H. V. M0RTI1IMER, JSD1T0R. LEIliaiiTO.V, PA.! SATURDAY MO UN I NO JUNE , 1874. Emery vs. Tnnlte "Wheels. The Tnnlto Co. takes tilts means of assuring tli Public ttiat even the pos session of Patent for a Perfect Solid Emery Wheel would not suffice for the successful Introduction of the goods, unless the Patent was backed by expen sive Machinery, by years of experience, by chemical and mechanical skill un falteringly applied, by a wide practical knowledge of all the countless manu facturing processes of the day, and by the employment of men skilled in alt the Manufacturing Atte. The above la an extract from an ad vertisement In the Mauch Chunk Dem. ocrat of May 80th, and Is conclusive proof that the Company Is getting; scared about the Emery Wheels manu factured by Messi s. ISutterfleld, Marsh & Co., at their works In Welssport The advertisement in question shows in all Its features a spltefulness of purpose against the Wehsport Emery Wheels which the most obtuse Individual could not fall to perceive; and tlio more es pecially is this feeling evident In the following paragraph from the same ad vertisement) All these qualifications theTanlte Co. possess, and if users, would be users of Emery Grinding Machinery, want to avom uie lanures, ana oumin tne ad vantages of such goods, they will buy standard goods of an established maker, regardless of pi ice, rather than risk the poor economy or untried, low priced gooai "Untiled, low priced goods'lsadecld- ' edly cool expression, in face of the fact, that a test of the Lehigh Emery Wheel against the Tanite Company's and the Excelsior Wheels had Just been made, and that the Lehigh carte out ahead in all the tests made, which the following paragraph, copied from the Monroe Democrat, (the home of the Tanite Co.) Of.May 27th, abundantly proves: THE LEHIGH EMERY WHEEL Mr. A, ' 2ln, formerly with tbe Tanite Co, of this place, was In town lastweekand paid some, of his friends a visit, lie ;od with Mm some of the Emery Wheels they manufacture at Welssport. The name of the firm ie Buttetfleld, Harsh" Co. Mr. Bulterfleld was also formerly of the Tanite company they are both reliable men. A party of gen tlemen tested the Lehlch Lmerv Wheel along with the Tanite Co's and the Ex celsior WLeels, and of tile three the Lehigh proved to be the best cutting wheel, on th tests they were tried. This new company no doubt make a superior article and we hope they may .tyeetwIUi much success.. They merit Tit.' " ' The advertisement of the Twite Co. Is too transparentnottobe seen through, published here In Carbon County right after the tesls'of the wheels had been made, ai.d when they wero well aware .that those tests, had fully shown that the Lehigh Emery Wheel had proved a 'successful competitor. Philadelphia Letter. PniLAtELrntA, May 20, 1874. rAlD.FIRE DEPARTMENT. For many years this city possessed a volunteer Bja department which was celebrated for Its promptness and effl clency. Every company was indepen dent In itself, and in the latter days of the department's existence, disgraceful fights frequently took place, and lives were lost on these occasions. The con tinued abuses that prevailed, led to the formation of the paid fire department, and now there is an effort to reorganize It also, on account of alleged-Irregular-Meg in Its management. The repairs to the apparatus cost more last year than would have been paid for entirely new engines! it seems strange that so much dis honesty prevails among our public men There are seven commissioners manag Jng this department, and not one re-, cclvcs any pay for his services. The proposition now Is to have a responsi ble head, and to give hi in a competent salary. By this atrangement It is ex pected that the department will be kept In better working order, and the expen ses will be reduced. Our system costs far more than the London tiro brigade, and the appropriations, aie Increasing every year. . BILLY STRIKES. Philadelphia terns out a greater num ber of yaids of carpet thau any other places In the