U, V. MonTIIIMEn EDITOR. LGIIlailTON, PA.! SATURDAY MOttNINU MAY 23, 1871. Charles J. Nourse, Chairman of the iPIg-Iron Oommtttco of the American 'Steel Iron association, lma called a meeting of all tho plg-lroa ronnufactur a for Thursday morning, tho 281" Inst., at the Association rooms, In Phila delphia, to consider tho continued de pression in tho Iron trade. It Is ex pected thp.t the meeting will urgo do clslvo action by Congress on tho finan cial Question, tind on tho proposition to restore the 10 per cent duty taken off jy the act or 1872; the call has been ap proved by tho leading iron manufact urers. A most dastardly attempt was made on Thursday night to destroy the new photo graph gallery of J. F. Beltz, en Bankway, by saturating tho woodwork with coal oil and Betting fire to it. Had tho fire not been fortunately discovered in time, the gal lery, Clinton Bretney's, Mrs Esch's and J. W. Rauden bush's Valley House, would certainly have been destroy ed, as the wind was blowing quito a gale at tho time. The fire was noticed by tho freght train hands who gavo tho alarm, and drover Smith and others hurried to the spot and succeeded in putting out the names. Wo are m favor of law and order, but could the sneaking, dastard, ly coward, who made this at. tempt be discovered, wo could utter a hearty Amen on seeing him dangle from tho limb of a tree; a human fiend who can so wantonly placo life and property in jeopardy, deserves no other tato. Temperance Fanatics. This Is the title clvcn to those who havo recently crusaded against rum. The title Is conferred chiefly by those who take "a little wine for their stom ach sake," or a good deal of It for their palate's sake. .Already anti-temperance men cry out "The woman's Temper ance excitement Is subsiding. I thought there would bo nothim; permanent.' .But the excitement of the Day of Pentl. cost lasted only one day, yet who will say there were no permanent results, For the next ten thousand years tho good effect or tne recent movement will be felt. Within a few months paBt eight hundred rum-sellers have given up their business and professed faith In Christ. Twenty-five hundred erog shops have been closed. Two hundred and fifty western towshlpa are entirely tree from rum-selling establishments fifteen million of dollars less of revenue from rum sellers havo been paid Washington than In the same time last year. When Pres. Grant was told of this he said : " Very well, put tho tax on something else." So sny we. We cannot afford to have the rum traffic go on though the tra meets should pay tendol lars of revenue whero they pay one. Christian at worn. Terrible Calamity. Ilaydenvllle, Mass., Jay 10. The Goshen reservoir about four miles north of this place, buist at about 8 o'clock this morning, and the water came rush lng down the hills, carrying everything before It. It struck tho south-eastern portion of Williamsburg Village, about two miles north of tlds place, carrying away a large numbtr of dwellings; therjce to Sklnnersvllle, were It swept away Mr. Skinner's largesilk mills, and bis boarding and dwelling houses. Con tinuing on, It struck the large biass manufactory of Ilayden, Gere, & Co., sweeping it away In an ii, slant. Large stones and machinery were swept through the main streets at a fear lui i ate, and well built houses were In stantly crushed, not giving the Inmates a moment's warning; The flood then struck the village of Leeds, where a large number of shops, dwellings, etc., were swept away. The loss of life was heavy, whole families, In tome Instances, were cither killed or drowned. Twenty three bodies were taken out of the rubbish on the shore. Whole blocks of tenement houses, filled with women and children, were swept down the stream, and all the inmates, of course, were loot. At Floreiieo many persons were swept down the