"1 ii. v. i.vorxh friifo.') . . Editor aiy?l .I'.roprlctor TEK3.S: , Ono, Dollar Vonr In Advance VOL II. No, Zf. LEHIGHTON,( QAUBON COUNTY,' PKX' A, SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 23, 1874. SINGLE COPIES, THREE "CENTS Le'highton directory. CfviliiirStngt? Jming' Machine and 'in. urancc.noxt to E. II. Snyder's," Hank street. Hrler, ' It. B. WIDDOS, Shaving, Hair Culling and fHian pooing, under Exchange Hotel. Bank street. Boot mill Shoe Dfnk'rrt. Charles Yenser, nearly wnosilypos-vgice, Dank afreet: aho, AcaUr in OSnfeAumery, Clinton BretBejvfcftMf Wntf, Bnk street. .411 onlcrl prcmpMyJUUdA-work warrunled, IT7 'Confectioners. UausjnaB.A Kuhus, opposite lMrt' stpre, Hank street.' 'Mordirtprumptti Jllltd. T i l 1 "II J- u J 'ill 1 i 1 ,Ury Goods null Gincerlts. Z. II. long, o'pp. L.'A'S. Depot, l.auk ft.. dtiUr n Hardware, Qucehmare, Ladiet' Drels Gmx),.rc- 11. A. IleUvktl' Blorfc, llanKuU Arjf 0. Groceries, Qwxnswart, Oirpett, Oil Ctvllisd- Oul. JS. II. SuydeT, lfshk' street, iJry GonuV, Aotwnt, Dress Goods, Groceries, Qiuemxoare, JJardware,dt. Drugs unit Meillclna. . A.J Durllng, brst doornlAvo r." r .; Hunk street.r Oilt, faints, lrfamery, liUnt ilcdMncs, dv. I Hardware.. . ... , F. P. fcl&raeLneariytcpp. hxolung 3fot(J. Bk, BtrmtjVfltHdQMi Oitl, l'aints, Gaaii,te. Hotel. . Thomas iianti, " Eichanire,"" cpp. TuUlo Squa.e, Bankst.'uy-cwje.ipjt'fo'f-'i; , ,r Furniture jyavreliouie. V. Schwarti, Batik street, dalerto all lindt of JVrailtirfr, ffrjpsu made Q order, , n ii.Hi.aHiVallnri. Clauss Bro.,lUnlC Itreauaud deaUn'in Gents' Thomas H.Wcki 1VO. liiilldlng; H'k(t, Gcnt'i AimiUii0 GobisfUatSj Cap; Scliool Books, K. Milliner. Mrs. EvFath, ilik street,, 2nd door Mow. the 51. JS. Church. .Votioni una1 Trimmings Phyitclana.iautt Surgeons. Br. C. 8. UsrniauV comer or Bank and Iron aire COnndtaUm ill English and German. Ir.N'B.illber,ueit door to F. 0Bnk atreet. CmnUaUm in Ihglith and German. j ..jPro-vlalone. . Joiu6brBankat.,Jcitf,lVnrii;ariil.,;raoAiri7 EilabllthmenK ;Mir,dertiiromrlljifill'd. J. yatllmerl"-Sln;ilaukiti'eAliT u Flmr awl ied, Groceries, truitt and VegtUtlAa. AVatohrunker fcnd Jeweler A. O. Dolleumayer, Soulh alreet, aiii Bank at. J)cuUrkin 'a(ciri,,Clocls, Jiingt, fc- 1 ai.'nAi'oiiicii, " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bans Sixtn, Ltuiontu, Ta. Heal Estate and Cullectlon.Atfeucy, Will Buy and ell lUal Enlale. Cou"e)auclU6 lieaUy duke. Lol JecIlouH pruupUy made. tutUiug tuatea of I) teedenr, a IpockUy'. May to coumlted ln ttigllsu MudUeyu?H.,T JMl;' D. BKUi'ClIiKTTli, AiroBNEV AND.COUSSELLORAT LAW, .Ornu-Hrst National BankiBulUlag, 2nd Floor MAUCIl CUUNK, I'isxa. Mayte conaulted'lu flcrman". " tJaprV, lbl, , , JOItI.Ul Olt, UlSTniCT ATTOItNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tODlce.ou BftOAUttkr, drat door, belovr Anioricau lintel, Muuck Chunk, I'euu'a. Collecttoua pronipt jjuade. Nov. 3. jgBiJ!iiiJUWjiiUiaitw,-J..,- ..v. cATTORNEY',;AT' IAW,'1 " MAUCIl CUUNK, PA. Oct 18, 1873. t i j it. uiniBiicic, AUCTIONEEU. Bn ,Weliport, N B. Salef of eUry description atlunded to at .reasouatle charges. 