The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 16, 1874, Image 4

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    Tlio FlHliIng Laws.
It Is unlawful to flsh at any ttmn with
Ihli baskets, kiddles, eel weirs or racks
in any stream In this State.
It Is unlawful to flsh with asclne, set
net, fykonetornctof any other descrip
tion, the moslus of which are less than
10 Inches, between Juuo 15 and August
10, In auy stream.
It Is unlawful to flsh for trout except
for purpose of propagation or scientific
Investigation, In any other manner than
with hook and Hue.
it Is unlawful to flsh for salmon and
speckled trout between April 1 and Au
gust 10; speckled trout only to be caught
by hook and Hue. It Is unlawful, .to
catch, kill, sell or havo In possession,
salmon or lake trout between October 1
and March 1.
It Is unlawful, to placa a set net
across any canal, rivulet or creek In this
It Is unlawful to fish for black bass
pike or plckrcl In any other manner
than with hook and line, or scroll; and
only with hook aud line, or scroll be
tween June 1 and March 1, except when
taking them alive for stocking other
It Is unlawful to fish at any time In
any Inland water (such as a creek, river
or other stream) In this State Inhabited
by black bass or speckled trout with a
net of any kind the meshes of which
are less than 3 Inches.
It Is unlawful to flsh with seines or
nets In any placo where tLo water has
been partly or wholly drawn off, or to
fish In auy way by drawing oft any
It Is unlawful to set lines In any
stream inhabited by speckled trout.
Thero Is nothing In the several acts of
1873 to prevent the setting of outlines In
any stream not Inhabited by speckled
trout, subject to foregoing restrictions
as to the, time of fishing and the species
or iisu caugut.
Current Ilcnig.
Over 7,000 tourists visited Florida
last winter.
God hath promised pardon to nim
that repenteth, but io has i,ot pronilS'
ed repentance, to him that sinneth.
Notices are posted In the St. Louis
street cars announcing tbat "this car
can't wait for ladies to kiss good-by,
It takes twenty-fivo cents worth of
ice to keep ten cents worth of beef
lion spoiling until dinner time in Tex,
It Is stated that over 500,000 Circas
sians havo emigrated to Turkey slnco
me conquos or weir icrruoryuy Kussia
was couipieioa.
A large ccnl merchant In England,
who Is a teetotaller, declines al I orders
from brewers or distillers, for fuel to bo
used In their business.
A St. Paul woman who used to keep
tlireo plrls, now does tier own work
cheerfully. She. found her husband
throwing kisses at them.
Canadians drank over eighteen mil
lion gallons of Intoxicating liquors last
' year over four gallons and a half to
each man, women, and child.
Peru thinks she will bo able to pay
off all her debts and have a handsome
surplus out of the rich guano deposUs
which sue is now known to possess.
It Is said that the farmers In the east
ot England where a general luck-out of
the. laborers has taken place, propose to
import farm hands from ifclgiutu.
Of Seven distilleries which have been
operating In the Third Ohio District
only threo wcro to bo continued after
the 1st of Jay. So much for crusading.
Icelanders aro beginning to emigrate
to this country, and are described as a
bright, cleanly, healtliy-lnoklni: class
of people, closely resembling the Scotch.
Now that the word "hymeneal" Is so
commonly used In reference to wed
dings, It is suggested that births should
be headed "crymeneal" and deaths
A St. Johnsvllle man, on 1.1s dying
bed, remembered that his wlfo whs
smoking some hams, and hu said, "Now
Henrietta, don't pn snuffing around and
forget those hams."
Countfi felt half dollars, bearing the
date of J871, are circulating in Sacra
mento, aud bogue quarters, dated 1844,
are very numerous in San Francisco.
So much for using hard money.
The Arizona girl doesn't carry n par
asol slung to her waUt, but her belt is
ornamented with an Ivory-handled re
volver, unero is no complaint ot a
lack of politeness on the part of young
men out mere.