world. Many men and women have been constantly employed In the numerous mills, and the 10th waid was always burriDg with the wheel of machinery, Recently some evil spirit seems to have taken posses sion of. certain pel sons employed, and they determined to strike Jor higher wages. Not content with staying from work, they attempted to keep others from going to the mills, and in some In stance they injured several by attacking them with cobble stones. Tim sltuatlnn became so thrtutenlng that the police were obliged to protect the willing work men from bodily harm, and comparative quiet lias been .restored, Uow foolish it is for men to continue these strikesl The effect of the present movement Is to stop some of the mills .altogether, and to reduce the woik in otheiB, thus depriving Philadelphia of being able to beast that she If the larg. est carpet weaving city in the world. The war between labor and capital see'ms never to end. The coopers and stevedores employed by the Auautlo Storage and Petroleum Company, tlx hundred in number, are on strike. The strike (a. not tor higher wages, but has been caused by tho com-i pany withholding 13.00 per week fiom each of their employees' wages until the amount reaclu s f ao, so as to preclude, the men from striking, If any one left their employ without good reasons, he forfeited the $80. The men have rebell ed against this and hence the strike. They say: "We claim that we have as good a right to combine for our protec tion as tne on men nave to comoine to make a "corner" in oil by stopping pro duction, and thus advancing prices." in New lorn l.ouo coopers are out of work from the same cause. IMPORTANCE OF MANUFACTURES. The growth of cities Is duo to the number and variety of their industries, and to this cause our Northern and Westert. cities owe their great popula tion. Philadelphia has 11,000 inanu ftctorles, which turn out (400,000,000 manufactured goods per annum, and a population of a million, living in 120, 000 houses, of which 40,000 are the re sidence of working people. Tiieio Is hardly any city which cannot improve its condition by some Industry. Since Chattmioga and Atlanta began to manu facture, they have made such distin guished headway that their example seconds that of Philadelphia. The ad vantage differs in d I Iff lent conuillonx, but the principal remains and operates everywhere. Manufactories will build up uuy city, and Philadelphia Is the largest manufacturing city in the Unl ted States. This accounts for her rjros perity and also her rapid Increase In population. CURIOUS PERFORMANCE!. Slcnor lieneuittl and Mr. J. B. John sun, members of Schumann's Transat lantic Novelty Company have been astonishing our citizens by the difficult feats they perform, signor Benedlltl appeared before n largeclass at tlieJef teison Medical College and performed some difficult featsof sword swallowing thrusting ns many as six swords In his throat at ono time. Another feat con sisted of thrusting a very heavy musket wuu uayouei attaciied down his tliroat, lid Swallowtuz tha entlrH Imvnnet in inches in length, ami then without plac- iug ins nanus to tne musket, lie slowly bent bis body until ho let the weapon assume a horizontal position. lie also swallowed a Spanish sabre twenty nine Inches In leiielh. The opinion of the proiessors was mat tne blaile displaced me siomacn partially, tilting and nas tug on the lelt side of it. Mr. JoIuimoh's perrormanees.lnclude smoking, eating, and drluking under water, and remain ing under the water for aboutthreemln- utes at one time. All thesu performan ces he faithfully carries out. The smok lug under water Is done by inserting the lighted end of the cigar In his mouth and ejecting the suioku from his nos trils. BnOOTINO CASES. When will people learn that fire arms are not to be trilled wllli7 Uhas. Jetter, a young man much given to sky lark ing, called on Miss Lizzie Tamplln, and while teasing her conceived the bright though not original Idea of pointing a pbtoi at lier and telling iier to "look