The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 06, 1874, Image 3

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    v Advertising Raton.
We desire It to be distinctly understood thtt n
Advertisements Ik Inserted In the columns o'
IiClliox -Actocate that niajr U rteelred from
Wtknomi parties rrnmB,un1es accompanied with
tie Can. Th following Art our okii terms i
Advertisements for 1 year, per Inch etch
Insertion 10 Cents.
Plx Months, per Inehtseh Insertion 15 Cents.
Three Months, 20 Cents.
tlen $1, etch subsequent Insertion IS Centi.
II. V. MORTIIIMER, Publisher.
'j" R. alEWBRSi
OrriCGl Ground Floorln the new Addition of the
Mansion Hottte, Minch Chunk, Pa. Business
transacted In English And Oermin. CWlectloni
promplj made And ConTtjenelng neatly done.
42 Settlement of Estates, Protlng Wills, ob
taining Lettere of Admlolsrratlori.Flllnir, Arcuunts,
nd Orphawf Court PrArtle rsrerullr Attended to.
Licensee, Cbtrters And Incorporations procured,
And Criminal Cases made a rperlalty.
Local and Personal.
Special Notice. Those of our sub
scribers receiving their paper with a
cross upon the corner near their name,
will save fifty cents advance In pi leu by
remitting the dollar subscription at
once. Our terms are $1 In advance, or
tl.CO If not so paid.
The Floral Fair of the Academy of
Natural Science Art and Literature,
will take place on the Fair Grounds, at
Allentown, Juno 17, 18 and 19, 1B74.
Capt. J. P. Krelder, the popular
nct'oneer of Hazleton, will be on hand
on Tuesday evening, June 0th, to con
duct the sale of n. A. Beltr's stock of
dreoi gocds, cloths, cassliueres, queens
ware, crockery, &c. The Capt. Is a
Jolly fellow and knows a thing or two.
Just received at T. I). Clauss' a
new 'and fashionable assortment of
ladles', gents' aud children's boots,
shoes and gaiters, which he Is offering
at the lowest prices.
For clover and timothy seeds, In
large and' small quantities, go to Z. II,
Long's nearly opposite the L. & S. de
pot, Lehlghton.
The Annual Commencement' exer
cises of the Keystone State Normal
School, at EuUtown, will take place on
Thursday June 11th, at 10 o'clock a.
it. The graduating class consists of 10
Messrs. IIausman& Kuhns have
Just put up a very handsomo soda water
'fountain In thelt store, and can now
supply the people with that delightful
'summer drink Ice cold m.Ja water at
fi cents per glass.
Rev. Dj. K. Kepner, pastor of the
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church,
of this borough, baptised six children
on' Sunday last.
Bats and caps, for men, youth and
children, a new assortment of the most
fashionable styles, just received at T.
D. Clauss', at prices which are bound
' to suit.
Jos. M. Frllzlnger, atnouces In
another column that he has just received
la splendid, stock of ready made boots,
ahoes.and gaiters, which lie Will sell ut
prices to suit the times See advertise
ment. Calico at 8 rts. per yard at W A.
Gravtr's store, Lehlghton.
Mr Kuntz will start his new tan
nery, In South Lehlghton, on Monday
morning. He Is now ready to pur
chase hides and tklus and rtoelve orders
for leather, &c.
The young man who went for his
umbrella on Sunday night, during the
atorm, to conduct the two young ladles
home, failed finding them on hid return.
Moral always carry your umbrella with
Don't forget, to call In at W. A.
Graver's store and see his well selected
etock of dry goods, Ac, which ho has
just received from the city.
Boots, shoes, hats, caps and gents'
furnishing goods very low for cash at
Laury .t Peters'. Drop In and see.
Mrs. Lizzie Dlmralok Baldy. wife
of Rev. Hurley Baldy, of Jauch Chunk,
,. died at Charlotte, N. C, on Monday of
last week, and was burled at IIoneRdale.
on Friday. The deceased was the only
daughter of the late lion. M. M. Dim.
mlck, of Mauch Chunk.