stream, but so swift was the current that they could not be recovered. The damage to property Is hundreds tit thousands of dollars. Tha Nonotuce Silk Company's Works, anil Uut Florence Manufacturing Co.'s Works aro damaged to the extent of $25,009. Juat below Willlamsbug the flood swept away Skinner's factory, with several women operatives, who hod just begun woik. At Ilaydenvllle, Ilayden, Gere St Co'i factory, including tbvlr offloo and this ITtiydenvllle Savings Bank, with n largo nmountof funds, and also Loonils' Hotel were swept away. At Lee.fo, Mr. Warner's button fac tory v!A9 swept entirely nway, taking cani'i railroad bridge In Its course. The rooming train from Now Haven was Mopped nt Hampton. The Goshen Reservoir covered 150 acres of Ground at an average depth of uu teet. it was drawn upon in dry times for the supply of the mills at Williams burg, Ilaydenvllle, and Florence. The reservoir was constructed about twelve years aco. In order to afford a reliable supply of water for the various factories on Mill River, which is one of the most fickle and uncertain of streams, liable alike to floods and almost utter drouth. It was built by a company of capitalists who were Interested In tliu .various manufacturlngenterprlseson the stream, nnd has caused them apprehensions of disaster several times. Last year, however. It was repaired at a hf-avy expense, and since then has been supposed to be, until now, toler ably secure, although known to be leaky. Latest ngures make loss of lire total 189 these figures only represent persons whose loss is positively known though bodies of all are not yet recovered. Bodies constantly are being found, and In somo cacss those of persons who were not supposed to be lost. It Is ut terly impossible yet to clve a detailed estimate of losses, but tho total loss must far exieed one million dollars. Williamsburg, tho principal locality named In the above despatches is a post village of Hampshire county, mass., uj milles north west of Boston. Ic has a opulatlon.of between 2000 and 8000. It Is a busy manufacturing place, being concerned Intheproduotlonottron cast ings, machinery, edged tools, carnages, woolen goods, and other articles. Leeds Is a post-offico In tho same county. Ilaydenvllle Is a small post village also in iiaropsnirocounty,seveii miles norm. west Dy railroad ironi Nortnamton.j Philadelphia Letter. PniLAEELTiiiA, May 10, 1874. THE CENTENNIAL. Now that Coneress has refused an ap propriation rortno centennial, tnepeo pie of Pennsylvania tiro determined of themselves to celebrate the event in a national manner, and the Board of FI nance has resolved to commence the work "without delay." Local Jealous lea and penny-wise economy managed to bring disaster upon the cause, nnd yet It Is the best thing that could have happened to us. A spirit of enthusiasm has been ar oused in our people, and wo havo resolv- ed to wait no longer tor aid from uon gress or other Slates, but to "go ahead" at once, and mane the Centennial success. Next week the work will be gin, nnd wo are now In earnest. Let every man, woman, and child In our (ominonwealtu contribute to the cause, and show toourjealousrivalsthatPenn sylvanlacan, of hersell celebrate the Cen. tennial in a national manner. Tho parasltles that have been fatten ing upon the funds furnished by Phila delphia, must now ba removed, and our own clt'zens be appointed In their stead. It Is an Insult to our people that men are occupying high places and receiv ing large salaries, who come from States that voted strong against an appropria tion by Congress. Let Pennsylvanians now fill tho offices, and draw their sal aries from the contributions .made by our own people. TIIK WIRE BRIDGE. For several years, there has been a suspension bridge over tho Schuylkill bcloyr Falrmoont. This was the first structure of