out.". Much to the surprise of Jetter the pistol was discharged wounding the unfortunate young lady. Charles Im mediately started for a physician, and a policeman in turn was soon desiring an "Interview" with Cbarle. Miss Tamp- tin will lose an eye and probably her life. Both parties state that the shoot ing was purely accidental, Jetter says "lie was not aware tne pistol was load ed." Wo hat another snooting case nn Wednesday morning last, this tlmo with murderous Intent. Simon A. Franks shot his wife Christiana three times, at tueir resiuence, su-i uieen oc. Jealousy was the cause, and the woman will pro- uauiy uiu. FOREIGN FRUIT. Our city has In the last few years be come quite a port for the importation of Foreign Fruit. One firm with which we are acquainted are now receiving there cargoes a week of choice fruit from the West Indies. The Schooner Matoka re cently arrived with 3,800 bunches of Bed Bananas and 78,000 Cocoanutii. Of course this vast quantity of fruit Is not an consumed nere, out is re-biiipped all over tne country, uananas are a very perishable fruit, and are not In much demand outside of large cities. As there at present no uoverument duty on this class ot importations prices are low, and Bananas which formerly could not be purchased at retail for less than one dollar a doz., are now a drug here at z3 cents, i-ine Apples, uranges and fruits can be purchased at equally low puces, DEATH OF J. EDO An THOMSON. John Edgar Thomson, long and fa vorably known as the President of the renna. itaiiroad, died at his resilience lu this city, at an early honr, on Thurs day Morning, from a complication of diseases. Mr. Thomson has been at the head of tho Penna. itaiiroad since 1852, and was considered one of the greatest railroad men of the world. The result of his administration of the affairs ot the Pennsylvania Itaiiroad Company la augmenting Its business and establish ing its credit Is before the public. Tin assumed the duties ot his offlco without a dollar In the treasury of the company, and now Its financial resources are al most unlimited. The deceased was born In Delaware Co., Pa.; In 1803 and at bis death had amassed a large fortune, Yours truly, Modoc Philadelphia Markets. Friday Evening, May 29th .The money market, as we have notic ed for some time past, continues very quiet at about former rates. Call loans rule at 4 to 0 per cent. First class mer cantile paper ranges from 0 to 0 p cent, per annum. There was considerable expltement in me diock mar net ana on mini street. owing to the death (if Mr. J. Edea: Thomson, President of the Pennsylvania iiaiirona company, ana prices general Iv were unsettled. About 80,kj0 shares of Pennsylvania Rallioad sold, opening at 47, declined sold at 46, advanced and sold at 41li, closing at 47H. a slight advance on the opening. Beading sold at 66 no change; Lehigh Yalley at 00i, a slight decline: Oil Creek at 0.- no charnre:- Mlneblll at 63,nocbange;Catawlssa pro 'f erred at 41, no change ; and Little ocnoyiwii a; no change. The Flour market continues dull, and prices are unsettled. Superfine. '$4.75 lo ft.ou, extras. so.ou to u.zo; spring Wheat, extia, famllv, 10.75 to 7.CU;atid higher grades at 18.20 to 10 23. Wheat continues dim, and price ravor buyers Common and Choice Bed. at (1.40 to 1 OS: Penna. do do, at Si 00 to 1 02; Whlt Spring, at Si. 43; and No. 1 Spring, at $1.43 to 1.41. Coin Is lower, awe or juu ouneis yellow at 84 to 83c. j 8000 bushels do at 83.;'C000 bushels western mixed at 83 to 84c; and 10,000 bushels on private terms. Oats aio less active. Sales of 4500 bu-hels western white at GO tj C8c. ; and mixed at use. Bye comes in slowly, and may be quoted at 08a. to $1 Cloverseed is dim at tt to iuc. ror fair to good, and OK to lOKo. for pilme. The Butter market Is quiet, receipts being lighter than usual at this season, but as the volume l-i lurrca-ing we look for a further decline In prices We quote Bradford County Prime at 28 to 82c ; York stnte 28 to 30c. Lard Is arm; sales of western and ket tle rendered at 11H to 12c. Egg- are firm at 10 to lOJ-ic. for State and Penna,; and 14 to 15c. for iYest ern. Tbe New Hampshire Legislature con vened on the 3d Inst. In joint conven tion tho committee for the count of votes for Governor reported tho whole number cast last March to be 71,803 ; necessary for a choice. 