We have tried the Colby Washer
during the past week, and find It all
that It Is rfccommended. The price Is
low, only 15, and orders fot them can
be left at this office.
For sale a five octave Parlor 0:gan
(new) at a great reduction, ripply at
this offleo.
In gent's furnishing goods.!'. D.
Clauss lias an Immense stock. If you
watt a neatly fitting shirt leave your
A good girl Is wanted, Immediate
ly, for general housework. Apply to
"W; M. Rapther, attorney, Ihlghton.
Many suffer rather than take nau
seous medicines, All who suffer from
eooghs, colds. Irritation of bronchial
tubes or tendency to consumption, will
ud In Dr. WUUr's Balsam of Wild
Cherry a remedy as agreeable to the
palate aYeffectual In removing disease.
The Balsam Is a pleasa'it remedy; It Is
a fare remedy; It Is a powerf ul remedy;
. It U a speedy remedy; H Is a remedy
uat euros.
Two good girls for housework are
wanted, by M. W. Raudenbush, at
Packer ton. Amount of wages for gool
girls who salt the place will be no ob
ject. Apply soon.
Jos. Obert will re-commence his
auction of dry goods, groceries, queens
ware, &o., on Tuesday evening next,
Juno 0th Be on hand for bargains.
Fresh pine apples, salad, onions,
radishes, and all the new vegetables and
fruits of the season, fresh every day, at
J. Fatzlnger & Son's, Bank street, Le
hlghton. Cheap for cash.
The latest styles of hats and caps
Just received at Laury & Peters.
New styles of dress goods, at W.
A. Gravtr's store.
Trunks and satchels, for ladles and
gentlemen, a new and handsome assort
ment, just received at T. D. Clauss'
merchant tailoring establishment, which
he Is selling at the lowest prices.
Horses and carriages for funerals
and pleasure parties furnished at short
notice at the livery of David Ebbert,
Bank street, Lehlghton, Pa. Terms to
suit the times.
T'le next State Agricultural Fair
will be held at Easton, commencing on
September 20th and closing on October
Valises and trunks, all sizes and
prices, at Laury & Peters'.
Win. Kemerer Is crowded day and
evening with customers purchasing
cheap and handsome dress goods, dry
goods, groceries, provisions and hard
Lively business at Laury St Peters'
merchauttailoringPstablUhment. If you
want to get "particular fits" just call in
and get 'em.
Mr. Peter F. Kilenbergor, a prom
inent citizens of Easton, died very sud
denly 'in his Uotlilug Store, on North
ampton street, In tliatplare,on Monday
afternoon of last week, In the SOth year
of his age. In his time, Mr. Ellenbcr
ger was Treasurer of Northampton
county, and wa twice elected to re
present that county In the Legislature.
The propel ty of the Uelmbach
Slate Mining Co., situate near Walnut-
pott, In Lehigh twp., was sold by the
Sheriff, on Monday week, to JobOgden,
of Elizabeth, N. J., for $8,000, subject
to a mortgage for $100,000.
L. F. Eleppluger keeps one of the
nicest lot of hoises and buggies to be
found In this section. Ills price is
down to suit the times.
Charles Trainer, Lehigh street,
will supply you with flour and feed,
plow your gardens or do your hauling
at reasonable rates.
A larg foice of workmen are em
ployed at Uncko Geln, preparing it for
the Influx ot summer visitors.
The Thomas Iron Company are
erecting machinery for the manufacture
of brick on the cinder tip at Uokeudau
qua. -The many friends of Ex Sheriff
Herman M. Fetter will be pleased to
learn that he has much Improved In
health since sojourning wlthau lutlmate
friend residing In Lower iS'uucou town
If you want a nice fitting suit of
cloths leave your uieisure with T. D.