tho kind In the United States, and it has swung un Its cables a much longer tlrao than was allowed to It by Its inventor, Colonel Eilett. As this bridge had become unsafe, It was necessary to construct another In Its place, and a double decker will bo built that will bo raised high above tho tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad. Work men aro now engaged in removing tho cables of the once famous wire bridge, and In a short lime this former curiosity will have entirely disappeared, A tem porary structure has been substituted. and it will he used until the new bridge is finished. There will bo no more wire bridges over the Schuylkill, aud the new crossing Is to bo completed in time for the Centennial. Falrmount has been very much Im proved recently, and some of tho basins have been cleaned. The work was con tinued without Intermission, as it was necessary to have them in use for the city. Visitors will always fiud some thing Interesting at the beautiful F r mount, and the works are now In com plete order. The machinery Is kept clean and bright, and nt this season of the year the scenery Is charming. FOllEIGX TOUIUBTS. A bout twenty gentlemen from England nnd Scotland are now visiting the prlul clpal cities In this country. They have recently ueen in rruaueipnia, aud tney were delighted with our Park aud pub lic buildings. Tne Masonic Temple at tracted their special attention, and they pronounce it the grandest structure of granite in tho world, and admired par ticularly Its fine proportions. YEAULY MEETING. The HUksltes held thlr yearly meet ing this week, and the weather was de lightful. No taiu fell, aud the Friend liad no occasion for umbetellas. This Is somewhat uuusal. THE l'ODUO SQUARES. These lungs or our city are now open, and thousands or persons are taking ad vantage or a rest in them. Unfortuna tely they are closed at night, and the walks being made ot pour gravel are not pleasant In wet weather. An effort has been made, or late years, to have the railing removed, but so far with out success. Public squares are patronized by the little ones, and It Is pleasant to see a boy rolling his hoop, or u girl, Jumping the rope, and all delighted with their amusements. Many a child has no other place for physical development, as they have no yaids In which to run about, 'i nese squares are properly call ed "lungs" or the city. WAR ON IXXJS. Several casee of hydrophobia having occurred here recently, a general war upon tin) poor canines has broken out and every unmuzzled cur running In the street ts shot down by tho police. It would be better to have every uog Kill ed ihan for one human being to ba bit ten by them, and to have that most nw- rul ot all diseases nyaropnnnia. tiogs aro now at a discount In Philadelphia, and the young ladles who used to take a promenade with n fancy cur by their side, havo become alarmed and the dear pets havo been put away. Whenovcr a young ady showed such marked af fection fur this creature, it was an evi dence that her love had gone to the dogs. Ileno forth they must bestow their attention upon somo more worthy object, and tho chauzo will be n benefit to some or them. THE GREAT LAUNCH. Another Iron sen monster has been launched upon tho wnter. The "City of Toklo" was set alloat on Wednesday nt Chester, and thu launch was a brilli ant success. The vessel is tho second one built by John Itonch for tho Pacif ic Stall Steamship company nnd she Is Intended to trado between San Fran cisco and China. The "City of Peking" and the "City ot Toklo" are entirely the proflnct of Pennsylvanian material and workman ship. They aro, constructed of Pennsyl vanian Iron, at a rennsylvanlan ship yard, built by Pennsylvanian mechan ics, and sent forth irom u rennsylvanl- an river. Pennsylvania enjoys tho proud honor of giv lng to the world the