The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 30, 1874, Image 2

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8XTOM)Xr HORNINO MAT 30. 1874.
M 1
For Reunion.
Tbo General Ooaterence of tho Me
thodist church Seatl) ndjoined lta sit
tings at LoutsvlKo, Ky., on Tuesday,
tho 20th Inst, previous to which tho
following resolutions were adopted In
regard to establishing fraternal relations
with the Northren C'.mrch:
Whereas, The discussions, and votes
of tlrls -conferencPi on the subject or fra
ternal relations -with the Methodist Epis
copat Church and Iti cognate subjects
rprea'iit an appearance ol essential dif
ferences which do, not exlat, therefore,
Resolved, That upon the subject of
fraternal relations, wljh the Methodist
Episcopal Church, upon a proper basis,
this Coherence Is rt unit.
Kcsolvud, Thaji we are also a unit
upon the propth'ty of appointing a com
mission empowered, to meet a like com-,
mission frouvthe. Methodist Episcopal
Church to settle all questlon.s of diffi
culty between us, and that such settle
me'.it is essential to comwleto fraternity.
Resolved, That the only points of
difference between us on thji whole
subject aro the best methods of accom-.
julshing tue aesireo,ena.
TboTcmycrancc Itlovomcnt
In Easton. an organization has been
effected to further; tho temperance to
form, ra.ovem.ent, wUlolt has already ac
complished much good. Thus far It has
succeeded In closing about a dozen
drinking houses, that were proven to
have violated the law. Those compos
ing It aro also enfoiclng the Sunday
law. Ministers, lawyers nnd leading
citizens are enlisted la the good cause,
,and are working harmoniously together.
Everywhere tho work of reform Is
'advancing as never before. Tho papers,
dally and weekly, religious and secular,
give much space to notices of it In their
columns, and almost without exception
-commend It.
The woman's movement so far from
dying out, Is steadily rising ; although
assuming a different phase In Its work
ings. In our large cities, as well as in
our towns nnd villages, they are organ
izing and going to work, in many In
stances, quietly. Neither Is tho move
went confined to this country. Tho
mighty wave has rolled across tho At
lantic, and In Great Britain there Is such
feeling on tho subject as was probably
never beforo known. In one town in
Scotland, on reading of what their Ame
rican slstors had done, 8000 wives, mo
thers and daughters met to pray for
temperance. In well nigh all their
homes beer was used, but they decided
It must be given up and they signed
the pledge. In one week in that town,
through their labors, there wero sixty
less licenced sellers.
A tide of reform has set in which
promises to overthrow the whole Inl
qultous and accursed traffic in Btrong
drink. The most hopeful thing in this
movement Is tho religious element per
vading It. When the churohes come
fully to recognize how utterly at varl
ence with tho gospel of Christ rum sell
ing and rum drinking are, she will clear
her skirts of the entire thing. The
movement has assumed, at last, the
right phase to prove triumphant,
We bid it God-speed.
Philadelphia Letter.
FniLAEBLFnu, May S3, 1874.
The annual Inspection and review of
the military of Philadelphia took place
on Wednesday In the Park. Tho ranks
were well filled, nnd the men looked re
markably soldlerl y. There were abou t
three thousand under arms, and theevo
lullons were preformed In a very credit
able manner, eliciting frequent applause
from the crowds of spectators.
In addition toanumberolotherprom
Inent military men who were at head
quarters during Inspection, Governor
iltrtranft, Adjutant General Latta, and
Major General Dolton, of tho &coud
DlvltJnn, appeared on the ground. A
dress parade of the entlro division,
which was begun fihortly before six o'
clock in the evening, closed the exercise
C3 ot the day, Governor Ilartranft re
viewing the Hue from the division head
quarters. Landsdowne in tho Park has always
heretofore been selected an the place fur
the Field Day, but it must now yield
fa its successful rival Edgeley, than
wWeh there Is not a more suitable and
beautiful spot In Philadelphia. Visitors
to our city should be sure to see theBe
.charmhig places In the Pai k. They are
.easy of access by water and rail, and
the acen.efy along the way Is. most pleas
ing at this season of the year.