Clauss, aud make your selection of goods
from his Immense stock ol cloths, cas
slmen 8 and vestlngs. Prices, quality
aud workmanship bound to suit.
For lamlly Hour, of the very best
quality go to J. E. Itickert, East Weiss
port. Lumber and coal In largo or
small quantities at lowest market rates.
A few lots In Itickertown still unsold
buy ot once.
Pythian Knighthood.
Persons desirous of securing copies of
the Advocate containing W. M. Rap-
sher's lecture on Pythian Knighthood,
should make application at once, there
being only a few copies of the first num.
ber now on hand. Sent by mall (post
paid) for !i cents.
Important Notice
Dr. H. T. Bond, the celebrated phy-
slclan, of tho Allentown Medical Insti
tute, whoee wonderful cures have
made his name famous, will be at Le-
hlghtlun, (by special request), on Mon
day, June 6th (one day only). Those
wishing to see the Doctor can do so on
the day mentioned at the Valley House,
J. W. Raudenbuih, proprietor.
A Catrd of Thanks.
At a meeting of Washington Camp.
No. 117, P. D. S of A., of Parryvllle,
tl.e following resolution was unanimous
ly adopted:
Resolved, That we tender to the
ladles of Parryvllle and vicinity the
best thanks of this Camp for their many
kindnesses and for the generous supply
of cakes, fcc. presented to us on the
occasion of our recent parade and les
tival. G. W. Bauuan, President.
J. P. Rowland, Secretary.
Protect Your liulldliii.
Fire and water proof I -One coat ot
Gllnes' Stato Roofing Paint Is equal to
six of any other: Itcontalus no tar, will
fill up all boles In shingle, tin, felt or
Iron roofs. Never cracks nor scales off,
stops all leaks and Is only 80 cents a
gallon r?ady for ue, with a literal dis
count to the trade. Send for testimoni
als, N. y. Slate RtwOog (7o. No.
Cedar-st. V. Y. o
Rev. J. W. Wood, of Allentown
will preach In the Presbyterian church,
nf this place, to-morrow (Sunday), In
tho morning at 10:30 and In the evening
at 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting on Wed'
nesday evening next at 7:30. All are
cordially Invited to be present.
- Rev. L. K. Derr, pastor of the Re
formed congregation, will preach In
the Academy, to-morrow (Sundsy)
morning, at 10 o'clock, In German, and
In the evening at 7.30 In English. All
are Invited.
Methodist Episcopal church Rev,
M timer Coffiuan, pastor. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 r. M.-Sunday
School 2 p. m. Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper In the morning.
Communion services were held In
St. Paul's church, at 3lg Creek, on
Sunday morning last, Rev. F. T. nen-
nlke. officiating, 07 persons partook
of the Sacrament: after which the cate
chlsm class (number 10 chlldron) was
examined. This Is a good exhibit of
tho church.
The Lord's Supper will bo administer
ed in the M. E. church, at Big Creek,
C&olt's church) on Sunday aiornlng
next; there will also be services In tho
afternoon and eveuiug. Rev. A. Zel-
lienfuss, pastor.
The Wedding laet Saturday.
Hr..nU l I.I- ..
iuuiiii jjiratsuruuie excitement was
created in this town and neighborhood,
oy tne announcement in last week's
"Advocate" that aweddlngould take
piaco in the Trinity Evangelical Luther
an church of this borough on Saturday
evening. At an early hour large uum
bers of our yoing ladles were seen
wending their way towards the said
church, and when the hour for the ner-
formanceof tho ceremony arrived the
cnurcu was completely packed. At
precisely 7.30 o'clock the bridal party
entered the church. The bride Miss M.