twolargostandstaunchest vessels afloat, with only one exception the Great Eastern The Delewaro river Is now called tho Clyde of the Western Conti nent, and at the yards of John Hoacli & Sou can be turned out the largest aud best vessels in tho world. Yours truly, Modoc. Philadelphia markets. Friday Evening, May 15th. The money market shows no change from the conditions ot easo which lias continued for several moutlis. The rates are quoted the same 4 to 5 per cent, on call, with a full supply for all de mands whero tho collaterals are of an approved character. Dlscountsarercadl ly obtained on first-class inerchantile paper nt 0 per cent. Gold has been steady but weak throuh out tho week, notwithstanding the heavy shipments to Europe, the market, however, closing firmer In tone at 12. The stock market stiffened somewhat during the forenoon, hut the undercur rent was towards creator weakness. Pennsylvania opened nt406, fell off to 4'jj, rullltd to 4j;a, but eventually settled to 49)8, at which It closed after tho regular hours ot business. United Companies ot New Jersey sold at 125 to 125K. Oil Creek was in stronger de mand, advancing to QM. Catawisa pre term! sold at a decline or Heading at G0?i no change. Lehigh valley advanced to til. North l'enn sylvanla sold at 44. 10 was bid fur Philadelphia and Erlo. Tho miscella neous list was strong until near the close, when it weakened, LehUh Ntvl cation selling from 45 to i.Y. Tho market closed weak. Government bonds were a shade stronger In sympathy with the advaucu in guiu. Trade continues to drag its slow length along in u very unprofitable manner, and wo can record no increase iu tho volume ot business. It Is very evident now that no substantial revival of trade will take place during the season, now so far advanced. Money continues as cheap and abundant as ever, but there is marked Inertia In all circles. The Flour market has been exceeding. ly dull during the week, there being scarcely any export demand, and no disposition of tlie homo trade to pur chase except for immediate wants. Su perfinc. 45.00 to 5.85; extras, $0 00; Spring Wheat, extra family, $7 50 to 7 87J4; aid high grades at 8 25 to 10 25. The Wheat market has been ex tremely dull, thero being very little de maud either for export ur local consum ption. Western Bed, $1 55; Peuna. Amber, $1 74; No. 1 Spring, $1 60. Corn Is lower. New mixed, 84c to 87c; new Peuna. Yellow, 84c. Oats are In fair demand, Western white 04 to CO, Webt eru mixed, 02 to 03c. Ilye, II 05 to 1 10. Cloverseed Is dull. Pales at 9 to 10c, the latter for choice. Timothy sold at 2,75. Tho Butter market U dull, but prices lower. IKestern Choice Hairy, 28 to 82., do. fresh firkin 30c. Peuna. Glades Choice Dairies, 33c; u"o, good to prime. 25 to 28c, medium, 10 to 18c Lara, Western kettle retuer d. ll to HHc. Eggs sell at 15 to 10e,a dozen. Hay, prlmo Timothy, tl.33 to 1,45; mixed timothy, 1,23 to 1,35. Straw, 93o to 1,05. Buipended. The Lackawanna Iron and Coal Com pany ot Scranton, suspended on Satur day evening, last, at all tholr puddling furnaces, rolling mills, aud mills, thero by throwing about 700 men out ot work. The cause of this Is owing to the con tinued depression In the Iron market, The company's yards are crowded with thousands ot ton of rails nnd other pro duct of their works for which they can not find sales. New Advertisements; TT Hie Blatter of Assigned Estate of John Fcnstermacher and wife, for the Benefit of Creditors. Notice Is hereby given, That Henry Coyer, assignee under deed of assign ment of John Fenskrmacher and Mary Ann his wife, of tho Borough of Le hlghton, Carbon County, Pa., of all their property, real, personal aud mixed, for the benefit ot creditors, has filed his first and final account as such asslguee in tills offlce, and that tho same will bo presented at the next regular