'Abe palruuage of the puUlc Ja respectfully tolklted. Jan. 21, '74. gUV YOUR IIOOTS AND SUOK!) of Henry Canpbell, East Weissport, Wliere.you caii'aljvsys gtit tliti very bi-bt article" tit" Ih'o luest prlco lor cash. Boots and Shoes made to order mid neatly Kepalrod at short notice aud rra jsonablo terms. apr ll-ui3 , , . , , JfJAatjIS HOTItL, fa. KI.OTZ, PHOb'K, SuiqmTt IIlll,'orbou Co., Pa. -43" Best of accommodations. Excellent res taurant-underueatb. Oood ,tUliii! aiui.bid fl'erina moderate." ' r ' T KI1IOH VAI.UEV IIOUSIS, Jj Urtb-vut corner of , BEI1K8 AND LAUltfcNCU STREETS, lMilladelplttW' ' i. l'ena'a. r FnKD'K)SCIIMIDT, Proprietor., JW" Superior acwmmoditloiis ror trarelera at moderate iHargea.) i'ertlwi vlslllnt! the city .from ithls locality are ipeclally inrlted to make Itie Le Jilgh Valley House their Hopping place, mar. 7 j-, jupYu iiuxni, Architect and Superintendent, No. 122 S. Otli Street, Allentown, Ta., furnishes Plans. Specifications and Esti mates (or Public and Private iulldlngs. Stairs, Halls, &c., iConstiuctcd and Set-Up by the- most approved method, and atliort InOtlce. . Putronace Is res rcetfully'olltlted,' ud satlstactlou guaranteed. apr. 20-yl i r-t T OLVElf qjftlLYj reale.r in Tp baccn, Cigars, Pipes, ic, next door to Ilex's Groeery,toiev bin-qnehantia St., Mrtuch OliuiikPrtM'Otfuliy ns.ks tlio people-of Xelnglitmi and vicinity, when visiting that placet to'call in and try his FRAGRANT CIGARS, the very best In the market. Every articles. In his lino warranted as repre eeuttd and. at lowest (-rices. mar28 A li Ii'' 1 t .CONVEYANCER, . OENEELtlHi0ttANOE AGENT The fpUpnivf pool pules arc lteprvseuted I IttlinnoD ilutual Fire,, HcadlngIutnnl Fire, t-1,VyDiln;B10V-' rottsvtlle Fire, 1 O -1 .''fin! ?lre, and tho Also, Jnua-jlyanla. and Mutual Horsa Thief Uttecllvu aud Imurauce Com. pany.. iiarcli 2'J, 1873. Railroad Guide. jq-ORTII PliNMA. riAlI.IKIAIl. I'aHenirers for I'hlladelpbla will leare Lehlghton as roltows; . )n , Tla f v.j arrlre at Thlla at itofli.m ll.Hla.ln. 11 10 p.m. 215 p.m, 2.15 p.m. ors.'p.m, 8 iO ,m. 8.20 p. m. 10 30 p.m. 7Ti. a.m., via I.. 's, 7 a!) a. tn.ih I.. V. 11.07 p. m.vli I,. S. ll.nj plni.vla L. V, !ii7p, m. rhL.AS. 4 47 p.m. ill L..I S. 4,44 P. tn. via. L. V. 7.38 p. m. la L. V. Beturnlnil. leave depot at Berka and American Street. I'Mla., at 7,tlU,i8J0. and tl.45 'a. ut.; 2.10 3'.30, and U.15 p. m. i J f'ero trnm l-rtlgh;on to l'liWadtlnlill. $2.55. 1'eb.l, ln;i. MILLS CLAUK, Agent OKNTIIAl. 11. II. OP IV. J. LhllKill t SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. mxmt ARiiASGr.siEST, Coimiieiicliif; Dec, 10, 1873. Dows Tnti.sa. No.l. A. u. . No. 3. A. l. 7.:io 7.35 8.112 8J10 0M 10J7 ll'.OO No. 5. A. M, 10 25 in :mi 10.07 11.25 32.:.5 U9 12.00 12 20, 3.17 3.2.1 No. 7. r.M. 125 10 t'S3 2.2U 3.40 ,4,111 4.10 Leave Green Itldgp..'..... eWnutou.i I'lltston Wllkea Ultra White ltalet Pent) lla'h'Juuc. Mauch Chunk 7.30 Catasauquti Allentown 8.3S 8.43 115S 12.U0 1817 5.39 017 Bethlehem 'J lilt 3.37 W0 Arrive Eastoir..; 0r7' t 12:43- -;C4.03m; Up Toains. So, 10. No. 4. . No.'C. No;14. 8,10 855 1 ll'6(i 3.55 1 ft ''tO hm t . 12.25 12.32" tt3 1. Ll .45 2.02 2 40 4.00 4.2(1 4 55 , 0.00 9.10 0,-4 !'4;i7','li.',7.67 4 451 S.Ut) Maucn-Chunk..?. VSS CA5.45-: 10.115 0 25 7 03 8.30 8 55 0.25 0.30 0.10 I'cnn Haven J'n. 10.45 Unite llaveu 11.23 Hllkes-Burre 12 40 Plttstou 1 0.1 Scranton 1.30 Arr, Ureeullldge 135 , CoMCTIONS. A'etjuetnnnfr, Valley 11. It. Down trains Nob 3 h and 7 aud Op tiutus Nos. 10 and 4 connect at Slaueli I'liunk. - -.- iVorti lmCa It, It Down trains Xcw. 1, 3. fii 7 couiiHct at liHtltlehemtor PhttadolplilH. Up train Ncs. 10 4 connect atDetlilehein tr I'hiladelphla. 'Returiiltig leeiul'hlladelphla at 7.10 a. m. f.,r Eas. ton, MaucUUUuilk, Uath,' Vtllkea Barre, Tamii'iua. 