A. Fath and the bridegroom Mr. Daniel
Wieand. were both very neatly and
tastefully dressed, as were also the
bridesmaid, Miss Mary Bauer, of nazle
ion, and the groomsman, Mr. Oliver
Clauss, son of T. D. Clauss, of this
borough. Prof. H. A. Ellne, of Mauch
Chunk, presided at the organ, playing
in excellent stylo "The Wedding
Jarch, " as the bridal party moved un
.the aisle to the front of the alter. The
marriage ceremony was preformed by
ev. jj. is. Kepner, tho pastor, In
beautiful and effective manner, after
wnicn tte happy pair received tho con
gratulations of their numerous friends.
The WcliAport Literary Society,
After a succe-srul terra of 27 meet
ings have adjourned over until called
ty tho President In September next.
There have been 25 subjects debated
miring the term, while the referred
questions have embraced history, ceo
graphy, and In fact, questions of about
every conceivable character. Tho In
terest In the meetings was kept up with
much spirit from first to last, at times
holding large audiences until a late
hour In the eveulng, some of whom
have expressed themselves as having
gained more practical Information from
attendance than they could have In
days of close study. Wo trust that
the society, after Its vacation, will re
assemble with renewed vigor and with
a determination to procure a library for
the use ot the members and the citizens
of Welsspoit.
The Newport Murder.
Hie following Is the verdict of th
coroner's Jury In the case of the mun
of Wm. Smith, at the Newport Hotel,
near Selgfrleds Bridge, an account of
which we published last week: "That
the said William Smith came to his deatli
on the 25th day of May, A. D. 1874, by
reatou or a stab wound inflicted by a
snarp instrument or weapon In the
bauds of Martin Conway, alias Connel
ly, alias Cunningham, and thejury fur
ther find that John Pfelfer and Jacob
Pfelfer were accessories before the
fact." Signed by tho Coroner and all
the Jurymen. In accordance with this
verdict, a Coroner's warrant was Issued
for the arrest of the Pfelfers, and they
were apprehended at ornear Parryvllle,
and taken to Easton to Jail.
Iter. IV. OolTraan' Xiecture,
In the Presbyterian church, on Mon
day night, on temperance, was not so
well attended as It should have been.
The rev. gentleman Is perfectly at home
on tho subject of temperance, and on
tuls occasion bandied the rum drinker
and rum-sellers without glovi-s. At the
conclusion of th. lecture the platform
of principles was read by the Secretary,
and about 30 persons handed In their
named as members, and tight slgued
tne pledge. Due notice ot the next
lecture will be given.
chlldren'A Carriage!.
F. P. Semrael, the hardware mer
chant, ot Lehlghton, has this week re
ceived one ot the largest assortments ef
children's carriages from the State of
New York, ever brought to' this town,
and respectfully asks those of our citi
zens who need anything In the line to
examine the styles anil prices both of
which are bound to suit, ttouie of them
are very hindsome.
ft. n
Tho.S'uminiulIIll Murder.
On Mouday last, Edwanl Elotz was
arrested, on oath of Philip Leln
bach, a brother of the murdered girl,
and taken to Jauch Chunk. On the
arrival of tho prisoner In the latter
place, a hearing was demanded by the
attorneys for tho prisoner, when he was
taken before Esq. W. Butler; It was
then found to be Impossible to procure
witness on either side. A commitment
was thereupon ruade out by the Squlro
and handed to the constable, ln ar
rangement was then made that Judge
Dreher should bo sent for to give the
case a hearing, and upon being tele
graph to on tho subject, returned an
answer that he would be in Mauch
Chunk, on Thursday morning at 11 o
clock tor that purpose. In the mean
time arrangements were mado by the
parties Interested that the prisoner
should be kept under charge of the con
stable until that time.
The examination of witnesses com
menced on Thursday, and Is still going
on as wo go to press Friday afternoon
niacksrood'e Magaxlne on Doge.