term ot tho Court ot Common Plras of Carbon County, to be held it Mauch Chunk, on the third Monday ot Junnnext, 1874, (June 15, 1874,) at 2 o'clock P. SI., for allowance and confirmation, T1IOS. KEllERKlt, Prothonotary. Frotlionotary's Olllce, Mauch CJiuulr, Uy 3, 1871 wi New Advertisements. tncapcst Place In Town! The undersigned respectfully Informs his friends and tho citizens In general, that he has just received a largo and elegant assortment ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER PLATED WARE, Jewelry, Gold Pens, &c Which ho Is offering at very LOW PRICES FOR CASH ! Also; Agent for tho celebrated DIAMOND Spectacles & Eye-Glasses Tho very best In tho market. Nearly opposlto tho P. O., Bank St., Lenighton. May 23, 1874 R EGISTRIl'S NOTICE. Notice li herebr rlren that the Executor. Ad mlnlerrators, and uuardlans hereinafter named, bare filed their respecttre arcouuts or the follow lng estates In the Reglster'l Office, at Blanch Chunk, 111 and for tho Count jr of Carbon, which account! hato been a owed Mr the uezlster, win lui nremmted to tha Judras of the Ortthana' Court on Monday, the 15th dar of June next, at ten o clock, A. for eonnruaiun : First and final account of Joseph Ilolslioo, Guardian of Stephen Frltz- inger. First nnd final account of William C McCormlck, Administrator of the estate ot Francis Gcrmon. late of Kidder township, deceased. First and final account of P. Mcckas, Administrator of the estate of Adam Eckhard, late of Penn Forest, deceased. A. WIIITTINOIIAM. Register. Register' Offlce, Maucu Chunk, Mat 23, 1674. Kk? HANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Carbon County, there will be exposed at public sale, on tho t rcmises, In tlieliUlluuuu ot iiEiiiuu'j.ua, on Saturday, May 30, '74, At half-past two o'clock p. m., tho following described Meal JEstate ! Late of ELIZABETH MOULTIIROP, deceased, viz.: AH that certain lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate, lylnir. and being In tho borough ot Lehlghton, Carbon County, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a stone, thenenby land of Lewis Graver south three de grees aud one-half west twenty-flvo perches nnd one-teutli to a stono ; thence by land, of George Esch due east twelve perches nnd two-tenths to a stono ; thence by land ot tbe late John Kuntz, deceased, north twenty-nine degrees west eleven perchos to a Rloue ; thence by tho same north four and one halt decrees cast nineteen perches and tliree-teuths to n corner in a public road : thence by said public road soutli rlfty-tlvo degrees west eight perches to the place of beginning, containing ONE ACRE and 25 PEltCHES, strict meas ure. The improvements thereon are a one-and-a-half story DWELLING HOUSE ! With basement, a good well of water, aud a number of choice fruit trees. Teirasand conditions will be mado known at the time and placo of sale, by TUOilAS KEMERER, mayl3-3t Administrator. M1TY IIISI ? NO I That Electric Liniment, like I got at Durling's Drug Store, will cure him or any other man oi RHEUMATISM and all other Pains. rosy 0 AT PRIVATE SALE. The Lehlghton School Iforird now offer, at Private Sale, the following de scribed valuablo REAL ESTATE, be ing a portion of the Public School Pro perty of tho Borough of Lehlghton, to wit : One Lot and Building, situated on the corner ot Iron and Pino streets, and bounded and described as follows : On the north by Iron street ; west by a common alley ; south by n lot owned by Joseph Obert, and east by Pine street. The lot Is 00 feet front by 180 feet 0 Inches In depth. Also, TWO LOTS, Numbered 153 and 154, situated on Pine street, In said borough, bounded and described as follows : On the west by Pine street; south by lot No. 155; east by West alley, and north by Cedar al ley. Said lots being each CO feet front hy 180 feet 0 Inches In depth. Also, One