'Scranton, tiliarcn, ,4c; at 915 a.m. for Eastou, Mauch Chunk, Tnmaqua, M)liamstirt, Wllkea Batre ntid Scranton; at 2 10 p. ni for Scranton, Wilkes Itarre and Intermediatn stations; nt 3 30 r m. for llath audastou ; lit 0.15 p. m. ftrMauch Chunk. tTatitaqua llranch. Up trains Nos, 10 ii f, and iDottn ttalns Nos. 3, 5 & 7conuectulMaucliChunk .to aud from Tamaiu.t. ' 'IZel.igli tf- Lackawanna J!, It, Down trains Xos. .1 & 7, and Up tiullis Ns. 10 A 0 connect at IMb leheni luvllutli Hd: 01iapuiou.(luarrWs.MlUAurn lug Kuve rh-ipiunuV utt740jk ut. ayU 2.15 1. ttkj Centr4 2lutl ad vJ'A'cttiJet rrr. Ii tliralijM ludke ' iIm contiltihm kl hAiOiu" veith1 trail s u'u,Cintrul 1..ll.i...l t .trGu.. jj.tWtfe.t'tfuiedie li. AVrDown'trfrns Nis.' S) 4. s,.i.d jpit;.Nj.4y AMfa Mn RWi , tL 'J'ttladiljihia d- Jleadingtliu tfrotuL .The, Depots, or the kaft j'eun ii. jt. ana iue,kdi e. itfaiou are connected hy Street Cat. . ,H.'. UALDVV1N, Ccn. rutluigw A'jiid. Feb. 7, 17, , i it pEKXSVLVAMA IIAII.HO AD, PIIILADELl'IIIA 4 ERIE ItR. DIVISION! . "Winter Time Tnlile. On and after SUNDAY, NOVKMIIKK 21. 1673., the trains on the 1'hlla. Erie K It. DlrUlou will ruu as follows WESTWARD, UurrAto Itxrniss leaves l'b l' Jelplila 12.5.1 p.m. lUrrli-burg 5,t'5 p.ut., " " lllhmsport 9.20 p.m. " Emporluui' 2.16 a.ut. arr. at ButTalo 8,10 a.m. Ems Mail eaves Philadelphia 10 30 p.m. t. . llHriiliuri; 3t5ptn. " u ' Vtlllamaport '." 7.3 p iik " " lk Haven 8.40 p.tu " ' Ilenova 10,05 a.m. " an at Erie 7.20 p m. Eluiitt Mail leaves Philadelphia 8.0 1 n ut. 1 ' ' UarrUhurg 1.30 p m. " Wll'lauiaport 021p.m. arr. at Lock Haven 7J1 p.ur 'Renova Aocokiuop'N leaves llarrlslmri: 825 am ' " Willlamsp't 1215 p.m. Balp Each Mail leaves Wllliamspiri 1.15 p ut. arr. at Lock HateU 3-10 p.m. EASl'WtJilt. BfrrALO ExriiLSS leaves Butlato 3 25 p ra. r muorlutn OUpul, i " VtlllUiutinrt 1.10 a.m. " arr. at Uarrlsl urg UJaui. " " PbllidulpuU U. 10 a.m. Eric Mail leaves Erie Hit a.m. Ilenova 840 put. " Lock Haven It M p.tn. . ' " llll.im.port 11 10 p.m. " arr. at llartUliurg 305 am. " " I'htladelplila 8.IO a.m Eluiua Mail leaves Lo.-k llaien 75 a.m, ' " lllisiti.port 9 30a.uu " arr. nt llarilalurit 3.05 p.m ' , Philad.lphU &50p.ui. HAH&IAODlitl'Accoai, leives Willlamsport 930 p.tn. ' arr. at HairMuu lO-SOp-ur ' 1'hil.idelphU 25a.ut. lutn Eaoli Mail learea Iik liv" 1-2' p.m. " arr. at llllamsHirt 1.30 p.m. Mail East connects east and west at I rle it 1th L SAMS it W and at Corry and lrlluelou Hlth Oil trickatid AltoAheuy. K. K.W. M til Wv.t with east and vest trains on L S A 51 S 11 ll. aud at (Torry audlrvluelou Hlth Oil Crtek aud Allegheny 11 II H. Eluilra .Mall and UuiTaIo llxpre-s make close rouue.tlonsat U Ullaui.wrt with N 0 K U' tralus uorib, and at llarrishurg with N U UW trams south. VM-A. UALDWIN.OeU'lSupt. TTOS. JII. riUTZIXGCIt, Fashionable Boot and Shoo Maker, Opposite T. D. Clauss' Store, DANK STREET, LKUIGIITON,, Pa., respectfully I titer in his frieuds and the public, that he hat Just received u new ami excel, ent na-ortiuent of Men's Yo men's aud Clilldreu's Ueaily-Mado Boots, Shoes tSc Gaiters, Which hu will Sell at the Lowest Prices. t3T" Hoots and Shots made to order, anil Repairing neatly and Mibsttintiully uunu nt suuft nuuce, lap S3. J I J.IUTIO.V. , Notice Is hereby givon, that tny son, Max 'Foshart, having ruu away from home, all perfons are forbid harhining or trusting him mi ir.y account, as ( Mill pa no debts of Ills contracting after this date. FRKD'K FOSllAKT, ilay 8, 187-1. v. 3 Dauuuuinvllle. KaaVii.f.r..:,. Uethtehentf.i Alletitowu..,.: CutastluuuA1 .'