Situated on Northampton street, aud
kuown as the South Lehlghton School
Property. Also,
tST For terms and further partlcu.
lars, apply to either of the undersigned.
JUllM S. LjKJi i, rresineoi.
A. J. DUULINO, Secretary.
Dn. N. . KEIIEII, Treasurer,
LehlghtoD, May 3, 1874.
B1TV UIM? NO I That Electric
Liniment, llko I got at Durllng'a
Drug Store, will euro him or any other
man ot RHEUMATISM and all other
i'alns, way u
New Advertisements'.
Save Fifty Dollars I
PalCK. 820 t1o 1 any otfarr firrt-rUm
VALUE, 930 alwM J Machine.
SATED, $30 hj bating tbe Florence.
Eim Mi-ui.n Warb istid.
Special Tenni to Clabi and Dealert. Bend
for Circular to tho
Fiomsci S. M. Co., Florixci, Mils,
or 1123 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, renn'jv.
'lltm tMwnirf MaL-tiiue iilTo the U.t.1 muii. hciiu
to the Uler, te paid for moat refldllr, and la the heft
oiautoeeil. utuere in no " Domem " aem io
jour tnwn. anplv to POMKSTirs M.CO.,N. Y.
u&uibit lor i.i9sa imiga am.
J, Mow either ei may faactnate and pain the
love aud auectiona or any peraou tney cnoope, ln
atantly. Thlhlmple mental aoiulreuient all can
poaaeftK, free, by nialt, f.ir25 centa; tonetliertth a
MarrliRe Uutde, Kiryptlan Orae'e, nreama. Hints
to Udli'a. A queer book. 100,000 otd. Addretl
T. WILLIAM A UU, 1'ubllahera, l'blladelphla.
Most Extraordinary
Terms of Advertising aro offered for
Newspapers In the State of
Send for list of papers and schedule of
rates. Address
Geo. P. Howell 8c Co.,
Advertising Agcufg,
No. 41 Park Row, New York,
Refer to Editor op Tnis Taper.
N'otlce la herebr clven that tbe Kvemitor. A,l
mlnlftratcra, and Guardian hereinafter named,
have filed their respective Hrrounta of the follow
Ing estatea In the IlegUtor'l Oitire, at .Mauch
Chunk, In nnd for the County of Carbon, which
accounts haTe boon altowod by tbe Keslater. will
he preMnted to tbe Judges of the Orphaoa Court
on .Monaay. me lam aav 01 judo next, at ten
o ciock, a. ror roonrmaujii :
First and final account of Josepl:
Ilolshoe, Guardian of Stephen Frttz
Inger. First nnd Dual account of William C,
McCormlck, Adminlstiator of tho estate
of FinneU Germon, late of Kidder
township, deceased.
Tho firjt and final account of Androw
Uoyer, Guardian of Maiy Kern, late
juary jtieiirunm.
First and final account of P. Meckas.
Adminlstiator ot the estate ot Adam
ISckhard, late of Penn Forest, deceased
A. WIimiMillAM. lii:lter.
Iteflater'a Omce, Mauch Chunk, .Mar H7J.
Fob. Library of Ky.
JULY 3sf, 1S74.
ovr. ortAND cA8ii otrr . . . tmooo
ONE OKAN'O 'ASII GIFT . . . 25.00)
5 CASH Glf TS, f 2 1.000 tlAClT, 100.UOO
10 CASH OUTS, 110)0 EACH, 11(1,00.)
IS CASH (1IFTS, 10,000 EACH, 131000
25 CASH GIFTS, IrtiO KAOII, 10O000
31 (1AKI1 UIF13, o.OOO UAUIt, COOilO
60 CASH GIFl'S, 2000 EACH, 100,000
100 CASH GIFT , 1,000 EACH, 101,000
210 CASH GIFTS, 600 EACH, 120.000
f.U) CASH GIFTS, 100 EACH, 60,000
10JOO CASH GIFTS, 60 EACH, 050,000
Grand total 20,000 Qltta, all ealh . . f i.'.-OO 0)0
Price of Ticketa.
Whole Tiekit J 60 00
Italvte 25 00
Teotba, or each Coupon . 5 00
II Whole Ticket! for .... 5W W
2JH Ticket! for 1000 00
For Ticket! or Information, addre!