A man who promised his wife on her
deathbed never to marry again, oilers a
reward for some one who will convince
him that a lie is justifiable when it
told to soothe, the last moments ot the
A North Carolina editor mentions "a
caso of peculiar horror" In Charlotte.
where a white women, whose husband
was killed .lu the Confederate service, Is
nuw serving lu a colored family as
cook, ud her girl, teu years old, as
Mr. Tost, a Wisconsin Christian
went to church the other morning aud
found Mrs. fccmiuigeu in ins new. Jlr
Fust did uot follow thu plan of most
weak-kneed Christians take another
seat and scowl at the women throuul
the btraion; he took Mrs. Scbllniiien by
the ear and yanked her out ot that scat
so quick it mauo every nair lu ner chlg
lion treiiiuie.
A Buffalo editor, commenting on the
price of gas In Loudon, gives vent to
his feelluuu nB follows; "What I only
75 cents per 1000 cubic feet of gas (the
illumluallrg power of which Is legally
fixed, under a penalty, at thu light of
1(1 sperm candles) ami coal higher than
with us I We pay fU per 1000 cublo
Jeet of gas, which sometimes requires
10 epena candled to see it buru,
Opposite L. & S. Depot,
On the East Weissport Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs the citizens of this
vicinity Hint lie Keeps constantly on
and, and is selling at tho very lowest
Market Frlces, the very best brands of
For Building and other purposes, which
ho guarantees to bo
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell at tho
Coal 2 Owin
Wholesale and Retail at tho very Low
est Cash Prices,
lie has also a number of very eligibly
In RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp.,
which he will sell on very Easy Terms.
aug. 9, '73-yl J. K. RICKERT.
Corner of
Sank & South Sts., Lohighton, Fa.,
Keeps a full line ot
Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Black
ana Colored Alpacas, uingnams,
Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &o.
of every grade, and price.
In groi t variety.
a'flixceB 'lis sumcfl.
Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Frutts,
Hams, Shoulders, Side. Moat, &n.
Bought, Sold or Exchanged
For Building and other purposes In
great variety of tho best quality.
All goods warranted as represented
aud prices fully as low as elsewhere.
April C, 1873-yl
Would respectful,
ly announce to
his friends and
the public In general, that ho has open
ed a first-class
Livery & Sale Stable.
and that he can furnish Horses. Hupgles
aud Carriages of the best description,
for Pleasure, Business or Funeral pui
posis, at very Reasonable Charges,
aud on shoit notice. 1IAULINC done
at short notice and on bliort notice. In
connection he will also continue his
Carriage Manufactory
where the people can get their Carriages
ugglps, Wagons, etc., mauo to order,
or REPAIHED on short notice and at
reasonable prices.
Tho underslgued respectfully an-
nounces that lie has been appointed
Agent for the
Universal Wringer
These ore undoubtedly the best Wnsh-
anu wringers in me market, ami
our ladles aio Invited to call ui.d see
L. P. Kleppinger,
Cor. ZUNK and IKON Streets.
Feb. 22, 1B7U. Lehlghtou, Pa.
Wo IB. Ilffig
Respectfully announces to the citizens
of Lehlghton and vicinity that hu is
now prepared to contract for tlio erec.
tlon of dwellings, churches, school-
houses, and other buildings. Also, that
he keeps constantly on hand a full as
sortment of every description ot
3LuMiffllbr 2
consisting of flooring, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, bhuttcrs. moldings, .to..
which lie Is prepared to furnish at the
very lowest maiket rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
W. 11. REX.
Lehlghton, May 17, 1UT3. ly
jgpLOUK A NO A t: LIU.
Charles Trainer
Respectfully Informs tho people ot Le-
uiguion mat no lias most Excellent
Flour lor Sulo 5
Also, good FEED of all kinds, and
STRAW in tho Ifundle. Ho is also
prepared to do any kind of
Hauling and Plowing
at short notice.
LehJghton, Pa. March 23-ly
Save 20 Per Oont.