85,047 ; scatter- 44; Blackmer, Prohibition, 2,007; Mc- Cutchlns, Bep., 84,141; Weston, Dem , 35,608. There being no choice by the people, the convention preceded to elect by ballot. The voto stood : Weston, Democrat, 182; McCutchlns, Republi can, 151. Under the New Constitution and the election law passed by the last Legisla ture, of 1874, there are no longer any ten day assessments to be made. The county commissioners will soon send out copies of the new law to their asses sors for Information. The registration of voters Is to be finished sixty days before the election, and to be returned to the commissioners, and taxes must be paid thirty days befnie the election There are several other changes In re gard to registration and voting. The resignation of William A. Rich ardson, Secretary of the Treasuay, has been accepted by the President, and Benjamin' II. Brlstow, of Kentucky, nominated for the position. Richard son is nominated to fill the vacancy lu the Court of Claims. The Jury In the case of Wintermute for the murder of Gen. McCook, In Dakota. In September last, returned a verdict of manslaughter In the first de gree, after being out 21 hours. The Republican State Convention will meet at TIarrlsburg, ou Wednes day, August 10th. New Advertisements. o o m o 3 5 En O to -q S 2 "el bp 13 S -3 Pi H EH 9 OT OT O a 4 t-l CD P5 5 S 'Z S3 o S p U EH Q d S3 o OT 3 a 86 2 3 Pi o 5 2 1-3 m a o g o o Ph TKTOTICE In Hereby Given. That an Application will be made under the Act of Assembly of tbe Com monwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide ftir the Incorpora tion and Regulation of certain Corpor ations," approved April 24th, 1874, for the charter of an Intended rorpor-itlon to be called "The Lehigh Valley Emery Wheel Company," of Welssport, Fa., tho character anil object of which is to Manufacture Emery Wheels and Artifi cial Stones of all kinds, and Machinery of various descriptions for the purpose of Mounting the same for use, and for these pui poses, to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privil eges of the said Act of Assembly. June Oth. 1874-W3 WONDttUFUL, BUT TltUEl Whenever I get a Bottle of Bloom of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Rose Tint, a Vox of Lilly White, or anything- In that line to beautify the complexion, at, Durllng's Drug Store, it seems to bo nicer and better than I can get any- wnere eise. may u 1TU3T look at hor Ualrl Why I thought It was turning Orey? So It wm; until she got a Hot tie of that new Hair Restorer at Durltng'a Drug Store. Xiast Chance FOR AN EASYPORTUNE FIFTH AND LAST GIFT CONCERT IN AID OF TUB Pub. Library of Ky. JULY 31st, 1874. LIST OF GIFTS. ONK OIIAND CASH GIFT . . . 1250,000 ONR GIIAND CASH GIFT . . 1OO.0OII ONK GRAND CASH (MKT , . . 73.CX1 ONK Oltt.ND CASH OIKT . . 6,00 ONK OIUNI) i'ASU OUT . . . 25 0O0 S CASH GIFTS, Hi'l.ODO EACH, 100,000 10 CASH GIFTS, MOJO KACI1, llll.TOI Ifi CASH IIIFTS, lu.lKX) K.tCII, 15)000 SO CASH GIFTS, 6,'I00 KAPH, InOIKXI 25 CASH GIF1S, 4000 hAO f, 100.0 lO 31 CASH GIFTS. 3.HO0 KACII. 000 0 SO CASH U1FIS, 2000 KAdl, 100.001 lOU CASH GIFT . l.OOH KACI1. 101.000 24 I.ASI1 GIFTS, S'M EACH, 120.000 Ml CASH OIFTH, 100 KACH, 10,000 19JO0 CASH GIFTS, W KACH, OiO.OW Grand toU120,000Oirt, all caih . .12,200 000 PrlcA or Tickets. Whole TlckiU I 60 00 IIiItm WOO Tenthi. or each Cnupon . . 6 00 II Whole Ticket! f.r .... 