. BEATTY Sc PLdTTS. Tho Beatty & Plotts celebroted Gold en Tonpup "Mil is nrknowleilced by prtjle.isttrs of tntislc ninl celebrated ornanlsts to be the. leatl IliK Parlor Oigan now in user Teitl nioiilalManil cardiof lionuraraconstalit ly lieltiR received In favor of them. We append a, few and wish you to rend them : ANTimNy, N. J Jan. 25, 1873 Jes8rs.j.'lle.atly &Plptts,'Gents Your Oic;an,"soId me, (jives entire satisfaction. It beauty of tout1 and, style of workman t-llip aroseldoni If ev"er surpassed. VUh Inn you success In your business, 1 nm, with respect,- J'rof; M. II Dbaitt. Siiamokin, Pa., Feb. 11, 1874. I have one tit Heatty& Plottt' Golden Tongue OrKiins. It ! an excellent It) strunietit, line tono and full power.' I like It better than any X have heard. M. II. IlAitruL, M. D. Laurys'Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. 1 have had Ueatty & Plotts' Oryan slice URtist 14th, 1873 j It gives the highest satisfaction, and has proved all that It was recommended by the prop'ts p , JOU IIllNltY., Slatinqton.'P.i,, Feb. 0, 1874. Beatty it Plotts Parlor Organ I like better, than tie Stand ird, and it gives better; batiafactlou, as I find in my trav els. , Prof. Fu. V. Mayeu. St. Claih, Pa., Dec. Gth, 1873. Messrs. Beatty & Plott3, GenU-I havu'recelved tho.Orgaii.aiM'nt by your tirtn to me, and 1 have had It examined, and it gives ample satNlaetltin. lion. John'Sinky. Mahanoy Cn-Y,.Pa., OcUlO, 1872. The Realty & P.otts celeltrated Gold en To'igiiH Parlor Organ Is by far the be-t Parlor Oigan in use. J have care fully examined It, and find its lone, Woikmatishp and tluiabllily to he titb, best I oversaw, and 1 can with pleasure leeommeiiint to any In want of a first .class parlor organ. Prof.'O. II.- Uijuisu., Mfbsrs. IJe'atty & Pliitts, of ViVhlng ton, N. J., aiu gentlemep'trt enteipri-'e,' anil whose presence would' be ti credit to any community, liackeltatowii. N. t J., Herald, fJ-72. . : ', , WASiiiNaTo.v, N. J., Sept. C, 1873. tappy to state tliattho Instrument gives Ajntlro tatljfaotlotl, not only to niya Juut. also to the teaclifrtJ of the SenilUE to myseii Seminary Rev. A. Jr. Jellt. . We say, after careful find cosily ex periment, It Is with pleasure wo Intro duce tho "Golden Tongue," knowing it possesses mail) advantages ;over ull ittlieis manufactured. The tone excels iu fullness) purity, and' tho thousands bf testimonials which nre being con stantly lecelvcd, are evidence that our efforts have been eminently succesitul. .For particulars and Prhv List, address BEATTY & PLOTTS, Feb. 21.0m Washington. N. J. ".4 A'wrtp Approximation to the, HEAL SWAN QUILL thauAnythini) llitlicrto lnicnted." Tho constantly ivcreasiso sale of the SPJBNCERIAN DOUULE ELASTIC ' Is owing to their superior wrtng qualities, hi. tested !iytheedltorl.ileniWKeuienturover lOOO papprs, and l,y Merchants, Lawyers aud Bankers without, number. They are all made of the uest Steel, In the' lirst manner, by1 the best workmen In Europe. Fbr .Sale by all Dealers. m To accommoilate those who may tciih to try theiepenSf vt will send a Chrd, containing one each of the t5Nuiuliers,'ynkiil,)n rccenf r25c. t ivison, DlakeraRn, Taylor &'Co,, 133 and 140 GRAND STREET, N. Y. April 25, 1674. jgOlttEI. GK.tTCK, Opposlto tlie;P,ublJoSiuaie, SOUTH ST., LEniGlTTON, TA., 'Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet IrbriWare And Dealer in'all klnds'of STOVES!!' 