Speaking of some of Sir Edwin Land
seer's life-like paintings, Blackwood's
Magazine says: "Oh! rare, most rare
Edwin Landseerl what name sh ill wo
find for thee? Thou Apelles of aged
bounds, thou Zcuxls of vigorous dog
hood, thou Purrhastus of puppies! How
we do always long to pat and pet thy
pictures! We have In our office a large
chromo after Landseer's 'Twins.' This
Is one of ills finest pictures. Two mag
nificent Scotch Shepherd dogs are re
clining upon the top of a shelving
rock. At the base is one of those fine
sheep, for which England and Scotland
are noted, and lying at ber feet aro
lambs. This chromo Is offered with T,
De Witt Talmage's great religious and
family newspaper, The Christian at
Work, published at 102 Chambers-st.,
N. 1. Agents wanted everywhere-
Samples sent freo upon application.
See sdverttsemcnt.
Toe Borough Schools.
The following statistics of the public
schools of this borough, for 1873, will
no doubt prove Interesting to our read
ers :
Whole number of schools.... 0
Average No. of mos. taught. 8
No. of meetings ot Institute. . 1(1
No. of male teachers 2
No. of female teachers 4
Aver, salary ot male teachers 170 00
" feina e " 88 n
No. of male scholars attending 22-1
No. of female ' ' mo
Average daily attendance.... 237
percentage of atteud. 70
Tax for school purposos p. ct. 13 mills
" building " " 18 mills
Amt.ottaxforschool purposes $3201 00
uuuuing " 8201 00
Total lovled 10402 18
The Coal Trade.
The following table shows tho nmn-
tlty of coal shipped over the Lehigh
ancy iiuiiiimu lor me weeK ending
May 30th, 1874. and for the vearas
tumyuruu wiiu rue same time last year:
from Week. Yenr.
Wyoming.... 22,402 08 630,332 08
Hazleton 40,455 07 877,008 00
Up. Lehljli.. 40 00 2,201 00
uea.aieauow.. 10,843 13 808,104 01
Mahunoy 12,550 03 170,001 10
Mauch Chunk 144 10 1.402 00
Total 03.835 10 1.808.870 17
Last Year.... 01,115 10 1,813,180 17
Increase 7,410 14 85,009 00
chool Doard.
new School Board, of this bor-
gh, was organized on Monday even
last. Messrs. Durllng and Seifert
were the retiring members, and Messrs,
Uellman and Albright, the new mem,
bers of the Boaid. The Board organiz
ed, by re-electing Mr. J.S. Lentz, Presi
dent, Dr. N. B. Reber, Treasurer, and
Mr. Wm. Eeinerer was elected tecre-
tary.ln place of Mr. Durllng who retires
from the Board by reason ot tho expira
tion of his term.
married, J
In the Trinity Evangelical Lntharln
church, In this borough, on Saturday
evening, May SOth, 1874. by Rev. D.
Jv. Kepner, Mr. Daniel Wieand and
Miss Mary A. Fath, both of this place
llie happy pair bavo our best thanks
for the generous lump of cake sent to
us, and our very best wishes that they
may enjny a long life ot happluess and
On May 7lh.l874. bv Rev. D.K. ICn-
uer, uims. v. jxuuer lormeny or Allen
town, and Miss Ella Rex, of Lehlghton,
'it-- . t r . - . - . . .
On the 23d ult., by Rev. A. Barthol.
omew, Daniel D. Wetzel, of Packer
iwnshlp, and Miss Carolina Gnoflhnll.
of Lower Tpwamenslng township.
un me sow ult., by the same, Chas.
, Shoenbercer. of Lower Tnwimnn.
sing, aud Miss Matilda U. DIehl, ot
Frauilln township.
On the 28th ult.. bv the same. Ches
ter P. Slides and Miss Jullann Salve,
both ot Mahoning township.
On the 0th ult., by Rev. L. K. Derr.
neury A. Smith and Elizabeth Fisher.
both of Laury's.
On the same day. bv the same. Mr.
Jacob Suit and Sarah A. Uower, both
of Selgfrlea's Bridge.
On the 10th ult.. bv the una. lf.
Gideon Rex and Sanla A. Frltzlnger,
uum ui.ueuignioa.