By getting your
Dono at tho Offico of the
Carbon Advocate,
Bet. the P. 0. and L, R. II. K. Depot,
f.chlglifon, Cnrliou Co., Fa
Wo havo Just received a large and ele
gant assortment of
Of tho latest styles ; together with
eupeilor stock of
And a variety of other
And can now give our patrons first-
class work at pi Ices ut least
20 ler Cent Lower
Than any other Offlco In this section.
Qive Us a Trial, and be Convinced.
GTThe patronage of tho public Is
rtspectfully solicited.
A 21-coluicii Local Paper, and the enly
Entirely Printed In the County,
Is published every Saturday mornln , a
$1 a Year in Advance,
Or (1.50 If not paid In advance. Tho
Advocate, with Us large and in
creasing circulation, is ouo
of tue very
Ueit Mediums for Advertising
In this Section,
Hates furnished on
Lehlghton, Carbon County, Fa.
A New Idea!
50 Dollars ! !
Buy the World-Renowned
CTlio Highest Promlnm
Awarded to it at
"VIE IN" 1ST A. ;
Ohio Stato Fair;
Northern Ohio Fair;
Amcr. Institute, N. Y.
Cincinnati exposition;
Indianapolis Exposition
St. Louis Fair;
Louisiana Stato Fair;
Mississippi Stato Fair;
nnd Georgia Stato Fair
and doing' tho largest and best
ran go of work. All other
Jlachincs in tho Market
vrcro lu direct
tWFor Hemming, Fell
ing, Stitching, Cording,
Binding, Braiding,
Embroidering, Quilt
ing and Stitching -fine
or heavji soods u is
"Whoro wo havo no Agents
wo will deliver a Machino
for tho prico namod above,
at tho nearest Rail Road
Station of Purchasers.
Needles for all Sewing Ma
chines for Sale.
Old Machines taken in Exchange,
Bend for Circulars, Prlco
List, &o., and Copy of tho
Wilson Reflootor, ono of tho
best Periodicals of tho day,
demoted to Sowing Ma
chines, Fashions, General
Nows and Miscellany.
Agents "Wanted
Wilson Sewins Machine Co.
Tito Cnrliou Advocntv,
The Clieapett rrer la th Lebljli Villej
Ouly Ono Dollar a Ycr.
'Li'gzi in $he Blood
Tho Peruvian Syrup, a Protect
ed Solution of tho Protoxide of
Iron, is so combined as to havo
tho character of an aliment, aa
easily digested and assimilated
with tho blood aa tho simplest
food. It increases tho quantity
of Future's Own Vitalizing
Agent, Iron in tho blood, and
cures "a thousa7id ills," simply
by Toning up, Invigorating and
Vitalizing tho System, Tho en
riched and vitalized blood per
meates every part of tho body,
repairing damages and waste,
searching out morbid secre
tions, a7id leaving nothing for
disease to feed upon.
This is tho secret of tho won
derful success of this remedy in
curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar
rhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections,
Chills and Fevers, Humors,
Looa of Constitutional Vltror,
Diseases of tho. Kidneys nnd
Bladder, Fcmalo Complaints,
ana an diseases originating in
a bud state of tho blood, or ac
companied by debility or a low
stato of the system, being freo
from Alcohol, in any form, ita
energizing effects aro not fol-
towca oy corresponding- reac
tion, but arc permanent, infu
sing strength, vigor, and new
life into alljmrta of tho system,
and building ui an Iron Con
stitution. Thousands have been channed
by tho use of this rcmedu. from
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, iicaltny, and
happy men and women; and
invalids cannot reasonably hes
itate to give it a trial.
See that each bottlo has PERU
VIAN SYRUP blown in tho glass.
Ztamplilots 3?roo.
SETH W. F0VLE & SONS, Proprietors,
No. 1 Milton Place, lloatun.
Sold b.v DuuacmTs atstr.Aiir.