1ST Roofing, Spouting and Jobblug promptly attended to. nov, 3U -r-j-i , r- UUlTOR'SiSOTICK'. EST ATB.0K' JOHN ECI!OCICt Deceased. In the Orubtna' Court of Carbon County, at Maieb ses,ins, 1874. Exceptions to. Widow's Appraisement. The understated appolnfcl Audi, ti r by the Court to take testluioii) a oil repnrt tile lacts in relereilce lo Ihe same In the above case, will ttletld to tbelluMesnfhWapp' tiitmeiitat his ofll e, In the UoruuAh ui MiU'li Chunk, on Mou datf. I li.. 25th diy or Ma,, 1$74, between the hours ul 10 A, U, aud 4 I'. M, nt nhltll time and place allers "ui Interested In tlm mn mar appear if Ihev think proper. W, II. LEONARD, ' May 2, 1871-wl Auditor. OOK BEAUTIFUL i LOOK MIOSVI A It,, til, , r nttnriviic ROSE GLYOERINE for' 'RoughiuU of the Skin, happed Hands, iVe'., Only 25 cviiU u bottle. may 0, NEW DRUG STOKE IN LF.IIIGIaTO.iY. T. W Scnslmw He.'pectfully Informs the citl7.ens,of Lfi hlgltton ninl vicinity, that ho Itaopen a Urug.Sture, In Stauffuh's Block, on Bank Street, Lehighton... and tltRt he has Just received au assort ment of I'uro Drugs, CIll'lllit'lllH, B'ainliy Jlotllclncs. FlavorlngExtraets,lVrfumery,Coal Oil', I'ui'c WIiicm untl Liquors. "or Medicinal & Sacranntar Purposes. -, CKjllCS, lOR.ttTO, &C, which ho will supply at the very lowest price for Cash. Renshaw's Writing Fluid, The Best In the Market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The attention of Chemists is specially called to tills article, which, while It Is fully etjttal to the' best In the maikct, Is ,soltl at 23 per cent, less than any other. Qualitative Chemical Examinations carefully made at reasonable charges. Family Prescriptions carefully 'cum--pounded. Vif The patronage of the' public is very respectfully solicited. T. W. RENSHAW, apr 11. Chemist aud Druggist. In order to close out present stofk, the undersigned respectfully uunotincos to the citizens of Lehlghtou and vicini ty that lo lias Marked Down Prices of all kinds of' Goods to about1 cost, and will Sell ' Ho lias lii, stock, a largo assortment of, Dry GooiIm, Groceries, X'i'ovInIoiim, (iuccn.ewaroi iBiii'lu"iire, and a variety of other articles too .num erous to enumerate. If you desire to secure Now Is ,yoiir Time A Small Slim of Money will Buy a Large1 Quantity of Goods I Storo Opposite L. A S; Depot, ' BANK-street, lehighton, Peuna. , ; Z. 11. LONG, Agent. Tiloiiman AitNlsit, Assignee March 28, 1874. "feiMNiiort Alieatl! TIlQ Untler.llfrnprl evnuM rnannfff,. 11.. Inform builders.eotitractors and the pub- no in general, timtuiey have opened a In connection with their Near tho L. ft S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., tnd that they have now on liand an' Im mense stock of .hurouglily Seasoued Lumber, such as Rough Pine Hoards, Surfaced Pine boards, Flooring, Hemlock and Vine, Sidings, of all kinds, ' ' ' Shlugles, nn Immense stock, Boollng and Celling Latli, Scantling, and, In, fact, Lumber of every descrip tion at tli very lowest market prices. Wo are also prepared to furnish Build ers and others with a very line article, of H a ii tl suitable for Kiii.tuury Work, IMustcriug, &c-, ut Re markably Low Figures. We have constantly on hand a' large lot of' Wood suitable for Firewood, -which Wov will huj, in largo, or small quautillesVnt Prices to suit your Pockets Of Motr-IlONE8l' COUNT LOW PllIClSB. ' Yeakel & Albriglit, Weissport, nug 23-yl Carbon county, Pa TJDUY IT I TRY ITI-The India Jdi ltubber Plasters for, a Wt'ak Back. PURLING lias them. may li fjjlo Whom It mny Concern, , Notlco's hereby given, That,! have limned tt Geliroi RelirlL' otlH 'mlr nr' Mules, and her by lorbid ull peruus to IlU'ddle with tint siine," JU31AII DAUHAK. DaumaDsvllle, April 20, 1874-w3 Tlio S.epcntlor the Itr.thN. A King of Constantinople h.id,, so tho history tells U3, a daughter wltose beau ty, grace