On the 23,1 ult.. bv the same. Rhai.
L. Berkemever. of Slatlnvtan. and Mln
Xlleu'A. Andrews, of Walnutport,
On the 10th ult.. In Lehtahton. An
gellne, wife of Henry Hlskey, aged 44
years ana 4 uays.
On the 18th ult., at Lehigh Gap, Jo-
nanna js. u. Kaiser, aged 77 years,
months and 24 days.
On the 81st ult.. at Walnntnort. Mr.
Osman W. Geary, for number of years
nuuiun ageni ru nine piace, aged iu yrs
u minims ana u nays.
On the same ilav. In Slntlnoinn. Un
bert 1L, son of William H.and Prlscllla
nouser, aged 1 year and 11 months,
On the 2d Inst., In Lohlgtton, Harry
Peter, Infant son of Wilson and Lucy
r i h , .
jjeiminner, nueu i ninnins.
Closing Prices of DeIIavkn & Towns
end, 40 South Third Street, Phlladel
puia, dune 4, lbi4:
U. . 0. 1881
21JJ bid.
IS bid.
10K bid.
17 bid.
19)? bid.
20X bid.
HU bid.
Uii bid.
14)2 bid.
48 bid.
Ml bid.
CO'i bid.
22! anted,
11 asked.
IS a.ked.
20 tilted,
20U anked.
U. P. 6-20, 1802 .
U. 3. 6-20, 166 . .
U.f.520,U85 . . .
U. 8 8 20, 188.W.4 J. .
U. 8.530. 1867 . .
V. P. 6-20, 18M . . .
U. S. 10-10 . .
V. . Currenrr, ft . ,
II. 8. S'a 1881, new .
PetiDnltnuli It. II. . .
PhllA. k Heading 11. It. .
Lehigh Valler Itnllroail .
Uhlgh Coal i Njt . Oo. .
UnlteJ UomDAnlei of N. J.
m-A Allied.
13K aiked
IS Aiked.
IS asked
4SU aiked,
60J aiked.
CI aaked.
43i bid.
UlU ws uuu,
125 M l. vai aaked,
UJ!i bid. uked
100 bid. 108 anked,
bllr-r . . . .
Special Notices.
Tape Worm! Tape Worm
Tape Worm remored In from 1 tn a hniip. with
harmless pgetaule Medicine. The worm passing
iiuuiij.ijii.uj.iiih nu iee aaaeu until me en
entire worm, with head, namwi. l.r1l.nM harm.
less, can refer those afflicted to the residents of
tuia cuj wnom i data cured. Attnromce can be
seen hundreds of specimens. measurtoiT from 49
to 100 feet In length. FlOr per cent, of cases of
vrspepsia anu aisorganisatlons or the Urer are
causea o stomacn and omer worms existing In
the alimentary cinal. Worms, a disease of the
most dstiarerous character, arn an tlttln nmlar.tri
b the medical men of the present day. Call and
tee the original and only worm destroyer, or send
for a circular which will glre a full desclpllon
and treatment of all Mods of worms, enclose Set.
stamp fur return of the same. Dr. U. F, Kuskxl.
OKU kin-!, UIlL Ot . I.1-M-. tL. ..
u.r nvriu iiiuiu oireev, rmiaaeipnia, ra.
iautics a. umca or or msil Iree.l
remoreo. Sept.6.1873-lr
When In the course of wear and tear
of every day life It becomes necessary
to dissolve our connection with the suits
that have done us so much services In
keeping us warm and freo from expo
sure, there Is one place where we can
nnd consolation and a friend Indeed In
our aisiress. xcn, a piace where we
can safely put our trust where there
is no need of fear that we shall be cheat
ed, unsuited or unsatisfied where the
fabric Is strong and the manufacture
superb where the prices aro lust and
and the stylo all that can be desired,
There Is a charm about an easy, glove
fitting, elastic suit, tlmt Is seen andob
serveo oy an men. "wnere aid you
get that superb suit of c'othes?' ' ' ' Where
did you secure such a splendid fitting
garment?" Is often asked. There are
many tailors, and a number of Hem
are undoubtly fair samples of the genus
homo and aUo a credit to the craft; but
how generally tailors fall la the fitting
of garments to the human form: how
often a good piece of goods Is spoiled In
the at; huwsadly and delectedlv manva
iimu nuiiuers uuout ino streets, reel-
nijS .no oimiuo biia utiiur uuf caused mm.