601 00 HM Ticket! for 1000 00 ForTlckeU or Information, d,lre TIIO. K. liRAMI.KTTK, Aoemt and Mimoin. Public Library Bulldlnir, Louisville, Kjn or TIIOS. II uaisiui. Mliirn Agents, 009 Ilroadway, Ne York. maj30 w ASHING MAOIII.VBS. We have for years been watching all improvements In Clotlies wasners, imp ing to find a real lab ir-savlng and prac tical machine one worthy to t classed and sold with Colby's Premium Wring er. It has been our determination to offer our friends and customers such a Washer' as soon as found, and to have l.othlng to do with Washing Machines till wo had onu right In every particu lar. Ant not till .we obtained the Colby Little Washer ! have we seen one which would unswer all our requirements. At first sight of 1 this little machine we were impressed of its UAefulness, and expected much lroiu it. All our trials, experiments and investigations have only strengthened our opinions. We have Improved it in many respects, and now offer it as the Best Washer In the World. It lias been put to every test, and comes out of every trial with uniform success. It Is winning new honors and highest praise ns fast and as far as it becomes known, being everywhere declared the most Perfect Practical Washing Mach ine made. It is easily worked, light to handle, can be attached to auy tub aud removed Iti one iiilnuto. It costs only Five Dollars, and we urge our friends overy where to try It. Manufactured by tne uulh vYiuauEU uu., water bury, Vermont. UKO. SCUUUHOVKK, Aanl, nmjOO Exchange Hotel, Lelilghton. mlTVT 11111 ? KO I That Electric, -MT r.liilinpiit. like I cot at Durllnir'a Drug Store, wl.l cure him or any othVr man ot lUIEUiiaTlSJI and all other rains. may 0 AT PRIVATE SALE. The Lehtfihton School J?oanl now offer, at Private Sale, the following de scribed valuable REAL ESTATE, be ing a portion of the Public School Pro perty ot the Borough of Lelilghton, to wit: One Lot and Buildine:, situated on the corner of Iron and Pine streets, and bounded and described as follows : On the noith by Iron street ; west by a common alley ; south by rt lot owned by Joseph Obert, and east by Pine street. The lot l 00 feet front by lbu feet u inciu-a in ueptn. Also, TWO LOTS, Numbered 153 and 154. situated on Tine street, in said borough, bounded and described as follows : On the west by Pine street; south by lot No. 1S5; eav. ly Wtst alley, and north by Cedar al ley, "aid Iota being each 00 feet froU by 189 feet 0 Inches in depth, llso, One Lot and Building, Situated on Northampton street, and known as the South Lehighion School Property. Also, t3T" For terms and further particu lars, applv to either of the undersigned. JOHN S. LENTZ. President. A. J. DUKLiING. Secretary. Drt. N. 11. ItEIlElt, Treasurer. Lelilghton, May 2, 1874. rKGISTEIl'S NOTICE!. Notice Is hereby rlren that tbe Kxeoators, Ad mlnlntratora, end uuardlsna hereinafter named, hare Aled their rerp-tlve airountsof the fullow lna; eitatM In th IUglater1! OIHce, at Jlauch Chunk, In and for the Couniyor Carbon, which account! hate been allowed by the lteglstar, will be preeented to the Judges or theOrphinl null on Monday, tb. lSlh day of June uext, at ttn o'clock, A. M., for confirmation t First and final account ot Joseph ITolslioe, Guardian of Stephen Fritz Inger. First and final account of William C. McCormlclc, Administrator of the estate of Fiancls Gcrraoo, lata of Kidder township, deceased. Tbe first and final account of Andrew Poyer, Guardian or Maty Kern, late Mary Mehrkani. First and final account of P. Meckas, Administrator of the estate ot Adam Eckhard, latoof Penn ForeAt, deceased. A. W1UITINUI1AM, Kenltier. Reqliler1! Offlce, Mau. h Chunk, la 83 1671. MOTHERS, Look at that Child, It has Worms. Gb or send at once to DUULINO'S Drug Store, and get a bottle ot hli WORM SYRUP so plra sant and yet so auto. May 0 HOMJB2 lilJFJE IN 1?HE BIBLE, Br the author of "Nlsht Kceoea In the Dlble" aad "Our lather! Houw," of which nearly 200,000 bat been sold. Home Uf." Is commeFded by minister! of all cburchea as "Ibe auibor'a beet book," "full of precious tbomhU," "Truths pre clout as genu," " a choice book for .r.ry farallr," Ac. Steel enfrarlosa, rose tinted pswr, rich Undlnir, and fur rapid sale nneoualcd. AOENTrl, YOUNQ MKH. LAD11U.TKA011KKS and CLElt- OYM kM, wanted In uy eounty f J to t ISi ft auuuiB oeunier circular. I11XJLER k M-COSDT, BirTaS S'ArcaSt.,ph,WfaUP