and vltkios weie.of thatsti peilatlve chaiacter peculiar to heroines of tliH.MIildle Ages, but who was aflllct ed with it sickness upon which nil the -ineilictil rdiill of llj ztuitlum could .make, no Inipniotw Tlie fitctilty, noupul-s- ' ........i ....... .......t. t. t-. .. nns .11 ll ll H 1J llllli;il US lb IS VVIIlll, ll, .11.1, under'slinilar circiiinstances In these modern times, aud, got rid of nil obstl Date,, patient that would neither get well nor die, by leconimendlng change of air. Dagli-Hnniiii im, as It IS now called, was Hie spot selected for the pilnce.n, ami tliero tlicklug built a pal tieu (or her reception, nun In that pal ace site1 took up her abo e, nn , breath ed the miiuiitulu tiir and dr.tuk tlie liiountiiln water, but without deriving any advantage from one or the other. One day, liuwuver, the princess was indulging in the favorite pastime of' Ctiiiiantiiioplo young ladles, looking out of tlio window,, when she saw n bear; no very unusual occurrence, but this bear struck the. pincess by his re markably dejected .aspect. The piln cess' sympalhles. guslied torth at once, and she diew a painllel between the woe-begouu anltnai and herself., "There;" said she to herself, "Is n benr that possesses all the requisite ele inettts lor being a, very nice aud a very I nappy near, .utit..nu.isii i; lar iiotu n; his fuels ragged, liis skiu'ls mansy, his , brines are nearly throUuh It';' he lias not an atom of beiir's grease about him, and his doleful expression of counten 1 once bhows it lowuess of spit its initial to my own. Llku myself, that bear is a con.iruled invalid." , Tiiussollloqitlzingi the princess watch etl the indvetnetits of the bear, ami re markid thathe went and plunged Into a poolot mud, after rolling In which torn vpaco bt tune he gut out, sat' down at the 'edge of the pool, rested, and'theti pluneu again; apd after guiug tlirough the ritual seveial times, with precision aud soleiiiulty, witlidrow to the moun tain. Next day tlie bear came again, aud tlie next after Hint, nud so on for several days, until at last tho princes begad to notice a change in his person al uppeaiitnce, His hide was it ss patchy Ins cuulileuauco mure cheerful, aud his blep mole blithe. Day' by day tlie linprtivementcoiitliiu cd; sleekness; obviously induced by a . plenUhil secret lun of tlie. potent grease, came .over inu raggeti mr; it iosi its iiusty color, culled abundantly' over a healtjiy skin, and at length the once ii.eiaucholy object stood a regenerate hear; sound in body and happy in mind. Then hu came no mote to the pool. Pondering over these things, the prin cess came.'to the, conclusion that If loll ing lu the mud bruiitilit back health to rfii apparently, ,woru-,out bear,. It; could 1 'do no less for an invalid princess. So hf-r hiehness took a preliminary roll, and, Uniting It, warm and on thu whole agreeable, she built herself a bathing-' house around tho pool, and, daily Imi tating the .bear, was at the end of two months restored to perfect health. Then the Iting, her father, to commemorate' the. event, built Duullo baths there, and 'Trcm gene'ritlon to geneia'.lon the. famo Of tlie Spi IllgS Ot UHLtlfAAUIIIIIIUlll 'l" come, down t(S the present day. Theie Is a certain resemblance, between the legend utta,chiiig to these mineral snrlncs and to that of Kills Iladutl's pigs, wljlch I s associated with thechaly-, beate spring of nam, in juilmuu. su point' of senllment, however, that of Dagli-Hamtu in has perhaps tile advan tage, a sickly bear belng'on the whole a less