In allowing a poor Job to go out of his
shop, and he the wearer of Itl Perhaps
ma iuuy tove i:as even juced mm incon
sequence of his forlorn appearance.
ureas inuites me man;
The want of It the follow '
Not that a man is less a man fnr mur.
Ing plain clothe.-), but when he Is "dress
ed up" he should indeed be dressed not
Having ins cloths hang like bags around
lilru, and wrinkled and dlstored In all
sorts ol stiapes. out tuat he should bn
ciaa in ntting garments. Taste chould
oe snown Dotn in the colors and make
up or his suit. Many high priced goods
bre af such outlandish colors and styles
that a man's character Is 'judged by his
foolishly selecting those odd goods. A
man is Known oy tne company he keeps,
and If he Insists upon fratemlilng with
Ill-looking and lll-fittlnir clotlm. ha
will not make his "mark," as a man of
taste, ttiai s positive, to be looked un-
ou as possessing the requisite attain-
merits or a tasty gouiieuian, he must
seiect cioins or suitauie colors for his
clothing and have them mads ud In first.
ciass style oy ijaury & Peters, (post
uu.o uuuuhik;, xjeuignton, ra., who
have a splendid stock to select frnm. ,n,i
whore you will obtain that symmetry of
un u uowsij mo aaornmentof the
person. Call and examine the most
beautiful assortment of cloths, cnsslmors
enuiiKn. ever oroupht intn rhith.
and leave your measure with fjiurr
uvuia. iiiarcn 14. 174.
Piles! Piles!! Piles!!!
Piles, Internal, Exte-ml, Bleeding or Itching.
The Intense sulferagoAsnntdbjtbt distress
ing uuhh, in iisTariousiorms, is known onij to
those who are unfortilnaU enough lo be afflicted
with It. Tho sleepless nlghU, the uncomfortable
u.j., iub uaggara iooks or me sanerer Pear wit
Dessorthe iutsniltrof the pain eperleed when
troubled with this preralltog dlwaae. The suc
cess of Brlggs1 Pile Kemedj as a positive cur la
uuetjuauea in toe aanais or medicine Kellerls
Immediate when used as dfretAd. Tha Immiiu
demand Mr this great rented Is unparalelled.
u-.uhuu. are u.iut I. witn toe moss alflA-'torr
. uustbinu, uruj.ut, L,e
MitH.vM. msjr ij
Tha moat Wonderful Dlscorery or
th I9th Cantnry.
XXR. S. 3D. ECO W-fcS'S
-Arabian Milk Cure
And ell Diseases of the THROAT, GUEST and
LU.VU3. (The oolr MedUne of the kind In the
a svasnTtni rot cos una On.
Permtntntlr cures Asthma. Ilrnrihlil. Tn.ii,!.
ent Consumption, Lots of Voice. Shortness of
tiraam, uatarrn, kroup, uoujnt, uolds, In A
few dajs.
un. B. d, nowi'S
Arabian Tonio Blood, Purifier,
Which DirrERS from ! other preparations In
and BLOOD. It Is purelr Tegetable, end deansoe
tbe sjit.ra ef all Impurities, bat Ids on, and mikes
rure.iiion wooa. it cures scroruloui Diseases of
all kinds, removes Constleatlan. and rarul.ta. th-
VITALITY and DROKIiH.nilwM ruiWATiTir.