A party of about one hundred gentle
men, comprising the Indiana Editorial
Association, arrived in t&ls city on Wed
nesdav, They are on a pleasure excur
alon, and they intend ylslUng all the
prominent cities of tho East before re
turning to their homes. They have been
taken through Independence Hall, (he
Park, Mint, Uirard College, and several
other public places, and they universal
ly expressed themselves as being very
much pleased with the attractions and
beauties of Philadelphia.
BAtlt J1ALL.
It is strange that there is such an In
fatuation among people with regard to
ibis game. Tho persons who play on
tne ulnes, are sporting characters, and
Jhelr adherents belong to the same style.
Wo have games for the championship,
and lu very many Instances they are
sold btforehand Ik the Interests ot the
gambling fraternity- In a christian and
moral community Uko that ot Philadel
phia, It seems singular to ree-emblfteon-.
vd In nttractlvo letters, on, Mi.o.fronf of a
largo public home lu aconsplcupuapart
of (7heslnut Street, tho announcement
"pools, sold here," thus oncouraging
gambling, and demoralizing our, young
people. .
Therols a law In our state against bet
ting and. gamps of chance. Why should
base ball bo an exception, nnd betting,
be publicly allowed on tho grounds,
even In the very presence ot policemen,
who are appointed to arrest all offenders?-
It Is time that tbcro wero some re
formation In this respect, ot our youth
will be in great danger of becoming
ruined by tho evil examplo set beforo
them. Tho rising generation bid fair
not to be an Improvement upon their
ran TjNivi?nsiTX iiospital.
This mostexocllent-charlty will soon
bo thrown open to, the public. It Is con.,
nectcd with th.e time-honored and 'de
servedly poptilnr Medical Department
of tho University of Pennsylvania, and
the building is put up facing o.n Spruco
street between Thirty -Fourt',1 and Thirty-Fifth
In West Vliltad-elpbla. Tho
front Is. of green stone, and the wings
are of brick." The State contributed
$200,000 to It, nnd tho fund now con
sists of $350,000, it requires half a
million to enable. It fully to benefit suf
fering humanity, and no object appeals
with creator forco to tho favorable con
sideration of our benevolent people.
Tho University Hospital Is near the
Almshouse, nnd gentlemen intending to
study medicine cannot enter a better
and moro convenient soliool than the
medical department of tho University.
Their new building is progressing
rapidly, and on October first it will be
entirely completed. It is situated near
Thirty-sixth and Locust streets nnd the
three Urge and beautiful buildings, viz:
Department of Arts and Science, Medi
cal Department, nnd University Hos
pital, are making an Improving display
and receiving universal admiration.
With almost clockwork precision the
vessels of this most excellent lino come
and go on their destination. The Penn
sylvania that has stood tho trial by water
and fire, has recently arrived at her
pert in tho city, and she has proved
herself to bo ono of tho stauuehest ves
sels nlloat. Tho Ohio was on fire, and
It seems almost miraculous that she
escaped total destruction. These vessels
have been tested most fearfully, and yet
they are safe, and to day they are more
secure than any vessel on the ocean.
Our traveling community cannot do
better than to take passage In the ships
of the American Steamship Line, be
cause for safety and speed, for superior
accommodation and courteous atten
tions, they canno: be excelled: and they
are but rarely equalled. It Is tho duty
of American citizen to encourage Ame
rican enterprise, and not to bestow their
patronage upon' vessels sailing under
the flag of a nation that destroyed our
commerco during tne rebellion, and
built tho Alabama to sink our mer
chantmen on tho high seas. American
shipbuilders are now launching tho best
vessels in the world, and Pennsylvania
(s rapidly taklnc the foremost position
In this Important work. Tho Delaware
river will soon bo tho great centre, and
tho skill of Pennsylvania's mechanics Is
becoming known over the world.
During this week there was quite a
panic in the stock market, and Penn
sylvanla Railroad fell to This is
the lowest figure It has touchedslnce the
failure of Jay Cooke, and It is safo to
perdlct that it will not again bo brought
so tow. mere is no reason why the
stock of the company should not be $55
to-ctay. Tho bears had a gala tlmo this
week, but their Joy la now at an end,
and stocks are moving upward In the
uuus' interest, rersons become fright
ened, nnd they throw their shares upon
the market, thus knocking down tho
prices, and creating a panic.