Lot and Building, Situated on Northampton street, and known as the South Lehlghton School Property. Also, VST For terms and further particu lars, apply to either of the undersigned. JOHN S". LENTZ, President. A. J. DURLING, Secretary. On. N. B. REBElt, Treasurer. Lehlghton, May 3, 1874. fOTnERS, Look at that Child, It -tT-M- has Worms. Go or send at once to DUitLlNG'S Drue Store, and srt a bottle (if hU WORM SYRUP, so plea- Taut buu yet do suie. way Now Advertisements. AGENTS WANTED FOR Prof. FOWLER'S Great Work On Manhonil.lVnmnnlioocl and thrlr Mill itnt Iiittr-relatlos hove, Ita Lain, Power, He. Agent are ell nx from 15 to 85 copies a day. Send for rpecluin r and terms to Agents, and see why It al!a faster than any other book. Ad dress, National. I'cuusnisa Co., Philadelphia, l'a. TlltS AMERICAN Loan and Trust Company OF LEAVKNWO..TII, KANSAS. CAPITAL, ... 9500,000. Will negotiate Loaxs ox lurROTin Heal Estate worth at least twice the amount loaned tbereoi'. Intereat 13 per Cent, per Annum, OMtctimt of Principal and Inltrttt Guaranteal. Principal nnd Interest payable In New York If aes.rea senator circular. AaureFs, O. A. JI001IK, Sec, . atenwortb, Kansas. TIIKI.AST NKW BOOICOUT. The subject Is all Important, )et apujillngone. It replenishes the (lorernment Treasury and Im- Ihn neonle i n a'trs the I Ich poor nnd tbe pnor rlcb ; makes f"0l of wire men ; cxhautn tbe wisdom of Legislation f makes men run mad and women f1 Md. Tbe crusade haa begun ( onto victory Mn or women wanted to canTasi every town. Addresa, U STKUUINS, Hartford, ui. & FLORENCE O The Lonc-cnntekted Suit of the FLORBNCK ShWINQ SIACIIINK CO. -. . Dl 1VI t.l. and Qrover Si Hiker Cuuip.tnles, loromng uvcr 9uui uuui Ts finally drttded by Ibo DUpreuiQ IfUUI l III l IW Ulil.ru bi.k. In fator of the FI.OI1KNGK, hU alone has liroxeu uie iuuaupiuj ui iiju .i.w. 'TIIK NEW FLORENCE Is the ONLY MachHe that sews backward and lurwara, or 10 rigm mm itut SUtrUbt Caiirist Uiai I SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. SPECIAL TKKMS TO Club and Dealer!. April, 1874. Floinci, Mass. fl 'Ibis Sewing Machine (tlves the best i.aiia.atftii'U to the user, Is paid for most readily, and la the best of all to nell Ifthere la no " Uomestlo" acent In jour twn. arplf to TXIMFSTlf M.CO..N. Y. USIIS CIKC'f.-r Uizut fiiMm Dtor. LATEST IMPROVED HORSE POWERS, Grain Threshing AND Wood Sawing Machines, Manufactured and ar Id by a.-w. GxiArzr sc soism, MIDOLETOWN.VT. Parties who wish to purchase machines that hate proved to be superior toall others, wllldowell to send for circular and desci Iptlre price list, which will be forwarded upon app'l-atlon, free. BUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for your MACHINE. A DAY GUARANTKRIlnilnK ourWKr.f. AUGUR ft 1)1111.1. In frontl f errltorv. Kmloraed tiy Govemurs of lWA, Alt. IkAnsAs anu,UAii.ui'A. CiUUgst Int. ..7. QlUtl, O. Lo-Jl, H:. ADVERTISERS send cts. to (Ito. P Uowell t Co., 11 Park Ilow, N. V., for their Eigty-page Pamphlet, shoving cost of advertising. fBHE People of Lehlghtin and vlcln ty all unite In testifying that nt A . J. DURLING'S Drug and Family Med- Iclne Store, Pone, r'iiF.3ii nnd Unadul- tekated .Medicines can always be found. may 0 1874. SPRING. 1874. The underslcned respectfully Informs her friends and the Indies in general, that she Is now receiving a largn stock of tho Newest and most Fashionable Designs In Millinery fioods, for Spring and Summer Wear, such as LADIES' HATS and BONNETS, TK1MMINGS, FLOWERS, NOTIONS, &e., &c. nats and Bonnets made up In the latebt and moit fashionable manner. All goods warranted, and Piices are fully as low as elsewhere. STORE, next door to " The Carbon Advocato" BANKWAY, Lehlghton. LIZZIE KRAMER. March 14th, 1874. WHY, OH, WHY will you suffer with that Couch or Cold? when relief may Iv had Immediately by using DURLING'S Compound Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horehound. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that n. A. Bfltr, of Lehlghton, Carbon county, Pa., and Emma E. his wife, by deed ot vol untary assignment have assigned all the personal estat ot tbe said II. A. Beltz o Tllghuian Aruer, of New Mahoning, Carbon county, Pa., lit trust for the benefit of tjio said II. A. fritz. All persons, therefore, Indebted tothn said II. A. Beltz, will make payment to me, the said assignee, at New Mahon ing, or to my duly authorised agent, 11. A. Beltz. at Lehlghton, and those hav ing claims or demands will make known tuesamowlimn six weens irom tnisuate TILGHMAN ARNER, Assignee ot II. A. Beltz. Jay3, 1874-w8 C million to Hunters &Flnh ' crmen. All persons aro here by notified that the undersigned proper ty owners In Franklin and Towam n sing townships, positively forbid hunt ing, nMiIng, &e., on their premises arter this date. John Harman, fraao Levan, Caspar Nunp, Jacob erlg, Jiu. J. Kemerer, Henry Bau-plfS, Harrison tin) tier, tVllllani Buyer, Daniel Kium, Win. E Kemerer, F. J. it- D, IU-kl, May 10, 1871 -JJJI,14NEKY STORE. IMS. CTTH, Of Weissport, Respectfully Informs the Ladies of this vicinity that alio Is now prepared to Make Up Hair Switches, CURLS, PUFFS, &C., at short notice and at tho lowest prices. Sho Is also now opening a new and ele gant assortment of Spring Qoods Comprising, Hats, Bonnets, , Ribbons, Flowers, Notions, Ac, and respectfully Invites an Inspec tion of them tiy tho Ladles., All work will be done In tho most f&shlormbla and substantial manner, and at prices which aro bound to suit every one. MRS. GTJTH. Mitch 7th, 1874 rjp I. CLACSS, merchant Tailor, And Dcalor In Cent's FurnUhtBff Goods,: LEHIGHTON, PA. Constantly on hand a splendid stock ot NEW GOODS, Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths. Cnsslmeres and Vestlng.i.for Men's and Boys Wear, which I am prepared to Mnkn up to Order In the most Fashion able Styles, at short notice. Ladles', Misses and Children's lioot$&$lioes A well selected stock of' French and Turkey Morocco, Glove Eld, Lasting, Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boots and Shoes on hand, or Made to Order. Hats & Caps, Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at the Lowest Price. Also, Agent for tho American & drover St Bauer Sewing Machines. Only Ono Prlue for Everybody. January 11, 1873-yl W. EACHE8, Contractor Si Builder, LEIIIQI1TON, rzxx'A. Flans and Specifications For all kinds of Buildings made at toe. shortest notice. NO CHARGES Mndo for Plans and Specifications when the contract Is awarded' to the under signed. A. W. EAOHES. June 14, 1878-yl JQAVID GDBEftT'S Livery & Sale Stables, BANK STEEKT.IjKIIIQIITOW, P. FAST TROTTING nOESE3, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. And positively LOWER PRICES than any other Livery in tbe County. tST Large and handsome Carriages for Funeral purposes and Weddings. Not. 22. 1873. DAVID KBBKKT. BUCK9IAN, auiitiictuin oi Currlugcs, Stclgus, Bfegglea, and titrj description of; SPRING WACONS. Ksarlr opposite Eapla. Hotel, Bank Stmt; Lahlghtoo, Fa. REPAIRISO PB0SUTLT ATTENDED JO At reasonable charges, sa-rairorss lttf rorpectfultr MlistUi, satisfaction uuaranteed. lab. 1, 18T4, A. BCCKUAH. ( HOME XiiFjB IN THE BIBLE, Br the author of "Night Bctnes In the Bib!" asl "Our father's Uouse," of which Marly 930fi haie been sold. "Home Life" U omme4e4 by ministers of all oburthea as "the aothnr'a boot book,""fnli of precious thortU,""TrUisr cloas as (ami," " a cholon booh for (Terr fsmUr Ac. Steel engrat Iocs, roes tinted ffTt nth binding, and for rapid aale uneoKaUd. AOEHTS, YOU.SO MEN, LADIF..H, TEACUKliS end CLXV OVMh.V, wanted In e-erroonotrt $I to fW J mouth, beudfor circular. Z1M1LXU A McOVKDY, asr7m3 l Arch (rt, FhUodfhU,