New Advertisements. AGENTS WANTED FOR Prof. FOWLER'S Great Work On MantinnfltWnntRiiUnnil nml I hrlr Muinal lmr-rlMloiiii Love, Its Uwi Power, elc. Affentoare iflt'ntrro-n 10 toJIfl roplfdAi Send for prlui u nj Orm Vt Agent, and km why It Mill faster than any other bcok. Ad dress, National fcBUsnino Co..riilUd?)pbU, pa. THE A MICHIGAN Loan and Trust Company OF LEAYKNWOKTIl, KANSAS. CAPITAL, ... $300,000. ' negotiate Loans on Tmprotid Rial Kstati worth at least twl-e the amount loaned thereof Interest 13 per Cent per Annum, Collection! tf Principal and tniertH Guaranteed. Frloclpa! aud Interest pAjable In New York If de red. Sen If ir circular. Address, O, A. MOOUU, Sec, L- arenwortb, Kanws. TURtASTNKW HOOK OUT. Tbe mliject Ik all Important et a pusnllntrone. It replenishes the tlOTernment Treasury and lot poTrrMies the peopWt roakntbeilch poor and the poor rich ; make Tots of wl e men exu wta I be wisdom of LeirHhtlon; makes men run mad atd women feel aad. The crude has began on fi victory. Mn or womei wanted to rant ass erery town. Addreu. L. STKBUINS, Hartford, Ot. FLORENCE The LoncfntMtd Bolt of tbe FLOBKNCK SKWI.NO MACIIINK CO. mlnit the SI' tit. Wheeler i Wllcm. soil Uror.r ft llaker Ut.uipniilvs, lafolilcg Over $450,000, 1. flnallj decided hj Ibe Rnnrsme Court i f I he Unltwl SUtel InfiTOrorthe Kl-OHKNOK, whl-h alone ha. llruken tb. Jlonopoij or lllju encea. Till'. NIC1V H"L.OriENCE II theONLY Machne that mi backward SDa inrwaru, or 10 riKu" e,lu SlMPLI.T CHtiflJI Blatl SOtD FOR CAfll ONLY. SPECIAL TKK5I3 TO Club, aud Dealer'. April. 1871. fL')iC. V' t Li BdHliU illUlllL.j IUIJ Ul.t K.ll.a. i.wll to the u.er, t pnld for moat readUr, and Is Ibu Ut ofalltoeell Iflbere la no " Uomeatl" auent In jourt.iwn anplvto IWIVPTICK M.CO..N.Y. LAIII3 CMC tor Iluist TiiUea Boot. liATr.ST 1,11 PROVED HORSE POWERS, Grain Threshing AMD Wood Sawing Machines, Manufactured -nd Kid by J&..-W. Sb SOISTfS MIDDLKrOWN, VT. Parties who wlah to pa'Ohaae nuchlnes that ha.e prored tohe raperlor toall others wllldowell to aend for rlrru'ar and dewi Iptl.e price Hat, which wtl be forwarded upon a.p ltatlon, free. BUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for your MACHINE. A DAYUUARASITGKnuilliE our IVKIiti AtlGRII OH I I.I. In ixnotl territory. Endorsed bv Governors of IOWA, All- mAi.9AB Mill. UAO.U in. Citilegti frit. W. 0ILI3, Ct. Loi'.l, Mo. ADVEUTlSItriS send 25 eta. to Qio. P IIuwill & Co., 41 lark ltow, N. V., for their Eighty-page Pamphlet, showlogeoat of adrertlslog. "rcldsport Ahead! TllA imilAratr.nOfS nrnuM raenoitriillir Inform bullders.contractors and the pub lie in general, that they have opened a in connection with their AW-MILL9 Near the L. fr. S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., And that they have now on hand an Im mense stock of thoroughly Seasoned Lumber, such as Hough Pine Hoards, Surfaced Pine floard", Flooring, Hemlock and l'lne, Sidings, of all kinds, Shingles an Immense stock, Itooflng and Ceiling Latti, Scantling, and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip tion at tbi very lowest market prices. We are also prepared to furnish Build ers and others with a very fine article ot Sand, suitable for ftluxonry Work. Planter lug, &o., at Re markably Low Figures. We have constantly on hand a large lot ot Wood suitable for Firewood, which we will sell, In large or small quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets On Motto IIOXKsr C0DNT-L0W PMC is. Ycakel& Albright, Weissport, aug 23-yl Carbon county, Pa 1874. SPRING. 