Kd T. De Witt Talmago is cdl- Kg
Sr3 tor of "Tho Christian ot KfJ
Work C. II. Spurceon, Spc- K-1
tft chilcoriespondent. Tlioy wrlto Q
d for no other paper In Atneric.i. hn
Tlireo magnificent chromos.
Fuy larger Commission than fit
any other paper. CHRO- O.
No sectarianism. No section- tr;
nllsm. Ono agent recently fij
obtained 1180 subscriptions lu pi
..!...... 1.. 1. 11T
Sample copies and circulars te
$Pl bent free.
!Q II. O. KIXU, Publisher, Pi
id 102 Chambers St., N. Y.
Tho undersigned Is now selling to the
cltlzius of Wi Import and vicinity, the
Family fflonr $425
3nd telle- - 3i0
fiitUfactW n Guaranteed. Try it I
KT ILdULIN'G of every description
at lien onab 0 Kites. Uiggngu taken
to and Duai the llallroad Depots at tho
shortest notice.
the Canal .fridge, EAST WEISS
l", Pa. apr U-urd
Dry Goods, Notions,
Glassware, Hardware, &o.
May 31, 1873.
nftuo undersigned rcspect-
fully announces that he Is better
prepared man over 10 uuy anu oeu
Gair nnd Sheep Skins,
Tallow and
IMaslcrlns Hair,
at his Old Stand, nearly opposite tho
post olliee, Rank Street, l.eliluliton. j
1ST Thu hlghost cash prices paid for
uiues anu skiiis.
uov. 21. C. E. GRKENIWALI)
1TUST look at her Hair I Why I
thought It was turning Grey?1 So
It was, until she got allottle of that now
uair Restorer at Durling'd Drug store.
Walker's California
Vinegar Bitters nro n purely V.c
otnblopropavatlon, inatio chlelly from
tho nativo herbs found oi tlio lp,wqr
ranges of tho Slorra, Novudn. moun
tains of California, tho medicinal
proportle3 of which1 aro oxtrni&cil
theiol'roin without tho uso of Alcohol.
Tho question is Almost dally naked,
" What is tho cause nf-tho mipar
nllolcd success -yaxitqAji', Ut
ters t" " Our answer is, "(hat ilicy
romovo tho causo of diseiiso,, aifd
tho pntlout, rccovors his fiotIth, Thuy
aro tho great blood, purifier ,nnil a
lifo-givhig principle; a' perfect Reno
vator and Iuvlgoraio'r of the 'systoMi.
Never boforo iu tho history of the world
has a lnediclno' been compounded. p'os
60ssiug tho romarkabld (iialitIos of VIS
raAn Rittkrs" in healing' tho"slck''of
ovory disca'so man is holr to., They- aro
a gontloj I'urgatlvQ, as ve,ll 01,0 Toulo,
rclioTing Conpeation or Inllaiumiitioii of
tho Liver aud Visceml Organs, in Riltu'Us
Uiseiisei. .
Tho properties of Dr..! Walk
er's Vineuar iliTTKRS aro, A puricnt. Dia
phoretic, Carminative, Niitriliou'i, Laxa
tlvo, Diftrotlc, Sedative, C'ouDtof-Irrltaut,
Sudorific, Alterative, aud Antl-IlilioiU.-
Grateful .Thousands proclnlm
Vinegar Bitters tho most wonder
ful Invigorant that over sustained
tho sinking systom.
No Person can talco tlir&o Ilit
tors according to directions, and ro
main long' Unwell, provided 1 their
boues'aro not dostroyod by- miuoral
poison or other means, and vital; or
gans wasted boyond repair. u
Bilious, lleiuittciit, nnd In
termittent Povers, which aro so
provaleht'in tho vnlloys of our grerifc
rivers throughout tho United States,
cspocially thoso of the Mlssisslipi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tcnucssc
Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo
rado, Brazos, Mo Grando,' Tca'fl,
Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah "Ko
anoko, Jamos, and many- others,
with' their vast tributarics.itbrough
out our cntiro country during tho
Summcr.and, Autumn, and remarka
bly so durjng seasons' of unusual
Vat and dryness, aro lnvarlably'ac
companied by' extenslvo ddrango
mcnts of tho stomach and liver; nnd
other abdominal viscera. Iu .their
troatmcut, a purgativo, exortlng a
powerful inlluonco upon.thcso varir
ous organs, is essentially necessary.