A visit to the Merchants' Exchange
during an oxciting tlmo in the stock
market would suggest the Idea of lied
lam let loose. The Btraugcr would not
be likely to understand the manner In
which the brokers dispose of stocks, nnd
the scene presented Is one of apparently
mad confusion. Recommend a visitor
to Philadelphia to attend a stock sale at
the Exchange, and ho will return homo
a much astonished man.
This Important project has now reach
ed a crisis. It has been determinated,
In executive session, to memorialize
Congress for authority and power
execute tho trust imposed upon the
Commission by the act creating it, or
falling to do that, to relieve them of
their duties by repealing the act This
brings the responsibility of the success
or failure of tho Exhibition directly up
on Congress, where It belongs. It aid
Is given by Congress, success Is assur
ed; If the aid Is refused, then Penusyl
vanla, which must carry out the orlgl
nnl design, should have the entlro
charge ot the work, and not have It
shared by paid functionaries from other
states, wnoso represemauves in oun
gressare hostile to the whole undcrtuk
Yours truly, Modoc.
Philadelphia Markets.
Friday Evening, May 23d.
There was no material chance to
notice In the money marketto day. Call
loans rule ot 4 too percent. Prime mer
cantile paper ranges from 6 to o per
cent, per annum.
'i'hu .stock market was active to day
but prices generally were unsettled and
Pennsylvania Railroad dlvldendscrip
sold at luu;, no cuango.
Railroad shares coutlnua the most
active on the list. About 0000 shares ot
Pennsylvania sold at 47 to iVi. a de
cllne ot H. Readlnjj sold at 5CX to 60S
a slight decline; Lehlgu vauey at wi
no change, and Oil Creek at 0, no
The Flour market has been dull dur
log tho week, iui prices favor buyer.
Superfine, $4 75 to 6 SO; extras, X6 75
to fl 25; Spring Wheat, extra family,
tO 75 to 7 5,0, and high grades At $3 87
to 10 25,
Tho receipts nnd offerings of Wheat,
though moderate, aro In excess of tho
demand, and prices are rather lower.
Common nnd cholco red at $1 40 to
1 03 amber at $1 70. to 1 72; white ut
$1 75 to 1 85; No. 1 spring at $1 44; No.
2 do., at 1 40, and white do. nt $1 GO to
1 G3. Corn Is higher. Now mixed, 88o
to U2o., D.ewPenna. Yellow, 88c to 02c.
Oats ace- lively and price better, Western-
white, 08c to 70c; Wctern mixed.
Coo to 07c. Ryo Is dull nt 03c.
Cloversced Is dull at, 9i to lOo. Tim
othy sold at $2 00. The Butter mark t
is steady. Western Cholco Dairy, 850.;
do. fresh ilrkln, age to 34o.; Pcnna.
Glades Choice Dairies. 83c; do, good
to prlmo, 30 to 83c. Lard, Western kit
tle rendered, 12o. Egg3 sell at 17 to
18c. a doz.
nay Is. firm at 1 10 to 1 15 for ship
Current Ifcms.
The London Observer announces that
at the celebration of the Queen's birth
day the title ot Duke of Connaught was
conferred on Prince Arthur. This Is
the first royal title over associated with
Tho death of Mr. Croxton, United
States Minister to Bolivia, Is announced
as having taken place at La Paz on the
lUtn uit.
1 he sash and planing mill of ITazel &
Co., on Eighth street and Glrard ave
nue, rnuaueiphia, was burned Sunday
morning with a large stock ot lumber
and vnluablo machinery. Loss, $25,000
to f uu.uuu; insured for $iu,uuu.
Philadelphia, May 28. John Edgar
Thompson, President ot the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, died last
night, after a protraced Illness, at his
residence in this city.
The Springfield Republican's final
summing up ot the lives lost by the Mill
River disaster makes the total 140, of
whom the bodies ot all but fivj have
been recovered nnd Identified.