1874. The undersigned respectfully Informs her friends and the ladles In general, that bhe U now receiving a largo stock of the Newest and moot Fashionable Designs in Millinery Goods, for Spring and Summer Wear, such as LADIES' UATS and BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, TLOWEBS. NOTIONS, &o &c nats and Bonuets made up In tbe latent and most fashionable manner. AW goods warranted, and Pi Ices are fully as low as elsewhere. STORE, next door to "The Carbon Adyocato" BANKWAY, LeWghton. LIZZIE KRAMER. Hatch Hth, 1871. The undersigned will offer at Public Sft'o, nt tho Store, opposite the Eagle note!, Bank street. LEUIGIITON, on TUESDAY EVENING, JUNEO, 1874, Commencing at SEVEN o'clock, and continuing every Evening nntll the en tire clock Is disposed of, comprising among other articles, a large lot ot Dress and Dry Goods, Ladles' bhawls, Queensware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Fruit Jars, Oil Cloths, CLOTIIS AND CASSIMERES, together with a variety of Fancy Arti cles, Hosiery, Window Shades, wooden and Willow Ware, Children's Carriages and a number of other articles too num erous to ment'on. Terms Cash on all Purchases. H. A. BELTZ, ilgent. Tilouman ArtNEn, Assignee. May 80, 1874 WE Ami Our Is tho latest and raciest work by Harriet BeeeherStowe Author of "Uncle Tom'? Cabin," "The Minister's Wooing," "My Wife and I," and other powerful stories, each the literary sensation ot Its period; and this story promlf es a like genuine and wholosouio sensation. It bears di rectly on social topics of Interest, em bracing the romance of youthful com ptnionshlps, the brightness ot happy home-life, the spicy complications of neighborhood associations, and such follies and profound domestic miseries, as have led, to the widespread Temper ance movement of the day. Mrs. Stowe Is now In the prime of that genius which wrotof'Uncle Tom's," ripened by years ot study and observa tion, Her novels are Immensely popu lar, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" alone out selling by hundreds ot thousands any edit'.on of any original work ever pub lished save the Bible. Her book two years ago, "Jy wife and I," outsold every contemporary. Such a pure and ennobling story as "We and Our Neigh bors" sliou.'d be read, In every home. Tills new Serial Is now running exclu sively in tho WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 03 r Christian Union. v Henry "Ward Beecher, EDITOR. In religious matters this paper it Evangelical and unsectiirlan; 'In politi cal nffalri), Independent and-outspoken. It contains the bust articles, and both short and serial stories, from tho fore most writers; It alms to maintain the highest stan lard In Itellolon, Litera ture, Poetry, Art, Music, Science,- News, Politics, Household and Family Affairs, with Stories, Rhymes, Puzzles forcblld ren, etc. Nothing is spared to 'make it a couplets JVttwspaper for tho fami ly, pure, attractive, wide-awake, and up with the times a Journal Interesting to every one lu the household, young or old. It is A Marvel of Cheapness. tSf For less than one cent a day, It gives every week reading matter enough 'to Gil an ordinary $1.25 book ot over 300 pages; and In a year 62 such vol umes, I. e., sixty five dollars' worth of matturl To each Is thus annually Presented a Complete Library. The form of the' paper, 24 pages large 4to, pasted and trimmed, com mends it to all. The well-earned popularity ot this paper Is now such that of its clasa it lias the. Largest Circulation in tho World, and lias readers by hundreds of thous ands. An llIuNf rated Number, containing the opening chapters of irc. Stowe's admirable story, will be SENT FREE to every new and renewing Subscriber. If you are not already a subscriber send at once and secure It under tbe now offered LIBERAL TERMS. The piiar mar U hid sltlrr with or without the attn ilia premiums oJerjdl rls, the Christian Union, One Year, Only $3.00! or, with premium pair Ireneh Ole ojrspha. "Our Dois,", (slse, 11 r 1SV 1ns. acb,) charmlDg Indwlga pnt ex ecution, mounted, elsed, Tarnished, readr for rranilnx. Dellrered Free. . 43. SO Or, with largs premium French Oil Chro mo.The Lord li Msec,? beautiful Cross and flower piece, which sella la art stores for ISjX), (slse, 11U x UK lothrs,) mounted, sited, tarnished, read framing. Detlrsred free. . 03.9 EriciMi.i Conn sent post paid on receipt of 10 cents. eHonex must be sent t7 Postal Honey Or der, Check, Ptafi, or Regiitered Letter. 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