TIONB." I chaUeute the 10th Ccntunr" to tat
Its ' Aqual. Kreir bottle U worth IU w,lhtin
Cold- I'rlta, It per bottle.
, X.' J' 0KOi Druf.Ut, soU A(tat
for Lehlthtoa, Pa.
DA. 8. D. UOWIS. lala Pmart.fcju. 1A1
Strut, !t,w York. apr. L irMjl
Ut. LAHaVI Oerteia Oars for Ii(Twlc Kails.
fj De CLAWS,
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gent's Ftirt.lsi.tiig Goods,.
Constantly on hand a Bplendld stock ot
Consisting of Plain nnd Fancy Cloths.
ia3.iiuit-irs ituu ve.-uings.ior aien s anu
Boys' Wear, whleh I am prorated to
Make up to Order In the most Fashion,
able Styles, at short notice
Ladles', Misses and Children's
Iloo.l$& $lioes
A well selected stock of French and
Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boots
and Shoes on hand, or
JMado to Order.
Hats & Cap9
Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at
tuo Lrowest frice.
Also, Agent for the
American & Grover & Baiter
Sewing Jftacliiacs.
Only Ono Price for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices 1
2d door below M. E. Church.
BANK SIBEET, Lehightou, Fa.,
hating bad upwards or Thirty Years eiperlete
In the Mllllnerr Buslnes.. desires to inform her
friends aud tho LAdles general!, that eho keeps
constanU on bend a large assortment of
aiUlAI. UAllf.
Ilalr Braids & Switches Made to Order.
She has also Just recelred from New York a full
and elegant stock of
comprlsloi Hits, Bonats, nlbboai,Floweri, L
Crapes, Fancj Good, OorMts,01ores, Collar, Ltw
Edgtaff Necktie, Ruche, Handkerchief. Ac,
Furnished at short notice and at Lowest Prl eta.
March 14, 1874. MR3. E. FAT
Contractor & Builder,
fc e
Plans and Specification.!
For all kinds of Buildings made at the
shortest notice.
Made for Plans and Specifications when
tho contract Is awarded to the under
signed. A. W. EACHES.
June 14, 1878-yl
Livery & Sale Stables,
And positively LOWER PRICES than
any other Livery In tbe County.
tW Large and handsome Carrlacros
tor Funeral purposes and Weddings.
cot. zt. j7J. DAVID EBBKRT.
tuicriCTVAtA or
Garrlasres, Slcigliii, nugglcs,
auu ererr aescnplleo or '
Netrl tppotlU Etflt Hotel, Bank Street.
Mhlfhton, Pa.
At reatonablt charges.
SrPatrm are Terr resnectfullr ullilui ..i
satlifjctlon guaranteed.
-eo.7,lS7t, A. BUCSHAN.
rVtllE People of Lehlghtin and vlcla
Itv all unite In testlfvlirrthat a a
J. DTJKLING'S Drug and Family Med
lelne Store, Pore, t'nzaa and Ukadoiv.
teuatko ilEDiciNEs can alwavs ba
found. m: n
TTJV tho Matter of Assigned
Estate of John Fenstermaeher and
wife, for the Benefit of Creditors.
Notice Is herebv Divan. That irnrv
Boyer, assignee under deed of assign
ment ot John Fenstermaeher and Miry
Ann his wife, ot the Borough of Le
hlghton. Carbon Conntv. Pa., nf n
their property, real, personal and mixed,
for the benefit of creditors, has filed hit
first and final account as aneh AaalrrnMi
In this office, and that the same will be
presented at the next regular term ot
tbe Court of Common Pittas of Carbon
f . . ... .m k l .l I - 1. i, . r, .
vuumj . w ua uciu an, AiKuoa unuoir.
on the third Monday ot Junn next, 1874.
(June 15. 1874.) at 2 o'eloek P.. w fnP
llowanoe and confirmation.
TH03. KEMERER, ProtboaoUry.
ProthonoUry's Office,
uauen tounir, uay 99, 1874-wi