Columbia, May 24 Julius L. Shee-
man, a member of tho Pennsylvania
.Legislature troin LaucaBtercounty, was
shot and mortally wounded by Jacob
Wittmer at Washlugtsn, Lancaiter
county, last evening. Witt.Tier was In
toxlcated. and threatened to shoot his
wife, whereupon Sheeman entered Witt
roer'ti house and Interfered. Tim bill
entered his abdomen nnd lodged In his
spiuo. The. wound is considered mortal
Wittmer was arrested and Jailed at Lan
New Advertisements
Wo have for years been wntchlng all
improvements in Clothes Washers, hop
ing to find a real labor-saving and prac
tical machine one worthy to be classed
and sold with Colby's Premium Wring
er. It has been our determination to
offer our friends and customers such a
Washer as soon as found, and to hav
tiothlng to do with Washing Maohines
till we had one right In every particu
lar. Ana not till we obtained tue
Colby Little Washer
have we Eeen one which would answer
all our requirements. At first sight of
this little machine we were I m pre Bed
of Its usefulness, and expected much
from it. All our trials, experiments aud
investigations have only strengthened
our opinions. Wo have Improved it in
many respects, and now oner it as the
ilest Wanlier In the World
It has been put to every test, and comes
out of every trial with uniform success.
It Is winning new honors and highest
praise as fast and as far as It becomes
known, oeing everywhere declared tho
most Perfect Practical Washlnc Mach
ine made. It is easily worked, light to
handle, can be attached to any tub and
removed in ono minuto. it costs only
Five Dollars, and wo urce our frleuds
overy where to try It. Manufactured by
tne uubur wiUMUisi; uu wate
bury, Vermont.
maySO Exchange Hotel, Lehlghton
Jast Chance
Pub. library of Ky
JULY Slut, 16T4.
OVK GRAND CASH OUT . . . 1150,000
ON IS OKAND CASH (1IFT . . 75,000
ONE GUAM) flAnll GIFT . . . 2S00
s cash airrs, 12U.000 each, 100,000
10 CASH 01KT8. 14.000 EACH. 1411.000
16 CASH HUTS, 10,000 E.tCII, 15)000
20 CASH OlrTH, woo EACH,
25 cash anas, 4.000 kic.i, 100.000
3) CASH OIKTS, 3,000 EACH, 90030
M CASH U1FTS, 2000 EAclI, 100,000
100 CASH OIKT-, 1,000 EACH, 10 1 000
213 CASH GIFTS, 530 EACH, 120000
MO CAbll OIKTS, 100 EACH, (0,000
leoOQ CASH GIFTS, 60 EACH, W0,u00
Qrin4 toU12O,OO0airt,llcih . . 12,200,0)0
Pries of Tlckt.
Whol.Tkktt t 60
H.lf 26
Teothi. or Meh Coupon .... 6
II Whol. Tlckn f.r .... 60)
tfyi TltkU Ibr , , . . . 1000
For TlckU or lnfornution, tddreu
rnhlle llbrur BuIWIok. tauliTlilt, Ur-
TIIOS. II. II AYS k at- Eaiura AmmU.
00) llre4j, Nw York. iaj30
w w Whenever I cet a Bottle of Bloom
of Youth or Magnolia Balm, Rose Tint,
n Sox ot Lilly White, or anything In
that lino to beautify tho complexion, at
Durling's Drug Store, It seems to be
nicer and better than I can get any-
vruero else. may u
JUST look at her Hair I Why
thought It was turnlnc Grey?
it was, until eh got a Bottle ot that new
tiair lte&wrcr at Durling's Drog btore
New Advertisements.
JPublic $alel
Tho undersigned will offer at Fubllc
Sa'o, at the Storo, opposite the Eagle
Hotel, Bank street, LEIIIUUTUM, on
Commencing nt SEVEN o'clock, nnd
continuing every Evening until the on
tire stock Is disposed of, comprising
among other articles, a largo lot ot
Dress and Dry Goods,
Ladies' blinwis,
Fruit Jars,
Oil Cloths,
together with a vnrlety of Fancy Arti
cles, Hosiery, Window Shades, Wooden
and Willow Ware, Children's Carriages
and a number of other articles too nutu
erous to mention.
Terms Cash on all Purchases.
II. A. BELTZ, Jgent,
TilqilmAN AltNElt. Assljueo.