pio'alc object than a herd of dis eased pigs. The paters of Kourou and ot Dagh Ilftinmam are composed, lu grpat'part, of chiosuluhurlc salts aitd'hyilrosiil- phurlCigas, ni)il enjoys a deserveil repu- latum for eincacy ju uu mseasi; 11114 rheumatic affections. Not, far from the springs are some interesting ruins, which are doubtless those of the hos pital and pilaeo described by Hie old Byzan'lltie blirturlan as having been con struetedn this neighborhood by Con stantino am? bis empress, Heleua. A Down Easlor bolleves there Is noth ing like' advertising. He lost Ills pock et book recently, advertised his loss In tlie local newspaper, and next morning wei t down into lilt owl cellar and found It ou the floor. Two Milesians were standing at the. Kairmpunt' water-works, watching tlie big wheels splashing the water, wien one of them remarked: "MlkeJ Isn't this a quam country, wherQ they have to grind It before tliey can uso it?" , .l. Detroit papur, noticing tho fatt that a man .lately dropped dead while comblng.hla hair,. says, ''And yet there are people who will persist In this dan gerous habit." "Boy, is this a 'licensed dog?" asked a'Drtiolt policeman. "No." pall tho youngster, '"he's a'rat terrier dog, aud I'm taking hlui down to have bid teeth Qltd." 'I ay," said a rpugh fellow. to,a fop with conspicuous htW;legs,"l say, don't you have to have your pantaloons cut with a circular saw?" ' Aii'i'xpcrl'ericed old gentlemen says that all that Is necessary iu the enjoy ment of lovqo'r sausages Is confidence. A boy wfio had, tjeen taught that tune. Is money appeared at the bank the other iluy, ami retujirkid. thathe Inulart hour glveu'hltif, nud he w'olild llku to simml a quaiter of au jjt ur, 'uiid woUiil take the. cbuu;o tor )bo other tluco quarters. " A Di'iiiiinicr In a 'crape, At Big Creek,- Arkansas, they have a peculiar fashion which sninetlttn-s proves euihariasslng. A there Is w preacher within thirty mllei, the way1 fur marry ing Is by klsMng nenns the" table. Re cently a New York drummer wns out there. He put up at a prlvivo house, nud became quite Intimate. One even ing he was fooling around one of the girls, generally trying the extent of her sweet temper, when shegftve his whis kers n pull and ran. liefollowed. She got tho table between them. He chased, her around it several times. When out of breath be stopped on the otlierslde, making a wild plunge, cauuht her In his1 aims, anil gave her a hearty kiss, She then sat down up'in the sofa, and tl.ey talketl pleasiutly for a couple of hours, lie thinking it singular that slio should sit up so late. At last idiosaid, "Don't yoa think Its about tt 1110 we went to bed?" " I .guess you are right," he remark ed; "tit's go." She lit n candle, and ho was about to do the same, when she said, " I ri'ckun one's enough one candle wllljigllt two folks to bed." "Undoubtedly it would, when those two persons oecupy the. saute room, lint jour caiiilUi won't) Illumine my chamber." "Ain't we going to occupy the same room. rAlu't we-married?" "Ain't wo what?" shouted the gen tleman. "Married 1 Didn't you kiss rue across.' the table? Timi married us." A cold sweiitswt'ptiiver the drummer He knew thi'it ll he said lie wasn't mar lied to her .ho would make-an outcry, and tht-n her loving and miroli tobaceo cousuiulng father would arise ,iu hls wrath and carvo hltu Into cutlets, and her brothers would bringdown' their shot-guns ami empty the contents lute lilin. Hit laitisli be straleg c. He must put her off. So he said : " Fairest- of your sex, permit