Thero is no Cathartic for-tho'tiurposo
equal to Dn. J. Walkku's Vineqaii
RirrERs, as thoy tvIU 'spocdily. romovo
tho dark-colored viscid matter with which
tho bowels aro loaded, at tho sanio tlmo
Etlmulatlufr tho secretions of thu liver1,
and generally restoring tho healthy func
tions of tho uigcstlvo organs,
Fortify tho body against dis
easo by purifying all its fluids with
ViXcaAn .Hitters. N6 epiUemio cad
tako hold of a system thus fofo-anned.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, iicod-
.achc, Taiu in tho Shoulders. Uoujihs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, fjour
Eructations of tbo Stomach, Rad Tasto
in tho Mouth, Rillous Attacks, Palpita
tion of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kidneys,
and a hundred other naiuful Bvmntoms.
nro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ouo bot
tlo will provo a hotter guarantee of its
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or Jung's Evil, wblto
Neck, uoitre.'Scrofulous lndainmations,
indolent luuaruniations, iiercuriai ouecr
tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho, Skin,
S6ro Eyes, etc. Iu'theso, as hi'all other
constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vik
eoar Hitters have shown their great cur
atlvo powers in tho most obstinato and
intractnblo cases.
For Inllammatory and Chronic
UliCUinatisni, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Eev'ers, Dlsoasos
of tbo Rlnod, Liver, Kiduoyu and Bladder,
thcso.Rltters havo no equal. Such Dis
eases nro caused by "Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Disease's; Persona
engaged iu I'aiuts aud Minerals, such aa
Pluuibors, Typc-sotteni, Cold-bcatpfs and
lllners, as they advonco In life, aro sub
ject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard
against this, tako a doso of Walker's
vhiEOAn Ritters occasionally.'
For Skiu Diseases, Eruptions
Tetter, Salt-RhouuiPBl6tchcS,6rJot,a,Piui-plos,
Pustules, Boiis, Carbuuclos, RlugT
worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipe
las, Itch, Scarfs, Dlscolorations of tho
Skin, Rumors aud Diseases of tho Skiu of
whatever namo or nature, aro literally
dug up and carried out of tuo. system in a
short time by' tho iiso of these hitters'.
Pin, Tapo, nnd othel' Worms,
urklug in tho system, of so many. thou,
sands, aro effectually destroyed audi re
moved. No ny'stera of medicine, no y'cr
mlfuges, no nnthelminltios' will free' tho
system from worms like these Bitters. young
or old, married or single, at tho dawn of
womanhood, or the turn of life, thoso Ton
io Bitters display so decided an Influence!
that Improvement is soon porceptible.
Clcanso tlio Vitiated. Blood
whenever yon find Ita impurjties bursting;
through the skin in Pimples, Eruptbns,
or Sores; cleanse it when you find It 6b
rVruoted andslupgish in the.Voins; cleanse
it wbou it Is foul; your feelings will. tell
you when. Keep the blbfad pure, and tho
health of tho system will follow"..
It. IC. SfrJON,UaS& po., ...
DrncgUU & Ocn. AgU', Bun Tt uticisoo'. Cillror.
nla, it. pur, of WiulilDictcra un 4 Cbarltna tK.x.
holil hy ll llriiKK'l" J UewUr.
jju. A', n. itis uisiij
Omcs, IltNl Strut, next door ! the l'dtofflc.
I,hlBhton, Office Houri PrrTlll each dy
rom in to IS o'tlockj ruailiider of lJ t offlee u
lhltor, fora.n.
Dr. J