May 30, 1874
66 WE
And $)iue
5FeSfiilBf&5 99
Is the latest and racte.-t work by
Harriet BeecherStowe
Author of "Uncle ToinM Cabin,"
'Tho Minister's Wooing," "My Wlfo
and I," nnd other powerful stories,
each the literary sensation of Its period;
and this story promhes a like genulno
and wholesome sensation. It bears di
rectly on social topics ot Interest, em
bracing tho romance of youthful com
panionships, tho brightness ot happy
home-life, tho spicy complications of
neighborhood associations, and such
follies and profound domestic miseries
as have led to tho widespread Temper
ance movement of the day".
Mrs. Stowe Is now In tho prime of
thatgentus which wrote"UncloTum''V
ripened by years ot study and observa
tion. ner novels aro Immensity popu
lar, "Unclo Tom's Cabin" alone out
selling by hundreds of thousands any
edition ot any original work ever pub
lished savo the Bible. Her book two
years ago, 'Oy wife and I," outsold
every contemporary. Such a pure and
ennobling story as "Wo and Our Neigh
bors" shouM bo read In' every home,
This now Serial Is now running exclu
sively in tne
Christian Union,
Henry Ward Beecher,
In religious matters this paper is
Evangelical and unsectarlan; In politi
cal affairs, independent and outspoken
It contains tho best articles, and both
short and serial stories, from the fore
most writers; It alms to maintain the
highest standard in Reliaion, l.ltera
ture, Poetry, Art, Music, Science, News,
Politics, Household and Family Affairs
wuu stories, unymes, nizzics rorcniio
ren, etc. Nothing Is spared to make
It a comi-lete ATewspaper for the fami
ly, pure, attractive, wide-awake, und up
witn tne times a journal interesting
to every one in the household, young
or old. it is
A Marvel of Cheapness.
1ST For less than one cent a day, It
gives every week reading matter enough
to fill an ordinary $1.20 dock of over
800 pages; and lu a year G2 such vol
uines, I. e., sixty five dollars' worth of
matter! to eaun is 111 us annuany
Presented a Complete Library.
The form ot the paper, 24 pages
large 4to, pasted and trimmed, com
mends it to all.
The well-earned popularity of this
paper is now such that of its class It
has the.
Largest Circulation in the World,
and has readers by hundreds of thous
An Illustrated Number,
containing the opening chapters of Mts,
biowe's-admiraoie story, win do
to overv new and renewing Subscriber
If you are not already a subscriber
send at once and secure It under the
now offered
The MDr mir ba hid cither with or without
tb ttrctU premium! offered: Tlx., the
Christian Union,
Ono Year, Only $3 00 !
Or, with premium p4lr French Olo
ogrtpbu. "Our 0071," (ulu. It z H3i
Id, eaeb,) charming tndeiln and ex
ecution, mounted, elaed, Yarnbaed.
ready for framuii;. Dellrered .. .93.00
Or, wlto Urge premium French Oil Ch re
ran, "The Lord 11 KUen,"a beautiful
Crois and Flower pleoe, which aella la
art itorei for IS.UU, (lw, 11 x iei
Inchee,) mounted, sized, varnished,
ready 6r framing. DelTered free. .93.50
Erfcisu-f Copies tent post paid on receipt of 10
(1- Honey must be sent by Postal Money Or
dsr, Check, Ds aft, or Heglitared Letter. Other
wise It la at the sender's risk. Address
J. 11. FORD A CO., Publishers,
27 Park Place, New York.
Good Agents Wanted.
The Imrninu circulation of th ChrstUn Union
has len built up bj a'tlro tantari, mo other
publication compireJ with tt for quick ant pMl
Uble rturni. T h public Mjcaruesa ft r MrLSiowtt's
new story, lb popularity of the papr, the friend.
Ij support of thousands of old iuWcritxi, toe
tiitlc prtjinlumijor ImotHJlaU dtJlrery, lljbt out
fit and complete 1 ns true lions' to btttflnner. as
sure repeated sueceas to agnts, and offer actlre
Intelligent pereens unusual chancre to make
money. AM who wank a safe, Indvpeodeotbutloe
write at once for terms, or send fifor caromo
outfit to J. B. rORD A Co., New York, Boston Chi
cafo, CtoclnaaU or 0aa Francisco. tneySQ
New Advertisements.
Prof. FOWLER'S Great Work
On Msknhnori,Wnmsinliood mid their
Mullinl Inler-relntlousl Love, Its
Xjsiwa, Power, etc.