rae lo, rem irk Hint I did not know that kissing ucro-s thu table constituted a marriage Ci-roiiKiuy. xmt I am content. A Imvo never seen one who so completely filled my ideal or a beautlf ul.swtet, loviu,' nutl jiodeht w oiiMii. However, I would uuver thiii.k of holding you to thlj mar tlage until I had asked the permission ot your t it Iter to pay my uddresses to you, To- uimroAV, at dinner, when all thu landly rue- paeseut, X will projsiso -tor your falrhatidt"- T.iia salislied the lady, TinS, after be stowing upon him a fervent kiss,, she went Lo her room, and he Went to- Ills.. Hu piikkud his carpet-bag, took oif bis boots, anil made tracks tur the- nearest rail mail station, lie tildu't fee entire' ly salo until he lotelied St. Louis, Ho liasii't lutoruieil his wif.t ut this- little advouturu. Ho' nlraid she might write out to Arkansas tur. tlia Jaets lu thu case. Wome.u suiuetiuies. wonft lis ten to reason, yuu know. All Act, Toautlinrizo and raqnlro tjifl .Auditor to publish au annual. statement of the ncelpts and expeuditurl's of Road' Commissioners, diipe-tvlsor(Overseers-of Poor'nnd School Directors of tho several townships aiviboroiighs-wlth--In this Common wealth, aud to desig nate a day to audit, settle ami adjust ' township and borough, accounts : Sue. 1. Be it enacted, Ac,: That tho auditors of the sovetal townships uud. boroughs within this Commonwealth' shall pieet annually oiithetlr&t Monday of June, and oltener If neetiKsary, and shall audlt.settlo and adjust the aeeounts of the supervisors, roau commissioners, Sfhool, borough and township treasuiers as may by law be referred',10 thetiii ' Sice. 2. That the auditors of 'tlw sever, ral towuships and boroughs within-ibis-Conimonwealtli are hereby Autliorfied and required to publish by poitiug. handbills, either written orprliiteu.hu at least tlvo public places within their respective towiishipj'and boroughs, an iteiulzedannual statement of tlio receipts and expenditures ot the borough coun cils, road commissioners, supervisors, overseers of the poor and school dlreec tors for tho year preceediug 91m annual settlement for their respective districts: and hand bills' to ha posted within ten! clays-nfter buch settlement, and further It shall be the duty of said auditors to (Ilea copy of1 the same with the town clerk In tnelr respective districts, and nlso with tho clerk of tlie Court of Quar ter Sessions, whlcl. shall be at nil times subject to inspection by any citizen thereof; Provided. Tliat where two of said olllcers shall Jo exercised by tlie 'same person only one stuteuient shall be required; Also provided, That noth ing lu this Act shall bo construed to, interfere with tho present law, which requires nnnuul statements or the re ceipts aud expenditure! of the borough councils, load commissioners, super?.', sors, overseers or tho poor and sellout directors lo be mlveriUii ii. n, .i.u.. . ... ,I,U UUIIT and weekly newspapers published In the riiarinriilu.. Inn.alltl ' fcec. 3. In case of neglect or refusal tO COIllllIV With III. I l,n,i'Mi,n, ,,l'll,L,..., the auditors so neglecting or refusing' .shall each pay a penalty of twenty dul bus, to bo recovered iu the same nun ncr as debts of similar amount aru by niuiuauiv, uy suit, 111, UlUlt'll 111 lllll liaU.U or tint Kl'llnnl '.lUlrll I... , - "--..--" "1'uil II1U euuiplalnt of any uixpaylug citizens of lie oniiir, lull 1110 prUCei'US HH'tCOltO bU Italll lllttl thll Hrhonl Iri'.lvliei, nt ..l.l district. ' Sec. 4. All acts or parts of act In consistent herewith nm tier,. In