Aotsr and Mimota,
Public Library Building, LouliTllle, Ky., or
THOS. II. HAYS ti 00, Eaatera Ageota,
ooa iiroaaway, new xora mayou
"Tclssport AUoadt
The undersigned would respectfully
Inform bullders,contractors and tbe pub
lic In general, that they have opened a
dumber Yard
In connection with their
Near tho L. A S. Depot,
nnd that they have now on band an Im
mense stock of '.boroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Hough Pine Boards,
Surfaced Pine boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, of all kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,
Hooting and Ceiling Lath,
and, in faot, Lumber ot every descrip
tion at the very lowest market prices.
We are also propared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine article of
S u ii d , suitable for 91unonry
Worn, 1'iusierins, &o., at ate-
markably Low Figures.
We have constantly on hand a large
lot of Wood eultablo for Firewood,
which we will sell, In large or small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Yeakcl& Albright,
aug 23-yl Carbon county, Pa
ts the latest and raciest work by
Harriet BeecherStowe
Author of "Uncle Tom' Cabin,"
"The Minister's Wooing," "My Wlf
and I," and other powerful sTore,
each the literary sensation of Its period;
and this story promises a llko genuine
and wholesome sensation. It'bcars di
rectly qn social topics of Interest, em
bracing the romance of youthful com
panionships, tho brightness ot happy
home-life, the spicy complications ot
neighborhood associations, and such
follies and profound domestic miseries
as lnvo led to tbe widespread Temper
ance movement of the day,
Mrs. Stowe Is now In the prime ot
that genius which wroJo"Unclo Tom's,"
ripened by years ot study and observa
tion. Iler novels are Immensely popu
lar, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" alono out
selling by hundreds of thousands any
edition of any original work ever pub
lished savo the Dlble. Iler book two
years ago, "Jy wife nnd I," outsold
every contemporary. Such a pure and
cnnobllug story as "Wo and Our Neigh
bors" shou.'d bo read In every home.
This new Serial Is now running exclu
sively In tho
Christian Union,
Henry "Ward Beecher, ;
In religious matters this paper Is
Evangelical and unsectarlan; In politi
cal affairs, Independent and outspoken.
U contains the best articles, and both
short and serial stories, from the fore
most writers; it aims to malutaln tho
highest stan. lard In Itellclon, Litera
ture, Poetry, Art, Music, Science, News,
Politics, Household aud Family Affairs,
with Stories, Rbyines, Puzzles forchlld
reii, etc. Nothing Is spared to make
It a complete JVewspaper for the faml
ly, pure, attractive, wide-awake, and up
with the times a journal Interesting
to every one In the household, young
orold. It is
A Marvel of Cheapness.
1ST For less than one cent a day, It,
gives every week reading matter enough
to till an ordinary $1.25 book ot over
300 pages; and In a year 52 such vol
umes, i. e., sixty Ave dollars' worth ot
matter! To each Is thus aunuatly
Presented a Complete Library.
Tho form of tbe paper, 21 pages
large 4to, pasted and trimmed, com
mends it to alt.
Tho well-earned popularity of this
paper is now such that of Its claas'lt
has the. .
Largest Cironlation in the "World,
and lias readers by hundreds ot thous
ands. An Illustrated Number,
containing tho opening chapters of M:.
Stone's admirable story, will be
to every new and renewing Subscriber
It you aro not already a subscriber
send at once and secure It under tbe
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Tho piper tour bo hid Ubr with or wtlbcmt
tbeuUratt. to premtumi offered: tti
Christian Union,
Ono Year, Only $3 00!
Or, with premium pair Jrench Olt-
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ecution, mounted, alaed, varnlabed,
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Or, Hltb large premium reneh Oil Curo-
mo, -une ijra is mun,a ocauurui
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Sriciatx Corns aent post paid on raoelptoflO
9-uoney must be sent by Postal Mosey Or
der, Check, D:afl, or Registered Litter, Other
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27 Park Place, New York.
Good Agents Wanted.
The Immense circulation of tbeChrstUnUnloo
hai been bulit up by artlTS canraMert. no other
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utle returns. T he public eagernesa ror Mratowe'ii
new etory, tho popularity or the paper,ba friend
ly lupport of Ibouaandi ofold subwrlbeis, too ax
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sure repeiu d succeu to agents, and offer actlTe
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cage, Ol i. lnmtl or 8m franclsoo. BjV
1874. SPRING. 1874.
The undersigned respectfully Informs
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ITats and Bonnets made np In the
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March 14th, 1874.
OTHERS, Look at that Child, It
has Worms. Go or send at once
to DUitLING'S Drag Store, and got a
bottle of his WOBJX 6YBUP so. j!e
sant and yet so sure. may 0
ROSE GLYCERINE tor Rougboewitit
the Sklu, Chapped Hands, vfco., only M
wnt a txjttje. mays, .