Acentsare itllimfrom 18 to 85 eoptcs&day.
Send Ibr spjclmn pages and terms to Agenta, and
see why It arils faster than any other book. Ad
dress, Natioul I'unusniKa Co.,I'hlladelphla, I'a.
Loan and Trust Company
CAPITAL, ... 9500,000.
Will negotiate LoAlrs ox Improtid Rett Estate
worth at Iuast twice the amouot'loand thereon.
Interest lit per Cent, per Annum.
CWiceti'in if Principal and Intcrut Guarantied.
Frlnclpal and Interest payable In New York If
des,red, rjenlr rircuiar. Aaaress,
0. A MOUllE.Boc, Leavenwortn, Kansas,
The suhlect Is all Important, yet annzillnenne,
Tt rpnlAn IshPi the Oofcrnment Tren'urr and Im-
pomlfhes the people j makes the i Ich poor nnd the
poor rich t makvR ftoli of wl m men ; exhau ts the
wlndnm of LeftliUtlon; makei men run mad and
woman feel Bad. Ihe crow da htu begun; onto
victory Md or womei wanted to canvass tiwy
town AuuresB, u. oiciiuinf iiaruurur jvi
The Lonfr-contested Suit of the
, . - CI. - ,V1.U1..S IVIIun.
sod Urover & Dale- Companies, luvoltlog
over 40u,uuu,
ts finally decided by the
a 1 - ,.. I'.. I t,t Ct. la.
In favor of the I'LOIIK.SCB, which alone has
liroken uio monopoly oi mBu i-ucus.
Is the ONLY Machine that sews backward
and forward, or 10 rigui anu ieu
SmrLf.i CuiApisr Dut 1
Club ssnd Dealer!-
Ap-11. 174, floRSVOs. Mss. Win if .WmUILit tliv tliC Iwtl fcuUfc-tlcul-n
to the uttttr. Is paid for most readUr, and Is the beia
of all to fell. If there Is no " UomestI' aiient in
jour tmrn. nnplv to UOMFFTHlH i.
bLii HI UtgUl I SIB1.B 0G.
Grain Threshing
Wood Sawing Machines,
Manufactured and sold by
A."W. CrK.jft.-Sr 3c SOKTfB,
Tartlos who wish to purchase mvhlnos that
have proved lobe superior toall others, wllldowell
to send forclrrn'ar and descilptlveprlee list, which
will be forwarded upon app.l:atlon, free.
In trnpil territory. Rnrloreeil
! Governors of IOWA, All.
ikAnsas etna a-a.
Gltilortl free. W. QILX3, St. Lcils, lis.
ADVEtlTISISUS send 25 ets. to Oso. P
llowiu, & Co., 41 Park Row, N. V., for tlelr
Eighty-page ramphtet, showlngcost of advertliln.
clssport Ahead !
Tho undersigned would respectfully
Inform and the pub
lic In general, that they have opened a
in connection with their
Near the L. A S. Depot,
and that they have now on hand an im
mense stock of '.horougbly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pine Boards,
Surfaced Pine .Boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, ot all kinds,
Shingles, .an immense stock,
Hoofing and Celling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber ot every descrip
tion at tilt very lowest market prices.
We are also prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine article ot
S u ii d , suitable for Klaxon ry
VTorh, Plastering, &o., at Re
markably Low Figures.
We have constantly on hand a large
lot of Wood suitable for Flrowood,
which we will sell, In large or small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Ycakel & Albright,
aug 23-yl Carbon county, Pa
1874. SPRING. 1874.
The undersigned respectfully Informs
her friends and the ladles lu general,
that she is now receiving a largo stock
ot the Newest and mojt Fashionable
Designs In
Millinery Goods,
for Spring and Summer Wear, such as
NOTIONS, 4o.. Ac
Hats and Bonnets made up In the
latest and matt fashionable manner.
.411 goods warranted, and Piices are
fully as low as elsewhere.
STORE, next door to," The Carbon
Advocate" BANKWAY, Lehlghton.
March 14th, 1871.
Ry vlrtutj of n order of the Orphans
Court of Carbon County, tliero will be
exposed .t publlo sale, on tho iTcmlsus,
Saturday, May 30, '74,
At half-past two o'clock p. m., the
following dCRcrlbed
Meal Estate?
deceased, viz.:
All that certain lot, piece 'or parcel of
ground, situate, lyln and being In' thb
borough ot Lehlghton, Carbon County,
Fa., bounded and described as follows,
to wit : Beginning at n stone, thenenby
land of Lowis Qraver south three de
grees and one-halt wost twenty-five
perches and one-tenth to a stono ;
thence by land of Georgs'Esch due east
twelve perches and two-tenths to a
stone -, thence by land. of tho late, John
Kuntz, deceased, north twenty-nine
degrees west eleven perches to a stone j
thenco by the aamo niSrth four and one
halt degrees east nineteen perches and
three-tenths to a corner In a public
road ; thence by said publlo road south
flftv-five decrees west eleht perches to
tho place of beginning, contalullig ONE
AGUE and 23 PKUCIIES, strict meas
ure. Tliu improvements thereon are a
oue-and-a halt story
With basement, a good well ot water,
and a number ot choice fruit trees.
Teimsaud conditions will be inado
known at the time and placo ot sale, by
mayl3-3t Administrator.
miTY DIM ? NO I That Electric
Liniment, like I got at Durling's
Drug Store, will, cure him or any other
man ot IU1EUM4T1SU and all other
Tains. may 9
Tbo Lehlghton School 27oard now
offer, nt Private Sale, the following de
scribed valuable REAL ESTATE, be
ing a portion of tho Public School Pro
perty of the Borough ot Lehlghton, to
One Lot and Building,
situated on the corner of Iron and Pine
streets, and' bounded and descrlbed'es
follows : On the north by Iron street ;,
west by a common alley; south bya
lot owned by Joseph Obert, and east by .
Pine street. Tho lot Is 00 feet tront by '
180 feot 0 Inches in depth. Also,
Numbered 153 and 154, situated on Pino
nirnni I n saalal Itnmilnli Vi it II n rind waltrl
de.-cribed as follows: On the..we,t, fjy
Pine street; south by lot No. 105; easp
by West alley, and north by Cedar al
ley. Said lots being each GO feet (rout
hy ISO feet 9 Inches in depth. -4lso,
One Lot and Building,
Situated on Northampton' streeti and;
known as the South Lehlghton School
Property. Also,
t5T" For terms and further partlcu.
lata, apply to either ot the undersigned.
JOnK S. LENT2, President
A. J. DUIILING. SecreUry.
Drt. N. U. REBER, Treasurer.
Lehlghton, May 2, 1874.
bcapest Place In Term! '
The undersigned respectfully Inform
tils friends and the citizens in general,
that he has just received i large and
elegant assortment ot
Jewelry, Gold Pens,&c.
Which he is offering at very
Also, Agent for the celebrated
Spectacles & Eye-Glasses
The very best In the martet.
IT. neborcle
Nearly opposite the P. p. ,
Bank St., Lehighton.
May 23, 1874
Notice (i bereSr riven that tie ExeooWs, Al.
mlnlstratcre, aid Onardlans bareluaTUr Danua,
have filed tbelr rotpenttvv ancoautspf toe foUo
log estates U I be lUilster! Office, at Mauk,
Cbunk, In no 1 f. r tbe Ueanty of Carbos, vrbleh
acoounts have been allowed bj (be Riater, win
be presented to tba Judges or to Orfbus' Court
on Hondav. the 1Mb dar of June nalt, at tea
o'clock, A. II., foreoafirtaatloo A ' . 1 .
First and final account' of Joseph
llolshoe, Guardian ot Stephen Trltt
inger. First and final account of Willlsm 0.
McCormlck, Adminlstrator'of the estate
of Ftancls Qermon, late of Kidder
township, deceased. f
First and final account of P. Meekai,
Admlnlstiator of the estate' of Adam
Eckhard, late ot Penn Forest.1'
a. wnraTisonAMt"ni
Beliter's Offlos, Mauch ChuI, Maj W, UTi.
MOTHERS, Look a that Wd, tt
has Worms.' Go oresd at otm
to DUt LING'S Drug Store, attd g, a
bottle ot. bit WORM SyRUI o pletv
eant and yet so euro. may 9